There are plenty of things to talk about in politics besides Donald Trump. No, really…I mean it. So please join us for an evening of alternative political conversation over a cocktail at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. Our starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks stop by even earlier for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle on Tuesday night? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. The Tri-Cities and Redmond chapters also meet tonight. On Wednesday the Bellingham chapter meets. The Bremerton, Spokane, and Kent chapters meet on Thursday. And next Monday, the Aberdeen and Yakima chapters meet.
There are 190 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon and two in Idaho. Chances are good there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Why bother discussing Frothy? He’s an imbecile and a reactionary that has absolutely no clue about anything he ever talks about. He is one of the most visibly ignorant people in the GOP. It is apparent that this ignorance is an aspect of his role in the GOP.
He will never hold public office again. He makes his money on the perpetual campaigns now. Being a lying hypocritical jackass is much more lucrative. Just ask Sarah Palin.
In a twist on the Name That Party game, Melissa Gilbert launches a congressional run without mentioning that she’s a Democrat.
But DeMoro maintains her union’s endorsement of Sanders wasn’t inevitable. Clinton’s historic candidacy, she said, could have swayed the rank and file, 98 percent of whom are female.
“We assumed that Hillary Clinton being a woman would have great significance in terms of how the nurses viewed the candidates,” DeMoro said. “What is shocking, and this is literally shocking, was that wasn’t the case.”
Read more:
Not just blue collar white males she will struggle to retain.
@ 2
Well, she’s up against Mike Bishop, an openly pro-corporate Conservative, who also has taken a rather hostile stance against wage earners in a State that relies on those workers for most of its economy.
It’ll be fun to watch.
Can you please list states that don’t depend on wage earners for most of their economy?
Ashley Judd’s escapades were certainly fun to watch. While they lasted, anyway.
Ann Coulter and firearms.
You’re welcome.
“Melissa Gilbert launches”
“Ashley Judd’s escapades”
Your GOP is imploding and you come here to talk about Melissa Gilbert and Ashley Judd?? Not to go all intervention on your ass, Bob, but wouldn’t it be better for you to simply go see a shrink at this point?
@ 8
Bill Clinton was at 5% in December, 1991.
I’m really not worried, Steve. Comes with not having bet the farm on Hillary.
I do appreciate your concern. Thank you.
@ 5 Snotty Travis
Which economy are you talking about. The administrative economy, or the productive?
Because the production side of the system is horribly imbalanced, with people who are now in the 8th or 10 generation of massive family wealth being almost entirely dependent on the administration of Law to support that wealth. There are people, individual humans, that are in negative tax brackets who extract more money in a day, than the average working man makes in a year, before he or she pays their damn taxes. Taxes that they and you are absolutely required to pay.
When one can roll over their tax refund every year, and the carried interest on that rollover is enough to not only pay the entirety of the next years taxes on that individual, but generate enough interest to a surplus that is handed over to the person as a tax refund. They roll that over, but the previous years carried interest is already designated a refund, and not taxable income. The end result is, the people in the 9 or 10 figure range of annual income get a regular paycheck from the Federal Government, often totaling in the tens of millions of dollars, just for being wealthy. Their entire lifestyle costs them literally nothing. A $5000 restaurant bill isn’t even a fucking blip on their credit card. They want a new car? They can just go in and write a check. Regular folks don’t have that privilege. They have to borrow the money, often at an interest rate that stings to buy that car.
Thats not you, Bob. You don’t make $15,000 an hour. You don’t own a 120,000 sq foot house on 200 meticulously groomed acres on the beach on Long Island. You don’t own a 1200 sq.mi ranch in Texas with oil wells drilled by your great-grampa.
I’m sure you do well at your job. You’re a Radiologist? Thats great, thats middle six-figure range. Think about this:
There are people in this country, who are also paying their bills, feeding their kids, putting clothes on their backs and keeping the yard, the car and the house in decent order, who are making less that 10% of what you do. They get dirtier than you do on the job. They’re several orders of magnitude more likely to get hurt or killed on the job than you are. They’re more likely to get laid off in a downturn than you are.
They aren’t buying houses or new cars. They’re renting an apartment in White Center or stack-all bullshit split level in Mountlake Terrace. They’re driving fourth-hand beaters from the 70s and 80s.
They’re also 2/3 of the taxpayers who are funding nearly all the taxes paid to the Government.
The Administration side of that system is doing extremely well. The producers, that is, the people who roll out of bed to drive a 25 year old car for 45 minutes to bust their ass and get dirty for a living are getting the shaft, just so people like T. Boone Pickens, David Rockefeller and Mitt Romney can imagine they’re Kings and go about their lives acting like them.
If everybody making less than $40,000 a year stopped paying their taxes for a month, that system would implode.
“I do appreciate your concern. Thank you.”
You’re welcome. I’m glad you’re doing okay. However, if things should take a turn for the worse, say, the unknown socialist from Vermont whups America’s favorite billionaire capitalist entertainer in 2016, here’s the number for Adult Protective Services for Island County.
Speaking of the GOP imploding…
“Bristol Palin backs Trump, slams Fox News president for saying he only hired her mom because she was ‘hot’”
“Want to learn some ‘lessons in sexual and political decency’ from Erickson?” Palin wrote. “Erickson’s RedState once used a demeaning fake photo of my Mom for an attack article on her. Erickson refused to take it down even after he was made aware that it was photoshopped.”
No wonder Melissa Gilbert left Bruce Boxleitner.
@3 “Shocking” is missing the DeMoro hyperbole, considering the previous paragraph: “The Sanders endorsement isn’t a surprise: The NNU has long been a militant outlier among labor unions. It opposed the Affordable Care Act because it wasn’t single-payer, and in 2000 its predecessor union, the California Nurses Association, endorsed Ralph Nader over Al Gore for president. At the AFL-CIO’s executive council meeting last month, NNU Executive Director RoseAnn DeMoro was among Sanders’ most vigorous supporters.
@ 13
In your readings about Palin’s worth was her value compared to Chelsea Clinton’s worth on NBC? After all, she must have done something for that $600,000. It wasn’t for her looks that she was hired.
Yep, talk about how she looks. That’s how the GOP is going to win back the Women! “We’re not mysoginists at all, we’re the new GOP. We like our womins purty!”
