Lots of political news these days, locally, statewide, nationally, and internationally. Want to talk about it? Then please join us for an evening of political conversation over a cocktail at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. Our starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks stop by even earlier for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle on Tuesday night? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. The Tri-Cities and Redmond chapters also meet tonight. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. On Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets. And next Monday, the Aberdeen and Yakima chapters meet.
There are 190 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon and two in Idaho. Chances are good there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Obummer gives back $100 Billion in frozen assets to Iran for what? This is a libtard site… http://washington.cbslocal.com.....-on-trust/
PuddyCommentary: Delay delay delay… that’s what Iran does!
What a joke. Delay delay delay… that’s what Iran does! Meanwhile the number of centrifuges weren’t reduced at all. The centrifuges continue to spin making nukular bomb materials for the future terrorists! If Iran is cheering this “deal” what does it really say about the “deal”?
Puddy brought you the truth about ObummerCare years ago. Now the ObummerCare bill is due and it’s MASSIVE. The nattering naysayers of nothingness (left wrong pinheads) claimed Puddy was wrong. Well even the left wrong Slate magazine has finally admitted the truth… ObummerCare is going to cost you BIG TIME!
PuddyCommentary: Looking at the article overall it’s very instructive on how all these e-rag DUMMOCRETINS like State, whom jockstrapped ObummerCare from 2009, will now defend ObumerCare once the Real American peeps view premiums skyrocketing out of sight. Puddy won’t expect HA DUMMOCRETINS to finally admit ObummerCare has destroyed health care reform and it’s going back in the same wrong direction they claimed health care was before ObummerCare.
The author’s first paragraph is typical DUMMOCRETIN swill. Once you get past that first paragraph BULLSHITTIUM you see the author admitting that the past ObummerCare criticism is very TRUE regarding the lost preferred doctors and plans. These are really happening and she can’t believe it. BELIEVE IT ya left wrong moron!
Why are insurers asking for those massive premium hikes? Just as Puddy wrote in yesteryear posts… ObummerCare is bankrupting the new “pairofdime” Obummer created in current health-care system in 2010. Remember you needed to pass the bill so you’d learn what was in it! So what are insurers doing? Asking for MASSIVE increases in premiums for 2016. Think of those poor DUMMOCRETIN Rubes who live just over the border? Their health care costs are skyrocketing for their obsequious slobbering Obummer preznit votes of 2008 and 2012. The disaster is definitely in the details! What will happen in WA State with this load of manure called ObummerCare or as Scalia calls it SCOTUSCare?
Who is paying this bill for 30 Million people to still NOT have health insurance? We da people! Remember the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch who touted the great California economic miracle in weeks gone past? Well who is going to pay for this? http://www.latimes.com/local/p.....story.html Do the California mASSes on their ASSes realize what cost will be? Giving illegal aliens health coverage is free? Will WA State do this next? You guys are as loooony as CA Loons!
You seems to forget ObummerCare is not controlling costs. Nancy Pelosi and Max Baucus made deals with insurers to get them to agree with ObummerCare. Now we see health care costs are going to be controlled by continuing high deductible rate plans! Gotta love those ObummerCare mandates coming next year. Right in time for Hillary’s campaign.
Get out the popcorn Martha! This is gonna be fun to watch DUMMOCRETINS spin spin spin in 2016!
Oklahoma’s Christian, er, Republican Party likes to post on Facebook.
“The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever, to 46 million people,” the group posted Monday on its official Facebook page, reported the International Business Times.
“Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us ‘Please Do Not Feed the Animals,’” the group’s post continued. “Their stated reason for the policy is because ‘The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.’ Thus ends today’s lesson in irony #OKGOP”
The poor are animals? Don’t feed them?
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat”
“Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you”
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
“Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat”
Goldy @GoldyHA
Is it Uber’s technology that’s disruptive, or its ability to exploit giant loophole in employment laws and social safety net?
I think what really bites the left is that Uber’s model greatly reduces any opportunity for graft. Ergo it must be stopped.
Much better to have a medallion system
in place.
Your link begins in Oregon. But cherry picks. And fails to fully describe Oregon’s regulatory system.
