Join us tonight at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally for an evening of politics under the influence. Festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning about 8:00 pm.
The doors open at 5:00 p.m., so some of us will be there early to watch Obama’s first official Address to the Nation, where he is expected to announce another troop increase for Afghanistan.
Come on down. Everyone’s welcome. No purity test here….
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 340 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
Greetings from Red Square, Comrade Darryl –
Mere moments ago I observed a comrade committing capitalism. He was selling copies of The Militant to unwary students: $1 for today’s version of the visionary tabloid that Lee Harvey Oswald (“hunter of fascists” in an iconic photograph) was holding in one hand while holding a 6.5 mm Carcano in the other.
$1? For the People’s Militant? Where’s the outrage? If a Red Square comrade is going to sell a relic of the revolution, he should sell it for at least $5.
Puddy noticed Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm said we are one nation but he didn’t say “Under God, Indivisible!”
Puddy wonders why?
What an ASS! Not surprised you chose that fool Darryl. Puddy Remembers.
Remember how he “played off” Joe Biden vs Sarah Palin gaffes? Puddy Remembers.
One sentence we need to fix Afghanistan. The next sentence he says we’re out in 18 months. Wow!
“Unlike Vietnam, the American people were viciously attacked from Afghanistan, and remain a target for those same extremists who are plotting along its border. To abandon this area now – and to rely only on efforts against al Qaeda from a distance – would significantly hamper our ability to keep the pressure on al Qaeda, and create an unacceptable risk of additional attacks on our homeland and our allies.”
Hope Daddy Love was listening tonight, since he’s all for abandoning the country (or, “cut and run” according to Roger Rabbit)!
@1 Would you rather live in a country where people are arrested for selling publications the government dislikes?
@2 Because you Godless warmongers and torturers divided it, and he was just stating the facts.
Wrong again Roger Dumb Bunny!
It took Obam-Mao 92 days to come up with this:
1) Give McChrystal 3/4 of the troops he said were needed.
2) Pander to the Lunatics with a 7/11 withdrawal date.
3) Make a weak, limp-wristed non-leader speech where he says nothing passionate….then concludes with OUR RESOLVE IS UNWAVERING!
Unwavering?? Then why 18 months???
He said something to the effect that this is a threat to the world…but comes off as a boring, half-assed commitment and speech.
But Obam-Mao sure can read that teleprompter good.
Wow Chris Tingling Leg Matthews is already at it tonight on PMSNBC…
“”It seems like in this case, there isn’t a lot of excitement,” Matthews said. “I watched the cadets, they were young kids – men and women who were committed to serving their country professionally it must be said, as officers. And, I didn’t see much excitement. But among the older people there, I saw, if not resentment, skepticism. I didn’t see a lot of warmth in that crowd out there. The president chose to address tonight and I thought it was interesting. He went to maybe the enemy camp tonight to make his case. I mean, that’s where Paul Wolfowitz used to write speeches for, back in the old Bush days. That’s where he went to rabble rouse the “we’re going to democratize the world” campaign back in ’02. So, I thought it was a strange venue.“” – PuddyEmphasis.
While at Drinking Liberally, discuss why correctnotright and Daddy Love are mute on ClimateGate? If they show up ask about the “hockey stick”. Ask them about “peer reviewed”. Did you notice Australia rejected Crap and Trading Cards?
Puddy decided to get nosy in the Cafferty blogs. Puddy stumbled onto this…
Pres. Obama approval rating drops 20% among whites
Will the dumb cinder block rujax call racism against Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm?
@5 Grave decisions involving war and peace are too often bungled by politicians, and always fly over the heads of simpletons like you.
The Vietnam War, from a historical perspective, is complicated. In retrospect, it was a mistake. However, when looking at it in the context of the times, it’s easy to see how this mistake was made. The Berlin Wall had just gone up. The Cuban missile crisis was only a couple years in the past. Americans saw communism as a monolithic threat (the Sino-Soviet rift was not yet apparent) that was on the march everywhere. The thinking of American policymakers was driven by the “domino theory” — the fear that if Southeast Asia fell under communist domination, India (and possibly Japan, Indonesia, and other major countries) would be imperiled. And nearly everyone missed the fact that Ho Chi Minh and his fighters were nationalists first and foremost, and only incidentally communists. In addition, the American effort in Vietnam was severely handicapped by flawed military strategy and tactics, poor military leadership at all levels, and micromanaging by politicians. In my opinion, the antiwar protests at home had no effect on the course of the war, which was lost on the battlefields of Southeast Asia, not in America’s streets and campuses.
Afghanistan is a totally different situation — politically, strategically, and tactically. It is the country that harbored Al Qaeda’s training camps, was a staging area for the terrorist attacks against the U.S. and other countries, and provided a safe haven for the terrorists. We had to invade Afghanistan to defend ourselves against those who attacked us. Bush was right to invade Afghanistan, and his administration waged an intelligent and effective military campaign in the early days of that war, quickly routing the Taliban and destroying the terrorist camps with a modest commitment of U.S. forces and intelligent use of our allies and our special operations capabilities. One of the iconic images of those days is U.S. Army Special Forces soldiers riding on horseback with ex-mujahideen against the Taliban in the rugged, roadless mountains of Afghanistan. (Who said cavalry is an anachronism?) But from 2003 onward, Bush starved the Afghanistan military effort of the men, equipment, and resources it needed to pursue an unnecessary war in Iraq, a country which neither threatened nor attacked us. Bush also presided over a military effort in Afghanistan that repeatedly made stupid, avoidable, and counterproductive mistakes like bombing innocent civilians.
