The past week in politics has been absolutely crazy. Conservatives have developed bladder control issues as they cower at the thought of refugees coming into the U.S. Some Washington State lawmakers joined right in on the public display of cowardice. A leading Presidential candidate has been spewing incredibly racist lies, apparently to stoke his base. And that just touches on the week’s wackiness.
Please join us for some sane political conversation over the beverage of your choice at tonight’s Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. Things start up at about 8:00 pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. On Wednesday, the Burien chapter meets. And the Woodinville, Spokane, and Kent chapters meet on Thursday.
So, Turkey shot down a Russian military jet over Syria, killing the pilot. This might get interesting …
Meanwhile, in Minneapolis, masked white supremacists attacked a BLM protest, shooting into a crowd and wounding 5 people.
Meanwhile, in Bellingham, WWU canceled classes today as a precaution due to online threats against people of color.
I’m sure these incidents aren’t a result of GOP candidates stirring up the racists.
Somebody, please, start a Black Votes Matter movement. Please. Please.
@3 Well, they matter if the Rethugs can’t prevent them from being cast.
The Feds are finally going to track police shootings, and it doesn’t require Congress’ approval (it wouldn’t happen if it did).
The Texass governor has ordered nonprofits to stop helping Syrian refugees. Other than pulling whatever state funding they may be getting, I don’t see how he can enforce that order.
I’ve said once before that Turkey is the problem.
Sometimes you think an ally is ally, but they really are not. Turkey allowed ISIS to move across it’s borders and have been fighting the Kurds.
The region is a fucked up mess.
@7 The English-speaking world hasn’t forgotten Gallipoli, and the Russians haven’t forgotten the Jupiter missiles stationed in Turkey that helped incite the Cuban missile crisis. And then there’s Cyprus, not to mention the Kurds. When shit happens in the Middle East, Turkey’s fingers usually are in it somewhere. But would you rather have American planes or Russian planes flying out of Incirlik?
This should scare everyone….I have little doubt the Nazi’s will be taking over soon….I have more concern about this than I do about ISIS attacking me here in the USA, and I reside in NYC, and assume that Thanksgiving Day will leave many Americans vulnerable of an attack. Regardless, this bullshit is even scarier – this is a domestic individual or group trying to pull the wool over Americans eyes. You expect an ISIS to fight us or do what they do……but for an American politician to pull this shit, is truly unbelievable.
Trump claims he saw it….One question – was here there? No? Then where did you see it? What station or new organization? You mean Fox doesn’t have the footage?
And American’s believe this shit? Truly scarier than me going to the parade tomorrow.
@2: Needs a correction
Much better. Identify them for what they are. No doubt those terrorists consider themselves “good Christians” as well.
@8 good point…but everyone in that region, because of religion, are all fucked up…..they all deserve each other. Forget a wall around Mexico. Build one all around the Middle East and let them all have at it, and settle it themselves.
So lets have that climate conference because that’s really important while terrorists are killing innocent people!
Person Playing Puddybud @ 12,
“So lets have that climate conference because that’s really important while terrorists are killing innocent people!”
Don’t wet your pants out fear, ya fucking coward.
Oddly enough, intelligent leaders can work on multiple problems simultaneously.
Seems Ben Carson got it right on Thomas Jefferson after all.
Seems Politico is now Oh-for-2 on their Ben Carson attacks!
The lamestream media smells Carson’s blood in the water and they’re going in for the kill.
“New Polls Show Carson Falling, Cruz on the Rise”
“Ben Carson’s struggles with the media might be catching up with him.”
“According to recent polls conducted after the terror attacks in Paris that left at least 129 people dead, the former neurosurgeon is shedding points among Republican primary voters”
“A national NBC poll shows Carson now tied with Ted Cruz at 18 percent. Donald Trump is in first place with 28 percent, and Marco Rubio has stayed relatively steady at 11, consolidating. The poll, conducted between November 15 and 17, may reflect Carson’s bad preceding week of press, when details of his autobiography came under scrutiny.”
It’s time for Carson to drop out, play the victim card, and sell more plagiarized books to stupes like our loon. That’s all he ever really wanted out of this, to sell more books, so he’ll still come out okay.
Oh Da Perfessa who gets low evaluation scores for students….
Who’s pink panties are all a twist besides you DUMMOCRETINS?
Puddy pants are cool and dry. No Gold Bond Powder needed for Puddy!
Sooooooooooooooo, if ISIS is contained, why did the State Department put out an American travel warning?
Seems this sadministration is more worried about climate change than the terrorist threat! Besides God protects those whom put their trust in Him!
Too strange. The loon gets his rocks off on terrorism. Stands to reason, I suppose, as he is batshit fucking insane and brim full of hate. If anyone were to get off on that shit, it’d be the loon.
no, no, no. Since angry gun nuts have been killing innocent people since, like, fuck, I dunno, Guy Fawkes, and don’t appear to be letting up any time soon…
we must never do anything about anything. Ever. Except vaginas. Gotta do something about those.
