It’s only Tuesday morning but, man, what a crazy week we’ve had. On Monday, The Donald positioned himself even closer to the Birchers and neo-Nazis. Even Dick Cheney had to dissociate himself from Trump’s outrageous policy proposal. I’m sure there will be more about this throughout the day. Please join us tonight for conversation over drinks at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. Things start up at about 8:00 pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities and Redmond chapters also meet. The Bremerton, Spokane, and Kent chapters meet on Thursday.
There are 186 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find—or start—a chapter near you.
Despite tepid condemnation from the trailing field, Trump stands to benefit from this. For at least the next week all the attention is on him. He has a proven track record of turning this kind of attention into support among ideologically rootless low-information conservatives.
@ 1
He’s also deflecting attention from Obama’s woes. You should be glad he’s around to do it.
LAT to Barack:
Editorial Should people on the no-fly list be able to buy guns? Yes.
According to the American Civil Liberties Union, which is suing the government over the no-fly list, the two lists include thousands of names that have been added in error, as well as the names of family members of suspected terrorists. The no-fly list has also been used to deny boarding passes to people who only share a name with a suspected terrorist. Former Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) was famously questioned at airports in 2004 because a terror suspect had used the alias “T. Kennedy.” It took the senator’s office three weeks to get his name cleared.
Teddy drowned a woman using a car, not a gun. But I digress.
ACLU seems conflicted. They’ve been consistent in opposing no-fly and other watch list concepts which don’t permit due process, and yet they want to support the supporters who fund them. This is the latest from ACLU:
Hina Shamsi @HinaShamsi
No Fly List criteria are vague and it violates due process. Without fix, don’t use it to restrict freedoms … via @ACLU
Until the No Fly List Is Fixed, It Shouldn’t Be Used to Restrict People’s Freedoms
This came out late yesterday. Just a bit earlier, they were a little more wish-washy about the effects of their long-standing opposition based on due process concerns to the legislative concepts currently proposed by the left:
“We don’t have a position on the legislation in question, but … have many criticisms of the overall watchlisting system as it currently operates,” ACLU’s media strategist Josh Bell told BuzzFeed News.
Glad to see the ACLU grew a pair rather quickly thereafter.
@3, 4,
Probably shouldn’t rush to take guns away from Americans with mental illness then, either. There are plenty of police, FBI agents, Federal judges, members of Congress, etc. with prescriptions for SSRIs and MAOIs.
@ 5
In all seriousness, I agree. Shouldn’t rush to do anything.
A good start would be addressing the ACLU’s concerns, wouldn’t you think?
No, Better, this isn’t a Corporate Lie, either.
CBO: 2 million jobs’ worth of hours lost under ObamaCare
ObamaCare will force a reduction in American work hours — the equivalent of 2 million jobs over the next decade, Congress’s nonpartisan scorekeeper said Monday.
The total workforce will shrink by just under 1 percent as a result of changes in worker participation because of the new coverage expansions, mandates and changes in tax rates, according to a 22-page report released by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).
“Some people would choose to work fewer hours; others would leave the labor force entirely or remain unemployed for longer than they otherwise would,” the agency said in its latest analysis of the now five-year-old law.
People working fewer hours or leaving the workforce entirely is pretty much what Nancy Pelosi used
when selling Obamacare on MSNBC, so HA libbies should go ahead and proclaim that Obamacare is working is intended, amirite?
Hey Better, since you seem so worried about job losses and what to do about them, can you come up with an idea that might save, oh, say, 2 million of them (give or take) over the next decade?
Not Robert.
University of Maryland president recommends changing name of Byrd Stadium, citing legacy of segregation
Not a Republican, either. But you already guessed that.
“A good start would be addressing the ACLU’s concerns, wouldn’t you think?”
On all counts, yes. Both concerns about the due process rights of gun owners placed on “terrorist watch” lists as well as the due process rights of gun owners placed on Paul Ryan’s proposed lists need to be addressed. But in the mean time, why shouldn’t Congress move forward to implement universal background and close the gun show loophole? These ideas are likely constitutional, and both enjoy broad bipartisan support.
Conflating some data and making huge assumptions, eh?
Are four people, say semi-stay at home moms. Working 30 hrs/week and gaining healthcare while increasing disposable household income worse for the economy than three working 40 and the other working zero?
C’mon, you know the answer.
I know plenty of families where one doesn’t work because the cost of caring for kids from 3:00-6:00 M-F with no benefits is a zero sum prospect. But cover Health care out of the part time and add to the take home of the presumably higher paying full-time parent and the value of after school care shifts.
And where will all these new after care kids go? Could that create some jobs for tutors, child development specialists, babysitters, nannies…
Yep, industry, when some employees choose to work fewer hours will just throw up their hands and be less productive rather than finding additional labor somewhere. Yeah. That’s exactly what will happen.
