It’s time to let out your inner Socialist! Please join us for an evening of politics over a pint at tonight’s gathering of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Our normal starting time is 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out another nearby DL meeting over the next week. Tonight the Tri-Cities and Shelton chapters meet. The South Seattle chapter meets this Wednesday. And for Thursday, the Spokane and Tacoma chapters meet.
With 212 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Sharkansky is my new ‘bottom whore’*.
*Borrowing from Iceberg Slim’s 1950’s South Chicago pimp-talk.
@2 Is he still getting single moms fired from their waitressing jobs for telling his rowdy kid to be quiet because he’s disturbing other restaurant patrons?
With the housing market flooded with foreclosures, you’d think there would be plenty of affordable housing out there. The natural forces of supply and demand at work, right?
Well, you’d think wrong.
Big investment funds like BlackRock scooped up tens of thousands of distressed properties, paying cash for them, and now they’re securitizing the rental income and selling that to investors. (And making a hell of a lot of money in the process.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Rents are skyrocketing, which seems strange in an economy that seems stuck in permanent recession. Not so strange, I guess, is the fact that windfall profits from exorbitant rents are raining down by bucketfuls into the coffers of Wall Street tycoons. And who pays these stratospheric rents? Young people, working people … the younger you are, and/or the lower your income, the more likely you are to be a renter. What you’re seeing here is another vicious round of wealth extraction from the poor and working classes by the super-rich. And by the time those sliced-and-diced rental income tranches go bad, they will have been sold at enormous profit to … wait for it … the renters’ pension funds.
@1 Well, not quite…
They’ll be part of the REITS lurking in the portfolios of the junky IRA and 401(k) funds those lucky enough to have a few spare bucks will be pissing them into. “Pensions”???? Sounds like an old 20th Century urban legend.
“Is he still getting single moms fired from their waitressing jobs for telling his rowdy kid to be quiet because he’s disturbing other restaurant patrons?”
I don’t know. I assume so. Megalomaniacs dig that kind of shit.
Too funny. He was accusing Obama of being megalomaniacal in his idiotic “Liberal Fascist” (God, that shit again?) post. I posted a comment ridiculing him about the waitress incident, sharing the definition of ‘megalomania’ and pointed out that if anybody was a megalomaniac it was (un)SP’s resident megalomaniacal waitress-hater. That was the one that got me banned for life.
Gary Locke is resigning from his post as U.S. ambassador to China.
@5 I hope Sharansky’s overindulged kid doesn’t turn into one of these kids.
Really, Roger? You’re going after his kids?!?
@8 Naw. I just hope his kid turns out all right, despite bad parenting. That’s all I said or implied. I want the best life for all kids, including his kid. The only people I’m “going after” is parents guilty of bad parenting. Kids are expected to be rowdy. Kids will be kids, you know. Parents are expected to control their kids in public places like restaurants. The failure here is the parents’ refusal to do that, not the kid’s behavior. If we read about a kid in the papers, it’s because of bad parenting. I simply wish Shark would be a better parent and raise a good kid. Don’t we all want that?
A city referendum banning late-term abortions pushed by right-to-lifers has been defeated by Albuquerque voters, proving their campaign against reproductive rights does not have popular support.
Hmmm, I didn’t know JFK was nearly assassinated in December 1960, and LBJ might have been forced out of the vice-presidency by a corruption investigation if JFK hadn’t been assassinated in 1963.
11) The Military Channel did a special on what if Vice President-elect Johnson had become president in that situation. LBJ would have been President during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and he had favored a surgical strike. The show was called “Armageddon 1962”.
The controversy with the Mayor of Toronto led the Canadian equivalent of Fox News, Sun Network News, gave him a show. Now they have pulled it, citing production costs. They are willing to cross lines CTV, the more conservative of the established private over the air broadcasters would not, and have lost several attempts to get must-carry status from the Canadian Radio and Television Commission.
That’s not what Obummer’s sadministration is telling the world SENILE Wabbit. So why are you disagreeing with the official DUMMOCRETIN party line?
CBS Poll… Seems to correspond to Gallup and WA Post. Obummercare down to 31% approval. Die hard DUMMOCRETINS (almost 6 in 10) like y’all still holding on for The Won! 67% of independents think Obummercare sucks too!
DUMMOCRETINS, you get what you jack boot goose step frog march to! How are those brown shirts fitting these days? OWS Fraggy specializes in brown shirts. They may be available at fire sale prices!
Coloradoans For ObummerCare sure think wimens are just oversexed peeps! Anyone care to thank Sandra Fluke?
