Please join us this evening for a celebration of labor along with some political conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday evening at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. The starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks show up before that for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Perhaps you can check out another Washington State chapter of Drinking Liberally over the next week. The Tri-Cities chapter also meets this Tuesday. The Lakewood chapter meets this Wednesday. And on Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets. Finally, the Enumclaw chapter meets on Friday.
With 203 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and three in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting somewhere near you.
Yes, we should celebrate labor because labor built this country, ever bit of it; and let me say to Republicans who foment and stir up hate talk against workers, “You didn’t build that. You only collect rent.”
Alan Elliott of Baby Moses Dallas explained to KDFW that the mother could have avoided any criminal charges if she had taken advantage of Baby Moses laws by carrying the child to term, and then dropping it off at a safe baby site like a fire station.
This is an example of why the “conservative” pants-wetters and Luddite book burners cannot be trusted in the long term. They escalate any mild concern or situation into a gigantic terror-fueled national incident and promise to prosecute anyone who doesn’t conform to the “norm” that they enforce at the point of a gun.
“Conservative” is just a politically correct term for Fascist.
@2 Strange how they assume some high school girl aborted herself in a john at school, as if miscarriages never occur by nature’s hand.
I was just thinking about Syria. No particular reason; it simply popped into my head. Russia and Syria don’t have a common border, there are some buffer states between them, but Russia is much closer to Syria than we are.
I thought, Russia probably supports Assad because they’re interested in stability. The Assad family and their Alawite faction stir the pot a little with Israel, but Russia doesn’t mind that, because Moscow isn’t all that fond of Jews anyway, judging by how they treat their own Jews.
The Assad family had rule Syria for over 40 years before the Arab Spring came along and destabilized Syria. This is a fancy term for civil war. Assad isn’t a nice man, and doesn’t like Israel, so no doubt some Americans (especially Republicans) would love to see Assad get overthrown. They’ve always salivated over bringing “democracy” (gotta be careful about definitions here, hence the quote marks) to the Middle East, and especially to Israel’s enemies.
Problem is, no one thought through what would happen if Assad did get overthrown. We’re beginning to see through that to the other side. Democracy isn’t in the cards. The best we can hope for is some warlord will take over. But it looks like what we’re getting is ISIS.
The same damn thing happened in Iraq. Saddam was a bad man, no doubt about it. But he only mistreated his fellow Arabs. Even he wasn’t stupid enough to overtly attack Israel, although Israel had no reticence about overtly attacking him, when he built a nuclear reactor.
It took the dumbest U.S. president of all time to rip the lid off Iraq, a fractious tribal society of people who would gleefully cut each other’s throats in the absence of a thug like Saddam to keep them under control. So now we have Shiites running Iraq, Sunnis getting mad, ISIS and Al Qaeda knocking on the door, and the whole thing is about to blow up.
Our government spends undisclosed billions on foreign intelligence. The CIA and NSA employ tens of thousands of highly educated analysts. You’re think they could figure this shit out. But no, they’re either clueless, or the politicians don’t listen to them (in which case, why are the pols spending so much money on these agencies to come up with assessments they don’t want to hear?).
The more I read and learn about history, the clearer it becomes that our government is habitually stupid when it comes to dealing with other cultures our leaders don’t understand because they don’t want to understand them.
Many times, their bungling policies help the very people we want to stop. We even supply them; our foes end up with tanks, artillery, missiles, planes, helicopters, etc., made by us — generally speaking, the best military hardware in the world. And they don’t even have to pay for it, because we give it to them free.
Although Democrats struggle with this too, it’s really Republicans who get these things drastically, spectacularly, obscenely wrong. It’s like they have a mental block to real information, although worse, because they disdain “intellectuals” meaning anyone who knows anything about any subject, so they end up operating in total darkness without night-vision glasses. The result is an Iraq that may be taken over by ISIS unless we send American troops to Iraq again to fight another war there.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. That’s all I can say about the idiot who thought he was doing the world a favor by getting rid of Saddam. In retrospect, maybe he should have done some homework first.