@7 Interesting link. Context is everything and body text is not what the headline implied. From the article.
“The CBO is not predicting that employers will fire millions of workers or reduce hours because of the law, ”
>> So that leg of low wage conservative fear mongering is negated.
“That could mean that older Americans who wish to retire but have remained in the workforce solely for employer health benefits could opt to leave their jobs.”
>> The republican plan of work till you die, is less needed. That’s a good thing. Now they can hire new younger workers.
“Some people would choose to work fewer hours; others would leave the labor force entirely or remain unemployed for longer than they otherwise would,” the agency said in its latest analysis of the now five-year-old law.
>> This part of the report was unclear. It could be interpreted as now that people had health insurance, they chose to work less or wait and get better jobs I know, to a cheap labor conservative, that’s a terrible idea to give workers more options, but from this article alone, it didn’t seem like such a bad thing.
About a third of Iowa Republicans think Islam should be outlawed.
Probably shouldn’t rush to take guns away from Americans with mental illness then, either.
That’s what the ACLU is arguing Oregon moron! They have been arguing that for years! Puddy placed the direct ACLU wording on this blog earlier this week. Did you miss it again? Been posting it for years. Grow a pair and ask the crazed databaze deala for the entries!
So how can any background check loophole be closed BY REPUBLICANS when the DUMMOCRETIN ACLU is against mental illness information being added to the NCIC database? Butt don’t let a good meme go to waste!
Meanwhile 25% of mooooslims (crazed cretin speak) in America…
If 3 Million – 750,000
If 7 Million – 1,750,000
agree that violence against Americans here in the United States can be justified as part of the global jihad.
So the FBI is really busy these day!
And you HA DUMMOCRETINS wonder why people call Obummer a moooslim or mooooslim lover? Here is evidence…
PuddyCommentariat: If you are Muslim, come on down. If you sneak in and found to be Christian… REJECTED! This doesn’t register in the infested minds of libtards.
FACTS never register eh TPPS?
Sloppy Travis Bickle @7,
Sloppy, sloppy propaganda, there, Squirt. ACA IS pretty much working as intended.
You apparently have no idea what the fuck is being said in the actual report.
The report finds that ACA will produce a small reduction in the labor supply (0.86%) in 2025.
There are seven different effects they examine, but the major reason for the “reduction in labor supply” under ObamaCare is that people have more choice in employment and lifestyle:
— People who don’t want to work full time just for the health insurance benefits are no longer trapped in full-time employment.
— People who have put off retirement for the health insurance benefits are no longer trapped in full-time employment.
— Unemployed people are less pressured into taking suboptimal positions (e.g. under-employment, skills mismatch, etc) in order to get health insurance ASAP.
Edit: Note that the CBO does not (and cannot) disarticulate labor force participation versus number of hours worked by labor force participants, only the net.
The bottom line is that individual choices in the employment market are no longer dominated and skewed by health insurance concerns.
So shut the fuck up with the bullshit Wingnut talking points, asshole.
Should this thread be titled “Drinking Fascistly” in honor of Donald Trump?
There is absolutely no legal or political impediment preventing a Republican Congress from enacting legislation to implement universal criminal background checks using the NCIC database and to close the gun show loophole. This is a modest, incremental proposal that would only implicate a small percentage of gun transfers.
The only thing standing in the way is the Republican leadership who won’t even give this legislation a spot on committee hearing schedules. The legislation enjoys sweeping broad bipartisan support all over America. But it cannot advance in Congress because Republicans won’t allow it.
All Dulles Area Muslim Society mosque in Sterling, Va was recently visited by DHS oss Jeh Johnson, the one with 72 of his own peeps on the Obummer no fly list. Mohamed Magid head imam is are buds to Muslim Brotherhood and the Holy Land Foundation! Back in the day
Then just a few months ago…
PuddyCommentariat: It isn’t any coincidence that Johnson went to this mosque. Everything this sadministration does is in your face middle finger action against Real Americans! Some of it is under the cover of darkness. Some of it happens on Friday afternoons. Doesn’t matter!
There is absolutely no legal or political impediment preventing a Republican Congress from enacting legislation to implement universal criminal background checks using the NCIC database and to close the gun show loophole.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Another funny told by the Oregon moron!
Oh yes there is… It’s called the 40 vote rule in the senate; a really big hurdle. The ACLU owns senate DUMMOCRETINS!
Democrats in Congress have voiced no opposition to extending existing NCIC criminal background checks to gun show sales by licensed dealers.
Here are the names of Senate Democrats who recently voted “no” on an amendment introduced by Joe Manchin to close the loophole:
Max Baucus (D-Mont.)
Mark Begich (D-Alaska)
Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.)
Mark Pryor (D-Ark.)
Harry Reid (D-Nev.) (Voted “no” as a procedural move to preserve option to reintroduce the bill.)
