Please join us this evening for some politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Our normal starting time is 8:00pm.
Can’t make it tonight? Check out another Washington state DL over the next week.
The Tri-Cities, Bellingham, and Vancouver, WA chapters also meet this evening. On Thursday the Bremerton chapter meets. The Centralia chapter meets on Friday. And next Monday, the Aberdeen, Yakima and Olympia chapters meet.
With 212 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Republicans want to make this illegal.
No, not the farm animal torture depicted in this graphic and stomach-churning video; they want to make this video illegal. GOP legislators have made filming torture of farm animals a felony in several states.
How can anyone with a conscience vote for Republicans?
Obummer new lows… All without the slamming slobbering DUMMOCRETIN loving media GW Bush had to deal with!
This is another of those law of unintended consequences in the world of DUMMOCRETIN political correctness. A six old boy is harmed!
NY City cops acting like DUMMOCRETINS
Where is PETA?
Brit Hume asks a powerful question!
Maybe some HA DUMMOCRETINS know?
Well there is something Raul Castro can claim… He met Obummer more times than Kathleen Sebelius!
Obummer shakes hands with Cuba’s Castro.
Obummer shook hands with Hugo Chavez.
Obummer skips Margaret Thatcher’s funeral.
A program based on what Mitt Romney signed into law in Massachusetts is problematic at best for the country as a whole.
Support the American Health Security act:
Let the country copy what Vermont is doing.
“Just applied online for Medicare. Took 5 minutes. Single payer anyone?”
A strong movie recommendation. Netflix is apparently helping these folks out with distribution. Out of several hundred kidnap victims sent to this particular “camp”, nearly 40 have committed suicide, and most of the others are suffering from PTSD as serious as that of any combat veteran.
A friend of mine was sent to one such camp for girls in Mexico back in the late 80s, spent much of her whole high school period there. They waterboarded kids for punishment and “instruction”. But they called it “baptismal”.
She was literally grabbed out of her bed in the middle of the night by several large weightlifter types and literally dragged, kicking and screaming, to the Palo Alto airport and put on a LearJet with several other girls and dragged down to some island on the Gulf Coast of Mexico, where she spent the next three years. It was literally a torture camp for Jesus. She wasn’t allowed to leave until a couple months before her 18th birthday. As far as I know, she has never spoken to her mother since she came back. All because she was caught having sex with her boyfriend and after she had decided that her mother’s Church was full of crazy people and had told her she wasn’t going anymore.
These “camps” are common. There are hundreds of such operations around the world, and they are extremely profitable for the people operating them, including the Romneys. There is a whole slew of reasons why they are operated outside of the United States. They are entirely unregulated, and totally beyond the jurisdiction of the United States Government.
Metro North says that they will install alerter devices in all their operating cabs. Railway experts say the success of the device is debatable.
I see puddibigot showed back up again – after running away from 1. his inability to articulate a medical system plan that he would support, and 2. being called on his vicious and very un-Christian vengeance-lust.
He also, @7, seems too stupid to notice the post with the link to all the pictures of American Presidents and their underlings hob-nobbing with monsters – GHWB cuddling Noriega, Rumsfeld and Saddam Hussein, GWB kissing a Saudi prince, and on and on.
the puddibigot ain’t got nuthin’. Again.
@7 What’s even more interesting is Obama hasn’t
Allowed our country to be attacked while sleeping on the job,
Started a war with the wrong country,
Started wars he couldn’t finish,
Left wars for someone else to finish.
One could also add that Obama is repairing the economy that Bush wrecked and killed the terrorist mastermind whom Bush couldn’t find.
Puddy has a special gift for elevating the trivial while ignoring the monumental.
@9 From what Wikipedia says, Scientology apparently can kidnap people right here in the United States, hold them against their will, make them work 16 hour days for $50 a week, and forcibly return them to their concentration camps — and courts won’t do anything about it because they’re a “church” exercising “religious freedom.”
CNBC is running a headline today blaring, “The Rich Pay ALL The Taxes!”
The story says the top 40% of households pay 106% of federal income taxes. The bottom 40% pay -9%. The odd percentages are due to “negative income taxes,” e.g., earned income credit, etc.
Assuming the story is factually accurate, the top 40% of households takes in a huge swath of the middle class. Someone in the 40th percentile is not “rich.” That’s only slightly above the media income of $51,371 (in 2012, the latest figure available). A family income of $60,000 or $70,000 is not “rich,” unless you live in Bangladesh or Sudan or arguably the Mississippi Delta (or some other domestic “right to work” paradise).