But that’s what you get when people vote for someone who’s famous for not doing homework and getting “gentleman’s Cs.” If you put stupidity on a pedestal and worship it, like Republicans do, what you get is the consequences of stupidity, which is what we have in Syria and Iraq now.
And, of course, the stupid Republicans beating drums for war against Russia in Ukraine haven’t a clue that Russia might, just might, actually fight a war — and maybe even a very big war — to have a say about what happens in a country that does cozy up against its own borders. Ukraine is a lot closer to Moscow than Washington D.C. Just last week, Putin reminded our warhawks that he has nuclear weapons at his disposal, in case they’ve forgotten. But I doubt our clueless Republicans got even that message. As far as I can tell, they’re still salivating for a new military adventure in Ukraine.
You humans are doomed. You’re gonna terminate your own species, either by war or planetary collapse caused by your stupid ignorance of the environment. You’re like pigs who shit in their own food and then get sick and die. I can hardly wait until you’re gone! Then this place will enjoy intelligent administration under a rabbit government, and this bullshit won’t happen anymore, because rabbits know better.
The same damn thing happened in Libya. Col Muammar Khadafi was a bad man, no doubt about it. But he only mistreated his fellow Arabs. Even he wasn’t stupid enough to have banned WMD weapons, so he gladly gave them up to a real President, GW Bush, who is looking better each day Obummer stays in office.
It took the dumbest U.S. president of all time to rip the lid off Libya, a fractious tribal society of people who would gleefully cut each other’s throats in the absence of a thug like Khadafi to keep them under control. So now we have Shiites running Iraq, Sunnis getting mad, ISIS and Al Qaeda knocking on the door, and the Dawn of Libya overrunning our Libyan Embassy. and the whole middle east thing is about to blow up. Thanks Obummer!
Oh noooo… we see the truth is being leaked about Obummer and ISIS. Apparently Obummer was NOT caught unaware. Will the slobbering libtard news report the truth? The official who has close knowledge of the process said the President, who reads the PDB unlike his predecessors who traditionally had the document briefed to them, was not known to come back to the intelligence community with further questions or “taskings.” Asked to describe the frequency, the former Pentagon official said “not generally.” Personally reads them unlike his predecessors? So all those pressers about ISIS and being caught unaware are BULLSHITTIUM? Butt Obummer called than a jv squad. Maybe ISIS took umbrage to that and are now the varsity after all!
Man this is getting worse each day the sunlight shines on these cockroaches in the whitey house! Even Richard Fibbs had something to add When Josh Earnest and buds have to explain what Obummer tried to say you’ve lost. Butt, we were told Obummer is the smartest man in the world with a reported IQ around 170. So why not produce his college records? Maybe not so smart after all!
Another beheading? Seems schmuckosmegma’s religion of peace friends are at it again!
What will Obummer do this time if true?
Will Obummer hold a presser?
Will Obummer invite Steven Sotloff’s family down unlike what he did to James Foley’s family? Butt having the family of a Army deserter at the whitey house is A-OK for Obummer!
Will Obummer wait until Friday so Obummer can escape to another golf outing?
Putin, a Republican’s best new freind, is digging a deep hole for himself.
@ 8
He’s not digging himself a hole, he’s digging one for us. It is the GOP that is licking his boots and praising his leadership in reference to the Russian action in Ukraine, at the same time demanding support for the Ukrainian separatists in Crimea.
It is the GOP that is demanding we support ISIS in Syria in their rebellion against Assad. It is also the GOP that is demanding that we support the Shiite government in Iraq against ISIS, while condemning Iran’s support of the Shiites, all while pointedly ignoring the Sunni support of ISIS that is coming out of Saudi Arabia. We’re supporting the Turks in their War on the Kurds, and supporting the Kurds in their War on Syria and ISIS. The GOP demanded we support the rebellion in Libya, and in the same breath condemned the actions of the Administration in doing so. They then denounced the actions of the Libyan rebels in destroying the Libyan Government, and demanded the United States continued support for Mohamarr Ghaddafi’s former secret police. The same secret police organization that attacked the consulate in Benghazi.
