Please join us tonight for a Veteran’s Day gathering of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday evening at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. The starting time is 8:00 pm, but feel free to show up earlier to watch election returns.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the other Washington state chapters of Drinking Liberally that meets over the next week. The Tri-Cities, Redmond, and Vancouver, WA chapters also meet on Tuesday. On Wednesday, the Bellingham and Spokane chapters meet. The Bremerton chapter meets on Thursday. And next Monday, the Aberdeen and Olympia chapters meet.
With 202 chapters of Living Liberally, including seventeen in Washington state, three in Oregon and three in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting somewhere near you.
Does anyone believe this shit?
Ummm, is there a special DUMMOCRETIN election?
DAYUM Funny…
@1. He is fortunate he has the means to afford excellent health care. Millions in this country don’t have access to that level of care.
Probably the only reason Putin was put in the center of the photo was so he wouldn’t embarrass China’s first lady again.
Not sure why you think it’s funny that conservatives don’t think that women can’t lead countries and that they only attend important conferences as wives of male leaders. Way to keep spreading that misogynist credo for your party, Puddy.
Don Don Don,
Obummer isn’t with the leaders in the center, he’s off to the side. And it’s typical a DUMMOCRETIN would go misogynist! The wives club are the wives of the leaders you moron. Puddy wonders why Mrs. Obummer didn’t make the trip? Maybe she was afraid of being upstaged by another first lady!
Since you are mentally lacking… It was Republican women who won big last week while the party of misogynists kicked their wimens to the curb. Now why did that happen? Why did Wendy Davis get rejected by Texas wimens? Maybe Abortion Barbie was an empty pant suit, dress, skirt? Lost by 20 points! A blowout landslide! What happened to Michelle Nunn? PMSNBC claimed she was leading! Blowout again! Sandra Fluke – See ya! Natalie Tennant was really blown out! And last but certainly not least was Alison Blundering Crimes!!! She was kicked out too!
Joni Ernst – Winner
Susan Collins – Winner
Mia Love – Winner
Shelley Capito – Winner
Elise Stefanik – Winner
Susana Martinez – Winner
Konni Burton – Winner
Nikki Haley – Winner
Mary Fallow – Winner
Sux to be you!
@1 God doesn’t like that guy, it seems, if you believe in that sort of thing.
Nice little Veteran’s Essay on the Iraq War.
So, what did we gain from it? Are we safer? Is motor fuel cheaper? did we learn any valuable military lessons from it? Or was it just an excuse to kill a lot of young Americans, break someone else’s shit and burn their babies, and make some quick money in the process? Ol’ Spittle Puddles sure greased the shit outta his fleshlight up over it, while calling the soldiers themselves cowards.
You gonna lie about this one too Spitzo? You gonna hang on the jowls of those big badass corporate politicians you worship so cravenly and lick the phlegm off their cheeks, roll over on your back hoping to get trickled down upon? Cause that’s all you’ve been doing since I’ve been here.
Calling others misogynist and then using every outdated stereotypical cliche that men make towards women. PMS? Pant suit? Really? Can you ever make a comment without calling people names? Impossible.
Puddy been calling PMSNBC for years Don Don. Just ask the monomaniacal moronic moonbat to check the crazed databaze! BTW a libtard named it monomaniacal!
Hillary Clinton wears pant suits all the time! You have a problem with that?
Lost in space as always!
Got proof racist deadtoad? Or is this another of your useless insipid train wrecks?
We’ll wait. Ask for the crazed databaze deala for help!
BTW… This was from a leftist DUMMOCRETIN libard! He’s been excoriated by many on both sides. He’s one of yours racist deadtoad; a pinhead DUMMOCRETIN. And Puddy knows you 100% agree with him.
Hey Don Don,
Why no commentary on those losing DUMMOCRETIN wimens? No commentary on the party of women – Republicans. Wendy – kicked to the curb by DUMMOCRETIN wimens!
Snopes has entered the act…
Breitbart gets a pants on fire:
Heh. They love doing that. They had a ball looking through those White House visitor logs seeing Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Bertha Lewis (and Michael Jordan) not thinking for a second that some White House tourist might also have those names and knowing full well that their idiot readers would swallow that crap.
But if Puddystupid was a tourist visitor -well they would have got that right. Only one moron like that in the whole world. A freak of nature.
Sure sucks to be klownservative dopes (like our village idiot troll) living off that Breitbart tripe.
ACA Silver plan premiums on average falling in price in 48 major US cities:
Medicare for all is better but it’s helpful indeed that more people have access to affordable health insurance..