For the last several weeks, I have supported in the comment threads of this blog the decision that President Obama announced tonight to send more U.S. troops to Afghanistan. I hate war as much as anyone else, but unfortunately we have to fight this war, because our own security is at stake. It would be irresponsible to give the territory we’ve spent American lives to seize back to the Taliban and Al Qaeda — and then have to go back and pay that price all over again. As a Vietnam veteran, I don’t like making our troops pay twice for the same real estate. The lessons of Vietnam also should have taught us the folly of allowing an enemy in a shooting war to have sanctuaries.
War is like pregnancy; you’re either at war, or you’re not, and it can’t be halfway. When you go to war, you must hold nothing back. You must fight to win. That requires fighting offensively, pursuing the enemy, and allowing him no rest or respite. These are basic, timeless, and universal military principles. There are no good wars, but the “best” war is the one that ends quickly, with the least possible destruction and bloodshed, and the best way to accomplish that is by confronting the enemy with overwhelming force.
I disagree with Obama’s speech in some respects. First and foremost, you should never, ever, announce a timeline for withdrawal — even if you have one. I would have written his speech differently in some other respects, as well. If I decided to send 30,000 troops now, I would have left the possibility of sending more later open-ended. As stated above, I would have left the timeline open-ended. I would have left the theater of operations open-ended and said that I was prepared to pursue the enemy anywhere he went, hinting I might go into Pakistan or other neighboring countries — with or without the permission of their governments. Above all, I would have made clear that I was fighting to win, because I don’t think we have any other option in this case.
First and foremost, you should never, ever, announce a timeline for withdrawal
Isn’t that the truth? You can’t declare you’ll see it thru to completion – his words – and then provide a time line.
That was a gesture to his base. He’s in a balancing act now, but I think he’s going to have fits in the months ahead as the troops and casualty counts go up.
Hey Roger Dumb Bunny@13,
Funny Puddy remembers something close to your first paragraph in this book by Robert McNamara.
In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam
@14 Unfortunately, political leaders can’t ignore political realities. However, there are times when military needs should trump political pressures, and at such times political leaders must lead, not follow, their constituents. I think Obama’s speech tonight was halfhearted in this respect — not one of his more galvanizing oratorical moments. That said, nevertheless, his leadership is vastly more competent that what we generally saw from Bush; and I can’t visualize any of the GOP’s prospective 2012 candidates — certainly not Palin — doing better. McCain probably would have done it better, but he would have been an inferior president to Obama overall, because he’s locked into the failed ideology of the right.
@15 I have two things to say about McNamara. First, I read his book. Second, he’s one of the last people I would rely on for advice on military matters.
Hmmm… Puddy wonders…
But Roger Dumb Bunny, Paragraph #1 is ssssoooooooooo similar to some of his commentary. That’s what alerted Puddy Roger Dumb Bunny.
OMGoodness, we’ve read similar books? Looks like a single book bonfire in the fireplace on Christmas Day!
Wall Street Stabbed Taxpayers In The Back Twice
The Nov. 30, 2009 issue of Business Week magazine contains an article titled “Wall Street vs. America” about how Wall Street bankers took advantage of local governments. It says,
“Wall Street targeted cities big and small with risky financial products that promised to save them money or boost returns. Investment bankers sold exotic derivates designed to help municipalities cut borrowing costs. Banks and insurance companies constructed complicated tax deals that allowed public utilities, transit authorities, and other nonprofit organizations to extract cash immediately from their long-term assets. Private equity firms, pointing to stellar historical gains, persuaded big public pension funds to plow billions of dollars into high-cost investments at the peak of the market. Many of the transactions shared a striking similarity: provisions that protected the banks from big losses and left the customers on the hook for huge payouts.
“Now, as many of those deals sour, Wall Street is ramping up its efforts to collect from Main Street. ‘The banks stuffed customers with (questionable investments) and then extorted money from the customers to get rid of them,’ says Christopher Whalen, managing director at research firm Institutional Risk Analytics. The New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, for instance, must pay nearly $1 million a month at least until December 2011 to Goldman Sachs on derivatives deals tied to municipal debt — even though the state retired the debt last year. The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), having entered into complex arrangements to lease its equipment to outside investors and then lease it back, could face termination fees of $30 million. The investors could collect penalties because American International Group, which backed the arrangement, has seen its credit rating tumble.”
[Emphasis added.]
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The gist is that Wall Street charged American cities and towns big money to put them into risky financial schemes that municipal finance managers didn’t understand, and now are dinging them for additional big fees to get out of these deals after they went sour. In short, the Wall Street sharks took the Main Street rubes for a ride, and taxpayers are left with the bill for this skulduggery.
Some people may cheer that. I don’t. The back-end fees Wall Street is trying to pick from the pockets of unsophisticated taxpayers should be chopped off right now. Some people will argue that “a contract is a contract” and point out that Congress is prohibited by the Constitution from passing any law abrogating contract rights. To which I will respond, yes, a contract is a contract, but “a tax is a tax,” and nothing in the Constitution prevents Congress from slapping a 100% tax (hell, why not make it 200%?) on every cent of these fees that Wall Street collects. Then I’ll point out to the Wall Street firms’ lawyers that the Constitution doesn’t prevent then from voluntarily waiving their fees, anymore than it prevents Congress from taxing those fees at 200% (hell, why not make it 300%?). And that’s exactly what Congress should do, and do it right now, before this goes any further.
@19 #1 is an idiotic and incoherent comment. In a word, very like your comments. Which makes me wonder whooooo wrote it …
Roger Rabbit will not attend DL tonight because he is in the public library using an untraceable computer to post some personal advice to Mr. Griswold on Sucky Politics.
Roger also took this opportunity to post some personal advice to Daniel on Sucky Politics, too. I figured as long as I was posting there anyway, I may as well educate Daniel too, and get a two-fer.
Northrup has pulled out of the bidding for a new Air Force aerial tanker, leaving Boeing as the only bidder.
