How about this for a New Year’s Resolution: Join us for drinks, laughs, and political conversation at this week’s Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally?
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. The Long Beach, Tri-Cities and West Seattle chapters also meet tonight. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. And on Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets.
There are 186 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find—or start—a chapter near you.
That old useless and tired meme of the poor and dumb voting Republican is not borne out in census data…
DAYUM y’all say some stoooooooooopid things not borne out by FACTS! No wonder Puddy has a field day against 123 of y’all! One DUMMOCRETIN moron says something and y’all say yeah that sounds right and then it’s useless repetition over and over in the HA DUMMOCRETIN echo chamber!
“There needs to be a law that says you buy a gun, you get a background check.”
Yeah, Chicago thugs will be sure to get their background checks!
Already 6 shot and killed!
“The group said the next Republican administration should agree to use all executive authority at its disposal to halt regulation of the insurance market under the new health law, ensure the new vice president presides over the Senate to guarantee “complete and full” repeal is achieved under special filibuster-proof rules, and then agree to sign a full repeal into law.”
Plus, also, school prayer, no more birth control, no more pornography, no more flag burning, close the mosques, life in prison for weed, big Mexico wall, repeal the estate tax, and legalize bazookas.
As my Pappy used to say right around Christmas time: “Wish in one hand and shit in the other. See which one fills up first.”
It looks like the hate-filled batshit crazy loon is going to lay some more hate on us today.
@5 oh he is ready to explode – shit for brains will be coming out of his head profusely.
Well that didn’t take long. The Grand PoohBah if wing nut radio describes today as “This fatwa against gun owners.”
Rubio is apoplectic, Christie went with, “I know you are but what am I?” and I’m sure the Donald will be out shortly.
Here’s the thing. Since huge majorities support background checks, isn’t calling background checks the return to the unlivable days before sliced bread going to make a majority of voters think, “Hmmmm, maybe these guys really ARE just assholes?”
Nice tone in part of that speech. I will concede the pont that background checks won’t stop all shootings and you concede that background checks will prevent some shootings.
Thank The Flying Spaghetti Monster we’ll finally be able to fully “implement” a “conservative” agenda next year.
These folks need a tax break before it’s too late! Pull the lever for them!
undoubtedly so. But remember, for now at least, they have to pander to unhinged, poorly medicated, manic-depressives like our resident trolls. And since all The President is proposing to do is fully enforce existing laws, the majority of Americans, who like that gun dealers are regulated, will see the hysteria as caving to a bunch of crazy narrow interests. Which is pretty much absolutely correct.
On that note, I think it’s high time we seize the opportunity presented by this brief golden moment before the convention to push these gun-humping lunatics even farther to the right. Since they have all committed themselves to craven pandering to the most extreme fringes of their base, I say put them to the test. At every opportunity we need to bury them with the outrageous exaggerated hysteria of their own base. Afraid to repudiate that base, they’ll be forced to equivocate. It all makes for general election debate ammo.
Consider McCain’s blunder in 2008, when he “snatched” the microphone from a “righteous patriot” and “bullied” her for questioning Senator Obama’s citizenship and religion. Not a single one of the current crop of scared-shitless cowards would be capable of that today. The idea is to force them to agree with shit they cannot defend. By June they’ll all look even crazier than they do now. I know it doesn’t seem possible. But I believe it can be done.
Ain’t it great to see how the pressure in TPPS’ head @5 explode with blather?
To TPPS and that ever increasing pressure; FACTS are confused with other things. A never ending saga with fools like TPPS!
Wow checkmate listens to Rush Limbaugh and checkmate is still as dumb as a side dumper of rocks? Well FACTS can’t penetrate rocks!
For example:
“Ted Cruz calls for beheading of Muslims.”
“Carly Fiorina calls for “extreme late-term abortion” of Planned Parenthood staff.”
“Marco Rubio calls Vladimir Putin his “Father Figure”.”
“Donald Trump: “If they act like sluts, they should expect to be raped”.”
“Chris Christie: “If The Blacks would spend more time reading to their kids, and less time eating watermelon and twerking, they wouldn’t need welfare”.”
I don’t see them or their campaigns denying any of it.
@1 One only has to look around to see that the GOP attracts a lot of dummies. You, for example.