And what the fuck is “Gold Bond Powder” anyway?
More for the low scoring Perfessa of Anthropology…
The president of France just visited Obummer to enlist his help. Obummer doubles down on doing basically nuthin! Seems the left wrong international libtard leaning politik along with Bernie Sanders socialists think the great climate change argument is biggest policy issue of their generation. And of course, the future of all humanity supposedly hangs in the balance. So the sadministration feels the bestus way to rebuke those seventh century apocalyptic Daesh barbarians is let’s have a meeting to discuss how to inhibit the “real” apocalypse, right Perfessa?
You think Puddy doesn’t read the comedy of Stinky Progressives?
Aren’t we now looking at how the intelligence books were cooked? Climate change for ISIS? Yes this will be an interesting expose! Remember, it’s you on the left Perfessa along with the whack job Sanders’ conventional wisdom that climate change helped instigate the Syrian civil war! Just read the article from the PuddyLink. That sustained drought over the last few years created all that political social unrest that provided the kindling for the mASSes of dumb ASSes and then the Arab Spring struck the match. Right! Then all hell broke loose per Bernie and the kooks! the Bible predicts Armegeddon! Coming sooner than most libtards think!
The only thing scarier than terrorists…
And the only thing scarier than refugees?
The possibility that some refugees might have vaginas is just simply too mind-numbingly terrifying to contemplate. Probably best to just build a really huuuuuge fucking wall and make everybody who isn’t Donald Trump get out now.
“And what the fuck is “Gold Bond Powder” anyway?”
Google gold bond powder shaq
Seems lib the racist unscientist is more stooooooooooooopid than Puddy thought yesterday! The more Puddy evaluates this moron the lower on the IQ scale it slides!
The only thing scarier than terrorists…
So why did Obummer stop the Iraqi refugee flow for six months in 2011 over terrorist concerns lib the racist unscientist? PuddyLink already supplied. Ask the crazed databaze deala!
Remember when Already Teabagged screamed about “Terrorists get guns!” Here was the link…
Butt butt butt, we were told there are no terrorists in America! Seems Obummer’s national security weaknesses are being thrown on conservatives for political cover! The truth…
DUMMOCRETINS don’t care. The ends always justifies the means! That’s all that matters!
huh. Whatever.
Me, I take plenty of showers, and do laundry. But you can do as you like. And if that means covering yourself and your clothes with chemical shit to cover up your lack of personal hygiene, you go girl. Just stay downwind, mmkay?
are you sure it wasn’t over vagina concerns?
You are a comedy every nanosecond lib the racist unscientist @24! A real hoot! Didn’t know about Gold Bond Powder! Shaq been hawking that for years!
The only “girl” in the room is you racist child!
Sux to be you sucka!
Vaginaman @25,
You tell us. Provide a link!
And you want to know why Real Americans are rejecting the Heilary super pac narrative on all things terroristic?
With the advent of the nets, people can view the past and compare to the present. The pony express is dead… The libtard media still hasn’t mastered that idea!
“You are a comedy every nanosecond lib the racist unscientist @24!”
Well thanks! I didn’t know you were such a fan. Usually people like you don’t have any sense of humor unless you’re drunk. Explains a lot.
Here. (Volume up. Way, way, up.)
Moronic twerp @29,
There you go again. Projecting your foibles on others! Your posts are so laughable lib! Puddy definitely not a fan! Then when caught you train wreck like checkmate!
Hello. Yes, I’d to upgrade my troll, please.
A terrorist attack in Tunisia bearing ISIS fingerprints killed 12 members of the presidential guard with a suicide bomb on a bus. AOL News says, “It is the third major attack to strike Tunisia this year after a militant killed 38 foreigners at a beach hotel in June and gunmen killed 21 tourists at the Bardo Museum in Tunis in March. Islamic State claimed both those attacks.” Should we start calling this World War 3 yet? ISIS seems to be taking on the whole world — they must have a death wish something fierce.
@9 Of course it’s Breitbart who’s propagating this shit; and you know who sucks on the Breitbart hookah pipe.
The Donald seems to have tapped into the segment of the American demographic that lives under kitchen sinks.
@12 I say to hell with the climate conference, let temperatures go up and kill off all you stupid humans, then we rabbits will run this place right. A little heat doesn’t bother us. We have fur coats to keep us cool.
Butt butt butt ISIS is contained!
@14 Keep worshiping at the feet of that clay pigeon, Puffy.
That’s an interesting piece of interpretive journalism. The question left unanswered is this: If Jefferson wrote the Constitution (by sail mail, from France), then why didn’t he include the Bill of Rights in the original Articles?
I can just see all the delegates sitting around in Independence Hall twiddling their thumbs with nothing to do until the mailman arrives with the monthly packet of letters from France.
