Please join us tonight for a summer solstice edition of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally. Stop by for an evening of informal conversation over an ice cold beer.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. Our starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks stop by earlier for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. On Wednesday, the Bellingham and Burien chapters meet. And the Spokane, Woodinville and Kent chapters meet on Thursday.
There are 190 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon and two in Idaho. Chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Republican politicians backing laws that allow or encourage anti-gay discrimination are discovering their traditional business allies are parting company with them. Businesses have figured out that alienating LGBT workers and customers is bad for business. The Republican Party is way behind in its thinking. As in, “What are they thinking?”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The biggest GOP idiot of them all is Bobby Jindal, who warned corporations not to “bully” his state, i.e. not interfere with his state’s efforts to bully LGBT people. He might as well have put up a billboard reading, “Businesses and jobs not welcome in Louisiana; turn around and go back where you came from.”
Meanwhile, Kansas GOP Gov. Sam Brownback’s insane fiscal policies are blowing up in his face.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here’s the situation Brownback and his Republican Party have created in Kansas: Employees are liable for the state’s income tax (up to 4.8%), but small business profits are exempt. Thus, “A CPA that works for a firm pays income tax, but a CPA who’s hung out a shingle and works independently pays no income tax.” Consequently, the state’s professionals are rushing to set up small business corporations. On paper, it looks like Kansas is experiencing booming small business growth; in reality, it’s a boom of legalized tax evasion that creates no jobs, contributes nothing to the state’s economy, and exacerbates an already severe state budget crisis. Even Republican legislators are now openly talking about repealing it.
I am so glad I don’t live in Richmond anymore. If you thought Gov Haley bringing down the battle flag was a can of worms, you haven’t seen anything like the firestorm McAuliffe is getting for not wanting it on license plates. I like the people who say, “I don’t mind you flying that flag on your personal property. It lets us know who you are.” I wonder if Haley will be re-elected. I think McAuliffe will. I think blacks and embarrassed whites out number the klan now in Virginia’s population centers.
One hundred and fifty years after the south lost the civil war! It is a culture that worships stupidity.
Viginia is a bluing state. EC votes went reliably Republican until 2008. The state last elected a republican Senator in 2002. And while the “lack of bench” subject comes up Virgina trotted out the several times defeated Fmr Gov. George Allen to lose a Senate race because…well…they have a deep bench apparently.
Norhtern Virginia has been a pretty big tech-jobs hub for the last decade and continues to grow. With that come younger, college educated residents which is exactly the demographic that is not voting Republican.
So pander to the old South and the Racists GOP. Virginia could be the next California. Blue all along the Statewide and National offices with just enough pockets of Red in the state houses to fuck things up until everyone realizes that the state Republicans aren’t actually doing anything, they’re just fucking things up for everyone. Sounds kind of like our state, no?
Seattle’s Rent Crisis
The $15 minimum wage campaign propelled Kshama Sawant to semi-superstar status among local politicians, and it looks like rent control is destined to be her next high-profile issue campaign.
There’s no doubt that lower and middle income Seattle renters are being uncomfortably squeezed. This is part of a nationwide phenomenon, resulting from a housing shortage that’s a produce of the plunge in residential construction that followed the 2007 housing bust, but there’s also a local overlay caused by fast growth in high-paying tech jobs — in a word, an influx of well-heeled techies are displacing native renters.
CNBC has an article today that says the sharpest rent increases — over 20% a year — are occurring in two improbable places: Jackson, Mississippi, and Portland, Maine. But CNBC also notes, “Rents still are rising at double-digit rates in Denver, San Francisco and San Jose, … with their job opportunities drawing new residents at a faster pace than construction can match.” (So much for rightwing assertions that liberal California’s economy is collapsing.) Seattle isn’t specifically mentioned, but we fall in that category of tech job fueled rent inflation.
My main point in posting this is that rent inflation is a national phenomenon, not just a Seattle problem. The CNBC article continues, “The steadily rising costs of renting houses and apartments are creating new financial pressures for many Americans. Rental prices have grown at roughly double the rate of wages, forcing more Americans to limit their spending elsewhere or cutting into their savings. A stunning 73 percent of renters say they have made financial trade-offs to pay their rents during the past three years, including taking a second job and going into credit-card debt, according to a survey released this month by the MacArthur Foundation.”
Nationally, rent inflation is about 4.3%, according to CNBC, which sounds relatively moderate compared to what’s going on here in Seattle, but it’s plenty burdensome enough when juxtaposed against the national wage growth rate of around 0% to 1.3%.