A lot has been made of the race of the Bundy bunch of domestic enemies. So why not use it to our advantage? Blast them day and night with Jay Z! I will guarantee they’ll be out in two days. Maybe sooner. LOL
@2 Republicans now assert that enforcing laws we already have is unconstitutional. The GOP just keeps getting nuttier. It feels so unreal. Are we living in a bad dream?
@3 So you’re in favor of making it easier for murderers and other criminals to get guns because we can’t stop them anyway? See #15.
@4 At the rate they’re going they may wait a long time for “the next Republican administration,” because not everyone in America wants to turn the USA into another Somalia.
@5 Same shit, different day, just like going to work. Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit I don’t have to do that anymore. All I have to deal with is Puddy, and I can walk away from him anytime I choose.
@9 I think it’s great someone has figured out how to recirculate the money being hoarded by hedge fund managers and other members of the billionaire class. Charging these people $500 an hour for housecleaning services makes perfect sense to me. One hopes the people doing the work get at least $15 of that, although $100 would be better.*
* $200,000-a-year maids? Why not? Everything’s relative. In that little slice of the world where people make hundreds of millions a year from flipping companies, stocks, and real estate, six-figure blue-collar wages should fit right in.
@12 “Well FACTS can’t penetrate rocks!”
Are we witnessing a rock having a Eureka! moment? Nah, the rock is merely mouthing words it doesn’t comprehend, parrotlike.
@13 & @14 One hopes the Democrats will use the video captures in their campaign ads.
@16 I’m in favor of doing nothing and letting them stay there as long as they like. That’s what I’d do if I were the law enforcer in charge. This way, you know where they are and what they’re doing, and they’r not somewhere else. Who cares about a small building on a wildlife refuge 35 miles out in the woods? I’d rather have them there than in the Portland, Oregon, federal building.
fixed. Funny, I was flipping the dial for a sec during the speech to see who was carrying it and who was pontificating on what they assumed he was going to say. A little, we report you decide research so to speak. I got lucky on the FATwa by the drug addled FAThead.
On Hillary’s accusation of extremists using Trump material for recruiting, Politifact says: We aren’t changing our rating, because one of our principles is… Politifact has principles? Someone should fact check that. I would rate their Principles for parsing as Mostly Trivial.
When Elected officials prove they don’t understand how their job works, Republican edition, Volume 2,314,785,100
Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas), chairman of the Appropriations subcommittee that oversees the Justice Department
Pardon me, Congressman. You remeber that budget deal that was passed and signed by the President that is in effect until after President Obama leaves office? You remember that at all?
How do you propose to cut the DOJ budget that is already passed? Well here come another series of Obamacare repeal type bills. Where they will die in the Senate or face Presidential Veto. You’re going to retro-actively unpass that budget? Please try, it’ll be fun.
Nice to see you have a hissy-fit.
“I will have such revenges on you both,
That all the world shall–I will do such things,–
What they are, yet I know not: but they shall be
The terrors of the earth.”
I’d rather have them where they can be easily and closely identified, monitored, and controlled. These guys just aren’t too bright. They’re self-jailed at virtually no cost to the taxpayers. Meanwhile everything they say, all their outside contacts, and every penny they spend is being cataloged to be used against them at trial. And none of that evidence can be suppressed. Long after the sat trucks have pulled out and their “cause” is forgotten, these jack-asses will be charged, convicted, and sentenced to jail terms.
And they want us to put them in charge? Fuckin’ idiots can’t even think their way around the BLM. But they want us to give them the launch codes.
“oh he is ready to explode – shit for brains will be coming out of his head profusely.”
Haters are gonna hate, and with Carson plummeting in the polls and the loon’s fuse lit, we can expect to see a mammoth head explosion of hatred for all things good and decent.
“Well here come another series of Obamacare repeal type bills.”
Actually no. Part of the Ryan/Giant Oil deal is that these Death Cultists have to sit the fuck down and shut up for the next twelve months. Supposedly they get exactly one additional bite at ACA and Planned Parenthood in 2016 through reconciliation. Nothing more. Remember, these clowns churned the House leadership and threatened to close the government over these “principles”. Instead, everybody got their offices redecorated. How nice.
So much for the dead baby parts and death panels.
On the other hand, I sincerely hope they break the deal with Ryan. Nothing would be more perfect during the upcoming election year than to watch the Republican leadership lose control over these ass-clowns yet again.
The Republican elected Speaker says that people who break the law are “law abiding citizens”, and enforcing the law “undermines liberty”.
