Please join us tonight for an evening of politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. On Wednesday, the Burien chapter and the state’s newest chapter, the North Spokane chapter, meets. Finally, the Kent and Woodinville chapters meet on Thursday.
There are 177 chapters of Living Liberally, including twenty in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find—or go out and start—a chapter near you.
Best CNN headlines about Bernie Sanders so far:
– Breaking News: Ebola is Sanders in the flesh. More 2 hours later.
– Sanders Flounders! Democratic SOCIALIST candidate embroiled in latest controversy over fish tacos….Is he racist?
– CNN BREAKING NEWS: Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders found to be involved in the holocaust, inquisitions and malaria.
It’s not surprising demigod Bill Gates would come down in favor of FBI spying on iPhones. Microsoft is a quasi spy agency itself.
What does it tell us about so-called “evangelical voters” that Trump took S.C. evangelicals by six?
This is Donald Trump, a figurehead in the sleaze industry. The Donald Trump who trades in gambling, and woman flesh, and all manner of sinful excess. The Donald Trump who is an avowed womanizer and who trades in his wives every 20,000 miles flown. The Donald Trump who has supported abortion, partied with Jagger, and ripped off investors without ever once apologizing or expressing any remorse.
Who are the “evangelical voters” and what do they really stand for that draws them to Donald Trump?
@3 Maybe they dig his daughter.
Much depends on the rhetoric and statements made by McConnell, Grassley and the GOP Pres candidates, but I think that if the fight over hearings drags on past July, Senate Republicans would be very foolish to fold at any time after that. By that time they’ll have absorbed most of the damage from this ploy. Folding their hand after that would be the worst of all political outcomes for Senate Republicans. So timing will be a major factor in what ultimately happens. As will the political fates of GOP Senators from moderate states.
Who the President nominates and when the President makes the nomination will depend on how the ground is shifting. The Republican Senate Chorus has been pretty quiet so far, indicating more than a few members are busy checking the instruments. Grassley has shifted back and forth about every 48 hours. And as statements like this unfold in the weeks ahead, the fate of the Senate GOP will become clearer. And let’s be honest, that’s really what this is about. The Court will shift no matter what. Even in the increasingly unlikely event that a Republican President makes the next pick, it will not be another Scalia, nor anything like that. Winning the White House would certainly limit the shift. But in the end, this move by McConnell is a calculated tactic aimed at damage control. One that may backfire very badly. One way that happens is if enough moderate GOP Senators agree to hearings forcing someone like Cruz to filibuster the nominee. He’d be just the guy to do it. He’ll be done with the 2016 campaign by that point, and looking for a way to make a comeback for 2020.
“Former Snyder Aide Blames Flint Crisis On Misguided Conservative Philosophy”
“Maybe they dig his daughter.”
I’d be with the evangelicals on that one.
Is there a blog anywhere in this universe more irrelevant than Zombie (u)SP?
It was my impression the last few times I visited that it had been taken over by some “Sovereign Citizen” types. Leaving it with nothing to do or say about Puget Sound, politics or otherwise. But I’m sure it’s very relevant to all those patriotic Americans holding 13 year-old girls prisoner in a bomb shelter outside Tonasket.
@3 trump promises returning jobs, get rid of foreigners so Americans can get jobs and and bully/stand up to anyone who stands in his way. IMHO
@5 Obama has consistently outmaneuvered the Senate Rethuglicans and will again. They’ve already lost this battle.
@8 With its founder, Stefan the Waitress Abuser, long gone after pocketing $225,000 from King County taxpayers for alleged public records infractions, there’s nothing left but occasional cross-posting (none this year, so far) by the intellectual inferioratti he handed his flagpole to. See @9 for details.
@ 8, 12
So, like the blog version of Air America, then.
not just the Senate. Look at how he’s managed to freeze Brian Sandoval in Supreme Court amber. Keeps Cruz alive for a few more weeks, discredits the Senate GOP, and makes the White House look like they are “above the fray” crossing the aisle during a politically contentious election.
My opinion is that the President will not get hearings or a vote. But it makes no sense to assume that this early. So the best early moves for the White House are apolitical, and where possible, bi-partisan. Take ground wherever they find it. Gain ground wherever they can. Give Republicans plenty of open water to drown in while keeping the life rings safe and secure.
Perfect timing!
It’s like they want Trump to win. Amazing.
Goldy @GoldyHA
Maybe GOP majority can live up the letter of the Constitution and only meet with three-fifths of Obama’s nominee? …
The problem with bringing up the Constitution is that you don’t read very far into it before you run into that word ‘consent’.
Keep ringin’ that bell, Boob! Don’t stop till November!
He’s the product of a failed political system!
Not a failed political philosophy.
@16 “The problem with bringing up the Constitution is that you don’t read very far into it before you run into that word ‘consent’.”