41 Senate Republicans voted no.
Let’s clear the air here because the Oregon Moron is mos def being disingenuous!
PuddyCommentariat: To DUMMOCRETINS it’s always their bill or no bill. There never is any congressional compromise with DUMMOCRETINS. They block any gun legislation that doesn’t 100% give them what they want! Then they run to the press and cry like the little bitches they are! And the Heilary libtard super pac writes exactly what the congresssional DUMMOCRETINS scream!
Puddy loves the “355th mass shooting” terminology used by WA Post DUMMOCRETINS… Pfffffffffft!
PuddyCommentariat: Of course Rachel Madcow would claim 355 mass shootings. She’s the verbal mouth of Media Morons. Bought off lock stock and barrel!
So Trump’s mouthpiece said today that Customs and border agents will ask people if they are Muslim to keep them out.
Sounds about as effective as “You must be 18 or older to view this site. Yes, I am 18 No, take me away.”
Ironically I heard a radio report from today’s Trump appearance where a supporter VOX said, “We need a President who stands for the constitution…”
I know, let’s offer them a prosciutto sandwich. If they eat, they’re in. If not, “The inquisition, what a show, the inquisition here we go, we know you’re wishin….”
I see Piddles is all over the mouth breathing neo-internment sites today.
checkmate as stoooooooooopid as evah,
Where did Trump claim internment except in the morning show libtard gravitas moments? Trump said no to the question! George Steponallofus claimed that!
Reading and listening are very difficult for you. Did you get that from AEI also?
Distant Replay @ 21
Last time I checked, Baucus, Begich and Pryor are not in the Senate anymore. All three replaced by Republicans in 2014 election.
@3 It guess it depends to some extent on whether you think brandishing guns in public should be considered a “freedom” or a privilege subject to criminal background check, sound mental health, completing a training course, and obtaining a permit.
And before you knee-jerk answer, remember the old adage, “your freedom to swing your arm stops where my nose starts.” Packing heat isn’t a private activity; it affects everyone, and that’s why it shouldn’t be a constitutional right any more than driving a car.
Two separate thoughts Piddles. Some of us are capable of thinking about more than one thing.
Thought 1, Trump will just ask and we can keep Muslims out that way. Maybe we can use The Pencil Test.
Thought 2
Your links to “All Muslims are Jihadists and must be watched or even better rounded up websites.
Did Trump link to those sites? Did I reference Trump in connection with the sites you want everyone to go read?
@6 That’s surprising from you, Bickle, because rushing to judgment is what you guys are good at.
@7 Even if that’s true, and I’m not conceding it is, what’s health care for millions more people worth? Nothing? This from a $500,000-a-year doctor sucking on the Medicare teat who’s outraged by proposals to raise the $7.25 minimum wage.
@8 So they should name it after some Republican racist? That’s what all the racists and bigots are now, you know. They switched parties, oh, about the time you were born.
If Lincoln were alive today, he’d be embarrassed to be called a Republican. You see, Bickle, some people learn from experience and go forward (Democrats), while others learn nothing and go backward (today’s Republicans).
@10 The simple solution to the child care/stay at home conundrum is that white middle class couples aren’t having children anymore. Their fertility has dropped off a cliff. Can’t afford ’em. America’s future population will either come from welfare moms and immigrants or we’ll depopulate like Russia. That’s the fruits of discriminating against mothers in the workplace. Nice work, righties.
@12 Then let’s outlaw all violent religions, including you-know-which.
Internment only came up from DUMMOCRETINS… hence checkmate your posturing about internment is from left wrong sites…
Media Morons for example
Good try at deflection checkmate!
@13 “So how can any background check loophole be closed BY REPUBLICANS when the DUMMOCRETIN ACLU is against mental illness information being added to the NCIC database?”
Uh, I dunno, cuz Republicans control Congress and the ACLU doesn’t?
Rarely has any comment on this blog ever highlighted a poster’s defective thinking process as this one does.
@21. Until politicians lose their jobs because they are not voting for sensible gun regulations, nothing will change.
@17 “Should this thread be titled ‘Drinking Fascistly’ in honor of Donald Trump?”
No, let’s call it “Drunken Trolls,” because Bickle and Puddy are hitting the bottle early today.
@20 So now you claim it’s Senate Democrats who are blocking a background check law? Really? It’s only 1:30 pm and you’re already drunk. What gives? Work overtime in the salt mine last night?
@22 Just to be clear, this is Puddy’s notion of “compromise”:
“The amendments were offered to an Obamacare repeal package currently being debated in the Senate and they needed 60 votes to be adopted.”
(From Puddy’s link.)
@34 Can you name one Democrat who’s pushing for internment of Muslims? Conservatives, on the other hand …
Hey Roger senile.. The ACLU tells DUMMOCRETINS how to vote. It has nothing to do with congressional control.
