Please join us tonight for some politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning about 8:00 pm. Or show up early for some fine dining.
The pressing question for the evening: Will Dino Rossi unconceede the 2008 gubernatorial race now that a Moore Information survey has him leading the race?
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 339 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
That coward “maggie” didn’t show up for two weeks in a row, so I’m not gonna bother. Besides, I have sniffles. (hack-koff)
Dolly Parton Endorses Gay Marriage
Her reason? She said gays “should suffer like the rest of us.”
Do you think that’s funny, you little weasel?
Sure it’s funn–
[thudding and crashing noises]
They Shoulda Hired Union Workers Dep’t
The FAA has fined United Airlines $3.8 million for flying a Boeing 737 on more than 200 flights for stuffing shop towels into an engine that was dripping oil.
… and don’t even bother to ask where you baggage is.
Roger Dumb Bunny, How do you know that plane wasn’t union labor? Or is it another of your “stories”?
Since the planes have to fly out of the country to be worked on…
@5 That’s nothing. Back when Continental and Eastern were competing to see which was going to go bankrupt first and take the other with it, one Continental 727 was involved in a botched landing–the pilot brought it down hard nose wheel first. It was then used for several more flights until while it was taxiing out for yet another takeoff, a tower operator noticed a funny crease in the top of the fuselage. After that, it was discovered it had 19 broken stringers.
The fact that airlines are sending planes halfway around the world for maintenance does sort of beg the question of what do they do when they have an aircraft in the US with a serious problem. Do they “band-aid” it and then fly the thing 10,000 miles to the shop? How do y’all feel about potentially being underneath the flight path?
@8 It doesn’t bother me if puddy is under the flight path.
@9 Did you catch the “Maggie” sockpuppetry outting last week by Darryl? She, it, goes by the names Jon, Sue, Xota and others.
Maggie was probably Puddy’s sockpuppet #47.
Steve @ 11,
Nope… Maggie != Puddy
Do you think that’s funny?
Notice the pattern of most of the posts on HA? Most of the posts are red herring rants about Republicans who aren’t in office. Educated people will ask themselves what Goldy & Co are trying to draw your attention away from.
This is a libtardo blog. Roger Dumb Bunny tells us this all the time. Do you ever expect political truth about Dummocraptic office holders to come from HA Libtardos? When that happens Steve will give up his Stupid Solution and ylb arschloch will act human again!
Steve is stupid. Ever since he came out with his Stupid Solution in a frappuccino variety he’s been drinking all his profits. Stupid Solution on blended ice!
Congrats to Barry Hussein O-blah-blah!
His Obam-Mao-ism has brought him to a record LOW. Read & weep KLOWNS….and remember, Rasmussen has been #1 for the past 5 years…nailing Presidential & other races (like the ones just held) BECAUSE THEY POLL LIKELY VOTERS!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Hey Puddy, are you ready for a day of vast denial by the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS??
Public Option Health Care===DEAD
Tax Increases on Rich Folks===DEAD
Dems in 2010—Life Support
A red herring is a rhetorical device used to try to take someone off the main subject. It is also considered to be a classical logical falacy.
On this blog, the main subject is that Republicans are incompetent and immoral when they try to govern. Anything other than that is a red herring.
If Troll wants to start his own blog, he can do so about any subject he desires. THEN, arguments which don’t address the main question would be a red herring. But if Troll were to start a blog, he would find that nobody wants to read what he writes. That’s why he comes here, constantly trying to re-direct the subject matter.
Puddy sez:
Steve is an alcoholic. His Stupid Solution is Martini’s starting at 9AM until he face plants on his keyboard.
YLB–“human again?” Puddy, that would imply YLB was ever human….which appears unlikely.
He is at best a Troglidyte. CaveMan.
Hardly Human.
How kind of you though Puddy to give this moron the benefit of the doubt.
