Huh…can’t imagine what people want to talk about tonight. If you think of something, please join us for an evening of politics and conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
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All that WHITE PRIVILEGE on the DUMMOCRETIN side last night!
Goldy @GoldyHA
I won almost as many delegates tonight in Iowa as @JebBush!
Goldy almost won as many delegates as Martin OMalley last night!
Wait… Did Martin O’Malley win any delegates last night?
Yesterday the stock market lost triple digit points. R senile stock commentary was MIA as always! Puddy made money in the bank!
See ya!
I see the batshit crazy loon has completely lost it. He must be hoping that President Cruz will appoint the loon as the disinfectant which will “rid the earth” of gay-marriage supporting DUMMOCRETIN scum, killing all of us Americans!!
“Duck Dynasty Star Stumps For Ted Cruz: We Must ‘Rid The Earth’ Of Marriage Equality Supporters”
The GOP death cult – always talking about how much they want to murder American citizens.
So why is Obummer cutting border security? All those free DUMMOCRETIN votes in the future. Vote early and vote often!
Puddy wonders if it’s the DUMMOCRETIN need for more workers?
PuddyCommentariat: One can only wonder why!
I’m glad to see that Jeb! Jr. did so well in Iowa. I was beginning to worry that establishment Republicans were making peace with the inevitability of anger, and settling around the Canadian. This better-than-expected result for Lil’ Jeb! will force Trump and the Canadian to double down on the anger.
The big difference for the Canadian in the Corn Hole had to be ground game. Trump gives good spectacle. But in a caucus state you need an org on the ground.
Cruz’ masterpiece of the night had to be deploying troops to inform Karson supporters that sleepy was dropping out. Trump couldn’t have done it if he wanted to.
Republican militarists are military idiots.
“The top U.S. commander for the fight against ISIS on Monday slammed the idea of ‘carpet bombing’ the terror group.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here’s my advice to Ted Crud and other GOP morons milking ISIS for talking points: Leave military strategy to professionals who know what they’re doing. We’ll all be better off.
@4 If we can’t keep them out of Texas, then the obvious solution is to build a fence around Texas.
Memory check:
SalenaZito ✔ @SalenaZitoTrib
.@billclinton came in 4th in Iowa in 1992. Lost New Hampshire too.
Try history or this thing called the googles.
Meanwhile, average age of Democrat candidates still in it is 71.
Ryan Lizza ✔ @RyanLizza
On plane from Des Moines to Manchester, Sanders told reporters, “We’re taking this to the convention.”
“Cruz’ masterpiece of the night had to be deploying troops to inform Karson supporters that sleepy was dropping out.”
Cruz really pulled one on Carson…
“Carson: Cruz ‘Dirty Tricks’ Ruined My Chances In Iowa!”
…but Carson was only in it for the grift, as were his top advisors.
“As Ben Carson’s Campaign Tanked, Top Advisors Reaped Millions”
The loon would have done far better investing in oil stocks than giving it all to Carson. The loon can kiss that money goodbye.
of course Karson is only in it for the grift. But think of the fund raising mileage to be had from this! Why I’m sure even that troll will pull out his check book for this one.
Strike a blow! Tithe harder!
@9 “Meanwhile, average age of Democrat candidates still in it is 71.”
How does the saying go? Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill. We look forward to meeting your unskilled young’un in the general.
@ 11
“Cruz’ masterpiece of the night had to be deploying troops to inform Karson supporters that sleepy was dropping out.”
Silly me. Here I was thinking Cruz’ masterpiece was garnering 50,000+ votes on a shitty Iowa winter night to become the first Hispanic candidate to win a presidential primary state contest, after being the rare candidate to turn his back (such as he did) on ethanol and in the process earning
Iowa governor wants Ted Cruz defeated
the ire of Iowa’s beloved GOP governor.
Cash on hand: $19 million. Average donation: $67.
Steve, thank you so much for helping me see the error of my ways.
Anyone know how Julian Castro’s crash course in the Spanish language is going?
