Tim Eyman’s
hostage anti-tax measure was declared unconstitutional, Sarah Palin has re-emerged, and we’re down to a week until the Iowa caucuses. This calls for a drink! Please join us tonight for an evening of politics and conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. On Wednesday, the Burien chapter meets. The Woodinville chapter meets on Thursday. And next Monday, the Yakima and South Bellevue chapters meet.
There are 186 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find—or go out and start—a chapter near you.
Palin, like Puffybutt, is a 1-trick pony. Her specialty is delivering snarky insults in a patronizing tone. It stirs up the hicks, but isn’t a program for the country’s future.
I believe Puffybutt must be a mechanical windup troll because it keeps making the same noises and squeaks like it hasn’t been oiled for a long time.
Rent Relief Coming For Seattle Renters
Zillow now projects slower rent increases in the Seattle market by the end of this year, although rents will continue to rise here.
Guns Make You Safer Dep’t
A dispute over a $25 gun repair bill led to a shootout that left the gun store owner and his teenage son dead, and the customer and his teenage son hospitalized.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: When they said, “An armed society is a polite society,” what they meant was residents of cemeteries don’t argue with each other.
This story comes from Kentucky, the same state that gave us the divine Ms. Davis: The southern morality police are at it again.
Remember how Ted Cruz complained his family lost health coverage because of Obamacare? HE LIED.
“In a reversal from claims made on the campaign trail, Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign is now saying the senator and his family do have health insurance and never lost coverage.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No one should be surprised by this. Cruz is a Republican, and Republicans are serial liars; they lie so much they can’t tell the difference between truth and falsehood. If something comes from the lips of a Republican, they automatically believe it, and the rest of the world automatically disbelieves it, because Republicans are prone to believe lies and everything any Republican says is likely to be a lie. So, it’s no surprise at all that Ted Cruz lied about not having health coverage.
@1 It is probably the same way she raised her family….that’s why they are all winners.
@1 Puffybutt a windup troll……..have you ever seen that windup ape doll with drums, that must be him.
Ammon Bundy claims the FBI exists to investigate federal bureaucracies, not criminals like him.
His group also claims they have a right to kill law enforcement officers.
@5 it would be real news if there was ever a time where Ted Crud didn’t lie.
I could swear Chuck Todd, on the Today Show this a.m., made some offhand reference to “the national security mess we’re in” in regards to Democrats and naturally was not made to explain himself. It really pisses me off the way this guy interjects some asshole opinion off the cuff and he’s never made to explain. It has a propaganda feel to it. Because I can see no national security mess with regard to Democrats, is it me who’s missing something? Am I that naïve?
I think I may have a solution to the Cowpussy standoff in Burns.
Militia Olympics!
Years ago while a good friend was in grad school in Montana we’d spend a week every summer hiking in the Bob Marshall. I used to kid him that our Washington militia groups were more bad-assed than his Montana groups. We were getting into that debate one day when it hit us that it might make for some brilliant reality tv.
The Camo-faques would get the attention they crave, the conflict they live for, and we’d have ’em all in one place, safely out of trouble for once. And now it seems to me that this might be just the ticket for economic recovery in Harney Co.
Eventually you could have spin-off potential with Real Militia Wives, Militia Cribs, Militia Makeover, Militia Iron Chef, etc.
Maybe we could even work the dildos and butt plugs into the show somehow. (pun most definitely intended – sorry)
@10 He might have a point. If this administration won’t deal with a gang of punks in Oregon, how can it be expected to deal with ISIS?
@11 Why not? They have a family of singing kids down there to support the militias, so the musical accompaniment is already in place.
I also recommend this video, for several reasons, but what I’d like to call your attention to is the argument between a counter-protester and a local rancher over paying taxes.
The counterprotester, who is from Idaho, argues the wildlife refuge is federal land and she pays federal taxes to support it.
The rancher claims the wildlife refuge is county land and he supports it by paying “allotments.”
