The extremists still have the federal government shut down, but the people’s business must go on! So please join us for an evening of politics over a pint at tonight’s gathering of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Our normal starting time is 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings over the next week. Tonight there are meetings of the Tri-Cities and Vancouver, WA chapters. On Wednesday, the Bellingham chapter meets. On Thursday the Bremerton chapter meets. And on Friday, the Centralia chapter meets.
With 210 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Serious question, this afternoon when John Boehner (OH-R), Speaker of the House said
What has the President asked the Republicans to surrender?
On the conservative talk radio, those idiots were repeating the Big Lies of:
Everyone and including Obama is incompetent and have never accomplished anything.
America could default and still pay our interest to China and forign bondholders. (I guess it just sucks to be on Social Security, or a federal contractor, you get nothing.)
Republicans should fund only the departments they like or that generate bad press if closed. ( Defunding on steroids, they get to defund the ACA, head start, the department of ecology, energy education, science, all the programs that republicans hate )
These people are insane!
Here comes the CrAzY!
MikeBoyScout @ 1,
“What has the President asked the Republicans to surrender?”
Boehner commits two errors in his assertion. (1) Obama is asking CONGRESS to do their Job. Boehner views it as an attack on Republicans because he knows full well that it is the Republicans in Congress who are putting their Republican party before the best interests of America.
(2) Apparently, Boehner sees doing his job as “surrender”. Why? Well, if you hate the U.S. government as much as some Republicans, doing the right thing is, essentially, surrender.
These asswipes need to be held criminally responsible for their treason!
@1 He wants them to stop their temper tantrum, curl up on a blanket, and take their nap.
Yellen To Become Fed Chair
The White House confirmed tonight that President Obama will announce tomorrow that Janet Yellen will succeed Ben Bernanke at the Federal Reserve, which implies a continuation of Bernanke’s policies. She’s the appointee Wall Street wanted, so it’ll be interesting to see whether her nomination sails through the Senate, or the Republicans obstruct it just to be obstructionist.
@3….wait….right wing wackos are calling for a general strike? Jeez, the Wobblies must be having fits. Not to worry, it’ll be Larry, Darryl and Darryl and several guys named Clem, Bubba or Gomert, all of whom are much closer than 6 degrees of separation.
Next thing you know they’ll want everyone to join unions!
Toronto’s Metrolinx just ordered more fuel-efficient Tier4 Diesel locomotives. What I like about this new model, is it uses two smaller engines, and can turn one off if they don’t need it. The locomotives will be built in Boise, Idaho.
the puddybigot must be having a sad….after all, it’s he who invests so much meaning in relative audience size for TEEVEE shows…
Perhaps he’s talking about total audience size…likely a lopsided win for Fox when the 80-95 year old demographic is included. They’re big Fox watchers.
When Cops Are Bikers and Bikers Are Cops
In the last couple days, we’ve learned an undercover cop riding with the group that assaulted a family in an SUV in NYC not only didn’t intervene or call police, he participated in the assault on the SUV driver.
Today, NBC News tells us that many bikers are in fact cops — so many that cops are forming their own “outlaw” biker gangs. In short, many cops are bikers.
Maybe there’s a connection between this phenomenon and the escalating hostility and violence of police officers toward ordinary citizens. When bikers become cops, and cops become bikers, we shouldn’t be shocked when cops behave like bikers.
There’s a simple way to keep bikers off police forces, and to keep cops out of biker gangs: Do criminal background checks when hiring police officers, and fire cops who commit crimes or traffic offenses.
@1 It’s pretty much a lead pipe cinch that the Teahadists in the House are fighting over which one will get the honor of introducing an emergency measure to “fix” the default by declaring the general fund’s debt to the Social Security fund to be null and void.
@11 Rather brings to mind a one-liner comedian Jack E. Leonard used back in the day: “I come from Chicago. I was born there before the cops became robbers.”
40 Percent of Your Chicken Nugget Is Meat. The Rest Is…
Sounds similar to RETARD TEAHADIST marketing, don’t you think?
@14 Same with fish sticks, which nowadays consist almost entirely of breading, with very little fish. Also, I read in a recent newspaper article that something like 60% of the fish sold in the U.S. are mislabeled.
You can’t trust businessmen. They’re all liars and thieves. That’s why we need to force them to label their products. We need I-522, because the people who sell us the food we put in our bodies aren’t worthy of trust.
Republicans are showing signs of cracking under the pressure of a looming default. Koch Industries, who bankrolled the rightwing government shutdown, today ordered its congressional lackeys to decouple Obamacare from default. I guess Davey Boy and Chuckie are worried about what economic chaos would do to their business profits. Meanwhile, Boehner has tacked away from Obamacare to spending cuts — he’s still playing the extortion game and demanding ransom, but you don’t hear him talking about Obamacare anymore.
