First the pre-Drinking Liberally event: You are invited to a fundraiser for Seattle City Council Candidate Michael Maddux. Join your fellow progressives as Michael shares his vision for the future of Seattle. The BBQ will be fired up, the keg will be tapped, and plenty of great company will be on hand to share ideas about how to move Seattle forward. The 1995 ALDS Championship game will be shown, commercial free. All are Welcome…and bring a friend of two! The 6:30 pm fundraiser is at 2034 Minor Ave E, Seattle WA 98102.
Then join us a few blocks away at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern for the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally. There we’ll share even more conversations about politics over a beverage. We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. Our starting time is 8:00 pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. On Wednesday, the Burien and Bellingham chapters meet. The Spokane, Kent, and Woodinville chapters meet on Thursday.
There are 184 chapters of Living Liberally, including seventeen in Washington state, four in Oregon and two in Idaho. Chances are good there’s a chapter meeting near you.
With Republican candidates bashing Muslims, it should be recalled how much the two groups have in common. They both want theocratic, not secular, governments; they’re both intolerant of other religions; they’re both mysogynistic, bigoted, and racist; they’re both anti-science, anti-rationality, and inchoately violent; they’re both ultra-nationalist, ultra-conservative, and opposed to social progress. In fact, when you get down to it, the only real difference between them is what they name their god and prophet.
Batshit insane Ben Carson just keeps digging and digging. He’s actually arguing this morning that Christians have to put the constitution above Biblical law. No explanation as to how this translates into support for Kim “Batshit Insane” Davis putting Biblical law above our Constitution.
More horsemanure from the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit in #1! What the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit forgets due to inbred senility is CAIR is a http://www.investigativeprojec.....tus-legit# Who was the Attorney General at the time early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Also CAIR co-founder…
Triple S is really drinking from the left wrong firehose!
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! Triple S Is Batshit Insane! Becoming the dumbest of the left wrong dummies!
The one on drinks the Stupid Solution the more Batshit Insane they become and then it’s a Psych 101 thang! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Hey Triple S… more of their statements…
Let’s face the grim truth … There is no evidence whatever that Islam in its various political forms is compatible with modern democracy. From Afghanistan under the Taliban to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, and from Iran to Sudan, there is no Islamist entity that can be said to be democratic, just, or a practitioner of good governance.
FACTS biotchslap Triple S silly again. That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! Triple S Is Batshit Insane! Becoming the dumbest of the left wrong dummies!
“the U.S. Constitution trumps religion”
Of course it does. I’ll leave it to you to explain this to Kim Davis.
“he would be opposed to any politician, including a Christian, looking to turn America into a theocracy”
And I’m looking forward to Ben’s next speech and your next post, both denouncing Dominionism, Dominion Theology, Christian Reconstructionism, Theocratic Dominionism, Kingdom Now theology, and Theonomy.
“These belief systems find a voice in Christian Reconstructionism — a political movement to convert the United States — and eventually the entire earth — into a theocracy in which dissenters, adulterers, sexually active homosexuals, some sexually active bisexuals, witches, sorcerers, etc. would be exterminated.”
It won’t happen anytime soon, though, will it?
“he would be opposed to any politician, including a Christian, looking to turn America into a theocracy”
“Dominionism, Dominion Theology, Christian Reconstructionism, Theocratic Dominionism, Kingdom Now theology, and Theonomy are not denominations or faith groups. Rather, they are interrelated belief systems that are followed by some members of a wide range of extreme fundamentalist Protestant denominations.”
“They include groups as diverse as the Christadelphians, Community of Christ, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seventh-day Adventists…”
Seventh Day Adventists. Like you and Carson.
“There is no evidence whatever that Islam in its various political forms is compatible with modern democracy”
There is no evidence whatever that Dominionism, Dominion Theology, Christian Reconstructionism, Theocratic Dominionism, Kingdom Now theology, and Theonomy in its various political forms is compatible with modern democracy.
Pssst….That’s exactly a wedge the Republican party chose to run against Kennedy. He would owe his allegiance to his faith and thereby the pope. How’d that work out?
Dr. Carson? Your views on the Catholic faith? “Democracy is incompatilbe with Catholicism because the unelected Whore of Babylon would be ultimately in charge of the state.”