Many marketplace insurers in Oregon sought to LOWER premiums next year but were refused permission to do so by the state commission. The largest private for-profit companies, bloated with overhead expenses (the Trailblazers play in the MODA center) confronted increased marketplace competition by trying to buy market share last year with low premiums their fundamentals cant support. These companies took in less than they paid out and the commission freaked out.
Look at the commissioners report. She lists eleven different companies selling in the marketplace. Each offering an average of four different plans. Some offering a dozen. Some of these companies are less than four years old. Many of the plans offered are brand new. ACA opened up the individual market to lots of new insureds, and lots of new plans from new insurers. High expense plans offered by bloated for-profit companies accustomed to operating in a semi-closed hot house market will adapt or die. Consumers will avoid premium increases by dumping those plans which the marketplace now makes possible.
NC Republican reveals: ‘We’re here as emissaries for Christ’
Oh, well, that’s nice. All the same, might I suggest that you guys have a chat with little Baby Jesus about this ‘the poor are animals’ thing you’re into these days.
“Confederate Flag Supporter: Chants Of ‘USA!’ Were A Slap In The Face”
No doubt! Wingnut loyalties lay with the Confederate States of America.
Now that’s music to a wingnut’s ears.
Anyone who doesn’t vote in 2016 must be made to understand that they are essentially voting for war and economic failure and racism. Republicans are incapable of governing. We’ve seen this over and over. They simply do not have the intellectual capacity to be competent leaders. This must be repeated until it is understood.
somebody rolled out of bed this morning and went straight to the Netnyahu press release instead of reading the link he actually posted
Oh REALLY? (from the very article you linked…)
Yep, “Weren’t reduced at all.” Reading comprehension?
Lost in the bluster of Bibi’s supplicants (bowing to a foreign power, eh?) Cotton, Boehner et al is two unavoidable issues when involved in diplomatic talks.
1. Europe and Russia are uwilling to continue sanctions indefinitely and unwilling to back a military strike. So the “No Deal is better than a Bad Deal” is really a stupid thinkg to say (it will be said a lot in the coming weeks, those people are stupid) because there will be a worse deal than no deal because sanctions will be lifted by Europe and Russia while gaining nothing if there’s no deal. No Deal is far far worse than a bad deal.
2. No less than Mossad and Frmr Def Sec for both Bush, Jr and Obama, Bob Gates agree that a military strike would be a disaster for the region and the United States treasury. But the Bibi supplicants still think bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb bomb Iran is a viable option. And no other nation involved in the talks will go along with military action.
6 Nations plus one. But Piddles seems to think that it was, “USA! USA! USA! Capitulate entirely or we will bomb you! Who’s with us?! Uh, no one? Well then screw you we’ll keep only our end of Sanctions in place and bomb anyway. Neener Neener!”
Congress is backed into a corner. Kill the deal, Iran is much much stronger when Europe and Russia start trading with them again and Congressional Republicans and a handful of AIPAC subservient Democrats are responsible for the United States getting nothing for a stronger Iran. Look for Statements from France and Russia in the coming days about how they will sign the deal and lift sanctions by 2016 regardless of the Congressional vote.
But in Piddle world a strong President like Mittens could get France and Russia to keep harming their own economies just because the United States would really, really, really appriciate it.
That’s one of the biggest problems with the modern GOP. I call it the bloviating asshole effect. I am 100% right and uniwlling to consider the possiblity that to get 75% of what I want is better than getting 0% of what I want. It’s 100% or NOTHING! And people will cheer me for sticking to my principles and gaining NOTHING! It’s what the Gounding Fathers did! Like the 2/3rds comprimise…wait…
While thinking of it….
“It took 50 years of U.S. only sanctions and threats to bring Cuba TO THEIR KNEEES!
We should keep trying it with Iran too! THIS TIME it will work”
Tom Cotton, or words to that effect.
@ 9
Oh, c’mon. Why try to argue with someone who constantly cites articles that either say the direct opposite of what he claims, or come from a conspiracy theorist/nutjob/whackadoo website like Infowars or Brietbart?
The Schitzo and the truth have a extremely hostile relationship.
