The Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally meets this evening. Please join us for political chat over a drink.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. Our starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks stop by even earlier for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. And next Monday, the Yakima and South Bellevue chapters meet.
There are 190 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon and two in Idaho. Chances are good there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Boy Scouts End Ban On Gay Adults
Vote allows religiously affiliated scout groups to set their own LGBT policies.
Good on them.
FYI. Our son is in Boy Scouts and when he joined, we were up front with the troop leadership that he had two dads. We didn’t want to belong a troop that had a problem with that. They didn’t.
“Boy Scouts End Ban On Gay Adults”
Just another excuse for Republicans to once again talk about their desire to kill other Americans.
“Colorado state Rep. Gordon Klingenschmitt (R) said on Monday that it would be “better” for the Boy Scouts of America to drown its gay scoutmasters in the “depths of the sea” instead of lifting a ban on them.”
It looks like these Republicans would be happy to kill Americans too.
“Black Army vet called a ‘mother*cking n***er’ by Confederate flag wavers after enduring decade of racist abuse”
Pretty much the Republican position on minorities these days. They’re so tired of them having rights.
“Fox’s Ainsley Earhardt Is ‘So Tired Of Protecting’ Rights Of ‘The Minority’”
More Republicans wanting to kill Americans.
“Georgia men with Confederate flags crash black child’s birthday party, threaten to ‘kill y’all n****rs’”
@2 wow. For hate like that I would guess he was abused as a kid and or fighting urges to abuse. He protests too loudly. I hope he gets treatment.
And Trigg complains that I bring up the gay issue everytime I post. We’ll maybe if heterosexuals didn’t bring it up every hour then there would be no need to fucking bring it up.
Trigg, tell your consevaive bigot asshole dipshit friends to shut the fuck up if you don’t want this issue to come up every hour.
Puffy, if I am a bigot or a racist, as you have accused me at times, why do I find this dispicaable?
Would you find the same thing dispicable if it was similiar to someone atagonizing and insulting a gay family or idividuals? Am I the bigot or are you the bigot?
Trigg – go fuck yourself.
This is too funny.
Hey Trigg – who’s got a problem always talking about gay people, me or your fellow conservative freaks?
You wouldn’t be able to talk about Black people or Chinese People or Jewish People like this and get away with it, would you? Could I?
Stupid Solution Steve,
Yes there are some ignorant people around. Glad you love focusing in on them while there are morons trying to kill people at Key West beaches!
who’s got a problem always talking about gay people, me or your fellow conservatives…
Well buttbuster… You do troll alan all the time…
“Yes there are some ignorant people around. ”
I call them by name. They’re called Republicans.
“Kansas City hotel supervisor hangs ‘slave doll’ to make fun of Sandra Bland”
“Glad you love focusing in on them while there are morons trying to kill people at Key West beaches!”
I’m sure you’d have me be focused solely on that story while ignoring the fact that there are many in the Republican base who, like yourself, support the killing of millions of Americans.
Don’t deny it. You want millions of Americans, or as you prefer to call them, “fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum”, killed by the thousands each day until they are eradicated. It’s why you post such eliminationist rhetoric in blog threads. You hope to inspire others to do the killing for you.
Apparently it’s never 3 a.m. in Libya. Or in the Clinton household.
Among the approximately 2,000 emails that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has released from her private account, there is a conspicuous two-month gap. There are no emails between Clinton and her State Department staff during May and June 2012, a period of escalating violence in Libya leading up to the September 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi that left four Americans dead.
A State Department spokesman told The Daily Beast that for the year 2012, only those emails related to the security of the consulate or to the U.S. diplomatic presence in Libya were made public and turned over to a House committee investigating the fatal Benghazi assault. But if that’s true, then neither Clinton nor her staff communicated via email about the escalating dangers in Libya. There were three attacks during that two-month period, including one that targeted the consulate.
I’m so old I can remember when an 18 minute gap used to mean something.
Goldy @GoldyHA
Chipotle: “Just Because Minimum Wage Is Increasing in a Market Doesn’t Mean We’re Going to Raise Prices” … @TBPInvictus
’cause a corporation would never assure us they won’t do something, then go and do it anyway, would it?
Some people seem awfully willing to believe, if the stakes are sufficiently high.