While there is no universally accepted definition of “rich,” when news media use the term, they’re usually referring to the top 1% or maybe at most the top 2%.
The CNBC headline can only be regarded as reckless journalistic hyperbole. Because CNBC’s audience tends to be affluent investor types, we can assume it was deliberate and shameless pandering to CNBC’s readership.
Looks like Boeing blinked. Tuesday was the deadline for other states to woo Boeing with free stuff. But no one offered as much free stuff as Washington state, so now Boeing and the union are back in negotiations.
@ 15
Thats pretty humorous considering that those States aren’t offering to build a $2 Billion facility for some itinerant kite company to use for free, simply because their tax base is so low and the rest of their obligations so horribly underfunded that they can’t fucking afford it. It’s bad enough that some of those States are grinding up their lesser traveled country roads and laying down hardpack crushed rock to save money.
Serves them right.
@15, 16
Inslee and the Washington gov’t should tell Boeing…Ooopsie, that offer had a shelf life. Looks like we can’t afford so much anymore….
@15, 16
Or get all Michael Corleone on them and say our state’s offer is……nothing.
So the Ft Hood massacre wasn’t on Obummer’s watch?
Do tell Roger SENILE LUNATIC and DUMB Wabbit!
Post #7 has a link or is it another of schmucko-lunatic’s fantastic fantasies!
Wow. the puddibigot thinks Ft. Hood = 9/11/2001.
What a moron.
Hey puddibigot, which was worse, Ft. Hood, or Newtown, CT?
PuddyCommentary: Some interesting observations… Isn’t Talking to constituents and citizens is her job.?
Watching this video there’s a whole lot of DUMMOCRETIN stooooooooopid right there. Just watch her. The moderator talks about being on topic? On topic? The topic she’s there to discuss is the Middle East, right? She’s looking at her notes. In other words, without the DNCC marching orders, just a typical DUMMOCRETIN. Puddy remembers a sentence from Hitchhiker’s Guide to Galaxy… “My Favourite Bathtime Gurgles” when his own major intestine, in a desperate attempt to save humanity, leapt straight up through his neck and throttled his brain. Maybe that’s what happened to her.
Her response is truly frightening. The Real Americans at her town hall meeting obviously know more than her. Well she is a DUMMOCRETIN… and it’s even more scary she won that district. So unless there was voter fraud, a majority of people in her district have a current events IQ as low as hers or maybe even lower. This speaks volumes about the stupid people who voted for her. Are the Jim McDimWitt voters as stoooooooooopid as hers? Puddy believes so… they’re DUMMOCRETINS!
The people asking her about Benghazi were perfectly civil. Even the lady who asked the reinforcing question just said it a little louder but without the standard vindictive venom of a schmucko-lunatic.
They were just asking her questions she definitely couldn’t answer and it’s self-evident in her bloviating.
Imagine if she were black like Sheila Jackson Lee, then the questions would be called “racist” by Al NotSoSharpton. Since she’s white, the questions would be marked as uncivil by Rachel MadCow and the moderator had to cum to her rescue. She would channeled her Sandra Fluke and probably screamed the audience would want to take away her birth control! DAYUM!
Maybe she was thinking of calling the lady Mike Hunt, and thinking about (Ben Gazzi) Ben Gazzara – the great actor that played the bad guy in Roadhouse, Al Caida – a person wearing a keffeyeh, Jack Meoff – how she felt with the question, and Stu Pitt (Brad’s little brother) – with no DNCC study notes. Then there are Ed Cialis, IP Daily, Mac A. Roni, Al Koholik.
Clearly, this woman does not belong in public office.
Hey puddibigot, when are you going to tell us what your Jesus would say to Edward Duncan? What would he say to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev? What would he say to Karla Faye Tucker?
Would He demand their torture and execution? What would he say about your demands for torture and execution?
What would he say to Dick Cheney?
@20 puffy you’ve been beaten bad, you should concede and run home now, you are an Epic Failure. You should go spew your vile shit on some conservative blog.
Paul Broun (Idiot-GA):
Joe Barton, (Dimwit-TX):
They both happened under Obummer’s watch!
Nuff Said sucka!
Joe Barton, (Dimwit-TX), presumes to condescend to Steven Chu. Hilarity ensues.
Why do Republicans always sound both dumb and smug?
