Join us tonight for an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning about 8:00 pm. Or stop by earlier for dinner.
Tonight we’ll raise a toast to everyone’s good health (while we can afford it), and have a moment of silence for the more than 20,000 people a year who die for want of affordable health care while members of the Republican and Lieberman for Connecticut parties obstruct health insurance reforms.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 340 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
if the democrats support the 60 vote rule everytime the senate starts a new session, they shouldn’t really complain that people like Lieberman get this kind of power…..indeed, their support of the cloture rules guarantees conservatism despite majority rule….this is more backasswards than the freaking house of lords and is NOT democracy.
“Lord Lieberman, you dastardly foe of health care reform!” “”Um, you guys support the rules that give him that power.” “Oh right, …..we forgot to think!”
Harry Reid needs to go. Placating Joe Fucking Lieberman is morally wrong. Joe’s ego is so large that planetary objects are in orbit around it. He needs to be told he’s done. I trust Lindsey Graham more than I do Joe Lieberman. How did he become such a bastard? Reid needs to yank his committee leadership and simply tell him to go to the GOP where he belongs. Then, Connecticut voters will finally understand what they did to us by reelecting the little worm.
Proud leftist: Obama’s the one who did the placating.
BTW, I am going to hear the Christmas ship tonight. If I get very energetic–and the crowd doesn’t show–maybe I’ll drop in afterwards.
I want to call out that both Murray and Cantwell voted AGAINST the Dorgan-Snowe drug reimportation bill today.
This bill would have helped the pocketbook for millions of Americans who are forced to pay exorbitant amounts for drugs, medicine that is sold relatively cheaply just across the Canadian border. Even if your insurance picks up most of that tab, that just means the cost hits the premiums paid by you and your employer.
A few months ago, Murray also voted against a bill that would have capped credit card rates at 15%. That means that, if you have a greater than 15% rate on your card, you can literally thank Patty Murray. For every dollar in interest that you pay (over that 15%), you can thank Patty Murray.
Liberal lament: What bill is this?
“But it’s not just the liberal base that’s feeling unsettled. Obama has also proved frustrating to moderates, who simply wanted to know where Obama’s core principles on health care stood, all the better to cut a deal to the president’s liking.
“Time and again, he rebuffed Democrats’ requests to speak up more forcefully about what he wanted — a strategy that allowed Obama to preserve maximum flexibility to declare victory at the end of the process, no matter what the final bill looked like.”
There’s an “option” that our senators oppose to appease BIG PHARMA. Our senators, Democrat, act in our best interests.
Roger Rabbit can’t attend DL tonight because he’s busy sticking pins in a Joe Lieberman doll.
Good for Joe Lieberman. He and ol’ Zell Miller were the last remnants of a bygone Democrat party that actually love this country and has been supplanted by the socialist sacks of shit like the unqualified, empty suit ,Chitown Assclown stumbling around 1600 Pennsylvania tonight.
Only a complete ignorant fool would cede their independence to an ever increasing, incompetent government, which is what the Democrat party prefers.
The founding fathers would have had most of those that call themselves Democrats today horsewhipped if they were alive today, for they are a treasonous lot.
I applaud Joe Lieberman waking up to the fact that he didn’t leave the Democrat party, it left him.
I betcha this brings back great memories, when you “worked” for the state, Rabbit:
“Public servants often leave work at 2 p.m., and “many are doing a second job in the afternoon, very often without declaring their second income for tax,” says Evangelos Antonaros, a conservative legislator who was the previous government’s spokesman.
“The gray economy extends to the education system, where many Greek students pay on the side to fill in holes left by lackluster teaching. Katerina Karamatsiou, a young Athenian, recalls her high-school physics teacher telling the class: “What’s the point in teaching you? You all go for private tuition after school anyway.” He offered such after-hours, tax-free tuition himself, she says.”
@ “That means that, if you have a greater than 15% rate on your card, you can literally thank Patty Murray.”
If you have a 15%+ rate on your card, you can thank yourself.
P.S., I have a zero-interest-rate credit card.
@8 “last remnants of a bygone Democrat party that actually love this country”
Are these the “bygone Democrats” you’re referring to?
They’re in your party now and you can have ’em — we don’t want them. We put them out on the curb with the rest of the garbage.