Let me clarify what “allotments” are: They’re the below-market, taxpayer-subsidized grazing fees that western ranchers pay for grazing their livestock on public land (mostly administered by the BLM). Strictly speaking, “allotment” refers to the land he leases from the government, but he’s using the term to describe the fees he pays for use of the public land allotted to his ranching operation. An allotment payment is NOT a tax, it’s rent. This illustrates (a) how illogical these people are, and (b) how they distort reality. Like wingnuts everywhere, they believe whatever serves their self-interest, and facts be damned.
Senator Pam “Pammy The roach” Roach gets another formal reprimand from Lt. Gov. Brad Owen for her behavior in Legislative session.
That woman is a nutcase. Basically, the only real reason she keeps getting re-elected is because she can shoot a gun. That and the fact that her NRA/Christian/Bookburner/NeoNazi loyalties supersede that of even the State and Federal Constitutions, and those folks are her primary constituency. I’m almost surprised we haven’t heard about her being caught up in a menage’-au-troi with Ryan Bundy and his horse.
She has absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
@14 Basically, what their idiotic belief system leads to is this: The federal land in the county where they reside belongs to them, not the government, because they say it does. Therefore, it follows that the government is charging them fees to graze their cattle on their own land. Hence, an acute feeling of grievance.
@15 Yes, but she is elected by “the people,” and that can take you a long way. Btw, one of her GOP compatriots in the lower chamber is down in Oregon lending moral support to the armed land grabbers.
I don’t know how much good it does anymore to call Republicans crazy, nutcases, off the charts, etc. They are all of those things, of course, but they ought to be called what they are — totalitarians — because what’s really going on here is they’re repudiating the entire notion of democracy and majority rule. Their basic position is they get their way even if they’re in the minority, because they say so, and you have no right to say differently. They are revolutionaries seeking to overthrow our system of government and should be treated as such.
HA’s mattress investor missed out on a 282-point DJIA gain today. I hate to tell him this, but I pocketed about $7300 this morning while he slept on his money.
@ 17 RR
The Y’all Kaeda just keeps racking up the Felonies. I’m willing to bet that the FBI and whoever else might be involved in watching these guys are just making hashmarks on a board at this point. “one more for you, and one for you, and oh, shit-oh-dear, THREE for you. Tsk tsk.”
Yeah, you keep at keepin’ at it boys.
I have another theory about these guys. They have internet, Cable/Satellite television, CB radios and cell phones and such, so they have to know that they’re all going to be going to prison for the shit they’ve been doing, probably quite a few of them for the rest of their lives. They have to know they’ve absolutely fucked themselves. That’s why they want to die for the cause. Because their cause is nothing different from the old Bryan Butler/Robert Mathews crowd, and the methods of such individuals are always the same. They have committed real, serious crimes, and they won’t be taken alive. They have publicly sworn to this.
There will be bloodshed in this thing before it ends, and these yokels won’t be the first people to get hurt. They’re going to get bored, sure. But for psychopaths, boredom means they have to start something themselves if things are progressing too slowly for their satisfaction.
Wingnuts have finally figured out who is to blame for Flint’s poisoned water – retired union thugs.
“Down the corporatist rabbit hole: ALEC blames #FlintWaterCrisis on retired city workers (aka union thugs)”
@19 The Daily Kos article from which I extracted those videos warned potential counter-protesters to stay away from Burns because these yokels are dangerous. In one of the videos, you can hear one of them yelling at a counter-protester to “get your hands out of your pockets!” like he was a cop. These fuckers are on a hair-trigger, and sooner or later, someone is going to get shot.
Cleveland has fired the 6 cops involved in one of the more notorious recent police killings of black people.
The Republican way. Republicanism.
Fuck you. Fuck your Mother. Fuck everyone but me.
When he was in high school, Ted Crud had two ambitions: “Be in a teen tit film,” and “take over the world.”
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM; Pat. Pend.)
“A North Carolina man accused of shooting and killing a good Samaritan who tried to help him during the blizzard on Jan. 22, has been charged with four additional counts of attempted murder” because he also shot at several bystanders.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Guns keep us safe. An armed society is a polite society. Blah. Blah. Blah.
