You are invited to the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally tonight. Stop by for informal conversation over an ice cold beer.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. Our starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks stop by earlier for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities, Vancouver, WA, and Shelton chapters also meet. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. And on Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets.
There are 190 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon and two in Idaho. Chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting somewhere near you.
Please discuss the Sydney Blumenthal impact on yer gal Hillary’s campaign. Lol. Can’t wait to read those e-mails….there will be more. Sydney is a first-class a$$hole. A chronic sharp-elbowed prick which is why Obama would not approve him to be part of Hillary’s State Dept. Yet he remained lurking in the shadows…with Hillary embracing him. And he did it for his personal gain…which is tied to the Clinton Foundation. All very smarmy!
45 times Secretary Clinton pushed the trade bill she now opposes
Jake Tapper doing a pretty fair job of busting Hillary’s balls on this one. He lists each and every instance, with date, location, and quote.
Hillary is an arrogant, evil person
I hope all you guys vote your conscience..even if it means writing in Bernie Sanders.
I can assure you all I will NOT vote for Jeb Bush.
I will vote for Rand Paul/Ben Carson
@3 You better have more than that if you hope your pal Jeb$ is going to win.
I voted for Ross Perot twice. I did not vote for Bush Sr.
I did vote for Bush Jr twice…holding my nose. I won’t do that again.
Hillary has a mountain of character issues to overcome. As well as some enormous performance issues like this. She is in love with being in charge. Blumenthal is an a$$hole. Obama knew it and wanted no part of him. He’s like Hillary. Birds of a feather.
I wish klownservatives and (so-called) libertarians would stop whining and grow the fuck up.
Can’t help thinking I’d prefer it if Trump were dead and Kerkorian had announced for president.
@3 not as arrogant and evil or freedomless loving as any republican!
Long live Ireland – home of the Free and the Brave. Where true liberty rings.
It is the comic and political commenter full emplyment act re-vitalized!!!
@6 and your vote for any republican comes with being less free. You dip shit.
More on “The Donald” (it’s just too delicious)
Based on his poll numbers, The Donald would be invited to the ‘big peoples table’ candidate debate instead of the ‘kiddie table’ for the wack-jobs like Santorum, Carson and the gay Senator Lindsey Graham (the bro’ with no ho’).
Meanwhile the puddyfuckwad refuses to elaborate on what President Obama does not comprehend about christianity.
Please don’t keep the class waiting, Mr. Fuckwad.
Here is the statement welcoming Trump by the Democratic National Committee:
Well we have three (and counting) candidates for the Republican nomination that don’t understand the constitution and so are disqualified.
Run on Gay Marriage! It’s a winner. Young people will flock to your campaign and the not-religiously crazy too!
Mike Huckabee:
Yep, when the Supreme Court said a sitting president could stand for civil trial well, the executive branch just said go spit. After Brown v. Board, the South, “Nah! We’ll just keep telling the darkies to go to another school ’cause we don’t need to follow the ruling.”
Ted Cruz
Yep! Loving Decision. To many it was illegitimate so I guess it is still illegal for a black man to marry a white woman.
Ben (heee, heee presidential candidate) Carson
According to Dr. Ben there are only two branches of government. The Judicial either doesn’t exist or has no say whatsoever. Mmmmkay. You may have passed your medical exams and become a surgeon but I could loan you my high school textbooks. You missed some things that a GED student probably knows. First of all we have to understand how the constitution works and you don’t really understand that, clearly.
Rick Santorum (bonus round)
Surpising that Rick’s frothing over the Supreme Court is fairly rational. He doesn’t make the claim of the others that the Supreme Court should just be ignored. Yep absolutely the Executive and the Legislative can do soemthing while following the court ruling that is in effect. They can pass and ratify a Constitutional Ammendment. Run on the Defens Of Marriage Ammendment. IT’S A WINNER! Go Rick Go!
After Suffolk prematurely called three states for Romney in 2012, I’m not sure what to think of them.
But just in case they’re still relevant,
Hey HA libbies, are you all clear that Bernie Sanders is a Jew?
According to a survey released Tuesday by Suffolk University, 41% of likely Democratic primary voters said if the Granite State presidential primary was held today, they’d vote for Hillary Clinton, with 31% saying they’d back Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont.