The American Fascists have gone completely schizophrenic on the subject of foreign policy. It isn’t that they “know nothing”, it is that they are vehemently ignoring reality of the situation on the ground in favor of a rigidly ideological make-believe world of their own manufacture. G.W. Bush popped the cork on longstanding tribalistic animosities by getting rid of Saddam Hussein and destroying Iraq’s national infrastructure, leaving the country to fend for itself after the oilfields of central Iraq were secured by private military corporations such as Academi and DynCorp.
We pretty much started WW3, and the GOP is rubbing their hands together in glee at the thought of sending a few hundred thousand of our young men to be butchered on the battlefields of Iraq and Ukraine. They really believe that it will be another highly lucrative War, just like operations Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom and Vietnam. The profit potential is fantastic.
So what is the great and powerful military and foreign policy and international relations expert the puddypussypissypants, going to do with all his sooper-dooper-pooper-scooper-kitty-litter inside insider sniffies and expert texpert choking smoker (don’t you think the joker laughs at you) EXPERTISE gonna do about this shit? Huh?
Let us ALL know what the puddypussypissypants extra special doughy pants load is.
C’mon asshole puddypussypissypants…dish!!
the puddypussypissypants don’t have access to classified intelligence. the puddypussypissypants don’t have boots on the ground.
All the puddypussypissypants has is the puddypussypissypants irrational knee jerk hatred of anything that comes from a Democrat, and some outlandish and fucking moronic opinions based on the puddypussypissypants simplistic, narrow and prejudiced world view and the puddypussypissypants crazy-assed superstitious so-called christian beliefs.
Coo-coo-ca-choo, motherfucker.
@9….I’m probably wrong but I don’t see Russia’s invasion or takeover of Ukraine getting us into a war. Let sanctions settle this one. Ukraine use to be part of Russia, and if the majority of Ukraines want to be part of Russia, fuck them, let them, let them divide the Country in pieces. I think ISIS is more of a problem, and hopefully we continue to bomb the shit out of them in Irag and Syria, and take out more terrorists in Somali, and other places where they exist.
Seems like the beheading of the second guy is because they don’t like being bombed on, it must be effective.
Not in favor of any ground troops in any of these places, with the exception of limited special forces that may be on targeted missions, taking them out.
@5 Actually Libya isn’t doing all that badly compared to the countries your organ grinder monkey bolixed up. Relatively speaking, of course. I’m not saying Libya is Connecticut, of course; it’s more like Texas.
@8 I get the impression Putin’s eating everybody else’s lunch, although how all of this will work out for him long-term remains to be seen. He might make his neighbors nervous enough to invite us in.
@9 “after the oilfields of central Iraq were secured by private military corporations”
Of course, all Iraqis have to do to stop anyone from expropriating their oil is strike a few matches. The stuff burns good once it’s lit.
@11 “I’m probably wrong but I don’t see Russia’s invasion or takeover of Ukraine getting us into a war.”
It won’t unless GOP chickenhawks get their way, which is the whole reason we’re having this discussion.
@12 that comment gave me the biggest laugh of the day…..My co-workers picked up their heads, wondering what the fuck I was laughing about.
Public Notice And Disclaimer: This Comment Is NSFW
“Charges: Tuxedoed man shot at 2 for interrupting blow job
“‘You’re dead mother $&#@!’
“Published 11:58 am, Tuesday, September 2, 2014
“A Seattle man accused of opening fire on two people who interrupted him while he was receiving oral sex in a Pioneer Square alcove now faces felony assault charges. King County prosecutors contend Paul J. Hunter started shooting shortly after 2 a.m. on Aug. 26 at a man and a woman whose argument had disturbed his street-side liaison. ‘You’re dead mother (expletive),’ Hunter shouted at the pair before opening fire, according to charging papers. ‘You’re dead.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sometimes the police blotter is actually interesting. I wonder if this guy is a Republican. Probably. Democrats don’t normally wear tuxes or carry guns. We should, though, carry guns I mean. I’ve been saying for years that liberals must arm — because there’s a lot of crazy Republicans out there, and they’re armed, and there are times when ACLU lawyers armed with subpoenas aren’t enough. If you meet a Republican who’s having a really bad day, or evening as the case may be, you might be better off to have an Uzi.