Well, Iowa doesn’t tell us a whole lot, but I think this is what it tells us:
The unstoppable Donald Trump is stoppable. Ted Crud has the tailwinds of an impressive campaign organization and a grassroots revolt behind him. Rubio is in the game; Carson is sleepwalking into oblivion. The rest of the GOP race plays out like this: While Carson nods off, Crud finishes off Trump and Rubio finishes off Bush, Kasich, and Christie, then it comes down to Crud or Rubio.
On the Democratic side, Bernie romps in New Hampshire, then Hillary romps through the southern states, and whoever romps the most becomes the nominee, unless she’s indicted, in which case Biden will not be the nominee.
That’s it for today, that’s my prognostications for now.
“Steve, thank you so much for helping me see the error of my ways.”
Uh, oh! Looks like Bob is giving Cruz his Kiss of Death.
I guess I missed the part where Bill Clinton moved ahead in ’92 after finishing fourth in Iowa by pleading and mewling with Massachusetts style liberals to his left.
Coming in second Trump will do what Trump does, and the Mexican Terrorist temp gauge will rotate back to 11. Lil’ Jeb! will have to go there with him to maintain his momentum.
@18 For Jeb! momentum is trying to get from 3% to 5%.
I sure hope not.
I honestly think Cruz is the most beatable of the three. His entire campaign is based on the political brand he established as a Senator, which is this:
Strict refusal to compromise no matter the cost.
In other words, AuH2O ’64.
It will probably take a little bit of sound remixing but those of us on the right wish to thank Bernie Sanders supporters in Iowa for that great general campaign ad
they helped us make.
Dante Atkins @DanteAtkins
Sanders supporters have a tendency to be mean and antagonistic. You can say it’s justified but don’t deny it. …
Retweeted by Goldy
I’m talkin’ ’bout Lil’ Jeb!
I remember a lot of the same things being said about Obama supporters in the ’08 caucuses. They were younger, they were newer to the process, and they were often louder. Clinton supporters often traveled to their caucuses directly from work, tired from a long day and long commute, and wearing their work clothes. Obama supporters came from the nearest Starbucks or brew pub wearing campaign hats and tee shirts. Most of them had never been to a caucus before.
Didn’t break the party in any way. Any bad blood lasted less than 48 hrs. Over the months, the youngbloods learned how to win without losing (it). And in the end it made all the difference in key state turnout. Any Democrat (Clinton supporter or not) with any experience is delighted to see Sanders turning out young voters. The real trick will be keeping them engaged in 2018. Bringing lots of them to the convention helps with that.
@19 And the really delicious part is how much he spent per vote. I heard something like $2800.00. Ha! Something good did happen last night. Big money is balls but no banjo.
@ 23
I remember a lot of the same things being said about Obama supporters in the ’08 caucuses.
I remember them, as well.
The difference is that those 2008 supporters of Obama were able to remain Obama supporters all the way through the general election.
That seems less likely to happen with 2016 Sanders supporters. The 70% of the under-30 crowd who so vocally supported Sanders last night most likely will be expected to STFU and back the establishment candidate, a likeable-enough woman in her late 60s. Don’t think we’ll see her body-surfing in Hawaii any time soon.
In 2008 the Obamamania lasted the whole year, and his supporters admittedly had a great ride. What will the under-30s do when instead they’re expected to support a woman nearly 70 years old come June?
Seems HA DUMMOCRETINS are flummoxed over Ted Cruz winning. Seems 60% of Republican white Iowan voters wanted a MINORITY as their candidate.
Seems 100% of white Iowan DUMMOCRETINS wanted the WHITE PRIVILEGE candidate.
Can any HA DUMMOCRETIN read between the lines about DUMMOCRETIN flyover country?
a likeable-enough woman in her late 60s.
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
you sounded delighted that Sanders’ supporters expected to continue their campaign all the way to the convention. I am too.
That will only tend to increase engagement with the campaign, and also with the issues and the party. That kind of commitment is not so easily disposed of. So while I’m sure that if Clinton wins the nomination some of Sanders primary supporters may drop out, most will stay engaged enough to vote in November. That’s what history tells us, anyway.
