It’s Tuesday…and that means it’s Drinking Liberally night in Seattle. So please join us for an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. Our starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks stop by earlier for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities, Vancouver, WA, and Shelton chapters also meet. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. And on Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets.
There are 190 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon and two in Idaho. Chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting somewhere near you.
This is appalling. Do you think the FBI has to check each death threat?
@1 Why be shy about it? Let everyone see what conservatives tweeted to the President of the United States. Of course, there are far too many to quote them all here. Here are a few choice examples of rightwing mentality:
“kill yourself you tree swinging nigger”
“Hello black monkey … do not forget to grab your black sarodychey”
“You fucking monkey I bet you stole this Twitter @POTUS”
“I swear to fuck if Bongo keeps the @POTUS acct after he leaves office i will hang one of my niggers”
“@POTUS I’ll kill you in one day”
Well, you get the drift, this isn’t the educated elite …
Puddy hanging out with that crowd kinda reminds me of a Chinese tourist walking into a biker bar …
Another trail (sic) balloon
New Jersey wants me to stay!
Nope, it has nothing to do with your political career being over. Run Chris Run, You can DO it! The people love you.
Shame you need to spend time with your family and the good people of New Jersey so after much soul searching, and a five second glance at your state and national polling, you won’t run.
One of Puffy’s hypocrites (and most probably a bigot too). I have nothing against religion, you believe great, I believe great – my business. But when you interject your belief of what you think is religion then I have a problem.
Satan must be at work – always the best excuse. Satan made him go against his own beliefs (or his beliefst that others follow)
Puffy you are no less a hypocrite than this man.
And BOOB go fuck yourself too.
Guns make us safer. Yeah …
O’Malley: In.
Why aren’t all these duplicitous motherfuckers in prison?
What a loser Walker is. He should keep walkin right over the fucking edge.
@7 With about as much chance as Ben Carson, although with significantly better credentials.
Los Angeles Adopts $15 Minimum Wage
Los Angeles has followed Seattle’s lead in adopting a $15 minimum wage, phasing in by 2020. According to CNBC,
“The impact is likely to be particularly strong in Los Angeles, where, according to some estimates, more than 40 percent of the city’s work force earns less than $15 an hour.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Don’t get me wrong, while cheap labor conservatives no doubt will wring their hands over this latest assault against American Feudalism, $15 an hour is poverty wages, especially in L.A. and Seattle, where you can’t even live on that. If you asked me to work for $15 an hour, I’d laugh in your face. If I asked you to work for $15 an hour, I’d expect you to laugh in MY face. So why the big brouhaha over raising the minimum wage to $15? It’s a nonevent.
Wait for it, some wingnut will come along and claim film studios will now shoot crowd scenes with half as many extras and roll the tape twice.
@9 It’s hard to believe Walker won’t get chopped up like an onion if he’s the GOP nominee. His entire “record” in Wisconsin is a pack of deceptions and lies.
3 TIME WINNER Scott Walker is a real thorn in the side of DUMMOCRETINS…
Meanwhile here is the outcome of Obummer’s dealing with the JV…
Saida Grundy
How DUMMOCRETINS continue to forget the past. 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady!
Yeah… Not a problem when it’s DUMMOCRETINS!
George Steponallofus makes $105 million!
Wow. No wonder ABC DUMMOCRETINS don’t want to get rid of him after the Brian Williams fiasco! The second libtard leaning teevee station to admit they are DUMMOCRETINS? Can’t have that!
senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @2,
Butt it’s A-OK in your early onset mind for a local DUMMOCRETIN to call blacks:
“niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”.
Holy Libya Batman… Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) was making money on Libya? Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit), is still the longtime hatchet man for the Clintons! Noooooooooooooooooooo! Say it ain’t soooooooooooooooooooo! Didn’t Obummer ban this moron from the State Department? So why did Clinton go behind Obummer’s back and use Blumenthal for intelligence? Doesn’t she respect that great black man in the whitey house? Oh wait it only matters if conservative Republicans rail against Obummer!