The best reason yet to not vote for Donald Trump: America’s most racist sheriff has endorsed him.
@23 Yes, Republicans are repulsive backstabbing scumbag grifters, and that’s why Hillary would beat any of them despite Whitewater, Bill’s scandals, Benghazi, emails, or anything else. Puffy is so obsessed with Hillary’s alleged shortcomings he doesn’t fathom how bad the GOP alternatives are. Hillary could torture puppies and still win. That’s how bad the Republicans are.
you can be absolutely sure that these people also believe the purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to ensure the ability of well armed minorities to resist the lawful majority. Their “freedom” is our enslavement.
@28 “Their ‘freedom’ is our enslavement.”
Not if we refuse to take their shit.
I wonder if it bothers that troll that The Family Research Council black balled Carson in favor of Ted “Teen Tit Film” Cruz?
Hardly seems fair. I mean, one thing you gotta give Carson is that he’s not fakin’ the bible delusion stuff. He really means it. And at the time the FRC dumped him, Carson was waay out ahead in the polls. He even sneaked ahead of Trump for a couple of weeks. So it’s weird that they’d round file Carson in favor of a guy who is obviously fakin’ the faith just to get ahead.
I wonder what it was about Carson that disqualified him for the job?
Apparently the Bundy followers believe something like this: Federal land is theirs because they pay grazing fees to use it. Or because they “live there.” Land they never bought or paid for in the conventional sense. Theirs for the taking. Free, because they want it and are willing to poke guns in other people’s faces to get it. This is how things were in the Old West: If you wanted a water hole or a grazing range you took it by killing the guy who previously had it. So, tradition.
@30 “I wonder what it was about Carson that disqualified him for the job?”
Isn’t it obvious? Wrong skin color.
@15 “her NRA/Christian/Bookburner/NeoNazi loyalties”
If that’s supposed to enumerate Pam’s support base, don’t leave out the horse fuckers.
nah. That couldn’t be it. Not a racist bone in their bodies. At least that’s what they say. And who ya gonna believe? Them? Or your lyin’ eyes?
“live there” would be it.
And that’s ironic, since none of these “Real Americans” lives in the county. Worse still, the ranchers of Harney County wish like fuck these camo-clowns would go home since they are un-doing years of work between the State, the County, the BLM, the Ranchers, and the FWS. The law makes no exceptions for dumbassery. Whatever misuse and damage these preening camera whores inflict on the habitat will have to be repaired. And doing so will inevitably come at some cost to the ranchers who depend on that range for grazing.
@ 30 DR
“I wonder what it was about Carson that disqualified him for the job?”
He was a little too “ethnic” for the TeaBagger set.
“ethnic” like “exotic”?
Did he ever vacation in Hawaii? That would explain much.
F UpChuck Todd is a DUMMOCRETIN waking up to the feckless foreign policies of Barack Obummer!
R senile @18,
Puddy’s money is in an American bank at this time not on a mattress. Puddy has said this three times R senile. This is why you are senile!
You won’t say that you lost almost $7000 yesterday and $10s of thousands since Jan 1, 2016 while Puddy made money in the bank!
Cleveland has fired the 6 cops involved in one of the more notorious recent police killings of black people.
R senile held Cuyahoga County in high regard in yesteryear on HA DUMMOCRETINS! Cleveland. Political party – DUMMOCRETIN!
President Teen Tit Film.
Makes you proud to be American.
Yes we see Obummer’s feckless illegal alien policy is working so well too… http://bigstory.ap.org/article.....labor-case
No comment from illegal alien champeen DUMMOCRETIN Congressman Luis Gutierrez!
When you are a DUMMOCRETIN only a slap on the wrist immediately happens! http://bigstory.ap.org/article.....sor-ousted
I see that the batshit insane loon is here to spew more hate.
FRC is backing Ted Cruz?
Perkins said it was only his personal endorsement not FRC. Butt even so the FRC was leaning toward Cruz for a long time over everyone else. DUMMOCRETINS are stooooopid is as stooooooooooopid does. http://www.breitbart.com/big-g.....ack-rubio/
Pudddy sees TPPS’ @44 head exploded again.