The word Republicans didn’t want to hear when they ran things …
Speaking of crooks. Probably the oldest scam in the book. An awful lot of Conservatives made huge fortunes doing this same shit over the years. Ken Behring to name but one.
Oh, by the by, how’s old Rick Perry doing these days?
Oh, yeah…
Such wonderful heroes you TeaBaggists pick for yourselves.
Amazing how HA DUMMOCRETINS run away from their WHITE PRIVILEGE candidates The Bern and Heilary! Nothing positive to say whatsoever!
Hey Roger cretin senile…
Dow down today. You didn’t “brag” Roger JackASS senile! Puddy still on sidelines in bank. The market indications are still in yo-yo range.
Puddy predicts a small gain less than 50 points or another 100+ loss tomorrow although doesn’t matter to Puddy cuz money gaining small interest points!
Obummer wants to close Club GITMO now.
Butt he signed the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act that makes it illegal to close Club GITMO. It was a slam dunk with both parties… The House passed the NDAA by 370-58. The Senate passed the NDAA by 91-3! Obummer got his ASSSSSS kicked!
PuddyCommentariat: Wow.. this needs some more buttered popcorn!
Someone must not have exhausted their funds donating to Bush’s PAC.
Meet the PressVerified account
A top official with the Koch Brothers is leaving his perch to join Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign.
One of the reasons the market is in yo-yo mode…
Damn you minimum wage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Liquidation: Healeo shutters Capitol Hill cafe, lives on in wholesale juice biz
Bush received money from the Koch Brothers?
So why isn’t HA very own his panic salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS not cheering this outcome? It breaks the WHITE PRIVILEGE argument against The Bern for one state!
@22 “Dow down today.”
Yep, down 188.88 today, up 228.67 yesterday, so that’s plus 39.79 points this week.
“Puddy still on sidelines in bank. The market indications are still in yo-yo range.”
The market’s been in yo-yo range for the last 200+ years.
“Puddy predicts a small gain less than 50 points or another 100+ loss tomorrow”
Stock futures currently predict a 44-point decline, tomorrow, but it’s hard to say because the market’s being driven by unpredictable news events right now.
” … doesn’t matter to Puddy cuz money gaining small interest points!”
Like what, one-tenth of a percent? At that rate, you’re not gaining, you’re losing because …
“The latest inflation rate for the United States is 1.4% through the 12 months ended January 2016 as published by the US government on February 19, 2016.”
In fact, bank rates have been less than inflation for several years now, and so have investment-grade bonds, which is why people and rabbits have to be in stocks to avoid loss of principal.
Don’t get me wrong, I have bank accounts, too. I keep about $50,000 in banks for cash flow needs, unexpected expenses, business needs, and emergency reserves. It isn’t part of my investment capital and it doesn’t earn anything. Its function is to be quickly available, not to produce income. That’s very different from pulling your investment capital out of the market because you’re trying to time the market.
@27 Fuck ’em. If they can’t manage their business well enough to pay a living wage, then let ’em go out of business, and rent the space to someone who knows how to run a business.
I guess we’re waiting for the results of the Chaos Party’s chaotic Nevada caucuses. It may be a long wait, because the party that wants to run our country can’t even run a caucus.
Nevada Partial Results (CBS News)
Trump – 42%
Rubio – 25%
Cruz – 21%
Kasich – 8%
Carson – 4%
All major networks — ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC — have called Nevada for Trump.
@ 30
In fact, bank rates have been less than inflation for several years now, and so have investment-grade bonds, which is why people and rabbits have to be in stocks to avoid loss of principal.
I love reading this shit.
Hey, RR, have you avoided loss of principal so far this year with your stocks? ’cause the S&P 500 is down about four and a half percent.
Oh, and investment-grade corporate bonds have yielded above the rate of inflation for years.
RR, if, as you state, you wish to avoid loss of principal, you stay in cash. Like Puddy.
@ 32
It may be a long wait, because the party that wants to run our country can’t even run a caucus.
Your memory fades ever more quickly. We still don’t know how the Iowa Democrat caucus really turned out. We know only what DWS deigned to tell us.
Travis @35,
Puddy pulled out right at the beginning of December 2015. Puddy posted the 8 indices Puddy watches. Yeah R senile is down right now while Puddy IS NOT!
Ansel @Ansel 5h5 hours ago
.@NAACPSeattleKC prez on the police shooting of Che Taylor: “This was cold blooded murder.”
Maybe Carl can lead with this tomorrow morning. I mean, if the Seattle-KC NAACP president is accusing the Seattle PD of cold blooded murder, that’s sorta worth talking about, no?
If only Roger Rabbit’s father had pulled out at the right time.
So the Trumphole won Nevada..
Heh. Guess that “white privilege” put ‘nother nail into the coffin of the Karson Kook-a-nut’s “campaign” for
grifting bookspower.Watching the Trumphole making a “greed is good” speech.
