It’s a late notice today (busy day!), but here is the call to join us tonight for an evening of politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Our normal starting time is 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out another nearby DL meeting over the next week. With 210 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
The Tea Party brought unprecedented attention to ObummerCare… Obummer is continuing in that theme.
PuddyCommentary… Puddy wonders if Wa State received the same instructions. Maybe ekimgoatface could verify that!
Well less than 1 a day is “fantastic”. It means that someone is getting through the web site morass late at night. Obummer/Sebelius should consider that a success. Jon Stewart doesn’t though!
Puddy wonders if this is another DUMMOCRETIN gone bad with a gun? Las Vegas land of DUMMOCRETINS!
Here’s a
Fuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnny event… Obummer’s signature preznit statement and no one told him Obummercare was not ready for primetime.
Lessee here:
Didn’t know about Benghazi
Didn’t know about gun running Fast and Furious
Didn’t know about the IRS Scandal with Tea Party applications
Didn’t know James Rosen was being investigated as a “terraist”
Didn’t know ObummerCare system sucked before hand
Obummer the preznit of DIDN’T KNOW. Well he did vote present in the Senate! DUMMOCRETINS in action!
Jay Carneybarker… Each day it’s becoming more and more apparent he is incompetent…
HHS is under Obummer. Obummer specifically picked Sebelius to run it. Obummer has pressers with Sebelius. Of course they keep the Oval Orifice in the dark so Carneybarker can claim ignorance! Standard DUMMOCRETIN action!
So you regularly read the Fargo newspaper, puddibigot? Didn’t think so…how’d you find that – Hannity? Drudge? WND? Figures. Have a little class and ‘h/t’ your sources.
Here’s a rundown of what the 2205-2006 roll-out of Medicare Part D (termed at the time by John Boehner as a “horrendous”).
The first months were an unmitigated disaster. Bush even pretended it didn’t exist, by ignoring this signature accomplishment in his 2006 State of the Union address.
The difference between then and now – Democrats pitched in to make it work – because what was at stake for them was seeing that seniors had access to medications.
Now, Republicans are engaging in treasonous sabotage, shrieking hysterically about death panels and the End of Days – because what they see as the stakes are their grasp on power.
Same old, same old – Repubilcans are a self-selected club of greedy, frightened assholes whose primary motivation is “MORE FOR ME!”
Meanwhile Obummer’s economy reaches new records…
PuddyCommentary… Obummer & BiteME promised 500,000 jobs a year with their “plans”! Hmmm… what happened. Obummer had a complicit House and Senate for two years.
Wait for the where are the Republican jobs plan DUMMOCRETIN nut cases to appear.
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaa call a whambulamps!
Ah, yes, more trenchant commentary from the puddibigot – a litany of the non-scandals that the Teahaddists have tried and failed to bring down a presidency with.
And this from a buffoon who pines away for the George Dubya reign as philosopher king.
Treasonous Teahaddists desperate for the country to fail, and desperate for the ‘End Times’.
You are absolutely right about that, puddibigot – it would be crazy to expect your people to do anything to help people get jobs, to collectively build nice things for our country, to create widespread wealth and prosperity – nope, you Teahaddists are all about yourselves, and fuck any idea that enriches or ennobles anyone you view as ‘other’.
I see Satan is working overtime through puddibigot’s fingers this morning…sowing hate and resentment.
I suppose the safest place for Satan to operate out of is a church and through its self-righteous, self-congratulatory asshats convinced of their piety and God-favored status.
How’s it feel to be Satan’s bitch, puddibigot?
“Satan’s Bitch”….I kinda like that…may have to work that into the puddibigot’s name somehow.
I figure using the idiom of fairy-tales he embraces and is familiar with might be a way to reach through the distortion field. We’ll see.
BTW, if find puddibigot’s pleading and whiny new moniker…
…to be a riotously funny demonstration of just how in his head I am!