While I agree that in 2015 America saying you are anti-Islam is probably a net plus for a politician just add it to the many things the Republican party will be laughed at by future generations. (Southern Strategy, AIDS response, Immigration, Gay Marriage….)
Wingnut Joseph Curl wants Huckabee to drop out,
“the former Arkansas governor could hang around at courthouses and hold press conferences whenever a clerk gets released from jail”
“Walker’s political support eroded to nearly nothing … ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So much for the thug who thought he was going to ride his union-busting chops into the White House. Guess he didn’t get the memo saying there’s a lot more working stiffs than billionaires in this country.
@2 So what are you waiting for, Rambo? You haven’t left yet? Never mind, Obama will do it, and it won’t take 10 years. If you need a tough job done, hire a Democrat.
@3 “He’s actually arguing this morning that Christians have to put the constitution above Biblical law.”
Are you sure you read your sources right? That’ll get him drummed out of the GOP race faster than you can say “boo!”
@4 “There’s another letter circulating on Capitol Hill affirming federal law enforcement’s belief that … ” and you fill in the rest using Puddy’s imagination.
@5 “He argued that when it comes to the office of the president, the U.S. Constitution trumps religion.”
That’s nice, but how about federal judges? Can theocrats ignore them? Does religion trump the Constitution at the county level?
Btw, I wonder if Carson realizes he just ruled out supporting Huckabee if the preacher is the nominee? His comment points in that direction, whether or not he intended it to.
@6 This isn’t hard. You can say the same thing of the Catholic Church. Our first Catholic president, John F. Kennedy, resolved that dilemma by making it clear he wouldn’t take orders from the Vatican. There’s no reason why a Muslim POTUS couldn’t follow JFK’s lead and do the same thing. Otoh, I wouldn’t expect much democracy under a President Huckabee. Democrats are reasonable people; the fanatics, religious and otherwise, gravitate to your side.
How did you get the video of the 1995 baseball game?
@10 I love the headline of that link: “Death Watch 2016”!
Gilmore, Pataki, Graham, Santorum, and Jindal are obvious goners, not necessarily in this order. Huckabee obviously isn’t going to be president, but he has enough financial backing to hang around for a while, possibly until the first primaries. He may not want to risk finding out how few people are willing to actually vote for him, though, as this might impair his negotiating position with Fox.
On the Democratic side, I think most folks could live with Joe Biden as president. Joe’s not a bad guy.
You see and hear all this news about Hungary turning away Syrian refugees. The source of this animosity might be based in the history of the region. Don’t forget that the Ottoman Empire used to “own” a lot of those countries in the area, and those inhabitants have a memory of life under the Ottomans. Since it’s likely that the Syrian refugees are Muslims, countries such as Hungary may not bee too interested in letting in a bunch of them. Just a thought.
@ 3
Why must there be a correlation between what a GOP candidate for president says and what a public sector employee who is a Democrat does?
Are there muslims living right now in America and following the constitution?
I wonder what the ratio of Christians who put theology over the constitution is vs Muslims who put theology over the constitution is?
Our trolls support klownservatic Republicans because ya know tax cuts!
LMAO!! Our trolls and their beloved politicians want to cut this asshole’s taxes. They say it will “create jobs”..
Do you really have to ask why a Public Sector employee needs to follow the law?
How did you get through college without ever taking any form of high school civics or college level U.S. Government course?
“Why must there be a correlation between what a GOP candidate for president says and what a public sector employee who is a Democrat does?”
I’d say it’s pretty clear that Republican support of Kim Davis demonstrates that for many Republicans, hatred of Democrats is trumped by their love for bigoted Christians who hate gays as much as they do.
Funny that. There’s a brewing issue on the Eastside where a local Hindu temple was built. A group of Christian NIMBY’s have taken to putting out “No (name of temple) parking on this block.” signs in the surrounding area. There’s even one that says “Parking for (name of Temple) on residential street Illegal” mind you there’s no city code or law refrenced just a handmide sign declaring that it is actually illegal to park a car on a public street.
Aparently these fine upstanding citizens think that the city street and sidewalk (aka, Public Thoroughfare) belongs to them only and they have a right to decide who gets to park there at any time.
BTW, I’m not making this up. In local crappy paper stories about this issue there is a not very veiled “These people don’t belong here” attitude among the neighbors that are so upset that once a week people park on their street and go worship.
