Today is election day. Don’t be an asshole…VOTE! Mail or drop off your ballot in a ballot box and then join us for an election party at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally this evening.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. Our starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks stop by even earlier for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. The Long Beach, Tri-Cities and West Seattle chapters also meet tonight. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. And on Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets.
There are 189 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon and two in Idaho. Chances are good there’s a chapter meeting near you.
[Comment Deleted]
@1 Bickle is in top form today. He started his day by getting deleted from an open thread.
@2 Bickle the Uber driver was probably turned on by the Fox bimbos video..
The effect mustabeen unbearable indeed to sane eyes.
Heh. Bobby Bickle “gone Galt” day pushed out to sometime Nov 2016!
What did the Giraffe ever do to you? What was the point of killing the Giraffe? What is the difference between killing the giraffe and a human being?
Maybe you should have pointed the gun on yourself or then next time you are out and about the neighborhood maybe someone shoots you for the fun of it.
Some people are complete fucking idiots.
the derp is strong with this one.
The dumbest county in America is in Oklahoma.
I sincerely hope that everyone at Drinking Liberally has a wonderful time this evening. :)
“I sincerely hope that everyone at Drinking Liberally has a wonderful time this evening. :)”
I’m sure they will. Any cases of food poisoning won’t hit them at least until morning..
Dunno if anyone cares who’s in, who’s not, in the Faux Noise KKKlown Show, but here’s the roster:
In: Trump, Bush, Walker, Huckabee, Carson, Cruz, Rubio, Paul, Christie, Kasich
Not: Perry, Santorum, Jindal, Fiorina, Graham, Pataki, Gilmore
Should be pretty lively, with Christie talking about fixing our bridges, Trump promising to shut down the government, Cruz frying bacon with his AR-15, and Huckabee sharing his Auschwitz reminiscences.
Goldy @GoldyHA
Socialism is killing Seattle’s bar and restaurant industry! …
Yeah, but there will always be a thriving Hooters.
Two Oxford researchers recently analyzed the skills required for more than 700 different occupations to determine how many of them would be susceptible to automation in the near future, and the news was not good: They concluded that machines are likely to take over 47 percent of today’s jobs within a few decades.
This is a dire prediction, but one whose consequences will not fall upon society evenly. A close look at the data reveals a surprising pattern: The jobs performed primarily by women are relatively safe, while those typically performed by men are at risk.
@9 Rachel Maddow is reporting that Fox News didn’t even follow their own set criteria to pick the top ten. They said they would base it on the average of the 5 most recent polling. But apparently they based it on the average of the 6 most recent polls and thru out the 5th most recent poll. Fox news tossed out the NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll – favoring Gov. Ohio John Kasich over Rick Perry. Sorry Rick! The only Republican I could ever thing about possibly voting for would be Kasich – but I’d never do it, wouldn’t take the chance that he’d cow tow the anti same-sex people.
“Die you Humans” – GOP “Leaders
Maybe that First!Woman!President! strategy needs a different woman at its core.
Hillary Clinton’s popularity is plunging among white women, a slice of Americans she desperately needs to win over if she is to become president.
A poll released Tuesday by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News found that just 34 per cent of Caucasian females have a positive view of the former secretary of state. That figure has dropped 10 points in the last month.
Her ‘unfavorable’ number among the same group climbed by ten points. Now 53 per cent of white women in the U.S. simply don’t like her. Even in America’s suburbs, Clinton is ‘under water’ by five points, with more of those voters seeing her negatively than positively.
Read more:
I’d vote for Jill Biden before I’d vote for Hillary.
Hell, I’d vote for Jill Biden before I’d vote for Joe Biden.
Take Back Your Country Maggots!
@ 12
Someone takes issue with Ms. Maddow. Either that or you didn’t hear what you think you heard.
Daily Kos Elections @DKElections
Top 10 per polls =Trump, Jeb, Walker, Carson, Huck, Cruz, Rubio, Paul, Christie & Kasich. If that’s not Fox’s debate lineup, the fix is in.
2:53 PM – 4 Aug 2015
Real Clear Politics also includes the NBC/WSJ poll in its final five – and also excludes Perry:
Anyone else think that Chris Christies wife looks like Caitlyn Jenner. Actually Caitlyn kind of looks better than her.
Not sure he needed birth control – God made the women’s body such that it rejects male sperm laden with fat fuck DNA.
So the guy comes out and says he used Birth Control – ohhhhhhhhh, really. He must be the only Republican ever to use it. Is he saying that not all religious beliefs need to be followed? Oh noooo! Just the bigoted religion is the acceptable religion. Fat Fuck.
@16 Oh really, why has Fox News made public comment to tossing out the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll? It was the 5th most recent. But apparently, the Poll was not conducted to their standards, which were never announced when they announced the parameters to how the debate would be conducted.
Oh if this was a Democrat I’m sure Boob would not post it. But more importantly he’d never post this because it is a Republican.
I don’t get it. I really don’t. And I don’t understand why it works. Are people stupid? I don’t understand when individuals talk negatively about individuals as “politicians”.