PuddyCommentary… Wait for it… the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit will trot out his favorite DUMMOCRETIN moron to attack on 9-11.
Don’t you remember this HA DUMMOCRETINS? Pro Publica.. Left tard site…
Well it seems Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) never registered as a lobbyist and he was lobbying and per Federal Law that would be illegal. So David Kornblum and Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) were to register as lobbyists for foreign governments. The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) of 1938 is the law ignored by Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) and Clinton. Well it’s Blumenthal’s balls in the noose now. The penalty for violating FARA runs as high as 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. Well you can be just a little bit pregnant right HA DUMMOCRETINS?
Maybe Congress will use that as leverage!
Now we know Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) was being paid by the Clinton Foundation while Clinton was receiving tainted bad advice on a private second email account. So Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) was talking up Libyan politicians trying to rebuild
Merry Blumenthal HA DUMMOCRETINS? Yes, too early to call that unlike you idiots whom ran to make hay on Tom DeLay and Karl Rove!
Well three links so must end now.
@19 Nope, it isn’t. Unacceptable no matter who does it. Any questions?
So Obummer and gang lied about the Benghazi attack…
This stands alone! No further discussion is needed. More Obummer lies and obfuscation!
Way to choose them DUMMOCRETINS!
@19 Nope, it isn’t. Unacceptable no matter who does it. Any questions?
Puddy is shocked and amazed. Wow the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit stands alone condemning the vomit producer!
@23 Or maybe you misinterpreted what he posted.
There is no misinterpretation of calling a black person “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated” by a white person senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Libtards love the Urban Dictionary so here you go senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
nigger —
a term that is racist, as long as the speaker of it is not black. Forbidden on most all of television and other forms of public entertainment, at times referenced to as the “n-word”. However, “cracker”, a term racist against whites, is a completely acceptable term used in any context of any national broadcast…hmm…
White man: I would like to know why “cracker” and, ahem, “nigger” are not equally forbidden *white man is put on trial for racist slander*
Meanwhile… So Barack Obummer cut and ran from Iraq and ISIS rose up and was called the JV!
Hey DUMMOCRETINS, knowing what you know now about Fallujah, Tikrit, Mosul and Ramadi, would you agreed to pull out of Iraq?
Remember all the clueless fools like
Lib Not a Great Scientist
yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch
senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit
Stupid Solution Steve
vomit producer
screaming Benghazi… Well…
Wow, this slams those Benghazi lies told by DUMMOCRETINS! What is Elijah Cummings brewing in the DCC war room for their latest comeback?
Clinton must think people are dumber than a bunch of rocks…
Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit)!
Thank goodness for that Clinton Cash book!
Absolutely no doubt we can contact China or Russia (maybe North Korea too) and receive all the Clinton emails as needed!
Remember only some black lives matter
As Puddy has written since Puddy arrived on HA DUMMOCRETINS… Abortion is killing black babies at an astounding rate! Those black lives don’t matter. rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears doesn’t care about black fatherlessness!
New York commits the second highest number of abortions in the nation (California being first killing over 214,000 children by abortion every year). There is no lack of access. Over 100,000 New Yorkers are aborted every year (102,678 in the latest year reported), many by Planned Parenthood. In fact, in NYC, more black babies are aborted than are born alive! The NY State Department of Health reports that in 2011 (latest year for available NYC stats) for every 1,000 black babies born alive, 1,223 are aborted. Compare that to 265 abortions for every 1,000 live births among whites and 614 live births for every 1,000 Hispanic live births. Abortion is epidemic in the black community. No matter which race or ethnicity, abortion is an avoidable tragedy that harms all of us–women, men and children.
rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears doesn’t care about black babies being aborted. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream for these children will never be realized right rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
@25 That’s your interpretation.