Oh my… two interminable morons checkmate and vomit producer… Back in April the original text of the deal reached was released…All this last few months was some US backtracking and posturing for the American LIV press!
Who wrote the article? Mortimer Zuckerman… DUMMOCRETIN for Obummer http://www.usnews.com/opinion/.....-of-israel
What did the Iranians say checkmate? Today…
Since the Iranians were right about the original deal context earlier this year… they are right again.
DAYUM U 2 B weally stoooooooooooopid!
More than 50 years of U.S. economic sanctions did not bring Cuba to its knees. Now, with normal relations in sight, we are learning that Cuba not only survived but may have surpassed the U.S. in some respects. – http://www.thedailybell.com/ne.....igar-Cure/
Castro, Chavez, and Brazil’s President Lula da Silva all have years of links with Iran and China. Visiting Iran in May 2001, Castro said, “The peoples and governments of Cuba and Iran can bring America to its knees.” http://www.cubanet.org/htdocs/.....4/15e5.htm
It’s so sad that the vomit producer can’t remember FACTS so well! The vomit producer is a DUMMY!
I call it the bloviating asshole effect.
That’s when checkmate bloviates the checkmate ASShole and the vomit producer sees how far the vomit producer can stick its head where the sun don’t shine!
Your link begins in Oregon. But cherry picks. And fails to fully describe Oregon’s regulatory system.
– And Puddy used Salon, the left wrong libtard site used many times here by the ASSes on HA DUMMOCRETINS! Not Puddy’s problem when a left wrong site doesn’t “explain” it well to the LIVs who love ObummerCare! Also it’s great to see Lib De Unscientist reading PuddyLinks! HAHAHAHAHA! Blows away that useless argument previous put forth!
The largest private for-profit companies, bloated with overhead expenses (the Trailblazers play in the MODA center) confronted increased marketplace competition by trying to buy market share last year with low premiums their fundamentals cant support. These companies took in less than they paid out and the commission freaked out.
– Somehow Lib De Unscientist’s own words made Puddy point about higher health care costs with ObummerCare! They tried to lower premiums and it didn’t work. The costs under ObummerCare are higher than expected.
Thanks for playing Unscientist!
Oh poor Piddles as a rebutal to actual reporting on the deal you’ve gone with an opinion piece. An OpEd. From three months ago.
That OpEd says “none” will be dismantled when the agreement text is finally release today says 13,000 will be dismantled. I don’t know what kind of numbers you deal with but 13,000 is quite a large sum over zero.
So in other words Mort Zuckeman, one of a handful of AIPAC supplicant supporters of “Israel-is-always-right” within the Democratic Party was as full of shit when he wrote his OpEd in April saying no centrifuges will be dismanteled as Piddles is today saying no centrifuges will be dismantled.
Well played Piddles…”But, but, but…I have a OpEd here that says the facts aren’t the facts so…I WIN! No, YOU’RE the butthead you poopie pants!” Piddles, or words to that effect.
Did you notice how checkmate checkmate’s himself again. The site was CBS News in WA, D.C., not Netanyahu. Apparently reading ain’t fundamental. And the Iranian news service again said TODAY no centrifuges will be dismantled just as the WA Post said in Mortimer Zuckerman’s opinion piece. The Op Ed used the WA Post story! So that last paragraph is fallacious checkmate BULLSHITTIUM train wreck style answering as always!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance! DAYUM U B weally stoooooooopid checkmate. Checkmating yourself again!
Did checkmate read the WA Post piece? NOPE cuz checkmate is a DOPE! Puddy posted it long ago. Just ax the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch for a crazed databaze replay. Go on and grow some marbuls and ax. Seems the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit is afraid to ax. Maybe you have some brass ones and will be the first to ax the arschloch!
The only winners are the people who have to wade through checkmate BULLSHITTIUM to figger out checkmate is a moron!
Oh, Piddles, the story was CBS/AP then reprinted by a CBS affiliate in D.C. I know you like to pretend not to know the difference between a wire report and a “liberal” news site.