Well played, sir. Seen #periodsarenotaninsult yet?
Your GOP is imploding
The. Most. Stupid. Comment. In. This. Thread.
Where Stupid Solution Steve? The GOP debate had 24 million viewers looking at a fine group candidates whom identified Hillary Clinton for the clown she is and Debbie Blabbermouth Schultzie called the truth misogynism? What a hoot.
Then we watched from the east coast last weekend Bernie Sanders being yelled at by the Soros gang because to Bernie all lives matter and that’s not right is it HA DUMMOCRETINS? We knew this back in January…
Right! Hands Up Don’t Shoot was one of their lies! Even Eric the Red Holder couldn’t promote that lie even though he tried! Yes we have the race baiter George Soros race baiting the DUMMOCRETIN party financing this blacklivesmatter crowd!
For example, if the Koch brothers (hated by HA DUMMOCRETINS more than Puddy’s truth telling) were financing an specific hashtag organization full of useful idiots; that was loudly protesting against Republican candidates opposed by the Koch brothers, wouldn’t this be highlighted and TRUMPeted in every libtard left wrong e-rag story about such protests starting with the headlines? Wouldn’t PMSNBC be running wall to wall coverage with HA DUMMOCRETIN thread headlines TRUMPeting this everywhere? Wouldn’t the HA low lifes be screaming this to the third heavens?
You see Stupid Solution Steve… The DUMMOCRETIN Party is imploding… Hillary’s email server notwithstanding!
Yesm boss, those are called DUMMOCRETINS!
Butt somehow no one knows the useful idiot show is led by Soros! Why does Soros hate Bernie Sanders?
I see that the batshit crazy loon is still batshit insane.
“The GOP debate had 24 million viewers…”
Sucks for the batshit crazy loon that 20 million of those viewers were progressives laughing their fucking asses off at the imploding GOP.
Soros funds #blacklivesmatters. – PuddyProven
Soros funds Hillary’s campaign. – PuddyProven
Why does Soros hate Bernie Sanders?
There are no #blacklivesmatters speech interruptions at any Hillary speeches! She drones on using worthless platitudes of 1980s failed polices to almost empty events. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Here is how the DUMMOCRETIN Party is imploding and Soros has a real problem with Bernie Sanders! Bernie has become inconvenient to the DUMMOCRETIN Party especially in light of Hillary’s tanking numbers. She’s a liar and well we know when DUMMOCRETINS speak, lies are heard around the world. So, Soros has sent #blacklivesmatter antimatter crowd after Bernie. Happening at each event!
Another group of Soros’ useful idiots!
1 + 1 = is normally 2 right DUMMOCRETINS?
20 million of those viewers were progressives
Got proof Stupid Solution Steve or was this “fact” direct from your smelly arschloch again?
“Yep, talk about how she looks. That’s how the GOP is going to win back the Women! ”
Perhaps Frank Lutz and his wingnut focus groups informed the GOP that attacking equal pay, Planned Parenthood, women’s menstrual cycles and women’s looks as they threaten to deny women abortions for incest, rape, and saving the life of the mother will be a winning strategy for them in 2016.
Bernie Sanders been winning over huge crowds with his specific message of income inequality! Yet, why hasn’t Bernie attacked Obummer on whitey house income inequality? It’s a very well known fact! The Sawant crowd was there in force last weekend. Yet you saw the #blacklivesmatter crowd not agreeing with Bernie Sanders.
More proof income inequality isn’t a big thing to the DUMMOCRETIN minority voter after all is it HA DUMMOCRETINS?
Very interesting…
Hardaway and Richardson appeared Friday on Newsmax TV’s “The Hard Line,” telling host Ed Berliner that they have traditionally voted for Democrats, but they think for themselves and aren’t tied to the party.
“Well, listen, we have our own minds and we can no longer be spoon fed. We can pick up our own forks and eat for ourselves,” Hardaway said. “We have our own minds to think for ourselves. Stop believing everything those Democrats tell you.”
Agreed! DUMMOCRETINS will lie to the black mASSes to keep the ASSes voting DUMMOCRETIN!!!!!
That comment will cause HA DUMMOCRETIN heads to go…
“Got proof ” “Link?”
Too fucking funny! Love how the stupid batshit crazy loon needs no proof or links to back up his batshit crazy assertion that 24 million viewers watching the GOP implode on live television was somehow a good thing for his party.
So why did NBC hire Chelsea Clinton? Hmmm…? Got this one from Facebook! “OWL – The Voice of Women 40+” – You have to be well read!
Just one paragraph HA DUMMOCRETINS!!!!!
The chickens come home to roost! Maybe this was the easy way PMSNBC and NBC could launder money to Hillary and the Clinton Crime Family Foundation! With the well known sexless life the Clintons’ have… is Chelsea really Bill’s daughter? How did Vince Foster really die?
This is why Stupid Solution Steve will forever be known as Stupid Solution Steve…
Republican Debate Draws 24 Million Viewers
There is no imploding Stupid Solution Steve…
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Whatamoonbat!
Always use libtard links to DEEEESTROY libtards like Stupid Solution Steve…
“Republican Debate Draws 24 Million Viewers”
LMFAO!! What a batshit crazy fucking loon! Yeah, and 20 million of those viewers, including myself, were laughing our asses off at your stupid fucking imploding GOP clown car candidates.
Prove otherwise, fucktard. You can’t. Want to know why? Because you’re a stupid batshit crazy fucking loon!
“is Chelsea really Bill’s daughter? How did Vince Foster really die?”
OMG! LMFAO at the crazed ravings of the batshit crazy fucking loon!!
“How did Vince Foster really die?”
I was really hoping that the batshit crazy loon’s recent absence was due to his having been committed and that he was receiving long overdue psychiatric treatment, hopefully a program which included the application of a suitably high voltage. But, no, the batshit crazy loon comes back even more batshit fucking insane than ever!!
Ooooooohhhhh Soros…….scary. He’s funding Fergusson.
I hear he once shook hands with Bill Ayers and Saul Alinsky in one night and then he had sex that very same night with ‘Hanoi’ Jane Fonda.
