It’s Tuesday…and that’s Drinking Liberally night in Seattle. So please join us for an evening of politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. Our starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks stop by even earlier for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. The Long Beach, Tri-Cities and West Seattle chapters also meet tonight. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. On Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets. And next Monday, the Yakima and South Bellevue chapters meet.
There are 184 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon and two in Idaho. Chances are good there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Sure is sad when your minions don’t know your email address…
Seems Heilary didn’t like Broken Axelrod messing in her soup
It’s disturbing that Broken Axelrod was anything in the sadministration!
DAYUM Funny!
More DAYUM funniness…
Gotta print those OP ED’s and delivery the to Heilary!
I need some times for these TV shows. Can’t find the TV Guide! I need to create a menu. Don’t know how to look up recipes! Can you figger it out?
These Heilary emails are a DAYUM hoot!
Nuthin like the State Department employees being treated as waiters and waitresses!
I see this thread started off 100% batshit fucking insane.
@5 Just more Puddy Diarrhea.
Myths About America’s Poor
1. Myth: Living on $2 a day happens only in underdeveloped countries. Fact: 1.5 million U.S. households live on $2 a day or less.
2. Myth: America’s poor are mostly blacks and Hispanics. Fact: Extreme poverty in America affects all races, singles and marrieds, rural and urban.
3. Myth: Ronald Reagan called them “welfare queens.” Fact: Nearly all of America’s ultra-poor are workers, and very few of them receive welfare.
4. Myth: They’re poor because they’re lazy. Fact: They’re victims of low wages, variable work hours, wage theft, the weak economy, and the destruction of the safety net.
5. Myth: Private charities can backstop government assistance. Fact: Private charities provide very little assistance.
The reality is that the Republican strategy of “helping” the poor by making them poorer is, as you would expect, a miserable failure. Voting Republican is un-Christian and immoral.
An early pattern is emerging in the presidential race: The GOP grassroots feel betrayed by their party leaders and are flocking to outsider candidates. But this isn’t good news for reasonable people, because the revolt is sparked by the GOP establishment not being unreasonable enough to satisfy their base.
@7. Myth #6. Puffy is Human. In fact, he’s an Ape
Meanwhile, in Rowan County, Kentucky, county clerk Kim Davis, a Democrat, has decided to defy the Supreme Court.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: America has a long and often noble tradition of civil disobedience, but there are different kinds of defiance. While Davis may think of herself as some kind of hero, she’s actually George Wallace in the schoolhouse door, not a Minuteman on the Concord Bridge. She stands for intolerance and bigotry, not America’s most enlightened ideals. The solution is to sock the taxpayers of Rowan County with fines and legal judgments until they decide they can’t afford her anymore and vote her out of office. This is one Democrat I won’t be sorry to see go.
@9 No, his case isn’t a species issue, it’s a bell-shaped-curve issue.
Suppose Puffy gets his wish, the destruction of Hillary’s candidacy, then what? Would he like President Biden or President Trump better?
And it’s now bearing out. What’s not as important to the RightWing world is BenghAAAAAAAZI ™ so much as embarassing minutiae of The Secretary of State’s private life.
True story, I had a boss about Hillary Clinton’s age in the 90s. When I e-mailed her a document to approve as a PDF in Portrait she e-mailed back if I could help her set her monitor sideways on her desk so she could read it.
I tell that story to illustrate, gasp….people of the Baby Boom generation occasionally don’t get technology right away and may not think to look at Sidenote, gasp very powerful and extremely busy people often have other people do the simplest of tasks for them like pick up dry cleaning, set the DVR, order lunch… When do you suppose The Donald logged into Amazon and bought himself something as opposed to saying to someone in his office, “I’ve heard of the most fabulous, most luxurious most beautiful book in the world called “Assisination Vacation.” Get it for me.”
All that focus on her e-mails to her friends will give the public yet another reason to suspect that the e-mail thing is a big nothingburger to which they can stop paying attention. But the Right Wing nut-o-sphere can’t help themselves. They need to just be nuts and talk about the Secretary of State’s menu planning and the known fact that Boehner drinks too much.