College wimens not impressed!
Another reason to legalize drugs!
The only people up in arms about the ad in question seem to be prudish Christian websites and the Catholics. Boo-fucking-hoo.
puddibigot’s blockquoted comment is from the comments at the end of the article.
Here are a few more comments from that article:
Here’s another…
Here’s another from “dixiesusan”..
Here’s another…
Yup, puddibigot, you’ve stuck Teahaddist GOLD with this one. Really persuasive argument you’ve got there, and some compelling allies.
Who proposed legalizing methamphetamine?
Do you have a point? (If so, it would be a first)
So, puddibigot, tell me this….you seem exceptionally concerned about the alleged failures of Obamacare.
From that, I take it that you’re concerned about the problems of tens of millions of people without access to doctors and medicines and treatment (obviously simplifying the issues greatly).
In place of the ACA – if you could just *POOF* make it go away – what would be your preferred solution? Show your work.
Notice that the republicans never ever list anything they would replace the The Affordable Care Act with?
North Texas Drivers Stopped at Roadblock Asked for Saliva, Blood
This is in Texas? I thought they wouldn’t do such a thing there.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty Is the Complete Opposite of “Free Trade”
I want fair trade.
But they do have a Really Affordable Care Plan.
Get sick. Get well fast.
Get really sick. Kill yourself.
It worked for Katherine Harris’ husband.
Don’t young parents tend to vote DUMMOCRETIN and then wise up later in life? Well if they can’t keep their doctor, who is like a family member in the early years, what will they do?
And so it begins… blame the insurers who were forced to provide something called “Essential Health Benefits” Google that sucka and view those requirements!
@14 “That’s not what Obummer’s sadministration is telling the world SENILE Wabbit. So why are you disagreeing with the official DUMMOCRETIN party line?”
Puddykins, since you’re too stupid to figure it out, I’ll spell it out for you:
Obama works for Wall Street. I rob Wall Street.
There. Is it clear now?
@15 Yeah, our poll ratings look bad — until someone compares them to yours.
@22 Texas is a foreign country. They do whatever they want to.
Lonely man who pretends to be puddy, the quote you want is
What are conservatives proud of?
@5, @9 Our first child, from when she was a baby, was a perfect angel in public places and we could take her to any restaurant with confidence the only effect she’d have on other people would be to charm the heck out of them. Our second was somewhat more boisterous as a toddler, and sometimes his outbursts would be offensive to the waitstaff or other patrons. When that happened, we’d respectfully apologize, pay our bill (with an extra-large tip) and leave.
Nope, the issue Roger’s referring to isn’t about pointing fingers at the Sharkansky kid. It’s about the kid’s peckerhead of a father.
I see the puddibigot had time to drop by and excrete some GOP propaganda, but refuses to lay out what he thinks would be a superior alternative in terms of providing health care services to those who are uninsured or underinsured.
Today’s lead story in the fishwrapper was about how so many states are salivating for Boeing to relocate in their state.
But it’s not realistic. Boeing might hold out the promise to get concessions from other sites, but there are really a limited number of sites capable of supporting the 777X program, it’s wing assembly, and the multitude of vendors and logistics necessary to build an aircraft.
This includes Puget Sound, Long Beach, Charleston (albeit land issues). Long shots include Wichita (weather problems), and Mobile (the Airbus presence there is a a security concernt for Boeing).
Those with NO CHANCE includes anywhere in Texas and other suitors.
Fascist one… You are no John Kennedy!
The Libtard in Obummer’s pocket media has some explaining to do with their slobbering champeening of Obummercare… Here are the whoppers…
When you drink the kook-aid, you naturally become a kook!
Lunatic moron schmucko-idiot… There have been many proposals from the GOP since 2010. Obummer rejected them because none lead to single payer.
Boeing’s stock dropped over $4.50 today. McNerney’s IRA probably lost seven figures. That’s what he gets for messing with the union. I wonder what the stock will be worth after Boeing announces it’s going to build the 777x in Dubai with dollar-a-day Pakistan laborers? And the only people who will fly on them will be low-wage laborers commuting from Pakistan to Dubai. That doesn’t look like a profit-making proposition to me. Apparently it doesn’t to the stock market, either.
@35 Here’s the GOP’s healthcare enrollment website:
@36 Why didn’t they make those proposals when they were running the government?
@34. Amusing how the coward who won’t defend his conservative values, when exposed to a positive ideal, a vision of good, a defining statement that is uplifting, he attacked the messenger.