So Puddy says the Vietnam war comment is similar to comments in McNamara’s book and what does Roger Dumb Bunny do?
He goes apoplectic. It figgers! This is how it works Roger Dumb Bunny!
Hey Roger,
Nice article on AIG and Goldman Sucks – Big Time Democratic funders. Puddy placed the numbers for Max Baucus and Chris Dodd. John Effin Kerry has $2Mill in AIG stock. No wonder they got bailed…
Puddy placed all this on HA before… ask your libtardo bud ylb arschloch for the previous post details.
RE: 4. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
From D-Day June 6, 1944 to VE-Day May 8, 1945: 11 months, 3 days.
Germany “fixed”.
re 26: You are an unbearable, obnoxious, poop-flinging baboon.
@28 Yeah, we’ve all known that for a long time.
You, of course, have no credibility when it comes to military matters. You did not serve in the military, yet you support all military endeavors. As a Christian, I do not support war. I almost got prosecuted for going public in a newspaper (Wenatchee) when Carter (imagine that) reinstituted registration for the draft, though there was no draft. I said something like I couldn’t picture Christ with an M-16 in his hands. Can you? I think Obama is wrong on this one. We need to get the hell out of Afghanistan. My friend, the Rabbit, at 13, makes a great deal of sense. I disagree, though. You, Puddy, however, just want to be partisan when human lives are at stake. That is sick.
@11 “why correctnotright and Daddy Love are mute on ClimateGate?”
Maybe because what a few indiscreet people put in their e-mails has nothing to do with whether the planet is warming or not, and if it is, what’s causing it? I mean, puddy, can you explain what the cause-and-effect relationship between e-mail content and global climate change is? And how that works?
@30 “You, Puddy, however, just want to be partisan when human lives are at stake. That is sick.”
This is how puddy and all the other trolls define themselves — they’re reflexive knee-jerk a’ginners. If Democrats are for something they’re a’gin it. But this mentality isn’t limited to our local idiot-troll classs; it exists at the highest levels of the Goop Party:
“Bush’s approach in most situations seemed a reactive combination of calculations to avoid his father’s mistakes and to reject Clinton’s policies. This was especially clear in international affairs: in his first nine months he reversed Clinton’s policy toward China, proclaiming it no longer a ‘strategic partner’ but a ‘strategic competitor’; in the Middle East, by withdrawing U.S. involvement in the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians; toward Korea, by abandoning the negotiated accord that had frozen the North’s nuclear program and by humiliating President Kim of South Korea, who was promoting North-South reconciliation, during his March 2001 visit to the White House, contributing to a wave of anti-Americanism in a country that was among the staunchest American allies; by withdrawing U.S. support from the Kyoto treaty on global warming; and by forsaking Clinton’s efforts to address the dangers of international terrorism.” — Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
And the rest is history …
@30 Anyone who has studied the slightest amount of military history must inevitably expect military action to be accompanied by colossal fuckups with far-reaching historical consequences. What history teaches us is that military leaders rarely make the right decisions, and the outcomes of military conflicts are — to a disconcerting degree — in nearly all cases a product of sheer dumb luck. A few examples:
— The Civil War could have been won in 1862 if McClellan hadn’t failed to pursue Lee after the battle of Antietam.
— Germany would have won World War I in 1914 if General von Kluck hadn’t left his flank exposed in the battle of the Marne. (Now you know where the phrase “Dumb Kluck” came from.)
— Hitler committed so many blunders it’s hard to catalog them all: Holding back his panzers at Dunkirk; not invading England; splitting Army Group South between Stalingrad and the Caucusus instead of concentrating on capturing the Caucasian oilfields; not allowing Paulus to withdraw the Third Army from Stalingrad; not allowing Manstein to trade ground for tactical advantage during the withdrawal from Russia; pouring resources into building a useless naval surface fleet instead of more submarines; and many others. Hitler screwed up so many times it’s amazing he lasted as long as he did — chalk that up to Allied blunders (which also were legion) and dumb luck.
— Churchill screwed up so badly at Gallipoli the only good thing you can say about that campaign is that no vital Allied interest was at stake.
— MacArthur’s brilliance at Inchon is exceeded only by his bungling of every other facet of the Korean War. The most vivid of his failures was his belief China wouldn’t enter the war, but his spectacular tactical mistakes should not be overlooked.
— Although it’s difficult to top MacArthur’s stupidity in Korea, Westmoreland managed to do it in Vietnam by fighting for body counts instead of ground.
— Just when we thought Westmoreland was as dumb as they come, Bush invaded the wrong country, did it with too few troops, and let himself get sucked into an urban guerilla war.
I could go on, but you should get the idea by now — war is a total crapshoot. This is something every commander-in-chief and head of state has to consider: When you turn loose your government on the battlefields of the world, the military and civilian underlings who work for you are certain to fuck it up. It has never been otherwise. War is a total roll of the dice, with the outcome likely to depend on some unforeseeable and seemingly trivial screwup that’s totally beyond your control, so why would any rational national leader wander into the Fog Of War if he could possibly avoid it?
I heard on ABC-affiliate KOMO 1000 radio news tonight that Michaele and Tareq Salahi also crashed a Congressional Black Caucus event recently.
“…if he could possibly avoid it….”
If memory serves, one of the things that Obama ran on was getting out of Iraq and winning the ‘good’ war in Afghanistan.
If we leave now, the jihadist crazies will reclaim their old stomping grounds.
Ok Darryl, I’m going to try real hard to please you with a bunch of bad news. I know the substance is difficult for you to swallow…but by God, Cynical will try to follow the rules!! Perhaps you would rather focus on the rules…rather than the substance?? Anyway:
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Now, I expect these poll numbers to bounce a bit after last nights cowardly, non-leader speech where Obama pandered to you KLOWNS with his July, 2011 get out and other well-delivered but substanceless platitudes Obam-Mao is famous for.
