Join us tonight for some heated debate over a hot beverage at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Festivities take place in the warm sanctuary of the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning about 8:00 pm. Or stop by earlier for dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 340 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
Is puddidiot attending to show off his “Craftsman tool”, maybe make a sale or two?
After all he claims it is “guaranteed for life”.
Has oba-mao been liberally drinking?
The UN Copenhagen climate talks are in disarray today after developing countries reacted furiously to leaked documents that show world leaders will next week be asked to sign an agreement that hands more power to rich countries and sidelines the UN’s role in all future climate change negotiations.
What does oba-mao know.
When did he know it.
Proud To Be A DumbASS,
This Craftsman tool was created by the Master Craftsman GOD. Butt, being an atheist you are an ASS!
So Proud To Be A DumbASS, were you created by Satan?
Rumor has it that the hard working wife of ylb has limited his internet access, pay-per-view-movies on cable teev and use of the charge/debit account at the local mini-mart.
Does anyone know otherwise?
Roger isn’t going to attend tonight because it’s too damned cold outside. Why should I go out there and freeze my cute cottontail off when I can stay warm curled up down here in my dugout beneath the frost line.
Puddy@ 3
Again, one for the archives. You are talking about your freaking dick and its relation to God. You are sick, you know that, don’t you? Any chance you’ll tell me the name of your pastor so I can ask him (I assume it’s a him) what he thinks of your post?
When has a bunch of rich people getting together for a shoomze fest ever fixed anything? Copenhagen is a media stunt.
The UN is going to do about as good of a job at stopping global warming as they did at keeping the Bosnians and Tutsis safe.
The UN was one of those things that sounds good in theory, but when you move on to practice it’s really lame.
The UN is also one of those entities that falls into the “yeah, but” category. As in, “the UN isn’t what we’d imagined it would be. It should have saved the world by now.” “Yeah, but, your options would be what?”
True. But, I’m starting to wonder if our aid is really helping. Most of the places that I heard about that were F’d up when I was a kid in the 70’s are still F’d up today.
This is a great article
3. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
Praise God!
ProudAss apparently has a cheap Tibetan tool…made for pygmy’s.
4. Marvin Stamn spews:
Mrs. ylb is actually a dude.
Dude has his dependent beyatch clippin’ coupons and eatin’ Top Ramaan.
10. Michael spews:
STARTING TO WONDER???????????????????
The UN has been useless for decades.
It’s a joke….to pretend that we are all working together…as a catalyst for the one-world government you KLOWNS obviously desire.
If you don’t desire a one-world government,
Everything the Atheist Progressive Movement stands for and calls for revolves around “the greater good”.
Dontcha get it???
When folks tell me they are Progressive and AGAINST a one-world government all I can do is laugh or scream IDIOT!!
Wake up KLOWNS.
Be careful what you wish for.
Puddy & Marvin–
Check out Palin’s Op-Ed in the Washington Post about Climate Change.
Once again, she hits a home run with the majority of people.
Proud Leftist,
Puddy was called a TOOL by two leftist libtardo Pinheads. Puddy clarified it.
Puddy suggests it would behoove you to go back and read the thread before your name becomes
Naaah… stay a Stupid Leftist.
So when Puddy delivered Matthew Chapter 10 and acknowledging God in front of men, you had no response. Are you admitting to being a friend of Satan since you don’t acknowledge God on this blog fool?
Here’s a refresher for Proud But Stupid Golden Goat Leftist
Strikes home at the “heart of the matter” doesn’t Proud But Stupid Golden Goat Leftist?
Did you all see Robert Gibbs throw a temper tantrum when he was told the Gallup Poll Numbers?
Did you see the Gallup response to Gibbs Temper Tantrum?
When it was Rasmussen, the Libtardo MSM sloughed off the negative results from the most accurate polling organization over the last 5 years. Now that Gallup is verifying the Rasmussen numbers using a different population sample Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm and his disciples are in tizzy mode.
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Hillary Clinton’s Pollster Buddy, Mark Penn, got $6 MILLION of Stimulus Money….to preserve 3 jobs!!
Corrupt bastards.
Here is more evidence progressives focus on race… just as Puddy has said for the last five years…
Recently if you remember, some HA Libtardos used Eugene Robinson as their “hero” in attacks against Sarah Palin.
We are trying to enlighten a bunch of pot-smoking ‘tards.
Notice how excited they get with two topic…LEGALIZE DOPE and GET DOPE CHEAPER.
Obviously they could care less about Blacks.
They call you an Uncle Tom & worse for even questioning what in the hell is going on.
C’mon Puddy….they say…join the Marxist Krowd! We’ll make sure you feel some creepy manlove and even throw you a biscuit once in awhile. Just be a good boy and stay there on the Plantation….but come out and vote for our Atheist Progressive kandidates.
