There’s some celebratin’ to do following last week’s election. So join us tonight for some political jubilation at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally.
Festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning about 8:00 pm. Or show up early and enjoy the fine cuisine.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
The Men Who Stare at Votes | ||||
Not in Seattle? With 339 other chapters of Drinking Liberally, there is one just around the corner from you.
Why is your president going to send more troops to Afghanistan?
@Troll: Dear Troll, guess I didn’t realize that you were not an American….are you one of them Taliban?
‘Cause Obama would be your President if you were a real American…so you must be some kind of traitor….
@1: The short answer is because Bush screwed up so badly and din’t finish the job.
The long answer is the unnecessary war in Iraq.
didn’t – my D is not workin’, kinda like the Seahawks.
Where’s “maggie”? Did she show up tonight?
After calling me a “coward” she didn’t show up last week to debate whether my remark about “ugly Republican women” whose men fuck goats is demeaning to “all” women.
I thought maybe she got her dates mixed up and showed up a week late? Or is it “no maggie” night again at DL tonight?
Just wondering.
Troll @ 1–
You idiot. President Obama waited so long to send troops because he wanted the Taliban to have time to regroup & become stronger and more Americans to die. That is so obvious. You Right-wingers have no concept of war & terror.
We must be fair to the terrorists.
@6 Speaking of idiots … America was attacked from terrorist bases in Afghanistan, a country with 50% more land area than Iraq and almost the same population … so Republican military geniuses sent 160,000 troops to Iraq and 11,000 to Afghanistan … go figure.
@6 (continued) I think Republicans were more than fair to the terrorists. Now let’s kick their asses; play time is over.
I know this guy–“YLB spews Room Temp IQ ain’t that bad, is it?”–is one of our regular trolls, but I’ve not been following closely enough to know which one. YLB, you surely know. Please reveal who. We may need a special Golden Goat for this one.
Roger Rabbit @ 5,
No sign of maggie tonight. You’ve been stiffed again!
Since that idiot Klynical is derelect in his posting (perhaps out of convenience beccause now he hates the numbers), allow me to step in to let you know that President Obama and the Democrats are on the rise!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
What do you say about that KlynicalIdiot??
RepubliPricks are stirring things up about the noble Ft. Hood psychiatrist. They are such assholes. Obviously President Obama wanted a fairer fight so he has allowed the Taliban to regroup and strengthen. Obama’s faithful assistants probably wanted a catastrophe to fan the flames. Look at this:
What’s wrong with a fairer fight.
We must be fair to terrorists.
We are the evil emplire.
Good for Obama.
What’s wrong Proud Leftist? This “YLB spews Room Temp IQ ain’t that bad, is it?” poster has a certain twang in his “commentary” to your favorite arschloch, ylb arschloch.
Remember US = The Great Satan
Could be the HNMT, but the posting times are a bit different than his usual pattern.
Definitely not the Dori Monson lovin’, homophobic misogynist who’s taken my name in vain – this HNMT styled troll is way too literate for that dork.
Happy Veterans Day to all my fellow liberals. Roger Rabbit, GBS and others – we honor your service.
Hell, even you wingnut veterans deserve a shout out. Relax with your usual right wing hate talk and Faux News or not – it’s your day too.
As for me I’m taking a break. Tomorrow I’ll be baaaaack for more “enhanced interrogation” of the lunatic, intellectually bankrupt, degenerate right wing.
@10 “Maggie” appears to have dropped off the face of the earth — now that he’s been outed as a troll.
@15 “Happy Veterans Day to all my fellow liberals. Roger Rabbit, GBS and others – we honor your service. Hell, even you wingnut veterans deserve a shout out.”
Thank you. Of course, when I enlisted, I didn’t ask for or expect any thanks or reward. I was simply doing my citizen duty. But gratitude is always appreciated. Some of us didn’t get very much of that for a long time.
Many businesses are honoring our veterans today with freebies. I’ll be heading to Applebee’s for a free steak dinner later today. Dick’s Drive-In is giving away free french fries (or “freedom fries” if you prefer) and Dunkin’ Donuts is handing out free donuts. There are others that I can’t remember. Many thanks to those business folks for remembering us.
To the trolls (if there are any) who did more than pay lip service to serving: Thank you for your service, and you’re welcome to join me at my table at Applebee’s. To find me, look for a pair of long ears sticking up above the sea of heads in the veterans’ seating section.
Now I gotta say something about the “band of brothers” thing. I hate to do this, but have no choice. For many years, I felt an emotional bond to all of my fellow Vietnam Veterans, regardless of political persuasion. No more. The behavior of some veterans in 2004 was so bad that it effectively disbanded the “band of brothers.” Not just the Swift Boat Liars, although they’re certainly part of the problem. Today, sadly — thanks to them — Vietnam veterans, like everyone else, are divided into two camps: Reasonable Democrats and Republican Assholes.
Thanks, YLB.
It was a tremendous honor and a great personal privilege to serve America. The thanks really goes to Lady Liberty for granting us opportunity to answer the call of duty.
A Happy Veterans Day to all my brothers and sisters who have served and are serving America.
You can’t job hunt on HA Libtardos today ylb arschloch?
Puddy wonders if Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm will bring these two together to discuss race relations over a beer at da whitey house…
What is it with university professors and their anger issues?