Foxbots tout the “historical” ratings for something with very little history. Most primary debates used to be relegated to C-Span. None of the stories I’ve found show any of the data for actual comparison, and most of the stories look cribbed: “staggering”. The “low rated” Geraldine Ferraro vs. George H.W. Bush VP debate averaged 56.7 million viewers. The series finale of the Golden Girls was watched by 27.2 million viewers (probably the same viewers, minus the actuarial losses).
To the ten U.S. senators who want Obama to lecture China on human rights, I have a question. Do you really think a country whose police are shooting dead unarmed people in the streets because of the color of their skin, without any repercussions or prosecutions, should have the right to lecture anybody about human rights or rule of law? Or are you just so stupid that you can’t look in the mirror?
Trump leads in first post-debate New Hampshire poll. Koch brother’s stooge Walker (formerly tied for first) and Christie plummet.
“Meanwhile, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie both experienced dramatic declines in popularity since the last FPU/Herald poll.
Walker, who was tied for first place, with 15 percent, has dropped to 4 percent. Christie, who was in fourth place with 10 percent, has plummeted to 2 percent.”
The GOP’s new system for financing government is asking for donations.
You Tube Stars. Ha, Ha, Ha.
Two black women who before NewsMax and the right wing media made them “Stars” had a video that was viewed 923 times and another that got up to 8,000 in seven months.
They are
making the white editors of NewsMax feel good about Trump getting ALL the black votethe voice of their people.No Source is too trivial for the Piddles to cite if it confirms his delusions.
Officials in St. Louis County — arguably one of America’s most racist and corrupt jurisdictions — haven’t learned a damned thing from the experiences of the last year since Michael Brown was shot. Cops there still shoot black people. Mary Ann Twitty has been rehired as a court clerk. And they still prosecute news reporters who are doing nothing but trying to report the news. I guess these slimesuckers don’t like being reported. Brezhnev, if he were alive, would be proud of them.
go fuck yourself again.
You launched with the absurd claims. You provide a link.
“Prove” that any significant percentage of FUX debate viewers are even going to vote. Then show us the numbers for GOP support. Then fuck yourself again. Then get back to us.
Trump continues to lead the field. The Retarded Little Brother® continues to barely hang on with double digits at half Trump’s result. If you aren’t worried about that, I can only say… Cheers!
the internet is one great big fucking confirmation bias machine.
And piddly got caught in the gearworks about ten years ago.
@2 Why is that a problem only when Democrats do it?
Two black women who before NewsMax and the right wing media made them “Stars” had a video that was viewed 923 times and another that got up to 8,000 in seven months.
Well this one has 1,100,064 views and counting…
Notice how checkmate chooses the lowest ones…
How about these two on a similar topic?
which are not too far behind the Thom Fartmann video on the same topic with 55,990.
Puddy just keeping real checkmate… DAYUM U B real stoooooooooopid! Yes two black ladies that left the farm and need to be ridiculed by the misogynist checkmate. A real racist too that checkmate!
Waytogo libtardo!
Once again another libtard HA DUMMOCRETIN head explodes…
Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@2 Why is that a problem only when Democrats do it?
DAYUM early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Travis Bickle is calling out the libtard press for not identifying the party and you wrote that swill?
Senility is strong in that one!
Officials in St. Louis County — arguably one of America’s most racist and corrupt jurisdictions — RACIST? CORRUPT?
Blah blah blah… The last three county executives are DUMMOCRETIN early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
5 are DUMMOCRETIN and two are Republican… All committee chairs are DUMMOCRETIN!
From WikiPedia…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
I was really hoping that the Great Puddy’s recent absence was due to his enjoying vacation…
Yes I and the family did. Although Atlantis isn't all that they crack it up to be. Butt, there were a lacking of HA DUMMOCRETIN arschlochs there so Puddy and family really enjoyed ourselves!
How the libtards slant the news…
The show trial of Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian
Can’t embarASS Obummer with their continual imprisonment by Iran while a worthless nuke deal was “negotiated”!
Very interesting…
Yes, the DUMMOCRETINS and the DUMMOCRETIN puppet master Soros controlling Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz need to stack the deck for Hillary. Notice checkmate has no comment on:
Soros funds #blacklivesmatters. – PuddyProven
Soros funds Hillary’s campaign. – PuddyProven
Why does Soros hate Bernie Sanders?
There are no #blacklivesmatters speech interruptions at any Hillary speeches! She drones on using worthless platitudes of 1980s failed polices to almost empty events. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Another group of Soros’ useful idiots!
1 + 1 = is normally 2 right DUMMOCRETINS?
Where are the libtard third and fourth tier toilet dwellers on this?
Gotta love ObummerCare…
Another EPIC FAYLE from the ObummerCare libtards! 20 out of 45 applications has verification issues! Why didn’t they use e-verify? Probably would have better success!
You miss the point, as usual. 10,000 white newsmax readers and 90,000 fox news sheep sent a link of that video to 20 white friends 1/3 of whom clicked on it and watched at least a few seconds and it got to a million views. Some of them loved their new black women friends so much they watched it 2-3 times. Prior to all those white people gawking at “black folk in their native environment” the two ladies had garnered no attention whatsoever. 800 views for example.
But if you think a million white people clicking is going to swing the black vote to Trump…hey look over there…there’s a skewed poll that needs debunking. Have at it Piddles.
“See black people LOVE us! This video PROVES it.” -White Republicans
When in NYC, ever look at the demographic of who takes a bus tour of Harlem? Mostly white folks so scared of the negro that the only safe viewing is behind glass in numbers. These are the same sorts of people who are now watching your favorite new political experts.
Oh no… a libtard Social Media Post drug endorsement from Kim Kardashian West has gotten them in trouble…
Nope you DOPE. You post BULLSHITTIUM as usual. And their other videos almost garner as many views as Thom Fartmann!
But if you think a million white people clicking is going to swing the black vote to Trump
– Where did Puddy claim that checkmate. You are a racial misogynist. Black wimens who think off the reservation “have to be put back in their place” by a whitey such as yourself!
Thanks for playing!
@3 If Hillary is the Democratic nominee, who do you think those nurses will vote for? Trump? Walker? Cruz?
I’ll quote a bit of it
(Eds. note, in Piddleworld Soros knew in 1993 that Michael Brown would be shot in 2015 so better get those groups that will protest it funded 22 years in advance so they can be ready to riot., bwaaa, aaa,haaa,haa, sinister organ chords, twirling of mustache)
@5 Then why do Republicans hate wage earners? Are they against the economy? It seems so.
