Tonight is our last meeting of the year, so please join us for a pint of wassial or ale at this holiday edition of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally. We won’t be meeting for the following two Tuesdays (Christmas eve and New Years eve).
We meet tonight and every Tuesday evening (well…with a few holiday exceptions) at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Our normal starting time is 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings over the next week.
Tonight the Tri-Cities and Shelton chapters also meet. The Lakewood and South Seattle chapters meets this Wednesday. For Thursday, the Spokane and Tacoma chapters meet.
With 212 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Over at Shark’s irrelevant (un)SP, pudge has lost his lid over the announcement of former Microsoft Office President Kurt DelBene to lead and manage
Bringing together the fact that the husband of the woman who destroyed his man-crush and secessionist flag waving, “the rape thing” , John Koster with ObamaCare has thrown him off his limited grasp of reality.
pudge’s post is titled “Suzan DelBene and Nepotism”
Having been challenged on his understanding of the word, nepotism, pudge is furiously deleting comments and attempting to reinvent the definition.
Understand, most of you, like me are forever banned from commenting on a pudge post because of FREEDOMZ! and you all are LIARS!, but it is something to watch.
Where is the leftist pinheads supporting Major Jason Bresler?
Not on Daily Kooks
Not on Media Morons
Barbara Walters said it… Puddy captures it…
Another ‘messiah’ comment!
Uncle Puddles,
Do you and your family welcome the “white” Santa Claus to your home?
And do you worship the “white” messiah, Jesus Christ?
Obummer, worse ratings than GW Bush at comparable times in their presidency! And Bush was continually attacked by the slobbering libtard DUMMOCRETIN press during his first 5 years!
CubScout… Since Santa was originally a Greek person and the Dutch took it forward…
YES, Of Course! Even The HuffPo agrees CubScout….
Some day you’ll be a higher level than Scout once you leave the libtard reservation!
@ 6
I’d be willing to bet the farm that “Jesus” looked more like Yassir Arafat than he did Bryan Fischer. A lot more.
I’d also be willing to bet that Santa Clause is not real.
@5 Not true. According to Gallup GWB had a 41% percent approval rating at this same point, O is at 43.
When Puddy delivers facts from leftist pinhead blogs…
@1, MBS
I just read the comment thread over at (un)SP…good god, it’s classic.
It’s nice to see a good number of thoughtful people relentlessly poking fun at pudge’s signature brand of sanctimony+bile. The dude is truly insufferable. The fact that he had to ban TWO regular posters for “LYING!!” is hilarious.
Good times.
“There are no facts. Only interpretations”.
And…the fact the Jim Miller is posting – this time bullshit climate denials from bumpkin Watt (a la cheapshotBob) – without allowing any comments, is also hilarious.
They really are descending into the bunker over there.
Puddy gonna use the standard line libtards use here…
No zerHOG link… no facts just a lot of smelly farts
So leftist blogs like the HuffPo are “interpretations”? Who knew?
Thanks for playing zerHOG!
Remember Aisha Harris over Santa Claus? She thought Penguins were mammals! Maybe that’s why PMSNBC loved her Slate article. Maybe schmucko-lunatic can help her!
Everyone knows Jesus looks like a Swedish Tennis Player.
Yet another TeaParty “Patriot” has been caught with his hands in the nookie jar.
This is pretty much what it all boils down to. They want to get rid of government, and the laws it is tasked to enforce, so they can do this shit without being caught. They don’t want the Federal government intruding on their private lives, even if those private lives include being a fucking kiddie diddling freako. They’re anarchists and seditionists.
I don’t know of any other religion other than “christianity” (really, just a death cult) that has its members going to bed every night praying for a nuclear war so they can have the excuse to go apeshit and start thieving and killing and fucking anyone they want to. Thats all it is.
They just want to unleash their passions for murder and baby rape without anyone telling them NO. One can be assured that there’ll be more of these. Their angst is just too close to the surface.