Hmmm, well one thing’s for sure, Trump is a divider not a uniter. Electing him won’t make America more respected; it’ll make us disreputable, and less influential, in the eyes of the world.
Here’s the GOP’s dilemma in a nutshell:
“Back in August, the conservative writer Ben Domenech asked, in a prescient essay, “Are Republicans for freedom or white identity politics?” Trump, he said, threatened to reorient the GOP away from ideological conservatism, along the lines of right-wing European political movements. The divide within the GOP has long been described as the “establishment”—power brokers, donors, elected officials, consultants—versus the “conservative base.” But it’s increasingly clear there are two separate conservative bases within the GOP.
“There’s the intellectual conservative movement, a decades-long project of institutional actors like the Heritage Foundation and the American Conservative Union, which seeks to push the party toward strict adherence with a set of ideas about limited government, strong national defense, and the traditional family. And then there is the populist, nativist strain, which isn’t really about ideas so much as a raw appeal to emotion. Trump’s dominance of the primary field is forcing the party to confront a frightening prospect: that the populist bloc may be the bigger of the two.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What it boils down to is the GOP is two parties, and uniting them behind a single candidate is difficult. If Trump leaves the GOP and runs as an independent or third-party candidate, he’ll take at least a third of the GOP’s voters with him, and that spells certain defeat in November. What to do about this? Let him turn the GOP into a white supremacist party, or write off 2016 and hope for better luck in 4 or 8 years? But time isn’t on the GOP’s side as America becomes increasingly nonwhite.
@41 Democratic Senators don’t need the ACLU telling them to vote against yet another pointless GOP attempt to repeal Obamacare.
The real question is why Republicans are so desperately flailing away at Obamacare. The answer is they realize once Americans get used to universal health coverage they’ll never be able to get rid of it. For most people, the choice between medical bankruptcy or affordable access to health care with no pre-existing exclusions or lifetime caps doesn’t require more than three seconds of thought.
And, of course, we all know Republicans are merely grandstanding when they “vote for” gun background checks — while holding them hostage to Obamacare repeal. They’re not fooling anyone but Puddy.
Tif Trump becomes President the first action he should take us to expel every Mudlim member of the U.N and any Muslim Ambssdors in this Country and never let them in again, until they say “pretty please”.
That should show he means business. I’m sure he’ll do it (roll my eyes). And if he did, it should go over pretty well.
The rubes think he can actually do it. If he could do it, it would be one thing, he could call it a success. But he can’t, not only will it be a failure on that stance alone, but for all reasons too.
ISIS wins!
Applying the already existing NICS criminal background checks to licensed sales at gun shows is a reasonable, modest, and very limited enhancement to American gun safety that enjoys very wide spread and bipartisan support all over the country. In the past Congressional lobbyists representing the ACLU have opposed modifications to the NICS background check system that might have preserved in perpetuity the records of those checks, and also expansion of the system to include private transfers. The McCain/Manchin proposal would do neither.
Specifically, the proposal forbids the Attorney General from seizing any records or other documents in the course of an inspection or examination authorized by the proposal other than those records or documents constituting material evidence of a violation of law. It further prohibits the Attorney General from consolidating or centralizing the records of the acquisition or disposition of firearms, or any portion thereof. It attaches specific severe criminal penalties for violations of those provisions.
Also the proposal specifically excludes from background checks any transfers made between spouses, between parents or spouses of parents and their children or spouses of their children, between siblings or spouses of siblings, or between grandparents or spouses of grandparents and their grandchildren or spouses of their grandchildren, or between aunts or uncles or their spouses and their nieces or nephews or their spouses, or between first cousins, if the transferor does not know or have reasonable cause to believe that the transferee is prohibited from receiving or possessing a firearm under Federal, State, or local law.
This amendment is not being opposed by the ACLU.
Roger senile, it’s the gun control link! Mixed up and confused as ever eh? Grassley offers an amendment and Durbin throws a hissy fit!
Applying the already existing NICS criminal background checks to licensed sales at gun shows is a reasonable, modest, and very limited enhancement to American gun safety that enjoys very wide spread and bipartisan support all over the country.
But it doesn’t cover the crazies who can get guns now. This is the rub that you just don’t seem to understand.
Then the no fly list… Were the husband and wife killers on the no fly list?
Republican opposition to the Manchin amendment cannot be said to arise from this measure being too narrow in scope. Any Senator, from whichever party, could always propose additional amendments to include whatever sweeping additional language they choose. And then put that amendment to a vote.
There is absolutely no legal or political impediment preventing a Republican Congress from enacting legislation to implement universal criminal background checks using the NICS database and to close the gun show loophole. This is a modest, incremental proposal that would only implicate a small percentage of gun transfers. It enjoys wide bipartisan support all over America.