And they aren’t even Islamo-facists. They’re Hindu. But you know, slightly brown and south Asian….same thing.
Ben Carson and the batshit crazy loon must be freaking out. After a visit with Fidel Castro, the Antichrist has come to America.
“Unfortunately, they also hold many false and strange doctrines. Among these are the following: (a) the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon; (b) the pope is the Antichrist”
“Alabama pastor facing charges for raping 9-year-old girl on father’s grave:
“Mack Charles Andrews, a pastor at the heavily conservative United Pentecostal Church is accused of raping “Jane,” a pseudonym to conceal the identity of the victim, along with multiple other minors. Andrews allegedly started “grooming” her for sexual abuse when she was only 7.”
“He told me if I didn’t say anything, he would come back and put flowers on the grave,” she told “If I did, he said demons would come and get me from my bed.”
“Jane accuses Andrews of raping her with multiple objects, including drumsticks, a letter opener, pens, a flashlight and a figurine”
A figurine of Baby Jesus, no doubt.
@17 found the broadcast in entirety without commercials on Google search.
New PPP poll finds that 30% of Iowa republicans think practicing Islam should be illegal because freedom.
But hey, we in the GOP love all people and aren’t hostile to non-Judeo Christian religions. Well we’re less hostile to the judeo part but we still don’t like them much.
Proof that wingnut bigots will go to any length to slander people they don’t like, even a kid whose only crime is being smarter than most adults.
@19 Joe is a decent choice. A Biden-Rubio faceoff would be fascinating to watch.
@21 Why does it matter what Ben Carson thinks of a county clerk who refuses to do her job and disobeys court orders?
@23 Why aren’t “competition” and “free markets” coming to the rescue? Theoretically, it isn’t possible for a young Wall Street punk to get away with charging $750 for a $13.50 pill under our system.
@30 You’re talking about a party that demonizes a kid for building a clock from Radio Shack parts.
Kim Davis may be going back to court, this time to listen as the judge puts her office under a receivership.
He probably speaks for most wingnuts.
“Tony Perkins: The Constitution protects Christianity but not Islam because it’s not just a religion”
“Perkin’s also asserted that laws should not protect a Muslim who attempted to blow something up, saying, “I mean, when was the last time you saw a Baptist trying to blow something up?”
Perkin’s failed to mention the long reign of terror including multiple bombings and acts of arson upon women’s health centers by fundamentalist Christians.”
A lot of Christian churches in America strike me as being more than religion. More like an offshoot of the GOP.
“Hilarious Media Crusade To Label Trump Muslim Questioner ‘A Plant'”
Does this mean that Republicans no longer believe that Trump is a Hillary plant, or are they saying that Trump and the questioner are both Hillary plants?
“I have to laugh at conservatives, who use highly edited videos and planted phonies that try to destroy women’s health organizations and the like, but are unhinged at the thought that a simple question being asked of the frontrunner for the GOP nomination is high treason.”
@ Psycho @ 6
“Let’s face the grim truth … There is no evidence whatever that
IslamChristianity in its various political forms is compatible with modern democracy. FromAfghanistanTexas under theTalibanTeaParty, toPakistanKansas andSaudi ArabiaOklahoma, and fromIranMississippi toSudanArizona, there is noIslamistChristian entity that can be said to be democratic, just, or a practitioner of good governance.”FTFY.
Speaking of Christians.
What good, honest and Godly people you are. You really do show the rest of the world such wonderful examples of what human decency would look like, if you were only in control of it.
Such fine examples of enlightened thinking.
“If you think fertilized eggs are people, but refugee kids are not, you have stop pretending your concerns are religious.” – going around on Twitter.
Re #shoutyourabortion
Right wing websites are publishing at least one home address of someone who helped get this “I’m not ashamed I made a choice” conversation started.
Tell me again how so many Pro-Lifers are totally different from terrorists or the Taliban?
Be careful out there Lindy.
She’s absolutely right. There is no God so, no eyes, no validity.
But let’s just pretend there is a God.
If you want Her blessing, by all means, have a ritual in a church with the religiously affiliated officiant of your choosing. Not a single one of us Atheists have a problem with that. Some of us will attend and politely not say a single word about how we find the ritual silly because we love and support your union and can put aside that we think it’s silly and be there because it makes you happy. This day is for you, not us. Go for it. Vaya con Dios. If valid in God’s Eyes is truly what you need to feel your marriage is real we won’t stop you. You have our blessing.