Good job with that e-mail dump, Piddles
Update @10: A federal judge has ordered Rowan County clerk Kim Davis and her entire staff to appear in court Thursday morning for a contempt hearing.
All that focus on her e-mails to her friends will give the public yet another reason to suspect that the e-mail thing is a big nothingburger to which they can stop paying attention.
– Oh checkmate… You need to read more closely… How did you receive that dr. prefix? Crackerjacks box? Reading isn’t fundamental to you! Those were State Dept. peeps working for Heilary.
Train Wreck #3,477,946 and counting from checkmate!
When there is nothing left in the HA DUMMOCRETIN quiver to respond back to FACTS it’s ad hominem time.
Thanks for playing HA DUMMOCRETINS!
“I am a Johava’s Witness ER Surgeon. It is my sincerely held religious belief that giving this patient a blood transfusion is something I cannot do but you can’t fire me.”
“I am a Hassidic Jew who works for Jimmy Dean. It is my sincerely held religious belief that I cannot allow this product to be shipped as the consumption of it violates my relegious freedom. You can’t fire me. You’re taking away my religious freedom.”
“I am a Seventh Day Adventist who is a feeder at Woodland Park zoo. I cannot perform part of my work as the feeding of meat is taboo. You can’t fire me. You’re trampling on my right to practice my religion freely.”
“Allahu Akbar! I am a housekeeping attendent at Seattle’s Olympic hotel. I cannot refill the mini-bar due to my sincerley held religious beliefs on the prohibition of alcohol. You can’t fire me, I am a relgious objector.”
Thanks to Obamacare, the percentage of Americans who need medical care but don’t get it because they can’t afford it has dropped by a third.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The GOP is the party that wants to dismantle Obamacare. (And also Medicare and Medicaid.) Remember that the next time your kid is sick.
@17 “God is great! My Muslim religion forbids the practice of idolatry. Also, Islam is the only true religion. Therefore I’m going to tear down all the crosses and crucifixes in America! You can’t stop me, because the Constitution guarantees me the right to practice my religion!”
Teabagged to Death @ 9
“Myth #6. Puffy is Human. In fact, he’s an Ape”
True…but that is because all humans are apes, phylogenetically and anatomically. Specifically, we are a great ape of the family Hominidae.
So the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla has been aping hisself all these years? One ugly Magilla Gorilla too!
Who knew?
Wrong dr checkmate…
I am a Seventh Day Adventist who is a feeder at Woodland Park zoo. I cannot perform part of my work as the feeding of meat is taboo.
Meat eating is a choice. Now wearing those magic underpants isn’t a choice for Triple S! Now that’s bat guano crazy. How do you know they are magic or not?
You can eat meat and die earlier or be a vegetarian or vegan and live longer than the average American by seven to 10 years by gender. Oh wait… if you are a DUMMOCRETIN there are no genders…
So for all dem peeps who attended school back when there were only him and her – here’s the newest DUMMOCRETIN libtard primer: some of the new gender neutral pronouns are ze, hir, zir, xe, xem and xyr. Ahhh yes butt what to call the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla? Thing?
Poor deluded Piddles doesn’t get it. It’s outrage fatigue. You are so wrapped up with your hatred of the left generally and Hillary Clinton specifically you can’t fathom how non-crazy-right-wing people think.
Think of it like a company. The State Dept. employs 50,000 people globally and at the time Secretary of State Clinton was their CEO. Now in any company of that size the CEO will have lots and lots of staff. Some are their personal calendar assistants who schedule meetings and make sure the CEO arrives at those meetings. Others will handle travel arrangements. Some will be drivers to take the CEO from one meeting to the next across town. And yes, some of them will handle the mundane personal tasks that the CEO is too busy to do themselves like set the DVR or go pick up a Frappucino or look up recipes on the internet and plan a dinner or run to Bloomingdales and buy that particular shade of nail polish. This is particularly true if the CEO is in an “Always on call even if “on vacation”” position like Secretary of State.