While few people expect the 2014 midterms to produce a shining victory for Democrats, it doesn’t look great for the GOP either. Probably gonna be a status quo election.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not really surprised. The only record GOPers have to run on is “No!” And their leaders bleating, “Contrary to what many of our candidates say, we’re not gonna shut down the government again, at least not yet.” That’s not much of a platform for their ad men to work with. There are only so many birthers, and half of them will write in Donald Trump. The GOP strategy men probably will run against Romneycare for lack of anything else to shriek “No! A thousand times,* no!” about, because they haven’t let Democrats pass anything else.
* I realize they’re only up to 50 so far, but keep in mind they haven’t quit yet.
Well it’s funny the empty tea bag with the puffed butt broke up laughing because once again NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit is further from the truth again…
NoBalls got it wrong again. So wrong for so long. Libya is more like Jerry Brown’s California NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit!
So what do we have now? We witnessed our embassy overrun by the Dawn of Libya. This was reported by the AP. The Administration’s Press agency. Oh no…, they are turning on Obummer to? Probably in this instance. Embassies are supposed to be off limits to the friends of schmuckosmegma! We watch NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit compare Libya to Texas. Of course the resident ASShole would attempt that when the truth is Libya is more like California. Butt due to poor Obummer’s whitey house planning and leadership, Libya is a another overrun and failed country under Obummer’s failed foreign policy. Similar to Jerry Brown’s California Domestic policy.
And since your memory is very bad NoBalls due to onset senility, remember it was Obummer who abandoned the Iraqis in 2011 not GW Bush! Now we have ISIS in Iraq and Syria because as Greta reported above and morons like OWS Racist deadtoad continue to live in their self created world of lies and falsehoods regarding the ignorance of Obummer and the rise of ISIS. The deadtoad posted BULLSHITTIUM above direct from Daily Kos eh Racist deadtoad? Didn’t think anyone would figger it out. You took two Daily Kooks articles and mashed them into one. A quick Google search produced the two articles one yesterday and the other today that Racist deadtoad rewrote. Republicans, ISIS, Fox News… it’s all right there. There isn’t an original thought from deadtoad ever! It’s regurgitated Markos thoughts And BTW Racist deadtoad, the oil fields were secure under GW Bush. Wrong again!
So NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit, there was no ISIS when Bush left office in 2009. Obummer cut and ran in 2011, giving ample opportunity for ISIS to rise. Bush removed the WMD from Libya. Obummer performed regime change and we all see the result of that. Under Obummer Putin took the Crimea and now trying to annex eastern Ukraine.
So try again with another of your ASShole comments. That one was another of your standard EPIC FAYLES!
What to do with ruPRICK@10? Hey ruPRICK why did you drop your name OWS Racist deadtoad gave you? Worser cracked up on that! Once again all can see ruPRICK is projecting the ruPRICK Republican hate by writing rePRICK hate and calling it Puddy DUMMOCRETIN hatred. Puddy don’t hate right thinking DUMMOCRETINS like Princeton Professor Cornel West. Did you read what Professor Cornel West wrote about your preznit ruPRICK? Or were you M I A for that too. Puddy posted it twice. Call on your monomaniacal cousin with the crazed databaze to replay the PuddyCommentary. Puddy despises reservation loving DUMMOCRETINS like you. Keep shufflin for that handout ruPRICK. Someday whitey DUMMOCRETINS will have mercy on you ruPRICK and drop some crumbs from the master’s table just for you ruPRICK!
Puddy doesn’t need to answer anything about Obummer’s policies because everyone can see you jockstrap them all. Puddy been against Obummer and the Obummer way since 2007 when he broke wind and claimed Obummer was interested in being preznit. So you already have your answer ruPRICK but you are too damn stoooooopid to comprehend it. We see what Obummer’s socialistic wealth redistribution has wrought. Economic failure. Even NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit admitted that last Friday in the Friday Night Comix. We see what Obummer’s foreign apology tour has wrought! We see how Obummer told Putin to wait until Obummer’s reerection and Putin can run amok. Well Putin took Obummer to heart and Outin has run amok. We see Romney was dead right about Putin in the second debate and DUMMOCRETINS castigated Romney for his CORRECT thinking.