Here’s the sentence that you cling to in the OpEd that is PROVED by the post, “But none of Iran’s nuclear facilities, including the Fordow center will be closed, as The Washington Post noted. Not one of the country’s 19,000 centrifuges will be dismantled. ” We now know that that is wrong. in fact many of those will be dismantled. No citation in the OpEd though so we can’t know if it was also an OpEd or if the reporter simply got it wrong.
But you still have dealt with your claim that zero does not equal 13,000.
Your Iranian news site said Iran will continue to do research using Centrifuges. No One disputes that. But they will have 13,000 fewer of them with which to do so.
Reading comprehension. It’s all there in the stories you provided but you have your set of beliefs about what those stories say so despite no evidence for those beliefs being the the text….want to talk about Grape Juice again?
We go back, “Meanwhile the number of centrifuges weren’t reduced at all.” You so eloquently put in @1. You continue to dig in on that statement.
Puddy, the GOP, and Israel are having a sad because we aren’t going to war against Iran.
I’ve seen the claim in two places now today that leaving Iran with ANY centrifuges makes it easier to produce enriched uranium for a bomb because you need so much more of it per year to run a reactor.
These people are relying on the Rubes to be ignorant.
U-235 for power needs to be 3-4% pure U-235 while for a bomb you need at minimum 90% pure. See the problem? With fewer centriguges, Iran will be able to produce enough uranium for power generation. (Still engage in research using centrifuges, see @19) The ablility to do so was non-negotiable on the Iranian side from the beginning of talks. But with fewer centrifuges the ability to enrich enough 90% u-235 unranium is greatly reduced.
The non-scientists making claims that it will be easier to make a bomb because less material is needed than it will be to make the greater quantity of material for power are either makin’ shit up because it sounds good to their pea-brains or they are relying on you to be ignorant of how things work. They are relying on the kind of reaction the Bush Admnistration was able to manufacture in the run-up to invading Iraq. Netanyahu wants you to believe that there is no use whatsoever for a centrifuge EXCEPT to make a weapon.
Another Republican sleazeball who hopes to become a governor.
Sad. If (u)SP is truly dead, I might have pounded the last nail. Alas, there’s no record of it. That shit, Tim Eyman, actually went into the archive and deleted my comment. Eyman. Always a putz. The last post was by Nicholas Kerr. Heh. Wingnut stupidity with a Kiwi accent. He had a hissy-fit and closed his thread after only six comments, two by himself. If this is it, I’d say it’s a fitting way for that wretched fucking blog to die.
223 It only dies until one of those loons reappears. It seems to be a kind of intermittent blog now. Its founder, Stefan the Waitress-Hating Fake Shark, is long gone though. After he extorted $225,000 from King County taxpayers, he had what he wanted and left for greener pastures.
“Trump campaign tweets stock art photo of World War II Nazi Waffen soldiers on the march along with the hashtag #MakeAmericaGreatAgain.”
First a not-so-coded appeal to Latino haters and now a play for the fascist vote. Probably not a bad game plan for a Republican presidential candidate these days.
“It only dies until one of those loons reappears.”
Yup, Zombie (u)SP. It’s dead, alright, but it just it won’t stay in the ground where it belongs.
@ 25
He’s a typical Conservative who doesn’t know enough about the world outside his daddy’s house to recognize an enemy uniform from recent history. Especially concerning a War his great grandfather probably fought in.
Or maybe not.
You really need to slow down and try harder to capture one or two details. Lucky thing you aren’t any sort of professional. Your clients would have to stand in line to sue you.
Your hippie pinko liberal Salon article was simply quoting The Oregonian. While perhaps neither liberal nor conservative, the Oregonian leads the hand wringing parade in the nannyiest of nanny states where lay persons arent even trusted to pump their own gas. And where the State insurance board sets premiums, not the marketplace.
What the fuck is wrong with you? You’re supposed to support competition and the power of markets to allocate resources efficiently. With the encouragement of the Oregonian, the state is intervening to raise premiums in most plans “just in case”, and ensuring that the big companies dont blow themselves up competing for new customers. You should be outraged that they dont allow premiums to seek a natural level, even if it means that companies like Aetna have to step aside. Looks to me like you support state sponsored socialism. Selling your conservative tea-bagging soul for partisanship? Havent you heard? It profit a man nothing to sell his soul for the world. But for Beaverton, Piddles?
