Join us tonight for a little dose of Christmas spirit and some politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning about 8:00 pm. Or stop by earlier and enjoy dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 340 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
you said a bad word darryl
Look: 2 more cops shot in the line of duty because the conservatives and the NRA obstruct every effort to only limit lawful and responsible citizens from owning guns..
Why do conservatives hate law enforcement offiers so much?
The right can’t distinguish between a duly constituted Police force and a hired goon-squad like Shitwater.
i knew from the beginning of the anna nicole smith trial that howard stern had a hand in it. and u know why. so, i also know that brittany murphys scumbag husband will one day be indicted…oy vey
@2…the guy already could not own a legal firearm…..but why let facts get in the way of your argument…
@3…irrelevant post #45 from Pud Pullerson….
It’s unfortunate that this dumbfuck Burris spent more time reading that shitty limerick than his illiterate ass did reading the language contained in this equally shitty healtcare bill. Have no fear though, folks. The adults will retain control in 2010 and in 2012. Just look at the latest rasmussen daily tracking poll numbers for that reality to set in with the unqualified dumbass at the helm for less than a year.
Transparency my ass. Backroom dealings and unconstitutional bribes. The Democrat party hits a new low in a lifetime of lows.
Backroom dealings and unconstitutional bribes
what do you expect from the person who is running this show, rahm emanuel.
fought for another coubtry, israel, in the first gulf war
somehow made 18 mil in two years at fannie
has threatened political foes
is suspected of being a mossad agent
is known for vulgarity
father was a member of a jewish terrorist group
all in all, one hell of a nice guy
Things are mighty bad when all you can come up with is something done by Roland Burris
Why not talk about something worthwhile like this–
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
From +32 all the way down to -21.
In the same poll, with the same polling methodology.
A 53 point nosedive.
Go ahead…continue your spinning and denial.
America views Obam-mao as dishonest.
That’s a very, very difficult thing to overcome.
Backroom politics…when you promise transparency??
Not good.
You could also talk about all the inevitable legal challenges to the illegal Health Care pile of shit–
Or not not talk about the Democrat Congressman switching parties to the Republicans?
How many more Blue Dogs will switch for the reasons Griffith cited…
Nice testimony!
Or how about the Illinois residents pissed off about being proclaimed GITMO II????????
So many things to discuss Darryl….all bad for the Democrats.
And you choose to promote something by Roland Burris???
My oh My Darryl…………..
what a tangled web Obam-Mao weaved when he continuously chooses to deceive!!
Of course, during the campaign any suggestion on HA that Obama wasn’t quite what he seemed to be was shouted down by the HA faithful, many of whom are now beside themselves for having been suckered. This is less an indictment of Obama and more one of those who so willingly believed mind numbing lines like “change we can believe in.” So much for their judgment.
After Ripping Clinton And McCain, Obama Embraces Their Policies
@7 Where were the so-called “adults” you refer to during the last 30 years when the ranks of uninsured grew to 50 million, insureds were denied life-saving treatments in the name of higher profits, health premiums soared, and insured families lost their homes and life savings to medical bankruptcy?
Sitting on your asses doing nothing.
How many people have to be killed at an intersection before Republicans will put up a stoplight?
7, 8 — “Backroom dealings and unconstitutional bribes”
Booo-fucking-hooo, since when did your ilk care about the Constitution?!
@13 And voters’ alternative was what? John “Bored-By-Economics” McCain? We’d all be living in cardboard shacks by now if he’d been elected. The voters knew what they were doing when they rejected you asswipes.
spoken like a true disciple of Joseph Goebbels…
You mean like Obama’s Half Brother George in Kenya? Now that’s what I call “Hope and change”. Little of the former and none of the latter.
About 230 years before your ilk, and counting….
@19 Empty headed little Ricky Dumbass
Your criticism of Obama rings hollow as usual. You would not support anything he does – including cleaning up the mess that Bush left (and neglected) in Afghanistan.
the health care bill in the Seante is not that good – because it was written to placate Leiberfool, who is in the pocket of the insurance companies.
That is what happens when you have obstructionist republicans. Without the public option to hold down costs – or regulation of insurance companies like utilities – there will be no cost control.
The republicans all voted in favor of the big Pharma to prevent Medicare from negotiating prices….that will put a bigger hole in the budget than almost anything besides the bloated defense spending bill.
Oh yeah, Obama did promise to end Gitmo (and to restore the constitution) to end torture, to get us out of Iraq and to prevent the Taliban and bin Laden from taking over Afghanistan…all promises on the way to being kept.
Bush promised that Iraq had WMDs and was a threat, and we all know he lied about that.
