Join us tonight for some pre-holiday cheer and some political catharsis over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday evening for friendly conversation at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. The starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks show up before that for dinner.
There are 177 chapters of Living Liberally, including fifteen in Washington state, four in Oregon and two in Idaho. Chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting somewhere near you.
It looks like Bob was spreading more wingnut lies here again.
“Baltimore’s Fox affiliate desperately wanted to portray an anti-police brutality rally as a pro-police killing one, but they ran into a problem. No one they encountered wanted to see police murdered. Rather than drop the story, Fox went ahead and deceptively edited the footage they got to make it seem as if protesters were chanting “Kill a cop.” That’s what passes for journalism over at Fox.”
“The rally in question, held in Washington, D.C. and called the “National ‘Justice For All’ March,” was broadcast on C-SPAN. At one point in the video, a rally organizer can be heard chanting “We won’t stop. We can’t stop. Until the killer cops. Are in cell blocks.””
Anything goes with Fox. If reality doesn’t fit their narrative, edit it until it does and then broadcast it in the echo chamber!
I’m sure you all recall how the TeaBirchers at the Bundy ranch and elsewhere suspended their protests and lowered their guns after a couple of their own assassinated the two cops in Las Vegas.
What, you say that never happened? They didn’t stop protesting and aiming their guns at American goverment officials for even a moment? Huh! My bad.
Well, then those despicable commie-Black Panther black people protesters should suspend their protests because TeaBirchers did so after one of their own killed the three cops in Pittsburgh! So there!
Oh, wait, they didn’t suspend anything after a wingnut killed those cops either. My bad. Again.
@2 and 3 – hypocrisy and false equivalency is the name of the game of the Republiccan Party.
That and passing judgement falsely before the other side correctly passes judgement on themselves. Got to hand it to them, they are one step ahead of liberals. “I know you are but what am I?” mentality in reverse.
Go Marco, Go. Bob has got your back.
OMG! The dastardly Kenyan socialist usurper’s plan to bring America’s economy to ruin is succeeding!
Oh, you say that you need proof? Take this, you fucking commies! At the start of his administration the DOW was at 7949. Now it’s only 18,000! The S&P was at 805 and now it’s only 2000! The NASDAQ? Even worse! It was at 1440 and now it’s a pathetic 4770!
Just how much proof do you commies need?
Worst. President. Evah!
Huh! So the NYC cop killer was a crazy black criminal fixated on a manufactured-through-the-miracle-of-video-editing “Kill the cops” slogan he repeatedly saw broadcast on Fox News.
You fucking commies know what this means, don’t you?
Heh. Obama and Sharpton have blood on their hands!
If you pinko-fascists would watch Fox News all day, maybe you’d get your fucking minds right!
More bad news for you lefty America-haters. More jobs have been created during the tyrannical illegal-immigrant from Kenya’s six years in office than during both Bush presidencies combined!
Even you stupid libtard DUMMOCRATS should be able to eventually figure this one out, but allow me to help you with it.
It means that the socialist Dictator from Kenya is the…
Worst. President. Evah!
Crooks And Liars Dep’t
Rep. Michael Grimm (R-NY) has pleaded guilty to evading taxes on more than $1 million of income and likely will go to prison after being sentenced next June.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yet another Republican complaining about taxes he doesn’t pay. I don’t suffer from hix tax phobia. I wouldn’t mind paying some taxes to support him for, oh, let’s say three to five years.
@7 Conservatives don’t like jobs. From their point of view, the fewer jobs the better. They themselves live off the fat of the land, so they don’t need jobs, and the existence of jobs merely makes others more independent, which is the last thing conservatives want. What they want is to lord over a feudal society.
Fox Station Caught Lying About Protesters
What the protesters chanted: “We won’t stop. We can’t stop. Until the killer cops. Are in cell blocks.”
How Fox 45 in Baltimore cut, pasted, edited, and aired it: “We won’t stop. We can’t stop. Kill a cop.”
That station apologized and pulled the clip — after it was caught.
@1 Hmmm — maybe the Fox station has blood on its hands?