Until now, Clinton has been the overwhelming frontrunner for the Democratic nomination in just about all national and early primary and caucus state polling. But the Suffolk survey, conducted June 11-15, indicates Sanders could give the former secretary of state a real fight in the first-in-the-nation primary state. The independent senator who describes himself as a democratic socialist is energizing many on the left, including supporters of liberal hero Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, who’s passing on a White House run.
“The poll is not a home run for Bernie Sanders, but it could be characterized as a line shot to deep left field,” David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk University Political Research Center, told NH1 News.
Yep, Sanders is Jewish A Jew? Bolded? Funny choice of words.
And Sanders, “Is not a fan of Benjamin Netanyahu” so any time now right wing trolls will be along to let us know that Bernie Sanders hates Jews….er…wait…damn.
A quiz so easy even Rujax! could get it right.
Guess the political affiliation:
DETROIT (AP) — A Detroit woman who was drunk when she killed a friend with a slow cooker during an argument over presidential politics was sentenced Monday to at least 23 years in prison.
McWilliams said the two were arguing about the 2016 race for president.
“One was for one major political party and the other was for the other major political party,” he said.
Oh Shit. Piddles is even dumber than i thought.
This only happened in March 2015
And President Obama released this statement at the start of Nowruz (Iranian New Year) celebrations in 2015
Obama Met with Saeed’s familyin February 2015.
But Franklin Graham says he’s not doing anything becuase it’s just a Christian and if he were an Egyptian muslim….
And Franklin Graham, and Piddles for swallowing it unquestioningly, is full of shit. Or as I like to call it, your average weekday on Piddleworld.
False Witness, I think I’ve heard something about that. To Damn Funny.
Sportsmanship circa 2015 …
@1 Who and what in politics isn’t smarmy?
@2 Gee, if that’s true, she flipflops like Rand Paul.
@3 You’re merely a pissant whiner.
@6 “I did vote for Bush Jr twice…holding my nose.”
But you still voted for him, and that means you own his clusterfucks.
@7 That’s a bridge too far.
@15 It’s kind of interesting that so many Republicans are closing ranks and saying, all together now, that the Supreme Court is a superfluous branch of government. That sounds to me, a lawyer and retired judge, like a group of people who are planning to break laws.
@16 “Hey HA libbies, are you all clear that Bernie Sanders is a Jew?”
I’m pretty sure we’re all aware of that. What’s not clear is why anyone but anti-Semites think that’s relevant to anything.
@18 As the article doesn’t say, maybe you could enlighten us as to who won Round 1 of America’s next civil war?
@ 20
There’s a reason the catcher’s signs change when there’s a runner on second.
BTW I visited the Cardinals’ Hall of Fame Museum. Great way to spend a couple of hours. There are bronze statues of guys like Musial, Brock, Gibson in front of the recently built Busch Stadium. Beats the hell out of anything you can see in Seattle and it’s just blocks from the Gateway Arch. The way they built the new stadium was pretty impressive – constructed about 2/3 of it before knocking down the old one in order to finish the job.
I won’t mention that the midwest Fox Sports broadcast center is in a large building filled with bars right across the street from the stadium. Or that one of the bars, PBR, I thought meant Pabst Blue Ribbon rather than Professional Bull Riders.
@ 27
What’s not clear is why anyone but anti-Semites think that’s relevant to anything.
Really good point, RR. Recall events of the MO GOP governor’s race, very recently.
Then go ask NPR why they thought relevant to do what they did to Sanders.
Affordable homes aren’t economically feasible anymore.
“Land is extremely expensive, the developer is selling it for a lot of money and the only way to make money for a builder is to build a big, huge expensive home.”
Ahhh yes, rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears in action @10, 12, 14… Copy and splat!
checkmate? Where are the links? Da Perfessa says you need to deliver links! Well you are a dumb dr DUMMOCRETIN!
@3 If you’re concerned about evil in the world, get a clue from a man of God.
“Oh Shit. checkmate is even dumber than Puddy gives checkmate credit for….
This only happened in March 2015.”
Which Puddy wrote in the other thread 2.5+ years for Obummer to say something!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Dumb as the cum and they are much dumber!
Daily Kooks writing about a man of God is like the
early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit throwing off his early onset senility!
Not happening in our lifetimes!