@7 Thank you for the laugh. !!! I’m all for free speech, too. But free speech and responsible speech are two different things. Coulter is not a responsible contributor to our nation’s public dialogue. As for her prowess with firearms, well, if I had to be in another war there are plenty of other people I’d choose to share a foxhole with before I’d pick her. Her competencies are drinking, smoking, and making money by selling political porn to ignorant rubes, and not much else.
Oh checkmate… The WA Times article had – Colorlines is an online news site that focuses on race issues and is published by Race Forward, a group that received $200,000 from Mr. Soros’s foundation in 2011. And this too…
Ms. Frederique works with Opal Tometi, co-creator of #BlackLivesMatter
Everywhere on this blog the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit writes its guilt by association… So, Puddy will do the same thing…
You are still stuck in 1993.
Coulter is not a responsible contributor to our nation’s public dialogue.
Butt the Friday Night Comix 3rd and 4th tier toilet dwellers are?
@11 As I’ve always said, workers produce ALL of America’s wealth, every cent of it. Capitalists like me are little more than bloodsucking leeches harvesting the fruits of other people’s labors, and we don’t deserve our favored status under the tax laws. Donald Trump can deduct his private jets, but a maid can’t deduct her bus fare to work. That’s unfair, and has to change. But don’t expect Republicans to change a tax system they created and gamed for their own benefit! To change it we have to elect Democrats.
@59 Changing the subject again? That’s what you always do when you don’t have an argument on the original topic.
@53 “Black wimens who think off the reservation ‘have to be put back in their place’ by a whitey such as yourself!”
Nah, that’s your job, if you’re man enough.
Wrong again early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
NOPE… Ann Coulter is waaaaaaaaaaaaay smarter and better than the 3rd and 4th tier toilets on the Friday Night Comix page! Ann is articulate and direct!
You libtards and RINOs here just don’t get it.
The Donald is going to be our next President and raping Mexicans and lamestream media stars who are bleeding from their wherever are going to get what is coming to them.
Example the first.
Remember Rick Perry, “a guy who was governor of the largest Republican-dominated state for 14 years, who created a businessman’s paradise of low taxes and almost no regulations, whose contempt for Washington is plain for all to see, who genuinely came from humble beginnings, who served in uniform, who’s a socially conservative, God-fearin’, gun-lovin’, tough-talkin’ Texan with a natural appeal to all of the party’s constituencies”?
Remember Rick Perry who thought he could claw his way back by saying President to be Donald Trump is a “cancer on conservatism”?
Well, that losing anti-Trump bullshit comes at a cost!
Rick Perry stops paying all of his staff as fundraising dries up
Pay attention!
You mess with the bull that is The Donald, you get the horns!
Why does that not surprise me.
you gotta admit, he really got you @63.
See, he called you “wrong”. Just like that. I mean, what can you say?
But then, but then, he said… “again”. Like you’ve been “wrong” before. See what he did there? A double burn. It’s truly masterful.
And it fits on a bumper sticker.
Pure genius like that can only come from one source:
The Man From Atlantis.
Awww poor closetforeplay@66… Working on the tan! Their aquarium is way kool and the beaches are clear and clean unlike Phuket!
Sux to be you!
@63 Not man enough, as I figured.
careful now. You better not be calling The Man From Atlantis a RINO. He’s got webbed hands and feet!
@18 “The. Most. Stupid. Comment. In. This. Thread.”
Not really. In fact, not even close. How could it be? This thread has you and Bickle in it.
@65 “The Donald is going to be our next President”
I don’t doubt it for a minute, given the exploding trailer park and home schooled population. Economic depressions create Republican voters by reducing the general level of education in society.
@18 @23 “The GOP debate had 24 million viewers”
I was one of them. What odds would you lay that I’ll vote for any of those candidates?
@25 “Yet you saw the #blacklivesmatter crowd not agreeing with Bernie Sanders.”
Yep, all two of them.
@32 Do they still use lobotomies to treat people like him? Maybe that explains it …
@36 Looks like the Megyn Strategy isn’t working.
@43 Well I’ll tell you what. Those people are hijackers. They hijacked the microphone. They hijacked the stage. They hijacked the event. And the crowd booed them. If they get over a million views, so what? So did Hurricane Katrina.
@64 That’s your opinion, and your opinion isn’t worth used toilet paper
Anything coming from Soros people is a little more than a clownish tantrum!
Those people are hijackers. They hijacked the microphone. They hijacked the stage. They hijacked the event.
Very correct about Seattle white DUMMOCRETIN libtards! Now how do they know this early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Hanging around these white supremacist society liberal Democrat leftists!
And they are DUMMOCRETINS. Welcome them with open arms early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Wow, here is something to discuss at Drunken Libtards… Yet in March Heillary claimed…
Apparently Federal Judges had to push the issue do to the Judicial Watch lawsuits!
@80 you silly lame libtardian RINO!
Who cares about Sanders? What’s his position? Bash billionaires!
A billionaire is going to be President!
As The Donald said just a few days ago
“It’s a massive crisis. It’s a double crisis. What’s happening and people — you know, I look at things. And I see it on television. And some horrible mistakes are made. At the same time, we have to give power back to the police because crime is rampant. And I’m a big person that believes in very big — you know, we need police.”
The problem isn’t that some mistakes were made.
The problem is the police don’t have enough power.
The Donald is not afraid of crime supporting black protesters.
As he JUST said
The Donald is going to take our country back, from LOSER types like you!
@80 you silly lame libtardian RINO!
This is one lost DUMMOCRETIN!
What? Butt butt butt Heillary said…
Apparently she lied!
Oh wait… she’s a DUMMOCRETIN!
Clinton is not honest and trustworthy! – She’s a DUMMOCRETIN!
P E R I O D!
Ahhh yes,
Another Illegal Alien struck again! http://www.washingtonexaminer......_click=rss
Yes, DUMMOCRETINS completely support these actions!
Man From Atlantis,
Your preoccupation with Senator Clinton suggests that you have some concerns about how her candidacy will be met by The Donald in a general election contest.
Hillary’s ‘plant’ now rules Fox. Heh. Next up, the GOP!
