Hey…today is ELECTION DAY! If you haven’t done so already, fill out that ballot, drop it off at a nearby drop box, and then high-tail it to the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally for the 8:00pm ballot-drop watching party. And it isn’t just Washington with some important elections. Michigan, Kentucky, New Jersey and Virginia have some big races, and there are a bunch of congressional special elections happening.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00 pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. The Long Beach, Tri-Cities and West Seattle chapters also meet tonight. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. On Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets.
There are 183 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find—or start—a chapter near you.
Tuesday Morning News Dump
While we all wait with bated breath for the first election returns, here are a few news items to get you spitting your coffee:
#1 – WalMart stops selling Confederate flags. Angry Confederate tries to blow up WalMart.
#2 – Car collides with wandering bull on highway in Idaho. Angry rancher shows up with rifle, apparently not to shoot the bull.
#3 – Religious wedding officiants are going the way of landlines and coal plants.
President Obama pointedly asks how the GOP candidates will handle Putin or the Chinese if they can’t even handle the CNBC debate moderators. Touche.
Meanwhile, GOP Central’s attempt to seize control of the debates from news organizations has collapsed amid bickering and backbiting among the candidates, who can’t agree on anything except their mutual contempt for the RNC. Touche again.
God has struck dead the shadowy Iraqi politician who convinced gullible Republicans that Saddam had WMDs.
Remember the Oso mudslide that buried dozens of homes and killed 43 people? That happened in March 2014. In 2004, a logging company clearcut above the slide area. The loggers, instead of staying within the approved logging boundary, crossed into a restricted area and logged there, too. That logging may have contributed to slope instability. Accordingly, a judge ruled yesterday that mudslide victims and their survivors can sue the logging company for negligence.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is a big deal, because the potential liability is enormous. My guess is every private party found liable by a jury will be bankrupt. With 43 dead, numerous injured, dozens of destroyed homes, and hundreds of ruined lives, the damages will run into hundreds of millions.
TransCanada is no longer sure about building Keystone XL ever. Funny thing about that shale oil. It’s no longer worth taking out of the ground.
That and not having Steven Harper. But TransCanada is spinning this as just a delay to avoid a no by the Obama Adminstration. Maybe they think President Trump will actually happen.
Democrats that don’t vote elect RepubliKKKlans.
@ 2
President Obama pointedly asks how the GOP candidates will handle Putin or the Chinese if they can’t even handle the CNBC debate moderators. Touche.
How will the Dem candidates handle Russia/China if they can’t handle a debate moderator from Fox?
Last mile delivery
And the jobs go away drip by drip
What is the republican policy to deal with the mediocre who won’t find replacement work?
can you say hitchBOT?
@4 You misinterpreted what TransCanada is up to. It’s a delaying tactic. Pushing the decision out to 2017 takes it away from Obama. They’d rather take their chances with the next president, and you can bet they’ll give copious amounts of dark money behind the scenes to the GOP nominee, whoever it is.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. You’re a teenager walking down the street and you see an ice chest on wheels. What are the odds you look inside to see if there’s free beer in there?
Yep, that’s TransCanada’s spin. But the political winds in Canada just shifted against fossil fuels. The Shale oil is no longer all that profitable. Nebraska still isn’t on board with the current route of the pipeline.
So TransCanada is asking for a delay hoping a friendlier future U.S. Administration but that doesn’t mean President Obama on his way out the door will grant a delay and not say no.
Shrinking Revenue I’m sure had nothing to do with it.
8 a hungry out of work person is lik
Houston votes on bigotry today.
Bad news for “Heilery (sic) Lied”
Benghazi is now officially a non-story for all but the desperate Fox News/Right wing radio 3% of voters. (But, but, but, Megyn Kelly found the smoking gun! She told Chelsea the Truth but not us! Egypt knew! YARGH!)
“If they only knew what I know becuase I read Brietbart. I listen to Levin. I watch BlazeTV so IKNOW THE TRUTH! If they knew about Revrend Wright. If they would read some Saul Alinsky. If they knew she killed Vince Foster! They would never vote for her. How is it possible that a woman as evil as Hillary is now the President of this greatest nation on God’s Green Earth!” Wing Nuts, January 2017 or words to that effect.
Part of an email from SnoPUD, received today:
Under RCW 82.16.120, the Washington State Legislature established an incentive credit cap for your PUD (and other utilities that administer the program). Total Incentive Credit in each fiscal year is limited to .5% of the utility’s taxable power sales or $100,000, whichever is greater. If requests exceed the amount of funds available for credit to the utility, State Incentive payments must be reduced proportionately across participating customers.