The greater danger to Democrats was that Sanders campaign would never ignite in the first place. Resulting in Clinton’s nomination being more of a coronation. And thus failing to engage at all with a big chunk of potential general election voters. Suddenly Trump is no longer the whole story. And gong forward at least some of that story will revolve around reigning in the finance industry and restoring the middle class. That’s bound to interest many potential general election voters in states like Virginia, Ohio, Colorado, Nevada, Wisconsin, and Florida. At least the ones who aren’t skairt shitless of the Mexican Terrorists.
CNN/WMUR New Hampshire poll released last month:
Hillary received a majority of votes from Democrat primary voters in two categories:
1. Best equipped to handle ISIS. (55%)
Most dishonestLeast honest. (55%)In the latter category, no other candidate was above 5%.
@22 Huh. Lil’ Jeb! poached Jeb!’s voters. That’s GOP friends for ya.
Mother Jones points out that Sanders appeals to the same progressive group that Teddy Kennedy did, and Sanders’ standing in national polls (37% to Clinton’s 52%) is identical to Kennedy’s result in 1980 (37% to Carter’s 52%).
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Much as I love Bernie, this suggests he’s going nowhere. Trump has the same problem; he’s got 25% of the GOP base, but that’s all he’ll get, and it’s not enough.
@ 31
Doesn’t matter whether he goes anywhere.
What matters is that there is a distinct possibility that he’ll soften the beach, as Kennedy did to Carter.
I can live with that.
@32 You just can’t stand the fact Carter didn’t drag us into any unwinnable wars, can you? Republicans will never forgive him for that.
I voted for Carter in 1980.
my estimation of you just rose a bit. Not for the vote. But for admitting that you ever doubted the blessed Saint Ronnie may he rest in peace, etc. That must have cost you more than a few laps around the church yard with a cattail whip.
But I still doubt your analysis of the Dem race.
In 2008 Obama needed the DLC to sell him to the middle, where the Clintons have lived their whole lives. And Clinton willingly obliged.
And the 1980 Republican primary pulled Reagan well to the middle long before the convention. Kennedy didn’t even announce until November and his campaign got off to a very rocky start. And though he polled well before declaring, he tanked after the new year. His favorability numbers rose after the hostage helicopter crash in April. But he never came close to gathering the delegates he needed. He got to enjoy a brief moment of sunshine at the convention. But all his big speech really did was sell Carter to the liberal base. I don’t see any evidence that he “softened” anything. Kennedy ran a bad campaign that never really registered in spite of facing a crippled incumbent. And Reagan solidly controlled the middle in spite of Kennedy’s lackluster performance.
Hillary is still standing in the middle, as always. While Republican candidates are calling for carpet bombing, Mexican roundups, giant magical walls, vaginal probes, and racial purity tests. I think you hit the wrong beach.
Raise your hand if you believe protecting consumers from monopolies is a proper role of government regulation.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The reality is that in the pharmaceutical industry, there are many monopolies, each consisting of a vital drug that doesn’t have competition from one or more lower-priced generics. Just as government regulates business monopolies, so, too, it should regulate drug monopolies, because the end result is the same: Price gouging.
(Disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns stocks of ripoff drug companies, including two of the worst offenders, AbbVie and Gilead, both of which charge consumers $1,000 a pill for lifesaving hepatitis treatments. If they can get away with that, I want in on it!)
Chick-Fil-A, a fast food chain owned by a politically active superwealthy rightwinger, is giving its customers terrible dietary advice in order to push its own sales.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sure, it’s a predatory business practice, but you can argue that anyone foolish enough to take the advice of a for-profit business at face value gets what they deserve.
He’ll have to do something about Syd, Nick, and David.
At least the didn’t give them food poisoning like the Heilary loving libtards at Chipotle!
@ The Schizo @ 39
“At least the didn’t give them
foodlead poisoning like theHeilaryCarson lovinglibtardsneocons atChipotleChick-Fil-A!”FTFY.
At least the didn’t give them food poisoning like the Heilary loving libtards at Chipotle!
PuddyCommentary: Well vomit producer… produce link!