Man From Atlantis,
HAHAHAHAHA! Puddy PWNS another DUMMOCRETIN! There is no preoccupation! She is your PREORDAINED candidate!
Deal with it!
Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Apparently the Duggar Family can’t take of their kids. The slut sure knew hot to pop them out of the oven; I don’t know maybe she was sacrificing herself because she couldn’t keep the perverted pig from looking at his own daughters, so she figured she be his cum dumpster.
I take care of my kids.
Chuck Schumer and Eliot Engel came out against the Iran nuke deal…
So Schumer Engel must have similar common cause like those Iranian hardliners. Then you noticed all the DUMMOCRETIN e-rags attacking Schumer. This is why Puddy never wants to shut up DUMMOCRETINS. Let them talk and you’ll learn their stooooooooopidity!
I take care of my kids.
How many goats do you have?
“Ann Coulter”
Have you noticed that you never see Ann Coulter in the same room with Sen. Tom Cotton? Heh. Now I’m not suggesting, I’m just sayin’. You never see them in the same room together!
Seems another Obummer department realized ignoring a judges orders has consequences…
O.K.. In Piddleworld, an organization Sorors started funding in 2011 needed funding. Because Soros KNEW in 2015 Mike Brown would get shot and they needed to ready to riot. Soros knew four years in advance. Bwaaa AAA haaa haaa haaa scary organ chords, curling of long Snifely Whiplash-esque mustache.
SOROS is so Darstardly Daredevil the long con on funding Fergusson started in 2011.
Piddles, you disappoint me. It’s too easy making your act fall apart.
Anne Coulter and the babbling jackass agree – Joe McCarthy had the skinny on the “traitors” in the U.S. Military.
It’s gonna be hilarious to see the babbling jackass spin this one.
Im afraid it’s no act.
And it fell apart decades ago.
What we see today is nothing more than dry weeds poking up through the cracks of a ruined mind.
Because Soros KNEW in 2015 Mike Brown would get shot and they needed to ready to riot.
First you claimed the date was 1993 checkmate. You just can’t make up your mind on the BULLSHITTIUM you spread daily here! They collaborate everywhere yet you can’t fathom it so train wreck time!
Wow 36 retired generals. And how many retired generals and admirals are there who didn’t sign clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch?
Back in 2013 Obummer purged 197 of them from 2009. So where are those names clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch?
Stanley McChrystal?
Colin Powell?
Sheeeesh you really are a dense one!
Where is the perennial DUMMOCRETIN military loudmouth Wesley Clark on the letter clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch?
Genuine frontier gibberish:
“Our Founding Fathers never meant for Washington, D.C. to be the fount of all wisdom. As a matter of fact they were very much afraid if that because they’d just had this experience with this far-away government that had centralized thought process and planning and what have you, and then it was actually the reason that we fought the revolution in the 16th century was to get away from that kind of onerous crown if you will.”
– Rick Perry
Now, I’m not one to make fun of the mentally challenged. There are a lot of people in this world who are, lets say, deficient, in their cogitative function. There are special schools and special classes in public schools for people who cannot meet the average due to a head injury or a birth defect.
Many of them are children of mothers who drank too much while they were pregnant with them or who had themselves been exposed to diseases like syphilis or environmental contaminants like lead while their own mothers were pregnant with them. It does happen occasionally that people are often products of a combination of these factors. Multiple generations of poorly-fed, and isolated people who had little exposure to the rest of the world and are never really able to mature as humans.
Usually, these folks can be gainfully employed in spite of their handicaps. They can be taught to sweep floors in slaughterhouses or drive a forklift around a wrecking yard. Many of them can become pretty good welders or meatcutters.
But then, when this problem happens in a family of extreme wealth, that family has the financial wherewithal to provide extra support for their offspring. Special private schools, tutors, etc. When the children with these problems grow up and become adults, at least in the physical sense, the family needs to find a way for these children to become productive members of society. Now, it’d be obvious that as such, one would not want the child in question to have much real direct influence on the family business. The family would have probably noticed that the the child tends to spend money on trivial things and become fascinated with short-term fads and investment schemes. But not really have the ability to think very far ahead in the greater scheme of things where the family fortunes were concerned. It would have become obvious that they just do not have the common sense to deal with the day-to-day troubles that naturally come with dealing with massive wealth and personal privilege.
So the only real option is to run them for public office, and use them in that position. They still have tutors and guides to tell them what to say and how to say it, but at least the child is in a position to do some real good for the family fortunes, and earn their own living and to make their own way in the world without needing to be supported by the family much. At least not in a way that anyone would notice or mention in polite company.
Interesting how so many of these folks are attracted to, and become dedicated to the Republican Party. Being a public figure in the Conservative spectrum doesn’t require much real intellect or depth of thought, it certainly isn’t necessary to be well-educated. The office can always be bought. The Lawyers take care of the problems and the child can remain isolated from the trials and tribulations of the outside world. As long as they can maintain themselves personally, that is, bathing themselves or having the ability to cut their own steak into portions where they won’t choke themselves, and to maintain good sense of personal grooming.
It doesn’t matter how superficial the personality, nor does it matter how little the child knows about “things”. They just need to be coddled and closely guided the rest of their lives.
Of course, when they do fuck up. When they do finally get a sense of their own self-interest and make ill-considered decisions or public statements that are, lets say, rather embarrassing, the responsibility for those can always be shuffled off to the “help”.
After all, thats what the Staff is for.
Wow the spin cycle on Clinton’s email server on DUMMOCRETIN web sites is H I L A R I O U S!
Well well her predecessors did. So? The difference is Clinton only used the private one for all her emails!
Daily Kooks – I’m seeing that HRC will hand her email server to the DOJ and her lawyer will hand over the thumb drives. I’m not sure what to make of this, but it does seem like a significant development.
Nothing on Politicususa
DUmmies are worried sick!
Media Morons has buried the story
CAP no new stories yet
DUMMOCRETIN Crooks and DUMMOCRETIN Liars no new stories either!
The left wrong sites don’t know where to go now. Nothing coming from on high and they are lost
Great article…
Another CMP products of conception video hits…
So if Kerry on uses State Department servers and he claims this…
What does this say about Hillary’s lousy server security? She lied about it being secret service protected last March!
I see that the batshit crazy loon woke up batshit insane again.