Jefferson may well have had some input. Most likely he did. But any idiot who believes he wrote the Constitution all by himself — is an idiot.
Now, I’m not gonna jump on Carson just yet, because he didn’t exactly say Jefferson “wrote” the Constitution. What he did say was, “I’m impressed by a lot of them, but particularly impressed with Thomas Jefferson, who seemed to have very deep insight into the way that people would react,” Carson said. “And he tried to craft our Constitution in a way that it would control people’s natural tendencies and control the natural growth of the government.”
Because “crafting” isn’t the same thing as “writing.” If Jefferson had major influence on the structure of the government that emerged from the Constitutional Convention, then it’s fair to say he “crafted” it or at least “was involved in crafting” it.
However, just because Jefferson was an influential and erudite guy, that doesn’t mean he came up with the ideas embodied in the Constitution. In fact, the nature of the Constitutional Convention argues against it. The delegates were chosen by the state legislatures to represent the interests of the states. As Tip O’Neill said, “All politics is local,” and it was these local parochial interests that drove the politics of the convention. The official U.S. history says,
“Q. Who was called the ‘Father of the Constitution’?
A. James Madison, of Virginia, because in point of erudition and actual contributions to the formation of the Constitution he was preeminent.
Q. Was Thomas Jefferson a member of the Constitutional Convention?
A. No. Jefferson was American Minister to France at the time of the Constitutional Convention.
Q. What did Thomas Jefferson have to do with framing the Constitution?
A. Although absent from the Constitutional Convention and during the period of ratification, Jefferson rendered no inconsiderable service to the cause of Constitutional Government, for it was partly through his insistence that the Bill of Rights, consisting of the first ten amendments, was adopted.”
So continually teabagged @9 and roger senile @34,
Why is Trump scoring so high with independents you two morons???
Seems the WA Post carried the video story and DUMMOCRETINS are downplaying it!
Jefferson may well have had some input. Most likely he did. But any idiot who believes he wrote the Constitution all by himself — is an idiot.
Who said he wrote it? The Politico libtards claimed that! You DUMMOCRETINS ran with it. The USA Today article substantiates what Carson originally said!
U lose Roger senile!
@38 douche bag….what percentage of 311 million support Trump? Maybe 25%?
What difference is it if he has one supporter or 50? One stupid individual is no different from 50 stupid people. They just become a grouping at that point.
Show the fucking tapes of the “thousands of cheering people in NJ”. Maybe if it was trying to pop out of a vagina then you would find it.
(continued from @37) But remember, the Bill of Rights — Jefferson’s main contribution — came AFTER the original Articles were drafted, adopted, and ratified.
You use TPM as your “source” Roger senile?
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Do you actually think the USA Today article author really wanted to admin being wrong? He’s part of the Heilary super pac cabal!
@38 Puddy….what percentage of 311 million support Trump? Maybe 25%?
Fool @40, Trump is kicking Heilary ASS! Plain and simple! This is the problem with the Heilary super pac. So it’s more than 50! Once the Heilary super pac circle the wagons it’s hard to backtrack when you are caught with the original newspaper report!
(continued from @41) So, does Carson know what he’s talking about when he says Jefferson “crafted” the Constitution? It would seem not. Clearly, the Constitution was not crafted by any one person. As every school child is taught, it was thrashed out by the delegates in a series of compromises over the course of a long, hot summer. The final draft was put together by a committee.
Is Carson an idiot? I say yes. Every school child in America is taught this stuff. Therefore, Carson is presumed to know better than to claim any one person “crafted” the Constitution, whether his name was Thomas Jefferson or something else. Maybe that was the day he played hooky from school and stabbed his buddy in the belt buckle. Who knows. The only thing that’s certain is that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
@39 Did you say something? Read the rest of #37, you fucking idiot. Specifically, the part that says “he didn’t exactly say Jefferson ‘wrote’ the Constitution,” and everything that follows that.
Roger senile @46,
Puddy did. Nothing new was learned.
Just more of the senile effect… – – – Wasted Pixels with vacuous bloviating!
I have to leave for a few minutes, but I’ll be back.
“Well, I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in,” Clinton said. “And I do think you have to control your borders.”
Oh no I used the word “illegal”! I’s so sorry Telemundo!
The world libtards are trying to create!
How many cabals are we up to?
Can you make us another one of your handy lists?
Oh darn!
Remember the Toronto 18?
Remember the millennial bomber?
Thank you Canada!
Is there a vagina cabal? Or is it part of the Dianne Feinstein/Planned Parenthood cabal?
Which cabal is responsible for the red-light cameras?
I heard the Teletubbies were part of a “Gay” cabal. Is it still operating?
If two different cabals meet up at the same California luxury spa, can their special love make a baby cabal together?
Is there a Kabala cabal?
Can you make us another one of your handy lists?
More proof this is a name changing moby troll @50!
Puddy hasn’t made lists in a long time lib the racist schmuck!