What was it… two weeks ago you claimed to object to some of Obummer’s actions? After 5.5 years you woke up while others immediatley said that’s not what Obummer campaigned on?
Sux to be you ruPRICK!
@ 19, 20
Aaaackk… thphphpphppp…. aaacckkkk…thphphpp etc.
Don’t you have anything original to say?
In English?
Fuckin’ lunatic.
@21 He can’t even drool in less than 500 words and 2400 characters. He needs a fucking editor.
@19 Breitbart. You gotta be kidding! Breitbart? You’re sourcing from Breitbart again? Breitbart??!! Shit. Holy cow. Gadzooks.
Well, well, well…nothing to say for himself, the nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants just babbles and vomits and shits all over himself like the other famous hater Ted Nugent.
Coo-coo-ca-choo, nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypusypissypants.
@23 (continued) (The edit function just crashed. I wonder if that’s because I just finished complaining about it in another thread? This is simpler if I just start over:)
@19 Breitbart. You gotta be kidding! Breitbart? You’re sourcing from Breitbart again? Breitbart??!! Shit. Holy cow. Gadzooks. How did you get through college? Or did you??? I would’ve been expelled from my freshman composition class for that.
@20 “Puddy doesn’t need to answer anything about Obummer’s policies because everyone can see you jockstrap them all.”
yeah well we’re propagandists FOR his policies in case you haven’t noticed
“Puddy been against Obummer and the Obummer way since 2007 when he broke wind and claimed Obummer was interested in being preznit.”
really can’t say anything about this, and don’t need to, because a few pictures are worth 1000s of words:
Lets play a little game. It’s sorta like “Where’s Waldo”. Only for the Black folks.
Who loves ya, baby?
A racist who physically attacked two female members of a Louisiana hurricane cleanup crew because they were black, used the “f” and “n” words, and spit on one of them has pleaded guilty to federal civil rights charges and faces sentencing on Oct. 22. He could get a year in prison and $100,000 of fines.
Speaking of sellouts. Hmm, a 1300% raise. For selling out the Treasury. Not too bad Eric, not too bad at all. Every whore has his price as long it’s from the highest bidder.
Puddy happy Eric Cantor has that new job. One less DUMMOCRETIN on wall street messing with the economy! We sure have enough of them in Obummer’s whitey house sadministration!
Did y’all notice OWS Racist deadtoad didn’t refute Puddy’s assertion deadtoad rewrote some Daily Kooks BULLSHITTIUM and posted it as it’s own work? Not too much thinking needed for the deadtoad. Just hijack as needed and reword some stuff. All that time and what have we seen from the Racist deastoad since that PuddyPost… nothing really significant.
Oh BTW deadtoad Racist, Puddy writes that way because it’s how inner city schools teach English DUMMOCRETIN style. When Puddy writes for Puddy’s job it’s the Queen’s English. You know, ebonics for da whitey!
Thanks for playing OWS Racist deadtoad! Plagiarizing from Daily Kooks, DUMMOCRETIN style!
Wazzzzzzzzup ruPRICK? Too much heat in the reservation? ruPRICK can’t even get who is the Uncle Tom on HA DUMMOCRETINS. Puddy wants to improve the lot of inner city minorities. ruPRICK does not want to improve the lot of inner city minorities. ruPRICK would rather keep those inner city children in poor schools run by teacher unions who care less about children and police unions who would rather not enter the ghetto to capture drug dealers unless they have to. Enter ruPRICK HA DUMMOCRETIN’s real Uncle Tom!
Sux to be ruPRICK!!!!!
Nuthin to add to NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit’s comments above. NoBalls admitted he is an Obummer useful IDIOT @26 just like last week NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit admitted the economy is being over exaggerated as being robust!
Thanks for playing NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit!