Tuesday comes with a big bunch of primary or run-off elections in Arkansas, Maine, Nevada, North Dakota, South Carolina and Virginia. The races seem less competitive and consequential than the pile we had last week, but there may be some interesting surprises.
In any case, join us tonight for an evening of electoral politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. The starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks show up before that for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out another Washington state chapter of Drinking Liberally over the next week. The Tri-Cities, Vancouver, WA, and Redmond chapters also meet on Tuesday. On Wednesday, the Bellingham chapter meets. The Bremerton chapter meets on Thursday. And next Monday, the Aberdeen, Yakima and Olympia chapters meet.
With 207 chapters of Living Liberally, including nineteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting somewhere near you.
Things like this wouldn’t happen if OBAMA weren’t in office. This guy is lazy and stupid.
…and you are a racist asshole.
@2 – Rujax – you obviously didn’t read my sarcasm….maybe I should have stated it in parenthesis. I was merely trying to make the point that we do have morons in this world that would have thought this way and blamed Obama. I voted for him twice.
My peculiar way of pointing out the failings of the Conservative GOP. The GOP, as in Grand Ole Problems.
How much longer before the world, including the semi conservative, realize that guns are a problem.
My bet is not really too much longer. They will come around, or suffer death themselves.
Sorry man… Not in a good place today.
@ 5 – No Problem. It would have been the correct response if I were for real. I usually argue in a negative sense.
Remember the Sun always rises. Foreget about today, think about tomorrow.
@1 Yeah, wait for the Baggers to take a break from lynching Sgt. Bergdahl and jump on it.
Y’know, the Rethugs now have three issues to run on in this election: Benghazi, Bergdahl, and friendly fire. I’m sure voters worried about paying rent and feeding their kids will be very taken by the GOP’s evolving vision for America.
This morning’s school shooting in Oregon appears to be an ordinary assault crime, not a mass shooting. One student was killed, and the shooter killed himself. Another grudge settled with a gun.
@ 8
I’m sure voters worried about paying rent and feeding their kids will be very taken by the GOP’s evolving vision for America.
I’m sure those same voters will be very taken by EPA regulations interfering with energy production and the small, vocal group of people protesting Keystone XL sufficiently loudly to keep Obama from disappointing them until after the November election.
Interesting factoid. The FBI supplementary homicide report for 2010 showed 38% fewer women are shot to death in states that require a background check. Regulations seem to make a difference.
Call your congress critters, demand that they do something to change gun laws and explain you will primary them out of job if they don’t.
Vote FOR and support the candidate that will change gun laws.
Contact your party and start demanding they promote gun regulation.
Join the your party leadership and start promoting gun regulation.
Nothing will change unless you change it.
@10 try converting to Solar Energy, it is the responsible thing to do. I’m off the grid, and have no more electric bill, for a small investment. And if you lease, you can lease without putting any money down and still save money.
@8 GOP is evolving alright, evolving into the Taliban.
BREAKING – Douchecanoe and House Republican Majority Leader looks very likely to loose his primary election.
Another victory for the Republican establishment over the crazy Teabagger rebellion!
Rich Assholes Treating Homeless People Badly
The Brits are in a class of their own when it comes to treating poor people badly. In this case, they’re trying to drive the untouchables out of their neighborhood by installing steel spikes wherever the mentally ill homeless people from across the street might be tempted to sit. See photos in link below.
Here in America, creative Republicans are putting their own spin on human cruelty by passing laws that criminalize feeding the poor. In these Republican cities, you can feed dogs, cats, pigeons, etc., but if you feed poor and hungry humans — you go to jail.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The richcomplain we’re picking on them, and wonder why the rest of us don’t like them. Should we explain it to them?
I hear the GOP is reversing their position on nuclear weapons, they now think Iran should be allowed to have nuclear weapons because we need mor nuclear weapons because good guys with nuclear weapons will take care of bad guys with nuclear weapons. And rah they only way to get rid of Iran is if they do have nuclear weapons and the good guys will prevail. They think that more nuclear weapons are the answer to the problem
Over on Stefan’s sucky little blog (yes, it still exists, barely), Jim Miller is warning that democracy as we know it is finished unless we let billionaires buy our government.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t understand why billionaires insist on spending so much money to buy what they already own. It reminds me of a story in today’s Wall Street Journal about Tyson, which paid an extra $650 million for Hillshire Farms it didn’t have to, by bidding against their own bid.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit doesn’t own Tyson stock. I don’t expect a whole lot from CEOs, but I don’t feel that an IQ in double digits is too much to ask for, even in the business world.)
@18 Roger,
I don’t understand who (un)Sound Jim Miller thinks he’s talking to.
@10 arguably is off topic, because I didn’t mention Keystone XL in my list @8, but you guys are welcome to run on Keystone XL if you want to. Then you’ll find out how “small” that “vocal group” really is.
The fascinating thing about fracking is how it’s alienating people who were as anti-government-regulation as they come, until the drillers came and messed up their farms and ranches. What Doctor Bob doesn’t realize is the opposition to Keystone XL isn’t coming from granola babes in birkenstocks and braids on college campuses; it’s coming from Heartland folks who don’t like being run off their farms and ranches by outsiders.
@19 It’s backtalk to the voices in his head.
I think the GOP should run Cliven Bundy for president. Romney was way too mainstream. What their party obviously needs is more purity.
(“Children, pay no attention to those shots coming from the woods. It’s nothing but ideological cleansing.”)
What was it General Turgidson said we need? Essence of bodily fluids, or something like that?
Louie Gohmert for Majority Leader!
@26 Let’s wait and see if the TPers elect someone even crazier. That would be an opportunity not to be missed!
Meanwhile politics as usual in VA! http://dailycaller.com/2014/06.....hypocrisy/
Here is more proof Puddy was prescient as ever… http://hotair.com/archives/201.....n-news-is/
And what will the UW Anthropology Friday Night Comix purveyor deliver on Friday night…? the 5%ers and the third and fourth level DUMMOCRETINS. Puddy suggests the Friday Night Comix purveyor replay Jon Stewart shows. At least you’ll laugh more.
You’d think Da Perfessa would have known this? Probably not. Factual truth is very scarce on HA these days! Remember this is the same person who cheerleads Thom Fartman on his comparison of the boko haram killers to conservatives. Still haven’t seen the factual comparison YET!
Here is more proof the klownservative BUTThole troll of these comments was dumbassed as ever…
He get his information from FetidAir home of Michelle the ever hateful Malkin, Capt Now Dead at FeditAir and Allah the intermnably irrelevant, hate for hire, “Pundit”…
That hate site together with twitchy prove how credulous and stupid tea bagging klownservative Kristians with money to burn can be.
Prove it wrong clueless crazed cretin! Who did the poll ya moron…? This is the fool who doesn’t understand Bilderbergers while other DUMMOCRETINS have!
Still stooooooooooooopid since 2005!
Meanwhile Obummer is now blaming Chuck Hagel for the Bergdahl issue!
The puddypussypissypants is one dumb-ass motherfucker for a reason.