It’s Tuesday, and that means the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally will be gathering for its evening of politics and pints. Please join us!
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. The starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks show up earlier for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out another Washington state DL over the next week. The Tri-Cities chapters also meets on Tuesday. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. On Thursday the Bremerton and Spokane chapters meet. And, the Centralia chapter meets on Friday.
With 214 chapters of Living Liberally, including nineteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting somewhere near you.
Climate Change Study Finds U.S. Is Already Widely Affected
The New York Times
Now I am waiting for GOATSEBOY or some other RETHUG to quote one of the 40 odd studies refuting climate change.
For those who are curious, there are upwards of 300,000 published studies supporting and expanding on the science behind the climate change theory RETHUGS hate so much.
From the Department of Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves:
U.S. businesses are being destroyed faster than they’re being created
…during the most recent three years of the study — 2009, 2010 and 2011 — businesses were collapsing faster than they were being formed, a first. Overall, new businesses creation (measured as the share of all businesses less than one year old) declined by about half from 1978 to 2011.
Clearly what is needed is a legislatively forced, marked increase in business’ largest expense. $15 Now!!!!
Where are all of those displaced workers going to work? At the older, established businesses which remain when the younger ones fail. You know, the WalMarts and McDonald’s of our economy. Not much other opportunity, it seems:
The authors don’t mince words about the stakes here: If the decline persists, “it implies a continuation of slow growth for the indefinite future.” This lack of economic dynamism, particularly the steep drop since 2006, may be one reason why our current recovery has felt like much less than a recovery. As Matt O’Brien noted on Wonkblog last week, annual job growth rates have stubbornly refused to budge above 2 percent for the duration of the recovery.
Be careful what you wish for, Seattle.
@3. Duh, if workers do not have extra income to spend, after they cover food, shelter and transportation, of course businesses are going to go under for lack of demand.
Millionaires and Billionaires are not able to spend enough, fast enough, to make up the slack.
Your post argues our point!
@2, @3
One ‘climate change’ from recent past is that NOAA is predicting mid-summer arctic sea ice to be above-normal this year:
Effects of a waning AMO influence and colder water moving in, perhaps. Or perhaps not.
But it’s apparently not a one-shot deal, as multi-year ice is on the increase as well:
The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) reported last week (this was dated April 10) that there was an increase in the thicker, multi-year sea ice in the Arctic between the end of February 2013 and 2014.
That’s not a refutation, mind you. But it is from NOAA and NSIDC, two of the agencies contributing to the report @1.
We’ll see.
What happened in 2006? it was the start of the Great Recession. The economy slowed. In 2006 Total compensation, which includes benefits, dropped to the lowest share in nine years. At the same time, profits grew to the largest share of national income since 1947. The housing boom ended. Consumer debt soared to new heights. The trade deficit widened.
More on the Great Recession. The United States has seen an increasing concentration of wealth to the detriment of the middle class and the poor with the younger generations being especially affected. The middle class dropped from 61% of the population in 1971 to 51% in 2011 as the upper class increased its take of the national income from 29% in 1970 to 46% in 2010. The share for the middle class dropped to 45%, down from 62% while total income for the poor dropped to 9% from 10%. Since the number of poor increased during this period the smaller piece of the pie (down to 9% from 10%) is spread over a greater portion of the population.[116] The portion of national wealth owned by the middle class and poor has also dropped as their portion of the national income has dropped, making it more difficult to accumulate wealth.
And the Cheap Labor Conservatives keep trying to push wages down. What do Cheap Labor Conservatives see as the end game? What is the bottom?
how about all them republican jobs bills?
@5. See. We should do nothing because of one study says that ice is getting thicker. All those other facts are wrong. Wait and see. Wait. Wait. Wait and Wait. Do nothing. That’s what Fox Says to do do. Nothing.
@5 From that same link
“Despite the above increase, the longer-term trend since the late 1980’s shows a clear decrease in mult-year ice.”
@ 6
No, the Great Recession didn’t start in 2006. Try December, 2007.
The link @3 discussed a study showing a decline in new business creation by half beginning in 1978. You might argue that an acceleration occurred more recently but you can’t ignore the decades-long trend.
And if you’re going to tell us ‘more on the Great Recession’, perhaps your data starting point should be closer to that period rather than in 1970 and 1971. Just a suggestion. Otherwise I might go blaming the Carter era for your woes. Or did you mean to suggest the Great Recession began in 1970?
