Please join us for drinks and conversation at this week’s meeting of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. Our starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks stop by earlier for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. The Long Beach, Tri-Cities and West Seattle chapters also meet tonight. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. And on Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets.
There are 191 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon and two in Idaho. Chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting somewhere near you.
I’m not sure whether to file this one under “Support Your Local Police” or “The Solution To Illegal Immigration Is More Border Patrol Agents.”
Carly Fiorina has launched her presidential campaign; and the owner of “” has launched his website.
“Marty Wilson, who managed Fiorina’s 2010 Senate campaign, said Fiorina has had plenty of practice defending her business record. ‘We had to deal with that a lot in the Senate race, and there were employees that were disgruntled that would say bad things,’ Wilson said. ‘It’s a perennial challenge for business candidates to run for any office … The fact is, business people have to make tough decisions.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So if someone complains about losing their job, that makes them “disgruntled”? What does that make people who complain about an ill-advised war? As for the whether it’s a “challenge” for business people to run for public office, yes, it is, because a business career doesn’t prepare them for public office and business executives rarely if ever possess the temperament and skills required to be a politician. They are completely different skill sets.
Term limits.
@ 3 RR
She totally fucked over about 32,000 employees when she oversaw the merger of Compaq and Hewlitt-Packard. That’s how many layoffs occurred at Compaq and HP in the months that followed the merger. Her entire “business method” is about acquisition and consolidation. It has nothing to do with innovation or efficiency. What she did at Bell labs almost bankrupted the company, and her golden parachute from HP was worth nearly $40 million in stocks and cash, after she was fired from the job with less than 24 hours notice.
I challenge anyone to come up with a single new product HP has entered into the market since the beginning of her tenure as CEO, and no, redesigns of old products do not count.
Bear in mind, that she was fired from the McCaine presidential campaign by the same man that convinced him to take on Sarah Palin as the candidate for Vice President.
@4 We already have term limits, but maybe you don’t realize this because everyone else calls them “elections.”
Carly Fiorina’s fleeting moment in the spotlight serves to remind us what a worker’s role in a capitalist is. If you ask her why she fired 32,000 loyal and dedicated Hewlett-Packard workers, she might raise her eyebrows, scrunch up her face, and say something like this:
“I work for the owners of the company!”
And that’s true. A CEO is paid to make money for the shareholders, not provide jobs for workers. A job isn’t a property right, a share of stock is, and capitalism caters to owners, not workers.
Now, I’ve never been an HP shareholder, and even if I had been, I would’ve had no say about hiring this incompetent fool to run the company. I just want to make that clear, because as a voter I do have a say about whether she gets to be president of our country, and to that I will say, “Hell no!”
There are many reasons why being a worker should be a badge of honor — not least the fact that workers produce ALL of this nation’s wealth, and I mean ALL of it, every bit of it, because without workers capital would produce nothing and be worth nothing.
But the reality is few things are worse than being an employee. Being an employee implies low status, low pay, and low quality of laugh. The people driving fancy sports cars and whooping it up on yachts in the Caribbean aren’t employees, they’re shareholders. From every perspective I can think of, you’re better off being a shareholder than an employee.
In simple terms, you’re better off being Carly Fiorinia’s boss than her employee — as 32,000 former employees found out.
Carly did pretty well for herself. She has a lot more stock than I do, doesn’t have to work, and can run for president as a sort of hobby. That’s fine, as far as it goes. But POTUS, who works for us, and I think we should encourage Carly to enjoy the comfortable life of a successful shareholder (i.e., someone who has accumulated numerous stock shares) and not think of becoming an employee.
After all, once you’re able to live the life of a shareholder, why would you want to be an employee again?
No, I mean no more professional elected officials: Two terms as a member of the House, 2 terms and a member of the Senate, and 15 years max as a Supreme Court judge, all with terms served in one of the bodies limiting time in office for any of the other offices. Also, term limits for the head of the CIA, FBI, NSA, IRS.
Extremist right-wing Christians like Puddy are at it again. A new video game. Puddy’s probably playing it now, gleefully calling out as he does so, “Kill Teabagger! Kill Teabagger!”
They promise a new game, more offensive yet, Teabagger, so maybe we’ll all be targets soon, although I’m sure there will be extra points awarded for killing LGBT, blacks and latinos. But we know the game Puddy’s waiting for would truly get him all giddy, yelling out as he plays, “Kill all the fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum!”
There’s a reason why Puddy uses eliminationist rhetoric. He, like so many right-wing extremists, wants to eliminate those he doesn’t like, starting with our friend, Teabagger, then working his way through the rest of us. Bob isn’t much into the whack faith thing, but as long as he gets a tax cut, bad things happen to black people and he can continue to be snide, he’s good with whatever comes down.