Grassley put forth an amendment that Durbin and DUMMOCRETINS killed. Repeating the same sentences over and over in multiple posts are just as you say “word salad”!
I wonder how man Muslims live in the Trump Towers and residences and hotels. How many are members of his posh golf country clubs?
His lemmings have no fucking brains.
Where is Ben? Tonight, watching the news (only for a half hour now), I’ve seen about 4-5 of the Repuke candidates speak out against Trump. But no Ben. Has Ben given up? Has he lost a little steam? Does he know he’s finished?
Is he going to prove Boob wrong again?
NYC is experiencing a little bit of a building boom right now. I alone am involved in close to 10 residential high rises (20 stories or more – not sure if 20 is a high rise but anyways).
Although they are being mostly built by “American” developers, they all pretty much are being built because of forign investors. Without their money, most of these buildings wouldn’t be getting built. Most of these investors are from the Middle East. Muslims?
Well, I’m sure Trumps plan will go over great for the economy. But I’m sure Republicans would prefer a shitty economy.
@48 “But it doesn’t cover the crazies who can get guns now. This is the rub that you just don’t seem to understand.”
And Republicans are going in the right direction on this? Their solution is to arm crazies and tell them to shoot other crazies.
@51 Give Teabagged the gold star for today! Trump’s a rich guy in America. You get rich in America (and most other places, for that matter) by spending other peoples’ money, not your own. In the commercial real estate biz (any of y’all ever go to one of those presentations selling vacation timeshares?) you’re essentially financed by the buyers, often collecting big bux before the properties are finished, or even before ground’s been broken.
There’s no way–period–that Donnie isn’t deeply beholden to plenty of folks from the Middle East. It’s just a question of how long they’re going to let him run his mouth before they yank his chain and remind him they own his ass. The more they really think the jerk has a chance of making it into the Oval Office, the more patient they’ll be.
You have to know that you are on the wrong side of politics if you support the guy that is doing the opposite of just about every other of the 15 candidates that you are running against that are in the same party.
All I can is that that seems like unity to me.
If they can’t be united amongst themselves how can they even pretend that they aren’t divisive people.
Bunch of fucking lunatics bringing the country down.
Republican leaders in control of Congress refuse to give any full vote to closing the gun show loophole, with or without the addition Ryan and Grassley’s proposed “mental illness registry”. Grassley’s amendment would have actually expanded existing exceptions to the NICS criminal background checks. More criminals with guns is not what America is looking for from their leaders in Congress. So obviously Republicans are not going in the right direction on this.
There is absolutely no legal or political impediment preventing a Republican Congress from enacting legislation to implement universal criminal background checks using the NICS database and to close the gun show loophole. This is a modest, incremental proposal that would only implicate a small percentage of gun transfers. It enjoys wide bipartisan support all over America. Putting this proposal to the full Senate for a vote would be a politically popular vote with most people in America except the NRA the gun industry, and their independent expenditure funds.
@50 Are you referring to this loophole-creating amendment?
“The Senate also rejected an alternative to Manchin’s amendment from Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) that would criminalize straw purchasing and gun trafficking and introduce incentives for states to provide mental health records to a national database. It also would help military members buy guns in their home states and reduce funding for cities that limit how much they cooperate with federal government efforts to enforce immigration laws, municipalities that critics have dubbed ‘sanctuary cities.’ Democratic leaders said Grassley’s proposal would roll back gun laws, not improve them. ‘The loopholes are opened, and when it comes to background checks, it doesn’t do anything,’ Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) complained. Grassley’s was rejected on a vote of 53 to 46.”
By the way, last time I checked, Democrats had only 44 Senate seats (46 if you also count 2 independents), so at least 7 Republicans voted against Grassley’s amendment, too.
It’s far too early to tell. But my guess is that this whole campaign is some kind of precursor to a business shift from Trump. What that might be is a mystery. Mostly he is a brand these days. And it would seem likely that the fees for licensing the brand for conventional development projects are put at considerable risk by his campaign antics. He’s certainly cost himself any chance of ever being involved in broadcast television again. But he will remain incredibly popular with a small minority of aging Americans.
@52 Ben is licking his wounds. Gifted Hands But No Brains is dropping like a rock in the polls. Evangelicals are abandoning him en masse for Cruz. He’s flaming out like Herman Cain.
@55 “It’s just a question of how long they’re going to let him run his mouth before they yank his chain and remind him they own his ass.”
HA Quote of the Day, right there.
@59 “But he will remain incredibly popular with a small minority of aging Americans.”
You mean Alaskan folks whose main transportation is dogsleds? Trump is competing for the same demographic that Palin is, and she’s better-looking.
Why are so many high school athletes dying now? This never happened when we were kids.