Bob what do you think about the NYT screwing up report on Hillary Clinton investigation…..they report they based it on false statements from reliable sources.
Just like the NYT Report blamed false information from reliable sources about Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Holy Sexual Predator Batman – Camille Paglia, DUMMOCRETIN Feminista?
Of course the vomit producer will accuse Puddy of lying…
Of course this will never make the Friday Night Comix!
@18. Did Bill Clinton drug and rape his womenz like the Donald did?
Pretty sure the women Clinton abused were forced to feel every bit of the humiliation and pain he caused them, without benefit from pharmacology, but thanks for playing, ‘bagger.
So now we really know why Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz kisses Obummer’s ASS! Obummer calls and Leibowitz jumps!
If a Republican president did this you HA DUMMOCRETINS would have a heart attack!
@18. Did Bill Clinton drug and rape his womenz like the Donald did?
Got proof buttbuster? Paglia is a BIG TIME libtard DUMMOCRETIN! Well known in all DUMMOCRETIN circles! So the feckless attack of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit falls flat on its face like almost all of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit BULLSHITTIUM!
they report they based it on false statements from reliable sources.
Just like how most libtard left wrong sites report on conservatives!
“Pretty sure the women Clinton abused were forced to feel every bit of the humiliation and pain he caused them”
We call the first witness!!
“In the summer of 1995, sources have told TIME, Willey was in the midst of a brief relationship with a British-born soccer coach whom she made the target of a bizarre ruse almost straight out of an Aaron Spelling production. In an interview with the FBI, Willey’s former confidant Julie Steele has claimed that the onetime socialite told her lover, Shaun Docking, she was pregnant with his twins–even though Willey had told Steele she was not pregnant. Willey’s motive? She wanted to get back at him for Fourth of July plans gone awry, Steele told the FBI. The plot grew more serpentine. Shortly after her announcement, Willey told Docking, who at 30 was 18 years her junior, that she would have an abortion. Then, on the morning of the “scheduled” procedure, she informed him she had changed her mind. Not long after, Willey had Steele call Docking and tell him she had suffered a miscarriage. According to two sources in close contact with her at the time, Willey never confessed to Docking that the pregnancy had been invented. Willey’s lawyer did not return TIME’s calls last week.”
Go ahead and bet the farm on someone with a loose screw and a few disconnected wires.
“Paglia is a BIG TIME libtard DUMMOCRETIN! ”
Batshit crazy wingnut projection of their own mindless blind allegiance and hero-worship onto progressives is just another crazy Psych 101 thang, in case the batshit crazy loon didn’t know.
Thank goodness satellite temperature data can’t prove the East Anglia hockey stick DAYUM!
Another reason libtardism is a mental disease. When peep boycott the boycotters they go nutzo!
PuddyCommentary: Nuthin else needs to be said!
And Carly Fiorina smacksdown another libtard
And the third shoe drops!!!
Wanna see products of conception on a plate?
Butt those products of conception look like a cat or dog right HA DUMMOCRETINS?
“I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it”
BOYCOTT BOYCOTT BOYCOTT… Funny how that sounds when it’s a DUMMOCRETIN led organization!
Still, it’s very telling that Planned Parenthood fights ultrasounds when they would enable all women to see the living child growing in their womb, but is totally in favor of them when protecting the valuable organs that can be harvested from said children.
Stupid Solution Steve @25, you are a real mofo… Yessiree! Your hero whom you support all the time, clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch, loved Camille Paglia… YLB spews: Wednesday, 4/7/10 at 11:27 am. – Shocking eh?
Sux to be Stupid Solution Steve!
When you use links the blog filter explodes and blocks your entry!
Beloved Cecil the Lion killed!
Meanwhile the city where those illegal John Doe investigations cheered by HA DUMMOCRETINS against Scott Walker were initiated…
Well… this moronic twit was PWNED by the store manager!
Milwaukee… land of DUMMOCRETINS!
Article IV Free Inhabitant.
Uh huh. The GOP target demographic for sure. Where the fuck do these knuckleheads come from? And where is P. Barnes when we need him?
Boehner deemed insufficiently psychotic.
