The crisis continues…the federal government is still being held hostage, but that won’t keep us from plotting a rescue mission. Please join us for an evening of rescue politics over a pint at tonight’s gathering of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Our normal starting time is 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out another nearby DL meeting over the next week. The Tri-Cities and Shelton chapters meet tonight. The Lakewood and South Seattle chapters meet this Wednesday. For Thursday, the Spokane and Tacoma chapters meet. And next Monday, the Aberdeen, Yakima and Olympia chapters meet.
With 210 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Hey, while you’re drinking liberally the night before the world’s markets collapse tomorrow because House Republicans can’t come up with a plan to avoid the risk of the USA defaulting on its obligations, can you do me a favor?
Can you talk about who can run against one of the problem makers from our state, Dave Reichert, (WA-08)?
Do you know a Democrat who lives in Washington’s 8th Congressional district who would like to make a difference by being a Congress person?
I wish I did. I’ve got money and friends with money who’d like to help that person.
Dave Reichert, a Republican, represents the district currently and he can be beaten.
Just the other day Public Policy Polling (PPP) released a poll of the WA-08 [pdf].
Go take a look at the polling results [pdf]. The lousy Sheriff can be beaten in 2014.
More importantly, Reichert should be beaten in 2014 for the benefit of Washington’s 8th Congressional district and the USofA.
# 1: Somehow this reminds me of Lincoln’s problems with Gen. MaClellan, who seemed to not want to move anywhere very fast and let the Army of Northern Virginia off the hook by not agressively pursuing them after Antietam.
His friends argued that the general should be replaced. Lincoln asked them who should be his replacement. “Anybody!” came the resounding chorus. “That’s the problem”, sighed Lincoln. I can’t replace him with “Anybody”. I have to replace him with some-body”.
Race card, race card…race card. Race card, race card; race card? Race card race card race card!
McDummy @3,
It’s not “playing the race card” when one is calling out actual racism.
Next time you have a Teabagger rally, tell your dumbass buddies to leave the Confederate flags in the closet.
Or to bring their white hoods and sheets, so that everyone knows where they really stand and no one’s trying to hide anything.
You liberals should quit whining and learn to live with the fact that the American Voters are reaping what they have sown:
Republican voters got what they deserved for venerating village idiots,
And those who laud the Progressives got what they deserved for not letting the bigoted, racist, ignoramuses to just fucking secede in the 19th century, to begin with, and idiot themselves to death.
Good point!
No House vote last night because Heritage Action threatened to score the vote? Too bad there are no Republican Congressmembers who would say, can’t stand being in D.C. anyway, and say, go ahead and score it, I am voting yeah, anyway.
The show Deadliest Catch could be affected by the shutdown, the people who issue permits are furloughed.
Too bad the two Congressmembers involved can’t do a joint press conference expressing their outrage, but I don’t know Rep. Young’s(R-AK) position on the shutdown, and I doubt it will go well for him to be seen with Ballard’s Congressmember.
Interesting article on a fascinating October for Amtrak. Interesting, how it enjoys support from voters in very conservative districts, even though the same voters in those districts elect the politicians that oppose it.
Racism, racist, race card racism racial discrimination. Race card…racism, racist. Raced card, racism racist?
Someone’s off their meds. Tourette’s is manageable with haloperidol. Consult your physician.
Amazing, story in Huffington Post about male nurse who sexually assaulted a paralyzed war hero from Afghanistan…the comment board was filled with hate towards the gays….but what about when the straights do criminal acts? Is there hate against heterosexuals? Heck sometimes the crime is applauded by heterosexuals.
Crazy, nonsensical lunacy. Insane rambling idiocy about straight people.
@15 – Straight People… mean the righteous ones that are given a free pass on crime?
Let’s see – you can say the Polish, the Italians, the Greeks, the Russians, the Mexicans, the Blacks, the Whites, the Latinos, the American Indians, the Dodgers, the Red Sox, the Cardinals, the Gays, the Transvestites, the Transgender, etc….
But you can’t say the Straights or the Heterosexuals….