Can you say KABLAMMO?
Now wait for it…
More TPPS @ 44 deflection coming real soon!
The president of Cleveland’s largest police union, Steve Loomis, vowed to fight the discipline and said grievances appealing the firings were filed with the city Tuesday.
Amazingly the UNION is jock strapping this DUMMOCRETIN led police activity!
Why is Bernie Sanders against reparations? To quote some insignificant black activist… ‘a failure to embrace reparations is tantamount to failing “in the ancient fight against white supremacy.”’
Apparently #blacklivesdontmatter to Bernie! He won’t be getting the DUMMOCRETIN black vote!
People are equating #blacklivesmatter to MLK, Jr. MLK III dusagreed. http://campusreform.org/?ID=7187
Action in Oregon. Two Bundy’s arrested
Everyone: Please do not wind up the mechanical troll. Some toys are better left in the toy chest.
@50 YAY!!! For the arrests. One of the bad guys was killed. I’m not celebrating that.
I think a bunch of BLM people should take over some public bldg or park. And then let’s see what the white conservatives think.
Dade County Correctional… DUMMOCRETIN led… http://thefreethoughtproject.c.....ccidental/
DUMMOCRETIN opportunity has no associates, just thought leaders who think of unusual punishments! DUMMOCRETIN law enforcement are SCUM!
R senile upset because Puddy is reminding everyone about R senile’s love of Cuyahoga County and Cleveland… land of DUMMOCRETINS. That’s why R senile loved Cleveland years ago and still does today!
Why is it police in libtard blue states think they can act with impunity? http://thefreethoughtproject.c.....pen-carry/
It appears to have ended mostly with a whimper. One of those ready to die for the cause did and seven others will likely spend a very long time in prison.
Anyone want to go bird watching?
Reports are coming out that the FBI is letting anyone still at Malheur know they are free to go NOW but will be subject to arrest if they stay which seems overly generous.
It’s over.
1 terrorist dead. Leaders frog marched to jail. All LEOs safe. The public gets its land back. More arrests will follow.
Republicans wrong again.
Well handled. Let them have their “revolution” for a while and look like crazy fools don’t go all Branch Davidian and let them become a cause célèbre, arrest them after its clear they are damaging a public facility and antiquities.
Thanks President Obama. President Cruz would be signing pardons and offering them the land and a mule.
Also arrested is the “shoot Clinton in the vagina” fake radio guy.
The terrorist who was killed is the guy who ran the foster care ranch.
That troll is sad again.
2016 not it’s year.
Hillary likes the idea of appointing Obama to the Supreme Court.
@63 not that it would bother me, but I prefer to think of Obama as the best President, and smartest, of my time. Let him live his life in peace now. No need to be a Supreme Court Justice. He would have to see John Roberts and Scalia every day, they do t deserve his company.
The Republican Base will find themselves having to reposition themselves, in what to them will feel like a very uncomfortable chair, once Trump is President, if he does become President.
Boy they are going to be confused so much. Maybe they’ll even start to write out checks to the DNC.
What a dilemma. Compromise on their principles or become ruled by a Nazi dictator, foreign born, like Ted Crud.
How is this possible? I thought the Earth is only 6000 years old?
Stadium Renovation Uncovers Woolly Mammoth Remains http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....86170.html
And a guy at work the other day was trying to put time in perspective and told me that the Earth is billions of years old. WTF!?
This guy sounds like a socialist.
Kindhearted Handyman Fixes Military Wife’s Furnace For Free http://pubx.co/qsdsI9
And some people expect clean water? Come on, what’s the world coming to?
@64 Well, of course, that would be up to him; but if he wants the job, I like the idea. Especially if he’s Thomas’ or Scalia’s replacement.
@66 To put things in perspective, there’s never been a species that didn’t go extinct, the Earth will still be here for billions of years after you stupid humans vanish, and even plastic and plutonium don’t last that long, so the Earth will recover someday.
“Cuyahoga County and Cleveland… land of DUMMOCRETINS.”
No, the land of Americans who the batshit crazy loon hates.