‘I would have done them all faster.’ — Carly Fiorina.” The quote is from an unflattering 2005 Fortune magazine profile of the former HP executive.
@8 Sure, let’s turn our government over to inexperienced amateurs; they couldn’t do any worse, eh? Dumbass.
Wingnut sex education:
“A Texas high school is in the middle of a chlamydia outbreak, officials say. But according to the school district’s student handbook, it does not offer sexual education.”
@9 – I really think he want’s me alive. Otherwise who else would he and the rest of the bigots torment? Only the blacks and latinos would be available to torment.
If is is logical that gay people have misgivings as individuals, then it is only logical that straight people have their misgivings too. A lot of if shows up in the news everyday with some mother or father killing their kid, or some boyfriend killing thier girlfriend, or some girlfriend killing their boyfreind. You know kind of like Carrie Underwoods’ song before he cheats
I wonder what Mike Huckabee thinks about country music fans listening to this song….shouldn’t there be some critique for the violence? What a bag of shit that man is!
The parents in that town should look at the bright side, it does give them a pretty good idea of who their kids are sleeping with …
Spoken like a true, lifetime employee of government!
You’re certainly predictable, Roger.
We can talk about the right wing being ignorant, racist, homophobic religious fanatics all we want. But until there is a major paradigm shift with our own attitude toward the absolute necessity of voting, nothing will change.
@15 I wouldn’t elect an amateur to Congress or the White House any more than I would put an amateur in an air traffic control tower. But you would, because you’re an idiot.
Formulating policy and running a government is a highly skilled occupation. Following Lib’s suggestion would be like replacing the chief engineer of an oil refinery every so many years, not because he can’t do the job anymore, but because … well, just because. A fixed term for Supreme Court justices might not be such a bad idea, though. That probably would be an improvement over waiting for the likes of Scalia and Thomas to kick the bucket, and there are plenty of decent replacements available. In fact, most third-year law students would be better than them.
@18 Scalia and Thomas were picked precisely for their unalterable adherence to right wing ideology.
Since Puddy seldom plays video games Stupid Solution Steve, Puddy will leave that fun to you.
Butt, Puddy still hasn’t found your condemnation to this yet…
Kagan, Sotomayor and Ginsberg were picked precisely for their unalterable adherence to left wrong ideology.
I really think he want’s me alive. Otherwise who else would he and the rest of the bigots torment? Only the blacks and latinos would be available to torment.
Racial minorities can not be bigots teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla. Puddy has pasted all those left wrong links claiming this; which you can get from the crazed databaze deala… the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch! He has them all!
Go on as ax him. Go on and grow some marbuls!
@15 the fact that republicans use the excuse that they aren’t scientists, so they can’t comment or consider the possible effects humans have on climate change or whether the climate is even changing, should tell you that they aren’t fit for a one year term of anything, even dog catcher.
Puddy loves all the screaming and hollering over Carly Fiorina. She’s there to make sure Hillary has to answer the tough questions! Carly can deal with those special “forbidden words! “polarizing,” “calculating,” “disingenuous,” “insincere,” “ambitious,” “inevitable,” “entitled,” “over-confident,” “secretive,” “will do anything to win,” “represents the past,” and “out of touch.”
I think I now understand why the people rioted in Baltimore. They listened to Carrie Underwood’s music.
@24 is Carly describing you?
@22 I see that you are not denouncing yourself as a bigot though. Good to know that you know who you really are.
@21 Protecting the rights of the many over the rights of the few.
Maybe the turtle realizes his Party is starting to look like a bunch of fuckwads.
What is Netty, the one eyed monster, going to think now. Great speech he gave!
Puddy remembers Tipper Gore taking on libtard music lyrics… She being a DUMMOCRETIN, it was A-OK with other DUMMOCRETINS…
So offing the pig was big back then too!
Then Puddy came upon this on Reddit…
Of course… libtards forgot all this! 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady!
Huckabee and Fiorina can easily attack Clinton and this scares DUMMOCRETINS!
“Butt, Puddy still hasn’t found your condemnation to this yet…”
Of course you’re waiting, you idiot. You’re going to wait until I hear your outrage over the Left Behind video game. You like playing that one, I know, what with extra points being awarded to you good Christians when you kill any Jew, Arab, black or Papist who refuses to accept Christ as their savior.
When are you going to stop playing silly video games and start killing people for real? Or are you content to continue to spew eliminationist rhetoric in blog threads in the hope that somebody else will do the killing for you?
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla cracked a funny @26? Nope… Carly will use all those words to correctly describe Hillary! This is what scares libtards!