@ 20 ~ Apparently your dumbass doesn’t understand how to comprehend the declining approval numbers of the nitwit in chief. This fool is a lame duck less than 1 year into his OJT. Buyers remorse is something I anticipated, but not this soon. It’s about time people woke up to reality of the massive mismangement the democrat party is capable of.
Expect big changes in 2010 and 2012 when the adults are again in charge…the Conservatives, not the Republicans.
@20 there will be no cost control
That’s not what Obama and Democratic lawmakers are telling us:
“Every single criteria for reform I put forward is in this bill”
Cost control was one of those reforms.
So he’s lying to us, according to you. And you’re focused on the Republicans as the problem? Too much.
And Darryl, at least you in academia should know that what Burris was reading there was no limerick. A limerick describing the current congress would be more like this.
The word congress, if anyone checks
In the dictionary, also means sex:
I fuck you, you fuck me.
But from Congress (cap C),
A fuck-up is what one expects.
re 10: What about tort reform?
– John Stossel,
– Geraldo Rivera,
– Sean Hannity,
– Bill O’Reilly,
– Glenn Beck,
– Michael Moore
Which of the above has credibility?
re 23:
There once was a senator from Idaho
whose stance was as wide as a condo
He went for a squirt at the airport mens’room
I can’t think of a final line. Can you?
Dude, I heard that Goldy just reported your IP to the Trilateral Commission. If I were you I’d grab my bailout pack and head for the hills. The black helicopters will be circling your house any minute now…
Bluedog ‘Democrat’ Switches To GOP
Rep. Parker Griffith (?-AL) announced today he is switching his affiliation from the Democratic Party to the GOP because the latter is more in sync with his values (God, guns, and no health care).
Griffith is a wealthy doctor who sat out the Vietnam War in medical school and the Army Reserve, so this shouldn’t come as a shock.
that he was a Dummocrapt for all those years and realized Pelosi’s profligate spending ways are taking America down the tubes?
Republican health care plan: Get sick and die.
@29 You? Complaining about “profligate spending”?
Blackwater mercenaries: $150,000 a year (but too cheap to buy helmets for U.S. Army and USMC combat infantrymen)
No-bid contracts: Billions of windfall profits for crony contractors who built showers that electrocuted U.S. soldiers
Tax cuts for uber-wealthy: Hundreds of billions of dollars borrowed from China to pay for private jets and yachts; no jobs created, no trickle-down to the working class
Abstinence education: $1 billion squandered on useless indoctrination of teenagers to not have sex; teen pregnancies skyrocketed
Iraq: $1 trillion squandered on fighting a country that didn’t threaten or attack us while bin Laden pranced scot-free in Tora Bora
These are only a few examples of Republican corruption, waste, fraud, and abuse — and YOU have the brass to accuse Democrats of “profligate spending”? You’d be a laugh riot if you weren’t so fucking pathetic.
@25 Simple!
Bill O’Reilly for 9 years most watched.
Puddy the Professional Troll is already hard at work at 6:51 AM! Where are you posting from? A GOP boiler room in northern Virginia? It’s 9:51 AM back there. I know Republicans don’t show up for work before 9 AM, so your office must be on the east coast.
The Democrats have totally disconnected from the responsible American people. They are a party of excess with endless ridiculous earmarks and a Health Care Bill that looks worse every day it is vetted.
Here is where you stand KLOWNS—
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Look at the 2nd paragraph and pinch yourself.
America ain’t buying Obam-Mao and the Democrat reckless massive Deficit Spending…and it ain’t gonna work long-term.
pete headless@25–
Easy question.
Answer: Bill O’Reilly…9 years most watched
Doofus AKA Roger Dumb Bunny…
Yep in Dummocraptic neighborhoods. Puddy already produced the statistics fool. You are so mentally decrepit you forget facts within hours.
Golly Dumb Bunny Puddy went to WikiPedia and produced the richest cities in America… controlled by Dummocrapts who voted for Dummocrapts. Puddy produced the richest counties in America… ontrolled by Dummocrapts who voted for Dummocrapts. Puddy produced the list of the richest peeps in Congress. Most are Dummocrapts.
Where did Bernie Madoff get his Billions from? Dumb Dummocrapts.
Where did Allen Stanford get his Billions from? Dumb Dummocrapts.
The Shaw Group, Loral, URS and Perini Corp are crony contractors? Try again Dumb Bunny! Puddy already produced the contracts fool. You are so mentally decrepit you forget facts within hours.
You need to contact your bud ylb arschloch to validate your comments before delivering them. He has all the previous PuddyMissives with these facts. He provides Goldy a free backup server.
Roger The Dumb Bunny is awake, sitting on his couch, breathing like Darth Vader, but as mindless as Pee Wee Herman.
Cynical, Puddy already produced major economists who say this is Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s economy now. Can’t refute that fact Roger Dumb Bunny.