You can read the CNBC article here:
There’s no quick or easy answer for this. I think the problem was created in part by Federal Reserve policies intended to rescue the economy from the jaws of another Great Depression, and the Fed may well have done that, but these policies had side effects. Most of the $4.3 trillion the Fed created out of thin air between 2008 and 2014 was funneled into the financial industry, with virtually none of it reaching Main Street or workers.
It created asset inflation (the term used on Wall Street is “reflation”); while the stunning gains of the stock market since 2009 get most of the attention, it also affected housing prices. In addition, the easy credit and ultra low interest rates available to the financial industry (but not small businesses or the general public) during these period encouraged hedge funds, private equity firms, and other “players” to scoop up hundreds of thousands of distressed and foreclosed residential properties at firesale prices and turn them into rentals. That’s driving up home prices by keeping a huge number of houses off the resale market, and is enabling big firms with financial muscle to drive up rents because they’ve effectively cornered the rental market.
The result is a massive housing cost squeeze on ordinary Americans.
I’m normally opposed to government-imposed price controls, include rent control, because of the market distortions and economic inefficiencies it creates. However, this situation may be an exception. If government policy created the housing squeeze, then maybe it’s both rational and fair to look to government policy for a solution to the housing squeeze. There are many forms this could take, and rent control is only one of them, and it’s a more complicated discussion than I can go into in any reasonable amount of space here.
Even people and rabbits like me who own paid-for burrows — and there are some of us scattered across the nation and here in Seattle — aren’t home free, so to speak. Another CNBC article today ( pointed out there are “hidden” costs of homeownership, i.e., taxes, utility bills, and insurance. Actually, they’re not hidden, the article author only calls them that because people involved in the homebuying process tend not to think about them because they’re focused on mortgage payments and closing costs. CNBC said, “The average homeowner shelled out $6,042 last year in homeowners insurance, property taxes, and utilities, according to a new report from Zillow. The average costs varied by location, with Boston homeowners spending the most ($9,413) and homeowners in Phoenix spending the least ($4,513).” My burrow is a garden-variety suburban tract home, nothing special about it, which means it’s worth only about $450,000 or so, but the taxes alone are close to $4500 a year, and basic utilities run over $300 a month, so even with no mortgage payment my shelter costs run about $750 to $800 a month.
Undoubtedly that would be much more tolerable for many Seattleites than the situations they’re actually in, whether they’re home shoppers or renters. You can’t rent a damn thing in this city for $800 a month. A $15/hr. job (but not a $9.43/hr. job) could support a shelter expense of $800/mo.
Of course, I wasn’t always sitting so pretty. I rented when young, and my rent expenses back then were oppressive relative to what my income was; this is a pretty common experience for American youth, except those born into the silver spoon set. And I made plenty of mortgage payments over the years, and none of them were easy to make.
Housing is, and always has been, a major expense. There’s no quick or easy solution for those struggling with housing costs. My advice is to make plans now for surviving your housing expense 30 years from now. Focus on a time when you won’t be able to work anymore, and will have to live on a reduced income. There’s no getting around the fact that renters will always be at the mercy of landlords and huge market forces way beyond their control. The only thing that gives you a semblance of control is ownership. So buy your digs, don’t use them as a piggy bank or spend the inflation equity, but instead pay off the mortgage. Even though you’ll still be at the mercy of rising taxes and utility bills, that will get rid of the biggest component of housing expense, and will give you access to affordable housing at that stage of life when you will most need your housing to be affordable. At least, those are my thoughts on the subject. It works for me. I can live in Seattle for $800 a month, and the gentrification of Seattle can’t and won’t push me out of the city.
Obviously, this isn’t an instant cure; it takes 20 to 30 years to implement it. What I’m suggesting is that’s what you should do over the next 20 or 30 years, instead of just coasting through those years with no thought or plan for dealing with what the housing and rental markets will be like when you hit old age and retirement. I’m where I am today because I began planning to deal with today’s housing situation 25 years ago.
I’m planning an educational trip for my kids with stops in Boston/Lexington/Concord maybe Valley Forge and Philadelphia if we can squeeze out enough time after the first big U.S. history courses are done in the next school year.
I think I’ll take my Union Jack and shout at everyone about the oppressors of the Colonial army and declare that I’m not anti-United States. I’m just celebrating my English pride.
@1 and Democrats in our own state support this idea.
“The latest from Jay Inslee’s Democrats is their new budget proposal cuts money that helps ensure our military members get their ballots and vote. Only $2 million in a $39 billion budget – and they want it removed.”