A state of affairs that makes klownservative heads EXPLODE! Totally sux to be them.
This guy is a total irritating idiot:
But at least he’s an equal opportunity irritant. He uses his “socratic method” with public figures on the left, right and everywhere in between.
Check out his interviews with the tool Matt Boyle of Breitbart.
I’d love to see him do an interview with Pudge. It’d be a scream! Liar! Liar! Liar!
Damn! He has a regret????
Well to be fair he admitted he erred by goading the terraists with “bring it on” (lots of IEDS planted over that shit) and looking down at bloated bodies in NOLA from Air Force 1..
But what happened to Mr. “resolute”???
What happened to appealing to the “higher father”??? Didn’t the daddy upstairs say all was cool???
Poor empty suit must have worn out his pant knees appealing to the “higher father”..
Jim Beam must be an easier reach for the “deciderer” these days..
Puddy called it… Vox is a left wrong web site. The monomaniacal moronic moonbat is using it!
Hey monomaniacal moronic moonbat, what happens to the silver plan cost if the SCOTUS claims the tax credits are unconstitutional now we know one of the architects admits it’s a tax and calling it a mandate was a lie?
Oh wait… You can’t find that on Vox or other left wrong sites!
@13 This earns a great big “so what.” Who cares what Gruber says? What matters is: (a) Uninsured people can now afford health insurance, (b) insurance companies can no longer deny coverage for pre-existing conditions or cancel coverage for people who become sick, (c) American families are no longer threatened by medical bankruptcy as they were. Republicans had 30 years to address America’s failing health care system and did absolutely nothing, and were committed to never, ever, doing anything about it. It took a Democratic president and congress to pass a reform law, and the fact they did it without a single Republican vote in either house tells you everything you need to know about who does and doesn’t care about workers and the middle class. Finally, if it’s “stupid” for healthy people to pay into a system that pays benefits to sick people, then everyone who has car insurance, home insurance, liability insurance, life insurance, or any other kind of insurance is “stupid.” That’s not the kind of analysis I’d expect from an MIT economist, or any other economist, and when you also consider how many times Gruber has walked back from his own remarks, I think we have to conclude that Gruber — and the moron troll who cites him — is the stupid one.
@14 That’s what happens to you when you don’t do the fact-checking that any 12-year-old could accomplish in 30 seconds or less. Of course, Breitbart caters to an audience that doesn’t do any fact-checking either, so they can get away with it.
The moron @ 18 is trying to act smart.
John Roberts called it a tax too stupid. Said the Congress has the power to tax therefore ACA is constitutional … Oooh sure sux to be you..
Tax credits are “unconstitutional”… Tax credits are taken every tax time silly..
You saying these are “unconstitutional”?
Oooh say it’s not so.. Sure sux to be you…
Oh the architect, (who also had a hand in RomneyCare) an academic looking down his nose at the sausage making process of legislation.. Snobbery is an occupational hazard for many academics. He also said flaws and all he’d rather have the law than not.
Oooh sux to be you stupid.
In addition to the “regret” expressed @ 17, the “deciderer” apparently doesn’t regret all the lives, limbs and other assorted body parts wasted in the meat grinders he “deciderered”..
Unless Jim Beam is helping the “uniter not dividerer” forget any other such regrets.
Just a little extra thing to ponder on Veteran’s day.
Hey Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit and monomaniacal moronic moonbat, it’s you low information voters who slovenly voted for the lie. Republicans didn’t vote for this lie NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit. And Real Americans rejected 28 DUMMOCRETIN senators, either by their retirement or their election night losses! Real Americans don’t want this.
ObummerCare has never polled positively in a LEGITIMATE poll! When the next 25-60 million people view their cost increases in their health care coverage they will join the 5.7 million people who LOST their health care coverage which means they lost their personal doctor after being told they could keep their personal doctor.
Puddy referred to what Gruber said you low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat. Still can’t process facts. Low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat yesterday… today… and until you die!
Regarding SCOTUS low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat, the Obummer sadministration claimed it was a mandate not a tax when they pled their case. It was Roberts who made it a tax. You don’t think SCOTUS has been watching Gruber now that they are looking at the subsidy next year? Even Gruber claimed in another video that they PURPOSELY created the state subsidy to force the states to join ObummerCare. Then when the wake-up call came in about only 14 states creating their exchanges and the subsidies, Gruber and comapany said that’s okay. Butt since it’s written in the law for states only, now SCOTUS will hear the case.
Man you really are chronologically stoooooooooooopid and inferior even to an amoeba low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat!
And this picture says it all…
Oh my.. Al Franken[stein] probably in from illegal aliens illegally voting?