Kim Davis doesn’t work for a church and it really doesn’t matter if the bigger SHE sees someone’s marriage as valid. The State of Kentucky and the United States recognize the marriage is valid. Time to move on, Ms. Davis. Do your job or hold fast to your beliefs and go do some other job.
“not valid in God’s eyes.”
Another whack Christian speaking for God. And why on earth would God ever need eyes? Does God really need eyeballs to note a fallen sparrow? Seems a rather limited means of perception for an omnipotent God.
@44 I doubt that logical reasoning is her forte.
What’s funny was the commentary of Triple S about Ben Carson was dead wrong as always!
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! Triple S Is Batshit Insane! Becoming the dumbest of the left wrong dummies!
Hmm, it strikes me that @46 is gearing up for another head explosion.
About that Trump plant Triple S…
Remember Joe the Plumber… How the lamestream media attacked Joe hook line and sinker… They knew Joe was not one of theirs!
Remember how the the lamestream media attacked evangelical Christians in the 1980s who thought about running for president? No? Pat Robertson? Pat Buchanan?
This guy wasn’t even investigated by the lamestream DUMMOCRETIN led media! Breitbart figgered it out! A libtard plant to create havoc and now he’s been found out!
So a BIG QUESTION for Triple S. Could you support a devout Muslim candidate who puts Sharia law over the US Constitution? One who supports
A Muslim man can marry only a Muslim, Christian or Jewish woman. He cannot marry an atheist, agnostic or polytheist.
A Muslim woman can marry only a Muslim man. She cannot marry a Christian, Jew, atheist, agnostic or polytheist.
The minimum age of marriage for females is nine, for males is twelve.
A Muslim minor girl’s father or guardian may arrange the marriage of a girl, without her consent, before she reaches adulthood.
An adult man cannot marry an adult woman without her consent. An adult woman requires her wali’s – father or male guardian – consent to marry, in following schools of sharia: Maliki, Shafi’i, Hanbali and Jafari.
A marriage is a contract that requires the man to pay, or promise to pay some Mahr (property as brideprice) to the woman. The married woman owns this property.
A man can divorce his wife any time he wants, without reason. A woman cannot divorce her husband without reason. She may file for divorce for reason, such as he is impotent, missing or biologically related to her.
A Muslim man can marry four Muslim women with their permission, only if he can support them financially and equally. A Muslim woman can marry only one Muslim man.
There are seven Hudud crimes: theft, highway robbery, zina (illicit sex), sexual slander (accusing someone of zina but failing to produce four witnesses), drinking alcohol, publicly disputing Imam, and apostasy (leaving Islam and converting to another religion or becoming an atheist).
Sharia requires that there be four adult male Muslim witnesses to a hudud crime, or a confession repeated four times, before someone can be punished for a Hudud crime.
Homosexuality is a Hudud crime punishable by death Triple S.
Sooooooooooooo libtards?
Only your head Triple S.
Ben Carson stated the same position Sunday as Monday. And libtard DUMMOCRETINS heads exploded again this afternoon!
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! Triple S Is Batshit Insane! Becoming the dumbest of the left wrong dummies!
Do DUMMOCRETINS remember Heilary Clinton’s commentary to Steve Croft on Obummer being a Muslim? No? Need to see it again?
Afghan policeman rapes a boy, American servicemen catch him, he confesses and the Army kicks out the American servicemen because they roughed him up!
So Obummer sadministration is okay with pedophilia and child rape of an ally country by their countrymen!
Of course anything the Obummer sadministration does is A-OK to HA DUMMOCRETINS!
“@47 Hmm, it strikes me that @46 is gearing up for another head explosion.”
Called it! Head explosion @48-51!
Well here it is anyway on Heilary!
So Triple S let’s remind your ridiculous buds here of everything Heilary wants you to forget!
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! Triple S Is Batshit Insane! Becoming the dumbest of the left wrong dummies!
Alert! Alert!! Head explosion @53!!
The babbling jackass fiend is attaining peak hate similar to its Sat night ritual.
Yaaawwn. The jackass has been assigned some extra salt mining duty to perform.