Republicans are showing signs of cracking under the pressure of a looming default. Koch Industries, who bankrolled the rightwing government shutdown, today ordered its congressional lackeys to decouple Obamacare from default. I guess Davey Boy and Chuckie are worried about what economic chaos would do to their business profits. Meanwhile, Boehner has tacked away from Obamacare to spending cuts — he’s still playing the extortion game and demanding ransom, but you don’t hear him talking about Obamacare anymore.
The script goes like this:
BOEHNER: $10,000?
BOEHNER: How about if we have lunch together?
OBAMA: Sure, if it’s on you.
BOEHNER: Okay, if you pay the tip.
OBAMA: I’ll go dutch with you on the tip.
BOEHNER: You see, my fellow Republicans? Didn’t I tell you that if we held out long enough we would get concessions from him?!
Candy billionaire Jacqueline Mars, 74, killed an 84-year-old woman today when her Porsche SUV crossed a centerline and hit a minivan in Virginia. Mars could face charges.
RR @ 18: I like it. It’s long gone past the Tea Party demands, and what remains is their egomanical demands that they get some sort of acknowlegement that they were successful.
But I’m still thinking about how we kick the ruffians out. Which Republican congressmen could conceivable be vulnerable in this state? Remember that the consequences of the shut-down may be felt differently in different districts.
Not at all ya moron. Puddy been weally weally busy lately. Another successful system completed.
This week the 2014 Nissan Maxima. Although not as fast as the Hyundai Genesis!
See ya SCHMUCKO-MORON. Go back to your ever ready Daily Kooks with the rest of your DUMMOCRETIN friends!
Sorry Obama, that’s not enough.
$260M is chump change and Egypt has such a big military stockpile that they probably wont miss the military aid.
The Koch’s enabled the Tea Baggers and as a result they’re scuffing up the floor of the country club with their hoverrounds.
Ahh yes, Chuck Hagel and Obummer really stepped in it this time.
A2014 Nissan Maxima?!
WOW! I know I’m impressed that your employer sent you on an errand to earn him more money (BTW, is he white?)….and he permitted you to rent a Nissan.
That just leaves me in awe of you, and silenced by the subtlety and power of your arguments…*eye roll*…not.
Obummer’s Dept of Defense funds it’s golf courses during the Obummer and Reid shutdown, yet death benefits are denied by Obummer’s Pentagon for Obummer’s Afghanistan war! Seems Obummer officials knew days ago. Hagel shows up to Dover for the first time since he took over the Pentagon. What a DUMMOCRETIN wuss!
Jay CarneyBarker looked like a fool in the presser!
AP poll Obummer @ 37%!
Thanks for playing SCHMUCKO-MORON. More eyebrow raising commentary from another DUMMOCRETIN RACIST!
More mocking perfectly played on SCHMUCKO-MORON!
Of course you would reflexively (look it up) write something like that, but that’s really stupid even by your(nonexistent) standards, puddybigot.
I suppose I find it not at all surprising that you’re siding with your Tallibangelical fellow travelers in tricorn’ hats in this open rebellion and ongoing waging of the Civil War….I guess there’s no better way to get back to being massa’s favorite house slave than to reestablish the antebellum aristocracy…and the best way to do that is to destroy the US government.
Tens of thousands of illegal aliens at the mall while our military heroes are rejected at open air memorials right next door.
Questions from Dennis Michael Lynch
– Why did you “grandstand” at the illegal immigration rally while saying that you weren’t going to the World War II veterans memorial, because you didn’t want to “grandstand”?
– Why is federal property being opened up to many non-citizens of the United States, some of which proceeded to waved the Mexican flag, while American citizens are being shut out of their parks?
– Why did only 22 Democrats out of 197 vote to restore funding for the national parks on October 1st, and why did only 33 Democrats out of 197 vote to restore funding for all veterans?
– How can Americans trust the Democrats about what is going on in Washington, when they blatantly misrepresent the effects of the shutdown, and are so blatantly hypocritical about who is hurt by it?
Another Obamination directly lifted from Daily Kooks (with SCHMUCKO-MORON word massaging) DUMMOCRETINS!
Wow the IRS Scandal is getting jucier… let’s see where this goes.
Not at all racist, you stupid bigot…’re the one continually braying about keeping Black people on the reservation with leftist social policy.
I’m merely asking if you’re toiling in solidarity with fellow Black people, pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and fighting centuries of institutionalized racism, and demonstrating how right-wing values can empower yourselves, or whether you’re just another errand boy for some rich old white guy who laughs all the way to the bank over how his servants, er, employees, fervently respew his favorite right-wing neofeudal, plutocratic, neo-Confederate cant in blind, blithe counterpoint to their actual self- and class-interests.
Oh look SCHMUCKO-MORON Megyn Kelly kicked some really DUMMOCRETIN ass yesterday!