How does he say it?
@10 Exactly
Hey look at this fart
From the moron who added this PuddyComment
EPICALLY FAYLING in all SCHMUCKO-MORON commentary and herzog the DUMMOCRETIN idiot misses the mark again.
What’s so riotously funny about SCHMUCKO-MORON’s comment #7 is those are Obummer’s own admissions! Yet because of the early morning LSD ingestion SCUMUCKO-MORON demonstrates his daily misplaced blame game.
See ya!
Another of your standard non sequitur arguments! Blah blah blah… Medicare was a guvmint program being expanded. And it’s hilarious you using Boehner’s comments. At least Republicans have the guts to make comments. DUMMOCRETINS jackboot goosestep together even when it’s obvious you had to read the bill to find out what’s in it. That’s why Max Baucus called it a TRAIN WRECK!
Yep we see the HHS hired contractors created a real trainwreck. Butt as always with the early morning LSD injection it’s blame the TEA PARTY meme! That’s all you got SCHMUCKO-MORON!
ObummerCare is being forced on us. They had 3+ years to create this contractor/guvmint fiasco and even DUMMOCRETINS are jumping ship over it’s uselessness. Didn’t Obummer claim they were going to bring in the A-Team? John Hannibal Smith, Templeton Faceman Peck, Bosco Albert B.A. Baracus, and H.M. Howling Mad Murdock to the rescue!
Glad to see I’ve taught you a new word. Good usage of it, too!
However, this…
… clearly indicates you don’t understand the meaning of ‘non-sequitur’ (though at least you spelled it correctly, this time).
You really shouldn’t go swimming in the deep end, puddibigot.
I don’t think you understand that term, either, ‘bigot.
You see, I use your own words in my sig as a way to taunt you. You hurled it as an insult, and I wear it as a badge of pride – and it makes you look like a buffoon. You’ll note that at least one other regular around here has tried to get my title away from me – it’s a hot commodity!
You’re using your sig line to try to explain away the fact that you are a bigot, and that I’ve called you out as a hateful bigot. Every time you post with that sig you remind us of and reinforce the indictment, and you make yourself look like the buffoon you are.
Keep it up, puddibigot – you make my arguments for me!
Oh, damn, I forgot to use ‘Satan’s Bitch’ (AKA puddibigot) in my posts above. Damn.
@3 “Didn’t know about gun running Fast and Furious”
I don’t get it. Don’t conservatives want everybody to have guns? Even kids who shoot up schools. So what’s the problem?
“Butt minorities can’t be bigots!”
ROFLMAO! Yeah right, there’s no such thing as blacks, Hispanics, Vietnamese, Hmongs, etc., committing hate crimes. What a moron.
@14 “Another of your standard non sequitur arguments! Blah blah blah… Medicare was a guvmint program being expanded.”
Looks like you’re arguing the Democrats should have expanded Medicare to cover everyone, instead of enacting Obamacare, the conservative-designed non-reform of healthcare. For once, we agree on something.
Obama went with Romneycare instead of a government-run single-payer system to appease Republicans who ended up not supplying a single vote for their own damn healthcare program. (Who could’ve seen that coming? Um, everybody.)
Judging from his recent behavior in the shutdown/default showdown, Obama has learned to not try appeasing Republicans. It doesn’t work.
riotously… first used on HA DUMMOCRETINS (ASSES) back in Jan 2008.
As always it’s always about SCHMUCKO-MORON! Except each time SCHMUCKO-MORON claims it’s about him Puddy proves otherwise! Each of SCHMUCKO-MORON’s arguments are non sequiturs!
Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit… If you visit the HA DUMMOCRETIN archives, you’d REMEMBER which well known leftist DUMMOCRETINS said blacks can’t be bigots! Puddy posted their DUMMOCRETIN comments!
GW Bush offered a medical coverage plan in 2007!
