There are just under 500 days to the next presidential election, but plenty of of local regional and state-wide issues to discuss now. So please join us for an evening of conversation over a beer at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. Our starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks stop by earlier for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. On Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets. And next Monday, the Yakima and South Bellevue chapters meet.
There are 191 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon and two in Idaho. Chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Memory check:
But of course, I’m not still Slogging or blogging full time, so I don’t have the time to go into the details. But what I will say is that as politically risky as a tax increase is traditionally presumed to be, Inslee’s proposal puts state Republicans in a much less enviable position than they might at first imagine.
I don’t think the GOP came out of this too badly at all. And Inslee? He ended up out of the loop after he said he’d sign whatever the legislature agreed to in the end. Not such an enviable position to be Governor Rubberstamp.
No capital gains tax. No carbon tax. First gas tax increase in a long time, which the GOP will have plenty of cover for agreeing to implement.
Yeah, Inslee’s been a pretty good deal for the GOP. We might even re-elect him without feeling too badly about it.
@ 1
Yeah, it’s too bad you have a bunch of mental patients and church ladies on your side of the aisle. Perhaps if you elected people on their abilities rather than their bullshit ideology and ability to obfuscate, the State could actually follow it’s own Constitution. Thus far, all you’ve had to offer is a bunch of functionally illiterate reactionaries and corporate fascists who would rather see the whole world burn than try to solve the real problems.
Has anyone else noticed that buckle has to leave the first comment almost always on new threads. It’s like he has no work to do, and sits and waits till a new open thread is posted.
Now I’m on vacation this weeks, one of my eight weeks off, so I have the time to check in this week quite a bit. I might have better working conditions than a doctor.
@ 3
Not my choice. Kochs make the schedule. I post when they pay me to post.
@4. You are pretty lousy with your posts, if the Koch Brothers had any brains they’d fire you.
@ 5
Gee. I’ll try to do better.
This should be fun:
WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court on Tuesday said it would consider whether the Constitution bars states from requiring government employees to contribute to collective bargaining costs, casting a cloud over the strength of public-sector unions.
The lawsuit, brought by the Christian Educators Association International and 10 California public school teachers who object to paying union fees, asks the court to overrule a 1977 precedent allowing states to grant that right to public-employee unions.
The case contends unions effectively engage in political lobbying when they negotiate with school boards and other government agencies over contract terms. The plaintiffs say that amounts to coerced political speech which violates their First Amendment rights.
The Supreme Court will hear the case in its next term, which begins in October.
The timing of this will be interesting insofar as Scott Walker’s primary season candidacy is concerned.
Fascinating and depressing article about the self ignorance some white people cling about slavery and plantations.
“Still, I’d often meet visitors who had earnest but deep misunderstandings about the nature of American slavery. These folks were usually, but not always, a little older, and almost invariably white. I was often asked if the slaves there got paid, or (less often) whether they had signed up to work there. You could tell from the questions — and, not less importantly, from the body language — that the people asking were genuinely ignorant of this part of the country’s history.”
1) People think slaveholders “took care” of their slaves out of the goodness of their hearts, rather than out of economic interest
2) People know that field slavery was bad but think household slavery was pretty all right, if not an outright sweet deal
3) People think slavery and poverty are interchangeable
4) People don’t understand how prejudice influenced slaveholders’ actions beyond mere economic interest
This one surprised me, slave owners felt they could abuse their property above and beyond what was needed to get them to work, just because they could.
5) People think “loyalty” is a fair term to apply to people held in bondage
“The tough thing is that racism comes more from the gut than from the mind: You can prove slavery was bad six ways from Sunday, but people can still choose to believe otherwise if they want. Addressing racism isn’t just about correcting erroneous beliefs — it’s about making people see the humanity in others. ”
AFSCME outside spending, 2014:
Independent Expenditures: $6,356,125
For Democrats: $7,509
Against Democrats: $0
For Republicans: $0
Against Republicans: $6,349,911
Gee. Nothing overtly political there at all.
@ 8
Same person, different article:
Perfectly coiffed and colored hair in women over fifty. For some reason the more carefully-prepared the hairstyle, the more likely the person is to be a slavery apologist.
