Please join us tonight for an evening of politics and conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday evening at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. Our starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks stop by earlier for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. This Tuesay night, the Long Beach, Tri-Cities and West Seattle chapters also meet. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. And on Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets.
There are 188 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon and two in Idaho. Chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting somewhere near you.
No other way to describe it but to say this is nothing less than hpocritical scum. And the best that the American Family Association has as membership.
Another one of those GOP Constitutional pledges.
So I was in a sport family dining chain last night and a commercial came on one of the unwatched channels, I don’t know Fox Sports 3? that had been showing an auto restoration show, for a group that is against liberals because we’re after your guns and we want to take away pet ownership. The scrolling text (no sound) actually said, Liberals want to outlaw pet ownership!” I’m sure there was dramatic horns or scary strings or something.
First I’ve heard we were after your pets.
Did a little looking and they are against radical animal rights groups like the humane society because the humane society wants to take away your hunting dog and your farm horse and your work mule or something. Actually digging deeper they are trying to get your money so they can run ads promoting AgGag bills because no, you shouldn’t be able to know how your food is produced and then make an individual (FREEEEEEEDOM!) decision.
I think I’ll not link to them even to poke fun at them.
So did ‘Bibi’ the genocidal psychotic asshole say anything today?
I had to wash my cat so I missed it.
Shalom, here is a useful tool for your future postings.
@4 yeah he says it is a bad deal. How is no deal a good deal? Is his deal to bomb or to get America to do his dirty deed? Why doesn’t he just step in an bomb already?
And if Iran really gets a nuclear bomb do you think they would actually use it. If they used it, if anyone ever used a nuclear bomb, isn’t that pretty much going to unleash all nuclear bombs, so in effect Iran would commit suicide.
I don’t doubt one day a weapon gets in the hand of some crazy person or non government body individulas, but just the fact that if Iran had a bomb doesn’t mean they’ll ever use it.
So Bibi wants not deal and then what? Why doesn’t he just be honest with everyone and say what he wants and when he wants it to happen, and who he wants to do it?
“And if Iran really gets a nuclear bomb do you think they would actually use it.”
Maybe, but the first target the Iranians would pick would be Riyahd, not Tel Aviv.
The theory goes that Israel opposes any one and anything that limits their basically unchecked power in the region.
Right now they are the thugs controlling the neighborhood.
@9…What is it like living in Backwards Land?
I don’t know. I live in a real world.
Maybe this mental midget here can tell us what life is like in a made-up bubble?
A lawyer and radical Christian activist from Orange County, California recently submitted a ballot initiative to the state that calls for anyone engaging in sodomy to be put to death “by bullets to the head or by any other convenient method.” He calls it the “Sodomite Suppression Act.”
This is an amusing provision: “e) This law is effective immediately and shall not be rendered ineffective nor invalidated by any court, state or federal, until heard by a quorum of the Supreme Court of California consisting only of judges who are neither sodomites nor subject to disqualification hereunder.”
What a crazy. What is the opinion of this from our local conservatives?
@13 I’m curious to know how he passed a bar exam.
I don’t believe Israel can bomb Iran into submission. I don’t think even we could do that.
@12 they have no opinion. Thier opinion is Iran is bad.
Conservatives are scum.
@12 (continued) Yeah, this “Christian” nutbag wants to euthanize gays by shooting them in the head. Well, at least he isn’t proposing stoning or gas chambers (Hitler’s method). What was it these people were bleating about ISIS a few days ago?
“Now it’s really transforming into something more. In other words, tyranny begins at that stage, in which tyranny wants to basically bring in homosexual rights, pretty soon it will be rights to cannibalism, rights to polygamy, rights to [etc.] And that’s how tyrannies work. It’s not just Islamo-tyranny, but any tyranny, this is how it works.”
– Walid Shoebat
Is this what SpittlePuddles believes? Or any of the other Nazis we have trolling in here?
Or is it this?
Perhaps we should really take a step back and see who is more comparable to the German, Spanish and Italian Fascist movements that occurred during the great depression era of the 1920’s and 30’s, or the Daesh in Iraq and Syria. There were a lot of Americans that were openly supporting that political paradigm back then who are now apparently unafraid of doing it again. Bibi’s little tirade in the Capitol this morning saw nothing less than openly attempting to sabotage the diplomatic efforts on the part of the Republican Party in the United States Congress. This entire charade is wrong on so many levels that it would take days to list them all.