Thanks for playing!
Well, it can’t hurt to ask.
And also, plus, as well, YLB links to your famous list almost daily, dumbshit. But, hey! Proof!
Wow lib the racist schmuck has a vagina issue @53. Not getting any vagina lately?
Remember how Obummer used the IRS to attack VanderSloot?
Oh please for Fuck’s sake. Please do not subject us to another one of your nauseating detailed expositions about your “salt mining” duties.
Darryl! Darryl! I’m talking to you! If he does it again you must delete it.
I can’t bear to look.
(Continued from @45) David Mastio — the stick Puddy is trying to prop up his stool with — is struggling to contrive a plausible-sounding rationalization for Carson’s gaffe. It’s obvious Carson confused the Constitution with the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson wasn’t a delegate and didn’t attend the convention; he was off in France.
Even if he did correspond with his buddies George and James about it, how much influence could he have had on the proceedings? How long did it take mail to get across the Atlantic by sailing ship? The Constitutional Convention met from May 25 to September 17, 1787; how many times could letters have gone back and forth over that time span? And how much could Jefferson even have known about what was being discussed in the convention?
These are all trenchant questions, but they beg the issue, because what are the chances Carson knew about these letters when he made his remark? I didn’t until today, because that detail isn’t taught in schools, and I’ll bet Carson didn’t either. And if he didn’t know about Jefferson’s letters, then he couldn’t have based his remark that Jefferson “crafted the Constitution” on that historical fact. Which means Mastio has dug up nothing more than a hat peg to hang Carson’s hat on after the fact of his gaffe.
Yes, Carson is an idiot who can’t keep the Constitution and Declaration of Independence straight. He doesn’t know, or remember, what we were all taught in junior high civics class about what happened in Independence Hall during that long hot Philadelphia summer. All the history books I’ve ever seen emphasize that it was a tough slog for those delegates. And there wasn’t even a Starbucks or Philly Steakhouse down the street in those days.
But does it even matter who Carson thinks crafted the Constitution? After all, this is a man who wants to supersede the Constitution with the Christianist version of Sharia Law. A far more plausible explanation of his fumble on the Constitution’s authorship is that he doesn’t care who crafted the Constitution because he doesn’t believe in it anyway, so to him it’s not worth the trouble to remember. That’s really the main point here.
And it’s a point every voter in this country should weigh very, very carefully. Except you, Puddy. We take it for granted you’ll do something stupid on Election Day.
More proof this is lib the racist schmuck @58!
Posts from the same IP Addresses!
Makes reference to activities waaaaaaaaaaaay before it arrived on HA DUMMOCRETINS
Uses the same phraseology of lib the racist schmuck!
The gig is up foreplay!
Now we know who killed the pastor’s wife in Indianapolis!
Where is Jesse HiJackson or Al NotSoSharpton on this killing? Both are “men of the cloth”! Of course she was a Christian sooooooo no problem for HA DUMMOCRETINS!
@42 This from a moron who routinely cites Breitbart. If you want to get picky about sourcing quotes, Puffy, here’s the horse’s mouth himself:
David Mastio — the stick Puddy is trying to prop up his stool with — is struggling to contrive a plausible-sounding rationalization for Carson’s gaffe.
Wrong again senile moron. That senility is really eating that last operating brain cell. Why would Mastio write the article senility infected fool? He would just let it go by and keep laughing.
Butt Mastio didn’t let it go and you Roger senile can’t let that go! Butt butt butt Carson mixed up blah blah blah… !
@42 This from Puddy who routinely and correctly cites Breitbart.
@38 You ask why Trump is scoring so high in polls. The same question could well be asked about Carson, too. A lot of us were confused by this at first, but the campaign is coming into clear focus now, and it’s not a mystery anymore.
Trump gets the 30% of the Republicans who are racists. Carson gets the 25% who are theocrats. That’s over half of the GOP population and most of the GOP proletariat. The other candidates split the Republicans who are left — the Wall Street bankers, corporate CEOs, Main Street business owners, etc. The chances of any one of them aren’t looking good, because it’s unlikely that Trump’s or Carson’s supporters can be peeled off by other candidates in any significant numbers.
So, going into the convention, the racists and theocrats will control roughly 55% of the delegates. The GOP establishment — people who worry about mundane things like money — will have at most 45% of the delegate votes needed to nominate a candidate. Now, that might be enough, if they all unite behind the same candidate (think Rubio) — and if Trump and Carson don’t join forces. But if a Trump-Carson or Carson-Trump ticket somehow gets put together — watch out.
At that point, the GOP establishment peels off from the GOP ticket, leaving a slight majority of the minority party voting for its ticket. And that will end with the most unpopular Democratic nominee in memory carrying 45 states and getting close to 500 electoral votes, because most people will vote for a candidate they dislike before they’ll vote for one they distrust.
@64 Yawn.
Hey Piddles.