I think he cannot stand that our vision for the country is good and compassionate, is what Jesus would admire, and his version is not.
We all know what conservatives are against, but they will not admit to what they are for.
@38 Funny!
@41 re @38: Republicans ran the country for 30 years and that’s the healthcare system they gave us during all that time. When Clinton proposed healthcare reform in 1993, they said no, no, no. When healthcare reform was on the congressional agenda in 2003, they voted no, no, no. If they now have “proposals” they want us to consider, I would say they’re late to the party.
If Republicans don’t want single payer, they should help Obamacare succeed, because if Obamacare fails, we’ll likely
end up with universal Medicare.
correction @42: excuse me, 2009 not 2003
@32 C’mon…does anyone who isn’t demented or delusional really not understand that Pudnutz and his fellow GOPers don’t want to “provide healthcare” to the working class, just like they don’t want to provide affordable housing, food assistance or education. They want to keep ’em dumb and desperate enough to work for peanuts and shut up.
Weally DUMB Wabbit? Then the OWS crowd like Fraggy are as stoooooooooooooopid as ever jock strapping a wall street freak!
Who claimed Puddy was a libtard Fascist Pigsty? Puddy been sticking up for Puddy’s conservative values since 2005. You are a moronic jackASS! You are very delusional!
Puddy has lived your version in Philadelphia. No thank you very much!
Once again FartyArt proves to all his nose and ASS are in libtard web sites!
Does FartyArt EVAH pay attention to the details?
Apparently not your honor. The prosecution rests your honor!
Wow, did Sebelius really say that?
PuddyCommentary: Why didn’t you WANT to know then? Your own CIO was raising red flags back in March 2013.
Amazing two whole peeps. Waytogo libtardos! All this means is the front end of ObummerCare still can’t handle anywhere near the promised land of demand, even though ObummerCare makes enrollments mandatory or you pay that fine! When do you pay Sebelius?
Last Friday on Da Perfessa’s favrit cable network PMSNBC, Martin Bashir basically said someone should shit on Sarah Palin’s mouth and piss in her eyes and mouth.
Puddy wonders how many HA DUMMOCRETINS are shocked and dismayed at his crass commentary.? Since no one came out and condemned it, Puddy wondered why. So Puddy asks. Puddy has a good idea which HA DUMMOCRETINS cheer this commentary.
Prove Puddy wrong HA DUMMOCRETINS!
I just had a fascinating discussion with my coworkers. It started with one giving the blanket statement that “Regulation is the problem” but when pressed, they couldn’t cite a regulation that they had a problem with. I gave the metaphor that capitalism without regulation is like football without rules, it’s just the bigger stronger guys beating the shit out of the weaker ones and then going and rampaging in the bleachers. They agreed, that was not what they meant by too much regulation.
Anyway after more probing, when they said regulations, they meant fees. They felt that all the endless fees for everything was a problem
Then they got to the root problem. They hated the mismanagement of government. They hated when government was dictatorial and imposed new regulations and fees for no reasons. Government set the rules and changed them for no reason, like establishing a 300 foot set back from the river and then changing it 500 feet. They hated the corruptions where shoddy work was done and rewarded. They hated that tunnels were rammed through, against the will of the people.
So what they hated was government that seemed corrupt, unfair and dictatorial. I agree with them. Nobody, liberal or conservative wants a local, state or national government to make one feel powerless and ripped off.
@50. Shorter puddy. Flag Pin!
Because you have not shown instant denial against [Insert outrage here], you must be an agent of evil, plotting against all that is good about civilization!
The Koch brothers are funding an attack ad against Sen. Mark Begich (D-AK) that uses a Maryland actress who pretends to be an Alaska voter.
Asked about it, the actress shrugged and said, “I’m just an actress.” In other words, she gets paid to do commercials, and says what she’s paid to say, whether it’s a sale pitch for laundry soap or a Koch brothers script.
Which is fine as far as it goes. They can advertise anything they want. Hopefully, Begich will run ads reminding Alaskans that woman is a paid spokesperson doing the bidding of billionaires, not an Alaskan voter.
@52 Speaking of outrage, wingnuts are circulating an e-mail accusing Obama of omitting the phrase “under God” from a reading of the Gettysburg Address he did for PBS’ Ken Burns.
He’s guilty. Obama didn’t say “under God,” which appears in popular versions of the Gettysburg address.
More specifically, in the last three version of the GA. Lincoln didn’t write “under God” in his first two drafts. He only inserted it in the third, fourth, and fifth drafts.