So I heard a story on the radio yesterday about a Christian group stealing all the beefcake and cheesecake calendars out of a mall shop know..mostly unclothed bodies and, Jesus is crying over that. And they took credit publically for it.
Someone help me out. Isn’t removing all items that offend your religion pretty much like the Taliban? Isn’t taking the law into your own hands to bend the law to your religious beliefs often called Sharia? How about stealing?
Poor puddy, need Herzog to hold your hand for you? How sad
@ 18
I have never heard of liberals closing schools and libraries (ostensibly to save money), burning books, murdering teachers and scholars, erasing historical events or stealing offensive objects in the name of a “god”.
But history is replete with examples of “conservatives” doing all of these things, especially religious “conservatives”. Satan is never so happy or busy as he is when working amongst the people that believe in him.
Thank the Noodles I’m a Liberal.
That second video shows me everything I need to know. I didn’t even need to run it. “Megyn” Kelly (“Me gyn?” oh, come on!) was wrong, stupidly and contemptibly wrong. And I knew it wouldn’t take long to find him.
Can’t run zerHOG. When you don’t provide links, it’s never taken seriously. Google no links zerHOG! As Puddy wrote earlier… if your first name begins with “E” Puddy has friends who probably know you.
“Whacked out leftist”
“Everything Democratic”
“Hates Republicans”
“Simple minded”
Ever heard those comments zerHOG?
Golly this is sad… You’d think after all these years precautions would be taken! Puddy reads many things!
well you obviously take it seriously stoooPuddy or you wouldn’t be posting, as Herzog wrote earlier, do I need to hold your hand?
This was getting a lot of yammer on the conservative talk radio as I drove in, but I notice they don’t metion this minor detail.
It’s getting some serious push back on face book from military families I know. Course, they are all blaming Obama, but if all you get is fox news, what do you expect?
Don’t those long hyper-generous military pensions demean those brave warriors upon whom they’re foisted?
Don’t they encourage a culture of dependency amongst military retirees, er, elder warriors?
These pensions sound like a liberal plot to emasculate, to feminaziize, our proud retired warriors….I’m so glad Paul Ryan finally decided to do something about it.
@26. Bwhahahaha. That’s priceless (grin!)
You mean they didn’t read it before they voted on it?
Wasn’t there some canard about Nancy Pelosi doing that that puddibigot keeps bringing up?
Check this out – DJIA since 1992.
Democratic over-achievement bracketing, and making up for, Republican “gentleman’s ‘C'” laziness and mediocrity.
@1 and @13 “Over at Shark’s irrelevant (un)SP, pudge has lost his lid”
Ha! Some say that I am Zatoichi, the Blind Swordsman. Although Zatoichi slices and he dices, Pudge mostly bleeds from self-inflicted wounds caused by fingers typing on keyboard.
@32 Steve,
I just read the comments and was coming here to praise “Zatoichi” for his discovering that pudge is Humpty Dumpty
@33 Are you referring to pudge’s post wherein he calls hiring former Microsoft exec Kurt DelBene to fix Obamacare’s software problems “nepotism” because Suzan DelBene is a member of Congress?
@31 I made $20.60 for every point the DJIA was up today. I sure like being an investor when Democrats are running things!
@2 Sounds like a military matter to me. It also sounds like you, Fox News, and everyone else on the right is prejudging the case. This guy has excellent legal representation, which he’s getting free of charge, and support from members of Congress, generals, and war heroes. I doubt he’ll be subjected to a drumhead courtmartial.
26,27,28 — Well, isn’t it just like Republicans to boost capital spending by taking money from the employees’ pension kitty?
@Roger, yes. And the fun continues. “DictionaryDan” just correctly called pudge a LIAR!….. hilarity shall ensue.
Thank you very much!
What a great screen name to use for that thread! Too funny!
@34 Yeah, Roger, it’s about DelBene’s husband and nepotism. Silly, huh?