Obam-Mao says nothing better than any human being…..ever!
When the DOW starts to retreat because the current rally is unsustainable with high unemployment and underemployment hovering around 17-18%….watch the numbers fade.
It’s about the economy and leadership.
Obama failed to tell Americans he is paying for his Afghan War escalation taxing Rich Guys more. What a genius! As unemployment climbs cuz Rich Guys say screw it and look for some time-off creating jobs and sustaining jobs…the situation will get more desperate.
Raising taxes on rich guys has negative matter how much you KLOWNS are in denial about it.
Cuz it ain’t a ZERO SUM GAME!
We need to grow the pie.
Temporary, unsustainable Government Jobs may save the Dems in 2010 & 2012.
Making more & more people reliant on the government can do that.
But it will eventually lead to the US losing it’s shine…especially for our kids & grandkids.
Obama was elected by the under-30 krowd. Almost 70% voted for him.
THE JOKE WILL BE ON THEM when it comes time to having a Budget where almost all of it goes for Debt & Interest. That is clearly where we are headed.
Obama is doing the same thing with Public Money that families who lived outside their means did.
PJ O’Rourke must have had Obam-Mao in mind when he talked about the easiest thing to do is spend OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY!!
The Chickens have come home to roost in Seattle, King County and Washington State.
They will come home to roost nationwide.
Common Denominator?
Roger Rabbit spews:
Is this really Roger Rabbit….who hates the fantasy rich Republican War Machine??
Wow. Sounds like you got a brief dose of reality Rog.
Next, think about how unsustainable & ridiculous it is to create more government jobs while the private sector is shriveling.
It is hard to believe it took Obam-Mao 92 days to come up with the strategy to give the Generals 3/4 of the troops they asked for and an 18-month timeline. The guy is a ………..tard!
While he was fumbling & bumbling….his pals the Taliban were able to regroup and strengthen. Americans died in record #’s in Afghanistan and now must “surge” against a stronger enemy. Obama had them on the run…then chickened out…just like Bush, Sr. did in Iraq with the Elite Military he had cornered.
I didn’t vote for Bush, Sr. in 1992 because of not finishing the job in Iraq and saying “read my lips”…and then blaming the Democrats for lying.
Proud Leftist has moronic mindless memory malady. Puddy volunteered for the military before receiving a honorable physical discharge fool. What, where, when and how did you serve? Puddy loves how Proud Leftist TRIES to put Puddy on the defensive but due to moronic mindless memory malady, his attack EPICALLY FAILS!
headless lucy@28,
You can change your name but Puddy always sniffs out moronic HA racists!
See ya fool!
Then how do you reconcile yourself to parts of the Old Testament Proud Leftist? How do you reconcile your self to parts of the New Testament Proud Leftist? How do you reconcile yourself to the Bible, God’s Holy Word Proud Leftist?
Wow, this was not expected from the son of a preacher man!
Goodness this fool Proud Leftist has no Bible concepts whatsoever. The brightness of Christ’s Second Coming will slay His enemies. He doesn’t need a M-16 when He can speak and it is so!
And you are the son of a preacher man?
Let’s just get out of these crazy foreign campaigns. We are not going to change the Middle East: they have to change themselves. Israel can take care of itself. Just close down the shows in Iraq and Afghanistan. Then start closing ALL overseas bases and bring everyone home. Time to shrink the empire.
All Puddy said which has yours and Roger Dumb Bunny’s pink lace panties in a wad was say
sounds very similar to Robert McNamara’s take in his book. Roger Dumb Bunny tried another of his “this is how it works” screeds but Puddy busted him again for possible “plagiarizing”. The response from Roger Dumb Bunny@17 was priceless and you, being the moronic mindless progressive lawyer from the Kitsap Peninsula, why would Puddy expect anything less Proud Leftist?
Let’s take it apart to help the Dumb Bunny…
– can you explain what the cause-and-effect relationship between e-mail content and global climate change is? Since the original data was thrown away and only the modified data is available this question is irrelevant.
Why is Phil Jones under investigation by East Anglia University?
Stephen Schneider, Stanford professor under scrutiny?
Why is James Hansen, Director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies under scrutiny?
Why is Gavin Schmidt, NASA climate modeler under scrutiny?
Why is PSU investigating Mike Mann and his “hockey stick”?
Why is the peer reviewed process under scrutiny?
Why did they hide from Freedom of Information Act Requests?
Why did they purposely block their antagonists with roadblock after roadblock?
Why has George Monbiot asking for a full investigation? George was a global warming proponent and he’s pizzed now after reading this email…
From: Phil Jones
To: ray bradley,,
Subject: Diagram for WMO Statement
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 13:31:15 +0000
Dear Ray, Mike and Malcolm,
Once Tim’s got a diagram here we’ll send that either later today or first thing tomorrow. I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline. Mike’s series got the annual land and marine values while the other two got April-Sept for NH land N of 20N. The latter two are real for 1999, while the estimate for 1999 for NH combined is +0.44C wrt 61-90. The Global estimate for 1999 with data through Oct is +0.35C cf. 0.57 for 1998.
Thanks for the comments, Ray.
Prof. Phil Jones
Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 +44 (0) 1603 592090
School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784
University of East Anglia
Norwich Email
Or since there is agreement the Earth has been cooling since 1998 they had to “fudge” the data. They admit they’ve fudged the data for decades Roger Dumb Bunny. Puddy sees you are in standard mode – – – not paying attention to facts.
See ya Dumb Bunny
Puddy know the reason most HA Libtardos skip over Puddy comments…
Too many facts which explode progressive libtardo thought processes!