@31 yeah and the only one stupid enough to bring back the opinining of distasteful music, aside from lying O’reily, is the jackass Fuckbee, who wants to be president. Can you say “Marshall Law”?
“Puddy loves all the screaming and hollering over Carly Fiorina.”
Now that is some real projection you’ve got going there. It’s a Psych 101 thing, in casae you didn’t know. And in case you haven’t noticed, and you’re so damned stupid that you no doubt haven’t, you’re the only person on the entire planet talking about Carly Fiorina besides Carly Fiorina.
@32 maybe, you just better hope that the voters don’t get feed up with all the scary stuff, you know they might want to hear about a policy or something.
@34 wasn’t trying to make a joke. I was serious. I even read it in the Bible. The Bible said “Carly no like big Apes”.
you’re so damned stupid that you no doubt haven’t, you’re the only person on the entire planet talking about Carly Fiorina besides Carly Fiorina.
Stupid Solution Steve, this is a libtard blog. The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit remind everyone of that regularly! Of course no libtards want to react to Hillary being attacked! Stupid is definitely the main ingredient in the Stupid Solution you love to swill!
Ahhh yes, this libtard msm’er is gone!
G O O D!
How is a conservative opining on distasteful music any different than libtard attacks on Pamela Geller teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
Wait for the convoluted logic from the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
Isn’t this what you HA DUMMOCRETINS complain about with Republicans?
Once again DUMMOCRETINS demonstrate their hatred for injured military women! Apparently Tammy Duckworth is Thai Asian and that doesn’t measure up for the correct diversity needs model in Illinois! DUMMOCRETINS are always looking at their “specific political diversity needs” and Tammy just doesn’t cut it.
So who is pulling for a black person? None other than William Daley son of patronage king Richard Daley. Daley wants a black person and called Illinois people “idiots” if “Thai” Duckworth gets the nomination. So a Thai Asian woman isn’t worth it to white Illinois DUMMOCRETINS! Could it be a 69 year old woman and a 73 year old man won’t inspire DUMMOCRETIN blacks to vote in 2016? More pandering to the black LIV crowd rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
Isn’t this Asian racism? DAYUM!
Oh noes… That war on wimens falls flat HA DUMMOCRETINS… http://americasmarkets.usatoda.....n-ceo-pay/
What else does Hillary have left? Better check her emails for answers!
Cop died in Idaho.
Latest polls … read ’em and weep, little trolls!
“Hillary Rodham Clinton appears to have initially weathered a barrage of news about her use of a private email account when she was secretary of state and the practices of her family’s foundation …. Americans now view Mrs. Clinton more favorably and more see her as a strong leader than they did earlier in the year, despite weeks of scrutiny about her ethics, a New York Times/CBS News poll has found … her favorability rating has improved by nine percentage points since the disclosure in late March that she did not use a government email account as secretary of state.”
Someone else isn’t doing so hot in polls, though …
“According to a Quinnipiac University poll in January, 77 percent of New York City voters disapproved of Mr. Lynch’s comments. Sixty-nine percent disapproved of police officers turning their backs on Mr. de Blasio at funerals for the two slain officers, a protest seen as orchestrated by the union.”
Super-bad news for Republicans everywhere:
“Hillary Clinton is the favorite U.S. presidential candidate among millionaire voters and would win a head-to-head contest with former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, according to the third CNBC Millionaire Survey conducted in March that was released today.”
I was listening to the tune-in feed of CBC Radio One in Edmonton to see how quickly they would call the election Provincial Election for the Progressive Conservative party. Well the Liberals took one seat in Calgary, and the center-right Wildrose Party made a comeback, and the Alberta Party also one one seat. The PC’s came in third, and the New Democratic Party swept all seats in Edmonton, many seats in Calgary, Lethbridge, and made gains elsewhere in Alberta, resulting in the first change of government in 44 years.
A little history of Alberta elections.
Premier Jim Prentice won his seat of Calgary-Foothills, but during his concession speech, resigned as Progressive Conservative leader, and from his seat.
@43 to the bigoted brainiac, who is gullible to take data without vetting it.
Now I could be wrong here but something tells me that you are missing something – and that is called the following – you aren’t comparing apples to apples or oranges to oranges. Instead you are comparing apples to oranges.
Maybe the doctor could set me straight, ohh I know I’m gay, i can’t possible be straight.
I think, again I could be wrong, your wishful thinking that women get paid more than men and not less because of what is stated in your quotes content, is bullshit because it compares 22 women against 455 men.
Look at the following, m stands for m and f stands for female. See what you can figure out from it. Let’s say this is a sample of salaries of 42 people, 2 females and 40 males. It pay of the two females average is more than the male average. Would you conclude that women get paid more from this data or sampling, when only one of the woman of 40 men is making more, and her counterpart is making 80% less than the other 40 men.