Meanwhile Democrats caved on capital gains despite all poles showing the public supported it.
Because Democrats like their big stock profits too, they just know they have to act like they don’t long enough for fools to believe they’re progressive. And maybe they are for Gay rights and a woman’s right to make medical decisions, but everywhere else they’re hard core conservative.
If I were a Republican running for office the first thing I’d do is run as a Democrat keep all positions the same except for Gay rights and abortion and I’d be downtown rob johnson.
@3 An old friend who grew up in Virginia told me it was a common saying that “Suicide in Richmond is redundant.”
Viva Ireland!
Seems this guy has a clue!
DUMMOCRETIN Ernest Fritz Hollings in 1962 gave South Carolina the Confederate Flag. Republican Governor David Beasley suggested removing the Confederate Flag before his reelection bid in 1998 and was soundly defeated by DUMMOCRETIN Jim Hodges! The
Confederate FlagDUMMOCRETINS won! Republican Nikki Haley will remove it!FACTS always disinfects left wrong libtard DUMMOCRETIN BULLSHITTIUM!
In yesterday’s thread the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit farted:
@118 He suffers from Stockholm Syndrome and wants his fellow black people to vote for their white racist abusers
Sadly the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit forgets black people already vote for their oppressors and white racist abusers over 92% of the time! DUMMOCRETINS were and will always be the slavery party; no matter how y’all try to rewrite history!
Remember Fritz Hollings NEVER renounced being a DUMMOCRETIN and he gave South Carolinians the Stars and Bars!
FACTS sux!
Also the vomit producer delivered this… I think part of the problem stems from the fact that, deep down, he agrees with Earl P. Holt III and Jared Taylor!
Now who are these two? White racists whom the vomit producer runs to all the time. StormFront is vomit producer’s favorite white site. In fact you’ll see the vomit producer frame sentences lifted directly from StormFront and other sites. And as always the vomit producer will claim he’s discussing Puddy! Seems no one else uses StormFront vomit producer!
And… oh yeah when Puddy used FBI death stats on how his panics in LA are killing blacks and used it as an argument by Jared Taylor on how his panics are defined as white when they kill blacks guess whom went nutzo… HA’s very own monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch! You see when pressed the monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch loves La Raza and their call for neighborhood cleansing.
@7 You may get shot at. Those New England yankees are an ornery lot. Just ask King George. Or General Longstreet.
@8 You’re an idiot. But not as big an idiot as the character spewing Pudspeak.
Why the rent rise? Did we suddenly import 20% more people trying to rent the same apartment? Did 20% of the rentals drop out of the market? Did all the rentals get bought by investors maximizing profits? Did 20% more people not try to buy and turned to renting? Why now?
This is what Scotty Walker’s job creating program looks like today: A “cesspool of corruption.”
@17 A perfect storm of factors: (1) The population didn’t stop growing when builders stopped building. (2) Foreclosures converted millions of homeowners into renters. (3) The economic recovery has been uneven, and people are flocking to areas with job growth, pressuring the housing supply in those areas. (4) More people staying single means more housing units are needed. (5) Millennials have a much lower rate of homeownership than previous generations, creating more demand for rental housing across the nation. (6) High land costs make it uneconomic to build affordable housing. (7) Stagnant wages, student debt, and tighter lending standards are making it harder for renters to become homeowners. (8) Declining home values have undermined homes’ attractiveness as investments. (9) A changing economy that requires workers to be more mobile increases the preference for renting over owning. (10) Many homes are still being held off the market because their owners are underwater (i.e. owe more on the home than it’s worth).
@12 it took a white man (who killed 9 black people) to get the flag removed. Even the bigots knew that that was the writing on the wall.
How about all the conservative that are against taking it down?
If Nikki gets re-elected it will be because of democrats not republicans.
Can’t change the FACTS provided in #12. DUMMOCRETINS liked the Stars and Bars!
If Nikki gets re-elected it will be because of democrats not republicans. – Really?
Spin Spin Spin
Repeat above!
@ 14
Also the vomit producer delivered this… I think part of the problem stems from the fact that, deep down, he agrees with Earl P. Holt III and Jared Taylor!
Um, You are the individual in here who is always going to their website as a citation or a link to support your own arguments in here. YOU are the one who has directly quoted Jared Taylor, in support of your point, (without citation of course) You’ve linked to several of his articles over the last couple of years.
I’ve never once linked to World Nut Daily, AMREN, FOXNews or BrietBart. YOU have, dozens of times.
Thats you, fucktard. In direct support of YOUR arguments. YOU.