@9 I don’t see that in the article you linked. All I see is this:
“Debt Fears Rattle Europe”
“The euro tumbled as debt woes spread around the euro zone from Greece, where pledges of austerity and fiscal rigor failed to stem growing fears that the Continent’s economic recovery could be derailed.
“The euro fell as low as $1.4505 on Tuesday, its lowest level since early October. New worries about Austrian banking also roiled markets, with rumors of trouble at an Austrian lender with shaky investments in Eastern Europe following Monday’s surprise nationalization of another Austrian bank at the behest of the European Central Bank.
“Greece is just ‘the tip of the iceberg,’ said Norbert Barthle, budget spokesman for …
“To continue reading, subscribe now >>”
What’s that got to do with state employees? In any case, in the office where I worked, all the lawyers showed up at 7 a.m. and worked until 6 p.m. or later, and it wasn’t uncommon for them to work on weekends as well. So, I don’t know what you’re talking about. It certainly has nothing to do with my personal experience or that of anyone I know.
re 8: You are a brainless windbag who couldn’t follow cause and effect if his life depended on it.
And I hope it does.
When headless reacts as he did in #13, you are on the right track!
When the health care bill started, I was in favor of single-payer, but was willing to compromise as long as we had a government option. Then when the goverment option failed to pass, I figured that the extension of Medicare was at least better than nothing. But now Lieberman’s shot that down. The only thing left is a requirement to buy health insurance, with no cost controls, and the government is even prohibited from negotiating lower prescription costs under the Medicare Part B provisions enacted under Bush and the Republican Congress.
So now we are required to buy health insurance from private companies, with absolutely no way to control costs.
I was wrong. This bill is not at least a little better than the status quo. It’s worse than that. If they can’t at least get the public option back in, they should kill the bill and try again next year, when Kennedy’s replacement is in the Senate.
At the same time the next Congress should send Lieberman into the “Senate Siberia”. As a “party of one”, he should strip away all his committee assignments. (Okay, maybe let him sit on the committee regulating the post office, or dealing with the janitorial details for the Senate office buildings, but don’t let him speak). His new office should be in “boiler room B” in the basement.
good ideas, but they don’t happen because solid Democrats like the Rabbit focus on sticking pins in Joe Lieberman instead of getting a pair of balls and doing the kinds of things you talk about. A/k/a whining, moaning, complaining, etc., a total failure to use the power we have to get what we want. And yes, this means admitting the truth, we don’t even have 60 freaking votes, okay? Why do we go around saying we do, when in reality, we don’t? To fool ourselves, too?
the pin sticking approach ignores the fact that Joe has been sticking it to us ever since he lost the Demo primary then ran anyway….and OUR LEADERS seated with him gave him a chair, and treated him with all the respect that an abused spouse shows to the abuser. “Oh, you really love me now, you say? Okay I will forgive you that you broke all your past promises, I have faith in you!” followed in four weeks by the abuser slapping her around again.
Then she gets mad and says oh damn him I stick pins in him HOW COULD THIS HAVE HAPPENED!!!!!
A good friend at this point will tell her to leave. To stop enabling. The Democrats enabled all this to happen and being “mad” and saying “I am sticking pins in Lieberman” is a perfect example of the learned helplessness afflicting our party.
to be clear:
we should be sticking pins in Reid, Obama, Cantwell and Miurray for enabling this to happen and sitting with joe turncoat and ignoring his traitorous actions back when he ran in the primary and lost then ran for senate anyway. Instead of punishing him THEY REWARDED HIM. THEY are the ones who need to be slappedinto reality so they stop this codependent cycle.
This is truly amazing…the Republican Party is still pretty disorganized and has most Tea Partiers as pissed at them as the Democrats.
Despite their ineptness….read & weep:
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
With the Health Care Reform proposed, we start paying immediately..then get services in 4 years. That will be a real problem. Also, this Bill does nothing for the working middle class. That’s another problem.
It’s like paying for groceries for 4 years…then finally getting a little bag 4 years later.
The Democrats scored just 1% with the folks that feel fiscal management is the most important issue.
3. The Raven spews:
You are correctamundo The Raven.
KLOWNS like proud leftist are soooo enamored with Obam-Mao that they cannot see the fix was in when it was right in front of their face!
HydePark/Chicago politics at it’s finest.
proud leftist is truly one of Obam-Mao’s USEFUL IDIOTS!. He never questions the messiah….just continues to blindly support.