Where was GW Bush sleeping schmucko-lunatic?
That’s not what I asked, puddibigot.
Which event was worse – the one you’re braying about, or the one you’re not?
My Pet Goat
C’mon, puddibigot, engage the discussion…
Oooo….seems the puddibigot couldn’t take the heat.
@ 29 LS:
One major problem with Republicans, indeed all Conservative’s thinking is that they ask questions, and then refuse to listen to any sentence longer than about 30 syllables. If you cannot explain something to a fourth grader, you cannot explain it to a Conservative. They just do not have the cognitive functionality required to understand something that cannot be reduced to a 15 second sound byte on the Television.
These are the adults, who as children, were spending 10 hours of every day in front of the TV, seven days a week. If the whole story cannot be told in under a half hour and in 5 minute increments, they just don’t want to hear it. It is beyond their capacity to understand. Thus, they dismiss the information as being unimportant.
Out of sight, out of mind.
They certainly depend on received wisdom a great deal – I think it has to do with their desire/need for authority figures telling them what to do.
And for the need for everything to be black or white. Anything gray freaks them out.
Suffer fools such as schmucko-lunatic and they EXPLODE!
See ya!
One who presumes to speak for Jesus makes big mistakes. Since you love to quoteth scripture schmucko-lunatic you tell Puddy!
OK, you’re back….so, when are you going to answer my questions?
Which was worse, Ft. Hood, or Newtown, CT?
What would your Jesus say to Edward Duncan? Dzhokhar Tsarneav? Dick Cheney?
C’mon puddibigot, show us what you’ve got.
With a non-existing link?
Yes the “beatdown”!
Yup – proven once again – the puddibigot doesn’t have the cojones to stand up for his beliefs, if he has any, beyond snide right wing talking points.
@28 “They both happened under Obummer’s watch!”
So did Mandela’s death, but that doesn’t mean Obama killed Mandela, moron. Your pea brain seems to imagine cause-and-effect relationships where they don’t exist. This usually is considered stupidity, a form of mental illness, or combination of both.
@15 “But no one offered as much free stuff as Washington state”
As far as I can tell, the only state to offer Boeing free stuff was Missouri, and they offered only $1.5 billion. So it looks like Boeing’s attempt to play gullible legislatures off each other fell flat on its face. Nobody else comes close to being as gullible as our legislature.
@19 Well if you really want to do that kind of comparision:
Bush’s watch: 2,977 victim fatalities
Obama’s watch: 13 victim fatalities
So guess which one of these sleeping watchmen Puddyidiot shills for? You get two guesses, and if you miss on the first try, I’ll confiscate your second guess because you can’t be trusted with it.
@21 re 45: Yeah I noticed that, too, but you beat me to it.
@41 You’re so stupid you don’t even know when you’ve had your ass handed to you. How embarrassing for your family it must be.
It’s inevitable that in third world countries where the population is divided into rich and poor classes — for example, the United States — the 16-year-old sons of wealthy parents are given a license to kill.
The rest of us? We’d be doing 25 years on bread and water.
Another ” family values” Republican…
GOP Sen. Lamar Alexander’s chief of staff was arrested Wednesday afternoon on charges of possessing and distributing child pornography, the Justice Department said.
Read more:
Oops, double post.
Wow…Chief of Staff is a big deal – they’ve probably worked together for years, known each other for years.
Child pornography – possessing and distributing – that’s a big deal.
I wonder when the puddibigot will show up with a relentless series of posts claiming the guy was a Democrat?
Powerful retort!
. N O T .
Illegals allowed in by Bill Clinton – 2,977 victim fatalities
Illegals allowed in by GWBush – 0 Victim Fatalities
Who knows?
Why is Dick Cheney included? Did Dick Cheney perform those acts?
Nope but schmucko-lunatic is a hate-filled moron!
@54 The 9/11 terrorists were illegals? Really? Do you know what a “visa” is, putz?
@55 Dick Cheney is a warmonger, torturer, and liar. But you like him anyway, right putz? It must be his warmth, geniality, and charm that attracts you.
I doubt he does, RR, despite all the international travel he claims/brags about.
See, his point isn’t to understand or argue – it’s to smear all immigrants – but particularly the brown kind, you know, from Mexico and points south – by linking them to the actions of a single one who allegedly committed a horrible crime.
(He doesn’t understand innocent until proven guilty, either)
Bush’s needless war – 4500 US troops; 1.2 million Iraqi civilians.