Watching the news tonight (yeah Bob MSNBC) they showed a clip of Trump being interviewed by O’liar and he spoke negatively towards his opponents as “Politicians”
And tonight I ripped up mail from the Heritage Foundation, a questionnaire, that used the word “politician’, negatively in everyone of their questions. (I thought about responding to the questionnaire, giving them a piece of my mind, I started but ultimately ripped it up, because I was afraid that they would research who I am, and who I work for, and take retribution towards the company I work for because we do quite a bit of Federal work for the Defense Department. One of my comments that I was going to make was why isn’t Defense Budget on the cutting block too. And I didn’t want to “hurt” the chances of the company I work for in getting any defense contracts. I wouldn’t put it past the Heritage Foundation to do something like that)
Anyways why always speaking negatively about a politician. And at the same time Trump is giving praise to Palin – she was or is a politician. He’s running to be a politician.
Jim Demint – he use to be a politician or still is. They all pal around in political circles and have political ties and connections.
How do you have a government without politicians?
What the fuck? Do you think they are just trying to turn you into a negative anti government asshole?
What happened to the babbling jackass troll?
Did his beloved fellow black klownservatic Kosby cause the tool to blow out the last two remaining synapses?
Stay classy boob…
@21 maybe he’s hanging with friends at the pro Confederate Flag rally.
Seattle City Council, top two candidates
Pos. 1 – Herbold, Braddock
Pos. 2 – Harrell+, Morale
Pos. 3 – Sawant, Banks
Pos. 4 – Johnson, Maddox
Pos. 5 – Juarez, Brown
Pos. 6 – O’Brien+, Wheatbrook
Pos. 7 – Bagshaw+, Zach-Artis
Pos. 8 – Burgess, Grant
Pos. 9 – Bonzales+, Bradburd
+ = candidate with over 50% of total vote
Port of Seattle
Pos. 2 – Gregoire 82%, Goodspace Guy 9%, Naubert 8%
Pos. 5 – Felleman 21%, Pope 16%, Rogers 12%
King County Elections Director
Wise 62%, Hudgins 21%, Roberts 15%
In Seattle City Council District 4, incumbent Jean Godden is pretty close to Michael Maddux for second place, so she’s not necessarily out, but she’s in third after tonight’s ballot dump.
Julie Wise (elections director) and Courtney Gregoire (port commissioner) look like slam dunks.
In the widely watched Pos. 3 race, Sawant 49.9%, Banks 35.3%, Hearne 10.3%, Carter 2.1%, Write In 0.2%.
“What happened to the babbling jackass troll?”
This thread has so far been 100% batshit crazy free. Beyond this thread, not so much. From the headlines…
“Unlucky gay-basher left bloodied and humiliated after tangle with gay married West Point grads”
“Florida woman kidnaps daughter to stop her from getting vaccines and learning about black history”
“Texas public school district promotes Christianity with made up Ronald Reagan quote”
“California cops say video of them insulting disabled woman during raid violated their privacy”
“Two men open fire on soldiers at ‘Jade Helm 15′ training site”
“Anti-‘Jade Helm 15′ nuts arrested in North Carolina after hoarding weapons and making bombs”
“GOP senator: I can lecture women on pregnancy because abortion is a ‘men’s issue’”
@11 like I said before when a robot replaced a bare chested bartender with only boxers on in NYC is the day I’ll stay home and not ever drink a beer again. Otherwise there will be three losers, at a minimum, the bartender and the current producer of Bud Light Beer, and the city tax revenues. I don’t drink in the house (it’s against my fucking religion).
A Cop Killed A White Teen And The #AllLivesMatter Crowd Said Nothing
His name was Zachary Hammond.
“Hammond’s whiteness has certainly factored into the response to his death. No public outcry has questioned the media’s use of family photos that appear to show a younger boy, still wearing braces. No wave of Internet denizens has scoured the victim’s social media profiles in search of ways to somehow blame him for his own death. Nobody appears to have called for a discussion of white-on-white crime. No stories have been written about whether Hammond’s parents had criminal records or asked if he was ever in trouble at school. At least not yet.”
>> The silence is deafening.
“White America’s apathetic response to the killing of a young white man is not just evident on Twitter. The community there has not organized protests or demonstrations. They haven’t held rallies or vigils — or at least any that have been well-attended enough to attract even local news coverage.”
The difference in reaction is fascinating. I wonder how much of the push back against BlackLivesMatter is from white people secretly shamed of their own apathy.
@ 29
The difference in reaction is fascinating.
I agree. For one thing, it’s possible the guy deserved it. Until all the information is in, who is to say the police were wrong? The dead guy’s family?
So people without an agenda are more likely to wait to find out what happened. All Lives Matter, sort of by definition, includes the life of a police officer, no?
Had Mike Brown’s supporters done the same, a lot of idiocy would have been avoided.
@29 was he gay? Maybe that is why.
Maybe he was trying to be a comedian. But you know Conservatives are incapable of making a joke. So, when they make statements like this, you know that this is the best that they can do to argue against same sex marriage.