So who leaked the Freddie Gray autopsy report…
Something happened Freddie… Mosby gonna be put in a tight situation now! So Freddie was asking for help. Don’t even know when the actual incident happened. Show the autopsy Mosby!
Hey crazed buttspigot arschloch, one of your illegal alien buds just offed someone…
Yessiree, had cocaine too. No license too. No mention if there was insurance on the car! Sad! No helmet law for adults!
I think you are trying to put a nice spin on it……pretending as if republicans are at the forefront of not being racists.
Many more Republican politicians and civilians against getting rid of the flag. You are celebrating like they are turning over a new leaf.
How you feeling about Huckabee now?
SPLC got handed it’s ASS over Ben Carson and now the SPLC has created a starter list for jihadists.
Media Morons was their source! CAIR was their other source which supports Hamas!
@24 at least he wasn’t a child molester like the Josh Duggar and Family.
Interesting that ICE will not tell the world if there was a deportation order or if he was a previously deported the illegal alien in the killing of the sports reporter!
@24 at least he wasn’t a child molester like the Josh Duggar and Family.
So the little children are child molesters teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla? Where did this come from?
@23 You want evidence of what killed Freddie Gray, but you won’t want evidence of what Bowe Bergdahl did or didn’t do …
DAYUM funny…
@30 Utter BULLSHITTIUM from the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
1) The Army knew back in 2009 from the released documents
2) Radio intercepts were captured
3) His platoon knew
4) The friendly Afghanis knew
1) Mosby selectively releasing some details
2) Told the world the autopsy beyond a doubt
3) Coroner says otherwise
1) U R an IDIOT
2) Senility has captured your mind
3) SSDD Same Shit Different Day
Where did the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla @27 go?
@32 Another turgid example of how the loon, like all rightwing idiots, selectively believes what he wants to believe, so he can “justify” a public lynching without a trial.
@33 Why do you want to know? Are you stalking him?
For a black guy, Puddy has an odd affinity for extrajudicial mob “justice,” given history and all. I wonder if this is a case of a black guy wanting to lynch a white guy on the theory that turnabout is fair play? You know, payback.
You’ll never see real truth in the Friday Night Comix like this:
First they push back on the “hate teh gay” laws,
now they do this…
Another reason the babbling jackass and his ilk will boycott Wal-Mart..
But… Naaaaaah… The price tag rules all with those pinheads..
First they push back on the “hate teh gay” laws,
now they do this…
Another reason the babbling jackass and its ilk will boycott Wal-Mart..
But… Naaaaaah… The price tag rules all with those pinheads..
Didn’t take long for Piddles to pretend the racist party he loves is less racist because, something, they were never racist, something Abraham Lincoln, Dixiecrats……there was no Nixon, no Southern Strategy and no 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s and nothing at all until Gov. Haley gets to take down the flag in 2015? No Strom Thurmond embracing segregation and then becoming a prominent Republican after running for President as a Dixiecrat, no Jesse “Wake up White People” Helms leaving the N.C. Democratic Party to become a Republican Senator…
Nikki Haley, 2014 just one short year ago. Couldn’t IMAGINE there’s anything wrong with the Rebel flag.
“Yep, it’s all good. Racism cured. No One needs to worry about that racist piece of cloth that adorns so many t-shirts and trucks in the state.You elected a woman who’s dark…just like you people. It’s nothing. Fixed! The Confederate flag is a proud symbol waving from the Capitol and no one ever thinks there’s a problem. I mean none of the (eds note, most likely white-male) CEOs ever says anything and I personally know a black person and they don’t bring it up so it’s fine.” Governor Hailey, or words to that effect.
“Wait, a guy who wrapped himself in that flag and immersed himself in the racism it represents killed a bunch of black people because they were black and maybe a girl he liked liked a black dude instead. Shit. I better say something…can someone get me a napkin. I’ve got some whopper with cheese here on my mouth…thanks for bringing me that by the way. Didn’t get to eat much today.” Governor Nikki Haley 2015, or words to that effect.
2014 – No Problem with the racists…they got me to office
2015 – Mass shooting by racist flag lover. Well obviously 2014 was not the time…NOW is the time to take it down.
Hey Bob, Any really bad things with democrats going on today?
Ikea’s Minimum Wage Hike Was So Successful, It’s Raising Wages Again
Not at all early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Stalking is something your side does to Travis Bickle and me when we don’t immediately “answer” one of your insipid posts!
Where is Puddy
Puddy ran away
Puddy gone now
Puddy won’t answer as always
Just answer the question
No Puddy for hours
etc. etc. etc.