Hey Roger Dumb Bunny…
More ClimateGate stuff for you to chew on…
From: “Michael E. Mann”
To: Tim Osborn , Keith Briffa
Subject: update
Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2006 16:51:53 -0500
Reply-to: mann@xxx
Cc: Gavin Schmidt
guys, I see that Science has already gone online w/ the new issue, so we put up the RC post. By now, you’ve probably read that nasty McIntyre thing. Apparently, he violated the embargo on his website (I don’t go there personally, but so I’m informed).
Anyway, I wanted you guys to know that you’re free to use RC in any way you think would be helpful. Gavin and I are going to be careful about what comments we screen through, and we’ll be very careful to answer any questions that come up to any extent we can. On the other hand, you might want to visit the thread and post replies yourself. We can hold comments up in the queue and contact you about whether or not you think they should be screened through or not, and if so, any comments you’d like us to include.
You’re also welcome to do a followup guest post, etc. think of RC as a resource that is at your disposal to combat any disinformation put forward by the McIntyres of the world. Just let us know. We’ll use our best discretion to make sure the skeptics dont’get to use the RC comments as a megaphone…
mike [PuddyEmphasis] Now isn’t this amazing Roger Dumb Bunny… That’s Mr Hockey Stick Mike Mann. You are such a tool Roger Dumb Bunny!
No wonder correctnotright is mute. Puddy been asking these questions and all Puddy received from correctnotright and his moronic sidekicks was “Where was the Peer Reviewed Data?” well now we see what “peer reviewed” really is in the Climate Change arena.
So lookie here Dumb Bunny… Remember when Puddy placed one of Chris de Freitas of New Zealand papers and correctnotright screamed “He ain’t peer reviewed”? Well you can visit ylb arschloch’s tctmgr database. Ask him Roger Dumb Bunny he has every PuddyMissive on file. Well we see below how his paper didn’t make it past review into the IPCC’s 2007 AR4. Now why is that again Roger Dumb Bunny?
PuddyEmphasis – WTF is that Roger Dumb Bunny? Redefine what peer reviewed literature is? Amazing and you are sooooooooooooooooo stupid to see the tree in the forest.
The DOS EQUUS Commencial line modified – “Stay Stupid My Friend”!!
So Puddy will start ignoring questions from correctnotright on future topics. Seems he doesn’t have the BALLS to admit something strange is going on and his heroes have cooked the data.
So Roger Dumb Bunny since you claim to be a legal beagle would you agree the ClimateGate poseurs are involved in an intricate game of
1. Obstruction of Justice
2. Violating Environmental Laws
3. Falsifying Data
4. Conspiracy
5. Evidence Suppression
6. Evidence Tampering
7. Bribery
8. Government Fraud
9. Computer Fraud
10. Public Corruption
11. Impugning Reputations
12. Libeling their critics
And da beat goes on…. da beat goes on…
@49. So, in other word, acting like a corrupt Republican.
Wow Blew John,
That’s your best response for ClimateGate and “fixing” the data? These are Al “The Debate Is Over” Gorebasm’s bestus buds in the climate arena!
Hmmm… 25 Ethics investigations in Congress this year? Moronic mindless memory malady strikes another!
As He Lay Dying
A 63-year-old school counselor died of a heart attack in a Philadelphia emergency room after waiting over 80 minutes for a nurse — and then his dead body was robbed by other patients — the Associated Press reports.
Cripes, that sounds like, you know, socialized medicine in Canada. Except this was a private ER in America.
No MISTER PuddyBudddy-
It’s because your comments are barely relevant. You have a belligerent, superior attitude. Your responses are obnoxious. Your conclusions are almost always flawed…and usually wrong. You are so sure of your tenuous grasp of an issue you make blanket generalizations which YOU promote as fact and just EXPECT everyone else here to play along.
THAT’s why us “libtardos” skip past your literally hundreds of mind-numbingly stupid comments. For me, it’s just those little, incremental minutes of my life (which add up over time) that I will never get back. You’re a boring time waster, dude.
@37 Why are you surprised? Do you blind-post without reading the comments you post about? I’ve been saying for years on this blog that Bush blundered by invading Iraq at the expense of our military effort in Afghanistan where the real war is. It seems you’re another ignorant troll who has no fucking idea what Roger Rabbit’s stated positions are, because you never read a fucking thing. It seems you guys, inside your bubble, love to hear yourselves talk so much that you never hear what anyone else has to say.
@47: I am not mute – just busy. Ummm, no smoking gun here – just a bunch of scientists making fun of the idiots who don’t understand science…what is so bad about that?
The climate change deniers have Fred Singer….and just about no one else …and poor Fred is off his rocker….he thinks coal is the answer….guess he never heard of acid rain. What a bunch of fools and idiots?
Oh and Puddy……still waiting for peer reviewed articles. :)
@38 Another idiot troll who thinks national leaders should make back-of-envelope decisions about major military strategy. See Hitler 1.0 and Bush 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 …
Should I remind Klown that it took Bush’s daddy SEVEN MONTHS to respond to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990? That one worked out well because someone took the time to think the problem through.
@45 Oh, I see — this proves the North Cascades glaciers, the Greenland ice cap, and the Antarctic ice shelf are all expanding. It doesn’t take much to make you smug and happy, does it?
@49 No.
correctnotright fell right into the trap
Here is your response direct from your friends…
Since your side stacks the deck these emails are revealing on how the data and the peer reviewed system was hijacked.
correctnotright still hasn’t responded to Puddy’s George Monbiot comment.
Dumb Bunny@59,
Well others disagree with you.
See ya Dumb Bunny!
Of course correctnotright has nothing to say about
Because correctnotright skips over this small fact!
RR @ various posts above: Gosh, the number of military mistakes and foul-ups are so numerous, I’m tempted to add quite a few more. But the Civil War alone has far, far too many to list here.