Probably makes all kinds of sense to people who think women and minorities aren’t real Americans.
@26 I agree with Politifact on this one. If it wasn’t true when she said it, then the fact it later became true doesn’t change the original falsehood into a truth. But before anyone starts obsessing over Hillary’s campaign fibs, let’s not lose sight of the larger picture, namely, that the Republican frontrunner has told so many lies, and such big lies, that his dishonesty and demagoguery are deservedly the headline story of the 2106 presidential campaign. Our country hasn’t seen a politician like Donald Trump since Richard Nixon, and having someone like that in the White House is not an experience very many of us outside of Trump’s hardcore supporters want to repeat.
@27 The voters of Texas C.D. 7 have a right to elect this guy to Congress to represent them, and he has a right to mouth the Republican platform of letting terrorists and criminals have guns. I wouldn’t vote for him, but then I wouldn’t live in Texas or even travel there, either, because Texas isn’t my kind of place and Texans aren’t the kind of people I want to be around. You have to put this in context: Congressmen are widely considered the most useless people in society who aren’t presently in jail, many people support putting as many of them in jail as possible, and many of the people who vote them into Congress do so to get them off the streets and away from their children; so, it’s really not reasonable or realistic to have any expectations of the people in Congress. Think of Congress as a detention facility and you’ll understand what I mean.
@28 I think the cops should just sit and wait until they run out of toilet paper, and then the situation will resolve itself.
@29 Carson will go the way of Herman Cain. Four years from now, nobody will remember him.
@30 “Instead, everybody got their offices redecorated.”
That’s probably what they were after in the first place. Does anyone believe Republicans give a damn about babies, alive or dead?
One thing the feds could and should do to help pry Ammon Bundy out of the federal wildlife refuge is revoke his taxpayer-subsidized Small Business Administration loan.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: When you get right down to it, Bundy’s just another socialist sucking on the government teat.
“Does anyone believe Republicans give a damn about babies, alive or dead?”
Not anyone who pays any attention. All that Planned Parenthood bullshit is about vaginas. Controlling them ’cause they scary.
What continues to amaze me is that they can keep going back to that well of mouth-breathing, slack-jawed, bible clutching nitwits again and again and the bucket never comes up dry. No matter how the Republican party mocks and abuses them, they buy the ticket and take the ride.
Credit Trump’s supporters with finally waking up to the bullshit. Sure, they’re racist assholes. But at least they can recognize a shit sandwich when someone hands them one. The evangelicals just keep chewing and smiling. Amazing.
I think senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut is a great senator. I hope he runs for president one day.
@38 Yep, the rubes give all their money to Bible-thumping preachers and gun shops, then go to payday lenders and borrow at 600% interest to put food on their families’ tables.
R senile @15,
Bwaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaa
Can’t wait for this movie to come out.
People will learn the real story of Benghazi!
In Defense Of Food Stamps:
“According to the authors, in 2014 the program kept close to 5 million people out of poverty, 2 million of them kids.
Children whose parents are in the program start to reap benefits before birth, the report notes. Access to SNAP increased birth weight and reduced neonatal mortality; later in life it was linked to a reduced incidence of obesity and diabetes, a higher IQ, better education and higher income.”
Why do conservative states cut food stamps?
The bullshit is strong in this one!
The Oregon moron farted this… Credit Trump’s supporters with finally waking up to the bullshit. Sure, they’re racist assholes.
You can always tell the predictable response from big time fools like this one.
Donald Trump’s Strongest Supporters: A Certain Kind of Democrat [insert racist asshole like the Oregon moron]
Poor Oregon moron! Spanked again by DUMMOCRETINS!
“Today I want to send a message to every survivor of sexual assault. Don’t let anyone silence your voice. You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed, and we’re with you.” – Heilary Clinton
So what about Paula Jones or Kathleen Willey or Juanita Broaddrick Heilary? Don’t they have the right to be believed, and isn’t Heilary with them?
Oh wait a minute… TPPS will call Puddy a hater for regurgitating Heilary’s own words! Too much pressure!
Crud has got himself in quite the pickle. Instead of offering his true opinion about Donald Duck when Donald was being belligerent to everyone, Crud would defend the Lump. But now that the Lump is attacking the Crud based on American citizenship, he’s getting a little pissed off, and no longer can go easy on the Fuck Lump.
Ohhh how quick these fucking little snakes turn on each other. They are not capable of leading a circus!