I always suspected Hillary to be an apologist.
@9 sure whine about it, if it was the other way around you wouldn’t say a peep.
WBC predominately protests against gays 100% of the time, you don’t seem to care.
White racist tend to hate black people 100% of the time, not a peep out of you.
You are employed by the Koch Brothers and 100% of the time you post bullshit.
If you want complain about unions, complain about unions, it shouldn’t matter who they support. Whose playing politics? You see there is a reason to complain about the Koch Brothers, and it’s not just about whether they support Republicans.
You should get together with Puffy and come to the conclusion that every bigoted cop in a major city is a democrat.
The World Boxing Council (WBC) has issues with gays teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
The other way around and not a peep? Ahhhh that’s the rub. When unions are held up for their strange ways DUMMOCRETINS try to cry fowl! It’s their last big bastion of voter hope.
@14 Fuckabee likes the Confederate Flag. Hahahahahahahaha!
You should get together with Puffy and come to the conclusion that every bigoted cop in a major city is a democrat.
Wrong again teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla! Almost every crooked cop usually is. Why? Big cities vote DUMMOCRETIN. The black sergeant and black precinct commander in the Eric Garner case in NYC mos def were DUMMOCRETIN because they are not socially promoted. The black sergeant was on-site when the Eric Garner choke hold was applied. Yet the libtard left wrong media failed to admit these facts! Gotta only put forth news that fits the libtard led narrative!
Gotta have some political cred in the big city! And well all know NYC voted DUMMOCRETIN all the time BIG TIME!
“Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill-will.” – MLK Jr.
Since libtards claim to be of good will – MLK Jr was spot on! LIVs living large!
These klowns have to be DUMMOCRETIN. First lie you weren’t there then admit it when your ‘rents show up!
Were his “civil liberties” violated?
Hey these atheists are being beheaded and nary a peep from HA DUMMOCRETINS…
And Obummer is being played by Iran and goes along…
Puddy always wondered what was the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla attraction to AirBnB. Now we know…
Way to go little fella.
Spend the weekend licking your wounds, then come out the following week swinging. Don’t give up on your dreams!
its really interesting. I’ve toured plantations in the South, and concentration camps in Europe. You’d think that the reactions and demeanor of tourists would be roughly the same in both scenarios – somber reflection and regret to be witnessing unspeakable suffering and cruelty. But as your link points out, most tourists visiting historic slave plantations are anything but somber or reflective about the experience. I’d even go so far as to suggest that most of the tourists I witnessed seemed to be in the mood to celebrate “Southern heritage and culture” while visiting these plantations. I’m glad to see the curators and docents are starting to take a different approach to history: truth.
@2 Well done, my friend.
@7 Perhaps it’s time to let those teachers work for lower pay, without breaks or paid leave, and no grievance rights. FREEDOMZ!!!
Personally, I’m getting tired of trying to protect trailer park trash from themselves. The opponents of nanny government were right all along; we should let them stew in their own juice. Same goes for the welfare whiners in eastern Washington; let them pay their own taxes for their roads and schools, so I don’t have to support them. Let’s see how far an 11-cent gas tax increase goes where the houses are a mile apart and paving costs a million dollars a mile.
@ 26
Personally, I’m getting tired of trying to protect ungrateful trailer park trash from themselves.
Welcome to the world of conservatism.
In parsing the reactions of various Republican politicians to the Supreme Court’s gay marriage ruling, it’s apparent to me that these Republicans have suddenly become big fans of what they’re calling “democratic process,” but only to the extent of putting other people’s constitutional rights up for a vote.
A Republican is someone who believes that guns are a God-given right and same-sex marriages are the work of Satan. A Democrat is someone who thinks it’s the other way around.
@9 Nothing overtly political about corporations and billionaires buying elections, either. That’s just free speech. (sarcasm)
Bickle is in fine form today. Stupid as always.
@15 “Almost every crooked cop usually is. Why? Big cities vote DUMMOCRETIN.”
Brilliant dot connecting there, Ace.
@19 We only care when they do it to Muslims. (sarcasm)
It was bound to happen of course. It seems the Protestant south is starting to doubt the Catholic right’s commitment to their extreme ideology. And they blame the pope. Ah, yes, the pope. Too “liberal” for their tastes. He even thinks evolution is established scientific fact. It is not in the natural fabric of religions to come together. Especially when money is tight.