Does it hurt to be played for a fool? The writer of that piece assumes you don’t know anything. Jefferson was in favor of a much more limitted Federal Government more closely like that laid out in the Articles of Confederation. So to say that his input greatly influenced the new Constitution is laughable. Sure, he wrote letters to Madison about what “should” be in the Constitution that Madison took under advisement and then largely ignored. This is pretty common knowledge for anyone familiar with his “letters”, note the entirely snarky way the author describes them, to Madison et al.
The constitution was ratified in 1788. So concerned with the new Constitution was Jefferson that yes, he was indeed a driving force behind the Bill of Rights. But again, to say that means he wrote the Constitution is to pull off the magic of beating a simple word – wrote -with a large object until it has been stripped of all meaning.
In fact, Madison and Jefferson introduced 39 Ammendments and put them forward AFTER the Constitution was adopted. Most of them never were ratified as I’m sure you know.
So who is this David Mastio who knows full well that Piddles and those like him don’t know diddly-shit about Jefferson and can’t be bothered to check. Oh, former commentary editor of the completely looney right wing Phil Anchultz Washington Examiner.
I get that it sucks for you to see Dr. Ben drop 10 points in Iowa and into third place in just a month. It’s hard to let your man go. But his complete idiocy was going to come up eventually. Sure, in the field of medicine, the guy is an expert. In the field of economy, politics, history, foreign affairs and every other thing that qualifies one for the Presidency….(shrug) well he might learn some day.
Jefferson wrote the constitution. In the same way being in a hotel ballroom with a General means you had dinner with him. “Yeah, I saw people in Jersey celebrating when the towers came down too. Oh wait, now that I think about it, that was Iranians celebrating a World Cup Victory over the United States in 1998. But they were in America and rooting against the National Team so they must have loved 9-11 just as much as a soccer match!”
@63 “Why would Mastio write the article senility infected fool?”
Probably for money. That’s why most writers write. They have to eat and pay rent, too. The way you sell writing is to come up with a unique slant nobody else has thought of yet. They don’t call writing classes “Creative Writing” for no reason.
@61 Hating on your own race again?
@40 “what percentage of 311 million support Trump? Maybe 25%?”
More like 25% of 25% of 311 million. Remember, the polls only measure Republican voters, and after subtracting the population segment that doesn’t give a damn about politics and doesn’t bother to vote, Republican voters are maybe 25% of the population.
This is the kind of stuff being posted on the innernut tubes by the lunatic fringe:
“Obama may have ordered Russian rescue helicopter shot down
It is now being reported that Syrian rebels (Obama’s forces) have the fighter pilots who were shot down over Syria. The Obama backed and supplied forces shot down the Russian rescue helicopter. The U.S. special forces were sent to advise and manage the fighting done by the Syrian rebels.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If whoever wrote that stretches any farther, he’ll pull his own limbs out of their sockets.
And that’s why Trump beats Heilary in head to head matchups right HA DUMMOCRETINS?
Need to see those poll results again?
@71 You don’t expect HA’s resident computer expert to figure that out, do you?
NOPE you DOPE. Just displaying the duplicity of HiJackson and NotSoSharpton and their stoooooooooooopidity!
Too bad your senility and that last rusted brain cell can’t see that!
@67 “Does it hurt to be played for a fool?”
That would require him to realize he’s a fool, so the answer is no, he doesn’t feel a thing, for the same reason a brick dropped from a ten story building doesn’t.
Didn’t Michele Bachman poll ahead of two-term President Obama in 2012?
I think Bachman was the victim of one of the cabals.
VPN moron?
Puddy used VPNs before.
That’s nice. Butt Goldy’s end records your connection location!
Meanwhile, in other news, a Chicago cop who pumped 16 bullets into an unarmed black teenager has been charged with murder ahead of this afternoon’s release of a video a lawyer for the victim’s family says will show him being “executed” by the white cop.
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So who is this David Mastio … blah blah blah…
Deputy Editorial Page Editor of USA Today, part of the Heilary super pac cabal.
How would he be in that position unless of course he’s a libtard DUMMOCRETIN? That slips right past crackerjack box dr checkmate’s nose!
Nuff said crackerjack box dr checkmate!
Sux to be you!
That’s nice!
Meanwhile here’s the answer for lib the schmuck’s vagina chronicles above…
@79 Squid ink! He’ll always squirt and evade rather than admit he was wrong, even about something as trivial as an IP address.
Unable to refute the substance of a post…
USA Today is insufficiently “The Blaze” therefore it is liberal. And all of their staff are liberal even when solid evidence suggests the staffer in question is very, very conservative.
Wow, Piddles. He’s played you for such a fool that now you’re no longer defending the indefensible “Jefferson wrote the constitution” you’re defending a right wing writer as a liberal.
USA Today is liberal. That’s cute. among print outlets, USA Today was closest to the center.
another one of the cabals.
did they eat the cabals too?