People in the real world who have a boss understand this. But to Piddles, “THESE ARE STATE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES!!! Every single one of them functions as a high-level operative and is fully capable running the State Department if need be. And by the way, Government should be run like a business.”
The longer the nut-o-sphere focuses on emails that show Secretary of State Clinton had the audacity to treat her staff like staff the more and more rational people stop paying attention to everything about the e-mail story. Oh, Fox news is reporting on the e-mails? click. NBC is reporting on the emails? Click. The New York times has E-mails on the front page? What’s in the style section?
Y’all can’t help yourself and you’re proving that getting ahold of every Clinton email is really about trying to embarass her and not about anything substantive. That’s how rational people who don’t have an already built in hatred of the woman will react and by next November, if they’re not all voting for Bernie anyway, Hillary Clinton on the strength of the GOP pissing off all the Latinos, all the Asians, all the not-religiously crazy, all the young people who don’t hate the gay will be the President Elect.
Wow, that Dow really loving how Obummer is leading the world economy!
“Conservative voters from coasts to cornfields feel that the Senate and House GOP leadership have sold them out. It was less than a year ago that the Republicans were handed a majority in the Senate to add to their strong advantage in the House. House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell promptly voted to fund President Barack Obama’s government fully, caved on opposing Obama’s immigration orders and focused on crony capitalist giveaways.
The conservative backlash to this bait-and-switch has been fierce. Promises to oppose Obama’s agenda from anyone inside the Beltway are met by the base with derision. Any GOP candidate who tries to hedge a position or lean toward the center runs the risks of being called a phony and a sellout. The GOP base is hunting for Republicans In Name Only, or RINOs. ”
This is fun to watch and yet really scary. Attitudes like this do not allow for compromise and negotiations under any circumstance. Any republican politician who tells the truth in that they will work with democrats, won’t get elected. That leaves only politicians who will never negotiate on anything, ever. That’s not a democracy.
“Wow, that Dow really loving how Obummer is leading the world economy!”
What a stupid motherfucker. Doesn’t have the brainpower to understand that, for the DOW to experience a correction, it has to go up first, which it did…under the leadership of President Obama, from under 8,000 on inauguration day to over 16,000 today. Contrast that to the batshit crazy loon’s beloved President George W. Bush, he of Bob’s “simpler days”, under whose failed leadership the DOW tanked and the economy cratered into the Great Republican Recession.
My God, it must truly suck being a batshit fucking crazy loon these days.
dr. checkmate trainwreck #3,477,947 @23
Notice dr. checkmate is swallowing the mundane meme of the DUMMOCRETIN libtard left wrong msm!
was what checkmate wrote above… Now having to implement CYA in #23 just more illegible gibberish drivel everyone expects from dr. checkmate! Butt wait… it’s a train wreck again in #23. Then dr checkmate makes it all about hisself as always.
Confusion is strong in dr. checkmate.
Bwaaa-haaa-haaa. Run out of cogent things to say? Wait, that would assume you’ve ever had cogent things to say.
To use Triple S, magic underpants wearer’s own words “What a stupid motherfucker.”
Dow high under Bush was 14,253.77, then DUMMOCRETINS caused the Dow to drop by talking down the economy and stopping the sub prime mortgage fix Bush tried to implement before the implosion on Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae! DUMMOCRETINS Maxine Waters, Bawney Fwank, etc. and Chris Dodd were dead against it. Also calling for higher taxes on gas. All FACTS in the crazed databaze Triple S. The Dow as 7,949.09 when Obummer took the presidency. Remember when Pelosi took over Congress gas was $2.33. Pelosi taxing the oil companies… December 2007 – $2.98
Blumethal is a friend, not State Department staff
Blumenthal is a friend, not State Department staff
Axelrod is a political consultant to Bill and Barack and is not State Department staff
Martin Indyk did work for the State Department, starting six months after Hillary Clinton lefts so…he’s a friend and not State Department staff
Hoo boy, a personal friend and not state department staff suggested starting a form of outreach program. Now we got her!