But I can’t help but quibble with you about whether Hitler should have invaded Britain in the summer of 1940. This is a frequent “What if” question asked on history discussion boards, and there is a lot of misunderstandings about the subject.
Germany was always a land power, it had no experience in amphibious invasions, no suitable equipment, trained personnel, or doctrines. They knew so little that they didn’t know how little they knew. The time for them to start preparing for an amphibious invasion of Britain was about 1936, not the spring of 1940. They would have needed that much time to build the support ships, landing craft, and develop and practice and amphibious doctrine against a defended beachhead.
The German plans for the invasion (“SeaLion” in English) called for them to have ships tow strings of Rhine River barges across the English Channell. They didn’t have enough men who knew how to operate the barges of suitable military age, and they didn’t even have enough life vests – the plans called for each man, upon landing upon a defended beach, to take off his harness and gear, carry the life vest to a collection point where it would be loaded back in the barges for use by the next wave, and then put back on his harness and gear, and only then pay attention to the machine guns and artillary which are shooting at him!
The Luftwaffe, which was at that time was only about equal in parity to the British in numbers of modern fighters, managed to miss the meeting where the main plans were set, and was therefore assigned to (a) conduct bomber escort missions over London in an attempt to disrupt transportation centers & mobilization and as a diversion; (b) attain air superiority over the channel, beachheads, and roads leading to the landing sites, (c) attack and sink the British Home Fleet (presumably sailing south into the Channel from it’s base at Scapa Flow), (d) provide “airborne artillary” to support the landing forces; and(e) conduct reconnaisance and provide a barrier against British naval forces entering the Channel from the western entrance.
Oh, and don’t forget, the German army wasn’t nearly as mechanized in 1940 as people believe, the German invasion force planned to load quite a few of the barges with horses to provide logistics transport once in Britain! (One can only imagine how those horses would have reacted while in a river barge sailing on the English Channel, all while being bombed and shelled, and with the towing vessell trying to take evasive action while towing up to five barges in a string).
And that’s not even counting the more sophisticated issues of amphibious warfare, such as having good ground/air/naval communications links, trained forward observers on the ground that can direct both air and naval gunfire against opposing forces, “combat loading” of logistics aboard ships so that the supplies needed first (ammo, medical supplies) are off-loaded before rations, headquarters tents, movie projectors and propoganda films, etc. (If you think this isn’t an issue, note that the Marines had to off-load cargo on the docks in New Zealand and re-load the ships prior to the invasion of Guadalcanal.)
And don’t forget that the Royal Navy isn’t going to sit back and wait to see how things work out. The Channel Ports were being watched closely by British reconnaisance aircraft, and at the first signs of a German invasion fleet sailing, the would be raising anchors and heading south, with minesweepers in the lead. They could avoid German aircraft by approaching and entering the channel at night (there were very few night-capable fighter-bombers at that time of the war). Then as one writer put it, they could sink all the barges in the invasion fleet without firing a round – they need only pass close enough by at high speed, and their wake would be sufficient to sink the barges.
Anyway, I’ve always thought that someone in the German High Command told a staff officer that Hitler had ordered him to come up with an invasion plan of Britain. Imagine this sort of conversation: “It’s all nonsense, of course, because we don’t have the naval resources we need to mount an amphibious assault. Just put together a plan as best you can, but make sure it shows how ridiculous the whole idea was. We need a plan which even Hitler would reject as being impossible!”
Puddy thinks it’s very funny rujax is lecturing Puddy when rujax barely scratches the intelligence surface on his own blog. You bring nothing to the argument except ad hominem smears.
Good Bye!
Well Roger Dumb Bunny what were to circumstances around that? Another of your blind posts without remembering the circumstances. Since a black pilot buddy of PacMan and Puddy used Saudi Arabian airfields, Puddy has a grasp on what happened back then.
Puddy @ various: Let’s overlook the criminal nature of the hacking of University of East Anglia’s computers and focus on the substantive scientific issue.
“The university said in a statement: ‘The selective publication of some stolen e-mails and other papers taken out of context is mischievous and cannot be considered a genuine attempt to engage with this issue in a responsible way’.” (Quoted from Wikipedia, which footnotes to the original media source.)
This is sooo Republican of you, puddy — selective publication, quoting out of context, solely for the purpose of causing mischief with no intent to seriously engage the issue. That’s what you guys do, it’s your M.O., and it’s intellectually dishonest.
That said, your cloyingly repetitive rants on this topic aren’t worth another minute of my (or anybody else’s) time.
Looks like Germany didn’t like the Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm Afghanistan speech…
Obama’s Magic No Longer Works
Poor Poor Dumb Bunny… Phile Jones said the emails were authentic. There are 161 Megabytes of emails graphs and pdf files. These documents are all available for review. You can find them too.
Also Dumb Bunny these peeps have willfully impugned anyone who challenges them. They are willing to rewrite the rules of peer reviewed to keep their opponents at bay.
So you can read all the leftist (WikiPedia) swill you want.
Bible-thumping preacher and “Fair Tax” supporter-cum GOP presidential candidate-cum talk show host Mike Huckabee this week attempted to blame Arkansas and Washington bureaucrats for Maurice Clemmons’ release from custody.
He’s full of shit. This is totally a Made-In-Arkansas fiasco.
This morning’s fishwrapper reports: “When Maurice Clemmons, the man suspected of killing four Lakewood police officers, walked free from a Pierce County jail last week, it wasn’t for lack of effort on the part of Washington officials to keep him behind bars.
“Documents released Tuesday show that a wide variety of state and local officials — everyone from prosecutors to sheriff’s deputies to corrections officers — viewed Clemmons as a dangerous man, and wanted desperately to keep him in custody.