You know, Puddy, if you’re so damned outraged by racism, then why don’t you put some of your copious energy to work calling out the racists and bigots in your own fucking party? The funny thing is, over 30 posts into this comment thread, you’ve still taken ZERO offense at the comments directed against the black president of our nation quoted @2 above. Why is that? Maybe the other HA posters, despite our political differences, would have more respect for you if you were less of a flaming hypocrite on this and other subjects.
Hey climate deniers, how do y’all like this ICE AGE we’re having?
@31 “doesn’t care about black babies being aborted”
How is that worse than not caring about them after they’re born?
See what I mean about hypocrisy?
Oh, and what about all those Republicans who complain about “welfare queens” (we all know who they’re talking about) having babies so they can get welfare checks?
How can someone complain about black women having abortions and black women having babies at the same time? I guess that’s why God gave Republicans mouths with two sides, huh?
Bristol Palin’s engagement lasted exactly 2 months and 5 days. The Palin family’s announcement merely said the wedding planned for next week won’t happen, and they’re going to hold a barbecue instead; it didn’t say who dumped whom.
You know, Puddy, if you’re so damned outraged by racism, then why don’t you put some of your copious energy to work calling out the racists and bigots in your own fucking party?
You know senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, your party is the duplicitous party. Forked tongue. Puddy has delivered example after example of DUMMOCRETIN racism against conservative black people. Where was your voice senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
See how that works senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Just like you took umbrage to the zombie time links above!
@38 I have a suggestion for you, Puddy. Try Googling “n***a house” and see what you get. That’s YOUR party. Not mine, yours. So don’t come here whining about racism.
How can someone complain about black women having abortions and black women having babies at the same time? – Only in your putrid mind of BULLSHITTIUM early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit would that thought appear! Sad so sad! There is no complaint about live black baby births you sad sack of early onset looonacy! The web site cheers black baby adoption. That comment once again proves the early onset senility is getting worse!
Meet Ryan Scott Bomberger, the voice of Too Many Aborted… the first pro-adoption themed ad campaign created to address the disproportionate impact of abortion in the black community! PERIOD!
PuddyCommentary… Now the NOW crowd or Planned Kill Them Black Babies Parenthood probably told her to abort abort… that thing growing will be black and not look like you!!! This is why the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit will never understand the other side of the tracks. Oh yes the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit will claim to champion blacks only when they stay on the reservation. rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears is a reservation black the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit will gladly cheer. The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit doesn’t worry about rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears because rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears is fully under control. The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit fears Puddy and the PuddyMessage because Puddy left the reservation long ago!
Puddy identifies the lack of progress inner city blacks have made under the DUMMOCRETIN thumb since the mid 60s when DUMMOCRETINS took over everything. We as a people have not progressed under DUMMOCRETIN rule!
Education from 4th to 52nd in reading and mathematics! Way to go libtardos! That social promotion of the dullard and the Saul Alinsky task of dumbing down of education to the least common denominator is working perfectly.
Butt, there is a solution
Butt, activating that hidden workforce means some will leave the reservation like Dr Ben Carson or Ryan Scott Bomberger; so one must ridicule them through the standard racist DUMMOCRETIN attacks! Witness what the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit wrote above! One must also keep the masses as subjugated ASSes to control that “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated” horde of inner city minorities!
Drugs are rampant in the inner city. Recently Lee wrote some about the inner city drug problem. Drugs are the other massive killer of young black men in the inner city. Yet, DUMMOCRETINS claim it’s the police being the massive killer of young black men. Well here is just one DUMMOCRETIN led city’s stats! (a site dedicated to the real meaning of being a DUMMOCRETIN – “Illustrating Chicago Values”) begs to differ! Did you know 55 people have been shot in the ASS this year? That extra lead in the DUMMOCRETIN brain area probably helped with DUMMOCRETIN cognitive properties! DAYUM dat nigga shot me in da ASS!
@38 I have a suggestion for you, Puddy. Try Googling “n***a house” and see what you get.
Wrong again early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! That’s YOUR party. Google is leftist!