Because God directed you not to! God knows who’s Satan’s Bitch’ is on this blog and it ain’t Puddy. Maybe you should look in the mirror SCHMUCKO-MORON. Then say Hello ‘Satan’s Bitch’!
and thankfully it went nowhere
Because God directed you not to!
We now live in a society where maniacs carry guns into grade schools and cops kill kids playing with toy guns.
@23 Still trying to repeal Obamacare, eh?
Remember when Republicans assured us that school shootings could be prevented by putting cops with guns in schools?
” … [A] child pulled the trigger on a police assault rifle at a Southern California elementary school, firing a bullet and creating shrapnel that injured three kids.
” … [T]he AR-15 was on a rack attached to a motorcycle on display during a drug prevention assembly Wednesday at Newman Elementary School.
” … [A] child managed to fire the rifle. The bullet hit a protective metal plate and shattered, making metal debris that apparently hit the children ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Don’t even try to imagine what would happen under the NRA’s wacky idea of stationing armed civilian vigilantes in schools.
Goddamn, BPD/NPD is a terrible combination.
It’s gotta be a tumor or something. Or more likely, a chronic atrophication of the cerebral cortex.
How craven can one be?
Dumbest DUMMOCRETIN comment @26.
Since Puddy doesn’t speak Satan; Puddy has no idea what herzog is talking about…
No, Satan speaks through the puddibigot, he’s Satan’s Bitch.
Kinda like that green-shit spewing little girl in The Exorcist.
Puddibigot spews hate and fear and loathing and scheming and bigotry – hate the MOOSLUMS, hate the uppity women, hate the GAYZ, hate Democrats, hate science, hate Catholics, hate Mexicans, hate fighters for workers’ rights, hate poor workers, hate unions, hate free thought, hate teachers. LOVE the master.
It’s just perfect in its simplicity – a fearful and twisted personality desperately grasping for comfort in the tribe of his religion, in the easy answers of his preacherman, in the comfort of defining himself by the people he hates and the power/money he worships – and extraordinarily PRIDEFUL in the religiosity he wears on his sleeve – just the perfect vessel for the the demon, Satan.
BTW, puddibigot, I learned about people like you from this man, one of my high school theology teachers.
He has first hand knowledge about Satan/you.
You’ve even been turned into a movie!
Nice Republic you have there, it’d be just too too bad if something were to happen to it.
The Harris County Metropolitan Transportation Authority announced this week that the North Line, an extension of their existing light rail line, will open on December 21st. They got a lot of catching up to do, Dallas is way ahead of Houston on light rail.
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has shut down BusGoBus out of Philadelphia, citing it being an immediate hazard. Same thing they used against Montana’s Rimrock Stages.
Some pretty smart kids in a D.C. high school have figured out how to lock shooters out of classrooms with unlockable doors. Their gadget is made from PVC pipe and a nail, costs pennies, and can be installed in seconds. It won a $10,000 development grant.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is great — kids responding to the gun pestilence in a positive and effective way. Now if only they could figure out how to get gun-owning parents to lock their guns away where their homicidal-maniac kids can’t get at them …
See Comment #24… Thou Projecteth Much SCHMUCKO-MORON!
As always… the rest of your worthless commentary is much ado about nuthin. Attacking Puddy is all you got; well, besides taking your early morning LSD hate injection and reading Daily Kooks!
Once again… It really sux being you!
You can buy the wedding band of one of your heroes, Lee Harvey Oswald.
Massachusetts Math Teacher killed by student. Hmmm…? Land of DUMMOCRETINS!
11 year old has 400 rounds of ammo with a handgun. Hmmm…? City of DUMMOCRETINS!
DUMMOCRETIN children going crazy?
SCHMUCKO-MORON’s leetle pea brain was working overtime late yesterday. Must have been a slow day dispensing QUACK medicine!
Blows apart the DUMMOCRETIN meme of no health care plan offered from Republicans by Obummer! Obummer chose not to listen to anyone other than his chosen cabal of losers!