In one post, Better, you substituted your definition of the Great Recession period when addressing a much longer period in the link, and then used a similarly much longer period data while claiming to provide us more on the Great Recession. Have a good day.
Shorter Bickle. “You got a detail wrong, I dismiss every bit of your argument.”
@5 From the same accuweather page you posted:
@ 10
Yup. No argument. None at all.
It all depends on what your temporal parameters are. I linked to a short-term increase. There’s a much longer-term decrease, which correlates roughly with the ‘satellite’ era beginning in 1979.
Going back much further one sees warmer winters and less ice than exists in the current era.
Choose your time frame. And some have.
@ 9
Shorter Bickle/Better:
Bickle: “Newer businesses are having a harder time making it, and have for about 35 years now. Are we sure we want to substantially raise their cost of doing business?”
Better: “It’s recently gotten worse.”
I have no quarrel with your argument. My point is that yours did not dispute mine.
From the perspective of “Mahogany Row”, you can make money either by building a company up or taking one that’s doing OK and tearing it down. The former works best in a growing economy. The latter is applicable in both good times and bad.
Little Ricky Bobby is one of the 33.33 percenters:
This is funny.
I mentioned some of this yesterday. 9 of the top 10 occupations in this country pay an average wage of less than $35,000 per year:
Just drop teacher’s salaries to that “average” and all should be right as rain in the little Ricky Bobby’s world.
And oh my! Does that “one” job that pays a freaking living wage stick out! Registered nurse. An average of nearly 69k. What a tragedy for a concern troll like little Ricky Bobby. Obviously much too much for someone who has to deal with a sick person’s shit piss vomit and other bodily mess – I’ve heard as many as SIX of those sorts of people during a shift. Nurses in the worst places are made to work as many 6 overnight shifts in a week! Some new grads desperate for their first job can’t leave a hell hole unless they pay the hell hole 10 – 20k!
Damn too bad it’s hard as hell to offshore that job!
The gun nuts who want to arm children and cheer for domestic terrorists who blow up government buildings and aim sniper rifles at federal law enforcement officers are against “smart gun” technology that keeps guns from firing if they fall into the wrong hands.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Guns aren’t the problem. People are the problem! If we take people away from guns, guns will behave themselves and won’t be a problem, so let’s confiscate all the people instead of confiscating all the guns.
A gun store owner who tried to sell “smart” guns received death threats. Can you imagine that? That tells you what kind of people the gun nuts are.
Republicans. Strangle the funding for any science that doesn’t give us the facts we want to hear.
“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’”― Isaac Asimov
How about they pass a bill that would weed out tax cuts for the wealthy and subsidies for corporation that can’t be justified?
@18. I saw a story about that on Chris Hayes. It was amazing to see the video of that store owner, scared for his life, tacitly beg the gun fanatics not to harm his family or his business partner. Shameful.
@16 Dang. Those wages suck.
Is my math correct?
$25,140 / 52 weeks a year / 40 hour days = average pay of $12 a hour?
Good luck raising a family on that.
Heck, a two bedroom in Seattle costs at least 16K a year.
@12. Shorter Bickle. “Do Nothing!”
That always what his answers boil down to.
@15 Funny indeed. Seems the GOPers all took a breath at the same time in their collective Benghazi chant and decided there wasn’t enough laughter…so now ABC’s got a story about Monica Lewinski crawling in front of some cameras (wearing a blue dress, no less) to mumble about “respect” or something.
@8 1973, in fact. That’s pretty much agreed upon by economists of various stripes as the bellweather year in which the inflation-adjusted median income in the US reached a peak, from which it’s been declining ever since.
Rachel Maddow put Bengazi in perceptive, not that it will matter to hypocritical conservatives.
@22. The anti Bickle
@ 26
Consider the irony, if you will, of posting an article about students demanding pluralism while through ridicule you simultaneously insulate yourself from the input of others with whom you might disagree.
@28. I’m tolerant of all but the intolerant.
If you feel I don’t listen to you, it’s probably because we keep proving what you say is wrong and yet you keep repeating the same thing.
You are like a guy screaming “help me hit the helpless guy” over and over, then getting upset and yelling “Why is nobody is listening to me?”