Butt that’s okay… to DUMMOCRETINS the ends justify the means!
Police scumbags
@26 Glad to see you protesting abuse of forfeiture laws by corrupt police, Spuds. For more on this topic, you may be interested in reading these articles:
@23 “ObummerCare has never polled positively in a LEGITIMATE poll!”
You mean THIS poll?
@23 (continued) Or maybe what you mean is the public, even though they like what Obamacare does for them, nevertheless dislikes “Obamacare” in a “keep the government’s hands off my Medicare” sense. You know, like training rats to eat cheese when a bell rings.
I have no doubt that you will be UNABLE to process this fact…
oooh you soo stupid so sux to be you..
Golly monomaniacal moronic moonbat… there is no way to prove your point from the LA Times. You don’t produce the actual brief just some article from the paper. is not on the Department of Justice web site… and when you read the transcript Verrilli offers it as a tax in front of the court because he’s forced to. Yet Obummer claimed over and over it’s not a tax.
PROVE IT! Puddy just proved Puddy’s point. In your own words…I have no doubt that you will be UNABLE to process this fact…
IDIOT Wabbit@27,
A LEGITIMATE Poll where there is balance between the number of DUMMOCRETINS and Republicans and Independents in the poll; not one skewed towards more DUMMOCRETINS polled.
Good try though!
This explains it…
@31 Thanks for clarifying that a poll isn’t “legitimate” unless it says what you want it to say.
Wow. Thanks for admitting there were more DUMMOCRETINS polled. More agreement from the IDIOT Wabbit!
Thanks for playing IDIOT Wabbit!
More truths the leftist DUMMOCRETINS are trying to bury with ObummerCare and Professor Gruber. Why do libtards who are toooooo stoooooooooopid (stupid virus found) continue put their trust in DUMMOCRETIN professors? – Remember Mika’s job is to defend Obummer and DUMMOCRETINS on PMSNBC!
So Obummer is using Howard the Duck to deliver the gravitas now? Imagine if they play the Gruber tapes to SCOTUS next year?
HERO Trey Gowdy said last night… “I can’t even get past the irony of that to even get to the arrogance of him calling our fellow citizens stupid.”
Max Baucus (DUMMOCRETIN) in 2009: “The Congressional Budget Office and Professor Gruber are both credible and unbiased sources. We’re not bought and sold by the insurance industry.”
No wonder Nancy Pelosi didn’t want to read the bill before passing it.
And in the grand scheme of things… The federal deficit now goes up with ObummerCare… due to all the delays, the cadillac tax delay and lower savings than originally “thought”!
The Clintons are royalty now…
Only on Al Not-So-Sharpton!
Impressive work from one person…
PuddyCommentary: Unfortunately for Dave Weigel, there’s no “seemed to be” about it. Professor Gruber is making Republican argument for us! .Hook. .Line. .Sinker.
Where is the AP on this? How could they miss this? Anything about Republicans is front and center with the AP. Puddy bets they found this and their buried it.
Uhhhh Ohhh… A third Gruber video has appeared…
More great news from an ObummerCare architect! DUMMOCRETINS are low information voters (LIVs) per Professor Gruber. Stooooooooooooopid and uninformed and that’s the way they want y’all to stay!
Gruber was on the Kelly File back in November when 5,091,843 peeps at that time lost health insurance.
At any point in the nearly 30 years from planning to landing it cold have been cancelled as a waste of tax money, too big a dream, not worth the cost or any number of reasons to not do it.
Congratulations humanity. We landed a probe on an asteroid travelling more than 175,000km/hr and we’re going to get to find out so much more about the make-up of the universe.
“We should be deporting Comets, not studying them.” Sen. Ted Cruz.
“Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko sounds like a Russian! Nuke it.” Frmr U.N. Ambassador John Bolton
“I’m not a scientist but there are many scientists out there who aren’t sure humans can land a probe on a comet.” House Speaker John Bohener
You are UNABLE to process the fact.
“claimed it was a mandate not a tax when they pled their case”
It was in the brief. If it wasn’t in the brief Scalia wouldn’t have talked about it idiot!
Roberts didn’t “create” anything.. This is in the Roberts decision:
The government MADE the argument. Roberts concurred. ASSHOLE!
oooo.. As Pudge would say: you lied!
So???? And your beloved empty-suit you voted for twice said there was a threat to your miserable ass from rotting chem weapons rounds buried in Iraq. Damn! What scary piles of WMD making you dump piles out your ass. Now this country is trillions of dollars poorer and YOU ARE HAPPY about that!