I think to have real data maybe they should make the comparison of 455 womenzzzzs with the 455 menzzzzz.
4,000,000 f
1,900,000 m
1,800,000 m
1,800,000 m
1,800,000 m x 20
1,700,000 m x 17
1,500,000 f
5,500,000 f total / 2 = 2,750,000 average
1,760,000 m averag
Now this is where Puffy replies, “but that’s what the article said, I didn’t make up the numbers.”
Flies right over the head of the kuku’s nest.
Oil industry reaction might not be good, although Premier-elect Rachel Notley has charted a middle road. She seems to support pipelines east and west, a more refining in Alberta, so it seems that Tar Sands development may continue.
It will be interesting to see how this affects the Federal Election later this year. Alberta is the Conservative heartland, and former premier Prentice was a Federal Cabinet Minister, but few from Ottawa were helping him. A budget that included a tax increase helped see to that. Liberal leader Justin Trudeau had been making an effort to compete in Alberta, but last shows he will be facing a tough fight from the right, as well as the left. Right now, every Federal seat in Alberta except Edmonton-Strathcona is held by the Conservative Party, and that one is held by the NDP. Trudeau’ s father lost the province for the Federal Liberals.
Oh nooss, the brain of puffy falls flat on its face.
Shaking in their boots. Go Carly, you go girl! I mean bitch!
Rachel Maddow: Carly Fiorina ‘Will Now Disappear’
“Hillary Clinton is the favorite U.S. presidential candidate among millionaire voters
72 year old Bernie Sanders is right… 68 year old Hillary is the candidate of Wall Street and rich people.
Thanks for blowing apart that HA DUMMOCRETIN argument about Republicans being the party of the rich. Naaaaaaaaaaaaah just the party of the common man!
HA DUMMOCRETINS, you really need to replace the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla as your east coast representative… Stoooooooooooooopid doesn’t even begin to describe the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
What was the measurement in the article teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
Oh and for future reference take some Ginkgo Biloba for that 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady. That Airbnb forgetfulness dust-up should have been a warning sign butt being a libtard means your memory is very short circuited… This is just one paragraph peeps!
And who delivered the slam dunk? Carly Fiorina! You can find that coverage in the Weekly Standard teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla. The WA Post has an article where the Obummer whitey house under pays wimens by 13%.
Puddy already gave the links. You know whom to ask butt you don’t have the marbuls to make the request!
Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance! Yeah that war on wimens. This was just last January on your PMSNBC network, the most favored network of HA DUMMOCRETINS. Apparently you were on your “knee pads” (you wanna be embarrassed about that one and ask to see when you told us about that action) doing your handiwork and missed the conversation!
Butt wait there is more… Dick Turban Durbin underpays wimens too. The average female salary in Durbin’s office is $11,500 less than the average male salary. Back in 2012, Durbin paid men $13,000 more than women. That’s a whopping 23% difference. So Durbin says, hey, I’m making progress, because in 2012 it was 13 grand. Now it’s only $11,500, so shut up.
Oh wait there is Hillary’s values when she was senator… Now some libtard rag tries to re-juggle the numbers and make it out she didn’t do it. Butt they don’t offer any financial values to back up their claims!
Then there was this whopper of a pay gap… discrepancy. Maybe that’s why they were kicked to the curb teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
When the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla has to resort to Rachel Madcow you know the bench is really weak!
Alberta Election Shocker! Keystone XL Given Last Rites!
Canada’s oil-rich province held an election yesterday, and the conservative party that has ruled Alberta for 4 decades was all but obliterated, retaining just 10 of 87 seats in the provincial legislative assembly. The left-leaning New Democratic Party, which opposes the Keystone XL pipeline, won 53 seats. Is this the end of Keystone XL? There are reports a priest was seen intoning last rites over its carcass.
@56 That’s true of every “source” you’ve ever used.
In case nobody else has noticed, the price of West Texas Intermediate crude has risen nearly 50% in the last few weeks.
Hey senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, the NY Times Hillary poll was heavily DUMMOCRETIN people biased…
Coalescing around Hillary was expected senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Downward trends are there! 52% of DUMMOCRETINS claim they didn’t know about the scandal. DMMOCRETINS depend on their LIV crowd!
@60 It’ll be a pleasure hearing you whine after the only poll that counts. Oh yeah, one more thing, Jeb is dead last in the new NYT Iowa poll. Thinks are looking up: It now looks like the GOP might nominate someone who advocates stoning gays and imprisoning women for miscarriages.
Where has Puddy claimed to be a JEB supporter? Dreaming again?