You spend a lifetime working your way up the Navy ranks, then get drunk, wet your pants, lock yourself butt-naked out of your hotel room, and there goes your whole Navy career. To wit: “Two female hotel guests spotted a frantic Baucom running around looking for a towel and alerted hotel security.” Oh, and I don’t know how relevant this is to anything, but “Baucom is a former military aide to President Ronald Reagan.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Navy has more admirals than they need, anyway. A little downsizing won’t hurt. In fact, such incidents happen so regularly I suspect they keep a few extra admirals on the shelf just to fill these vacancies as they occur.
Does this mean Jeff Bezos isn’t going to endorse Donald Trump?
Saw the police video today of the carjacker chase in Seattle.
Sure am glad nobody got hurt in that one.
And just as happy that we got rid of another POS from society.
waiting for #carjacker lives matter posts in 3…2…1….
@66 “waiting for #carjacker lives matter posts in 3…2…1….” And? …
Also in today’s police blotter, a Florida burglary suspect eluded police by jumping into an alligator pond and disappearing.
LMFAO……now that is some funny shit.
Welcome back, Max! It’s been boring here without you. Bob tries his best, but with only a batshit crazy loon for an ally, it’s been tough sledding for him.
By the way, last time I checked, Democrats had only 44 Senate seats (46 if you also count 2 independents), so at least 7 Republicans voted against Grassley’s amendment, too.
Unfortunately Roger senile doesn’t understand how voting works in the Senate… Senility is getting much worse with Roger senile! It takes 60 votes to pass any amendment!
Vote Counts: YEAs 53
NAYs 46
Not Voting 1
Mark Kirk of Illinois was the one Republican who voted with DUMMOCRETINS. It must really suck to be this bad all the time now Roger senile!
And this is what Puddy was discussing above to the Oregon moron which he is clueless like the crazed databaze deala!
Those cities that harbor criminals are sanctuaries for DUMMOCRETINS Roger senile. DUMMOCRETINS are not interested in an overhaul of our mental health program and putting that information into NCIS databases! DUMMOCRETINS are not interested in an overhaul of local sanctuary city laws that are illegal from federal laws. Shoddy arguments by DUMMOCRETINS. They all voted NO because they are owned by the ACLU!
Why? ACLU is why! Misguided politics. This is why DUMMOCRETINS presidents are hazardous to American health!
Get help Roger senile! Get help soon!
Where did proudleftist go? Puddy asked him a question. Seems proudleftist doesn’t understand much!
Damn! Republican politicians are jumping all over themselves condemning the Trump-hole’s nazism..
Randroid on Tea-had
Heh. Our trolls who have posted Pam Geller’s garbage for years here in these threads are strangely quiet.
Mark Driscoll perhaps?
Trump is a Mislim lover.
Trump denies plans to visit majority-Muslim Jordan
This guy is all done.
I notice reputes are pushing the war on Christmas mantra. Why do you suppose? Maybe it’s because they don’t want to alienate the last group of people that they think support them.
The Trump backlash, the “Fake War on Christmas”®, concern trolling mental health, all of it is mere political smoke screen.
Americans want laws to protect them, their families, and their communities. A majority of Americans can agree that the gun show loop hole should be closed. But our Republican leaders in Congress are being forbidden by the NRA from allowing it to go to a full vote. So they hope to distract American voters.
Not one.
Not one single substantive ideological or political objection on offer in all these comments. Since 6:55am this morning. Not one single good reason why Republicans can’t vote for the Manchin amendment. Still no vote. Just blocking. And still no reason. Americans deserve better from our elected leaders.
@71 “Get help Roger senile! Get help soon!”
No, I like myself the way I am. Thank God I’m not you. I’m so grateful for that!
@74 Max. You remember Max, don’t you? He’s back. We have three insane trolls here now.
@76 Nah, it’s just a holiday tradition with them. Gives them something to do when they’re not shoplifting at the malls.
Not one single good reason why Republicans can’t vote for the Manchin amendment.
Actually there are two reasons Oregon moron!
The Manchin amendment doesn’t cover mental health of bad guys getting guns.
The Manchin amendment doesn’t cover sanctuary cities and DUMMOCRETIN law breaking.
EPIC FAYLE from the Oregon moron!
@81 So now the party that champions states’ rights (but only when it comes to discriminating against minorities) is against cities’ rights (so they can discriminate against minorities)? Nah, I don’t think our side should go along with that. If Seattle or San Francisco want to be havens from the racism that exists elsewhere, that’s our privilege. So go screw yourself, if you can’t find a goat to screw. Btw, you can find a list of sanctuary cities here:
@79 Oh yes, little “pussification” Maxie aka Mark Driscoll’s most nauseating sicko-phant.
Meanwhile two Afghan air force members gone AWOL in Georgia… Butt they were fully vetted!
Of course the Obummer military commentary is “They pose no apparent threat.” Wasn’t that the reason the Terrorist Wife came in from Saudi Arabia… She posed no apparent threat?