Hillary was right about one thing… Obummer is a real lightweight when it comes to foreign policy… It’s the WaPo a DUMMOCRETIN led libtard rag!
When you write comments like @40, I wonder why you never comment on things like these:
MILTON, OK, 10/13/13: A 59-year-old LeFlore County woman is dead after being shot in the abdomen Sunday night (Oct. 13). The gunshot wound appears to be accidental, according to LeFlore County Sheriff Rob Seale.
Etc, Etc, Etc
(h/t DailyKos “Gun Fail XL“)
Missouri, Lousiana, Arkansas, North Carolina, Oklahoma…why, those would be Republican states full of crackers, wouldn’t they be, puddibigot?
Oh, I know what you’re going to say – it must the the scarey black Democrats in the ‘Big Cities’ that are perpetrating all this gun stupidity down in Dumfuckistan, Teahaddist paradise, right?
Goes to show – the puddibigot is both STOOPID and EVIL.
It’s puddibigot to a ‘T’! Hate hate hate hate hate!
It’s how your insides rotted and allowed you to become this bile-spitting, hate-spewing, cartoonish buffoon doing Satan’s work!
I think the ‘bigot has really gone unhinged…more than usual…or maybe he’s just ‘speaking in tongues’.
About Bush’s 2007 health care insurance plan (which the puddibigot seems to have just discovered, or been told about by WND), as analyzed by the New England Journal of Medicine…
(puddibigot provided a Forbes link, naturally)
Sounds like typical George W Bush work – inadequate, superficial, fuck-the-poor window dressing meant for political rather than policy goals.
It also is typical puddibigot work – something cribbed from one of his right-wing propaganda sites that he reposts here as if it were 1. something he came up with to talk about, and 2. something new.
That pathetic proposal was DOA in the Congress and Bush knew it – he needed filler for the 2007 State of the Union, because by then 99% of America just wanted him GONE.
Nice try, puddibigot, failed again. Go off now and spin this as some kind of personal, ahem, ad-hominem, attack on you. Dipshit.
I love mornings….instead of a NYT crossword, I have a cuppa coffee and smack Satan’s Bitch around with things he doesn’t understand – the English language and FACTS!
I’m sure right now he’s in a Motel 6 somewhere in North Dakota exercising his left hand to sticky Sarah Palin centerfolds, about to troll more WND, CBN, Drudge sites to screech here later.
It was in Forbes SCHMUCKO-MORON… Butt keep da faith
reading whackamole DUMMOCRETIN horse manure!
It’s your style.
It’s always about SCHMUCKO-MORON. yesterday’s lesson was about
Butt SCHMUCKO-MORON didn’t look to see when
was first used on HA. Of course in that granite encase neanderthal cranial orifice SCHMUCKO-MORON calls it’s head, it’s an LDS addled mindset SCHMUCKO-MORON admitted with his coffee cup! Must be his delivery mode. LSD laden Java. Who knew?
Now onto the offered links… Did SCHMUCKO-MORON notice each of those locations were DUMMOCRETIN wins for Obummer? Cities… laden with DUMMOCRETINS.
For example Monroe, LA Mayor Jamie Mayo is a DUMMOCRETIN!
Milton Oklahoma from Wikipedia
Voter Registration and Party Enrollment as of January 15, 2012[6]
Party Number of Voters Percentage
Democratic 18,156 69.20%
Republican 5,405 20.60%
Unaffiliated 2,675 10.20%
Total 26,236 100%
Nuff said SUCKA
It’s so fun to make the puddibitch spin spin spin….
