Please join us this evening for some politics over a pint, some civics over cider, some campaigning over champagne, or some electioneering over…um…Everclear? Whatever your taste in governing or guzzling, stop by for this week’s gathering of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday evening at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. Our starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks stop by earlier for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle on Tuesday night? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. The Tri-Cities and Redmond chapters also meet on Tuesday. On Wednesday, the Bellingham and Spokane chapters meet. The Bremerton and Kent chapters meet on Thursday. And next Monday, the Aberdeen and Yakima chapters meet.
There are 189 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon and two in Idaho. Chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting somewhere near you.
So let’s talk about Barrack Hussein Obama. FOR ALL THE VAST INTELLIGENCE RESOURCES at his fingertips, the most powerful man in the world claims he gets a lot of his first dose of inside info on scandals and controversy — like deaths at VA facilities, IRS targeting, Fast and Furious gun-running, the Air Force One NYC flyover, and now Clinton emails — from outside news sources.
Can you spell KLOWN!!
@ 1
Still talking?
Don’t come in here unless you have something cogent to contribute to a conversation. You’re a fucking moron.
More than 20 years of global data compiled by No Ceilings shows that while progress is possible, more must be done to achieve ‘full and equal participation’ of women and girls worldwide
New York, NY – Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Gates Foundation Co-Chair Melinda Gates and Clinton Foundation Vice Chair Chelsea Clinton will join global and community leaders for the official release of the No Ceilings Full Participation Report on Monday, March 9, in New York City.
Shorter version: “Marry well.”
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
In Minneapolis, a 15-year-old boy accidentally shot his girlfriend, and feeling bad about it, intentionally shot himself.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans think we need fewer, not more, restrictions on who can own and possess guns. They want any Tom, Dick, and Harry to be allowed to openly carry guns on the streets, in city hall meetings, and into your local Starbucks. They want people to be able to take guns into daycares and kindergartens without undergoing background checks of any kind. They want ordinary untrained citizens to be allowed to have machineguns and other military weapons. They would let a 9-year-old kid shoot an Uzi, who blows her instructor’s head off with it. Do Republicans have holes in their heads through which their brains leaked out?
A white cop killed a black man in Atlanta this morning, even though there was absolutely no doubt whatsoever that he was unarmed:
“A police officer responding to reports Monday of a suspicious person fatally shot a naked man outside an Atlanta area apartment complex who doesn’t appear to have been armed, authorities said. … The officer responded around 1 p.m. to an apartment complex after a report that a man had taken off all his clothes and was ‘acting deranged, knocking on doors and crawling around on the ground naked,’ Alexander said.”
Alexander, the police chief, who is black, said he will request an investigation by an outside agency.
@3 Considering that in some places girls are still being stoned to death for the crime of being raped, yeah, there’s more work to do.
How embarrassing it is to have 47 senators commit treason. I mean, they are racist scumbags and low life pieces of shit, but I never imagined they would betray our country. Nah, who am I kidding? Traitors all, war mongering fucking rats!
“They want any Tom, Dick, and Harry to be allowed to openly carry guns…”
Unless you are black. In that case, if you’re so much as carrying a BB gun to a store’s checkout counter, you just might be shot dead. If you’re a black child playing with a toy gun in a public park, you might be shot dead. In fact, in some towns, if you jay walk, you might find yourself shot dead on that same street.
And if one of those things should happen to you, there is one thing that is surely guaranteed to follow. Bob the Racist will show up here at this blog and make one snide remark after another about how you had it coming to you. If you’re black.
Hey, Bob, in case you haven’t figured it out yet, you worthless dumbfuck piece of shit racist, you can run from thread to thread, but you can’t fucking hide.
“Can you spell KLOWN!!”
Eh, Mr. Klynical, no doubt.
Seeing as how years ago I tagged you as the goatfucking Klynical Klown, yeah, I know how to spell it, you dumbass goatfucker.
Your next President Hillary Clinton proving Republicans aren’t ready for the worl stage,
All the Republican bluster fails to recognize that their chances of winning the White House in 2016 are slim indeed. Maybe President Fiorina can undo an Iran deal when she takes office in 2025.
The New York Daily News, owned by Mortimer Zuckerman, a Jew and staunch supporter of Israel, tells it like it is.