It’s become sooooooo obvious Puddy.
You put the light on them.
They ripped open their britches and exposed themselves.
Why, during years of Republican control of government, was there no attempt to end abortion? Why was there no attempt to reduce the size of government? Under Republican rule our goverment grew as did our nation’s debt. Puddy bought the wingnut lies hook, line and sinker just like he once fell for Jesse Jackson. Sigh! Once a fool, always a fool. Without comprehending it, wingnut Christians like Puddy live on their own plantation. How about that, Puddy? You moved from one plantation to another without skipping a beat. Obviously, plantation life must be within your comfort zone.
Marist Poll has Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm at 46%. Since 90% of blacks support Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm that leaves the hard core progressives supporting Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm.
Now you HA Libtardo Leftists can’t blame the leftist libtardo MSM for Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s decline as we did with GWBush. The leftist libtardo MSM hated Bush and y’all knew that. So it has to be Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s policies.
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Say, Klynical, got anymore racist jokes making fun of black stereotypes you’d like to share? Don’t you fret about Puddy, as he’ll just shut the fuck up, as usual, and say nothing to confront your racism.
Obama Approval Falls To New Low, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; U.S. Voters Oppose Health Care Plan By Wide Margin
How many times did Daddy Love and other HA rabble ensure us that the health care legislation being cobbled together by lawmakers was a good thing?
When Troll goes on about “niggers”, when Mark rages about “Jigaboos”, when Klynical tells racist jokes, what does the spineless Puddy do? He shuts the fuck up every damned time only to emerge a day later to babble incoherently about Robert Byrd. Good show, Puddy. Way to stand up for your peeps.
Steve Steve Steve, Another History Lesson for your ASS!
Why, during years of Republican control of government, was there no attempt to end abortion?
Steve Steve Steve, every time there was a judge nominated by Bush, Chucky Schumer went postal on national teevee and screamed Rowe Vs. Wade was settled case law. When Conservatives identified Tiller the Baby Killer as a 3rd trimester abortionist, we were told to shut up. When Tiller the Baby Killer told the world he aborted 9200 3rd trimester babies we were told to shut up, these women “needed” the procedure.
Why was there no attempt to reduce the size of government?
Steve Steve Steve, When Republicans in 1995 tried to reduce the yearly increase of government from 8% to 5%, Democratics went postal on national teevee and said conservatives were trying to kill the school lunch program. When Republicans tried to reduce welfare fraud and waste (remember 70% of welfare peeps are whitey), Democratics went postal on national teevee and said conservatives were trying to kill poor peeps.
Under Republican rule our goverment grew as did our nation’s debt.
Steve Steve Steve, Ted Kennedy cajoled Bush into No Child Left Behind. Ted Kennedy cajoled Bush into the Prescription Drug Benefit. Polling said America “needed” it. Then when it passed your peeps immediately screamed why is government growing. When Bush increased AIDS funding to Africa by $$$Billions, even Bush hater Randall Robinson applauded Bush saying Clinton never did that. You seem to forget once the Democratics got hold of congress in January 2007 the recession began later in the year… You forget Nancy Pelosi January 2007 screed against gas prices and in February gas rose how much again? Ask GBS for the PuddyStudy where Puddy produced to the penny how a gallon of gas cost $3.409 when it was 3.409, and the Pelosi effect on that cost.
Puddy bought the wingnut lies hook, line and sinker just like he once fell for Jesse Jackson. Sigh! Once a fool, always a fool.
Steve Steve Steve, So you are saying Jesse Jackson is a fool. Mighty progressive of you Steve. For you to call Puddy a fool means Puddy followed the fool called Jesse Jackson.
Without comprehending it, wingnut Christians like Puddy live on their own plantation.
Steve Steve Steve, Irrelevant to the conversation. Christianity is a personal conversation between the sinful human and your saviour Jesus Christ. You can’t get me into heaven Steve Steve Steve.
How about that, Puddy? You moved from one plantation to another without skipping a beat. Obviously, plantation life must be within your comfort zone.
Steve Steve Steve, What a fool Steve Steve Steve is. Everything is a plantation to Steve Steve Steve!
You know Steve, you have a very short memory… Puddy already commented on their comments some time ago. And No Steve, Puddy isn’t going to search for the comments. You look for them. When headless comes out with a new racist screed do you comment on it?
Wait a minute… you recently jockstrapped headless on the 24×7 comment…
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor!
Senate Reaches Deal On Health Care
The 60-vote Senate coalition is still intact after negotiations among Democrats and independents last night that drops the “public option” but expands Medicare, news sources reported this morning.
By the numbers: The government pays 46% of the nation’s health bills, and when tax- subsidized private health insurance is added, 95% of Americans receive some type of government health benefit, AOL News says.