@ 108
Yeah, I was hoping that his little break in posting was due to his being kept in-patient and having his meds restabilized. His descent into madness has been well-documented in here. It certainly isn’t unheard of for people like that to end up walking up and down 2nd Ave with a sandwich board proclaiming the end of the world, or up on the ‘Ave pushing around a shopping cart full of dead cats and aluminium cans.
Its sad, really.
Funny how he doesn’t mention the tens of millions of Emails regarding 9/11 or the Israeli pogrom in Lebanon that were deleted by the Bush Administration. It doesn’t bother him that Dick Cheney ordered the destruction of millions of documents that were generated by the Iraq War.
Naw, he just likes killing other people’s babies. It’s an extremely lucrative business.
Trump losing ground after the debates…
Iowa Trump leads the field at 17%, followed by Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker at 12% and Rubio at 10% then Ben Carson 8% with Cruz and Fiorina tied at 7%
In New Hampshire he’s below 20% also. Sooooo keep hoping for a Trump nomination closetforeplay and other HA DUMMOCRETIN morons!
Lovely train wrecks @ 108 109 and 110. Can’t get over Hillary being investigated.
@ 112
You know what, schitz? I don’t give a damn about Hillary Clinton any more than I do the Kardashians.
She’s a non-issue.
Seems to me that you’d be better off paying attention to the naked, racist fascism being promoted by the current crop of GOP “candidates”.
Re: The Schitzo
Interesting how he’s always taking positions against things. He’s never once ever put any effort into saying what he’s for. He always just reacts to negative information about the “opposition”. Just ring the little bell and he starts drooling in anticipation of being fed.
What is it that you would like to see our Government doing, Schitzo? What is it that you actually want?
The shadowy hand of Soros is everywhere. Cover your bathroom mirror, for it is a Palantia through which Soros can monitor your actions. I hear tin foil helps. If you run super fast from your car to tue Wal-Mart his satellite surveillance will miss you.
Hollywood and the Illuminati are collaborating all the time. Have you not seen the coded messages in Katy Perry videos?
suddenly lost your enthusiasm for The Donald? Because Newsmax told you to? Care to offer us any predictions about which way the derp wind will blow next?
more caps lock next time, please.
@109 “Its sad, really.”
Sad for the cats, at least.
What’s Piddles gonna do if Hillary isn’t the nominee?
@46 “The last three county executives are DUMMOCRETIN early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!”
… and? You don’t see me defending them, do you? How does this validate the GOP’s serial clusterfucks? The solution to this problem is better Democrats, not replacing Democrats with Republicans. That’s obvious even to the dumbest third-grade kid.
@ 119
What’s Piddles gonna do if Hillary isn’t the nominee?
Ever notice how you never see Puddy and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz in the same place at the same time?
@67 Yeah, it hurts my feelings when he does that.
@85 “Clinton is not honest and trustworthy! – She’s a DUMMOCRETIN! P E R I O D!”
What if she isn’t? You say that as if you think Clinton is the only dishonest and slippery politician (if that’s what she is) out there. Are you that dumb? (Don’t post an answer, you’ll only make it worse.)
@92 “Chuck Schumer and Eliot Engel came out against the Iran nuke deal…”
Because, idiot, Obama has votes to spare: “How can a powerful Democrat’s opposition be a good sign [for the deal]? Because it suggests that Schumer has already calculated that the administration can do without his vote.”
@96 He’s not the only one.
Much mirth is made of the large and colorful – no, not a racist term unless skin color of GOP candidates is compared to skin color of Dem candidates – variety of current GOP candidates, as well as the sheer size of the GOP candidate pool.
Let’s take a trip back to Dem 1988 election early season for a little comparison, shall we?
Candidates – ultimately 14 of them gave it a shot – included:
• David Duke. Makes Trump seem more like MLK.
• Jesse Jackson. Race-baiting, womanizing father of a felon. This was back when not having held prior office wasn’t a reason to slam a candidate, as 29+% of Dem voters/caucus-goers gave JJ the nod.
• Gary Hart. Helped put No Excuses jeans on the map. Bitch didn’t set him up.
• Jim Traficant. Makes Trump’s hair seem nearly normal. First-order felon, soon to be joined by Hillary.
• Lyndon LaRouche. Makes Bernie Sanders appear sane to the rest of us.
• Joe Biden. Guy who felt compelled to compare his IQ to that of a skeptical voter, and yet wasn’t smart enough not to plagiarize. Pre-plugs, so chrome dome likely similar to Trump’s.
Enjoy your day, HA libbies.
@100 Here we’re witnessing the implosion of a very confused mind.
@101 “Back in 2013 Obummer purged 197 of them from 2009.”
Was that when he nuked Charleston Harbor?
@121 I don’t believe you and I have met, either.
@ 129 RR
How is it that people like that woman can function at a level where they can feed themselves without a bib and a rubber tipped spoon?
Crimenentlies the TeaBagger people are fucking stupid.
“Candidates included:”
The here and now is at least slightly more relevant than the last century, Bob, but I can see why you’d want to hop in a DeLorean time machine and escape the present.
“In New Hampshire he’s below 20% also. Sooooo keep hoping for a Trump nomination”
Stupid batshit crazy loon. We were hoping for a clown car wreck and we got what we wished for and, better yet, it’s left you a babbling batshit insane idiot, dissing your own fucking candidates, hoping and praying that Hillary’s ‘plant’ doesn’t win the GOP nomination.
@127 The only thing this list proves is that anyone can call himself a Democrat. That doesn’t make him one. I was a Democratic state convention delegate in 1988. The LaRouchies showed up, were booed, and run out of the hall. Duke? Wasn’t even a presence anywhere except the South’s KKK pool halls. Traficant? Never heard of him, and he didn’t win a single national delegate. Who was the GOP’s veep nominee that year? Dan Quayle, which speaks for itself …
@131 She’s a teacher, which may help explain why so many people prefer home schooling to public schools in places like South Carolina.
“In New Hampshire he’s below 20% also. Sooooo keep hoping for a Trump nomination”
Sucks to be a batshit crazy loon.
“Poll Shows Trump With Nearly Triple The Support Of Nearest GOP Rival”
@ 132
It’s a little early yet, but Biden ran in that last century, Steve. If what people like Jeb Bush did in that last century is relevant, and if your ilk can crow about Hillary’s last-century credentials, then last-century references are pretty relevant even when you find them inconvenient, Steve.