The GOP has problems with numerous demographic groups — can’t imagine why — including millennials. So why would millennials be un-fond of Republicans? Hmmm. Maybe because “from the Reagan years forward, that … generation has had to contend with the cutting of government subsidies for college education in favor of a tuition-based model, along with more demanding job requirements, stagnating wages, a skyrocketing cost of living and decimated job security.” Not mentioned is the opportunities Republicans have created for them to die in foreign wars.
Trump is taking away the nativist and xenophobic crowd from the other candidates, and Cruz and Carson are rounding up the evangelicals, which doesn’t leave a whole lot of voters for anybody else on the GOP side.
And remember, Hillary gets over half the electoral votes she needs from just 5 slamdunk blue states: California, New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Illinois. Add the rest of the Northeast, along with Washington and Oregon, Minnesota, Michigan, New Mexico, and Ohio, and she’s a couple of small states within 270.
is against cities’ rights
CITIES RIGHTS? When they break federal illegal immigration laws Roger senile? Screwing goats again? Didn’t think little rabbit wieners could take care of goats butt hey, it’s your parade! This is why DUMMOCRETIN preznits are not in the best interests of Real Americans. Kate Steinle is the latest victim of DUMMOCRETIN malfeasance!
It’s Obummer who screams federal jurisdiction when Arizona tried to enforce illegal alien immigration. Sooooooooooo this is typical DUMMOCRETIN! Only enforce those laws approved by DUMMOCRETINS!
@84 First place I’d look is the nearest goat farm.
@86 So now you’re an immigration law expert? What federal immigration laws is Seattle breaking?
If demographic voting patterns of 2012 (which was closer than 2008) repeat in 2016, Hillary wins with 336 electoral votes.
So it’s Republicans, not Democrats, who have to make demographic inroads next year. Meanwhile, their frontrunner is alienating as many demographic groups as he possibly can. How smart is that?
Fortune magazine predicts the tickets will be Rubio-Haley vs. Clinton-Kaine.
Why Cruz won’t be the nominee, or president if he is.
In an attempt to identify our real domestic enemies, let’s skip over 150 years of white Christian nativist terrorism in America, and take a hard look at the reality of Muslims in America.
1. Fewer than 1% of the U.S. population is Muslim, of whom 63% are immigrants.
2. They’re better educated than average Americans; among U.S. demographic groups, Muslims are second only to Jews in educational attainment.
3. A high percentage of American Muslim women work outside the home, and are more likely to occupy professional jobs than women from most other demographic groups.
4. Muslims have been in America since the nation’s birth; about a quarter of the imported slaves were Muslims.
5. The first mosque in the U.S. was built in Ross, North Dakota.
6. About the same percentage of U.S. Muslims are churchgoers as U.S. Christians: roughly half.
7. A solid majority of American Muslims believe there are multiple ways to interpret the Quran, and other religions also can lead to eternal life.
8. From Sept. 11, 2001, to Dec. 31, 2014, 109 American Muslims plotted against U.S. targets and 50 people were killed by terrorist acts committed by American Muslims. Last year alone, 136 Americans were killed by mass shootings committed by non-Muslims.
9. American Muslims assist law enforcement: “A Duke University study found more terrorism suspects and perpetrators were brought to the attention of law enforcement by members of the Muslim-American community than were discovered through U.S. government investigations.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey, nobody’s ever said people who stereotype others are smart. They may get stereotyped themselves someday, if stereotyping catches on.
I guess I’m a 20-percenter. That’s roughly how many Americans are debt-free. Roughly the same percentage expect to never get out of debt in this lifetime. Rich people are more likely to have debt because they have greater access to credit. And here’s an item: Two-thirds of people with credit card debt who call their issuers and request lower interest rates have those requests granted.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Like most rabbits who weren’t Silver Spooners, I’ve used debt to pay for college, a burrow, cars, etc. But I always hated being in debt, and made strenuous efforts to pay off all my debts, which I accomplished several years ago when I paid off my 30-year mortgage in 18 years. I’ll never owe again if I can help it. When you’re debt-free, nobody owns your butt, and you can use the income not going for debt payments to accumulate savings and income-producing assets. We now live in an economy where people are expected to pay for their own retirements, so that’s essential. Most people don’t need all the “stuff” they buy and ultimately get very little utility from — it just gathers dust in the garage or basement. There are much better uses for that money. I love stock because it produces income, is easy to buy and sell, can be converted to cash in minutes, is extremely portable, and you don’t have to shovel snow off it, mow it, or paint it. What could be better than stock?
@92 this might explain why naturalized citizen woman in America may not be as bright as everyone else – too much make-up.;sns=em
Maybe they should do it by sexual orientation too.
FBI wants to track race, gender for police-involved deaths
I wonder if the male dancers were hot?