By state, the case count was as follows: California (3), Illinois (1), Maryland (1), Minnesota (2), New York (1), Ohio (3), Oregon (13), Pennsylvania (1), and Washington (27). The case patients range in age from 1 to 94 years old with a median age of 21. Roughly 59 percent are female.
Here’s another of those DUMMOCRETIN loving groups vomit producer…
And the DUMMOCRETINS in Delaware didn’t inspect this plant!
Does the vomit producer pay attention to anything except from worthless left wrong web sites?
It’s an asshole because it celebrates the food poisoning of 52 people (“FTW!”), and it’s a fuckwit because it doesn’t realize it’s making a sterling case for things like strict food safety requirements — something its big-business loving party of choice would like to see gutted, not expanded. Top that off with some nice Association Fallacy, fail to tie things together in any coherent manner, and you get the kind of shit I usually don’t have to read. It’s a real shame that I haven’t gotten around to installing my GreaseMonkey script on this new laptop yet.
That troll makes a habit of that kind of hypocrisy. But that only demonstrates that it isn’t sincere about any of it. It just sees this as a kind of sport. And the noise you are complaining about is like bench banter in baseball. Ignore it. Relax. Wait for your pitch. Don’t worry. It’ll be there. Between the crazy-wild over the backstop junk, every so often there’s a nice fat slow meatball you can blast into the upper decks. It’s easy.
Tuesday evening news dump:
1. State Rep. Graham Hunt, R-Liar, has resigned after being caught inflating his military record.
2. A Navy SEAL will receive the Medal of Honor for heroism during an operation to rescue a civilian American doctor held by the Taliban in Afghanistan.
3. Former Mars Hill pastor Mark Driscoll is starting a new megachurch in Phoenix, Arizona.
@ 43
“It’s an asshole because it celebrates the food poisoning of 52 people (“FTW!”), and it’s a fuckwit because it doesn’t realize it’s making a sterling case for things like strict food safety requirements — something its big-business loving party of choice would like to see gutted, not expanded.”
Yeah, I read that, and my brain had a brief temporal dislocation that lasted for about 3 seconds. I thought, “What the fuck, the entirety of the GOP/Dominionist Conservative platform is about eliminating every government institution related to protecting people from criminal stupidity or fraud.”
The precursors to the USDA food safety programs was entirely built to prevent mass outbreaks of food poisoning and outright false representation of food products that was almost entirely ubiquitous until that point. Hell, back in those days you were lucky if that canned ham was more than 50% water by weight, or that nice thick steak you were cooking wasn’t horsemeat or worse, from a steer that had been dead for days before it was noticed. Human body parts were not an uncommon ingredient in sausage for chrissakes. That meatcutter loses a finger in the grind? Oh well, nobody’ll notice. Ship it out.
The whole idea of actually maintaining a system of Laws that can be used against business when it commits horrible crimes is the very purpose of the Constitution. Hell, the Federal and State Governments have the Constitutional authority to shut down a business completely and seize its assets by a mere majority voice vote.
Otherwise, you get THIS.
Thats what happens when you let Business-based Government run the land.
It seems as though people like our pet Schizo-effective upthread there would just love to see the situation where there is nobody for the Citizens to turn to to complain about a problem, and have the authority to force a change. That there shouldn’t be any interference with someone’s desire to make money and buy the political power that naturally follows that.
Thats what the food safety laws are about, thats what the labor laws are about, thats what the DoL, EPA, FDA, the USDA are all about. to PREVENT that shit.
@34 In that case, #33 doesn’t apply to you, but there are plenty of Republicans it does apply to. Fwiw, I never voted for Bill Clinton, but in retrospect I think he was a pretty good president, personal behavior aside. And let’s not lose our focus: We hire presidents to make tough decisions, not be moral examples, although the latter is nice to have when you can get it.
@35 My most vivid memory of the 1980 race is shaking hands with a very tired Jimmy Carter in a rope line on Election Night in a hangar at Boeing Field five minutes before he boarded Air Force One revving up its engines outside and learning from his aides that he’d lost.
