Please join tonight for a Super Tuesday election watching party at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm, but feel free to join us before that for the election returns.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. The Long Beach, Tri-Cities and West Seattle chapters also meet tonight. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. On Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets. And next Monday, the Yakima and South Bellevue chapters meet.
There are 177 chapters of Living Liberally, including twenty in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find—or go out and start—a chapter near you.
Ryan denounces Trump over KKK dustup: ‘There can be no evasion and no games’
And yet the game playing Trump is the odds on favorite to gallop away with the most wins today.
And if the front runner for the GOP nomination continues to espouse bigotry as he has since the day he announced, just what is Speaker Ryan going to do about it?
“I hope this is the last time I have to speak out on this race,” he said.
Yeah, that’ll work.
Words don’t work, MBS, you’re absolutely right.
Walls with razor wire? They might work a little bit better.
$1 million razor- and barbed-wire fence proposed for The Jungle
Democrat proposal, BTW.
PublicPolicyPolling @ppppolls
We generally find public opinion pretty evenly divided on Obamacare nationally and in swing states now. Not unpopular like it used to be
Retweeted by Goldy
The guy buying drinks at the bar is always popular.
[Excessively copied material deleted]
Keep fuckin’ that chicken.
Trump nabs endorsement from Pennsylvania Rep. Tom Marino
Marino is the fifth member of Congress to declare support for Trump.
“Donald Trump is saying what the voters agree on and what the voters are feeling,”
The #NeverTrump effort needs more penis jokes from the establishment lane.
@5 There you go! Enough with this wholesome Christian conservative facade. Roll in the mud! Feel the power of the dark side.
@ 6
Pretty sure the last time I was a wholesome Christian I was six.
Kris Kobach endorses Donald Trump in Kansas
The Dow’s up 275 points this morning. Say, Puddy, can you tell me again what the interest rate is on your mattress stash? Excuse me, I meant to say your bank account. If my calculations are kee-rect-um, I’m making as much money in a few hours this morning per dollar invested as you’ll make in 16 years on your mattress stash, er, bank savings. Well, that’s troll investment advice for ya! Market timers … har har har har har har har.
This isn’t a surprise, and I don’t think it hurts him until after the primaries, should he survive them. To me it merely reinforces my view of Sanders as one of consistent conduct, whatever one might think of it. He’s been a very stable individual in his professional life. We would very likely know what we were getting with him as president, unlike some candidates who shall not be named.
What I want to know is why it took this long for this to become news.
@ 9, 5
Morning wood.
I’m waiting for Doc Bickle to post a snarky comment about how much money the capitalist rabbit is losing …
@5 Jealous? You’re a doctor, can’t you write yourself a prescription?
@2 I think once Donald is President that the he’ll be able to show the city of Seattle how to get the homeless to pay for it – not a problem.
@2 Sure, let’s turn the whole country of Mexico into another Guantanamo, and use the left-over cement and razor wire to do the same to downtown Seattle. I’ve always wanted to live in East Berlin! Just kidding. So typically wingnut, so classically Bickle …
@3 “Keep fuckin’ that chicken.”
You know a lot more about that than I do.
@3 keep fucking that chicken…..why not, you’ve been fucking it for a while, learn to share.
@16 tag, you’re it. meaning you beat me to the comment by a couple of seconds
@9 Rog….indice #6 is still a little weak.
@15 you beat me to that one too.
@10 Why should it hurt him? Vietnam was a lousy war. As Bruce Springsteen put it,
“Got in a little hometown jam so they put a rifle in my hand
Sent me off to a foreign land to go and kill the yellow man”
He could have added “yellow women and children,” too. Lots of people objected to this. Conscience, you know. And there are tons of prominent Republican politicians and conservative mouthpieces who went to lengths to avoid serving in Vietnam. Rush Limpdick, for example. One George W. Bush. And most of the GOP congressional elite. You know, the same people who savaged veterans like Max Cleland and John Kerry. Not an honorable conscientious objector in the whole lot, just a bunch of whiny draft evaders.
@20 You’re still having a better day than Bickle is. But that’s no surprise. On a consistent basis, your worst days are better than his best days.
GOOOOOOOOOOOO DONALD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@21 Now I’m waiting for Bickle to attack my patriotism, impugn my motives, and denigrate my character on the grounds that I voluntarily enlisted and served in Vietnam of my own free will.
Another bad CEO hire that went off the rails. (Kinda reminds me a little of a former GOP presidential candidate with ex-CEO credentials.)
“The president of a small Maryland college who likened struggling freshmen to bunnies that should be drowned resigned Monday, nearly six weeks after the student newspaper published the comment and ignited a national firestorm of criticism.
“Simon Newman, a former financial industry executive, was in his first year as president of Mount St. Mary’s University, the nation’s second-oldest Catholic university, about 60 miles northwest of Baltimore. …
“Newman caused an uproar over his plan to boost the student-retention rate by identifying freshman likely to fail and offering tuition refunds for those choosing to leave. Critics said Newman was too focused on eliminating, rather than helping, struggling students.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, well, that’s what happens when you try to transplant Wall Street values and skills into higher education. Someone wasn’t thinking.
Wow! The strongest argument against Bernie Sanders is electability. The latest CNN poll destroys that argument.