Puddy still waiting for correctnotright to explain how outlets “giving away” Palin’s book got her onto the NY Times best seller list. rujax tried to help you correctnotright but rujax is a miserable failure! His blog provides irrefutable proof!
For those dumbASSed Rachel Maddow followers, did you see how UN Ambassador Rice smacked Rachel Maddow a new one around Maddow’s Al Qaeda views? No? Maybe you should watch the MSNBC reruns on the Internet. Puddy wouldn’t waste his teevee photons on that fool!
Will Darryl post that Maddow video on Hominid Views?
Isn’t the Guardian green leftist? So how did some peeps “leak” the document only to them?
“Puddy already commented”
Oh, you must mean when Troll went off on “niggers” and you jumped in to smack, er, no, you chimed in saying that “there are white niggers too”? Is that the comment you’re talking about? Yeah, one of Puddy’s shining moments on HA. Indeed, a smackdown for the ages.
@3 Puddy talks about his “tool”.
@11 Klynical sez of Puddy’s tool: “Praise God!”
All that blathering from Steve, Steve, Steve. Just got his ASS kicked @28 to high heaven and he’s sulking now!
Poor Puddy, having had his ass handed to him, he is deluded once again into thinking he’s handed somebody’s ass to someone else. Sulking too, are you? Trolls and projection. It never ends, does it?
Face it, Puddy, you don’t confront wingnut racism because you’re a spineless coward. Admit it and we’ll move on.
If true, 95% of americans receiving some type of free government healthcare than that is the problem.
Reform doesn’t mean to add more government, it’s to fix the damage the government has already done.
Have we mentioned that he’s a shameless attention whore yet this morning?
Wasn’t Puddy quoting what the grand kleagle of the democrat party said on teev?
As said by the trained seal that jumps up and gives Puddy attention when Puddy tells him to.
Steve Steve Steve is a moron of history. Progressive History. Grand Kleagle Progressive History. The conscience of the senate…
“While they knew these things in 1959, today we know Senator Byrd as the conscience of the Senate.”
rujax is just a moron! Adjectives can’t define Steve Steve Steve’s mind, especially when his ASS is kicked!
Trent Lott is castigated over his comments about Strom Thurmond. Patrick Leahy is cheered over his comments about the Grand Kleagle. Somehow that was missed by Steve Steve Steve.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor!
@32: The conservative groups do big prepurchase buys of the Palin book and then give it away to line the kitty litter trough.
Hey, I think it iis great that Palin can have a mostly ghostwritten book about her failed VP run. In fact, I hope she runs again so she can show what other basic facts about history or geography that she is missing.
Only in the fantasyland of rightwingnuts is Palin anything other than a quitter who is in over her head (in politics) and in it only for the money.
Hey! Puddy’s little cum-dumpster cabana boy marvie-poo DIDN’T have an original thought.
The verdict onb the pudddydummy is still thee same. Guilty of being a half-witted idiot attention whore.
Hahaha, is Puddy at it again with Robert Byrd?
So WHAT! It is the republican party that is the home of white racists, birthers and David Duke.
That Puddy refuses to recognize this is an example of how he has to go back to before 1964 to get anything on the democrats.
Ancient history Puddy – while you ignore the current day situation.
correctnotright, did you miss Puddy’s post on 100% of the 83% of the porkulus bill that went to Democratics went to white peeps in the other thread? Ain’t that racist correctnotright? How is that ignoring the current day situation? Jesse Jackson is upset. Black unemployment is very high. Blacks are losing their houses. Yet none of that Porkulus has reached blacks.
Same shit different day from correctnotright!
Puddy asked correctnotright to prove it. . How come Amazon has it at #1? Borders has it #2. Barnes and Noble has it at #3. How come you are still a moron?
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor! Still waiting your Honor!
Golly guys…why do we EVEN bother. That wily old PuddyBuddy just gets us every single time…sigh. What to do, what to do!
Amazon says her book is the number one seller.
Do you have any facts that amazon is lying?
You do know that amazon actually sells books don’t you?
When a bookseller says her book is number one in sales, wouldn’t they know better than you?
No surprise you have nothing to say about actual book sales on amazon. The facts don’t prove your beliefs so you have to ignore it.
Did you find my plans for healthcare reform? You sure were pissy about it a week ago. Once I told you I already posted it you seem to have lost interest. Just like I said you would. I can read you like a book.
Yeah. How ignorant of palin to think she can see russia from her porch.
If she was only smart enough about basic facts like how many states in the united states like oba-mao who actually said 57 states. Can you believe his lack of basic geography?
And the difference…
Actual video of oba-mao saying 57 states.