LMAO! Republicans love a klown who claims it get get away with murder!
What a defining moment in this country’s history. Republicans should be proud indeed.
The Trumphole sez it loves the “poorly educated”..
Heh. It’d really LOVE our trolls.
In a HUUUUUGE way!
Dead! Bush…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Good on the Republicans for slammin’ the door into the ASS of that miserable family.
’bout time. And no, I’ve run out of good will for the Clintons. All I can say good about them is they figured out how to beat the Republicans and you’re better off forgetting how they did that.
Nope I’m for Bernie – and saving the country.
@ 43
Nope I’m for Bernie – and
saving the countryneverending free stuff.Fixed that for you.
From the AP:
Clinton’s right-hand woman Huma Abedin faces being questioned under oath over Hillary’s secret server – and White House candidate could be next
Read more:
Wonder if she’ll answer with certitude?
Heh.. Nope Boob. You’re wrong again.
I oppose ag and fossil fuel subsidies. Tax expenditures? Sops to special interests for dubious “job creating” effects. Those are only used to line greedhead pockets.
See Carly Fiorina.
Fixed that for you, that is if your attention span hasn’t completely gone to the shitter after years of getting your information from Hot Air and the Gateway Idiot.
Dang! Who’d the Mormons in Nevada vote for? Probably stayed home.
Guess the Republicans forgot that they have “family values”.
See the Trumphole’s latest trophy wife.
Guess the Republicans forget the klownservatic value of the sanctity of life.
They voted for an asshole who says they’ll vote for him even if he shoots someone in the streets of NYC. Heh. They excuse that by imagining the guy in NYC being one of “those people”.
Speaking of “those people”, the Republicans real whoop it up when the Trumphole spews over a wall they don’t want to pay for.
Bless little low-life Scotty Walker who wanted to out-Trump the Trumphole by proposing a wall on the “fair-skinned” border. Anyone remember that?
Heh. Did the low-life want Canada to pay for it?
What a bunch of klowns. Damn it sucks to be a Republican!
@21 The Democratic white privileged candidates are better than the white privaled Republican ones.
Are you supporting the Black Panthers candidate? Black power baby! Will one of the fringe parties be running a candidate who ran with Malcolm X. Will there be a black nationalist candidate? A black Muslim?
@23 If the man would be willing to spend the political gold and do it he can do it. Tell congress we can jail em in the states or send em home but habeus corpus requires the President to take action. The prisoners are not Prisoners of War if they were we could not continue to hold them. They would be home a long time ago. We have committed a grievous wrong in holding these men without trial. Try em here in the states or send them home.
@24 It’s a case about FOIA. You been listening to Coast to Coast and concerned about the FOIA requests to the Parks service about missing people in National Parks? Or about UFO’s? Grassy nole? Oswald? Secret Moon Base Alpha run by CIA’s team of bigfoots formerly located at secret base Salish on the Salish sea.
Politically Hilliary should have released the whole kit and caboodle. At this point in time FOIA is the law of the land and we own the information our government has. Yes there are some things that truly are secret, but FOIA keeps rhe Federal courts pretty busy. Could be politics are involved.
@32 A good caucus is always hard to run. Rather like herding rabbits which is mildly easier than herding cats.
So are Trump stamps in vogue now?
@35 The bane of the rich is cash. In order to keep their worth they must spend their money and not keep much of their wealth in cash. There is an art and antique market because the wealthy need to invest their money in Monet. Generally a very good investment. Or old rare coins, or rare cars. Truly rare popular items rarely lose value except in a depression…and then with money hard to come by it goes further.
I can’t wait for Bob to give us a low down on the math for the Republican delegate count. I’m sure he’ll give it to us as soon as he can find those crayons that Puffy and he were last playing with that seemed to be misplaced.
@21 not sure about you but I’m running away too, right to Donald Trump.
Hope and Change is alive once and for all. You are all just a bunch wrong losers!
Ben Carson Insists ‘Things Are Starting To Happen’ After Losing Again
What the dreams of the minimum wage have built in the South – owning an RV that you can call home! Or call it your Mansion.
Deadly Tornadoes Lash Louisiana And Mississippi
Funny Bob and Puffy live talking about a low minimum wage, but I wonder why they don’t move to the states that probably have the lowest minimum wage or average earned income. ??
Bob you can escape Seattle, you could even take your RV and roll it down the highway and park it in beautiful Mississippi or Louisianna. Why not?
I wonder how Haley Barbour is doing. His words are always poetic justice.
Cruz is Jealous. And Rubio, at time or most of the time, looks like a chicken running around with its head cut off, nervously looking for some water.