Still unable to respond to the shredding that the NEJM did to GWB’s ‘healthcare plan’ that the puddibigot was touting, via Forbes.
puddibigot brought up GWB’s plan…why? Oh, yeah, to counter the notion that Republicans are unable to address healthcare. But the shredding the NEJM did revealed puddibigot in a lie – typical Bush, typical Teahaddist, typical puddibitch squirting squid ink, spewing word salad, relying on the property of ‘truthiness’ to seem like you actually have something to add to the conversation at the grown ups’ table – and as usual you are empty, jejune, hollow.
Oh, and BTW ‘riotously’? I used it @10 (fully expecting you to ape it) and you did! So fast too, @13. Nice job, little puddibigot!
And that’s supposed to tell us what, exactly?
Again, you have no point, just word salad.
Shredding… uhhh SCHMUCKO-MORON.. you are the idiot moron who thinks the world revolves around WHAT YOU SAY and “think”.
Butt it doesn’t. You still haven’t learned that as the crowd laughs riotously!
Pick a front-page article on DailyKos – any one you like – and tell us how it’s factually inaccurate or false.
Please proceed, puddibigot.
It doesn’t matter, squiddy, because I used it @10, and you aped it @13, like you always do.
It’s interesting because it suggests either something automated, like a bot, like the ‘insult engine’ I’ve postulated regarding your posting style, or it indicates a simplemindedness that latches on to new or seldom used words and tries to use them similarly, like a child mimicking an adult, looking for status and approval.
I suspect the latter, especially given your manifest adulation of power, and you manifest and recurrent misuse of complex words.
Hmmmm. So you’re refusing to engage the criticisms that the NEJM leveled at the GWB ‘healthcare proposal’ and instead are hurling insults at me?
Isn’t that the ad-hominem debate style that you’re always crying about?
Golly SCHMUCKO-MORON… It seem your vaulted NEJM has issues with ObummerCare… Seems this is the standard Obummer and his merry band of DUMMOCRETIN socialists creating government policies for “the public good” that FAIL. This is another case of causing more suffering than necessary, the standard of DUMMOCRETIN policies!
Here is another NEJM on the shortfalls of ObummerCare!
Thanks for the NEJM view SCHMUCKO-MORON. Of course you didn’t think Puddy would venture there.
@55, NEJM and ObummerCare
Thanks for playing…
@56, 57
No, I’m not surprised that you would go to the NEJM – you’ve demonstrated over and over and over that you’re adept at mimicking the superficial aspects of the adult behaviors you observe in others.
As is typical of you, the first link you give (following the adjective that is usually spelled ‘vaunted’, not ‘vaulted’ as you did) does not support what you are contending. Either you’re too stupid to understand the words, or you’re disingenuous – stupid or lying?
Criticism of the ACA is valid and essential – I’m not a fan at all, given other options like Medicare for all, or a public option for single payer. However, the NEJM article I linked to savaged George W. Bush’s plan that you were touting. The first link you provide credits the ACA with addressing one of the three major problems with US healthcare, but leaving the other – politically harder – problems unaddressed. I’d agree with that, and posit that the political difficulty cited is Teahaddist intransigence and sabotage.
You’re desperately grasping – again – at a false equivalence that evaporates upon the slightest examination.
Your second link is a valid discussion primarily about the use of ‘readmission rate’ as a metric for quality in hospital medicine – and secondarily the ACA’s use of that metric. It’s not at all an indictment of the ACA like the critique of the GWB plan was.
Again, you’re squirting squid ink trying to make a comparison when there is none.
As I said – your NEJM links that you tout (your ‘vaulted’ links *snicker*) – as is usual for you – do not say what you claim they say.
Stupid, or lying? Not a good choice, puddibigot.
That’s called a victory dance on one’s own 20-yard line.
It’s called clueless, or pathetic. Again, not a good choice to face.
Vaulted – to jump… as you jumped to NEJM as your crutch to attack Bush’s proposal… No adjective there FOOL!
MAN you really are stooooooooooooooopid!
Who claimed Puddy was making any comparison to Bush’s plan except in your silly leetle mind?
DELUSIONS are strong in this one!