“But Washington officials encountered resistance from … their correctional colleagues in Arkansas. … The tension between the two states started in July and is captured in a round of e-mail exchanges that show just how frustrated Washington officials became with their Arkansas counterparts.
“Clemmons was arrested in Washington on July 1. … Arkansas had an interest in Clemmons because he remained on parole in that state. … When Clemmons landed in trouble in May 2009, Arkansas issued a warrant for violating the conditions of his parole. This warrant, if enforced, would have allowed Washington to keep Clemmons in jail without chance of posting bond.
“But on July 16, an Arkansas official notified the Washington State Department of Corrections (DOC) that Arkansas was rescinding its warrant. Marjorie Owens, a Washington DOC administrator, wrote a blistering response on July 23, saying Arkansas’ decision appeared to violate the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision (ICAOS), an agreement governing how states treat one another’s offenders who are on supervision. ‘I’m concerned that you have no problem releasing your offender into our community, based on his behavior,’ she wrote. ‘I thought ICAOS was all about community safety.’ Owens also wrote: ‘Hopefully the offender will not get out on bail.’
“On Aug. 5, an Arkansas parole official named Linda Strong sent a terse reply: ‘The warrant was rescinded. When the pending charges are adjudicated we will reconsider the case.’ A document released by Arkansas Tuesday says the warrant ‘was recalled at the request of [Arkansas Department of Community Correction] director G. David Guntharp after conversations he had with the offender’s wife and mother.'”
(Quoted under fair use from http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....oc02m.html)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So there you have it — Arkansas’ governor released a dangerous offender from prison, Arkansas’ DOC sent its parolee to Washington, and Arkansas’ DOC refused to arrest him when he violated parole by raping a child because they let Clemmons’ family talk them into letting him remain free — the same family that’s now behind bars for rendering criminal assistance to help Clemmons elude arrest after murdering four Washington cops in cold blood — assistance that very nearly resulted in the death of another cop … but for the grace of God and a cop’s fast gun hand, there would now be five dead Washington cops.
What an Arkansas clusterfuck. And Huckabee, the idiot who released this guy from prison in the first place, is trying to blame Washington for him being on the streets? What a fucking liar. If this guy ever runs for prez again, he shouldn’t get a single vote in our state — not one.
KA-BLAM-MO!!!! Sucka-sucka-sucka-sucka-K-K-K-K-blammmmmmmmo!
Woo Hooo!!!!!
See Ya Sucka!!!!
(that’s fun in a pretty juvenile kinda way…but, well…that’s our MISTER PuddyBuddy ain’t it? A little juvenile…a little cluelesss, a lot obnoxious.)
“We’ll now look at why he was here and what breakdowns there were back in Arkansas,” Pierce County sheriff’s spokesman Ed Troyer said Tuesday a few hours after the manhunt for Maurice Clemmons had ended. “What we’re concerned about is him [Huckabee] taking us to task and possibly blaming us for something that he knows we had nothing to do with.”
From Danny Westneat in the ST at http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....nny02.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is extraordinary. Official police spokesmen, in official statements, never criticize politicians. But Huckabee’s attempt to deflect blame from himself and his state by pointing fingers at Washington is so fucking lame that Ed Troyer, who is perhaps the best-known and most respected public face of any police agency in Washington, couldn’t remain silent any longer.
Look out!
A new American Hero for MISTER PuddyBuddy and the Cyniklown!!
Roger, may we start a “draft Roger Rabbit” as a HA contributor campaign?
Puddy saw this a week ago on another site. Mrs Puddy cracked up laughing since it would have been exposed long ago fool! Glad to see you are finally catching up to the rest of the world. Too bad you had to get it from crooks and liars. Kook-aid drinker!
@49. I hope you have the same sense of outrage as we keep uncovering ways bush and cheney made stuff up and shaded the truth to get to invade Iraq. That’s cost us a lot more money and lives so far.
Or does your outrage only get applied to causes associated with liberals?
Foooool. Foooool.
KA-BLAM-MO!!!! Sucka-sucka-sucka-sucka-K-K-K-K-blammmmmmmmo!
Woo Hooo!!!!!
See Ya Sucka!!!!
Blew John@75,
Got that from Daily Kooks eh?
An Iranian doctor who died after exposing the Iranian government’s torture of pro-democracy protesters was poisoned by a drug-laced salad, forensic tests show.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, the whole world now knows that Iran’s ultra-conservative, ultra-nationalistic, theocratic government is a brutal dictatorship that rigs elections and murders opponents.
Why would anyone want an ultra-conservative, ultra-nationalistic, theocratic government that arrests opponents in our country?
What I mean is, why would anyone vote for such people?
Now we know who has the brains in THAT household.
@49. Were you outraged when you found out carl rove and friends had used an off site email server to communicate outside of the official government transparency and oversight?
@73 Sure.
Rumsfeld calls out Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm:
““In his speech to the nation last night, President Obama claimed that ‘Commanders in Afghanistan repeatedly asked for support to deal with the reemergence of the Taliban, but these reinforcements did not arrive.’ Such a bald misstatement, at least as it pertains to the period I served as Secretary of Defense, deserves a response.””
Keep that thought. It’s your first in a very very long time!
@49. and 75.
Or does your outrage only get applied to causes associated with liberals?
Thanks for the response. Since you evaded answering the question, you confirmed you only allow yourself to be upset with liberal causes. What ever the republicans do is not to be questioned apparently.
@68 See #66. I know you haven’t read it — that’s obvious from your idiotic comment @68.
Sorry Puddy doesn’t troll whackamole sites.
Looks like Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s speech was similar to his March 2009 Afghanistan speech. So why did it take over 100 days to give the almost same speech?
Oh yeah we’re gonna withdraw July 2011. He need that long to figger out the calendar.