Hey YLB, how much better is your pathetic, jealousy/envy filled life financially since your guy Obam-Mao took office???
You project too much, Klynical. That’s OK. I only ask that when you do so that you give us something new. From your past ramblings I’m quite sure most here have already concluded that you’re an alcoholic.
11, 12 — Even though “maggie” turned out to be male and 6 feet tall, “she” still didn’t have the guts to show up and defend “her” assertion that “ugly Republican women” whose men fucks goats demeans “all” women. I’m not surprised …
@14, @15 — This is a liberal blog. I’m a liberal propagandist. You’re a self-invited “guest.” Don’t expect us to stroke your dick. If you two want to participate in a circle jerk, go to Stefan’s sucky little blog — that’s what it’s there for.
20. Steve spews:
Too Funny Steve….Ye of Perpetual Goat-F*cking spew!! Get help Steve. There is an AA in a neighborhood near you.
News reports say religious conservatives stoned a 20-year-old woman to death for adultery yesterday. It’s not clear whether the byline is Somalia or South Carolina.
@23 Screw AA! What your neighborhood needs is more liquor stores! You’re more coherent drunk than sober.
Good grief, the drunken Klynical is sharing goat stories with us again. Spare us, please. After all, some other troll’s four year old adopted niece just might read your perverse blatherings.
“Get help”
Sigh! If only you could grasp the realities behind your never-ending projections, KLOWN.
These fiends make me laugh!
Their compulsive losing requires no further comment.
Troll’s four year old niece WRITES his perverse blatherings. He’s not sufficiently literate.
Oh, some OTHER Troll….sorry.
TROLL is just an idiot.
Klynical is an evil, psychopathic, destructively hateful hypocrite.
So has Mr. Klynical passed out already? Or is he visiting the ol’ barn again?
You’re a much kinder person than I, Steve.
You’re joking about him.
I’m not.
“You’re a much kinder person than I”
Indeed. My every post is intended as a gesture of kindness towards our trolls. It beats me why they don’t acknowledge this. They’re just ungrateful, I’d guess.
@21 Even though “maggie” turned out to be male and 6 feet tall
Give us a break. You’ve been talking smack incessantly about her ever since she hung you upside down on HA for everyone to see. Women aren’t supposed to do that in Rabbit world.
What a wuss.
Good blog post about how regulation HELPS Washington State business and farmers.
Prediction: Goldy’s posts today will be either him ranting against a newspaper, or him ranting against politicians that aren’t in power.
Heterosexuals are murderers, thieves and rapists. You Bigots….Goldy’s been censoring my comments and blocking me, what happen to freedom of speach?
Gman Lives!!!!
Gman sucks
Here is why Obama wants to avoid scrutiny about Ft. Hood.
This murdering Muslim Terrorist who killed and wounded the soldiers and civilians at Ft Hood, Texas was an advisor to Obama’s Homeland Security team. Look on page 29 of the Homeland Security Institute scroll down toward the bottom on the Left Column.
Cut and paste into your browser.
Now we have a little insight into why Obama, Commander and Chief said to not jump to conclusions about Nidal Hasan and why Democrats want to delay the investigation. Hasan’s bad report card from his internship and his co-workers was available to all security checks! Hasan is Obama’s Home Boy! Protected by the White House! Untouchable by the FBI and Military Security.
Jumping to conclusions is a good thing?
So far open government has been much better under Obama than it was under bush.
If it turns out, and we need to look into this not just assume it, that there problems like you described than changes need to be made and people need to be held accountable, regardless of who they are or what party they belong too. But, these things take time.
Not to mention that Cynical sucking Puddy’s dick in a public forum is unseemly. To say the least. But not, I am afraid, unexpected.