As you’ll see by the chart above, we expect payment requests to be close to our limit in 2015-2016. If requests are below our cap, customers will see no reduction to their incentive payment. If, however, requests exceed the PUD payment limit for the 2015-2016 fiscal year, all payments will be reduced proportionally, as described in the PUD Net Metering Agreement.
According to the chart they’ll hit their limit in the Fall of next year. Can’t recall who but I think that someone mentioned this is already happening in the City of Seattle.
The statewide program expires in 2020 unless renewed. I wonder how the solar vendors will sell based on a progressively shrinking rebate that only lasts about four more years.
Of course, Better thinks @ 7 the burden of finding these guys new jobs when their old ones aren’t funded by ‘free’ money anymore should be borne by Republicans.
@11 Canada’s election changed a lot of things. Aboriginals, who aren’t exactly fond of tar sands oil, have much more representation in the Canadian parliament now. So, yes, some different winds are blowing.
But Canada has more oil reserves than any other countries except Venezuela and Saudi Arabia, far more than they can ever use domestically, and their biggest export customer is China, which is behind the $50 billion canal through Nicaragua.
TransCanada doesn’t care about today’s low oil prices. They’re looking at what the market will be when the pipeline is completed and goes on line. No one in the oil industry believes $45 oil will last forever; most estimates put North American crude pricing at $60 – $70 by then. (In fact, oil stocks are surging right now; Exxon’s shares are up 5% since Friday, and $14 since mid-September.) Canadian tar sands are profitable at $50, and costs keep coming down.
Oil is Canada’s most valuable resource, and it’s unlikely they won’t exploit it, regardless of who’s in power. And they have an eager buyer in the form of China. If they can’t get it to ports via Keystone XL, they’ll build a pipeline to their own west coast. Keystone is their preferred option, and there’s no reason to believe they’re giving up on it, especially given that the U.S. president who opposes it has only a little over a year left to serve.
They can wait him out, and that’s what this move represents, an effort to stall in hopes of getting a friendlier reception from the next U.S. administration.
@14 “Of course, Better thinks @ 7 the burden of finding these guys new jobs when their old ones aren’t funded by ‘free’ money anymore should be borne by Republicans.”
Bingo. Boob’s motive to render Earth uninhabitable. Query: Who will worry about jobs when everyone is dead?
Sloppy @ 6
“How will the Dem candidates handle Russia/China if they can’t handle a debate moderator from Fox?”
Oooops! Another one of your false equivalencies. Sorry, Squirt, there are no Democratic presidential candidates whining about their treatment by FAUX News debate moderators.
Rather, there are no FAUX News debate moderators because FAUX News is recognized by rational people as a Republican propaganda conduit.
Democrats wouldn’t be so stupid as to invite FAUX News to moderate much like Republicans likely know better than to ask, say, Democracy Now to moderate their debates.
Apparently Republicans didn’t have the ability to make a good decision when selecting “left wing” CNBC to host the debate.
In Texas, which has the nation’s most lenient home-school laws, and the largest home-schooled student population, the state supreme court is hearing a case involving a couple who didn’t educate their children at all because they expect them to be Raptured any day now.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the Democrats are scooping up the NBC debate slot the Republicans threw away.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If they have any voters they don’t want, we’ll take them, too.
What happens when Oklahoma Republicans sit around a campfire, drink a few beers, then decide what to wear on Halloween …
DUMMOCRETINS have short memories… Obummer scared to attend 2007 Fox debate. Some really jive excuse! Of course Fox News didn’t swallow that hope and change theme. And now we all see that hopey and changey thing fell flat on its face! Yessirree! http://orig.colorofchange.org/cbci/obama.html
Obummer throwing out that Putin challenge?
So let’s review – without having to visit the Internet, just from memory!
Yes, Putin enters and annexes Crimea
Yes, Putin enters Eastern Ukraine – still there
Yes, Putin cronies down MH17 – Obummer does nothing
Yes, Putin enters Syria, Obummer erased red line
Yes, China hijacks 21 Million federal government employee data
Yes, China hijacks 4.5 million American federal government employee finger prints
Puddy is sure Goldy has no problem with transgender males claiming to be female entering his girl’s high school locker room and displaying their junk for all to see. http://www.chicagotribune.com/.....story.html
Interesting take… http://www.wsj.com/articles/th.....1445899775
DAYUM, now progressive DUMMOCRETINS want Charlie Brown to have a black girlfriend? http://www.infowars.com/movie-.....-interest/
Will libtard DUMMOCRETINS ever ask this question of Heilary Clinton?
Well?The Bernie Sanders Effect!
Of course proudgoatASSloverleftist’s head will go KAAAAAAAAAAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMOOOOOOOOOOOOO over those six entries…
Klownservatics failed to suppress my vote again!
Sux to be you, trolls!
@21 “Obummer scared to attend 2007 Fox debate.”
Are you referring to two-term President Barack Hussein Obama?
@22 What do you suggest? Elect a Republican, start two more wars, and lose them both? In case you’ve forgotten, that’s your track record.
@26 The answer goes something like this: “By embracing their policies, my husband proved Republicans were wrong about regulation, entitlements, and taxes.”
@26 The answer goes something like this: “By embracing their policies, my husband proved Republicans were wrong about regulation, entitlements, and taxes.”
Silly senile Rabbit… These were DUMMOCRETIN policies enacted when DUMMOCRETINS weren’t whackjob leftists!
Notice no DUMMOCRETIN will address @23.
Well… well… well… Must be everyone is A-OK with high school girls seeing a boys junk in their locker room!
On December 8, 1993, when Wee Willy Female Sex Organ Flavored Cigarman Clinton signed the North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA) into law, he spoke in glowing terms about its future effects:
Interesting article of Bernie vs. Heilary! http://www.bloombergview.com/a.....don-t-need
Seems FACTS don’t support your positions Roger senile! So without those tax cuts the balanced budgets y’all love to scream about WOULD AVE NEVER HAPPENED Roger senile. The Republican Congress is the reason Wee Willy Female Sex Organ Flavored Cigarman Clinton can “brag” about balanced budgets!
You can’t have it both ways, butt, as always, you’ll create some bizarro world train wreck explanation we’ll view soon enough!
Sad so sad the senile one just doesn’t remember history correctly!
@33 There’s nothing there they haven’t already seen in the back seat of a car.
@ 35
There’s nothing there they haven’t already seen in the back seat of a car.
Er, RR, you do realize that Puddy @33 had made reference to Goldy’s daughter, don’t you?
And the dashboard light primarily illuminates the front seat.
@34 Well let’s see … using constant 2009 dollars … in 1982, the first full year of Reagan’s tax cuts, the deficit grew from -$179.8B to -$271B, then to -$419.1B in 1983 … a 133% increase in two years, so it was revenue growth from an improving economy after two Reagan-Bush recessions that did the trick. There were NO recessions during Clinton’s tenure — just record job growth.
In 1993, after Clinton had been in office for one year, the deficit fell from -$428.7B to -$355.8B, then to -$286.2B in 1994, -$224.4B in 1995, -$144B in 1996, -$28.7B in 1997, then went to a +$90.2B surplus in 1998, +$161.5B in 1999, and +$296.4B in 2000.
What I see is a steady trend throughout Clinton’s presidency, beginning with his first year in office. What I don’t see is a change of trend in 1997, when you claim a GOP tax cut turned things around. Nope, things had already turned around — years before — so the logical conclusion is the 1997 GOP tax bill had nothing to do with it. And for what it’s worth, there were no dramatic spending cuts during 1993-2000, in fact spending grew over that period from $2021.2B in 1993 to $2244.3B in 2000. Democratic economic policies work; Republican economic policies suck.
Maybe next time you should go to the original data instead of spouting wingnut propaganda, jackass.
@36 “Er, RR, you do realize that Puddy @33 had made reference to Goldy’s daughter, don’t you?”
No, I don’t realize that, because Puddy @33 made reference to “high school girls” without naming any in particular. Does Goldy have more than one daughter?
At least you chose an appropriate screen name. You are sloppy indeed. I hope you don’t perform your medical tasks that way, too.
Reports from the Congressional Budget Office, the Office of Management and Budget, and the Internal Revenue Service all agree.
Nuff said Roger senile @38!
Puddy made no reference to Goldy having more than one daughter Roger senile.
Great train wreck and calling Travis sloppy? Bad form Roger sloppy senile!
You are sloppy senile one… Puddy wrote above… “entering his girl’s high school locker room” @24. So the stoooooooooooopid sloppy senile one then attacked Goldy’s daughter for seeing some boys junk in a back seat of a car? Travis is right… You are a senile IDIOT! You can’t remember what was written just a few hours before! Roger, the very sloppy senile wabbit! Minors are used as pawns in a perverted game of tolerance in America!
Wow Roger senile you really are great attacking your benefactor whom allows you every day to pollute threads with nonsensical posts no where near the thread topic! Smooth move ex-lax!
We know that the crazed clueless databaze deala has a daughter around high school age. Puddy is sure the crazed clueless databaze deala has no problem with his daughter seeing some boy’s junk in the girls locker room during shower and change time! Remember he brags about
all the time. So Goldy and the crazed clueless databaze deala must be thanking Obummer right now! They should also thank the American Criminal Liars Union (ACLU) for forcing this upon each of their offspring in 2015!