And then we get to the real “serious” crimes
Wow, a baby boomer would rather have a hard copy of something to read? Never met ANYONE like that! Can we assume any of those printouts said, “Osama Bin Laden determined to strike inside the U.S.?
See above, no one in charge of a 50,000 person corporation has ever had a personal assistant.
But then you aren’t in a position to delegate tasks while you run a 50,000 person corporation much less Secretary of State. So what you’ve considered delegating is….shug…ordering office supllies from Staples?
dr checkmate,
You added nothing to the conversation in #25. Heilary’s emails are all on display and you threw up garbage gibberish drivel! She used her employees as personal servants and slaves!
I am a Christian and I work at a 7-11 but I don’t sell condoms or tobacco. Sorry to my customers and to my boss, go fuck yourselfs.
And true story, which I posted here before, you can’t put electronic lock on the apartment busing because I can’t use locks on the sabboth.
I have to admit that Bill Maher would be a considerably better debater if he quit interrupting so much. Not that Santorum isn’t full of crap.
Never stops to consider the absolute tanking of the economy led to gas prices falling. Hey, millions of people are no longer driving to work ’cause they don’t have jobs anymore and goods aren’t moving from port to stores ’cause no one’s buying but hey, gas is cheap! We Win!
Supply and Demand. Piddles must have slept through high-school level home economics.
Wow… Look at that multiple paragraph cut and paste @30.
What will the HA DUMMOCRETIN heads do with following the rules by dr checkmate?
Probably nuthin cuz dr checkmate is a prized DUMMOCRETIN!
And we come full circle. Rational people who have ever had a boss know that bosses regularly ask staff to do things that seem menial. And it’s all about trying to embarass her personally not for any lapse in security or BENGAAAAAZIII ™ smoking gun.
This is a scandal of the highest magnitude! This will be her undoing. Public…man I had a boss once who asked me to….yawn.
Ooooh, Piddles in now so butthurt that he has nothing that he’s pleading for the moderators to look at individual tweets and pull me down.
They can if they like but hey, you have no reasonable response except to appeal to the home plate ump that, “hey, that pitch was actually a tiny bit inside and he should be tossed from the game. Rules are rules, you know.”
Need a nice hunk of Gouda you little baby?
Public tweets are copywrighted? Do tell?
dr checkmate creates another funny.
Gas prices went up dr checkmate from January 2007 – Sept 2008. Dow fell in October 2008! Puddy submitted 2007 when DUMMOCRETINS took over Congress and started sabotaging the economy!
2007-Jan 01/01 2.334
2007-Dec 12/03 3.061
2008-Sep 09/01 3.680
Then the Dow dropped 20% after Obummer became president in 2 months as the fastest drop in almost century after an inauguration.
Sux to be you!
@20 thank you for confirming that Puffy is an Ape.
I haven’t been following the email scandal, big surprise, but if we all get to read Hillary’s emails can’t we also get to read Mitch the Turtle’s email, or John Bomehead’s or Canadian Ted Cruz’s?
Something tells me that this is what Boob’s wife looks like. I could see her now, using her hoofed claws to dig the hole to plant a tree.
Ky. clerk again refuses same-sex marriage licenses
They don’t use private email servers teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
Rational people who have ever had a boss know that bosses regularly ask staff to do things that seem menial.
– Only in the closed environment of dr checkmate. Is that how you treat your employees dr checkmate? Just like Heilary did?
Sez much about DUMMOCRETINS!
@42 didn’t Chris Christie? I thought his wonderful staff was always using private emails for government business. Or just when they were trying to hide stuff. And other candidates.
I suppose this MSNBC article is completely false.
Right, I forgot Piddles lives in fantasyland. The one where wine is grape juice, brussells sprouts taste like jelly beans and CEOs show up early and put on the coffee for everyone, go to the storeroom on their own to get scotch tape, would never consider hiring a nanny, always go down to the roach coach and fetch their own lunch and never EVER depend on any staff memeber to do anything for her that she could easily carve out five minutes of the day to do herself.
Have you actually been out in corporate America ever Piddles or is that just another fake element of your HA Persona?