@27 Oh, you’re finally getting the idea that I’m not a dogmatic ideologue enslaved to his party’s talking points like you? What took you so long? Refer to second sentence of #31 for answer.
@34 I suspect they parted company when he mouthed the words “climate change.” Plus he’s been making noises that God has a special love for the poor. Those two things are dealbreakers for them.
@36 That’s because southern Baptists are a wholly/holy owned subsidiary of the coal industry. And that is an industry that is going to die a painful death.
@37 Tell me about it. I’ve lost $10,000 on my coal stocks. Of course, I deserved to.
@38 Crystal meet ball.
Why give money to organizations who are actively trying to destroy you?
Is it possible for non-whites to be racists, or is that a title strictly assigned to white people?
@40 I didn’t. I gave that money to the previous owners of the shares, which doesn’t go to the company, intending to flip them for a profit if the bad guys won. They didn’t, which is fine with me. I’m not complaining.
Tell Us Something We Don’t Know Dep’t
“Police antagonized crowds gathered to protest in Ferguson, violated free-speech rights and made it difficult to hold officers accountable, according to a U.S. Department of Justice report summary obtained by CBS News.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Rightwingers complain about judges “violating” the Constitution. Nobody violates citizens’ constitutional rights more than rightwing cops. They do it every day.
Speaking of religious extremists, California just signed into law the most stringent vaccine law in the nation. Good! Praise the lord and pass the plague is dead. Now let’s follow suit.
Wait for the squid ink, then read this:
Brilliant dot connecting there, Ace.
Yes it is deuce. Puddy has delivered county after county erection results over the years DUMB Wabbit.
Sux to be you!
See how conservatives forgive HA DUMMOCRETINS… something very much missing from freakazoids like y’all.
Hmm 14 pounds of MJ?
The MJ was mailed to him. Kool!
Were his civil rights violated?
The usual DUMMOCRETIN suspects claim minorities CAN NOT be racist. Puddy uses that to Puddy’s advantage on purpose! All Puddy does is act like Spike Lee, Al NoSoSharpton, Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Eric Dyson, etc.
@49 How about acting like a decent human being? Is that too much to ask?
10. He took the time to read an article about white people not comprehending that black slaves did not like being slaves, and all dr bitter could glean from it was an imagined insult projected onto Hillary Clinton while mocking a woman’s appearance.
@ 49
No, you don’t act like “Spike Lee, Al NoSoSharpton, Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Eric Dyson, etc.”
You act like your imitating Ben Carson, Rafael Cruz, Chris Christie, Rick Santorum, Ann Coulter, Sam Brownback, Paul LePage, Greg Abbott, Sean Hannity, Bryan Fischer and Sarah fuckin’ Palin.
Then you throw in a little George Wallace, William Shockley and Theodore Beale and sit back on your little tuffett all pleased at yourself for your original thinking and brilliant insight.
@46 “Sux to be you!”
It could be much worse. I won’t explain how. You should be able to figure that out.
@50 In his case, yes …
@49 How about acting like a decent human being? Is that too much to ask?
So acting like Spike Lee, Al NoSoSharpton, Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Eric Dyson, etc. isn’t acting like a decent human being?
Those are white peeps vomit producer@52… EPIC FAYLE again! You got your skin color mixed up on purpose! You are one of the loooooooonatic fringe.
Spike Lee – Named the wrong people as George Zimmerman’s parents and they were attacked.
Al NotSoSharpton – Owes $4.7 Million in back taxes and he’s still on PMSNBC!
Samuel L. Jackson – only voted for Obummer cuz he’s black. If conservative actor Gary Sinise or Clint “Obummer the Empty Chair” Eastwood had announced, “I voted for George W. Bush because he was white!” you’d go nutzo!
Michael Eric Dyson – Made a YouTube video why “Black People Can’t Be Racist”.
FACTS – Always a massive headache and delivering traumatic brain injuries to DUMMOCRETINS each day!
Donald Trump uses Univision’s Fusion Magazine to quote rape statistics and Univision cancels the girly pageant! —— 80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.