MAN you really are stooooooooooooooopid!
Gotta go SCHMUCKO-MORON! Work calls right now!
Oh man this idiot is really delusional…
riotously… USED BY PUDDY TO MOCK schmucko-moron!
Puddy MOCKS schmucko-moron ALL DAY EVERY DAY.
puddibigot @56:
puddibigot @60:
Oh, please. Your explanation is delicious – and not fooling anyone.
My god, you are pathetic. Trying to use big words you don’t understand, then engaging in the most transparent spin when called on it. Your explanation makes no sense in the context of what you wrote first – it’s a grade-school level lie that everyone reading this (except you) can see.
Please proceed, puddibigot….
Again, running away from an argument you were losing, badly.
I used the NEJM to point out the worthlessness in GWB’s plan – a plan you were touting above.
You countered with what you thought were critiques of Obamacare in the NEJM – except they weren’t really, not in the same vein as what they did to Bush (the NEJM must be libtard media!!).
You tried to make dueling NEJM editorials the venue for comparing Bush plans to Obamacare – it just blew up in your face, as usual.
And as usual, you disavow doing any such thing and hope the word salad you spew will exhaust everyone and you can skip away to lie another day.
Please proceed, puddibigot….
‘vaunted’ isn’t even that complex or special a word, just a little underused.
Sheesh, it’s amazing how simple things trip you up, puddybigot – I would have thought Satan would have picked someone smarter than you to be his bitch.
It must be your special brand of hatefulness that attracted him.
You claim there are no adjectives in that ‘sentence’. Could you diagram it out for us? Could you show us how the verb ‘vaulted’ is used here?
Please proceed, puddibigot….
VAULTED… a big word in schmucko-moron’s mind.
DELUSIONAL… The continual daily action of schmucko-moron’s mind…
So sad what being a DUMOCRETIN is. Just look at all the horse manure delivered by schmucko-moron today.
So sadly Puddy has one thing to say!
Wait for it… schmucko-moron will claim that too!
Aaaackk, thpphpphpp, aaackk, Thpphphpphpp.
Impossible to attempt a rational discourse with a deliberately obtuse, pathological liar.
Thats why the GOP is going to see itself become a minor third party organization along the lines of the Lyndon Larouchites.
@43 “Hillary was right about one thing… Obummer is a real lightweight when it comes to foreign policy…”
Better than his predecessor, who couldn’t figure out which country the war was in.
I see the loon has kept you busy this morning, LS. You deserve a medal for keeping ahead of that yapping ankle biter.
Yes, yes he has.
I realized that I don’t have any Teahadidsts in my life, and that this is kinda my only opportunity to both see one behaving in its natural way, and to smack it around with the things it finds most repellent – truth and light.
I find the puddibigot’s behavior on these threads to be like an obnoxious neighbor coming in and leaving a turd in the middle of our collective living room. I’m just doing my part to clean it up.
It’s hard to just let it sit there without getting out the rubber gloves and the Lysol. Plus, pushing back against his behavior almost always reveals some sort of delicious hypocrisy or galling stupidity (see vault/vaunt above) – and that’s the kind of gift that keeps on giving.
“I don’t have any Teahadidsts in my life, and that this is kinda my only opportunity to both see one behaving in its natural way”
I’ve hung out at (un)SP lately. We presently have Pudge sucked into a thread he doesn’t control. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it’s really a lot of fun.
Hey, Puddy!
Hey Steve!
Yes, I’ve stopped by (un)SP from time to time, and see you and a few others doing yeoman’s work over there.
It seems the liberals outnumber the loons anymore, which is nice to see….until the spam invariably shows up.
I can’t/don/t post on pudge threads – he deletes me because I’m a LIARRR!!!!!
Some of the front page pieces don’t allow comments.
Keep kicking widdle pudgey’s ass – give him a swift one from me!
The whole place is a fascist playground.