Please join us this evening for some pre-election politics over a pint at tonight’s Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Our normal starting time is 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out another DL meeting over the next week. The Tri-Cities chapter also meets tonight. On Friday, the Enumclaw chapter . And next Monday, the Yakima, South Bellevue and Olympia chapters meet.
With 210 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Another anti-abortion law pushed by a conservative GOP legislature has been struck down by conservative judges in a conservative state.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: When you have conservative judges in conservative states striking down conservative-passed laws, well, that kind of tells you they’re blatantly unconstitutional, doesn’t it? And doesn’t that suggest to you that the legislators who passed those laws are disrespectful of the Constitution and the rule of law? It does to me.
Obummer’s Sadministration knew for 3 years (July 2010 onward) peeps would lose their health care plan… NBC News now wakes up! Butt butt butt Obummer kept the lie alive over 24 times. Remember, Joe BITEME called it a big effin deal in 2010.
Looks like 14+ Million Americans don’t matter to Obummer. Imagine the swing of 14 million votes in 2012. $95 a year penalty vs $250 a month at least for a young person. Which would you choose?
DUMMOCRETINS always lie to keep political office!
A few days ago it was reported 40,400 WA State peeps went online… 35,871 DID NOT sign up for Obummercare. Where is the goat loving ekim now?
If I was a Judge, I’d be uncomfortable with giving anyone who has the intelligence of Puffy a marriage license.
Attack Puddy eh? That’s the best you got? Sad gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeman!
@5 Yeah, I agree, we have soooo many better things to do with our time than attack you, especially given that you do a great job of discrediting yourself with little or no help from the rest of us.
Once again, Republicans support banksters and financial predators and vote against workers, consumers, and ordinary Americans.
When a 12-year-old kid publicly denounces you, maybe there’s a problem with what you’re doing.
Yesterday, the marriage equality bill cleared a key Senate committee in Hawaii, 5-2. They say that the special session would not have been called if the votes for the bill weren’t there. It will be close in the House, more Republicans in that chamber, and undecided Democrats are being lobbied hard by opponents, some of the opposition comes from out of state. The Hawaiian State House has 7 Repblicans out of 51 members, of 25 state senators, just one is a Republican.!/newsDetail/23803154
Second Amendment Report (TM)
“Two drivers traded shots this afternoon in a Tukwila road-rage incident that sent one man to Harborview Medical Center with a serious gunshot wound.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: When gun-toting Republicans start shooting each other, pass the popcorn.
I see we had a few loon-pellets dropped by the puddibigot yesterday.
He’s faltering in his self-appointed role as resident Teahaddist – is he in the process of pulling a Palin?
BTW, here’s a nice LATimes story about ACA myths, the non-identity between anecdote and data, and the utility of critically dissecting bullshit seen on FoxNews.
The article also disentangles the ‘sticker shock’ MYTH, pointing out the dishonesty of analysis that doesn’t take into account subsidies, as well as the essential worthlessness of many/most cheap individual policies bought on the open market before the ACA kicked in.
Rebulicans/Teahaddists/Libertarians (the latter being Republicans who want to smoke pot and get laid) are deeply invested in government failing.
It should come as no surprise that they will work VERY hard to make sure government fails.
What is lacking is a widespread understanding and acceptance of just how treasonous this notion is.
For the people bitching and moaning about new policies and, at first glance, higher premiums, here is the WaPo….
It’s sort of like people not wanting to pay property taxes, yet expecting the fire department to show up when all THEIR STUFF!! is burning to a cinder.
Come to think of it, that might be the thing Teapublicans fear most – the demonstration that cross-generational, we’re-all-in-this-together type programs will work, and will generally heighten the notion that more cooperative public activities are good. Getting people to see benefits to high-order relationships – beyond the most simplistic “this costs more” analysis – is directly antithetical to the base greed and selfishness that powers the right-wing mindset.
I’m a student. full-time, I go to school and sit in class, and I go to the library and read stuff and scratch my nuts. I go home and do my homework and play music and sit here on the Web wit the idea that I might be able to track down related information that I can use.
But I’m broke. Not that this is anything abnormal for a student at a middle-range University, but I’m 49 years old for chrissake. I needed new tires for the Jeep, in a bad way. Pop finally came through with some funds from a house he sold, and that was cool. Got caught up with some shit. Student loans don’t cover all of it.
But y’know what? I need money to pay for rent and shit. The Jeep is going to need a new clutch pretty soon. The emergency brake job back in August cost me about $150 and that was an unexpected expense.