Google got hacked? Not hardly! Not mine, yours. So don’t come here whining about Puddy identifying DUMMOCETIN racism.
Good try IDIOT Wabbit!
How is that worse than not caring about them after they’re born? Stoooooooooooooopid in every quarter is the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Sounds like a major heterosexual problem.
Maybe you wouldn’t hvae the epidemic if you taught people how to have protected sex and gave more access to birth control. Not just for the womenz but also teach the menz that they are not to go around putting their penis into every vagina.
Either that or the Right Wing has to start talking about abstinence more than they are talking about gay marriage.
I could whine and complain all day about the car of my engine not being efficient, because I neglect to change the oil, but if I don’t deal with the real issue and change the oil, the car is going to run like shit. Deal with the problem.
Why are black people getting more pregnant more often Puffy? Is it a Democrettins plot to hold them back? Crying about abortions or making them illegal isn’t going to change it……how about limiting abortions by limiting unwanted pregnancies. Not by over populating and producing unwanted babies that people don’t want to deal with later, if they need assistance. Do you abandon them at birth? Abandoning at birth, does that solve the problem?
But heck stopping gays from getting married is more important. You Puffy are part of the problem. Your focuse should be on the right things not the wrong things, you Baby Killer.
Meanwhile the loonatics on the left strike again…
This Native American teen wants to wear a feather on her cap for graduation as part of her culture. The school says it’s against district policy. Gotta keep those minorities subjugated!
@44 Nebraska – dick face. Per your logic. Red State. Conservative State. No wonder they will not let her. Unless she is displaying the Don’t Tread on Me and thinking about Crationism, she aint going to be allowed to do shit.
Fuck face Ape.
@40 “There is no complaint about live black baby births you sad sack of early onset looonacy!”
Oh yes there is, you lying sack of shit.
I could go on and on and on, but astute HA readers (not you, Puddy) will get the drift. Now wait for the squid ink.
The latest casualty of Republican obstructionism: Obama’s war against ISIS. Waytago GOP fuckwads! You’re helping ISIS take over Syria and Iraq, and slaughter innocents by the thousands!
My next topic for this morning is CNBC’s preachy advice to future retirees. You’re doing things all wrong, CNBC asserts in an article titled “Avoid These Dumb Retirement Savings Mistakes,” to wit, “Here are a few common traps to avoid”:
1. Waiting too long to start saving and/or saving too little.
2. Halting or reducing savings during bear markets.
3. Putting too much emphasis on average life expectancy.
4. Retiring too early.
5. Failing to spend prudently during retirement.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This advice sounds like it was written for CNBC’s typical audience, i.e. upper middle-class professionals and managers who earn six-figure incomes, own investments, and have net worths over a million dollars.
What relevance does this “advice” have to someone juggling two or three jobs paying $7.25 an hour just to make rent and living on food stamps? If these sanctimonious moralizers at CNBC want America’s impoverished working and middle classes to improve their retirement savings habits, they should get behind raising the minimum wage, and bringing back unions and raising wages in general — so they can. Without above-subsistence incomes, it’s just empty talk.
First the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit… Notice how the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit changes the discussion when the early onset senile one lost the discussion. Puddy is discussing the and its founder Ryan Scott Bomberger, a black man with a white momma. Just like Obummer.
So the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! has to change the train on the tracks because that one above wrecked.
1) First link – just another plea for throwing more money at the problem when the real problem is glossed over
2) Second link – It’s about CA Welfare system. Who runs California senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Republicans? NOPE!
3) Deadspin – Look it up. The original editor left to edit a libtard magazine. Nuff Said Sucka!
Did the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit even read the whole article? Philip Rivers can afford the children and he didn’t need to take a $500Large advance to pay of all those babies!
Good try senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! EPIC FAYLE again!
Notice how the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit is running away from Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) above?
Awwww C BS News is trying to blame ISIS on Republicans? Maybe Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) called C BS News to deflect the spotlight on his issues!