But Franklin Graham says he’s not doing anything becuase it’s just a Christian and if he were an Egyptian muslim….
There is ample evidence. Wow you really are helping rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears figger out. Butt you are still off!
But Franklin Graham says he’s not doing anything becuase it’s just a Christian and if he were an Egyptian muslim….
The early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit identified you perfectly checkmate!
You’re merely a pissant whiner.
Meanwhile 6 die in Berkeley.
No politics here until the investigation is complete. Butt think about it!
Meanwhile 6 die in Berkeley.
No politics here until the investigation is complete. Butt think about it!
Wow, immediate reaction from Obummer’s whitey house on Morsi while it took three days on the ISIS Christian prisoners being beheaded!
Another hint rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!!!!!
You know how to use Google, right? I think maybe this IT job you like to talk about is as fake as your persona here on this board. You don’t seem to know about things like where you can still to this day find information
Obama tells Rouhani he is concerned about Jailed U.S. Pastor… September 2013.
But, but, but….”Which Puddy wrote in the other thread 2.5+ years for Obummer to say something!” You were full of shit in the other thread too.
As you are so fond of saying…CHECKMATE!
(This is where a rational person would realize that they’ve lost BIG TIME but not Piddles.)
“Meanwhile 6 die in Berkeley.”
Just so you have a fucking clue, you wingnuts hate building and fire codes and want to see them all abolished. Six students dead? That’s not enough for you. You bastards won’t be happy until you see a hundred women leaping to their deaths to escape a blazing Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire again.
Okay checkmate Puddy missed that one. You got one right checkmate… Congratulations. How long did it take you to ignore patients and search?
Now we are down to a year!
365 days and then Obummer asks about Abedini. Still haven’t answered the main question!
Good job checkmate…
Checkmate 1
Puddy 463
Everyone seal clap for checkmate!
Just so you have a fucking clue, you wingnuts hate building and fire codes and want to see them all abolished.
Above Puddy wrote – No politics here until the investigation is complete. Butt think about it!
So what did Stupid Solution Steve do? Went there. Built in 2006. And Berkeley is run by DUMMMOCRETINS!
FACTS and TRUTH always missing from Stupid Solution Steve!
Gotta go!
“Above Puddy wrote – No politics here until the investigation is complete. Butt think about it!”
It’s common knowledge that you wingnuts hate regulations and you want all building and fire codes abolished. Same with zoning laws. If this ever came to pass, a hell of lot more than six people would die. So quit pretending that you care about the six dead in Berkeley, because you don’t.
@ 43
Six students dead? That’s not enough for you.
I would think it depends heavily on what their majors were.
“I would think it depends heavily on what their majors were.”
Geez, and I here thought their being UC-Berkeley students was enough for you to want them all dead. But, no, good doctor that you are, you’ll check their majors first, then decide if they should die.
What one of your kids were dead, asshole.
hooo, hoo, stop,you’re killin’me, I can’t hee hee, breathe….I think I’m hahahaha, going cough to puke stop it stop it stop it. It’s funny ’cause it’s TRUUUUUUUUUUE!
This is a fascinating point of view…
“Yet how come humans alone of all the animals are capable of cooperating flexibly in large numbers, be it in order to play, to trade or to slaughter? The answer is our imagination. We can cooperate with numerous strangers because we can invent fictional stories, spread them around, and convince millions of strangers to believe in them. As long as everybody believes in the same fictions, we all obey the same laws, and can thereby cooperate effectively.
This is something only humans can do. You can never convince a chimpanzee to give you a banana by promising that after he dies, he will go to Chimpanzee Heaven and there receive countless bananas for his good deeds. No chimp will ever believe such a story. Only humans believe such stories. This is why we rule the world, whereas chimps are locked up in zoos and research laboratories.
It is the same with economic networks of cooperation. Take a dollar bill, for example. It has no value in itself. You cannot eat it, drink it or wear it. But now come along some master storytellers like the Chair of the Federal Reserve and the President of the United States, and convince us to believe that this green piece of paper is worth five bananas. As long as millions of people believe this story, that green piece of paper really is worth five bananas. I can now go to the supermarket, hand a worthless piece of paper to a complete stranger whom I have never met before, and get real bananas in return. Try doing that with a chimpanzee.”
@48. Is that an example of a conservative joke?