@40 “But we really kind of fixed all that when you elected the first Indian-American female governor,”
Who’s she talking about? Herself? The self whose voter registration says “white”?
Of course, to be a Republican politician in South Carolina, you can’t be anything else.
Oh dr checkmate and revisionist history… “I can honestly say I have not had one conversation with a single CEO about the Confederate flag.”
Yeah that Boeing Company gives more to the party in power.
Yeah AmerisourceBergen gives more to the party in power.
Yeah Ithaca Gun loves Ron Paul.
Yeah ATI Enterprises loves it DUMMOCRETINS way more than Republicans
Yeah Oakwood Healthcare System really loves them DUMMOCRETINS
Yeah GKN Corp loves it DUMMOCRETINS way more than Republicans
Yeah Sun Solutions likes Joe Wilson because he told the truth on ObummerCare!
Yeah Bimbo Bakeries USA loves Republicans – Found one!
Yeah Borg-Warner Automotive loves Republicans – Found two!
Yeah Republic National Distributing loves it’s Republicans a little more than DUMMOCRETINS
Yeah ITT Corp loves its DUMMOCRETINS way more than Republicans
You can research it too dr checkmate… Butt you want to slime Nikki Haley more than actually learn about which CEOs jockey which party!
Then the piece de resistance…
“You elected a woman who’s dark…just like you people.”
– How racist of you to pick on Nikki Haley’s Indian heritage dr checkmate. That’s for proving how DUMMOCRETINS look at Americans by their skin color dr checkmate!
You see dr checkmate you really need to research your comments before leaving a pile medical waste in threads. Well you are a pile medical waste dr checkmate!
Sux to be you!
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla attacks the Duggar little children then runs away from #27.
You are just like the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Leave a pile of BULLSHITTIUM then won’t respond to it when caught! Well the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit will try and twist it up!
You moronic twit early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Salon and their hatred of Nikki Haley? Wow! You are stooping to new lows. It’s duly noted you really love reading left wrong puke e-rags that never tell the whole truth! LIV to the rescue!
On most American voter registration forms East Indian Americans can’t choose anything butt white, like most his panics of today choose. Ask the HA DUMMOCRETIN his panic monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch what race he chooses white his panic or black his panic! Go on… grow some marbuls. There usually isn’t a choice except for Asian and that’s usually Pacific Rim people and Nikki Haley isn’t that Asian!
Another EPIC FAYLE from the senile laden early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Looks like The Schitzo @ 45 forgot to take his Clopixol this morning.
“I’m appalled by––though, I really like to like Nikki Haley since she is a Republican. On the other hand, she is an immigrant and does not understand America’s history.”
– Ann Coulter.
You’re still a stupid, lying idiot.
Of course the vomit producer will accuse Puddy of lying…
And all can see the vomit producer took too much Fukitol this decade!
Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley Born: January 20, 1972 (age 43), Bamberg, SC. So she’s not an immigrant.
And Puddy noticed you ran right to Talking Points Memo then tried to deflect by linking to Mediaite.
You can’t fool anyone vomit producer… except the low information types like rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
Using Ann Coulter now vomit producer? HAHAHAHAHAHA! You hate Ann Coulter as much as you hate black people!
Everyone knows you MO vomit producer of running with the latest from left wrong libtard puke sites. Don’t you think Puddy reads them too so Puddy can try and understand how the diseased libtard mind like yours thinks? Sheeeeeeeesh!
Throw your minority hate on someone else.
Meanwhile when libtards are mentally threatened they resort to violence…
I hate Ann Coulter with a passion. She’s a professional liar, and an obvious lunatic TeaNaggist White Supremacist. I have nothing against the Black folks in general.
Unlike you.
Malcolm X was right about people like you.
Remember when Obummer claimed Obummer would be different?
REPORT: NSA spied on France…
Wiretapped three presidents…
Ambassador summonsed…
Hollande Warns…
Secret snooping station at embassy in Paris…
Antennas, satellites pick up phone conversations in vicinity…
I have nothing against the Black folks in general.
You are lying vomit producer… You track record proves otherwise! And if Ann Coulter is a professional liar, why did you use her above vomit producer?
DAYUMed by your own typing vomit producer!
Very interesting these costs! http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2566914
@ 52
I “used” her, as an example of what the GOP and the Conservatives in the US are saying, openly. She’s one of yours, Schitz, not ours. On your team. She speaks for Conservative Christians when she goes on the television. Not Liberal Atheists. She speaks for you.