Oops lawsuit time – $500,000,000 filed this evening.
NBC cancels the girly pageant. There are 50 beautiful women in Baton Rouge with their parents and NBC doesn’t care… They only care about political optics.
FACTS – Always a massive headache and delivering traumatic brain injuries to DUMMOCRETINS each day!
FACTS – Always a massive headache and delivering traumatic brain injuries to DUMMOCRETINS each day!
Wait for the squid ink, then read this:
Puddy sees much IDIOT Wabbit BULLSHITTIUM pellets everywhere though!
Wait for the squid ink, then read this:
Puddy sees much IDIOT Wabbit BULLSHITTIUM pellets everywhere though!
Wow – girl scouts return $100,000 donation to donor.
If I had $100,000 of chump change I would donate it to them, but tomorrow I think I’ll write them a check for $100 or $200.
@56 dummy that doesn’t mean the rapists are the ones coming over the border, as Donald Dump suggested
Besides we already have plenty of rapists, they are called fraternity brothers.
Where does Donald the Dump stand on Womenz being raped all over American colleges and Universities….Or how does he feel about the Palin girl having two kids out of wedlock. Or the Dugan boy for playing doctor with his sisters?
Good Luck Donald Duck.
@ Schitzo:
“Those are white peeps vomit producer@52”
You said it, I didn’t.
Eastwood had announced, “I voted for George W. Bush because he was white!”
That’s the only reason you voted for Bush, McCaine and Romney.
You’re not fooling anyone, ya’know.
Way to go you idiot – did you even read the article yourself…the girls or illegals are fleeing their countries because they are getting raped and in the process of fleeing they are also getting raped.
I suppose if they were jews trying to get out of Germany, Donald Dump would be calling the Illegal jews as rapists.
All the more reason Donald Duck is wrong – he should be welcoming them to this country to keep them from getting raped, until they enter College that is.
You fucking idiot. But it doesn’t surprise me because you care about them as Fetus and not once the leave the Vagina
According to Puffy this never should have happened because she was brought up without a father.
Maybe Americans can learn something from Cubans.
Puffy is just not the same since the Supreme Court rulings. Poor guy. But I think it all started a little before that when his hero Fuckabee came out in support of the Confederate Flag.
Bob once said to me that my father must be real proud of me when he’s with his friends and has to bare that I am gay, or something to that effect.
Yeah, I think my father would be real proud of me if I were this guy instead. Not to mention the wife and child – I’m sure there lives will forever be the same.
Maybe he’s a relative to Bob, and Bob himself is real proud of this guy, you know for at least being straight.
Way to go to ruin your life and the lives of everyone around you.
Poor kid….what a shame.
I had more to say but decided not to say it. Hopefully the article speaks for itself.
Do you think he was self projecting, or whatever you guys call it.
Just think the chaos the Religious right is creating. Was he speaking about himself and the Religious right and the Confederate Rebels and the Tea Party Group?
Don’t Heckle the Preacher, he might have you arrested. Bah Bah Bah Bah, follow me, Bah Bah Bah
Something tells me that there isn’t going to be Miss Universe next your or this year.
Confirming it – Faux News is reporting that they heard the White House and Dan Savage are in discussions with TMZ on having a gay Miss Universe with gay men and transgender people. No surprise – Mike Fuckabee said if it happens, even he is moving to Ireland!
That’s all I got for tonight. But I recommend that you search for Ted Cruz’s impersonation of the Simpson characters – it great entertainment. Do the search yourself.
I especially like the last imitation “Twirling, Twirling, Twirling for Freedom”. I think this was a Freudian slip, sounds like he was in attendance in disguise at this past weekend Gay Pride Parade as one of the marchers. Maybe he was the guy in the red dress and blue wig.
Oh, and if you notice any better use of grammar and less typos, it’s because I’m not using my iPhone. I typically post on the iPhone and my fingers are too fat and I rush in posting my posts when I use the iPhone.
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM) stands his ground (pat. pend.) …
@60 Good for the Girl Scouts. Another rich asshole trying to use his money to buy social policy gets his bigoted ass handed to him.