Funny that the puddybigot would bring up Dover, DE, site of the military morgue – and attempt to tar Hagel with not going there….after ‘W’ never showed up there despite being personally responsible for sending thousands to their deaths.
I’m sure puddybigot heard this criticism of Hagel somewhere in the wing nut echo chamber, where it was meant for fellow mouth-breathers, and did’t realize that in the fact-based world it’s a devastating critique of the village idiot, George W. Bush.
Yes, the puddybigot is that stupid.
You obviously don’t understand what that means.
Did you see that somewhere in an online argument and think it sounded ‘cool’?
You will ALWAYS remind me of White Goodman, and “touché!”
Yes, you really are that stupid. Really.
Oh my… DUMMOCRETIN Judge Terry L. Flenniken, does this. Teachers cover up the sex crime.
DUMMOCRETINS should not be judges!
Obviously you have no clue SCHMUCKO-MORON!
/snark – end of sarcastic commentary against SCHMUCKO-MORON!
Mocked again! U R a real pompous ASS SCHMUCKO-MORON!
thank you for that nativist, racist diatribe – shows your true colors, after all, puddyBIGOT.
Thank you, thank you, thank you…my insult are nothing compared to your own words at making you look like the stupid+evil bigot that you are.
HAHAHAHA! I’m sure everyone gets how you fucked up there but you, bigot.
Keep it up, puddybigot…you’re priceless.
Here’s Putty!!!!! With another attack of Tourettes.
Oh my caught SCHMUCKO-MORON in his own comments… The Open Air War Memorial – Non political… All WWII War Veterans are honored. DUMMOCRETIN and Republican. Yet Obummer has those honorable war heroes blocked by park police by having the park police place Barrycades up. Now Obummer AUTHORIZES Nancy Pelosi to the same park for a DUMMOCRETIN Illegal Alien Rally and authorizes the park police to open the park and protect her and other DUMMOCRETINS there.
And all can see not only how stooooooooooooooopid HA’s idiot DUMMOCRETIN SCHMUCKO-MORON is; they can also see how he hates the military.
All can see DUMMOCRETIN SCHMUCKO-MORON has no clue what /snark means!
So…puddybigot gives us a breathless story from World Net Daily (yes, that one), that if true is horrendous. big ‘if’ of course, given the source.
Other headlines from the page he links to….
“New worries over confiscating bank accounts”
“Obama signs ‘end to free speech'”
“Combat soldier no match for black mob”
“Black mob picks on ‘Thr Wrong Guy'”
“Couples to have sex in front of studio audience”
Beams of fear and loathing from the fever swamp…that’s all the puddybigot’s got…..
This grows really tiresome….puddybigot clearly isn’t getting any at home, and is here BEGGING to be abused and degraded….I need to go have a shower and take some Tylenol for this nasty cold I’ve got….later.
Golly DUMMOCRETIN SCHMUCKO-MORON, more of your standard deflect, deny and train-wreck. Did the guy go to jail for murder SCHMUCKO-MORON? Did the poor girl get raped after she told the DUMMOCRETIN judge she feared for her safety?
What’s untrue SCHMUCKO-MORON? Did it happen or not?
SCHMUCKO-MORON has EPICALLY FAYLED above so now… Projection anyone? A Psych 101 action!
So laughable it’s sad!
SMACK against the side of SCHMUCKO-MORON’s head!
Let’s take the bottom one first… A Google Search demonstrates
The UK Independent… Political alignment Liberal/radical centre from WikiPedia!
Now the WND Headline…
Seems the UK Libtards brought it up first. WND used it TWO DAYS LATER! Sux to be SCHMUCKO-MORON!
@20 We don’t have to kick the ruffians out. The voters will do it.
@26 “AP poll Obummer @ 37%!”
What’s your side down to?
Man this could be another sweeeeeeeeeeeet development.
Ummm Roger DUMBASS and SENILE Wabbit… The libtard msm kissed Obummer’s ASS for over 5 years so far and now the American People are waking up. The libtard msm hates Republicans. Both well known!
Hey unemployed moron (maybe he got a job), Puddy knows you are still screen scraping and counting comments. So has Puddy reached 40,000 yet?
@34 Dover — isn’t that the place Chump banned photogs from because he didn’t want people to see the flag-draped caskets his policies were producing?
@51 “Roger DUMBASS and SENILE Wabbit”
The government agrees with you, Pud, and your taxes are now funding my VA disability benefits. Of course, it’s hardly surprising their psychologist concluded a Vietnam veteran who thinks he’s a rabbit has issues. I used you as a reference, but they won’t tell me whether they contacted you. All I know is I’m getting checks in the mail. Thanks! I appreciate your support. You are a true friend. By the way, Puddy, why do you talk like Elmer Fudd? Maybe you can get government checks, too. You’re waaaayyy crazier than me.