Nice ring
Of course everybody but MISTER PuddyBuddy knows that the “Tea Baggers” and their corporate sponsors wouldn’t want Caribou Barbie and her dumbass un-fact checked book to to fail.
Just keep her away from Asians…and folks who want her to sign their book…that, you know, waited in freezing temps for the Grande Dame of the Party of NO.
There they go again calling peeps tea-baggers when they are Tea party participants. The left has this strange aversion to gay sex in every description they use.
Still waiting on rujax to explain Palin Book Sales. Wait… he tried and failed miserably!
Down right amazing.
correctnotright – Robert Byrd? Did you just miss what Pat Leahy said about him this year? Byrd is still in the 2009 US Senate that’s why it’s still pertinent. Chronological moron like ylb arschloch.
Howard Dean didn’t have any blacks in his presidential campaign. John Effin Kerry was called on the same problem by Jesse Jackson. Democratics delivered the Obama/Hitler poster. Democratics delivered the Obama/Joker poster.
Of course all this is lost on correctnotright.
Please take the opportunity to join the new blog…
All of the commenters here are invited to join as users…with some pretty obvious exceptions.
Ta-ta morons.
This blog will ring up the viewers as his existing blog does.
Nothing is lost on that brilliant MISTER PuddyBuddy…his favorite sycophant, the excreble Mr. Cynical says that MISTER PuddyBuddy is our worst nightmare ’cause
That is sooooooo scary!!!!
Awwwww.. Conservative right wing family values in all their glory:
The Dems are busy screwing up healthcare, handing the next election to all takers but does the country want to return to this???
What a piece of work:
Tried to ban “deviate sexual intercourse”.. He’d know what that is..
Oh the prurient guy with the whack left eye seems to find these “sex stories”.
U R amazing ylb arschloch!
That’s typical Republican behavior Puddingbrain. Isn’t that why marvie-poo allegedly sucks cocks in LA?
How about Puddy and Cynical and the goat farm? Man…the things I’ve heard!
And these right wingers I post stories about aren’t????
Vote for the right wing and you’ll deserve what you get!
Nice job on the new blog. I like the color scheme, works much better than your other blog. I am disappointed that the majority of the words on your blog belong to someone else. I expect better from you rujax in the future.
I have to give you credit, you follow directions very well.
Hey Puddy, anything you want rujax to do?
I disagree.
I believe with us in the title he will have more hits. People will see he’s a silly child and leave, but he will get more hits than his other blog.
In a sick way it is flattering that I got rujax to put a blog up for us.
Outside of this comment box I’m typing in, I don’t give rujax a thought, let alone taking my time to create a blog for him. What a loser rujax is. The fact he put up the blog shows how little he has going on in his life.
We all saw how carter I worked out for democrats.
The country return to what? People that talked about values and failing in life compared to people that don’t talk about values and still fail in life.
Everywhere oba-mao goes, his popularity falls.
There’s no voting “present” when president.
Again outsourcing the news–
The best 2 paragraphs…
Oba-mao has made a sham of the nobel peace prize. 9 days before receiving the award he said he is sending more troops to war.
In the old days before hope and change, to receive the nobel peace prize meant you actually had to not increase an unjust war.
Slurp, slurp, slurp marvie-poo.
Wonder how the PudddyBuddy feels about his side-kick being so motherfucking stupid.
As said by someone that put up a blog like I told them to.
Glad you read it marvie-poo….makes you jerks look good doesn’t it.
Nice service you’re doing for your bff, with friends like you…
25. Steve spews:
No, I’d rather talk with you about Tollycraft Boats….Mr. Kommodore!
@49 confused person, Puddy
Umm, what the heck does this even mean?
Are you channeling Yogi Berra?
90% of baseball is 50% mental?
Your self-references are so obscure and confused I can’t even tell what you mean to say.
Umm Rujax, I don’t hink Puddy and Pudge are the same person. For one thing, Pudge is white and Puddy is African American.
About the only thing they have in common is the belief that they are never, ever, ever wrong.
Damn you.
You used too many big words and made rujax’s head implode.
Not paying attention lately to Porkulus facts.
Porkulus Facts to Date
83% Porkulus to Democratics
17% Porkulus to Republicans
100% of the 83% to Democratic whitey friends.
Man this correctnotright one stupid dude.
Yeah, cnr…looks like that to me too.
Here is a ditty about the 1,700 Scientists who signed a petition defending the controversial climate data…
Pressure and “scientists” who don’t even work on Climate Change??
Isn’t that the truth..
To be fair, we’re all human after all, Stupes stated (in a moment of crisis apparently) that he is NOT always right.
I still wonder if I dreamed that.
You dream fool? One needs a brain to dream. You haven’t demonstrated there is a brain in ylb arschloch!