Fortunately, most Americans are not as dumb as proud leftist.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Fifty-one percent (51%) of Americans believe that government workers are paid too much and just 10% say they are paid too little. By a 10-to-1 margin, Americans believe that private sector employees work harder than those on the public payroll.
I’m not sure why you’re complaining. Obama and the administration say full steam ahead, let’s get this legislation passed now. Meanwhile, the Senate leadership argues its still a fine bill with plenty to like. Harkin of Iowa – a progressive if there was one according to him – was on Maddow yesterday praising the bill, not sounding the least bit upset.
Could Obama and these other Dems be that out to lunch, or are they just not be straight with people?
I think you’re focusing on the wrong person.
@19 Let’s not forget this little gem:
Generic Congressional Vote
Republicans 43.3
Democrats 41.0
Republicans +2.3
President Obama writes a new health reform prescription
“On the campaign trail, Barack Obama vowed to take on the drug industry by allowing Americans to import cheaper prescription medicine. “We’ll tell the pharmaceutical companies ‘thanks, but no, thanks’ for the overpriced drugs — drugs that cost twice as much here as they do in Europe and Canada,” he said back then.”
“On Tuesday, the matter came to the Senate floor — and President Obama forgot the “no, thanks” part. Siding with the pharmaceutical lobby, the administration successfully fought against the very idea Obama had championed.”
Change . . .
Good job, Leiberman. Another Democratic administration reduced to chaos by a Jewish cocksucker.
I’m so mad right now. Come the next two election cycles, I’m voting for a different democrat in the primary, one that has a spine, in all the races. If a gutless democrat gets the primary, I’m voting republican. I’m done.
So cyn, I’m coming over to your side next election or two. I’ll see how bad you f up the country before I start voting dem again. Cause given a choice between repubs and dems in name only, I’ll vote for the orginal.
Yes, I know this will f up the supreme court. Dems should have shown some spine this time round.
What is so special about you that you aren’t being taken advantage of by evil corporations?
Ever thought about helping people and donate your time to helping poor people with finances?
Or don’t you care about poor people?
Wow, ArtFart is mimicking manoftruth
Eventually all “progressives” demonstrate their progressive nature.
Oh no… today’s approval numbas!
Republican Filibusters Health Care Reform
Sen. Tom Coburn (Asswipe Party-OK) has used a Senate procedural gimmick to initiate a filibuster of the Democrats’ health care reform bill which is likely to stall progress on the bill until next year.
Coburn invoked a Senate rule to require the clerk to read aloud a 767-page amendment offered by Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT).
A Tale Of Two Innocent Men
Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) was a federal judge until he removed from the bench by impeachment in 1997. The impeachment proceedings were controversial, and were overturned by another federal judge (a Reagan appointee), but Hastings’ ouster was upheld by SCOTUS, which ruled that federal courts have no authority to intervene in impeachment matters, even when Senate procedures are flawed. (Hastings was removed by a vote of a Senate committee, instead of a vote by the full Senate as required by the Constitution.) Hasting was subsequently elected to the House of Representatives, where he continues to serve.
Today, Donald Eugene Gates (age 58) walked out of federal prison a free man after serving 28 years for a rape and murder he didn’t commit. Gates was cleared by DNA testing.
According to the Associated Press, Mr. Gates’ origional conviction “was based largely on the testimony of FBI hair analyst Michael P. Malone, whose work came under fire in 1997. At that time, the FBI’s inspector general found that Malone gave false testimony in proceedings that led to the impeachment and ouster of U.S. District Judge Alcee Hastings in 1989.”
(Emphasis added)
Bernanke Is Time‘s Person Of The Year
“Time magazine has named Ben Bernanke its 2009 Person of the Year. The magazine said the Federal Reserve chairman’s foresight and success at preventing a second Great Depression — the history that wasn’t made this year — drove its choice.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Thanks for nothing, GOP asswipes. If you’d had your way, we’d all be living in tent cities now, including you. Thank God there’s still a few rational people in D.C. policy jobs.
We dodged an economic nuke, no thanks to you GOP asswipes! Every day for the rest of your lives, you should get down on your knees and kiss the feet of Bernanke and Democratic voters. You owe everything to us.
Roger Dumb Bunny,
We owe you nuthin. Get it?
Marvin, Right Stuff, Me, Mark1, Mark, Cynical, ESO, john, and all others who think right…
This site always brings a smile to Puddy. Enjoy.