What a crock post from checkmate – But the recent letter from Republican senators was out of step with the best traditions of American leadership. And one has to ask, what was the purpose of this letter?
Of course DUMMOCRETINS like checkmate forgot this…
Or this
Or this
checkmate is the latest crazed DUMMOCRETIN to demonstrate 24 hour moonbattic memory malady! sez it all checkmate! Sub-Commandante John Kerry and Sub-Commandante Tom Harkin shake hands with Communist Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega!
@12 & 13
So at best, you just spent two posts and a lot of Googling to agree that the 47 Senators were dead wrong just as people some 30 years ago were dead wrong.
I can spot at least one difference. Only one of them is an “Open Letter” given to the press and that would also go for Pelosi’s trip to Syria which the right wing press is spooging over as some proof of something.
Thanks for agreeing with me Piddles. The 47 Senators who openly signed that letter are doing it either to give Iran a means to walk away from negotiations or they are doing it to undermine the TWICE elected Commander-in-Chief and President who has constitutional authority to negotiate treaties.
Piddles, good to see you agreeing with me.
Wrong again.. As ever… Puddy not agreeing with you. It’s the left wrong libtard DUMMOCRETIN msm which always sides with DUMMOCRETIN malfeasance. If it was A-OK in 1984, 1985, and 2007 by DUMMOCRETINS against Republican presidents then how can they talk out of both sides of the mouth and now scream bloody murder!
Ted Kennedy and his is smarmy actions were well hidden until found out later. Butt Kennedy wanted another country to undermine the 1984 federal presidential elections. DISGUSTING!
What did Harken and John Effin Kerry do? Undermine Reagan Latin America foreign policy?
Nancy Pelosi did what? Tried to negotiate a mid-east peace!
The big difference is this senate correctly explained to Iran how a constitutional democracy works without any hiding.
Too bad checkmate couldn’t figger that out! checkmated again for the 43 vigintillionth time!
Meet Senator Loose Cannon:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If a Democrat did this, the Republicans would be howling for a treason trial.
@15 “Puddy not agreeing with you.”
If you did, he’d be doing something wrong.
It’s hard to tell which Republican is dumber, this one or this one but my vote goes to this one
“In an open letter organized by freshman Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., 47 Senate Republicans today warned the leaders of Iran that any nuclear deal reached with President Barack Obama could expire as soon as he leaves office.
“Tomorrow, 24 hours later, Cotton will appear at an ‘Off the Record and strictly Non-Attribution’ event with the National Defense Industrial Association, a lobbying and professional group for defense contractors. …
“Cotton strongly advocates higher defense spending and a more aggressive foreign policy. As The New Republic’s David Ramsey noted, ‘Pick a topic — Syria, Iran, Russia, ISIS, drones, NSA snooping — and Cotton can be found at the hawkish outer edge of the debate ….
“On Iran, Cotton has issued specific calls for military intervention. In December he said Congress should consider supplying Israel with B-52s and so-called ‘bunker-buster’ bombs — both items manufactured by NDIA member Boeing — to be used for a possible strike against Iran. ….”
Fucking warmonger. He reminds me of an Austrian ex-corporal of a previous generation who was infatuated with war, weapon, and military adventuring, too.
Rand Paul has joined Democratic senators Kirsten Gillebrand and Cory Booker in introducing a bill in the Senate to repeal the federal prohibition against medical marijuana.
A Legg Mason survey found the average American will need $2.5 million for retirement. If you earn $12 an hour, and work 40 hours a week, you could save that much in 100 years, provided you save every penny. And if you don’t, you’re an irresponsible “taker,” according to Republicans.
And then they got Bitch-Slapped by the Iranian foreign minister. Do they want war with Iran now? That will be soooo popular, starting a war with ANOTHER coutry that didn’t have the advertised weapons. We need to strike first! Now!
Any international agreement negotiated by Obama and approved by the U.N. won’t need Congressional approval unless a future Republican president (funny in it’s own right for 2016) wants to unilaterally attack. (It woulb be a great Rooney/Garland movie, “Who wants to violate a U.. Agreement and bomb Iran. Oh, well then we can just do it in our barn then!” President Hillary Clinton, you get the Israeli’s on the phone, Secretary Kerry, you inflate the bombers…) USA and Israel attacking another Muslim county. That’s foreign policy BRILLIANCE from the freshman Senator and his cohorts.
