The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight. Please join us for the start of spring and, with an announcement by Sen. Ted Cruz, the start of what will likely be the most entertaining presidential election season ever.
We meet every Tuesday evening at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. Our starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks stop by earlier for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. On Wednesday, the Bellingham, Burien, and Spokane chapters meet. The Woodinville and Kentchapters meet on Thursday.
There are 189 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon and two in Idaho. Chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting somewhere near you.
Is there anything equal to “The View” or “The Daily Show”. That are conservative based? The other day on Yhe View, Whoppi said that she’d tell CRUD that she wants to see his birth certificate, and the audiences applauded with extreme joy. Must be a liberal group. And I’m sure that there are some republicans laughing in John Stewarts audience but I guess it seems that most of his audience is liberal, if not then conservatives like to laugh at themselves. Is there a comparable conservative show similar to them? Why not, would they not be too popular? Or would conservatives rather lay low and don’t have anything to make fun of on a liberal. Is tis why we have Fox News? Is being liberal more mainstream with just the exception that some of these liberals compromise on thier values over money, as the log cabin republicans vote against thier own well being and acceptance by thier party.
@1 Conservatives have no sense of humor. The only time they laugh is when another single mother is kicked off food stamps or another mentally ill homeless person is shot by the cops.
A new study of incomes in major cities between 2007 and 2013 confirms that Wingnut Wack-O-Nomics trickle-down arguments are full of shit:
“Brookings Institution’s findings ‘lend support to the concern that rising incomes at the top of the distribution are not … lifting earnings near the bottom ….”
Direct link to the study:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The rich don’t need more tax breaks. They’re doing better than ever before. If we want a prospering economy, we need better wages at the middle and bottom.
Ask yourself, where are the funny conservative comedians? What do conservatives laugh at?
mentally ill homeless person is shot by the cops. – You lost one of your spawn senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Road rash injury put it out of its misery!
Condolences to you senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
The rich don’t need more tax breaks. They’re doing better than ever before. – Amazing how Obummernomics worked eh senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Just remind Whoopi about Mark Penn on Hillary’s team! He introduced everyone to the birther issue.
Yeah checkmate… a white DUMMOCRETIN smacking a black DUMMOCRETIN! Shocking eh checkmate?
What do conservatives laugh at? – Your kind worser, idiot LIV DUMMOCRETINS!
national Review had it correct…
Oh my Latinos like Ted Cruz… Whodathunk dat?
WA State DUMMOCRETINS are in the WEA pockets. Hence when teachers abuse their children; get arrested, go to prison, and DUMMOCRETINS allow them to keep their pensions it is unacceptable!
Why do DUMMOCRETINS hate children?
Wait for it… You’ll read the most ludicrous commentary soon!
Well nuthin has changed…
Yeah… Obummer is a real piece of work!
Meanwhile Mortimer mustn’t be there anymore… Time is actually revealing some truths!!!
@6 “Amazing how Obummernomics worked”
Yes, isn’t it? It’s working pretty damn well compared to what things would be like if Republicans had gotten their way. Remember how Romney promised 6% unemployment by the end of 2016? And Obama succeeded at leading us out of the Great Recession despite the relentless Republican efforts to sabotage his presidency.
@11 So if one teacher exploits or abuses a child, they’re all bad and none of them deserve their pensions? Why do you hate teachers? Did one of yours make you stop talking in class and do your homework? Or do loons just like to hear themselves warble?
@10 Interesting that Cruz hired the most evil man he could find to run his campaign.
@10 Interesting that Cruz hired the most evil man in Missouri politics, and possibly in Republican politics anywhere, to run his campaign.
@17 but I thought Republicans love the Jews?
Did anyone else listen to this? That’s our proprietor’s boss…