The last company Puddy worked for the CEO and CFO regularly made the first pots of coffee early in the morning. The VP of Sales bought donuts for his staff each Monday. Each quarter after the company meeting the head of Engineering brought in griddles and he and his directors made breakfast for the whole division in appreciation of the hard work. Apparently they didn’t get the DUMMOCRETIN memo of treat your employees like jackASSes or ride them like horsesASSes!
Sux to be you!
More poll data, and the more it shapes up to be Trump and Carson. Looking at the charts, maybe those two should be the only ones debating. The rest can have a junior-league debate.
The largest religious group in Iowa is Catholics at 16%. Wait until they get a load of Carson’s Seventh Day Adventist beliefs – that the Pope is the Antichrist, the papacy is the seven-headed beast of Revelation, and that the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon. Oh, and he experiments on fetal tissue. Heh. That’s not gonna go over very well.
And this was a
fiction you’ve tried to sellcompany employing 50,000 globally? Do you imagine Carly Fiorina making her own coffee when she gets to the office? Do you imagine Willard Romney setting up his Roku? Do you imagine Tronald Dump (sic) swinging by the deli to pick up a dozen bagels for his girls…er….secretaries…er…executive assistants?Keep swinging away at it Piddles. If you bang on it it will make noise. Sound and fury….
@ 47
For now, Trump and Carson.
This is new:
Washington (CNN)CNN is amending the criteria for its Republican presidential debate on September 16, possibly opening the door for Carly Fiorina to join the other top-tier candidates on the stage.
News of this, alone, will raise her visibility. Another good debate performance and First!Woman!President! might start to have more than one inference.
Will Obama encourage Democrats
to watch the debate next time around?
The largest religious group in Iowa is Catholics at 16%. Wait until they get a load of Carson’s Seventh Day Adventist beliefs – that the Pope is the Antichrist, the papacy is the seven-headed beast of Revelation, and that the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon.
You’ve been reading this “person” eh Triple S?
People know Ben Carson’s beliefs Triple S. Are those magic underpants gripping the brain too tightly today?
Meanwhile another cop lost his life today because a cop’s life doesn’t matter!
@22 The last guy I saw wolfing down a big fat juicy steak was a Republican. Democrats can’t afford to eat meat.
And this was a fiction you’ve tried to sell company employing 50,000 globally?
Not fiction. You’ve never worked for large multinational companies eh?
We were a many SBillion division of a 50,000+ company. It’s called being a person! The CEO of the mothership was well known as being a down to earth man. Something a DUMMOCRETIN like you would never learn.
“People know Ben Carson’s beliefs”
No, they don’t. And when Catholics in Iowa or anywhere else do become familiar with Carson’s Seventh Day Adventist beliefs, he’s in deep fucking shit. Heh.
And you know this how Triple S @54? those magic underwear are radio beacons?
You keep trying to sell your resume. People pad their resumes. Why do you care what I think of your professional accomplishements? Why do you care that I think you are constantly lying about those accomplishments?
You so need the approval of us here on HA. Sad really.
Good boy, you are loved. Pats on head. Now go get my paper and slippers.
There goes checkmate trainwreck #3,477,948 @56.
Puddy doesn’t care to work for you! What accomplishments are you talking about checkmate? Puddy not looking for a job you moron. What could you offer someone who’s been to almost 40 countries in Puddy’s lifetime? Puddy wasn’t talking about Puddy as you do every day here dr checkmate. The CXO’s were very nice people, unlike the libtard ASS you are dr checkmate!
As Bono once said… It’s no secret that a liar won’t believe anyone else! And Bono has spotted dr checkmate from long distance!
DAYUM you are a multi-trainwreck every day!
Good boy, you are loved. Pats on head. Now go get my paper and slippers.
You are one condescending moron dr checkmate! Fetch your own ASS!
The Dow dropped 469.68. It’s just a correction DUMMOCRETINS claim. Well that wasn’t the cacophony of DUMMOCRETIN commentary back in 2008.
@57 & 58
Wow Piddles, 40 countries. That’s impressive. Oooh that’s so many! Gosh. We’re all really impressed I can tell you.