The executive Branch of our Government has the sole responsibility for, and the Constitutional duty to deal with diplomatic efforts and international relationships. Congress has no direct say in any such effort and cannot subvert that law.
Congressional Republicans have now openly allied themselves with a foreign national leader against the interests of the United States and our diplomatic efforts with Iran.
25 standing ovations, for a foreign leader that is openly calling for the United States to go to war on his nation’s own behalf instead of fighting it himself. All so he can use his speech in his political campaign in his home country.
This is not a diplomatic coup on the part of the GOP, this is open treason. I’m starting to wonder who it really was, that hit the World Trade Center on 9/11/01.
It sure as shit wasn’t Iraq.
Shorter Netanyahu:
I’m here today to conflate the survival of Israel and the Jewish people with my own political aspirations and to complain about US policy while offering no alternative to US policy. A nation which has been the best ally any nation ever had.
Furthermore, I want to conflate all of Israel to the least popular US Congress in the history of polling. A US Congress which is so poor at strategic thinking and tactical implementation that the very day I am here, after a month and a half of ranting and raving and bloviating like I am now, could only pass a security funding bill with the opposition caucus providing a majority of the votes.
What could possibly go wrong for Israel and Jews?
Yep. We can’t kill our way out of this situation. But Bibi sure wants to try.
Yep…we’re courting women voters right Lindsay Graham? (Always go after a woman’s apperance. It TOTALLY makes the other chicks dig you.)
A whole week can pass and nary a mention of the lesser light, shining brightness on the greater light, will pass among them!
@21. Here is some light. Go fuck yourself.
I think Lindsay Graham prefers men.
Of all facts, “Amazing Facts” are best.
This is a free country, and a lot of people feel very strongly about being able to do as they please (as we are constantly reminded), but “freedom” doesn’t mean you can trespass on someone else’s property and kill 123 of their trees.
@17 Wow, comparing homosexuality (which hurts no one) to cannibalism (you have to kill the meal before you can eat it), now that’s creative.
Re: Mikulski’s retirement
Are there any Maryland Republicans with a snowball’s chance of winning the seat?
Assuming Sen. Patty Murray runs again and wins in 2016 she would become either the chair or the ranking member of the Appropriations committee. At least assuming Sen. Leahy wishes to continue to be the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee and that Sen. Murray doesn’t want to continue to run HELP instead.
The teabagsicking buttbusting buttbigot asked a question it should have already known the answer to…
If you ventured from the left wrong sites time to time you’d know this teabagsucking buttbigot… http://www.israelnationalnews......PRnrzTF-Qk
So how would Israel succeed if we would shoot down their planes? Is this how you treat a so called ally?
Listening to that creep DUMMOCRETIN that Carter had in his cabinet.
But you are as stoooooooooooopid as the other no nuthin libtards here. This includes all the libtard posters here in this thread.
FlubScout flubs again… Why does Netanyahu have to offer an alternative to US policy? He has offered alternatives and Obummer has summarily rejected them. He offered this back in 2012 at the UN.
Since inspectors are NOT allowed at at Parchin…
So why doesn’t FlubScout know this or remember this? It’s just last October FlubScout! Why can’t Un inspectors visit all of Iran’s nuclear facilities? Maybe because FlubScout has 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady? Or is FlubScout becoming a senile schismatic IDIOT like the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Must be!
This just demonstrates the absolute loooonacy of DUMMOCRETINS to Iran. Y’all want to have Iran destroy Israel. Just read the DUMMOCRETIN attack sites yesterday. rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears proved its looooooonacy above!
The Captain gets on the loudspeaker and shouts, “Ahoy, small craft. Where are you headed?”
One of the Mexicans puts down his oar, stands up, and shouts, “We are invading the United States of America to reclaim the territory taken by the USA during the 1800′s.”
The entire crew of the destroyer doubled-over in laughter. When the Captain is finally able to catch his breath, he gets back on the loudspeaker and asks, “Just the four of you?”
The same Mexican stands up again and shouts, “No, we’re the last four. The rest of us are already there!”