“Republican congressman files motion to remove John Boehner as House Speaker”
Speaking of wingnut psychopaths, I see the batshit crazy loon is having another psychotic episode tonight. What’s that now? Every night, ten years in a row?
@20 Bob if you really want to play why don’t you tell me what you think about all the stories of College Campus rapes. Do you care? Or do you care only when you can shame a democrat that has issues?
Is it because good Christians make mistakes?
Donald Duck really didn’t want things too transparent regarding his life with Ivana, so let’s get her to sign a gag order, you know like is common with every divorce.
Want to read some psychotic material? Your attack on Camille Paglia @25.
Sux to be Stupid Solution Steve!
Want to read some psychotic material? Your attack on Camille Paglia @25.
Sux to be Stupid Solution Steve!
Well waddya know, 9 of 10 Americans think there should be more regulation of libertarian banking, including price controls on the interest rates these lenders can charge, otherwise known as usury laws, which we used to have in this country until Republicans repealed them because, you know, not letting payday lenders charge 300% to 500% interest fosters dependency and undermines the work ethic.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wonder how much longer we’ll have to wait before the trailer park crowd figures out that Republicans also are beating down their wages and trying to take away their social security, medicare, and food stamps?
@20 Perhaps there’s a bit of truth to that, inasmuch as unprosecuted use of illegal drugs is a privilege limited to Republicans in this country, see e.g. Lush Flimbaugh.
@35 Another toddler has to go sit in a corner. Luckily for her, she’s not black, and this is California not Texas.
@35 (cont’d) What we have here is a simply DMV hearing in New Hampshire that drags out for more than 2 hours because the hapless Hearing Examiner has to deal with “Freeman” assholes who think the law doesn’t apply to them.
I had to deal with this nonsense, too, when I was a judge. I didn’t argue with these people. I offered them an opportunity to present their evidence, made my rulings, and told them if they disagreed with the decision their recourse was to appeal. Proceeding adjourned. Next case.
Deadbeat losers hanging out together at the shallow end of the pool who’ve somehow managed to convince each other that wading, splashing around and making too much fucking noise is living free.
Hmm, early morning psycho-laugh. Probably not a good sign.
@ RR @ 43 and 44
I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around the idea that the so-called “Sovereign Citizens” have any legitimate basis in Law for their apparent attitude that they are independent of State or local residency while being somehow exempt from the laws of the jurisdiction in which the arrest, trial or hearing is taking place. I watched over an hour of that last vid you linked, and the reality is that their method seems to be constantly challenging the authority of the Judge based on jurisdiction, when the SC people apparently do not recognize jurisdiction in any case.
That online “Lawyer” seems to be merely raising his objections purely as a method of obfuscating the issue of the purpose of the hearing itself, rather than allowing the hearing to progress at all. I mean, this isn’t a felony case, its a fucking traffic court. It is a total bullshit method. The Judge is there to make the determinations, not establishing whether or not a determination has already taken place.
The method is that of pure obstruction instead of trying to establish the idea that evidence is presented in open court, rather than being established before the hearing even takes place. It really is insane behavior. He’s trying to argue that the the State has no evidence before the evidence has even been presented to the Court.
This guy apparently was apparently driving a Police-marked vehicle with phony license plates, and he then fluffs the hearing out to almost two and a half hours based on the “Lawyers” opinion that the the State has no jurisdiction based on the locality of the arrest, the State Constitutional authority of the Officer, and the third-party nature of the prosecutor as the authority charged with presenting the State’s evidence.
If I would have been that Judge, I would have cut the “Lawyer” off in the first five minutes instead of tolerating the bullshit for over half an hour, once the guy’s bona fides as an idiot merely trying to bullshit the court had been established. He started in with his objections while the roll-call was being started for chrissake.
These are crazy people.
Heh, watched the rest of that vid. The poor Judge is obviously getting a headache at around 1:30 or so.
I don’t understand, how is “established residency” different from “being domiciled” in a State? How is it relevant? It doesn’t matter where someone is “domiciled” if the offense took place in any particular jurisdiction. If one who is visiting from Oregon is pulled over for a traffic violation in California, the Laws of California are what is being enforced, not Oregon. Oregon statutes are not applicable.
I am not a Lawyer, I don’t understand much of the arguments being presented here. The Defendant’s arguments seem totally superfluous and irrelevant.