Why the sudden upsurge in anti-government violence and domestic terrorism? People like the Bundys think this behavior is okay because one of our major political parties tells them it’s okay.
@45 Liars never have a right to be believed, regardless of gender, race, age, religion, or sexual orientation.
You’re going to be disappointed. I’ve seen it. (Press screening. I’m still on a bunch of lists.)
There are no scenes of Hillary ordering anyone to stand down. No personal call from the President calling back the scrambled air support. No secret diabolical star chamber crafting talking points. You will get local command in Benghazi telling personel to wait until he can get an idea if they’re walking into a slaughter. It’s remarkably apolitical.
It’s a fog of war action movie with lots of Michael Bay trademark explosions about security personel who are outgunned when the shooting starts and don’t really know how to handle the situation.
It’s a lot like Black Hawk Down.
HAHAHAHAHA! In its two-synapse wet dreams.
I like that 123 number. Bet it matches this old “crazed databaze” aka enemies list.
Hey didn’t yours truly call the Trump-hole in due time going birther on Kruz?
Dumb f’ing Republicans INDEED!
There are no scenes of Hillary ordering anyone to stand down.
Who said Heilary told anyone to stand down checkmate?
No personal call from the President calling back the scrambled air support.
Who claimed Obummer called back aircraft? Obummer didn’t order any because Obummer went to bed. Leon Panetta told the world this! Obummer knew about the attacks 90 minutes after they began. Ambassador Stevens went missing for at least 5 hours checkmate. He died checkmate! Meanwhile Obummer needed a good nights sleep so he could campaign in Las Vegas!
Once again you checkmate yourself as soon as your fingers hit the keys! Writing bullshit is your forte!
Oh wait… TPPS will call this hateful too!
Great job Sunny Jim! I was proud to be a voter who had his back. Sunny Jim pushed back HARD against the degenerate ALWAYS WRONG wing when it was CRITICAL that it had to be done.
Yours truly has voted EVERY election for him. Would do it again in a heartbeat.
Wait for it! Troll head explosions! I LOVED it when sunny Jim made that happen!
This is what happens when you play too much football with the helmet off:
Aka, football REPUBLICAN style!
@42 Yeah, maybe Hollywood can deliver what Trey Gowdy couldn’t: A tall tale that American audiences will believe.
@53 Final score: Baghdad Jim 1, Republican Hawks 0.
@52 “Who said Heilary told anyone to stand down checkmate?”
Hmm, about 99.8% of Republicans?
I see it now. Puddles gets the bluray of 13 Hours and puts it on late at night when the household is asleep and spirits the Vaseline out of the medicine cabinet.
Gets all ready for that scene of the President going to bed. Super excited to see that. Burning with anticipation.
Oh, oh, oh, unh, unh, BENGHAAAAAAZI
Premature ejaculation. The movie isn’t what you think it is. If you go in knowing Benghazi is the biggest scandal ever you’ll really wonder why it’s a by the numbers war action film and not a GOP campaign ad. It will be like renting Really Hard Kink 7 from the back of the video store only to get home and find they gave you a copy of Yentel by mistake.
Why does checkmate project his silly actions on others. The only premature ejac here is when you post your vile bile checkmate!
Such is the mind of a HA DUMMOCRETIN @58! That’s the best a moron like checkmate has in their quiver!
Got proof of about 99.8% of Republicans? Puddy found two!
More own goals from Team Murika!
From Facebook
“If you find yourself mocking anyone who cries over murdered childen,
it’s Jesus’s way of letting you know you are a sociopath.”
Bernie Sanders:
“It’s become clear that no mass shooting, no matter how big or bloody, will inspire Republicans to put children and innocent Americans over the interests of the NRA. They are simply more loyal to gun lobbyists than our children. That’s why I support President Obama’s executive actions to make our communities safer. A vast majority of the American people, including responsible gun owners who are sickened by the deaths of so many innocent people, agree with the common sense reforms announced today. As president, I will continue these executive orders because it’s past time to end the moral outrage of Aurora, and Newtown and Charleston.”
Until politicians know they will lose their jobs for supporting NRA over their electorate, nothing much will change.
@58 That’s funny. Well done!
@60 If you keep working I’m sure you’ll find more. You might start here:
@62 Even Trump won’t wade into that pig shit.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: But hardcore rightwingers will. Nothing is beneath their dignity (they have none) or too low for them (they’re already the lowest creatures on earth).