Burns asked the five living presidents and ex-presidents to read the five different versions of the GA, giving a different version to each. Sounds innocuous enough, doesn’t it? He assigned the first version, the so-called Nicolay version, to Obama.
Obama read the Nicolay version of the GA exactly as Lincoln wrote it.
Who could find fault with that? Well, the Breitbart blog, for one, and then all the other rightwing bloggers who picked it up from Breitbart and gleefully galloped forth into the blogosphere with it, thinking they’d score a major “gotcha.”
What Breitbart has, and the wingnuts who have propagated this email have, in their possession is a cheap shot.
No surprise there. We expect that from them. It’s what they’re good at.
@46 Yes, weally.
Fascist Pigsty,
It’s exactly the same commentary from HA DUMMOCRETINS when someone on the right says something not as bad but it gets DUMMOCRETIN panties in a bind!
So Fascist Pigsty must agree! Q.E.D. per checkmate Flag Pin!
And it’s The Washington Times FTW in the category of: World’s Most Delusional Headline.
Just think Obummer is at 37% approval WITHOUT the help of media pounding him over and over as they did with GW Bush! Obummer has done this all by his lonesome, it’s all Obummer!
Look at the blue states rejecting the ObummerCare fix proffered by Obummer last week. Well Cuomo claims NY State’s exchange is working. Butt, insurance was sky high before Obummercare.
In response to my challenge to the puddibigot to put up an alternative to the ACA that he would favor. He gives us a link to a site whining about MSNBC liberals making the same challenge. However, that site is terribly light on substance as well, saying in their favor only this…
So puddibigot, enlighten us…which of the plans do you favor? Ryan’s? Broun’s? Price’s? Why? How would one of them, or all of them be better? Why do you prefer them? How will they better solve the problem of millions of people without access to doctors or treatments or care?
Show your work.
Ohio Republicans think gunmen should have a freer hand in shooting people, should have less training before flashing guns in public, and druggies should be allowed to carry concealed handguns.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sounds to me like their future election strategy is to depopulate their state until it takes only 1 voter to win Ohio’s electoral votes.
There is only one who’s light on substance… that’s schmucko-lunatic. Did schmucko-lunatic read H.R. 3121 Bill? Prolly not. Anything is better than Obummercare. A friend of my just enlightened me. She has 4 children, 2 in college. Paid $290 for a comprehensive plan. Was told it didn’t have those “Essential Health Benefits”. Well her new plan with those Essential Health Ripoffs now $1,128 and she receives less coverage. Now she has two mortgages. She’s pay the $95 penalty!
Now schmucko-lunatic do you repudiate Martin Bashir or cheer him?
BTW the WaPo and CBS Polls are heavily weighted DUMMOCRETIN and Obummer at 37/36% approval.
Gotta give it to DUMMOCRETINS. Keep ObummerCare coming.
Must be the really LIVs and hard core DUMMOCRETINS are those still positive responders!
Really? That’s not what Obummer told us! Obummer claimed: “the improvement will be marked and noticeable.”
When you work on PMSNBC and you call someone a cocksucking fag (clue a scream from gleeeeeeeeeeeeeman here), you are suspended on PMSNBC. Call someone to piss and shit in Sarah Palin’s mouth you are revered on PMSNBC! Hey, Bashir’s comments were on a teleprompter. Someone had to type them in. A producer had to approve them. So it’s another DUMMOCRETIN day at PMSMBC, just like it’s here on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Here’s a description of HR3121, from the “Republican Study Committee” that sponsored it…
Health savings accounts, tort reform, taking away women’s autonomy, tax deductions.
Weak tea, and a bunch of Teahaddist wet dream stuff thrown in.
puddibigot – give us your analysis – how many of the presently uninsured, and underinsured will gain access to actual medical care with these changes?
Why is this better than the ACA?
Why do you like this particular bill, and not the Ryan plan, or the Price plan, or the Broun plan?
Could you compare and contrast all of those, and inform us as to why you picked the one you did, and why it will work better than the ACA to provide the best, most widely accessible solution to the problem of poor access to medical care?
Puddibigot…you really don’t understand that this…
and this…
are perfectly congruent and do not at all contradict each other? They both can be quite true in describing the same thing, and do not at all conjure some nefarious dishonesty.
You’re fucking illiterate.
Please proceed, puddibigot…
Besides the issues with the mayor of Toronto, another scandal with Conservatives, the Senate scandal continues to grow. With allegations from the RCMlP investigating it alleging that the PM’s office of doctoring a key repport.