Pudy loves it when FACTS are confused as hate.
Puddy PWNS these morons!
@48 Joe The Plumber … isn’t he doing time in Arizona for unpaid parking tickets? I vaguely recall he ran for Congress and got something like 15% of the vote. That guy is soooooo yesterday.
@56 You wouldn’t know what a fact is even if one bit you in the ass.
“The babbling jackass fiend is attaining peak hate similar to its Sat night ritual.”
If there is going to be an all-time peak insanity hate-fest, it should be this weekend with the Antichrist here, the usual Saturday night SDA cult sacrifice of cute kittens, then the week culminating in the full blood moon eclipse. I look to Sunday for when the loon reaches peak batshit insanity.
OK, I get it. When a serviceman hears about a crime being committed it’s O.K. to ignore any law or service guideline and just go beat the MFer, winning hearts and minds and all. No need for a trial. Mob justice is AMURCAN JUSTICE!
Sounds good.
Hey Puddy here are some addresses to get you started on your letter to the King of Saudi Arabia to explain to him how terrible Sharia law is:
Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia
601 New Hampshire Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20037
Phone: (202) 333-2740, Fax: (202) 944-3140
2) Saudi Consulate General in New York
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 480
New York, NY 10017
Phone: (212) 752-2740, Fax: (212) 688-2719
3) Saudi Consulate General in Houston
One Westheimer Plaza
5718 Westheimer, Suite 1500
Houston, TX 77057
Phone: (713) 785-5577, Fax: (713) 785-1163
4) Saudi Consulate General in Los Angeles
Sawtelle Courtyard Building
2045 Sawtelle Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Phone: (310) 479-6000/914-9011, Fax: (310) 479-2752
Do you need the proper way to address the King? This is important that you get that right.
Remember as King he makes the decision as to if Saudi Arabia continues to use Sharia law or not. Since you believe it’s so wrong shouldn’t you write to one in power and let them know how wrong it is rather than Triple S who couldn’t care less about Sharia law. Put your money where your mouth is and write the letter and pay for the postage. I feel your intense passion on this subject and I think the King will feel your passion and be moved to do away with Sharia law.
Good luck kid
Here you go Puddy
The Custodian of The Two Holy Mosques
Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud
King of Saudi Arabia
(Mailing Address)
Salutation: Your Majesty:
This is how to start the letter and all the help I’m giving you. AS the first line says it all. Oh and the name is different that King died and it’s the brother now.
@60 I don’t think you or Puddy get it. It does seem that a different Commander in Chief got us into that lovely garden spot in the world called Afghanistan. Our government put that putz in charge of that police head quarters. We pay his salary and we didn’t have the good sense to put down what the new rules are. And our leaders in country didn’t tell that Commander to fuck off? Same old policy since Bush. Wonderful Army leadership at work here that Army General should be fired for putting that in the mans jacket rather than telling the Afghan government the truth that the man is lucky to be breathing and if they don’t fire him and put the SOB in prison he’ll go shoot the SOB. Then we wonder why the Iraqi’s we have trained ran from ISIS leaving their weapons and letting ISIS capture tanks. That police commander isn’t in charge there because he is qualified he’s there because he’s a political hack, and that is true of a lot of the officers of the Iraqi army. Only in the sense that Army leaders and political leaders aren’t willing to let the troops speak the truth, but it’s an open secret. Hey our tax dollars at work thank you President Bush.
Homosexuality is in Puffy’s and Ted Cruz’s minds 14/7. A little unusual for two individuals that claim to be non bigoted heterosexuals. As a gay person I don’t even think about homosexuality as much. And if I do I speak about it, it is with respect to equality and freedom and trying to combat bigotry, like I would with respect to racism. But it’s continuously on their minds because of bigotry.
Complete batshit insane Oufdy could care less if two gay people were stoned to death or discriminated against and would never ever speak up about it, instead he brings it up every five minutes out of protest to the existence of gay people.
Ted Cruz will say anything even if undermines everything else he stands for just to be a bigot. Watch Lawrence O’donell’s take down if Crud face about Cruds comments made of the Supreme Court on the Colbert show. Hopefully it makes the Friday Night posting.
These two are passionately in love with homosexuality.
I think more Americans could tell you the number of Americans who died in Benghazzzzzzzzzi but couldn’t tell you how many Americans (and raping illegal immigrant criminals) died at the wrath of Hurricane Katrina.