Florida man goes to strip club after killing a man: cops
You focus on the wrong part of the ACA. This is what will kick people’s ASSes next year! The FINES!
Barbra Streisand for Heilary… Nuthin new there!
This is brilliant, but off target. These folks stand to make a small fortune. But they are fleecing the wrong flock. At least they will be donating any excess funds to a children’s hospital.
But I’m gonna set up a crowd-fund for all the intolerant xtians who want to help me in my fake fight to stamp out zombie nativity scenes this season! I might not give the money to charity ;-)
For those of you who care more about free speech be sure to click the second link.
Now this was something unique and different…
If the SPD is not reporting to ICE illegal aliens arrested then they are harboring illegal aliens Roger senile! They use the do not use municipal funds or resources to contact federal immigration authorities excuse. In fact they won’t even ask if the person arrested is illegal. So more Kate Steinle’s are going to happen in the future!
Apparently in Seattle and other sanctuary cities, they are a law unto themselves. Butt that’s A-OK with Roger senile!
Excellent commentary on Obummer dissembling while a doctor jumps into action last week.
Here is something cheered by HA DUMMOCRETINS whom hate fracking…
It really hurts Sean Penn’s friend Venezuela’s Maduro! Butt then again, that’s what happens when you’re a socialist country which has been neglecting to invest in your only major industry. Peeps are revolting now!
Even if the Saudis manage to shut down some wells, they will come back on line when the price goes up again!
There is nothing controversial about closing the gun show loophole. It would not target or disfavor any specific group of our fellow citizens. As citizens we would all be affected the same. The effects are minor. Only a very small number of gun transfers would be implicated. And this is something nearly all Americans can easily agree on. Almost 90% of us want the gun show loophole closed right now.
There is absolutely no legal or political impediment preventing a Republican Congress from enacting legislation to implement universal criminal background checks using the NICS database and to close the gun show loophole. This is a modest, incremental proposal that would only implicate a small percentage of gun transfers. It enjoys wide bipartisan support all over America. This is too important right now for our Republican leaders in Congress to use as a political wedge. There is a bill that can be passed right now that enjoys overwhelming public support that would make our communities safer. It just needs a vote.
There is nothing controversial about closing the gun show loophole.
So says you and the left wrong web sites you peruse every day!
The Manchin amendment doesn’t cover mental health of bad guys getting guns. The ACLU continues to black those reforms necessary to put mental health information in the NCIS database. The Grassley amendment, killed by Senate DUMMOCRETINS would have REQUIRED this. Senate DUMMOCRETINS are not really into reform. They just like political footballs to use every two or four years. Americans are seeing through their political charade!
Only a very small number of gun transfers would be implicated to crazy people eh Oregon moron? Closing the gun show loophole does nothing in the existing DUMMOCRETIN format!
The Manchin amendment doesn’t cover sanctuary cities and DUMMOCRETINS mayors ignoring federal laws. So a crazy person gets a gun and kills or hurts someone and they can hide in sanctuary cities? Closing the gun show loophole does nothing in the existing DUMMOCRETIN format! Mayors will still allow their police forces to not report illegal aliens arrested!
The Manchin amendment closes a significant loophole in our current system of NICS criminal background checks. It extends the current system of checks to transfers of firearms between private parties at publicly advertised events like gun shows. It is hugely popular with American voters. It is only opposed by the NRA, the gun manufacturers, and a very tiny percentage of gun owners.
@77 “Americans deserve better from their political leaders.” I’m sorry, but I disagree. Americans don’t vote so they deserve the idiots they’ve got. Only a third vote. That’s tantamount to cutting away two-thirds of your brain. You won’t be much good after that.
Al qaida has already noted that it is easy to buy guns without ID at gun shows.
Republicans and Puddy are making sure that terrorists can get the guns they need in the US.
Ban assault style guns and magazine clips with multiple bullets.
The recent terrorists in SB used a loophole to get these guns legally.
Ban the mentally challenged from buying guns – we prevent bad drivers from getting licenses.
And about Trump: Well, he is clearly a fascist. he wants a special ID fro Muslims, spying on and closing mosques and banning travel by Muslims.
Just substitute the word JEW from Muslim and we have Nazi fascism.
As a gay man, I know the terror of Republican presidential campaigns based on hate and fear of my people. But nobody called George Bush a fascist. Not anybody like the media or other Republicans or even Democrats stood up for us. For years and years they used this tactic and Americans ate it up. I would feel sympathy for Muslims if they weren’t still burying us in prison, throwing us off buildings and chopping off our heads.
it might not be politically feasible, nor constitutional to do all the things you are suggesting. But we can certainly close the loophole. The only thing standing in the way is blocking from our Republican leaders in Congress.
I can’t remember. Does Puddy, my old friend, have a job?