I could list places I’ve been but on a board of total strangers it doesn’t really matter. NO ONE CARES.
No Condescending is that you don’t know a thing about me other than what I’ve alluded to here and yet you think having been in 40 countries (with no proof) is A) something I’ve never done or ever will do B) the measure of a life
Funny you should mention Bono, want me to spin you the yarn of the day I spent with him? Of course I’ll assume you won’t believe it.
Ask YLB to find how Czechsaaz is typing here talking about hisself (sic) in the third person so much more than Piddles. (every day, hyperbole much?)
Sad really that you spend so much time on here trying to convince us all that you are a VERY VERY VERY important man to whom we should listen when we know you’re the village idiot.
Sorry you’re having such a bad day. You need a lolly? Scratch behind the ears. Can I draw you a nice bath? Glass of wine? HeeHee.
@45 and @46
When I worked at my old location prior to working in NYC, the top manager never bought breakfast, bagels, or doughnuts, or even fruit. He made $250,000 in base salary, probably $40,000 in bonuses, aside from all his other benefits. And he also had the authority to expense it to the company. He was a staunch repuke face, a cheap mother fucker. The office had maybe 15 people in it, 10 years he didn’t buy one bagel for anyone.
The NYC office, much different we get showered with breakfast and lunches every week. But the boss doesn’t make the coffee. The two female office managers, but and plan everything.
Roger – not sure if you read, that ugly duckling in Kentucky that is in a fight to not do her job and wed the gay couple – she’s been married 4 times! A couple of things to get out of that.
1.) She’s really just a bigot.
2.) Someone put her up to this. – you know those religious activists.
3.) She wanted to experience the Sanctity of Marriage.
4.) She is so ugly that there is no way in hell that she can stay married. After all it is tough to compete with prostitutes of Ashley Madison, just ask Josh Duggar’s wife.
The only reason why Boob is still married to a women such as her is that he’s probably even uglier than his wife.
Too funny – I wouldn’t doubt if she has collected unemployment and public assistance at times – we know she couldn’t get a real job, and she has to milk the taxpayer. She’s probably one of Mitt’s 47%’ers.
After all, I think Kentfucky is one of those states that takes more government taxpayers money than the state generates in taxes.
Wow dr checkmate. Don’t like the spotlight on your sorry ASS eh? Hyperbole all he time with sorry sacks of horsesASS manure like you! So?
Puddy having a great day. Another of your silly ASSumptions!
Funny Puddy should mention Bono? Why? It’s appropriate for your sorry ASS! You claimed Puddy was looking for a job. You claimed Puddy was padding the Puddyresume. Neither were correct. Just more lies from the dr of lies dr checkmate.
Interesting debating method you employ dr checkmate. Deflect, change the subject, and hope the opponent doesn’t recognize it. Don’t you comprehend we whom think right have had the wonderful experience of dealing with the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit all these years? You DUMMOCRETINS all argue the same way. Must be something in the Seattle water.
Sux to be you!
I thought about sending a box of tissues to the Kentucky County Clerk refusing to wed the gays, but I thought against it, next she’ll be telling people that she’s getting death threats and the gays are sending her packages of exploding bombs.
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla @65,
The early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit claimed she is a DUMMOCRETIN. Oh no, a God fearing DUMMOCRETIN acting like a Conservative Republican!
The head to head matchups are interesting. After all that’s gone down recently, Carson is not only second in national polling, he’s the only candidate to beat Trump one on one.
Jeb Bush 34%
Donald Trump 59%
Ben Carson 49%
Donald Trump 43%
Carly Fiorina 41%
Donald Trump 48%
Marco Rubio 42%
Donald Trump 50%
Scott Walker 39%
Donald Trump 53%
Pope Francis, who Carson believes to be the Antichrist, is coming to America. This could prove to be very interesting.
“she’s been married 4 times”
She believes in traditional Christian marriage. Lots of them.
Why not entertain thoughts of it?
“New Poll: Donald Trump Beats Kanye West For President”
“Market research firm Echelon Insights said Trump leads in every age demographic, except for the 25-34 bracket, which voted in favor of West by an 8-point margin.”