Of course, spending time trying to reason with an obvious lunatic whilst I drink my morning coffee is probably not the best use of that time.
But who cares. I have a couple of weeks to blow until the quarter starts.
So vomit producer, why did you try and hide the fact you “received” your info from TPM? Huh?
Meanwhile another of rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears heroes is arrested!
@ 55
I didn’t “hide” anything. I linked to the website I first saw with that interview.
How is it possible that you’ve gone this long without being locked up in a mental institution? You are a seriously disturbed individual.
This character you play is really a simple minded dullard. Didn’t read Haley’s quote from just one short year ago. Gov. Haley herself stated that the flag is no longer an issue because she was elected and she’s not white….well…not white when it suits her. She “idnetified” white when she registered to vote.
I’m not making fun of her for her Indian, not in the way Loretta Sanchez expects; see I get that there are some racist Democrats too, heritage but because she said, plain as day, that the heritage she at times tries to hide made racism in S.C. go away the moment she ran for office.
Piddles-character is a dumb ass who doesn’t get it. Can we assume you’re also offended that the President used that word?
As for your CEO list and trying to move the goalposts…
Hey look over here some companies give more to the party in the White House. But since you asked for research, here’s the top 10 dollar amounts given by Boeing in 2014
Cochran, Thad (Republican)
Durbin, Dick (Democrat)
Graham, Lindsey (Republican)
National Republican Congressional Cmte
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte
Republican National Cmte
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte
National Republican Senatorial Cmte
Scott, Tim (Republican)
Frelinghuysen, Rodney(Republican)
So outside of playing both sides of the fence with equal amounts to both parties’ National Organizations….that’s four Republicans and one Democrat.
You had a point.
And still more missing the point….
The controversy over the flag started in 1962 and simmered until boiling and then in 2000 the Republican led House of representatives “compromised” not by removing the flag but moving it to another part of the Capitol. As you like to point out a Democratic Governor signed that bill.
Here’s the problem. The flag was a symbol of racism in 1962.
The flag was a symbol of racism in 1970.
The flag was a symbol of racism in 1980.
The flag was a symbol of racism in 1990.
The flag was a symbol of racism in 2000 when the state begrudgingly took it off the State House Dome but refused to just get rid of it.
The flag was a symbol of racism in 2008 when Boeing broke ground.
The flag was a symbol of racism in 2011 when Boeing opened their plant.
The flag was a symbol of racism in 2014 when Governor Haley said explicitly that it was no big deal and hey….I’m Indian.
The flag was a sybol of racism on the morning of June 17th, 2015.
The flag was still a symbol of racism on the morning of June 18th a few hours before Governor Haley said, “We do know that we’ll never understand what motivates anyone to enter one of our places of worship and take the life of another.” Oh but we do know. We know really well.
Boeing, Haley et all had nothing to say until after eight people died because they were black and public pressure demanded the flag come down.
That’s some cowardly shit right there.
The truth will be ignored!
As long as I got a little off topic and touched on the President’s Maron appearance that has so many panties in a bunch….
Many, many years ago I noticed that whenever Blade Runner aired on TV a certain voice-over was missing and it always bugged me. It was because of a single word without any recognition of context.
“”Skin jobs”. That’s what Bryant called Replicants. In history books he’s the kind of cop who used to call black men “niggers”.”
With that line the audience knows that the other officer is a scumbag, a racist, possibly corrupt and not to be trusted. But because of a single word that bit of character development had to go in order to be on TV.
We see the same idiocy is playing out today. “Gasp…he said the N-Word! It really doesn’t matter what the whole sentence was…HE SAID THE N-WORD!”
As for your CEO list and trying to move the goalposts…
You quoted those words dr checkmate. Puddy just proved what you chose to highlight as another SMACKDOWN. There was no Puddy trainwreck!
You purposely skip over the Republican governor who wanted to remove the flag in 1998 and the DUMMOCRETIN challenger wanted to keep it up. The Republican lost and the DUMMOCRETIN won! The flag stayed up!
And of course you and your ilk claim a piece of cloth made Dylann Roof kill. Puddy says it was Satan, your good friend dr checkmate that made Dylann kill!
My Gawd, what a way to live, waking up full of hate as Puddy does each day.
Nice try Piddles. to quote you….
Show me where I said a piece of cloth made him do it.
What I said, and what you can’t grasp because you’re an intelectual nitwit, is that many, many, many elected officials and Corporations had no problem with a racist symbol being embraced by the state of South Carolina up until the moment a South Carolina racist killed people because of their race. Then and only then it became unacceptable to embrace a racist symbol.