@32 You owe everything you have and ever will have during the rest of your life to Ben Bernanke and the Democrats for hauling you out of the septic tank the GOP threw you into.
“His placement at the Federal Reserve was so fortuitous, Time says, that it now looks like his entire life was spent preparing for the unintentionally dramatic role he would play there. Bernanke had been Princeton’s leading scholar on the Great Depression and became convinced that that collapse could have been prevented with the right intervention.
“In some quarters, however, his determination to take those steps … earned him pejorative[s] …. [A] measure spearheaded by Rep. Ron Paul [to curb Bernanke’s authority and] calling for audits of the Federal Reserve has already passed the House ….
“But Time asserts that Bernanke’s temperament and know-how were exactly right for handling a crisis with such high global stakes, and his decisions will be dissected for decades. ‘His arguments aren’t partisan or ideological; they’re methodical, grounded in data and the latest academic literature. When he doesn’t know something, he doesn’t bluster or bluff.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Ben Bernanke is right, Ron Paul is wrong; Bernanke is a careful scientist, Paul is a knee-jerk demagogue who shoots from the lip. Why would anyone support a numbskull like Paul?
@31 “We dodged an economic nuke”
We did? Then why is everyting still glowing in the dark?
I wouldn’t make any assumptions until the retailers have to post their real numbers after the first of the year.
We finally decided out of curiosity to go walk through the Bravern last Friday. The first thing I saw as we entered Neiman’s was a table of $295 wool scarves…and it all went on up from there. You know what we didn’t see, there or in any of the other stores?
Customers. Friday evening, two weeks before Christmas, and the whole place was deserted.
Frankly, I think the current impasse on health care is something to behold. Many if not most progressives are now beside themselves with the current legislation, and the country on a whole is leaning decidedly against it. BUT, Obama and Senate Dems are putting on happy faces and charging ahead, apparently convinced that no legislation is worse than bad legislation.
That’s quite a rock and a hard place. If they pass it they will alienate their base even more to say nothing of independents, who have abandoned Obama in droves; if they don’t they will look totally ineffective. All of this has consequences for 2010.
Didn’t Daddy Love assure HA that health care reform with a robust PO was all but assured? Thanks for nothin’ Daddy.
@35 I have to admit at this point that Ron Paul is either an attention whore or a total nutbag. There are a bunch of videos on YouTube of him schmoozing with right-wing talk show hosts, gasbagging about how the “one-world government conspiracy” is actually an eeeeevil alliance between closet-leftist businessmen and the Democrats…and how something just has to be done about the illegitimate seizure of executive power by Obama!
Did you leftist pinheads see George Step-On-All-Of-Us going postal on Howard Dean? This proves again what Puddy been saying about the slobbering love affair the libtardo MSM has with Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm.
“The President’s poll numbers at new lows. And a lot of leading Democrats believe that if this bill goes down, it will cripple the Obama presidency.”
“”You will be forced to buy insurance. If you don’t, you’ll pay a fine,” said Dean, a physician. “It’s an insurance company bailout.” Interviewed on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” he said the bill has some good provisions, “but there has to be a line beyond which you think the bill is bad for the country.”
“This is an insurance company’s dream,” the former Democratic presidential candidate said. “This is the Washington scramble, and it’s a shame.“”
Gotta love it.
What a moron strikes Newsweek. Now Hollyweird blames their stupidity on George Bush…
“You can blame Hollywood’s doom and gloom on the Oscars, but I’m not going to. Instead, I think it’s George W. Bush’s fault. Most liberal directors felt restless under his presidency, and they pushed the envelope with over-the-top, operatic tragedies.”
The democrat “big tent” is to keep the average people away from the better than average. It’s not for having differing opinion. Democrats call a differing opinion right-wing.
I thought it was a parody/spoof site until I followed the link to democraticunderground and saw the comments.
The Worst-Run Big City in the U.S.
Good explanation of why it’s failing.
@39 but there has to be a line beyond which you think the bill is bad for the country.
And this is what the issue can now be boiled down to: what’s best for the country vs. what’s best for a party. The administration and Democratic leadership are now focused on limiting the damage to their party, forget the merits of the legislation. And regarding the latter, Stephanopoulos is a shill. He highlights the cost saving benefits of the proposals, when in fact the goal of bending this downward:
was abandoned for something far more modest in a dishonest sleight of hand. You would be hard pressed to find anyone pushing the legislation, and this especially includes pundits like Stephanopoulos, who address the cost issue honestly.