Thanks to Repuke messaging and brain washing. Be afraid people or you will become a zombie too.
I was wondering if someone can tell me why someone fostering a child needs to be subsidized by the government?
I find it strange that of the 300 million Americans who call them selves God fearing and pro life and so family orientated that they claim to be the exclusive child bearing capable and worthy would absolutely need the incentive of MONEY to foster a child. Hypocrites? And I guess that goes to not just the God fearing ones, that pretty much goes for any of the “I want to have a baby” bearing people. But I guess they aren’t the hypocrites.
What’s next, get the government to pay for your own babies? Shouldn’t those wanting children at their own expense also do the same to foster. Do we not care about children that we need to be bribed to foster a child?
Even Ben Carson says the U.S. Constitution trumps religion.
“I was wondering if someone can tell me why someone fostering a child needs to be subsidized by the government?”
Seriously? Raising a child is not cheap. A foster care family has all the responsibility of raising the child that is in their care, but little of the authority. If there was not a form of payment, there were be only a small fraction of foster families with the means to be able to afford to take in kids out of charity.
Now what you must ask those christians is why are they not adopting the kids so the goverment doesn’t have to pay them.
Same reason. Can’t afford to. Which is puzzling since Forced Birthers demand women give birth to unwanted children, but then won’t take responsibility for the children they forced to exist
How many kids has Forced Birth advocate puddy adopted?
Oh HA DUMMOCRETINS… you don’t get it at all. That’s why you are running from the question. Dr Carson said he would not support any AMERICAN person running for president of the United States whom claims Sha’ria is above the US constitution. Who cares where Sha’ria is practiced overseas. If that’s your concern then go live there. Go on catch the next flight on Etihad Airways leaving SeaTac for Riyahd for $1271 with three stops.
That’s why you leftist pinheads won’t answer the question above. It will demonstrate three things
1) You are clueless to Sha’ria
2) You have no problem with their beliefs above
3) The tough questions are never responded to just glossed over
Mark Adams @63,
Puddy does get it. This policeman was put in charge during the Obummer regime. The SGT FC and the Captain caught the guy. Butt, since the Obummer led army is weak-kneed, they are attacking the soldiers vs. the generals and libtard politicians who get a pass. The Monday Pentagon press conference claimed they stand up to child abuse and pedophilia BUTT only when it’s in their interests. The captain was cashiered out of the army and the soldier who wants to stay in is being forced out.
You see Mark, checkmate @60 above has no problem with that. Puddy has a real problem with the policy of appeasement and how you libtards react to overseas issues. You libtards run around claiming how you are for the little children. Well the only children you really are for are libtard children in your neighborhoods in America. You don’t even care about little minority children in the inner cities! You don’t care about Navajo children who now have polluted lands due to Obummer sadministration stoooooooooopidity.
Ahhh yes the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit train wrecks on Joe the Plumber and not the DUMMOCRETIN plant running around being something DUMMOCRETINS really are. Racist plants at rallies!
Thanks for playing DUMB Wabbit!
The teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla doesn’t get it. Your buds above have no problem with a Muslim supporting Sha’ria law being a US president. Since Sha’ria law trumps the US Constitution per the head of CAIR all the way back to 1998 (see Monday’s thread), this means peeps like you and worser would be stoned to death!
Dr. Carson does NOT support this. Carson is on your side teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla and you just dont GET IT like almost everything here every day teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
Stoooooooooooopid as evah!
Ahhh yes somthing fetid came from the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch @55!
Get a fan everyone!
Triple S still has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! Triple S Is Batshit Insane! Becoming the dumbest of the left wrong dummies!
More jesus-jizzin’ jabberwocky from th fuckwad.
I liked this place until it filled up with fuckwad’s sticky kleenex.
puddy would be readable if most everything he posts was not foul mouthed squid ink and failed elaborate deceptions to set up Gotcha posts.
Re: @77…
Believe it or not, years ago he was sort of reasonable.
Awww pooor worser.
This is a gotcha blog. If you can’t stand the gotchas… then…
Wow. Caps lock. That’s just genius stuff.
And the bit with all the alliteration. Man, that’s just awesome.
That’s how the Teabagers will defeat Putin and the Iranians. Fart puns.