Awwww the vomit producer like a dog re-eating its vomit still regurgitating the same useless manure from the rabid left wrong sites. Where did Congress overstep its bounds vomit producer? Why can’t you just link the sites you so uncraftily repeat here? Afraid of the ridicule? What is wrong with you Willis?
It’s in the interests of the United States to allow Iran to go nuclear? Remember vomit producer it was the AP and Reuters whom leaked the proposed deal to the public not Netanyahu. Bibi reacted to the press reports because Obummer kept Israel in the dark. When Republicans regained senate control they brought to light things held in the dark by Scary Reid. Now we know more about this Iran nuke deal. Bibi was invited after the AP and Reuters reports! Here is a refresher from the NY Slimes you moron, not from Netanyahu!
Here are the views of the American hostages during the Carter administration… They lived Iran terror…
The vomit producer is one of the least read DUMMOCRETINS whom post here. Always easily persuaded by left wrong sites. The vomit producer possesses no cojones so we never see the sources of the vile smelly vomit. A real moron for the ages!
@13 I’m curious to know how he passed a bar exam.
Many of us whom think RIGHT think the same of you senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Butt now we’re left knowing that old age and senility are your enemies!
See ya!
So FlubScout… If Netanyahu offered an alternative to US policy, you’d tell Obummer to follow it? Seems Susan Rice claims a bad deal is better than no deal. http://www.israelnationalnews......spx/192052
And this is DUMMOCRETIN foreign policy these days! DAYUM!
Putin Believes In Russia while Obama Does Not Believe In This Country – Ralph Peters
Reagan brought down the Berlin Wall and held Gorbachev in check during his presidential tenure. Obummer dithers and we see the Russians stealing more land in Ukraine. Puddy has Ukrainian friends and they are heart broken over Obummer’s cavalier attitude! Looks like the agreement signed by Clinton in 1994 doesn’t mean shit to Obummer these days…
Now we watch the pissed off petulant Obummer in the whitey house yesterday. Why hasn’t Obummer displayed the same hatred towards ISIS or the Muslim Brotherhood attacks on Al-Sisi’s Egyptian government in Egypt? Sometimes you need to save the links until the right time… Again this was missed on the left wrong sites you HA DUMMOCRETINS always visit…
Same description of Israeli Jews by HA DUMMOCRETINS! Yes yellowishleakingbuttspigot, you LIV progressives voted for this loser!
Peters seems more prescient as each day passes!
Puffy this proves you and Ben Carson are homos, you just choose not to act upon your desire to suck a big black dick! Now, now, its just like getting to like lobster, isn’t.
Is that what they call a red hearing. Who cares if it is a choice? Believe what you want. But even if it is a choice, isn’t this the land of the free, where we can make whatever choices we want in life. It is a moot issue.
Consevatives – move on. Take up drinking if you have a problem. You don’t get to trump my “choice” with you r freedom of religion. Believe what the fuck you want. That there is no global warming, the earth is 600 years old, the earth is flat, china wont do anything about their pollution, and that your goat has a nice ass. I don’t give a fuck….but you have not constitutional standing to tell me I can’t be as free to do what you do in your life.
Go Fuck yourself.
And to the American Family Association – you better start worrying about the breakdown of the Traditional family, you guys are sucking more than the gays. Wake up assholes!
Puddy has no desire to suck a big black dick! Please stop your Psych 101 activities teabuggering buttbusting buttbigot!
@37. So you like smaller dicks better, that’s great!
I don’t thing it’s just prison that makes heterosexuals gay, there are plenty heterosexuals in the US not in the prison system that are getting blow jobs from gay men, including the married. Do we forget about the republican politicians caught in toilet room stalls, or Ted Hahgard? Talk to your local gay person, he probably can tell you that he’s blown a “straight” guy, married with kids.
Someone tell Ben Cocksucker.
If he doesn’t like freedom he can join North Korea.
Maybe I’m not too smart but if their is no man made global warming why are there commercials from various corporations and entities that are going out if thier way to reduce carbon emissions, using natural gas? Why would they do this, isn’t this just stupid of them?
I hear if the Supreme Court rules in favor of Obamacare for the second time that conservatives will try a third time because they found a law that says all bills be signed into passage with a blue pen.
And we all know that it was signed with a black pen.