@36 Yeah? Well they just did. Btw, do you even know what Daily Kos is? Didn’t think so.
@38 If you want to use my stuff, pay me a royalty, cheapskate.
@40 Libertarian builder.
@44 Wow! What’s this? Puddy admitting he fucked up?!
@45 Not a bad idea. clap-clap clap-clap clap-clap
@47 Not only that, they refuse to pay taxes for building and code inspectors. Codes don’t mean a damn thing if there’s no one to enforce law against people who believe government is evil and they have a God-given right to do as they please.
@48 Cute. Doctor Bob thinks students with the “wrong” major should be euthanized. If he’d been born a generation earlier, Hitler would’ve had plenty of work for him.
@52 But you’re not a capitalist until you get perfect strangers to trade you ten bananas in exchange for five bananas …
I’m taking a moment to congratulate our trolls here, who have diligently contributed to driving the Republican party in to the ditch.
Oh, there have been numerous examples of the decline of the Republican party in the past 14 years, but you’ve really reached a critical milestone today with the Donald announcing his candidacy for the GOP 2016 Presidential nomination.
Way to go guys!
@26 I’ll admit I don’t know a lot about the history of Hitler, but did he believe in laws? Are Republicans becoming Nazis?
Fight for Freedom!
@30 with the MO Governor race the candidate wasn’t Jewish, where as Bernie Sanders is. Kind of a little different. And in an atmosphere were bigotry runs rampid in the republican world, it was different. And NPR is a news organization reporting on something, unlike the case in MO where the opposing candidate, in the same party, was trying to persuade his sheep.
Funny that you are just bringing up the MO Governor Race. I don’t recall you ever mentioning it before and speaking out against how slimy it was…..But I did.
Bob, you have your head up your ass too, Or are you sharing the Apes orifice?
Trump called NYC a “Wonderfull” town…..oh boy, does that disqualify him from being the Republican candidate? You know there is such high bar set in the Republican party.
Have any of the clowns in the GOP 2016 Clown Car found the time yet to repudiate the Donald’s statement today?
I won’t hold my breath.
[edit] And you sure won’t find any South American immigrants working in a Trump facility, will you? Got that $9B net worth, despite 4 bankruptcies with only people like you! Murican labor! /snark
@58 god given right……like to molest children…..
Aye Puffy. How about it Bob you like the child molester’s so long as they are good Christians?
Doctor? Of what? Shittery?
@65 Yeah, Trump thinks all those little kids from Latin America fleeing from cartel violence are scum. Republicans want to send those kids back where they came from — and they accuse us of running “death panels”???
while it may be an interesting point of view, it is predicated on some false implications. Cooperative social networks are commonplace among non-humans and are easily explained with genetic theories. Chimpanzees, other great apes, many primates in general, and lots and lots of social animals have been frequently documented engaging in organized patterns of altruistic behavior. It serves as a great point of interest for ethologists and biologists and has inspired some very insightful scientific research. Look into Richard Dawkins some time.
@65 not only do they not know what Freedom is they are the biggest fucking hypocrites.
Kind of reminds me of my farmer friend who has a full time job on top of growing tobacco on about 6 acres, a small amount. He’s a Republican, has called Obama every derogatory name, which I guess is ok if you don’t think anything is wrong with bigotry, ignorance, stupidity and shameless. He hates immigrants with the same passion… I’ll give the guy the benefit of the doubt, deep down I think he has a soft spot for all people, he is just a guy that likes to blow smoke. But when it comes time to harvest his Tobacco he employees Jamaican Immigrants, for something like $15.00. They are hard workers, he praises them, but sure likes his money more. And the whole reason why he grows tobacco is to get the federal tax benefits that come along with being a farmer, aside from it being a passion of his….but it’s a hobby for him, he works 50 hours a week at a regular job.
I got nothing against the guy, he’s actually a pretty good friend, but his dislike for the government doesn’t go as far as appreciating the tax deduction with owning a farm.
@66 and straight, they gotta be straight.
Reading up on seventh day adventists
“Working for peace is encouraged by the SDA church as a Christian value. Many SDAs refuse combat status in the armed forces, and the church urges strict control of semi- and automatic assault weapons. The church supports community activities for equal rights and justice, antipoverty, education, and the direct provision of health care facilities.”