@ 133
The only thing this list proves is that anyone can call himself a Democrat. That doesn’t make him one.
Same thing goes for the GOP, RR. I eagerly await your dissociation of Trump from the rest of the GOP candidates on this basis.
“if your ilk can crow about Hillary’s last-century credentials, then last-century references are pretty relevant even when you find them inconvenient, Steve.”
She was Secretary of State in this century, and a US Senator before that, also in this century.
The fact that you need to go back nearly 30 years for your examples is at the most, mildly amusing in the context of this conversation. Do try to keep up.
“last-century references are pretty relevant even when you find them inconvenient, Steve.”
Back to this century, the David Dukes of America have found a welcome home in the Stars and Bars waving GOP. Apparently so have most of America’s child sex abusers and batshit crazy loons. I hope you don’t find that as inconvenient as it is relevant, Bob.
@ 137
I could go back to 2008, if you prefer.
• John Edwards***
• Mike Gravel
• Dennis Kucinich
• Joe Biden (See @ 127)
• Chris Dodd
All of them were/are idiots in their own right, but 1988 was just so much more fun.
I kill Zombies at night for an hour or two before I go to bed. It relaxes me. I like to think of them as being Republicans in the final stage of their evolutionary development. It’s loads of fun.
I was in a game last night with some folks I regularly play with, and one of the other players mentioned that his daughter had taken a job in Texas, specifically in Austin where she was going to be working as a sound engineer for a music studio. One of the other guys got all freaked out and told him to tell his daughter to stay the hell out of Austin for the reason that it was the most dangerous city in that State, because it was full of Liberals.
Goldy @GoldyHA
Back when I was at @KIRORadio, we were prohibited from describing “excretory functions” on air. Now they hire them. …
And if the server doesn’t take her down, next year you’ll hold your nose and vote for one.
CBO: Full sequester relief could add as many as 1.4M jobs
“Reversing sequestration spending caps could create as many as 1.4 million jobs over the next two years, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said Tuesday.
At the request of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the ranking member on the Senate Budget Committee, the CBO analyzed the macroeconomic effects of completely eliminating the budget cuts, which are set to return in full force in October.
Easing those ceilings would lead to increased government spending, which in turn would lead to an increase in economic output and higher employment, the CBO said.”
What are the chances the republicans would do that? Remember when Job Creation was their highest Priority?
@ 139
Yeah, the fact that they were pretty much considered unfit for the office for various reasons, look at who was elected that year.
Seems to me that the right choice was made. If he could run for a third term, he’d win. I think rather handily at that. Given what the GOP had to offer in the last two Presidential elections, it certainly isn’t a positive reflection on your political paradigm, isn’t it.
@ 140
I kill Zombies at night for an hour or two before I go to bed.
Not a surprise. They’re every bit as realistic as every other thought that runs through your mind.
@ 143
I wonder, sometimes, what kind of president Bill Richardson would have made.
If we’re going to look at resumes @ 137, we’d have to go back a long, long way to come up with a candidate or non-candidate with one similar to his. Panetta, maybe.
@ 144
Thats the thing. I can recognize the fact that it is just a game, and the enemy is the product of a lot of animators best artistic efforts and they are operated by a pretty intelligent computer system that makes it somewhat challenging.
But you know what? I do recognize the fact that it isn’t the real world, unlike the people I see demanding answers from Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee about what God will do to punish America for legalizing gay marriage.
“I wonder, sometimes, what kind of president Bill Richardson would have made.”
Probably a pretty good one, considering his foreign-policy experience. Unfortunately, the GOP in New Mexico got the ball rolling on an investigation into his corruption, and kept it rolling long enough to cost him his credibility. He was a crook, sure, but relatively mild one when compared to the Bush cabal.
We’ll never know, will we.
“but 1988 was just so much more fun”
More fun? Are you kidding? We’ve got a matchup brewing between an unknown socialist from Vermont and America’s favorite capitalist, a billionaire entertainer, and the polls are showing the socialist beating the capitalist! I bet you didn’t see that one coming back in 1988. Hell, even last winter. I know that I sure as hell didn’t.
“He was a crook, sure, but relatively mild one when compared to the Bush cabal.”
This morning Bob is flashing back to 1988. Okay. Since 1988, what the Republicans have given this nation under the Bush 41 and 43 presidencies are two unnecessary wars with Iraq, an unread Presidential Daily Briefing, falling towers, wasted blood and treasure and a trashed economy. Richardson isn’t even a blip on the fucking chart compared to that shit.
He’s never once ever put any effort into saying what he’s for.
Really vomit producer? Apparently reading is not fundamental for you either or you have early onset senility like the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Puddy was commended by incorrectneverbright for Puddy’s inner city stand.
The thing missing from vomit producer’s comprehension is everything it claims to support; from specific screeds on StormFront to DUMMOCRETIN policies support is what Puddy is against.
Sux to be you!
I don’t give a damn about Hillary Clinton any more than I do the Kardashians.
Butt, you’ll run to that polling place and vote with your head held high voting for Hillary vomit producer!
Hollywood and the Illuminati are collaborating all the time. Have you not seen the coded messages in Katy Perry videos?
Once again checkmate is seeing things!
Very scary!
Using Talking Pukes Morons Google (very left wing) poll to display Republican poll values? That’s the best you can do Stupid Solution Steve?
“If she was doing that much yoga, she wouldn’t need to wear pantsuits.”
@116 farted,
suddenly lost your enthusiasm for The Donald?
Where did Puddy express any enthusiasm for Donald Trump?
You can even ask the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch to check the crazed databaze if you have a set of brass marbuls. The early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit does not possess a set of brass marbuls! The early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit is a chicken to ask for a crazed databaze replay!
“Using Talking Pukes Morons…”
No, you stupid batshit crazy loon, I used a survey done by the GOP-affiliated Echelon Insights.
“New Poll: Trump Leads Post-Debate”
Echelon Insights. As in…
“New Firm Aims To Fix The Chronic Republican Problem Of Bad Polling”
The Psycho-Laugh. How fucking appropriate.
You say that as if you think Clinton is the only dishonest and slippery politician
Thanks for admitting and agreeing with Puddy early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
I used a survey done by the GOP-affiliated Echelon Insights.