@60 The Seattle Times say they asked for crowdfunding donations to replace the $100,000, which would have gone for camp expenses, and raised $185,000 from thousands of donors in less than a day. It shows that for every rich asshole in this world there’s thousands of decent and good people.
@66 The whole fucking right is imploding. About time. I’m waiting for Act II, in which some sanctimonious county clerk who refuses to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples because of the Bibul gets her ass thrown in jail by a federal judge for contempt of court. Then, when that happens, listen to the bigots scream “TYRANNY!”
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, where has Puddy claimed Puddy is for Huckabee? Go on and ax the monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch! Grow some marbuls!
DAYUM U B real stoooooooooooopid!
@67 Two years of actual time for raping an 81-year-old woman … anyone still want to argue that white cops aren’t privileged characters who are given a free pass for egregious criminal behavior?
@78 Does this put you on record as opposing the Republican fuckwad who said Supreme Court decisions don’t count except when he wants them to? Just asking.
Way to go you idiot – did you even read the article yourself…the girls or illegals are fleeing their countries because they are getting raped and in the process of fleeing they are also getting raped.
Oh teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, Donald referenced this article. Butt, if they are getting raped just across the border, you, teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, are saying the rapists stay in Mexico? Really?
Some friends of yours teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
Do you reject this ex-professor’s commentary early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? – White People Are ‘Conditioned’ To Commit Mass Shootings
Where has Puddy champeened Huckabee for President? Grow some marbuls early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit and ax the crazed databaze deala monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
Why do DUMMOCRETIN libtards always take it another step and scream you need to repudiate while libtards NEVER repudiate? Puddy gonna pull an Obummer – 130 present votes! PRESENT!
More friends or relatives of rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
Now imagine if she was black and the killers were white. Jesse and Al would be there in a heartbeat! rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears would be leading the cheers for Cary, NC to be riot destroyed!
This video is DAYUM funny. Just like the DUMMOCRETINS signing a ballot sheet against the American flag…
They asked ordinary Americans who owned those homes. Due to the libtard DUMMOCRETIN msm the peeps thought conservatives owned the homes. Watch the video and you’ll learn who really owns those homes. Watch their reaction!
@84 What’s really cute about this dishonest little stunt is that Hillary Clinton’s name wasn’t even one of the choices on the board.
So let’s recap. Some rightwing asshole trying to stage a stunt pastes photos of four fancy homes on a signboard, then asks passersby which Republican candidate owns which home.
Hillary Clinton isn’t one of the choices.
Are we supposed to be amused that no one chose Hillary Clinton?
Also, you can be sure the video was edited, and if some passerby called bullshit on this stunt and identified the properties as the Clinton homes, that didn’t make it into the video.
As you would say, Puddy, DAYUM! But thanks anyway for playing, squid.
Oh, and btw, wtf does this video have to do with “the American flag”?
@83 Thanks for turning HA into a Black Crime Blotter, so we all know how bad black people are. Maybe we’ll be more understanding of the next white cop who shoots an unarmed black kid. Why do you hate your own race?
Sounds like one of Rubio’s Cuban immigrant friends. Responsible and not illegal.
Puffy, this isn’t looking too good. Religious Freedom to be a racist arsonist.
Where are your Republican leaders on this issue?
South Carolina black church destroyed by fire, cause unknown
You can’t stop hatred and bigotry if you don’t stand up to all forms of bigotry. Keep up the good work.
Alleluia alleluia alleluia
If puffy saw this man on the street with that shirt on he would have thought that this guy would be the nicest guy in the world.
Okla. mom walks on on man molesting kids, beats him
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
How ridiculous is the man. Maybe he should go to American colleges and let all the frat boy rapists that they need to redeem themselves. Or tell some preacher whose stealing all the money from his flock of sheep to redeem himself. You know thee is always a place called Uganda or Russia that you can live with religious freedom.
The Little Girl Who Stood Up To A Preacher Is Everyone’s New Hero
Sux to be Puffy and Boob.
HA’s lead DUMMOCRETIN cheer leader early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! farts
10 seconds into the video the six named choices are displayed in the video on the left side. Did you miss the great big letters early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Martin O’Malley is also a choice early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
22 Seconds into the video Hillary Clinton is clearly seen as the upper left choice when the guy with the red shirt with the flowers chooses Marco Rubio.