That’s some cowardly shit right there.
whenever Blade Runner aired on TV
More proof dr checkmate lives in fantasy land. Yes movies are the driving force in dr checkmate’s life. Gotta live by what the writers use as dialog…
Yep that’s the ticket. Yes you are always off topic checkmate!
@ 60
When Blade Runner was completed, but still unreleased, the studio executives decided that the story didn’t make much sense the way it was, so they had Harrison Ford do a whole narrative that was then added onto the movie after the fact. Ridley Scott had to trim the film down to under 2 hours so he had almost no control over the final editing process. It was never intended to be part of the original release as envisioned by Scott. That narrative was removed by Scott in his own Director’s Cut version.
I have a copy of the final cut of that movie, and it runs nearly 7 minutes longer than the theatrical release. That was the version that gave Scott total authority over the editing process.
When you put the bean counters in charge of artistic endeavors, you get turds, every time.
What I said, and what you can’t grasp because you’re an intelectual nitwit, is that many, many, many elected officials and Corporations had no problem with a racist symbol being embraced by the state of South Carolina up until the moment a South Carolina racist killed people because of their race.
And again you trainwreck dr checkmate when Puddy responded a Republican governor wanted to remove the flag before his reelection in 1998 and the DUMMOCRETIN ran against that. The DUMMOCRETIN won because those who DUMMOCRETINS whom voted Republican came back to jock strap the DUMMOCRETIN.
This FACT can’t sink into your small cranial orifice dr checkmate.
You checkmate your self dr checkmate! Slow day no welfare checks coming in? That’s some cowardly shit right there.
Without getting into a George Lucas, leave the damn movie alone type of debate… The Broadcast version I’m talking about existed before any of the endless director’s cuts and before the work print version was discovered.
NBC decided that the word had to come out simply because it was a word. The other Deckhard VOs were still there.
@46 “On most American voter registration forms East Indian Americans can’t choose anything butt white …. There usually isn’t a choice except for Asian ….”
To begin with, “most American voter registration forms” are irrelevant; the only relevant form is the one she signed, to wit:
“Her options were ‘white, black/African-American, Asian, Hispanic, Native American or other.'”
You forgot “other.”
So what do her fellow Eastern Indians (or whatever you wann call ’em) do?
“The Merriam Webster dictionary defines ‘Caucasian’ as the ‘characteristic of a race of humankind native to Europe, North Africa, and southwest Asia and classified according to physical features — used especially in referring to persons of European descent having usually light skin pigmentation.’ Shaw, the USC professor, said a person from southern Asia, where India is located, may more often check the box Asian than white. The issue has been the subject of many studies.”
And just to keep things in context, remember this is South Carolina, where non-whites are less than welcome among a significant segment of the state’s electorate, and a person with political aspirations who clearly is non-white checking “white” on a voter registration form seems more than slightly tinted with opportunism. As local Democrats, who know her best, have pointed out:
“Dick Harpootlian, the Democratic Party chairman, said whether Haley listed her race as white or not doesn’t matter to him. The point is, he said, that the governor has a pattern of twisting the truth. ‘Haley has been appearing on television interviews where she calls herself a minority — when it suits her,’ Harpootlian said. ‘When she registers to vote, she says she is white. She has developed a pattern of saying whatever is beneficial to her at the moment.'”
There it is in a nutshell.
Meanwhile, Puddybutt, who just a day or so ago was making a mountain out of a white woman posing as black, has no problem with a brown posing as white — when the perp is a Republican politician whose grip on power and influence must be defended at all costs, no matter what little white lies she tells. Can you say “hypocrisy”?
Now wait for the squid ink.
Piddles, Get you’re history straight. The Republican governor you cite didn’t say the state should take it down but embraced the compromise solution of moving it. He ran for Governor and supported keeping it in 1994. So no, a Republican Governor did NOT want to take it down but agreed that it should be moved. His fellow Republicans revolted because he dared to be “reasonable” about the flag and a few years later he lost. Funny, the Democratic governor you say “wanted to keep it up” didn’t actually do or say that and ended up moving it, just like the Republican wanted shortly after he was elected.
Want a contemporaneous article describing the debate?
The Democratic Governor took it off the Capitol Dome and moved it. Not enough, I’d say but no, he didnt campaign on keeping it up. Sorry, as usual, you are light on facts er…no facts.
@48 “Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley Born: January 20, 1972 (age 43), Bamberg, SC. So she’s not an immigrant.”