Really Stupid Solution Steve @156?
Yet does anyone find this “fact” in post #135?
“In New Hampshire he’s below 20% also. Sooooo keep hoping for a Trump nomination”
It’s great to see Puddy correct again.
“Poll Shows Trump With Nearly Triple The Support Of Nearest GOP Rival”…..bate-trump
Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Such a blatant liar that Stupid Solution Steve is!
Oh early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit,
McCaskill, who called Schumer “a dear friend,” said it was “too early to tell” how many Democrats would join the New York Democrat in voting “no.
Seems it’s too close to call. And those senators who vote with Obummer and are up in 2016 will be easy pickings for Republicans in 2016!
DUMMOCRETINS do everything for politics and screw the American public. The American public be DAMNED!
“Yet does anyone find this “fact” in post #135?”
I posted the link from Talking Points Memo and you, you stupid fucking batshit crazy loon, acted as though that was enough to discredit the pollster. Dumbfuck that you are, you dumped on a GOP-affiliated pollster. Of course, you did that because you’re batshit crazy fucking loon.
“Where did Puddy express any enthusiasm for Donald Trump?”
“Poll Shows Trump With Nearly Triple The Support Of Nearest GOP Rival”
Sucks to be you, a batshit crazy fucking loon.
The entire GOP is batshit fucking insane.
“GOP lawmaker who ‘rehomed’ adopted daughters with rapist to get ‘courage’ award at Ted Cruz dinner”
“‘Stump For Trump Girls’ are transphobic, Cosby-loving, Confederate flag-hating Trump lovers”
“Ohio woman’s truck torched after threatening letter: ‘We don’t want you here, black b*itch’”
“British reporter in Ferguson finds whites openly carrying rifles and peaceful blacks being arrested”
“GOP council candidate in New Jersey town accused of child sex assault”
“Pastor charged with sexually abusing another boy after church members rallied to his defense”
Today’s GOP in a nutshell – racism and child sexual abuse.
Iwakuma tossed a no-hitter this afternoon. Sweet!
Bueller Bueller @160
No where does Stupid Solution Steve reference that poll. Hence all the standard name calling as demonstrated in #160.
Sad and typical for Stupid Solution Steve!
Still waiting for Stupid Solution Steve to show where Puddy has expressed this Trump support!
“No where does the brilliant Steve who owns me reference that poll.”
What I did, you batshit crazy loon, was provide not one, but two links to poll results, a poll conducted by a GOP-affiliated pollster, the same pollster who you ignorantly dumped on.
As always, it sucks to be you, you stupid batshit crazy fucking loon.
“show where Puddy has expressed this Trump support”
Suck it up and try to hold your head high when you vote for Trump, you stupid batshit crazy loon.
Ted Nugent,
“I’m a big fan of Donald Trump because I believe in bold, aggressive, unapologetic truth. Period.”
“I’m not a fan of Megyn Kelly, although I often turn on Fox just to look at her. Sometimes when I’m loading my [gun ammunition] magazines, I like to just look at her. And I usually sit naked on the couch dropping hot brass on my stuff.”
Republicans are too fucking weird for words. A naked Nugent jacks off while watching Megyn Kelly while the batshit crazy fucking loon jacks off while thinking of a naked Nugent.
Here’s a PuddyQuestion that will stump the HA DUMMOCRETIN horde.
Remember when the great General David Petraeus (Hillary called him Be-tray-us) was charged, prosecuted of convicted of improperly storing classified information in his home? No? Later, we found out the chargable information Petraeus had was categorized at the lowest level of the classified tier. It was his Outlook schedule. The information found on Clinton’s server by the Inspector General is classified as top secret, the second to highest level. So why is this double-standard being played out? How cum Hillary is above the law?
There is a statue called Lady Justice. Even the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit knows this. Puddy’s son was standing near Lady Justice when he was admitted into the bar! Lady Justice is blind, wearing a blindfold and holds a set of scales. Yet, this action is not being applied to Hillary! Apparently Lady Justice sees Hillary and put away the scales!
This is why the vitriolic attacks against Puddy above are so vicious! The coronation may be delayed or canceled.
Seattle Mariners pitcher Hisashi Iwakuma throws no-hitter against the Baltimore Orioles
“show where Puddy has expressed this Trump support”
“CNN Poll Shows Trump Way Up In Iowa As Walker Falls”
“Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush polled at 5 percent alongside Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.”
Sucks to be Bush, Rubio and Paul. Sucks even more to be a stupid batshit crazy loon.
Still can’t find the proof eh Stupid Solution Steve?
Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
“Still can’t find…”
Please try your fucking best to understand that you not finding your fucking brain isn’t my fucking problem, you stupid fucking batshit crazy loon.
Nugent, “I’m afraid…Megyn Kelly absolutely fell of the cliff of political correctness when she proposed that obnoxious, meaningless, nonsensical, biased question for Donald Trump.”
“CNN Poll Shows Trump Way Up In Iowa As Walker Falls”…..trump-iowa
Now this is a moonbat crazy loon
Stupid Solution Steve is projecting again… 164 165 169 171 – real sewage from Stupid Solution Steve
@156 was never replied to! Post @158 refers to your failed attempt to cover your ASS @135!
Keep attacking Puddy. Puddy PWNS Stupid Solution Steve! Aptly named by Puddy!
Keep trying moronic twit!
“Keep trying…”
The problem with repeatedly handing a batshit crazy loon’s ass to him is that he’s too fucking batshit insane to know what’s happening.
@171 Oh, is Nugent a Trump fan now? That’s quite an endorsement.
Stupid Solution Steve is toooooooo stoooooooooooooopid to hand anyone’s ASS to anyone!
Maybe you like handling male ASSes! Hmmm…?
That was probably just Nugent’s way of hitting on Megyn Kelly. The whole world just saw Trump make Roger Ailes his bitch, so no surprise if Nugent’s got his sights on Megyn now.
You’d think the batshit crazy loon would get what it is to have his ass handed to him. It’s been happening to him day to night for ten years now. Then again, he’s dumber than a stump, so maybe he hasn’t caught on yet. Works for me either way.
No one sees a “D” in parens next to the Donald’s name silly troll.
The klownservatic was standing with other klownservatics on that debate stage you idiot!