@70 Apparently not only do conservative like the good Christian child sex molesters, they like the murderers too.
Bob, and the Fucking Whiner – together with the Ape – included.
@71 funny – I wonder if conservative find it acceptable to refuse fighting for your country if it goes against your religious beliefs?
@68 Only one animal species has built nuclear weapons and used them against its own kind.
@71 Desmond Doss was a Seventh Day Adventist.
@73 If you ever meet one, shove a copy of Doss’ Medal of Honor citation in his face, and make him read it. Doss was a conscientious objector who refused to touch a gun and was hated for it by his fellow soldiers until he saved their lives.
Trump can’t even brag about his money without lying about it.
Some people shouldn’t be cops.
Things keep getting better for the Golden State…
Golden State Warriors win the NBA Championship…
F you OK City Zombies! Taken from Seattle by klownservatic scumbags!
And before I forget:
Words of a klownservatic econo-hack.. Nothing liberal about that.
Trump can’t even brag about his money without lying about it.
I’ll take your word for it. No one here brags about their assets more than you do. It’s usually the guy with the smallest penis who brags the most about his success in bed, after all.
UC Berkeley Students?
It’s a work visa program libtards…
And all that screaming over building codes etc…
California – libtards control
Alameda County – libtards control
Berkeley – libtards control
Apartments owned by BlackRock Financial Management, who gave way way more to the DUMMOCRETINS since 2006 than Republicans.
FACTS make Stupid Solution Steve more stupid each day!
If this had been s black guy or a civilian do you think the cops would have blasted this guy?
New Jersey cop kills ex-wife in front of young daughter
Sent from Daily News iPhone app
The cops let him shoot his wife a second time without try to kill him!????
Cop kills black person. – people are outraged and those that aren’t get all upset that people are upset,
Person (black) kills cop and people are outraged at that person and outraged at those that aren’t outraged.
Cop kills wife and nobody gives a shit. If anything some feel a little sympathetic and others want to just completely ignore.
This guy should have just looked up The Duggar Family in the Arkansas WHITE Pages. Maybe he could have counted with all 19.
Pennsylvania pervert sought sex with girl AND her parents
Sent from Daily News iPhone app
See what happens when you only get paid minimum wage.
Ex-Ravens cheerleader pleads guilty to sex with 15-year-old
Sent from Daily News iPhone app
Love – Puffy Style.
Wall Street CEO hired detectives to stalk ex-Swedish model
Sent from Daily News iPhone app
Yes we Adventists know all about Desmond T Doss and how he singlehandedly saved 75 comrades in his battalion. Notice even missing one lung and having tuberculosis he still lived to 87! Conscientious Objectionism is what we do when conscripted into the military. I am glad you posted that Roger. Others would have discounted it if Puddy posted it!
@ 78
Things keep getting better for the Golden State…
Golden State Warriors win the NBA Championship…
Cellar-dwelling Lakers also from the Golden State. Oh, and Donald Sterling.
Mindless cheerleading is fairly standard fare for YLB. California’s the shit because…… because it’s big.
Puddy married. Puddy need not stalk anyone. That’s the sick libtard mind you possess!
@87 wow the first readable post by puddy in months, devoid of bluster and faux ebonics. Keep it up
87 was Travis worser.
Keep your moronic activity up!
A leader in unemployed people! Sad! All those rich Holly weird DUMMOCRETINS and all they do is squander their money buying the biggest homes, cars, yachts!
@89, 90. Refer to 86 then. I do notice you were able to figure out my typo, good for you.
Is it honorable for Conscientious Objectors to be war hawks, clamoring for war and invasion when they don’t have skin in the game? After all, neither them or their children are likely to be in those wars?
Just wondering?
Republicans don’t respect other people’s property rights.
@79 “No one here brags about their assets more than you do.”
Except for a certain doctor who insinuates he’s a multimillionaire when accusing a lawyer worth only a million of being a “failure.”
@86 Oh so you’re a CO? Interesting …
@90 Most non-idiots would figure out that was a typo and he meant #86. See @92.
@93 Now that’s a good question. What we have here, I suspect, is a chickenhawk trying to wrap himself in the cloak of conscientious objection in an effort to validate that clucking noise you hear.
Real conscientious objector: Against war.
Fake conscientious objector: Against being in a war.