Do you think media coverage in the U.S. is biased? Do you want $50 for
Many people feel that the media can lead people in different ideological directions. We are Smith College students in a Senior Political Psychology Seminar and we want to invite you to take our survey. We are investigating the relationship between media coverage and political information. If you take our confidential survey you can choose to be entered into a raffle for a $50 gift certificate to If you are interested follow this link to
Hey Puddy–
Have you noticed Obama’s new favorite word….
it’s S-T-A-B-I-L-I-Z-I-N-G.
What a great excuse for massive deficit spending and failing in Afghanistan.
We must understand, Barry Hussein Obama has been “stabilizing” our economy and the situation in Afghanistan.
sta·bi·lize (stb-lz)
v. sta·bi·lized, sta·bi·liz·ing, sta·bi·liz·es
1. To make stable or steadfast.
2. To maintain the stability of (an airplane or ship, for example) by means of a stabilizer.
3. To keep from fluctuating; fix the level of: stabilize prices.
To become stable, steadfast, or fixed.
Sitting for months on end hoping for Devine Intervention on Afghanistan is hardly “stabilizing”. It made things worse because the Taliban strengthening their forces & resolve.
And how is massive Deficit Spending on BS that has failed to create SUSTAINABLE JOBS….how is running up the Credit Card “stabilizing”??
These PINHEADS actually believe the American People will fall for this.
Obama fails…and it’s “stabilizing”.
Obviously not.
Like lee said…
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
I though oba-mao wasn’t bowing to leaders east & west…
Turns out his was.
Greeting the Japanese emperor at Tokyo’s Imperial Palace last weekend, President Barack Obama bowed so low that he was looking straight at the stone floor.
But White House aides say the approach is deliberate — part of Obama’s determination to deliver on his campaign promise of directly engaging friends and enemies alike, giving America a less belligerent posture abroad.
I hope that saudi king was impressed to see oba-mao bowing down to him.
runners world is now saying newsweak used the pallin photo without their permission.
Naw, not too much liberal bias in newsweak.
from runners world dot com-
On the cover of this week’s issue of Newsweek is a photo that was shot exclusively for the August 2009 issue of Runner’s World, in which Sarah Palin was featured on the monthly “I’m a Runner” back page. The photos from that shoot are still under a one-year embargo, and Runner’s World did not provide Newsweek with its cover image. It was provided to Newsweek by the photographer’s stock agency, without Runner’s World’s knowledge or permissio
Jan. 23: “WASHINGTON (AP) – President Barack Obama is making good on his promise to close the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and appears ready to name a veteran politician to guide his new administration in the Middle East conflict.”
Nov. 18: “BEIJING — President Obama directly acknowledged for the first time Wednesday that the prison facility at Guantanamo Bay will not close by the January deadline he set, but he said he hoped to still achieve that goal sometime next year.”
oba-mao sure is breaking a lot of campaign promises.
Lucky for him democrats don’t care about being lied to by a democrat.
I sure hope palin sends democrats thank you cards.
If not for the left-wing media going crazy over her, she would have disappeared into the wood work.
Palin was on oprah.
Oprah Winfrey’s interview with former Alaska governor vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin scored The Oprah Winfrey Show its best ratings in two years.
Say, hasn’t oba-mao been on oprah in the last 2 years?
From the same link-
Maybe one of the smart people can do the math, my 3rd grade education says that’s an increase of about 8 million viewers.
Lets compare to sept 24 when obama appeared on all the siundy morning talk shows not named fox.
As huffingtonpost reported-
Obama appeared on five shows Sunday
David Gregory’s 3.290 million
George Stephanopoulos’ 3.081 million
Bob Schieffer’s 2.740 million
John King’s 602,000* on CNN.
4 shows oba-mao couldn’t get the viewers palin did on one show.
Thanks left-wingnuts for making another right-winger much richer.
What would joe the plumber be doing right now if not for the left-wing media making him famous.
So now oba-mao is saying too much debt could lead to a double dip recession.
So lets pass that free government healthcare. Double dip recession here we come.
And not too long ago the oba-mao administration was telling us “elevated deficit was beneficial.”