What relevance does this “advice” have to someone juggling two or three jobs paying $7.25 an hour just to make rent and living on food stamps?
Then why doesn’t HA’s own early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit generate his own soap box and explain institutional and day investing to the mASSes of those ASSes making $7.25/hour!
The teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla head exploded…
Apparently this moron doesn’t realize there are pockets of libtard in every red state! Those are the cities you feckless moron! Apparently you aren’t eating enough bananas!
For example teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, Texas is a big red state with Austin, Dallas, Houston as blue zones. If you remember, well you being a DUMMOCRETIN means 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady, the DUMMOCRETIN Travis County Prosecutor, Ronnie Earle brought up trumped charges against Tom DeLay… EPIC FAYLE! Texas courts slapped Earle silly! Google it ya moron!
Sumtin always lost on HA DUMMOCRETINS… Nihil boni sine labore.
Paid for Puddy to see all 50 states and 36 countries!
See ya!
@53 and not one of those 50 states and 36 countries are the better for it. Waste of resources and everyones time.
@52 Ah yes, the Texas gerrymander map …
… and South Carolina, and Ohio, and, well, a whole bunch of states …
I wonder how many people are actually aware that the 44 Democrats and 2 independents in the Senate collectively received more votes than the 54 Republicans in the Senate?
The Senate, of course, isn’t a case of gerrymandering because each state gets 2 senators, elected statewide. Well it is, in a sense, but in this case the gerrymandering is built into the Constitution. The United States was permanently gerrymandered when state boundaries were set in stone. The recent movement to split California into half a dozen states was, of course, an effort to carry this gerrymandering even further by creating more Republican seats in the Senate.
But House districts aren’t set in stone. They’re redrawn every 10 years by the party that gets its hands on the legislative apparatus. That’s why, in 2012, Republicans had a large majority of House seats even though the Democratic members of that Congress had won over a million more popular votes than the Republican members.
Make no mistake, Congress isn’t representative of the American people, and the country is being run by the minority party. And the American people signaled in unmistakable terms that they’ve had enough of that when they elected Obama in 2008 and reelected him in 2012.
Now Republicans are trying to gerrymander the White House, too, by pushing for dividing up electoral votes according to gerrymandered congressional districts instead of by state. Because it’s the only way the minority party can win the White House.
@49 Squid ink …
FACTS suck don’t they?
You keep thinking that!
@ 56
RR, when was the last election in which all 100 US Senate seats were contested, praytell?
why do women get abortions?
They didn”t have access to birth control and or they don’t have the skills to avoid getting pregnant.
What are some of the causes of that?
Conservatives block access to birth control and refuse to let sex ed be taught. That’s your group puddy, not liberals.
They feel they cannot afford to raise a child at that time
What are some of the causes of that?
Conservatives block living wage rules and send jobs over seas to avoid paying wages and benefits. That’s your group puddy, not liberals.
Conservatives gut social programs like food stamps and medicaid, so mothers dont feel they can afford to feed their kids. That’s your group puddy, not liberals.
Conservatives block access to education that would better people, by cutting funding to schools. That’s your group puddy, not liberals.
why do women get abortions?
They don’t have a husband to support them.
What are some of the causes of that?
The black men are in jail and can’t get legal jobs to support their families
Again, Conservatives block living wages. That’s your group puddy, not liberals.
Conservatives demanded that welfare rules punish families that had a man in the home. That’s your group puddy, not liberals.
Conservatives set up harder penalties for minorities and lower class people. Conservatives demand punishment not rehabilitation, That’s your group puddy, not liberals.
I am impressed and admire Ben Carson’s self made man success. He’s one in a million. In a perfect world, everyone would have the willpower and the means to reach their highest potential.
However, I DO have a problem with people like him who demand that their narrow path to success is the only way, and do their level best to destroy all other paths for ideological reasons. They associate with a group that is hell bent on destroying living wages, jobs, education, and social safety nets. puddy, that’s the group you associate with.