“Google Consumer Surveys has the real estate tycoon drawing 38 percent support and the hip-hop mogul finishing with 21 percent support; 41 percent remain undecided”
Kanye does about as well against Trump as all the other Republican candidates except Carson, and there’s a lot of undecideds Kanye could go after in a Trump-West matchup.
Here are some “facts” for Puffy. I’m sure he and Teump will acknowledge this and condemn US adolescents bad behavior. But this is America, Us US citizen have the right to be fuck ups.
Immigrant teens less likely to commit crime than peers
Another Christian Hero for America.
Why don’t you move to Texas, Schizo? Or Arizona? After all, they’re all Good Christians® there.
vomit producer,
Why not move to Uganda and visit Yoweri Museveni with the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
Or maybe befriend Robert Gabriel Mugabe of Zimbabwe? These are two countries who will welcome whack jobs like you two with open arms!
Or you could venture to Venezuela and live under Nicolás Maduro with Sean Penn and teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla. Maduro was a former bus driver, so a sheet metal worker like yourself has an opportunity to grow there! He’s a member of the United Socialist Party, and as you well know Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz could not tel Chris Matthews the difference between a DUMMOCRETIN and a Socialist.
There are many more countries that would welcome you two with open arms!
@72 you are joking, right?
Those are your buddies in Africa. Bunch of Corrupt, bigoted, bunch of animals who believe in vodoo and magic. Similiar to you, they probably support discrimination and complete anarchary for the “religious freedom”. Complete backwards way of thinking.
Still haven’t seen the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla condemn gay black racist Vester Flanagan’s bad behavior!
It would be shocking to see that!
“Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon”
The same thing said by the NYC cop killer who killed the Asian and Latino cop in their car!
Those are your buddies in Africa. Bunch of Corrupt, bigoted, bunch of animals who believe in vodoo and magic teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla. They act just like DUMMOCRETINS in power!
Puddy wonders if they have their own private email servers?
The Sounds of Silence to #74 from the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla! Ran away like the chicken it is!
According to an August Poll from Rasmussen even DUMMOCRETINS strongly believe, 67%, believe all lives matter. Apparently the HA DUMMOCRETIN horde is in the minority to American thought. Well you all are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out there!
#31. He posts some good stuff but I’m not czechsaaz, Please try to keep up. (czechsaaz, that list in #17 was just right, by the way.) Since this an open thread, I’ll post what is important to me and I’m concerned that conservatives are becoming deranged over the very idea of political compromise. That’s dangerous and undemocratic.
Post #30 has 8 separate hijacks and Da Perfessa allows it to stay because dr checkmate is a DUMMOCRETIN.
BIAS always exists when you are a DUMMOCRETIN on HA DUMMOCRETINS! DUMMOCRETINS never follow rules or held accountable for following rules. If you are a conservative you pay the price (post erasure) if you break one!
@74 and @77 – not running – just doing some work, unlike you.
I don’t have to respond to your stupid comments.
How is this for a response – go fuck yourself.
Typical response from this moron! Don’t expect Puddy to condemn anything ever again when you whine like a whipped DUMMOCRETIN!
@ The Schizo @ 72:
You mean this Yoweri Museveni? The man who overthrew devout Christian, hardline Right Wing Conservative, Generissimo Doctor Idi Amin Dada?
And Robert Gabriel Mugabe, he too, is a devout Christian who has repeatedly stated that he runs Zimbabwe as a Christian State.
Somehow, you using them as an examples tickles my sense of humor.
You really are a totally ridiculous human being, Schizo. You are this forum’s primary example of the Dunning-Krueger effect. In my opinion, that is a good thing, because you’re here to remind everyone what we’re up against.
Ranbir Kapoor has always loved to work with director Ayan Mukherjee and they already proved it in their last collaborations in ‘Wake Up Sid’ (2009) and ‘Ye Jawaani Hai Deewani’ (2013). Now the hit Jodi of actor-director is once again coming on board for their next superhero film titled ‘Dragon’.