Totally over their heads Republicans. 47 of them. On Display. Out of their league. How will this play….Obama gets Iran to agree to IAEA inspections and without firing a shot.
Ben Carson 2016…..”That deal is terrible. We needed to get some soldiers killed to make double damn sure Iran is cooperating and Hillary is a Muslim!”
Scott Walker 2016…”We can’t wait to see if this deal that Iran will give up their nuclear program is actually going to work. We need your son’s and daughters to give their lives now!”
Santorun 2016…”Iran wants you to have sex with dogs. AND we need your sons and daughters to give their lives.”
Jeb Bush 2016…”I’m a different kind of Republican that’s why we need to side with Israel and sacrifice your sons and daughters even though the U.N. Inspectors haven’t finished their work. We don’t want the warning sign to be a mushroom cloud. Wait…I mean, these mobile weapons labs are hiding Iranian nukes….shit. YELLOWCAKE! I SAID I WAS DIFFERENT!”
So does the babbling jackass village idiot troll apologizes for and stands with the #47traitors?
Oh yeah.. How could it be otherwise?
For professional level Snark and Comedy…I give you Borrowitz
Ferguson’s city council fired their city manager tonight. John Shaw, 37, was homegrown talent. And definitely part of the problem. In fact, he was at the center of the action. During his 8-year tenure, Ferguson became one of the most corrupt and racist cities in America. He was the guy with hiring and firing, and policymaking, authority — so his departure sets the stage for replacing the police chief (and maybe the city’s entire police force, or a large portion of it).
The klownservatics babble about one or a few Dems acting out of turn.
This was 47 Republicans. #47traitors.
Tom Cotton: a jackass to make the village idiot troll proud.
And then they got Bitch-Slapped by the Iranian foreign minister.
How checkmate? Iran doesn’t understand senatorial advise and consent and apparently you don’t either! You seem to have forgotten the Kyoto Treaty eh? If not ratified how is it a treaty? Iran has no clue! And YOU R still a moron!
Checkmated again.
Just Resign Already
New Mexico state Rep. Kenny Martinez, a Democrat, said “rape is defined in many ways, and some of it is just drunken college sex” in a committee hearing last week on a bill that would strip convicted rapists of visitation and other parental rights. Martinez fired back at Republicans who criticized his remark by demanding apologies from them, saying, “To create a political stunt on something this important, I really think they owe an apology to every victim of rape in the state of New Mexico.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No, he owes his constituents his resignation. He’s too stupid and insensitive to represent them.
Did the buttspigot let out a smelly shit stain @26?
Yes the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot did!
1) Why do you jock strap illegal alien killers absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
2) Why do you want these killers to stay in the USA absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
3) Why do you support La Raza which has no comment on illegal aliens killing black United States of America citizens absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
4) Why to you support latino gang members getting their stripes killing black United States of America citizens absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
5) Why are you a racist absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
6) Why do you support the La reconquista philosophy absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
7) Why are you an adherent to Aztlan absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
Still the same IDIOT in a different thread!
NOPE just your average DUMMOCRETIN whom slipped up and let his real feelings show!
Isn’t John Shaw a DUMMOCRETIN? As Puddy wrote in the other open thread… The Daily Kooks would have trumpeted Shaw being a Republican… butt, they were eerily silent on Shaw’s politics. Must be Shaw is a DUMMOCRETIN!
#47 Patriots! They care about America first Israel second. Remember Ted Kennedy sent a letter to the Soviet Union trying to undermine the 1984 elections! Did Democrats cry treason? Can’t find anything about that feeling anywhere? #KennedyTraitor
Tom Cotton War Hero! HA’s buttspigot, hero in its own mind! Crows about itself all the time!
DUMMOCRETINS only care about themselves! Witness how the buttspigot @26 won’t answer the questions! Just a dumbASS follower as always!
Bitchslapping the buttspigot and checkmate is like plucking gray hairs! So simple!
This will be very interesting…
Pass the popcorn; Biden gonna get smacked around!
@30 If he was a Republican, his buddies would defend him. So would you. I’m not defending him. That’s the difference between you and me. God, some of you humans are dense. I’m lookin’ at YOU, pudnutz.