Of course the female students whom are against this boy flaunting his junk in their locker room are branded as intolerant and bigoted. The school first and foremost wanted “to protect the privacy rights of all students when changing clothes or showering before or after physical education and after-school activities.” The ACLU would have none of that and started their typical Saul Alinsky tactics in the court room!
* RULE 3: “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty. You have to see it from his/her eyes. Why are you making him/her insecure? Having anxiety over whom him/her is now is being tolerant?
* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. They ridicule these teenage girls whom don’t like it! Why are you so intolerant? Why do you hate this person?
* RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. The school district gave this person many other options. The ACLU rejected everyone except a full monty show in the girls locker room.
* RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.”There is no problem letting 14 year old girls seeing a boy’s junk as he/she showers with them.
As Puddy wrote above…
They are setting all these children up for a potentially dangerous situation due to the progressives one goal of getting their way and damn all whom stand in their way!
Of course proudgoatASSloverleftist’s head will go KAAAAAAAAAAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMOOOOOOOOOOOOO once again over posts 41 and 42!
Now this is DAYUM Funny too! https://reason.com/blog/2015/11/03/guess-which-students-want-pro-gay-film-s
Here is what a favorite e-rag of HA DUMMMOCRETINS wrote about it last September! http://www.theatlantic.com/ent.....re/407233/
Seems The Atlantic is upset at this “fine” movie allegedly pushing blacks and hispanics, lesbians, and transgendered peeps into the background. That’s not progressive. That’s dismissive. No wonder the gays at Colorado College are upset! Blows apart their narratives of getting along! Seems there is a group called Radicals Against Institutional Damage (RAID) at Colorado College per the student newspaper referenced in the Reason article. Puddy guesses these nine peeps have reasoning issues!
So the students are attacking the movie for being too white? Seems the same argument progressives from the PuddyLink above are screaming about the latest Charlie Brown movie. Too white! Where is Charlie’s black girlfriend? Never mind Lucy’s black boyfriend!
Remember HA DUMMOCRETIN libtards, this is your mindset
The ends always justifies the means!
You progressives continue to dig your own graves of loonacy! Now it’s the LGBTQIA+ group on the attack! Which multiple alphabet soup group is next?
Of course proudgoatASSloverleftist’s head will go KAAAAAAAAAAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMOOOOOOOOOOOOO once again over this post!
Remember when Obummer claimed Obummer’s sadministration will be the most transparent evah? NOPE! http://www.ibtimes.com/politic.....eld-secret
Well? Of course these low life forgetful HA DUMMOCRETINS won’t remember how Eric Fast and Furious Holder in 2012 using Obummer’s Just Us Department pressure, illegally subpoenaed 20 Associated Press reporters phone records? All done behind closed doors illegally accessing information! Did they go to a judge? Yes! Did they lie to the judge? Yes!
You don’t remember the brouhaha when it came to light that The New York Times’ James Risen and Fox News’ James Rosen were wrongly accused that they mishandled classified information? https://shadowproof.com/2013/05/20/fox-news-journalist-pursued-by-obama-justice-department-as-co-conspirator-in-leak/ To DUMMOCRETINS the ends always justifies the means! http://mije.org/richardprince/.....journalist
Obummer doesn’t get his ASS kissed by Fox News so attack attack attack… Just as Saul alinsky said to do!
More of that hopey and changey kook-aid y’all drank! All those for open government advocates that voted for Obummer are now arguing Obama has failed to meet that transparency pledge. Well, what do you expect from progressives? It they advertised their true motives Real Americans would be up in arms!
Of course proudgoatASSloverleftist’s head will go KAAAAAAAAAAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMOOOOOOOOOOOOO once again over this post!
Oh no progressive libtards… https://www.texastribune.org/2015/11/03/houston-anti-discrimination-ordinance-early-voting/
Isn’t Houston on of those really progressive cities? Didn’t Houston accept with open arms many N’Awlins peeps after Katrina and they stayed? What y’all didn’t know was if a business told a cross-dressing man he could not use the ladies bathroom they could be fined $5000 PER INSTANCE! So imagine if five cross-dressers tried to use the ladies bathroom. The fine could reach @25,000 for that one event! Amazing the mind of progressives!
Wow HA DUMMOCRETINS! A real setback! Butt Saul Alinsky to the rescue…
That dayum’d American Criminal Liars Union again! Yes it’s a human right for cross-dressing men to follow little girls into the ladies bathroom! Yessirree… you progressives are really weird! Really weird!
Of course proudgoatASSloverleftist’s head will go KAAAAAAAAAAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMOOOOOOOOOOOOO once again over this post!
Okay enough ridicule of the goat lover for one morning.