In any event, I think all bets are off as this thing plays out.
The infighting is just beginning.
From the left-wing huffiington
If the democrats lose the unions, who can they use to beat up on people that are being patriotic by dissenting?
For those who get the fish rag from the WAPost, tell Puddy where this article was buried… Oh BTW Puddy already knows, somewhere on “page 6”. Now why is that?
“In the poll conducted this month, 51 percent say they oppose the proposed changes to the system; 44 percent approve of them. Two-thirds say the health-care reforms would add to the federal deficit, with two-thirds of those people calling such an increase “not worth it.”
More than six in 10 favor expanding Medicare to people ages 55 to 64 who lack insurance–a proposal included in one Senate compromise effort that appears unlikely to survive final negotiations. By a 2 to 1 margin, more Americans say a new system will weaken rather than strengthen the Medicare system. “
If this happened under bush, could you imagine what the left would be yelling?
A Georgia couple who showed up at the White House a day early for a tour somehow wound up at an invitation-only breakfast with President Barack Obama and the first lady.
It wasn’t a state dinner, but it left the White House once again explaining how people who were not on an event guest list wound up being ushered into the presidential mansion anyway.
In defense of ba-mao, I will say this is not the same kind of lack of security at the state dinner. This was about lack of security at breakfast, a completely different meal.
23. ArtFart spews:
Not a good comment AF.
Oh that’s right, you are a Progressive.
You get a free pass to be an anti-Semite and Racist.
Lucky you!
Puddy at 33–
Thanks for the yucks.
Funny stuff.
What Marvin fails to point out in his hard hitting news article is that the breakfast was in honor of veterans, and, since the man was himself a Navy veteran they extended an impromptu invitation to the veteran and his wife to join the Commander-in-Chief for breakfast.
Yes, the left would have just become all “unhinged” at Bush for honoring veterans. **sarcastic voice for you Yum-Yum conservtaive types who thik Stephen Colbert is one of you.
@48 Leiberman is a disgrace to his entire phylum.
More and More, Obama Seems a Faux Liberal
“Following President Obama’s war speeches at West Point and Oslo — two breathtaking exercises in political cynicism that killed any hope of authentic liberal reform — I’ve got only one question: Have the liberals who worshipped at the altar of “change you can believe in” had enough?”
No wonder Goldy is SO fixated on state tax reform – the national stage is looking just a little too dicey for the HA faithful. Of course, during the campaign when “change” was in the air and the campaign rhetoric was so enticing, things were a little different.
Mr. C.
I’m killing on my RMBS trade I explained to you yum-yums.
F is taking off up 8+% since I entered my trade. Got in on the run up to the handle @ $8.76. The handle formed a nice base and I was rewarded the last two days!!
Here are two more money making freebies for you.
DDS — Still not too late to get in on this one, but the gravytrain is leaving the station. Get in now and still make an EZ 12-15%.
EDP — slightly past the correct pivot point, but momentum says you can make 15%+ if you get in tomorrow.
Oh wait, you don’t like to make outsized profits in a short period of time because you don’t like paying a little more in taxes.
How’s that workin’ out fer ya on your teacher’s pension??
Looks like Dan Rather has fallen off the edge of the earth.
He “loves” Keith Olbermann.
Need Puddy say any more about Dan Rather?
As Puddy wrote above@26
ArtFart and manoftruth… The are two peas in the same pod!
As Puddy always said about polling… it depends on the words used…
Puddy presents a poll on Paul Krugman…
What gbs fails to address is his mancrush on me.
If not mancrush, why can’t he keep his own word and ignore me.
25. GBS spews:
Now, back to ignoring you. Unless you have some sort of man crush on me you’ll do the same.
Keep your word gbs, ignore me if you’ve got the self-control.
We’d all appreicate it if you’d just shorten that sentence up a bit to read: “Need Puddy say any more?”
The answer would be ‘no.’
Marvin @ 57:
It’s apparent that understanding simple language syntax and semantics are difficult for you. That’s OK, many people in your station in life didn’t do the heavy lifting in English class either. That said, I’m willing to help you out. What I said was “back to ignoring you. Unless you have some sort of man crush on me you’ll do the same.”
I didn’t promise you I’d ignore you, hence I’m not breaking my word.
Second, I said “unless you have a man crush on me you’ll do the same.”