Three paragraphs that make for good reading:
Nails the right wing troll mentality and those like Palin who wish to exploit it for power.
@49 The WSJ! The comments following the article are absolutely hilarious.
Stanwood Richardson Duval, Jr. U.S. District Court judge in the Eastern District of Louisiana, appointed by Free Willy Jeff Clinton in 1994 said the Army Corps of Engineers’ failure to properly maintain a navigation channel led to massive flooding in Hurricane Katrina.
Butt butt butt the HA Libtardo Weasel Class blamed it on GWBush cuz he hated black peeps. The HA Libtardo Weasel Class blamed it on GWBush cuz he wanted to break up the N’awlins Dummocraptic voting block. The HA Libtardo Weasel Class blamed it on GWBush cuz he wanted to punish the Big Easy for all the sin there.
Yep, another HA Libtardo Weasel Class commentary DESTROYED!
ylb arschloch,
How can you use the Wall Street Journal fool? It’s a Murdoch paper. You hate Murdoch based news. Wanna see all the comments?
The words of a fool…
“27. YLB spews: Using the Wall Street Journal and Zogby?
For the millionth fucking time I said the WSJ EDITORIAL PAGES were right wing bullshit – always have been. The newsroom has always been first class. Now that Murdoch is in charge, the quality is quickly declining. In a couple of years it will be like IBD – total right wing bullshit!”
Here are your words back at you fool You’re such a gullible, freaking idiot!! Puddy agrees. You’re such a gullible, freaking idiot and HA dumbest brick, The HA arschloch!
Post@49 rejected due to ylb arschloch being a dumb brick!
Still waiting for your Miniter commentary. Oh wait… that would force you to think… And everyone knows being the HA arschloch that’s an impossibility….
Puddy don’t need tctmgr to find your worthless, moronic, idiotic, insipid commentary. Puddy remembers the general time you said it fool!
Our Kommander-In-Chief has back-to-back -14’s (compared to +32 Post Inauguration in the same dang Poll)!! Suck on this awhile KLOWNS–
Thursday, November 19, 2009
A major component of Obam-mao-ism is to constantly LIE about numbers.
Puddy, did you see that Harry “Lame-Dork” Reid forgot to put the $250 BILLION AMA pay-off in his $849 BILLION cost numbers.
Gee, I wonder why.
This monstrosity is D-E-A-D!
Joe Lieberman has already laid down the gauntlet. It is waaaaaaaaay to expensive and over-reaching. We cannot afford to hamstring our kids and grandkids with more debt. This is Joe Lieberman speaking.
The next O-blah-blah debacle will be the hearing on the Ft. Hood Massacre.
O-bama’s “culture change” on treating f*cking terrorists civilly will be shown to have had a “CHILLING” effect of military folks coming forward on this guy as he got worse in recent months.
Obam-mao-ism “political correctness” toward terrorists cost the lives of these soldiers.
Do you KLOWNS get the gist of the 2010 and 2012 election tone??
Puddy, this Obama MisAdministration is KLOWNdom personified. There are soooooooooo many issues that Obama must defend, he will look like the fool he is.
Americans were fooled once by Obam-mao….but they won’t get fooled again in 2010 & 2012.
So, where is the long list of all the things Obam-mao has been able to get thru Congress to hurt rich guys???
huh, huh, huh……..where is the list KLOWNS.
Go back in HorsesAss Archives to November–February and read all the claims by YLB/RuJax/proud leftist/Pellethead et al.
Is this what “Progressivism” is???
Right again. It’s so easy to remember ylb arschloch commentary! Why? It’s because he is a broken record. Repeats himself all too often.
You two should get a room.
Oh my Gosh Puddy…
A new name for ylb arschloch…RERUN STUBBS from What’s Happening!
Remember that show…it was pretty dang funny.
Here is a ditty about Fred Berry who was ReRun Stubbs.