With this kind of arugment – how can they be right?
All Lives matter – ehhh?
Hey Bob, why don’t we have a discussion about this guy and his connection and ties to a REPUBLICAN presidential candidate?
“Had Mike Brown’s supporters done the same, a lot of idiocy would have been avoided.”
You saw idiocy and an agenda. With Ferguson, I saw anguish and pain. I saw a straw break a camel’s back. Was there an agenda? No doubt. And no doubt some idiocy. But from the get-go, I saw an agenda in your comments, and in your attempts to be clever and demean black Americans, some snide idiocy as well. I’m not sure you could have ever avoided it though.
@30 What did Michael Brown do to deserve death? Shoplift cigars? Jaywalk? Sass a cop? He was a young black man living under a racist, despotic, white-run city government that supported itself by shaking down poor black people like him and using the police and municipal court as pickpockets. You should praise his restraint. No small number of your fellow rightwingers, if put into his shoes, would call it tyranny and deal with it by picking up their guns.
Bickle, you’re just a clueless white guy who can’t comprehend what it’s like to be unable to walk down your own street without being harassed by a cop because you’ve never had that experience and don’t know anyone who has. It flies completely over your head that policing in poor minority neighborhoods is different from, and vastly more oppressive than, anything you’ve ever personally encountered. Try to visualize yourself standing on a corner, waiting for a walk sign to go on, minding your own business, when suddenly a cop grabs you and slams you onto a car hood for no damn reason other than your skin color. You’d better hope there’s no reincarnation, because if there is, and there’s any karma in this universe, you may get sent back here as a Michael Brown for your next life. The purpose of that, of course, will be to educate you.
“For one thing, it’s possible the guy deserved it.”
That’s extremely unlikely, but skipping over this particular case for now, what about all the killer cops who’ve shot unarmed people who posed no actual threat, and what about all the cops whom dashcam and bystander videos have shown lied in their reports about the victims of police violence did to “deserve” being killed? Isn’t it time for the legal system to start treating trigger-happy lying cops like the criminals they are?
Breaking News
1. A theater shooting in Tennessee this afternoon left a moviegoer injured by an axe and the shooter dead after exchanging fire with police.
2. Malaysia’s prime minister confirmed the plane debris that washed ashore on Reunion Island is from missing flight MH-370.
@ 35
@30 What did Michael Brown do to deserve death? Shoplift cigars? Jaywalk? Sass a cop?
If memory serves, RR, he was a fleeing felon.
@39 If he wasn’t, that cop is a murderer.
Meanwhile, a trigger happy North Carolina cop is on trial for homicide after gunning down a black man who was merely seeking help after being in a car crash. The city of Charlotte has already paid a civil settlement of $2.25 million in the case.
And in Detroit, kids playing with another Responsible Gun Owner(TM)’s gun resulted in another horrible tragedy.
Fifty years ago, a war correspondent told the truth about what U.S. Marines did to a Vietnamese village, and President Johnson called him a communist and the Marines threatened to kill him. Yet, if it weren’t for war correspondents, politicians could whitewash the wars they start and soldiers could get away with endless atrocities.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: When Bush the Chimp launched his recreational war in Iraq, rightwingers cheered when journalists were killed. They called antiwar protesters “unpatriotic,” and they labeled the people who exposed the Abu Ghraib abuses “traitors.” People like this have the morals of the Nazis.
In 2011, Texass Rethuglicans passed a voter suppression law that says a gun permit is acceptable ID for voting but a Texas college student ID is not. Anyone who claims this had anything to do with protecting the integrity of elections has now been slapped across the face by two federal courts in a row.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m waiting for Texass’s indicted Rethuglican attorney general to appeal this to the Supreme Court to see if we can make it three in a row.
These Santa Ana, California, cops disabled the security cameras. Unfortunately for them, they overlooked one. Now, they claim their privacy rights were violated.
Partly because of this incident, The Atlantic magazine has ID’d the Santa Ana, California, police guild as America’s worst police union.
I’m sure glad I don’t live in Santa Ana, California.
A federal judge has ruled that Idaho’s “ag-gag” law is unconstitutional. I expect all the other “ag-gag” laws, passed by Republican legislators and targeting animal welfare activists for prison sentences, also will fall as they’re taken to court one by one.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: These laws are brought to you by the folks who quote the Constitutional as if it was Scripture — until they don’t want to follow it. They do the same thing with the Holy Bible, especially the Ten Commandments chapter.
If corporations are people, wouldn’t this be deformation of character? Can’t they sew this guy?
Is this how Religion works? Or is more on how ISIS works?
Hey Boob how about you do some research on this, we know how you dislike fakes and frauds who are unethical and do criminal acts.
This is a stupid question. Of course they are! And the Conservative sheep will go right along with it.
Hail Hitler
Um, Goldy, Carl, whoever. My posts that include html are being munched and not appearing.
Someone must have pranked a posse of bounty hunters, because they door they banged on belongs to the Phoenix police chief.
Are cops just congenitally jumpy nowadays?