@39 etc. – As long as we’re discussing food safety, I’d like to remind HA readers that the last Republican administration in this country presided over a record number of tainted food outbreaks. Also, your organ grinder monkey was the genius who dreamed up the idea of firing federal meat inspectors and giving the money to packing companies to hire their own meat inspectors, to be hired, fired, supervised, and controlled by them. I’d also like to point out that so many defective drugs were approved by Chimp’s industry-friendly FDA that I’ve instructed my doctor not to prescribe any medications for me that received FDA approval between 2001 and 2008.
So, SchizoPoodle, I suppose you’ll be throwing your vast weight behind Donald Trump?
Isn’t that troll still in the bag for Karson? Or has it lost all hope now that Karson is pre-occupied with recruiting Ukraine into NATO (and moving it to the Baltic while he’s at it)?
@ 51
Well, the problem is that he’s still struggling to internalize the fact that Carson might not be such a popular populist after all.
Dr Jackass @43,
For The Win (FTW) was Puddy proving the vomit producer has no link, his cognitive dissonance and temporal dislocation aside. First, one needs a brain for cognitive dissonance and temporal dislocation and the vomit producer has proven that was lost long ago too! And OF COURSE, the Oregon moron proves how lost it is. Maybe the Oregon moron can tell that amazing story on how it lost its mind decades ago.
BTW Dr Jackass, has the vomit producer delivered a link on Chick-Fil-A and lead poisoning? Well? Maybe the vomit producer was using the other lead word? Who knows with the vomit producer!
BTW, if Dr Ben is not chosen, Puddy is fine with Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio. Puddy has no problem with a fine conservative Hispanic. There is no panic from Puddy with either. Both are much better than the WHITE PRIVILEGE candidates from the DUMMOCRETIN side; one being a liar and the other a whackjob!
Here is something to contemplate while doing those one arm curls! This is assuming the DUMMOCRETIN brains are not polluted with MJ on a Tuesday!
Look at all the DONK who contributed to Heilary…
Now contrast that for Ted Cruz
And contrast that for Marco Rubio
Now who is what again you bunch of useless HA DUMMOCRETINS? Heilary is PWNED by the organizations you all claim to DESPISE!
Who famously lied by saying this?
Funny and sad, as the low information DUMMOCRETIN voters in the audience applauded!
The truth is P R I C E L E S S ! Puddy provided it. OpenSecrets says it’s over $6 Million and counting!
I am starting to find it disingenuous for people to use the argument that we shouldn’t vote for Bernie because he won’t get support from congress, but nobody talks about how the republicans will be holding hearings, and starting impeachment for everything she will do or ever done minutes after she takes the oath of office. How is she going to accomplish anything?
@53 What we have here is a brainless moron discussing brains. How charming.
Sez the senile fool R senile who lost more money today in the stock market.
Seems R senile lost on Monday and Tuesday that which he “claimed” to gain last Friday.
Sux to be senile!
Did or did not Heilary create her own homebrew personal email server against known government best practices?
Did or did not Heilary have 1340+ classified documents on her own homebrew personal email server, classified by the document creator?
Did or did not Heilary have 22 top level for special eyes only classified documents on her own homebrew personal email server?
And David Petraeus had what done to him for something much lesser worser?
Puddy forgot this one…
Did or did not Heilary have emails to and from Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit R senile) discussing State Department policy against the express direction of her boss Barack Hussein Obummer?
“She’s a liar!”
What a wonderful chant!
Nomiki Konst nailed it. Millenials will not show up if Heilary is the nominee. Poor DUMMOCRETINS were for Sanders while the rich WHITE PRIVILEGE voters are for Heilary!
Honest and trustworthy
24% of voters
10% – Heilary The Liar
83% – Bernie The Socialist
Race and ethnicity
91% of voters
49 – Heilary
46 – Bernie
3 – Martin
Cares about people like me
26% of voters
22 – Heilary
74 – Bernie
Kreep out on Kruz…
Yawwwwn. Such a klown show..
Everyone see little low life Steve King ass-klowning behind Kruz last night?
@59 The mechanical troll believes I want the stock market to go UP. But I’m buying more stock, not selling my stock; so why would I want higher stock prices? Buyers want LOWER prices. But how do I explain this to a mechanical troll with no brain? And why should I? Education won’t do HIM any good. He has no brain.