Obummer says go shopping… http://www.thepoliticalinsider.....ay-speaks/
Unable to refute the substance of a post…
You brought nothing to refute crackerjack box dr checkmate! There was no fool played except in your silly mind crackerjack box dr checkmate!
Sux to be you!
@91 Yeah? He squashed you like a bug.
Senility is strong in @92.
Squashed? Meaningless drivel from Roger senile! Once confronted crackerjack went ad hominem! That’s all he has left!
Meanwhile more truths from Breitbart Roger senile…
Yes, and how many of those Central American peeps will create another Kate Steinle incident?
So Trump is a liar, and it won’t matter a bit to Puddles and friends
But we know the truth has a liberal bias.
LMFAO at the insane loon! Carson is cratering! Too funny for words!
“Ben Carson is cratering: New polls show controversies taking a toll on the wingnut favorite”
I love how the realization that Carson is finished has left the batshit crazy loon babbling like a jackass throughout this thread.
Written by a libtard. ABC News WA Post poll shows no change. Of course TPPS lives on left wrong sites.
Carson won’t make it past New Hampshire, if he makes it that far.
Let me understand the logic, conservatives are terrified that IF we syrian refugee into the country they could get a weapon and kill people.
After an american did get hold of a gum and did kill 20+ elementary school kids yet conservative give a collective shrug… You think they are terrified of outsourcing?
Moronic twit @99,
Puddy already put forth the ACLU argument that you can’t look at a crazy person’s medical records in determining that person’s capacity to own a gun.
YOU are toooooooooooooo stooooooooooooooopid to figger it out!
It all depends on which cabal is doing the killing.
Lucky for you.
Oh man this is
PuddyCommentary: This is why PMSNBC’s ratings are below the Tidy Bowl Man level! So why hasn’t PMSNBC done a follow-up story? This guy was arrested a while ago! His lawyer can not be found!
Projecting again lib the racist schmuck!
Economists tested 7 welfare programs to see if they made people lazy. They didn’t.
“Attacking welfare recipients as lazy is easy rhetoric, but when you actually test the proposition scientifically, it doesn’t hold up.”
Truth and facts don’t stop modern day conservatives from using the fear of the lazy taker to try to gut more social safety nets, saving more money for their masters.
Puddles @ 103- well then do you support restricting weapons for those on the terrorist watch list?
Chicago charges the officer with murder after a year. Empties his gun on the guy. The police union thug leaders agree with Jason Van Dyke’s claim he was threatened. There were all these other police officers there.
@107- Well I hope we can agree if the man feels that threatened that quickly, he should not be a police officer.
Moron @106,
Using existing laws! Not with that new DUMMOCRETIN law! First vet them deeply!
So @106, you have a problem with these 15 fine gentlemen?
Amazing how DUMMOCRETIN cities allow specimens like that to stay on the force!
This remindes me of “The Jungle”
Walmart Worker Fired For Picking Up Cans
“Smith was in charge of rounding up shopping carts from the lot outside the store, and started collecting trash from the lot. After storing up cans for a couple months, he recycled them in the store’s machines.He got $5.10 for them.
Then he got fired. His manager told Smith his actions were “tantamount to theft of Walmart property.”
Meanwhile more proof Politico is part of the Heilary super pac cabal!
Butt that didn’t stop Politico from attacking Ben Carson twice with their feckless reportage! Freedom of information acts are proving great against the Clintons!
Meanwhile schools continue their assault on a Christian’s belief in God!
Sounds like this teacher was a member of HA DUMMOCRETINS!
It’s so easy being the organ grinder getting the monkeys like @114 to jump!
That amazing passage from The Jungle.
“Bubbly Creek” is an arm of the Chicago River, and forms the southern boundary of the yards: all the drainage of the square mile of packing houses empties into it, so that it is really a great open sewer a hundred or two feet wide. One long arm of it is blind, and the filth stays there forever and a day. The grease and chemicals that are poured into it undergo all sorts of strange transformations, which are the cause of its name; it is constantly in motion, as if huge fish were feeding in it, or great leviathans disporting themselves in its depths. Bubbles of carbonic acid gas will rise to the surface and burst, and make rings two or three feet wide. Here and there the grease and filth have caked solid, and the creek looks like a bed of lava; chickens walk about on it, feeding, and many times an unwary stranger has started to stroll across, and vanished temporarily. The packers used to leave the creek that way, till every now and then the surface would catch on fire and burn furiously, and the fire department would have to come and put it out. Once, however, an ingenious stranger came and started to gather this filth in scows, to make lard out of; then the packers took the cue, and got out an injunction to stop him, and afterward gathered it themselves. The banks of “Bubbly Creek” are plastered thick with hairs, and this also the packers gather and clean.”
Maybe every time someone reads Ann Rynd, they should also have to read The Jungle to be “Fair and Balanced” and “Be exposed to both sides” like bob demanded a while back.