President Trump Was “Just Fooling Around”
Funny for a guy that loves the lowest minimum wage he doesn’t put his mouth where his money is. Bob move to Mississippi, you’ll love it there. Or you can whine all day living in Seattle, oh retirement will be so wonderful. How about Alaska? You can be neighbors with the cunt of Wasilla; her family could use a little lift in stature.
Hey Puffy you can be fag free in Georgia. Strap on those wheels and roll down the highway to Georgia. To me it would be as sppealing as living in Syria but I’m sure you’ll love it there. Much better than hippie ridden Seattle.
Mark Adams wrote – They would be home a long time ago.
The terrorist recidivism is 30%. We just arrested one in Spain.
PuddyCommentariat: How do you know a DUMMOCRETIN is lying? Their lips are moving while reading TOTUS!
FACTS Mark Adams, FACTS!
What the dreams of the minimum wage have built in the South – owning an RV that you can call home!
What a useless moron Hanging Human Teabag Sucka is!
I can’t wait for the Hanging Human Teabag Sucka to give us a low down on the math for the DUMMOCRETIN super delegate count and why Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz is afraid for the DUMMOCRETIN WHITE PRIVILEGE candidates to have a debate in front of Fox interrogators!
Wait for it! The Hanging Human Teabag Sucka will call Puddy some stooooooooooooopid name as always when words and thoughts fail the Hanging Human Teabag Sucka!
Ape, Gorilla or something speshul. Those Mike Rowe Agreshuns!
Watching Trump making a “greed is good” speech.
Yeah salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS, Trump believes in capitalism just like R senile. So you dislike R senile too salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS?
Where is the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS voice to have Heilary display her greed is good speeches where she was paid more than the average CEO by Goldman Sucks? Waiting for that call from the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
@65 “Trump believes in capitalism just like R senile.”
There are different kinds of capitalism. Trump steals from people like us. I steal from people like him.
How Ron Paul sums up the 2016 race:
” … Ron Paul said Wednesday … Trump has been able to tap into the anger and fear of a large ‘minority’ of voters … [and] acts like he has all the answers but [lacks] realistic solutions to the problems facing the nation. … The race for the White House has become ‘Trumpism versus Sanderism’ … Sanders wants to make the government bigger and Trump wants to be the government …. ”
You’ve gotta be a clownservative to see Sanders as an “alarming extremist” who poses a threat to a Dem in the White House next year.
He’s a liberal Newt Gingrich. Further to the left than Clinton, for sure. But not at all outside the mainstream. Some of his proposals are not realistic. But if he were conservative, we’d be instructed to think of them as “aspirational”, and see nothing wrong with posting lofty goals, even if they can’t be fully attained.
Sanders’ campaign is no more symptomatic of “deep divisions” among Democratic primary voters than Gingrich was among GOP voters in 2012. Thinking like that is just another symptom of Trumpism. And Trumpism is a clownservative disease.
I think Carson’s really got a shot at this thing! He just needs a little more time and money to gain speed for TAKEOFF!
I ‘spose the fuckwad troll still has some tiny sliver of untapped equity in his trailer, and some Krugerrands stashed under the HoneyBucket. Now’s the time to go ALL IN FOR CARSON!!!!!!
Honestly, though, I think the Carson campaign is doing the GOP some good. The large proportion of evangelicals supporting Trump is a real threat to the establishment. I dunno who these people are, but they obviously aren’t the most educated voters in the room. Even Trump himself admits that. To me that sounds like a pretty darn good description of the Carson holdouts like that troll. So keeping Carson alive may be holding Trump’s numbers down a bit.
Notice how dismissive the Oregon moron is of Bernie Sanders. A regular Captain Obvious for Heilary Clintdumb! Puddy is still wondering why!
@62 Well facts are fun and they often depend on point of view. You seem to suggest we arrested this terrorist in Spain. No, the Spanish arrested him and three others. Reading the article it’s apparent the man thinks he’s a soldier in his cause. One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.
Arguable these guys in GITMO are soldiers and prisoners of war. Geronimo when he was tried and held by the army was at least considered a warrior and prisoner of war. Not to say that racism had anything to do with his imprisonment or treatment, but the rules he was held by are the same ones being used today on foreign fighters. They are not Americans and have no allegiance to the United States our flag our constitution. We went to their nation or to a nation close to them that is their culture and expect them to be nice?!? And not kill our soldiers or allies?
A 30% recidivism rate isn’t bad, a lot of Prosecutors and Judges wish it were so low with folks who have chosen or been inducted into a life of crime.
Yep there some facts. Not that your source is biased…oh but they are.
@66 Well Robin Hood are you giving to ummm us poor folk out here in the forest? I know you have been stealing from the Sheriff Trump is it not time to give to the poor? Last I checked Robin was a fox…well Rabbit works too.
@70 Hey it’s the book sales old Ben could get more sales than Hillary this year. He’s doing pretty good on the book sales and laughing all the way to the bank.