Gee, do you suppose someone should educate Coulter to that fact? (See #47) Maybe you should send Coulter an email suggesting that next time she should do 15 seconds of due diligence on the internet before making an ass of herself.
@51 Yeah, what a disappointment, but name a Republican who wouldn’t have been far worse. At least he isn’t a Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, McCain, Romney, Perry, Walker, Paul, Ryan, or Cruz.
@57 “How is it possible that you’ve gone this long without being locked up in a mental institution?”
Because Republicans eliminated all funding for treating the insane.
@58 Here are a few more Haley quotes:
“There will be some in our state who will see this as a sad moment. I respect that.”
“Know this: For good and for bad, whether it is on the statehouse grounds or in a museum, the flag will always be a part of the soil of South Carolina.”
“Haley … defended South Carolinians who view the flag ‘as a symbol of respect, integrity and duty’ and a memorial to ancestors who served their state during a time of conflict. ‘That is not hate, nor is it racism,’ Haley said.”
“Haley … promised that the views of those who want the flag to keep flying will be respected in the debate. ‘This statehouse belongs to all of us,’ she said.”
So, yes, the Confederate flag must go … but not really.
checkmate @69 farts with no link or any location…
That’s not what Time Magazine, a strong left wrong libtard e-rag reported…
From WikiPedia
You see checkmate… your entry doesn’t match with the FACTS!
Sux to be checkmated again!
Yeah America was feared when these guys were in charge! Now we are laughed at!
FACTS disinfect Wabbit BULLSHITTIUM!
@ 55
I didn’t “hide” anything. I linked to the website I first saw with that interview.
vomit producer still can’t admit you got the info from TPM!
The early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit can’t follow or fathom a thread from start to finish. Guess that early onset senility is really getting worse!
“Her options were ‘white, black/African-American, Asian, Hispanic, Native American or other.’”
You forgot “other.”
NOPE… Who chooses other? Maybe you do because in your early onset senility you actually think you are a retired lawyer Wabbit.
Why are DUMMOCRETINS so caught up into race?
Salon headline – The curious case of Nikki Haley: What the Republican governor can tell us about American racial identity
Daily Kooks – Nikki Haley: Model minority or cultural sellout?
Wonkette – Nikki Haley First Non-White Governor of South Carolina to be white
Mother Jones – Indian Nikki Haley Says She Is White
New America Media – Nikki Haley – A Whiter Shade of Brown
NPR – S.C. Gov. Haley: Democrats’ Attitude On Minorities Is Offensive
The MinorityEye – Why South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is having reelection issues
Feministing – Nikki Haley’s got “white girl” problems
The Root – Black Leaders to South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley: You’re a minority too
Democratichub – Nikki Haley Exposed
Newsone – Jesse Jackson Black Leaders Tell SC Governor Nikki Haley is a minority too
AfricanAmerica – Nikki Haley-Racists’ Puppet minority
Forbes – Why Nikki Haley Is A Smart Leader In The Confederate Flag Controversy
And just to keep things in context, remember this is South Carolina, where non-whites are less than welcome among a significant segment of the state’s electorate, and a person with political aspirations who clearly is non-white checking “white” on a voter registration form seems more than slightly tinted with opportunism.
One look at Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley and everyone can see she’s dark skinned. Yet DUMMOCRETINS must focus on race! Without race in politics DUMMOCRETINS lose!
@78 And she goes by “Nikki Haley” to emphasize how brown she is.
@77 “NOPE… Who chooses other? ”
Gee, that’s a tough one. Let me think a minute. Um, anyone who isn’t “white, black/African-American, Asian, Hispanic, Native American”?
Seriously, Puddy, do you think “white” fits better than “other” for someone who, in your words,
“One look at Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley and everyone can see she’s dark skinned.”
The woman doesn’t have a drop of caucasion blood, but calls herself “white.”
Given that the average white-power homicidal maniac doesn’t distinguish between a Muslim and a Sikh, I think I’d advertise myself as “white” too, if I were a Sikh who could pass herself off as a Caucasian. She might look a little whiter to your eyes if you took off your tinted contacts.
Oh Piddles. I provided you with a link. But if you would rather read how Time summarized the events in an article published almost two decades after rather than what the paper of record reported during the events I guess that’s why you don’t grasp history.
But thanks for claiming I didn’t link. It just proves your idiocy.
Read the article from 1998. That he dared move it resulted in GOP legislators revolt. And it wasn’t moved until the legislature voted to move in in 2000 after he was out of office. The GOP wanted to make it a statewide referendum rather than a legislative act hoping that the voters would be racist and say, “Hell yes we want that flag waving from the dome.”