@4. I think you need to clarify a bit. Living in NYC, along with many other liberals, there’s no a lot of people complaining about Uber. Maybe the cabbies, but I bet some of those cabbies are conservative too!
Second, with all that is going on in the world, why are you so concerned about anti-uberism?
@12 “Oh my… two interminable morons checkmate and vomit producer… Back in April the original text of the deal reached was released…All this last few months was some US backtracking and posturing for the American LIV press!”
Refer back to #11.
@14 Visiting Iran in May 2001, Castro said, “The peoples and governments of Cuba and Iran can bring America to its knees.”
Rethuglicans and their banker friends did it a lot quicker.
I wasn’t really going to comment on this but then I said what the hell, if some troll wants to think this is next on the gay agenda then so be it.
But I guess Scott Walker thinks that banning gay scout leaders is needed to protect the scouts.
Well, does that mean he thinks we should dissolve the education system so as to protect all of the youth and young adults. Maybe everyone should be home school so they can be protected? Unless you are a parent that has violated your own child. Then maybe we should put a system in place, like banning all parenting, you know because some of the parents are bad apples.
You know, today we here all sorts of stories of teachers having sex with their students, all very common today, whether female teacher or male teacher in a gay or straight relationship. Or we have individuals raping each other in college. Should we put some type of protection in place, like banning Education all together, because you really aren’t protecting those kids from the bad apples.
And every day you hear parents killing their own children or beating them or sexually abusing them. Should we ban parenting all together to protect the children. I guess the solution is to have nobody reproduce so that there aren’t any children that will be subjected to the abuse of their parents.
I guess Walker thinks every gay scout leader is going to attack every kid. Why stop with the scouts. Doesn’t he have any concern about protecting the general public from the general public.
How about them doctors, BOB, that we see raping and abusing some of their patients, maybe we need to pass a law that every doctor has to have an assistant present with him at all times while with a patient. We can’t ban people from getting medical attention.
Oh and the priests and evangelical pastors ——damn, we don’t need religion, why even have it, we should be protecting the people from the priests and the horny pastors.
But for some reason it is just the scouts that we need to protect from the gays. There is no need to protect the common citizen from all the other predators.
Scott Walker is a disappointment to his two sons and wife. Not sure if everyone has seen the article that was out about two weeks ago, when Walker made public comment after the supreme court ruling on same sex marriage. Both his kids and wife said that they support it and are disappointed in their dad and husband. Oh well – you still have to love your parents even if they are dipshits.
@ 31
Sorta kinda makes one wonder who they were working for, doesn’t it.
Because it sure as shit wasn’t the people of the United States.
Scotty Walker: “I … support the previous membership policy because it protected children ….”
Wikipedia: “There were 2,000 reported cases of abuse within the Boy Scouts of America prior to 1994 ….”
“He’s a typical Conservative who”
At the very least he’s a typical greedy SOB acute narcissist billionaire celebrity conservative developer who, once he found media spotlight on himself, had to get more of it like it was a downward spiraling case of heroin addiction and the severity of symptoms are getting worse.
That aside, viewing this as entertainment, this is his best show yet by far.
Too funny! Yeah, that’s right, wingnuts, the nefarious Clintons have done it to you again. Call it payback, you vast right-wing conspiracy bitches. Hillary is gonna leave your GOP corpse in a park with bullet in the head, a gun on the ground and a suicide note stuck to your fucking chest.
“But something else seems afoot. Mr. Trump is starting to look like a Democratic plant — and some top Republicans are starting to say so.”
“Look, I don’t know what his intent is, but he’s infuriating Hispanics, the very group of voters the GOP is looking to make gains with in 2016,” said one party official who asked not to be named. “He could just be an egomaniac running his mouth, but he’s starting to look like a guy hand-delivered by the Democrats.”