@11 Nah, Obama and Sharpton.
It’s all a part of the diabolical plan that the tyrannical, community organizing, messianic Muslim dictator came up with came up with while still in his mother’s womb in Kenya.
Surely the GOP has something to say about the news of our US economic growth is at an 11-year high and US job growth is at a 15-year high.
Have you checked the GOP Crickets network?
Damn Kenyan Mooslem Socialist usurper! GD ObamaCare is killing the economy. How do I know this? Republicans predicted it. Just like Republicans predicted the disastrous economy under Clinton’s tax hike and like Republicans predicted the success of the Bush economy.
Today Gov. Brownback has apologized for his tax cuts. Trying to suck up to his constituents that actually didn’t get to enjoy his tax cuts, unlike the 1%’ers.
Because they are Fox…
“Tonight, when Fox 45 “apologized” for a segment showing an edited video of protesters chanting, viewers must have had a hard time figuring out what they were apologizing for. The network aired the entire video, which showed Tawanda Jones, the sister of Tyrone West (who died in police custody), and Joseph Kent chanting, “We won’t stop/ We can’t stop/ Till killer cops/ Are in cell blocks” and then apologized for it, without ever saying that, last night, they aired an edited clip, which cut off the second half of the chant so that it appeared they were chanting “We won’t stop/ We can’t stop/ So kill a cop,” an impression the reporter created by also saying that they were chanting about killing cops, just before tying it to the shooting of police officers in New York.”
Yeah, but it wasn’t deliberate. You know what I mean? Oops?
“Last night’s segment was reported by Fox 45’s Melinda Roeder…But last night’s misstep is not the first time she made waves with a controversial—or apparently bogus—story… On Oct. 31, 2011, Fox 45 aired Roeder’s interview with a woman who claimed she had been raped in a tent on McKeldin Square during the Occupy Wall Street protest. Brietbart, the right-wing site, re-aired the segment. “You can go to Mercy Hospital,” the woman, who was not identified, says on camera. “They have the full rape kit.”
“The next day Baltimore police said the rape allegation was “unfounded,” and that the “victim at no time reported a sexual assault to police”
Just another “oops!” moment. Nothing to see here. Move along.
“Roeder declined to talk to City Paper about the “killer cops” gaffe”
Of course she declined. Move along, folks.
Anyways, did you hear about those dirty fucking hippie OWS protesters, raping women in tents? I saw a news report about it on TV. And how about those lazy, shiftless, ungrateful, uppity black protesting thugs chanting “Kill a cop!” I not only heard about that story on the news, I heard the chant myself! The news wouldn’t make that shit up, so don’t tell me it’s a lie. As sure as the sky is blue, Obama and Sharpton both have blood on their hands.
God bless America.
@14 To hell with the fact the Kenyan Socialist not only averted another Great Depression but is now presiding over the world’s healthiest economy! The GOPers will do what they always do: They’ll find irrelevant small-ball wedge issues to divide the electorate. Divide and conquer! Low-information voters are their best allies.
Why won’t McCulloch charge Witness #40 with perjury?
Time for a special prosecutor, new grand jury
May be old news to you but I’ve been busy…
And McCulloch admits he knew this before he called McElroy to testify.
@ 1
Hi Steve:
Different march – I had referred to one in NYC, and you are referencing one in DC. Try google next time.
But thanks for playing.
“But thanks for playing.”
Fox cuts & pastes, creating a new audio track, obviously created to support their agenda – yet one more right-wing media lynching of blacks in America – and they get busted for it.
And so Bob, he with the apocalyptic vision of the black horde shooting it out with white right-wing militias in the streets of America’s cities, drops by and all he can muster is,
“But, but, but….New York!”
Thanks for playing.
@ 21
Steve, you linked me to it. First I’ve read about whatever happened on a Baltimore Fox station about a DC march is here, a few minutes ago. The only march I’ve commented on is the one in NYC.
I lied about something I knew nothing about?
What else you got, Steve?
A federal judge has just kicked Sheriff Joe and his lawyer, Larry Klayman, to the curb. A major defeat for two of America’s noisiest rightwing crackpots.