“It’s a work visa program libtards…”
You obviously believe those young men and women deserved to die. Got it.
“And all that screaming over building codes etc…”
Nobody here screams except you, you stupid CAP-obsessed motherfucker.
Eliminate building and fire codes and people will die, and you admit that you want that to happen, especially if the dead turn out to be foreign students here on work visas or, better yet, Democrats.
@91 Notice how loudly Puddy complains if a few Democrats get to live like Republicans?
Didn’t ultimate affirmative action fuck brag about being in some sooper-dooper-pooper-scooper us navy school?
What’s an esse doing in the military?
Add @102…
Just like that Dolezal gal, the lies from fuckwad the just keep on coming.
@102 That’s my recollection too, and I don’t recall him saying anything about being a CO or not carrying a gun (or Navy equivalent). He simply presented himself as an honorable-service Navy vet, which doesn’t sound like your run-of-the-mill Seventh Day Adventist to me. Did he cheat on his church?
…dude is really a trainwreck.
Didn’t ultimate affirmative action fuck brag about being in some sooper-dooper-pooper-scooper us navy school?
Was that you rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears? Puddy no affirmative action anything! Is that another of your Psych 101 Projections again? Misplaced moronic thoughts!
Just like that Dolezal gal, the support from the far whack job leftists just keeps on coming.
NAAALCP – no problem
Michael Eric Dyson – No problem
Mike @MikeOG_ I kinda feel bad for Rachel Dolezal. Wanted to be a nigga, got her life ruined by niggas. 9:55 AM – 16 Jun 2015
Gregory Pizarro Jr. @gregpizarrojr You know that #RachelDolezal was someone’s black friend, and now they’re panicking.
@102 That’s my recollection too…
There are many Navy positions one can take that don’t force you to carry a gun. Puddy’s nephew was a Navy corpsman assigned to the Marines as a medic. He never had to carry a gun while in Iraq either.
Sux when you are as DUMB as the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! Butt keep screaming at the top of your lungs. The more you scream the less people listen! And in the case of rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, even the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit admitted to it!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Notice how the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit conflates rich DUMMOCRETINS as being cheep labor progressives in real life! Hollyweirdos live way better than most rich conservatives.
We all know why! Early onset senility.
Eliminate building and fire codes and people will die, and you admit that you want that to happen, especially if the dead turn out to be foreign students here on work visas or, better yet, Democrats.
Psych 101 Projection from Stupid Solution Steve. Where has Republicans called for building code elimination in California Stupid Solution Steve? When Puddy delivers the FACTS on Berkeley, Alameda, California… libtard, libtard, libtard; head explodes…
Two nephews in the original Gulf War conflict. Sux to be a useless DUMMOCRETIN with ABSOLUTELY no skin in the game.
So why is rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears up in arms over Dolezal? She’s one of yours rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! Embrace it! You’re a transracial and everyone knows it! Even Dolezal’s parents are tired of her horsemanure, yet there are still black folks like Michael Eric Dyson whom are capping for her “blackness”.
“Where has Republicans called for building code elimination”
You stupid fuck, there was a post calling for the elimination of building and fire codes over at (u)SP this year.
“building and zoning codes are holding back development”
You hate regulations and you don’t care if people die for a lack of them. For you, profit is more important than American lives.
And touted by a klownservatic “cheerleader” for the United States economy.
Why does little Bobby hate America? Can we get a side dish of unskewed pollster with that?
Go Warriors!
“Go Warriors!”
And lying wingnut Clay Bennett can go fuck himself.
there was a post calling for the elimination of building and fire codes over at (u)SP this year.
All building codes or specific ones Stupid Solution Steve? You live on Sound Politics, not Puddy! Good for you!
Did that happen in Berkeley, Alameda, California Stupid Solution Steve? Got PROOF?
Unemplyment rates
California 6.3
Kansas 4.3
Nebraska 2.5
Texas 4.2
The Sunday Law!
@52 Hey you can wear a dollar bill or bills. I’d definitely like to see Mia wearing dollar bill, and her talking horse would too.
What’s “Unemplyment ” jackass? Heh..
Vermont 3.6
Hawaii 4.1
California 6.3
Georgia 6.3
Louisiana 6.6
Missisippi 6.6
South Carolina 6.7
Alaska 6.7
West Virginia 7.0