Here is a good reason why Parker Griffith and others will leave the Democrat Party–
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Obam-Mao is being crushed by a disorganized Party. Just think if the R’s get their act together and stand consistently for Conservative principles?!!
January will be an interesting month…
It’s just a matter of time before voters accept what these Economists already know….it’s Obam-Mao’s failed economy.
And 10 years from now when the 30 and under krowd who foolishly voted Obam-Mao in by an over 2-1 margin are struggling with this massive debt Obam-Mao has created…who will they blame??
The PINHEADS will still blame Bush.
But the vast majority will have wised up and grown up.
Obam-Mao is setting the Democrat Party back 20 years.
Steve, Roger Dumb Bunny, rujax, ekim, ylb arschloch and Proud Leftist were spotted in Sweden again…
Hey look HA Socialist Leftists… a future location for you all to shop! Now you can feel good being a “capitalist”.
Typical Dummocraptic response…
Bribes? What Bribes?
To see wingnut idiot jerking himself off in public, read #36 above.
@44 You answered your own question. That isn’t bribery, it’s politics. Read the Constitution, jackass.
Tent City Volunteers Clean Up Neighborhood
Homeless people living in tent cities are a favorite scapegoat of rightwing numbskulls who can’t function without hate objects. According to them, tent cities are a source of crime, prostitution, and (eek!) menacing to little children.
“Tent-city residents give back by volunteering in community
“Volunteers from Tent City 4 in Bellevue meet twice a week to do yard work around the neighborhood near First United Methodist Church. Local resident Richard Harris organized them to help foster goodwill with the community.
“For the past couple of months, a small, rotating crew of four to six has been raking leaves, cutting ivy and pulling down shrubs in yards in a residential neighborhood north of downtown Bellevue. …
“The crews are volunteers from Tent City 4 …. Since late October, the camp has been in the parking lot of First United Methodist Church in Bellevue ….
“Longtime local resident Richard Harris once was opposed to Tent City 4 showing up in his neighborhood. But the more he learned about the camp, the more he felt it was managed well ….
“Harris … approached the camp management about organizing the volunteer crews. ‘They help people in the community in need,’ Harris said. ‘Everybody benefits.’ The volunteers … do yardwork for neighbors … [amd] clean leaves off the streets. …
“Resident Richard Mathias is one of the people who initially opposed Tent City 4 but has changed his mind. Mathias … said he was concerned that Tent City 4 residents would lurk in the park behind his home, but he hasn’t seen anything different since the camp arrived. … Mathias said he realized they are just people. … ‘I can’t complain at all now,’ he said. ‘My initial fears were unfounded.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: One thing you won’t see in Bellevue is any Republicans out there helping them. They’re too busy making money.
Democrats are about to do what Republicans refused to do: Make health insurance available to 30 million uninsured Americans, reign in abusive private insurance company practices, and begin to get a grip on health care costs that are weighing down our economy and bankrupting families and small businesses. And not one Republican will vote for this. History will record that Democrats took action while Republicans fiddled as Rome burned.
@42 I’m only a dumb bunny, but that’s okay because nobody expects rabbits to be geniuses, but I’m way smarter than you. Even for someone who was hatched from a rock, you’re godawful stupid.
Roland burris as your spokesmans for Health care?
Wow, a crook peddling a graft filled bill?
Of course #45 has no response to #36. Being a decrepit old Dumb Bunny gives him an excuse!
The Pellitizer is shell-shocked by the demise of the Big Government bowel movement.
Also, isn’t it nice of Roger to volunteer his backyard for TENT CITY #5!!
Put out a Hobo Alert…kegger at the Rabbit’s!
@49 but I’m way smarter than you
Right, sure, WHATEVER YOU SAY! After all, when you bumped into this difficult navigation problem:
« Previous Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next Page »
at the bottom of this page:
you announced your STRATEGY for FINDING your way to the first page:
“You have to backward-click 4 times to get to the beginning, then forward-click 5 times to read the last page. What a dolt.”
BRILLIANT! Now wonder you’re online ALL day – you’re spending all your time looking for page 1!
Roger Dumb Bunny,
Puddy identifies your facts foibles. Puddy lets others describe your Internet prowess and they do it with panache!
For ylb arschloch panache – grand and stylish!
Merry Christmas Dumb Bunny.
From the AP–
Where’s the pea??
Sessions found it!!
Using the Head of the CBO to disclose it.
What an accounting shell-game.
ObamMao has already lost the trust of the American people as clearly evidenced in recent polls.
He is -18 Strong Approval vs. Strong Disapproval today (He was +32 Post Inauguration).
The Democrats are at -8 vs. Republicans in the Congressional Polls.