So they haven’t banned fuckwad yet?
I’d like to know why not.
@16 Did you see your shadow, damn 9 more months of campaigning. Or rabbits are the wrong critter?
@31 Teddy had a little incident in Kennebunkport that haunted him and hurt all of his attempts at the white house. While the voters of him home state either forgave him or being the brother of a President burnished him enough as a local boy to stay in office.
No dead bodies in Bernie’s closet. You know of any? And if anything a certain movie helps.
Puddy you guys on your toes and that is important. While I’m puzzled by current outrage of food poisoning, and the lead in the water. He does seem upset. We do have issues with food safety and water purity. Apparently we do need government. Too bad state government can’t do all the lifting on tis one. Local and state need the help from the Federal government on this one. We need federal meet inspectors paid by the government. Folks rant and rave about these terrible regulations, and then wonder what happened when Aunt Peggy gets sick.
We are facing a pretty bit health challenge from this new bug out of South America. Once upon a time in America there was no public health. The rich didn’t like the expense, but then the flu hit in 1918 and the rich discovered their money didn’t give them immunity. So for a bit they changed their tune, and we got some good public policy at the lecal, state, and Federal leves. Then and now we have the Mississippi problem where a poor state either is too poor to step up to the bat or the folks in charge don’t care. It’s can’t do this or that or it won’t or it can’t and won’t while most other states do something, but it’s of no use unless Mississippi at least comes up to the plate. States rights do come with States REsponibilities. If al the states did them maybe there would be more to the states rights position. Still that state rights thing is intentionally a bit vague, as the civil war did or did not anwer the question as to if a state can pull out of the United States.
Good Christians would teach a person how to fish, not let their little sappy hearts bleed. What is the world coming to? I’m sure if we waited long enough we could have taught them to instal thier own filters.
300 Plumbers Poured Into Flint To Install Water Filters For Free
The concern of the Zika Virus might be a little more than something that is transmitted by a little mosquito.
States rights is just a Republican way of keeping fags from marrying.
Ahhh a rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears sighting.
DAYUM, now Puddy needs to rinse out the eyes again!
Seems like the great intelligent conservative, the quitting Gov. of Oil Lands, fucked up again…..she endorses the duck and the crud wins. Oh, I’m sure she is probably taking it out on the tramp daughter and her suicidal maniac son, the poor retard kid has to put up with one fucked up family.
@66 Because we’d have no way to amuse ourselves around here without the mechanical windup troll. Of all the ignorant, stupid, demented, and useless trolls that have passed through this blog over the years, it and Bickle are the only ones left, and Bickle isn’t even a real Republican because he voted for Jimmy Carter in 1980.
@67 Since you can’t find a groundhog, I’m happy to fill in, and I hereby sentence you to 9 more months of this bullshit. You stupid humans deserve each other.
@68 Found on a rest room stall wall many years ago:
There was a young senator from Mass,
Who found himself a nice piece of ass;
But after he found it,
He fucked up and drowned it,
And now his bright future is past.
The last line isn’t exactly true, because Teddy became the “liberal lion” of the Senate who defended the human rights of countless Americans against attacks by Republican Social Darwinists; but you could argue he was something akin to the “affluenza teen” of his time, and as a drunken homicidal youth is right up there with Laura Bush, although only one-fourth as lethal as Ethan Couch — and he didn’t run for Mexico. (Although why anyone would jump probation to hole up in Mexico is beyond me.)
@69 “Too bad state government can’t do all the lifting on tis one.”
State government could do all the lifting with different management.
@70 This is the way Republicans prefer to manage problems. First they create the problem, then other people solve the problem by working without being paid for their labor.
@72 And keep undesirables from voting.
@75. Too funny!
@16. That was funny too. Just getting around to reading. As Puffy would say I’m away on bizness, the world traveler that I am.
@77 you’re on fire Rog.
@79 is even funnier.
the poor retard kid
Wow Being Teabagged Again… Proving your libtard compassion! Puddy is sure if you had a child who was special needs or Downs you’d be pizzed if someone called them a retard.
Waytogo libtardo!