Cabal! Volare! Jeb:(
One of these things is not like the others.
Are thinking Republicans (not you, Puddy) leaving the GOP? In droves.
@115 Clearly unconstitutional. Public schools are supposed to be religion-neutral. (No, that doesn’t mean they can’t teach science.)
The in-laws aren’t dropping out yet. But they’ve stopped voting.
Hey Roger senile… apparently not enough Republicans are migrating over to Sanders eh? Heilary still kicking his ASS nationally for some strange reason!
Apparently DUMMOCRETINS like lying wall street loving candidates!
Hey Roger senile… apparently not enough Republicans are migrating over to Sanders eh? Heilary still kicking his ASS nationally for some strange reason!
Apparently DUMMOCRETINS like lying wall street loving candidates!
Hey Roger senile… apparently not enough Republicans are migrating over to Sanders eh? Heilary still kicking his ASS nationally for some strange reason!
Apparently DUMMOCRETINS like lying wall street loving candidates!
Third time’s the charm.
Carson’s just about flushed. The Trump klown will fizzle out eventually – the guy’s gone nazi.
EXACTLY the excuse used by Darren Wilson who the babbling jackass “jockstrapped” to the NTH DEGREE!
Gonna congratulate this Chicago cretin on its nuptials babbling jackass?
LMAO!!! It’s the babbling jackass whose Sat Morning obsession is “toilets” – the only “Tidy Bowl Man” is the babbling jackass.
The babbling jackass gets the LOWEST ratings in this forum.
@113. I agree the schools zero tolerance policy at age 9 is silly! Would you be equally not outraged if some 9yo boy had been sending the note to another boy? Imagine the teasing the second boy could get
@122, @123, @124 – Apparently the post key on your computer is stuck. You certainly must have some K-Y Jelly somewhere in your house. Use it where it’s needed, and I don’t mean the salt mine.
@113 Works for me. If you stupid humans teach your boys that liking a girl can land them in prison, and they are not to communicate with girls on pain of being labeled perverts for the rest of their lives, your idiot species will stop reproducing (I don’t see how it could under those conditions), and within one human generation we rabbits will have this planet to ourselves. So, keep up the good work, silly humans!
The strutting Russian president learned today that war zones are places where you get shot at. Now let’s hope the strutting Republican candidates learn from Putin’s experience instead of the hard way.
I love to watch Republicans eat each other.
Nothing was ever said with #126-128! Puddy PWNS this fool!
Hey clueless fool, the evidence from Darren Wilson was scientifically corroborated with the residue on the gentle giant. Hands Up Don’t Shoot was a lie!
All you believe clueless crazed databaze cretin is a lie! You jock strapped John Deadwards and now Bernie Sanders. National DUMMOCRETINS jock strap Heilary, the lying wall street DUMMOCRETIN running the DNC’s Corrupt Clinton Coronation Process (CCCP) !
Suc to be the clueless crazed databaze cretin!
Puddles @ 110- well damn, I tried to engage on a somewhat human level and that sure don’t work. Back to ignoring your drivel.
Have fun
If Putin does walk the walk, it could become a big problem. Not because he’d win, but because he might lose, and then all bets are off.
@109 Conservatives weren’t so picky back when they brought in slaves by the boatload. And I’ll bet they wouldn’t be picky today, either, if slavery became legal again. From their perspective, the main thing wrong with these refugees is they can’t put chains around their necks and sell them in flea markets.
Conservatives Roger senile @137?
Good riddance!
Damn straight jackass! You believe kops in klownservatic states are paragons of mythical klownservatic virtue.
This sure show you to be FULL.OF.SHIT!
@2 The usual reason WWU closes is snow. Could be this was a snow job. Possible the Mt Baker ski area could be open. It’s definitely white on the mountain.
There is a snow day or two built into the schedule, though there haven’t been many. The campus is on a hill so there does come a point where staff can’t make it up the hill. Occassionally things happen where Bellingham does not get the salt down in time, or just the right circumstances and we have winter up here. There are a couple good sledding hills on campus.
Go Vikings. Some of this may or may not have something to do with the Euro centric mascot of WWU. Why WWU is the Vikings I have no idea, but no part of our campus buildings involved slave labor.
@8 Turkey has done pretty well sine Attaturk. I’m not at all surprised they would splash a Russian fighter if it entered Turkey’s air space. I assure you the Turks have not forgotten about Crimea and Ukraine. After all they would like Crimea back.
@18 Guy wasn’t a gun nut he just wanted to blow up parliament.
@19 In international politics appearances matter therefore to put a thumb in ISIS eye the summit goes on. They are invited to walk in the gardens or sip tea or champagne and eat lady fingers with the delegates, be at the photo session, ect. They may even cobble an agreement together. ISIS and these murderers make this meeting in the City of Lights of the highest import.
@20 Didn’t Donald Trump come out of a vagina? Feeling a little skittish here.