@34 Oh my, another Hillary scandal. Stop the presses. Never mind, we don’t have presses anymore.
Joe BiteME in action…
The debate will get his mind off of little girls and married wimens!
@31 I don’t care if he’s an elf or a lizard. All I care about is that he’s GONE. Good riddance. But I have to say, Puddy, he conduct in office sure resembles a lot of Republicans. Racism, exploitation, looting, the whole nine yards. So, if he’s a Democrat, he does a damn good imitation of a Republican.
@32 “Patriots! They care about America first Israel second.”
I guess it depends on whether you’re an American patriot or an Israeli patriot. How many of those 47 senators hold dual citizenship? After this they’ll all be honorary citizens of Israel.
Wrong again senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! It was his Freud moment! Where are the screams for his removal besides your senile mind?
4 Pinocchios…
Which union is it?
Over the weekend, Canada lost a soldier in Iraq due to Friendly Fire. Yesterday, the fallen soldier was repatriated , arriving via Canadian Forces Base Trenton, near Ottawa, and then the procession drove down The Highway of Heroes to Toronto. It is a new tradition for the Canadian Forces, starting with the war in Afghanistan. Thousands carried on the tradition yesterday.
ERF @ 42,
In America libtards will denigrate their military memory, call them baby killers, cowards, worthless, gun happy, torturers, etc. Good for Canada. US progressive scum could learn much from the country just north of US!
Scared to be exposed by alternet for what the
yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch really is! So it runs away repeating the single link it found while Puddy produced multiple links.
Sux to be theyellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
Only his panic anchor babies are allowed in America…
Link for normal people…
Link for moronic senile twits like #39 nd ASSholes like #41
Notice the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit will not comment on John Shaw, Ferguson City Manager. Now why is that senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
We learned the Ferguson City Mayor didn’t really have the power, but the city manager. Butt, we immediately learned he was a Republican. We learned the mayor was Republican from jump street (meaning the first day or so). It was purposely trumpeted by the freaks as Daily Kooks, Media Morons and other left wrong sites. But they were silent on the politics of Robert McCullogh and other St Louis County DUMMOCRETINS because they didn’t want to give exposure to supposedly racist DUMMOCRETINS. HA DUMMOCRETINS went on the attack to support the hands up don’t shoot lie of Dorian Johnson! Eric I Cover-up Black Racism Holder proved hands up don’t shoot to be a lie! Yet, LIVs all over America still believe it!
So now we know more! And who has MIA commentary? The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Meanwhile the libtards at ESPN pull an age discrimination act?
42) I knew you would put a vulgar, partisan attack into my post. By the way, the reason for the Highway of Heroes, is bureaucratic rules. A Death Certificate has to be issued on Canadian Soil, and since most of the transport wing of the Canadian Forces is based at Canadian Forces Base Trenton, in Ontario, the Toronto coroner provides the service. It is a long drive down Ontario 401 from CFB Trenton, near Ottawa.
Also, in 2006, a change of government in Ottawa, and the arrival ceremony was prohibited from being filmed, conforming with a policy south of the border. Harper changed course after complaints. The Ontario Provincial Police even tweets when the procession begins. It was done nearly 150 times for the fallen in Afghanistan, and once for a soldier killed in Ottawa.
I am also in the middle of reading a book called “Shake Hands with the Devil”, written by the Canadian General that commanded the UN Force that was supposed to supervise the cease fire in Rwanda in 1994, a mission that was doomed to failure. To see a General get diagnosed with PTSD, is very interesting. He had little help, and Ottawa, New York, Washington DC, everybody failed. We had just had Black Hawk Down, but his own military had a scandal of it’s own out of Somalia, and not much support for the military, combined with the military friendly Progressive Conservative party(that is what it was called at the time) collapsing, just in time for Jean Chretien and the Liberals to defeat the only woman to be PM(so far).
In the book I mentioned, he described warning signs that some on the Government side were not going to honor the agreement, and the the genocide was coming. Besides a confidential informant in the Rwandan Government, he observed himself, how the Hutus were being led into a frenzy of hate against the Tutsis, and other Hutus that did not share their views, one of the ways, was a radio station linked to the ruling party, spewing hate.