Maybe I should run for Congress. That way, I can become reasonably wealthy, and nobody would give a rats ass where the money comes from. Hell, play it right and I could buy that Köenigsegg I like. Perhaps that big chunk of land out in the County and build a nice house and the blacksmith shop. Maybe even go to the races at Monaco once in a while. Hobnob with the knob-slobs, eat Kobe steaks every night and drink single-malt whisky.
Your heroes at work.
Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you.
A midwestern rightwing talk show host is caught lying about welfare.
@14 Speaking of libraries, the Seattle Times has an article today about Seattle Public Libraries dropping their no-guns-in-libraries policy.
Meanwhile, a bumping incident in a downtown breadline has resulted in a shooting. (So much for the NRA’s “an armed society is a polite society” bullshit.)
Just picked up the phone and got an earful of Santorum. Even though I hung up after, “This is Rick Santorum,” common hygiene requires a shower.
Ahh yes Piddles, we’ve been over this.
My Lifewise policy doesn’t cover some of the preventative care covered by ACA. So I got a letter from Lifewise saying my policy is being cancelled.
It said that instead of “Healthy Family” I was going to be in “Healthy Families” starting in January 2014. (lowered my deductible in the process.)
Now if I went on Fox of NBC and said that “Obamacare cancelled my health plan” I would only by 98.5% full of shit.
While technically true, my plan IS being cancelled by Obamacare, only a moron doesn’t get the difference. Oh, wait…
How does realize schmucko-moron is an idiot? Just watch what he posts…
What myths are exploded schmucko-moron? After admitting Obummer’s sadministration knew did they also admit Obummer said over 24 times you can keep your policy? Ummm… this is their excuse
Since when is sticker shock a concern when Obummer claimed this over and over and over schmucko-moron? And now we learned…
it was never functionally tested end to end.
You never discuss why 35,871 and counting WA peeps that signed up for free Medicaid/Medicare and not ObummerCare. Puddy knows why…
Thanks for the comedy schmucko-moron. You once were a worthy opponent. Now you are just another HA DUMMOCRETIN parroting left wrong cover your ASS words. You visit Daily Kooks and then hijack their links.
As always… Sux to be you!
Here is WaPo’s take on Obummer’s GUARANTEE! Can you say Four PINOCCHIOS?!?
Obummer now has 16 words Obummer must account for! Instead Valerie Jarrett says blame it on insurance cancelling plans. In order to fund Obummercare you need 2,000,000 people who are not using much healthcare to cover the lower costs of others in Obummercare. So this fix was way in more than the LATimes admits.
Here’s a Chicago Sun Times article where a ObummerCare jockstrappess was cheering for it now has met it’s reality.
PuddyCommentary: This is Puddy’s environment 24×7. End to end security is a necessary action with HIPPA and SEC 17a-4 activities. Yet these DUMMOCRETINS said no problem!
Even Mother Jones, a favrit of HA DUMMOCRETINS has an interesting take on ObummerCare security.
Red Sox win World Series.
The head of a prominent conservative think tank, American Enterprise Institute, says it’s time for the GOP to abandon its war against the safety net.
“The government social safety net for the truly indigent is one of the greatest achievements of our society,” said Brooks. “And we somehow want to zero out food stamps or something, it’s nuts to want to be doing something like that. We have to declare peace on the safety net.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What we have here is a conservative thinker. Honestly, I thought they were all dead. Maybe there’s hope.
I actually agree with conservatives about the efficacy of free markets, that there should be limits to government regulation and government intervention in markets, and the need for Clinton’s welfare reform (too much dole does destroy the incentive to work). If they were intellectually capable of striking a reasonable balance, I could do business with them.
@24 Mother Jones is reputable journalism. Your sources usually are not. Puddy, I’m sure you’re a pretty smart guy, but you come across as a brain-dead kneejerk. How do you manage to do that? I mean, do you have to practice every day to avoid losing the touch? Maybe that explains why you’re the second most prolific spewer on this blog.
Wait for it, putz will come back and point a finger at HA’s most prolific spewer and mutter something about “the kettle calling the pot black.” At least I admit that I’m a partisan hack and propagandist. He is, too, but lacks the character to admit it.
@21 I’ll agree to hold Obama accountable for Obamacare’s computer glitches when you agree to hold Bush and Cheney accountable for warmongering, kidnapping, and torturing.
Until then, go fuck yourself.
In Washington DC, another interesting proposal for a streetcar, this time on K street.
The marriage equality bill passed the Hawaiian Senate, with only three Democrats joining the one Republican voting no. It goes to the House, where it will be close.