@67 It’s possible That Ben Franklin and John Paul Jones got into the letter dispatches between Tom and James and equaled the current Trans Atlantic records of:
E to W Plymouth 9 days 23 hrs 54 mins.
W to E Ambrose Lighthouse to Lizard Point
3 Days
This doesn’t include travel over land that would have been required. Or between ports. In any case you are talking at least a couple of weeks between letter sent and response at best.
Perhaps a certain pirate by shaving his back hair and braiding it into ropes and getting a couple of sea turtles or dolphins could have provided faster letter delivery, with copious amounts of rum involved. By the way most pirates were relatively democratic and the liberals of their day. They were lousy as far as public relations are concerned.
@103 So what. Man is placed on no fly list and no one knows why. Then gets in the US is harassed by the FBI and then can’t fly out, So he goes to Mexico and goes back to Qater.All for unknown reasons and is later arrested on the Turkish border for no given reasons. Could be he showed the souls of his shoes to the Turkish flag. Criminal
I finally figured it out, Puffy is here just for the attention, seeing that he probably gets none at home.
Why else would he continue to pretend or ignore Carstone’s drop on his six minutes of fame?
Stop feeding the ________.
You fill in the blank.
This prices Jesus is a liberal, otherwise he would have come back to Iowa or Kansass
Newborn baby found in Queens church’s nativity scene
@107 We will see what a jury of his peers says. Unless he goes with just a judge as the decider. Might have to be a jury in Illinois though in a murder case.
@135. K2, I have found its impossible to interact with puddy on a human level. At various times i have been convinced he was an algorithm, or performance art, but I have evolved to him being a deeply lonely, un loved man, unwanted by his family or church, desperate for attention, even if it’s negative. Yery troubled. Trying to have a discussion with hime is impossible, he’s a tv, mimicking a human. At best you can riff off his comments, but he seems incapable of learning, shame or empathy.
@152 So it’s not likely he’s a moderate Syrian. A being as mythical as an unicorn. Have coffee with the man…or grape juice?
I wonder what Puffy would write if given the assignment to write a short summary of whether white rice or brown rice is better for you, based on the following two articles.
Do you think his conclusion would be that this is all a conspiracy being pushed by Al Sharpron and Jesse Jackson
I finally figured it out, Puffy is here just for the attention, seeing that he probably gets none at home.
You keep thinking that daily teabagged!
Whatatard! For the record we eat 90% medium grain brown rice! You should try it already teabagged!
BTW have you been teabagged yet this morning?
From the moron who brings easily disputable links from left wrong sites and digs their heels in when caught!
For example… revisit your #99 post. #100 debunked it. How many times has Puddy posted that? Ask the clueless crazed databaze cretin fool @140. How many times have you posted the same garbage here on HA DUMMOCRETINS? Ask the clueless crazed databaze cretin fool @140.
Go on and grow some marbuls. You’ll have your first epiphany on HA DUMMOCRETINS on how stoooooooooooooooopid you are!
And all you do is complain when your posts are DEEEEESTROYED! Sux to be you!
BLANK filled: teabagged moron @149
Man is placed on no fly list and no one knows why.
Well Mark Adams, who controls that NFL? Republicans?
Another moronic post when FACTS slap you silly!
Puddy PWNS the clueless crazed databaze cretin @140. Every post is about Puddy ad hominem attacks.
This moron truly has no life!
In other words, the Republican base.
“REVEALED: Accused Minneapolis shooters fascinated with guns, militia groups and the Confederacy”
“Every post is about Puddy ad hominem attacks.”
Batshit crazy ad hominems spewn in an unrecognizable dialect is all the loon has left. Too bad he can’t “speak American”. Maybe someone would know WTF he’s talking about.
Its all about the grift. With the holiday time warp looming, the panic is rising. “Serious” conservatives are pulling out all the stops hoping to pull the big money donors off the sidelines before it’s too late. Every Republican shop wants a piece of the take. New shops are popping up over night looking to cash in before it’s too late. Many are already looking past 2016, figuring this cycle is a bust. They just want to pick the carcass.
161- there are the approved responses by conservatives over domestic terrorists
1 if the killer was american,they were mentally ill and its the ACLUs fault they got access to guns
2. If the killer was a white supremacist, then they were an abbreviation
3. If the killer is arabic, anyone brown or darker, and or not christian must be deported within 48 hours. Regardless of how many generations in this country. No exceptions,
There goes the moronic twit again @164. When FACTS are presented and the libtard media goes nutzo over a crazy American using a gun, do they evah look at themselves? Does the ACLU blame itself for blocking gun background checks on crazy people? Do morons like the moronic twit @164 evah figger it out? NOPE because being a DOPE means you point your finger at someone else while ignoring the three that point back at yourself.
Just keep writing the same horsesASS manure over and over!
2. If the killer was a white supremacist, then they were an abbreviation – Bueller Bueller decoder ring please!