Sucks to be an Atheist Progressive!
Merry CHRISTmas!!
Finally we crossed that bridge!
Rog has finally come to grips with reality.
It goes without saying that anyone who actually believes they are a bunny….is dumb!
Hey Roger Dumb Bunny…
Here is the CBO letter Cynical’s post referred to. Emelia has shown Puddy you are deficient in Internet skillz… So in the Christmas spirit Puddy will help you!
Atheist Progressive’s at work!
Here is an example of what really turns on these KLOWNS…a disabled vet demanding an angel be taken off the top of a Christmas Tree!
His next target is to remove crosses from the site of fatal car accident’s!
What a great American!
The Rabbit is probably ticked at the CBO today.
Sessions asking the key follow-up question and getting an answer in writing is Brilliant!
Now, the Senators who said they would only vote YES if Budget Neutral are in quite a Quagmire. So are House members who said the same thing.
The Leftist’s have been quoting the CBO.
Now what are they gonna do??
Say the CBO is full of shit??
Right before the vote.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Puddy produced this saying it wasn’t revenue neutral back in October. Remember the nay sayers then?
October 15, 2009 Revenue Neutral, It Ain’t
“Therein lies the problem. Ask yourself: Why would you or I pay thousands of dollars for “insurance” if we can just buy insurance coverage to pay for bills when we get sick, and all for the same price as a healthy person?”
From another site. A statement that “Political Compromises that seem to only extract concessions from the left.”
Seems that way. What do you think you conservatives among us, can you thing of any concessions you had to give recently?
I also love the Democrat/Obam-Mao scam where they say it is neutral….EVEN THOUGH WE PAY FOR 4 FRIGGIN’ YEARS BEFORE WE GET ANY BENEFITS!
Can you believe that “thinking” Puddy??
They are klinically insane.
Can you imagine what the KLOWNS screaming if they were told folks had to pay into Unemployment or Welfare for 4 years BEFORE they get a check?
How about groceries?
Pay the grocery store for 4 years before you get a loaf of bread!
Democrats have overplayed the emotions of Americans. Americans give folks the benefit of the doubt generally…until you prove you are untrustworthy.
Then they will turn on you…Big-Time as Obam-Mao is finding out.
63. Blue John spews:
We don’t give concessions to liars dumbass.
Blue John,
Your HA Libtardo Peeps claimed “the adults” as they claim are in charge. Seems to Puddy the adults” as they claim are squabbling. Seems to Puddy the adults” as they claim have control of all three houses. We who always think right don’t need to make consessions to the adults” as they claim.
re 35: Why does that make O’Reilly credible? It just means he’s popular. If a blond bimbo read the news topless, she would have better ratings that anyone.
That would not speak to her credibility.
Conservatives will lose in 2012 and 2010 — and the supreme court will be tilted to the left for a long, long time.
We may want to revisit some of those cases pertaining to corporate political donations in a few years. Scalito, Roberts and Alito will be known as the Manny, Moe, and Jack of jurisprudence.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
headless is purposely sock puppeting someone, this time emelia. Since headless has done this before on Puddy and Piper, isn’t it time for headless to be banished for a while?
Rules are rules.
headless@68 –
“emelia”@69 –
The victim, who is Hispanic, suffered severe injuries, and it was possible he may lose sight in one eye. It is not believed, however, that he was the victim of a hate crime. Police said the student who threw the first punch was also Hispanic, and the other students all come from diverse backgrounds.
what a fucking sick country where a kid gets severely beaten, and the fucking douchebag reporter is talking about how, thankfully i suppose, the criminals are from diverse backgrounds…fucking sick.
re 35: Why does that make O’Reilly credible? It just means he’s popular. If a blond bimbo read the news topless, she would have better ratings that anyone.
That would not speak to her credibility.
idiot…then why does it make obama president just because he was popular…what a moron
Democrats have overplayed the emotions of Americans. Americans give folks the benefit of the doubt generally…until you prove you are untrustworthy.
Then they will turn on you…Big-Time as Obam-Mao is finding out.
you know, if by some miracle republicans do not won at the ballot in 2010, maybe its time we rosa park these fucking commies.
Roland Burris is an irrelevant corrupt pompous asshole. Nothing to see here. I wonder how his monstrosity of a shrine to himself is coming along? With any luck he’ll be in it soon.
Roland Burris is an irrelevant corrupt pompous asshole. Nothing to see here. I wonder how his monstrosity of a shrine to himself is coming along? With any luck he’ll be in it soon.
yeah, but the reason he doesnt look that bad is because he looks like a rhodes scholar next to bobby rush.
re 74: “Roland Burris is an irrelevant corrupt pompous asshole.”
Sounds more like the Dick Army called the Republican Party.