Why Obama is right and Republicans are wrong about Iran:
“Whatever its deficiencies, the Iran deal places limits on Iran’s nuclear program and enhances oversight of it. Walk away from the agreement in hopes of getting tougher restrictions and you’re guaranteeing, at least for the time being, that there are barely any restrictions on the program at all.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Pubbies also seem to be forgetting that Iran is a sovereign nation and has no obligation to let us boss them around. They could quite righteously say, “We’ll give up nuclear weapons when you do.” They also could argue, “Only one country has dropped atomic bombs” and “refused to renounce first-use” and they can say “we want them only for self-defense.” Of course, it isn’t this simple; when any country seeks to acquire nukes, it’s everybody’s business because they’re so destructive. But there’s no getting around the fact we’re telling another country what to do, and bullying them to get our way. And that’s exactly how much of the world sees us.
Not to mention Guns – Walker has no problem with the proliferation of guns, whether or not they make the children safer. But maybe he’s only worried about the children that are scouts….all the other children, go fuck yourself, to bad if daddy or mommy doesn’t know how to lock up a gun and you shoot yourself. You might be better off, having a parent like that, you’ll probably not go to far in life. Remember, Puffy, yes I wrote it, but I didn’t mean it, I’m talking as if I am Walker. Should I have put it in quotes?
Oh, Piddles, the story was CBS/AP then reprinted by a CBS affiliate in D.C. I know you like to pretend not to know the difference between a wire report and a “liberal” news site.
CBS News… Dan Rather’s site. Scott Pelley’s site… Yep dems be libtards… NEXT!
We now know that that is wrong. in fact many of those will be dismantled.
Really… http://www.timesofisrael.com/1.....tastrophe/
We’ll see if they really dismantle them. So far eveything the FARS News agency has said was true was true. Let’s see if the Times of Israel is right or if Obummer is right! The previous leaks proved FARS was right!
End of BULLSHITTIUM alert @20!
The deal allows Iran to start testing a new centrifuge as soon as the deal is ratified!
Remember how SNAP inspections were part of the deal… No they are not!
Lib UnScientist farted… Looks to me like you support state sponsored socialism. Selling your conservative tea-bagging soul for partisanship? Havent you heard? It profit a man nothing to sell his soul for the world. But for Beaverton, Piddles?
Wrong again… Socialism is a DUMMOCRETIN game. Oregon is a BIG TIME libtard state. They voted blue like WA State did. If the leftist pinkos at Slate got it wrong and Oregon is wrong then why is Oregon screwing the little peeps, their own kind?
Wrong again. vomit producer?
Scott Walker is a disappointment to his two sons and wife.
Exaggeration by the buttbuster!
@42 “Oregon screwing the little peeps, their own kind?”
Yes, that needs to be corrected, it’s the big shots’ turn to get screwed.
@44 well if his kids and wife aren’t disappointed in him, then the scrotum is,
So much for conservative being tolerant of other people’s views, they can’t even get along themselves.
Make up your fucking non-mind you godless weasel. In one turn you screech that premiums are rising in Oregon because of ACA and at the next turn you swerve that premiums are rising in Oregon because “Oregon screwing the little peeps”.
Its “The Dark Tyrant”!
Its “BIG TIME libtard Oregon”!
Look! A squirrell!
Promise me youll donate your brain to science.
Let me guess:
Wrong again! Because BULLSHITIUM!
Something something libtard DUMMOCRETIN.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
“Promise me youll donate your brain to science.”
With a little luck, that’ll be after I finish my doctoral thesis in psychology on him.
Make up your fucking non-mind you godless weasel. In one turn you screech that premiums are rising in Oregon because of ACA and at the next turn you swerve that premiums are rising in Oregon because “Oregon screwing the little peeps”.
Oh Lib Unscientist… Puddy just agreeing with you. It’s the ACA per Salon (left wrong libtard e-rag) in other states and it’s Oregon per Salon (left wrong libtard e-rag) and the insurance commissioner. You chose to just focus on Oregon. Why? It’s the only way you thought you could score debate points while skipping all the other FACTS about the other states. That’s your standard trademark here on HA DUMMOCRETINS! Puddy was just playing along, sport!
Why is this so hard for you to understand Lib Unscientist? Maybe you really are in real life the dullard you portray here on HA DUMMOCRETINS! God help your teenage son!
then the scrotum is
You an expert on scrotums?