” … [W]hen the former secretary of state faces off with either of the other two top Republicans, … Clinton trails against Rubio, with 50% choosing the Florida senator compared to 47% for Clinton, identical to the results in January. Against Cruz, Clinton holds 48% to his 49%, a slight tightening from a 3-point race in January to a 1-point match-up now.
“Sanders — who enjoys the most positive favorable rating of any presidential candidate in the field, according to the poll — tops all three Republicans by wide margins: 57% to 40% against Cruz, 55% to 43% against Trump, and 53% to 45% against Rubio. Sanders fares better than Clinton in each match-up among men, younger voters and independents.”
The reason Clarence Thomas spoke was the other right wing justices decided he was the perfect mouthpiece for them after Scalia. A black justice that hates liberals and is in the pocket of the Koch brothers is a dream come true.
Puddy DESTROYS checkmate Flubscout and QPPS over Heilary and Bill’s dog whistles starting with
Proof positive from libtard e-rags!
is in the pocket of the Koch brothers
Got proof dunceman or more flying manure from your ever growing arschloch?
“Keep fuckin’ that chicken.”
“You know a lot more about that than I do.”
To cut Bob some slack, he probably didn’t know about wingnuts fucking chickens.
@31 Do you suppose Bob thinks chickens get eggs from toilet seats?
Oh my dunceman brought back the same article used by other libtards here on HA DUMMOCRETINS. Do you realize how many times that is in the crazed databaze dunceman?
Puddy would ask the clueless gooberfool AKA the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch butt it don’t provide anything Puddy requests and you libtards don’t have the balls to request replays! The operative sentence missed by the dunceman
So then you must have the same angst over Ruth Bader Ginsberg and her well known moniker Notorious R.B.G. for her attending Planned Parenthood events?
You see dunceman, Puddy uses left wrong sites to provide the FACTS against DUMMOCRETINS. All of Heilary’s dog whistle comments came from left wrong libtard media!
When you use a left wrong site to attack a conservative that’s called comedy. This is why Puddy calls the Friday Night Media Extravaganza the Friday Night Comix, especially using those 3rd and 4th tier also ran toilets Da Perfessa loves to use!
Nice try comedian! Carry on!
@ 30
Using that rationale, I accuse The Notorious RBG
of fucking Nino.
This is one of Puddy’s favorite sites on The Notorious RBG!
When asked when there will be enough women on the court, Ginsburg replied, “When there are nine.”
If only HA DUMMOCRETINS expanded their reading horizons!
Good article on the appeal of trumpism.
“And that is in many ways the essence of Trumpism. Americans these days are bombarded by messages telling them — accurately — that the country is changing. It is getting less white, and more Latino and Asian every day. We are electing black presidents, listening to Chris Rock deliver primetime lectures on racism, celebrating trans women, and witnessing same-sex marriage move from the political fringe to the mainstream in the blink of an eye.
Trump stands athwart history yelling, “Stop””
Hey fuckwad! My stocks went up $8,298 today! How much interest did your mattress stash earn today? Two cents? Don’t spend it all in one place! Didn’t I warn you about market timing?
Hey R senile,
Puddy not interested in the market at this time. Why? It’s still too volatile. Wait a day or so and it will again prove Puddy correct.
Puddy also knows you are still way down for the year. These are temporary rises R senile. Puddy is so glad you continue to play the dumb wabbit role here.
Good article on the appeal of trumpism.
From the comedy central of the Journolist boys worser@36? Really? Couldn’t find a conservative establishment site on Trump?
Puddy knows of four right now. Apparently the stooooooooopid is strong in worser@36!
What’s so funny is the vox take on who loves Trump. Do these libtards ever think out of the box? Evah? The same peeps Heilary claimed loved her against Obummer in 2008.
Dog whistling anyone?
@35 maybe RBG put the pillow on Scumalia’s head.
@40, Maybe U B next!
Cheers are heard!
On the notorious site there are some ladies t-shirts Puddy is sure you’ll fit into perfectly!
Wait a day or two? for what? to see if it goes up again tomorrow?
@41 A straitjacket would fit you nicely.
@38 “you are still way down for the year”
I’m down 1.921% for the year. One more day like today is all I need to break even, and after that it’s pure gravy. If oil has turned, as appears, I’ll be in clover for the rest of this year.
Puddy noticed R senile@43 is projecting again.
Mrs Wabbit used the iron skillet again?
“We need a meeting of the five families!”
They’ll never find a closet big enough in time.
“You don’t win the nomination by how many states you win,”
says the guy who hasn’t won any states to the two guys who have.
Behold, a savior. In high heeled fashion boots.
Kinda hard to believe since the market is down more than 1.921%
@ 44
I’m down 1.921% for the year. One more day like today is all I need to break even, and after that it’s pure gravy. If oil has turned, as appears, I’ll be in clover for the rest of this year.
This from the asswipe who claims he buys stocks to protect his principal.
“Ball’s landed on black two spins in a row. If I go all-in and it happens again, I’ll be in clover for the rest of my life.”
If your 401k or other market accounts hold only Dow and or the Nasdaq index then your choice of financial advisors is as solid as the Presidential and WA Gubernatorial candidates you back.
Don’t know when to give up riding the pony. And that is just a typical Puddy day. Maybe go the whip more and the corpse will gallop.
@15 Shhhh the Army has plans to build GITMO north. away from the prying eyes of the Press.The army realizes it made a mistake