Bullshit Blew John. Puddy called out Mark Foley. Puddy called out Larry Craig. Puddy called out Duke Cunningham. Ask ylb arschloch for the original PuddyMissives.
Get your head out of your partners ASS and start remembering facts fool!
@85, start reading about ClimateGate on the Internet Dumb Bunny. Read how the universities are embarrassed over their complicity with these “professors”. Puddy knows you haven’t because of your glassy eyed stupid Dumb Bunny commentary all over this thread!
Interesting set there.
Mark Foley – Resigned from Congress after allegations surfaced that he had sent suggestive emails and sexually explicit instant messages to teenaged males
Larry Craig – Craig had been arrested for lewd conduct in the men’s restroom
Duke Cunningham – Cunningham resigned from the House after pleading guilty to accepting at least $2.4 million in bribes.
You called out the first two for being gay? or not admitting they were gay?
The last guy, was blatantly corrupt. That’s almost like getting outranged that water is wet.
An observation, you “call out” the Republicans that get Caught.
So no outrage with Rove, bush or cheney because no formal charges were leveled yet?
Then until Obama or the climate guys get arrested or resign, you should be quiet and support them. Once they are, then you can “call them out”.
Just helping you be consistent.
@89 The e-mail sideshow has nothing to do with whether CO2 is a greenhouse gas, whether humans are spewing billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, whether global temperatures are rising, whether alpine glaciers and polar ice caps are melting, and what all of this means for the 50% of humanity that lives on or near seacoasts. Those are indisputable facts, and the antics of a couple of university types has no bearing on the issue whatsoever.
Should I add, pudkins, that you’re stupid, disingenuous, and dishonest? You truly were hatched from a rock. Hell, I know pebbles that can do better.
The true meaning of the email brouhaha is that conservatives can continue to EVADE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for espousing policies that are killing the planet.
The ice caps are melting — not their fault. Just read the emails.
Blew John@90, Go back and Google Puddy’s comments. Or you can contact HA arschloch, ylb arschloch and he can give you exactly what Puddy said!
It wasn’t Puddy running around saying Merry Fitzmas! Besides, every time your side attacks Cheney, Robert Gibbs has to clean up your shits and say Cheney was right. Puddy knows it pains Gibbs to have to say it but the facts are the facts Blew John.
There you go headless lucy… revisionist history removed.
MISTER PuddyBuddy just ought to admit he’s WRONG (which he’s done exactly ONCE) and go away.
Go away little man.
First Roger Dumb Bunny, nice run-on sentence. The email brouhaha is about CO2 temperature effects. They thought CO2 was a cooling event in the 70s. Then they switched and said CO2 is a heating event, a greenhouse gas. So they had to massage the data to show it. They predicted massive number of hurricanes after Katrina. Never materialized, just a pack of lies from progressives. Now we see the data doesn’t track their CO2 temperature elevation hypotheses!
headless lucy@90,
Did you forget what Puddy said about Kyoto? Of course you did. You have moronic mindless memory malady. Here let Puddy help your sorry ASS. It wasn’t Rochester or Lionel, it was Puddy.
Here Roger Dumb Bunny…
You are one of those evolutionists…”Professor Plimer said climate change was caused by natural events such as volcanic eruptions, the shifting of the Earth’s orbit and cosmic radiation. He said: “Carbon dioxide levels have been up to 1,000 times higher in the past. CO2 cannot be driving global warming now.
“In the past we have had rapid and significant climate change with temperature changes greater than anything we are measuring today. They are driven by processes that have been going on since the beginning of time.””
Looking at Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s Afghanistan speech, where was the word victory mentioned?
Sure, asshole…like YOU really do.
Bullshittium flings both ways, “SUCKA”…”FOOL”…and/or whatever other playground taunts you want to use. I’ll “KA-Blammo” your ass for ya…LOLOLOL.
Puddy will give you one chance to prove you are no dumb cinder block. Show Puddy where you brought a real, thought out argument worthy of discussion not found on TPM, Media Matters, Daily Kos, CAP, MoveOn, Code Pink or any other moronic whackamole site?
Once again BLATHERMOUTH…you bring NOTHING here except your imbecilic rantings and cadged right-wing vomit points.
To “coin a phrase” (haha) “Rujax don’t answer NO questions from dumbass conservatardos”.
You are the LEAST original thinker here and truly an object of scorn and derision.
The “sucka-poppa” is kinda like a play machine gun. I like it. Like when we used to play war with sound effects…back in THIRD GRADE.
Drool on MISTER PuddyBuddy. We’re done here.
Yep we’re done rujax. You are a real simpleton, a real dumb cinder block.
Puddy gave you two hours. Puddy didn’t expect much from rujax, being a cinder block! You proved Puddy right!
Thanks for playing fool!
See ya sucka!
Puddy @ 41 and 42
I would never have thought that you could push your craziness so far as to argue that Christ and Scripture are pro-war. Thank you, Puddy, for the amazement you provide me. You have no clue about just war theory and you don’t seem to have really digested Christ’s words (ever read the Beatitudes? Something about “Blessed are the peacemakers . . .” Puddy, you really lost it here. And, by the way, since you continually want to bring up my father’s occupation, he would eat you alive on the issue of the Christian perspective on war. For that matter, I, with my much more limited theological background, would eat you alive as well. Your thoughts on war are those of the Republican Party, not Christianity. You are lying to yourself and everyone else by contending otherwise. Wow. You are something else.
@62: And Puddy has nothing to say about quoting the hack scientist S. Fred Singer….who:
Note that Singer was caught red-handed along with other global climate change denier groups trying to:
“raising questions about and undercutting the ‘prevailing scientific wisdom'” on climate change
Hmm, compared to that the crap that Puddy put out is….tame.
and that “trick” was because the actual data was flawed…..
Oh well, Puddy try again sometime when you have the real goods and not just some crap science again.