One PuddyWord destroys that BULLSHITTIUM… KAAAAAAAAAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Awww… the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit hates it when FACTS expose libtardism as a mental disorder. Life sucks when you are losing your God-given powers due to old age! So now we have identified the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit is also losing his eyesight along with his early onset senility!
So let’s review… HA’s early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit not only can’t see well, butt his mind has partially left him!
DAYUM U B stoooooooooopid… Everything due to media bias! Puddy recently put forth an article where you watch DUMMOCRETINS signing a “fake ballot initiative” to remove the American flag. Seems you missed it as life passes you by early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Such BULLSHITTIUM at 11:15PM @85!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
There is no hatred
early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Puddy is demonstrating how the last 50 years of libtard control of schools and the lack of parenting by libtards has left America falling apart. Puddy displays whitey when Puddy can prove their location is predominately Obummerland! You know… Philadelphia, New York City, Chicago, Atlanta, Houston! We know approximately 95% of blacks everywhere voted for Obummer. Samuel L. Jackson above proved Puddy right again!
So why don’t you display white DUMMOCRETIN malfeasance and crime?
Wait for it…
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, The preacher is talking about Jesus, yet the video claims hateful homophobe, tust like AJOTSC Alito said in his dissent. DUMMOCRETINS are the most hateful!
Hey fuckwad…
..don’t you have any new material?
You are fucking boring.
@91 “HA’s lead DUMMOCRETIN cheer leader …”
Why, thank you! I appreciate the honor. I’m touched.
@91 ” … 10 seconds into the video the six named choices are displayed in the video on the left side.”
If you’re willing to take the guy’s word for it those are the names displayed on the (unreadable) board, which requires a certain amount of suspension of belief, because this is a rightwing propagandist we’re dealing with here.
By the way, you haven’t answered my question @80.
@92 Oh, okay, I get it now — you’re a masochist and that’s how you “love” your own race.
@92 “So why don’t you display white DUMMOCRETIN malfeasance and crime?”
The squid is asking this question of a rabbit who posts a scathingly critical commentary about the police every time another white cop shoots a another black person. Apparently he has to swallow stupid pills to manufacture all that squid ink. How many stupid pills does it take to make one barrel of squid ink? Just curious, that’s all.
@94 Why do you even bother to ask? Everything he posts is recycled garbage that was kicked out of the landfill.
names displayed on the (unreadable) board,
Ever heard of the Microsoft program called Magnifier early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Sheeeeesh you are a moron!
rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears farted and no one smelled it!
Puddy is asking this question of a rabbit who posts a scathingly critical commentary about the police every time another white cop shoots a another black person.
And Puddy displays the %age chance those police are from DUMMOCRETIN locations. Philly Atlanta NYC, Chicago, Houston, etc.
Hey it’s another jackASS time…
Puddy lives free in rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears puny head with a femtometer sized brain!
@93 stop with your bullshir. Last I heard the people burning down churches weren’t gay.
You are the hateful, stupid fascist.
I think the people of Alabama and South Carolina should vote on whether her to remove it keep the flag.
What do you say Puffy? Would that be ok?
@102 “those police are from DUMMOCRETIN locations”
By that “logic” you’re a Trotskyite because you’re from Seattle.
Puddy not from Seattle teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla! Another EPIC FAYLE!
I say kick the leaching motherfuckers out.
They don’t like us?
Get the fuck out…
…and take fuckwad with ya.
Oh, isn’t that cute!
fuckwad learned a new phrase.
“By that “logic” you’re a Trotskyite because you’re from Seattle.”
Actually, this six degrees of guilt bullshit of Puddy’s begins and ends with Neal Horsely, (Republican who advocates mule fucking) and Denny Hastert (Republican child sex abuser who was at the time, the most moral Republican they could find, obviously of much higher moral standing than our resident moral degenerate, Puddy).
“fuckwad learned a new phrase.”
I only wish he would. His tired act grew old and stale years ago.
Maybe you can discuss the relation with Greece’s debt and the US debt which just reached a record 20.5 trillion in the last few weeks, nearly equaling Greece’s situation!