@69, that’s the RCMP investigating. As for the Senators, they were part of a new group intended to change the Canadian Senate, a goal of Prime Minister Harper, and now it is going to tarnish him.
Oh you mean Obummercare? You mean you forgot Obummer loved it being called Obummercare? You mean you forgot Obummer loved it being called Obummercare? From the mouth of your preznit…
From Glenn Beck who nails it again…
That’s odd schmucko-lunatic, because Obummer loved it being called Obummercare. So now it’s not Obummercare, it’s the ACA. Direct from Daily Kooks you get your marching orders. HAHAHAHAHA No one calls it Obummercare anymore. Still so shrill schmucko-lunatic is, a real schmuck! Duke University Professor Chris Conover estimates 129 million people will affected using the numbers you proffered from the LA Times report. That blows away any “uninsured” number you DUMMOCRETINS love to provide.
So schmucko-lunatic how does your side reconcile those numbers? Wait… It’s just estimates will be the retort.
Remember you could keep you doctor and your health plan per Obummer (NOW BIG LIES), so any uninsured estimates are hard to believe these days.
The rest of your rant is as feckless as always.
That was a lot of words – including a Glenn Beck quote! – to not answer my question.
See, I suspect you have no answer, and would prefer to wallow in Beckian idiocy about AVA v. Obamacare nomenclature…but really, you seem to venomously against Obamacare, I assume you have an alternate plan you like.
In response to that question the first time, you again gave a link that whined about Obamacare, but did mention in passing a number of Republican plans.
I’ll ask again…
Now, in fairness, you did mention the name HR3121, and accused me of not reading it. Have you? Would you share your thoughts, your critique?
Please show your work.
Can’t schmucko-moron read? Puddy answered the question. AND…….. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Puddy not going to answer it again. Damn you are as dense as granite. Puddy read the original parts of HR 3121 when offered as an alternative to Obummercare long ago in 2010 schmucko-moron… Search HA and review the commentary from other HA DUMMOCRETINS regarding NO Republican alternative to Obummercare. Search what Nancy Pelosi told Republicans. Puddy offered all the links to everything Pelosi and Max Baucus rejected back in 2010. It’s all there. Why not email your bestus bud unemployed moron ylb for a crazed databaze review.
You are one of those 24 hour moronic moonbat memory malady morons. Anything past 24 hours is forgotten and you need to capture it to remember it.
See ya dense as granite DUMMOCRETIN! Puddy ain’t yo bitch schmucko-lunatic. You are mine. Plain and simple.
Oh yeah wait for it… schmucko-moron will bray and snort Puddy running away. Puddy give links to many things. The Glenn Beck link is easily found! Puddy suggests you search for it since it bothers you so much about facts from Glenn!
SpittlePuddles @ 71
You do know that Beck is an avowed white supremacist right? You forget, I knew the dude in high school. He hasn’t changed his stripes at all, and has only become more vehemently racist since. He’s a fucking psychopath, and to him, you’re just obsolete farm machinery. According to his “faith”, you are what they call a son of Ham. Not fit to have any value for anything but physical labor.
The fact that you quote him, knowing full well that he speaks with the most venomous atavism in his heart to anyone not Mormon and especially NOT WHITE, speaks incredible volumes about your cognitive abilities.
“you are what they call a son of Ham”
Alas, my friend Puddy bares the mark of Cain. Sucks.
I’ll answer this one for puddy since he may be a little too embarrassed to come right out and say it. The RepubliCon health plan is to open a Health Savings Account, and if you get really sick, hope you die quickly, because whatever meager amount you’ve managed to save won’t help you for long.
More squid ink.
“I already answered that”, when he hadn’t, is standard puddibigot M.O.
Rather than referencing alleged analysis from some post in 2010, why don’t you give an affirmative, precise and detailed argument for what you’re for, rather than against.
Wouldn’t you rather proclaim and testify in favor of what you love and believe, than just wallow in criticism of what you hate?
Don’t hide your light under a basket!
Proclaim the Good News of right-wing healthcare management!
I doubt you’re capable of doing this, so this is going to end up just being a taunt, one that makes you look stupid and cowardly…but prove me wrong – make a case for what you believe would be good policy that serves the country, that solves this very real problem.
Which plan or plans do you favor, and why? Why would that be superior to the ACA/Obamacare? How will people be better off with your favored plan, as opposed tot he status quo, or with the ACA?
C’mon, puddibigot, show us your brilliance.
Sic transit gloria puddibigotii.