You now looking down your stupid nose at politics like the academic Gruber?
The ACA is law and it’s helping people.. Not killing people.
you hate dat.. Ooooo so sux to be you..
Pathetic… monomaniacal moronic moonbat @ 41
Wrong again monomaniacal moronic moonbat… It’s the community organizer you voted for whom has increased the deficit by how much again? You are the one dancing on Mike Webb’s grave not Puddy! And… where did Puddy write that which you blockquoted – liar!!!
Now regarding the tax argument… still waiting for the “brief”. Where is it moonbat? PROVE IT! Puddy already discussed what Verrilli said earlier. He discussed the alternative argument during the oral presentation with Scalia. monomaniacal moronic moonbats regurgitating what Puddy said earlier still doesn’t make monomaniacal moronic moonbat points!
So still waiting for Verrilli’s original “brief”. 5.7 Million people lost their health insurance so far. What does a monomaniacal moronic moonbat have to say to that?
Now watch… This will be hilarious!
Sux to be you!
In Scalia’s imagination perhaps? Scalia making up shit at the bench and you quoting it?
Damn you sooooo stooopid.. sux to be you..
Oooh now you’re saying the government is pleading the tax argument before SCOTUS.. Or are you imagining a bull session at a klownservative bar somewhere??
ooo so sux to be you!
You mean the virgin son can’t get it for you??
You two not talking? I have more confidence in his abilities than yours..
Here don’t bother Mr. high rent.
See section II of the argument.
ooo so sux to be you..
sux to be you. – Notice the monomaniacal moronic moonbat copies Puddy.
Oh and that link doesn’t work! Waited and waited and waited.
Sux to be a “low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat”. Oh wait what’s inside quotes is inferred. NOPE it’s direct!
Oooh now you’re saying the government is pleading the tax argument before SCOTUS. – Never said he did monomaniacal moronic moonbat.
If it could only read!
Comes right up in chromium and firefox for me. I’m sure another reader can verify. Lemme quote from it for your oh soooo stooopid ASS:
Yawwwwnn.. Google that language or fix your crapass network.. Or better yet check with the virgin son making the bookoo bucks in big time librulland.. You too arthritic to text???
The government made the tax argument. That’s why Scalia blathered about it. That why Roberts CONCURRED with “the Government’s alternative argument”. It’s a FACT. And you are mentally unable to process it.
You didn’t even THINK for a “femtosecond” to check on that link to the brief. What an idiot!
Klownservatism is a brain-wasting disease!
oooo you so stoopid.. sux to be you…
Wow, no one else has verified the link eh monomoniacal moronic moonbat @ 47?
Puddy waited for someone to assist your sorry ASS on your useless and tiresome tirades. How does it feel to view how the other DUMMOCRETINS feel about your worthlessness? Puddy takes all of you on all the time. GLADLY! Your side has to lie to get votes because your policies have to be masked so LIVs have no clue. Witness Jonathan Gruber on his ObummerCare tirades. Stooooooopid American voters. Yes DUMMOCRETINS are stoooooooooooooopid!
Now someone will feel sorry for your silly ASS because Puddy has identified you for the moron you are, and to uphold the DUMMOCRETIN Saul Alinsky creed, they’ll try the link.
Mark the time of this entry! Still sux to be the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat!
Check… No Puddy doesn’t sit at home all day!
Sux to be a low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat!
Awwww.. poor troll mentally challenged.
Here’s the linky:
just paste the link to the brief you found above in the input box and hit the “Browse History” button..
Too hard for you????
Awwwww… sux to be you..
Does all the stupid shit you said mean that the Solictor-General made the tax argument to SCOTUS???
Seems like you’re conceding to me and YOU CAN”T HANDLE IT!!
Bye bye stupid.. Caught serving up false shit once again!!!
How does it feel knowing no one creeps with you low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat? Screaming into the wind all by your lonesome low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat self. Just a re-run broken record. Very chronologically challenged dancing on Mike Webb’s grave still trying to take the test!
Remember a libtard DUMMOCRETIN named you: mono·ma·nia·cal – pathological obsession, psychoneurotic, neurotic – affected with emotional disorder
Why? Because they identified you as whack, crazy, touched by stoooooooooopidity, infected by the stoooooooooooopid virus!
I G N O R E D!
Sux to be you low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat!
Okay… big deal,
the monomaniacal moronic moonbat get one right out of 204 attempts
moronic moonbat 1 – 1/204=0.00490196078431372549019607843137
Puddy 203 – 203/204=0.99509803921568627450980392156863
So? Wow big celebration.
Now onto real news of the day!