You always respond to me instead of ignoring me. Thus, proving your man crush for GBS.
In fact, your man crush is so great that you obviously keep detailed records on my postings. Much like a stalker keeps “trophies” of the people they are infatuated with.
If you don’t have a man crush on me, if you’re not keeping record of my postings, then you’d simply ignore me regardless of whether or not I respond to some of your posts.
In fact, I’ll make a deal with you that Puddy knows I will keep. If you ignore me for all of 2010, I’ll buy Puddy lunch at any dining establishment of his choice in the Seattle metro area. Anywhere!
Let’s see if you have a man crush or not. And, to sweeten the pot, if you can’t ignore my animal magnetism neither you nor Puddy will owe me anything.
I’ll just be happy in the knowledge that you either lack self discipline, have a stalker-like man crush on me, or both.
So we’ll see what mettle you’re made of: Discipline like a man or man crush like a stalker.
With your “man crush definition” above, Puddy didn’t realize ylb arschloch has a “man crush” on Puddy. His tctmgr database of PuddyMissives is his way of expressing his “man crush” on Puddy. Puddy will have to cut his arschloch some slack now.
He likes Puddy.
You’ve been useful today GBS…
From GBS
Marvin, while breaking bread and listening to GBS grind his teeth as he smacks his lips and talks with his mouth being full and belches every few seconds is fun; if you need to jump on something stupid from GBS, do it!
Puddy @ 60:
Whaaaaat eva’!
Bottom line: Marvin either has a man crush on me or no self control.
Plus, I love how you tied Marvin and YBL together.
Hmmmmm . . . are they two peas in a pod or can Marvin distinguish himself from YLB.
Thanks, Puddy, you’ve been useful for once.
Marvin isn’t compelled to do anything just because I do or say something — stupid or not.
Unless, of course, Marvin is compelled by his MAN CRUSH FOR GBS.
He claims he doesn’t have a man crush on me. We’ll see if Marvin has any self control or if his man crush compels him to respond to me.
Man or man crush?
We’ll find out.
Am I getting you hot gbs?
How many posts about me for you tonight?
Not bad for someone that “doesn’t” have a mancrush on me.
Let us say you did have a mancrush on me, how many comments would you write then, 5? 10?
I ask so we know when you reach that point.
I love your challenge.
I have a couple improvements…
1. How about we say I can’t reply to you, can’t write gbs or mention you in any way. For example, I can’t write “that dumbass that respected his superior officer by hitting him” without mentioning your name. After all, everyone knows that would be you.
And you can’t reply to me, write about me or mention me in any way.
2. When you lose, you buy Puddy & I dinner. There’s a Sushi restaurant n Seattle I want to try.
How do I know you are going to lose?
You are the one that can’t control yourself. From hitting the officer, you calling me a “faggot,” you jumping the shark when you “had the proof” I was Puddy. And no doubt I know only a fraction of your lack of control.
What say you?
If gbs is brave enough to agree to see which one of us loses self-control first, we’ll be having dinner soon.
You into sushi? Or at least Japanese food?
Since IF he agrees I won’t be able to mention him, can you get a pool together? I’ll put some $ that gbs will lose it before 1/1/2010.
When he loses, I don’t expect gbs to pay-up. Just making my prediction available to a google site: search.
As you say whaaaaaaaat eva.
F YOU Moron.. I nearly lost my breakfast with that turd..
The database is about one thing only: YOUR HOLIER THAN THOU, LYING, CORRUPT, RIGHT WING ASS!!!!
If there’s any man crushes going on it’s between the triple tag team of the KLOWN, Marvin the copy/paste fool and King Stupid of these comment threads – YOU!
Got it? BUTTHEAD???
Typical left-wingnut, er, rich left-wingnut…
British billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson, with former vice president Al Gore at his side, offered a $25 million prize Friday to anyone who can come up with a way to blunt global climate change by removing at least a billion tons of carbon dioxide a year from the Earth’s atmosphere.
That was then.
Sir Richard Branson warns green taxes threaten to kill aviation
Believers in man-madeup-global-warming change their tune once it’s THEIR money being taxed. Tax the other filthy rich person.
Speaking or rich wanting to avoid paying taxes, lets not forget that someone as filthy rich as oprah limits her nights at her kalifornia home to avoid paying higher taxes. Are taxes in liberal kalifornia so high that even someone as rich as oprah makes decisions based on taxes?