@52 What’s wrong with being unemployed? Beats working. Work is the worst way of making money there is. I make money the old-fashioned Republican way, from the fat of the land while other people work. I made $1.82 in the stock market today.
Man BlabberMouth Schultz is a funny DUMMOCRETIN!
If the numbas were so positive, you know Jay CarneyBarker would be touting the positives in every day pressers. Hmmm… Looks like it’s not toooooooo rosy!
Still a silly broken record Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit.
Remember HA Libtard Carl Grossman? He was sending you virtual oxygen bottles because he recognized your dementia was happening quickly Roger.
Puddy notices it’s getting worse.
@57 “Puddy notices it’s getting worse.”
I really appreciate this, Pud! This means I’ll get a bigger check! You’re a super-duper reference!
Sneaky developers are keeping mineral rights under homes they sell. That means strangers can drill in your yard without your permission! And, of course, you don’t get a penny of the royalties if they strike oil or gas on your property. You just get to live with the noise of the well pump squeaking away day and night.
D.R. Horton Developer Opensecrets
Money to Congress: 2012 Cycle
Dems: $11,000
Repubs: $3,353
@60 That looks more like their contributions in one dogcatcher race.
Squid ink.
He’s hoping that the nasty, hateful racist rant about immigrants above gets forgotten quickly. That and the obvious fact that he doesn’t know what “/snark” means and just used it because he saw it somewhere and decided to channel White Goodman.
What a buffoon. Hateful and stupid is a terrible way to go through life.
Police in Wheeling W.Va. have killed a shooter who opened fire with an assault rifle on the federal courthouse there. Authorities said the dead shooter was a retired cop.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s just not a good idea for weak-minded people to have easy access to military-style guns when they go bonkers.
Furloughed because of the shutdown, NTSB investigators.
Interesting article on the improving rail network in the Bay Area.
You SCHMUCKO-MORON have no clue what /snark means. It proves you are a self-absorbed DUMMOCRETIN idiot!
Hello no SCHMUCKO-MORON. You didn’t even know old WWII vets were kept from the open air memorial. It’s another nail in your moronic DUMMOCRETIN coffin. Puddy will continue to say it over and over and over… Read carefully SCHMUCKO-MORON…
DUMMOCRETINS don’t care for the military veteran or the active military person. Obummer DUMMOCRETINS stopped transmitting sports games to the active duty military. Obummer closed the mall to retired WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and Gulf War vets while Obummer’s gang opened the mall for an illegal alien rally. Nancy Pelosi openly thnked Obummer for opening the mall for the illegal alien rally.
This is why SCHMUCKO-MORON is a sick DUMMOCRETIN. If the mall was opened to everyone equally who cares about the illegal alien rally. Instead Obummer transmitted his true colors to the rest of the world!
Who is more important in America SCHMUCKO-MORON? Our vets who died or were injured or were maimed fighting for our country freedoms or illegal aliens, many who come here for free handouts? No wonder DUMMOCRETINS want to ensure illegal aliens get their free handouts. They will vote for DUMMOCRETINS!
Butt keep repeating your comment @62. Maybe, just maybe if you continue to repeat yourself enough you’ll be able to convince your insipid alter-ego of it too!
Could be butt they like DUMMOCRETIN dog catchers better while keeping mineral rights on the land they sell homes too!
Thanks for finding how companies who do stooooooooooooopid things like DUMMOCRETINS!
Even the DUMMOCRETINS at Slate are discussing the EPIC FAYLURES of ObummerCare web sites.
How can you have a front end contractor and a back end contractor create a totally inflexible system…? Let DUMMOCRETINS be in charge.
Wow ObummerCare costs what so far?
Amazing… Butt, of course, DUMMOCRETINS always know what’s best for Americans and how best to create what’s best for us!
I’ve got to wonder….does the human behind the puddybigot really not know what ‘alter-ego’ means, or is this another weird diction/syntax glitch from the ‘Insult Engine’ that he/she uses to craft the bizarre posts that he/she leaves here.
I just went to ‘’ and it seemed to work just fine – very rapidly transitioned me to the Washington state site – where I found 38 plans with monthly premiums ranging from about $200 to $550.
Ho, hum, the puddybigot’s posts above are just more indecipherable bloviation from the Teahaddist’ leading local spokesmodel.
Oh, and yes, puddybigot, your persona here is manifestly racist, hate-filled, and stupid.
You know, if the puddybigot is bragging, in desperation for respect and gravitas, that he is allowed to rent a Nissan (or stay in a Marriott!) when on one of his errands for his employer…what does that say about his sense of luxury/quality? (Leaving aside the pathetic/ridiculous fact that he’s grasping for respect via the car he drives)
Do you suppose that when he’s home he drives a Yugo?
Man, there SCHMUCKO-MORON goes again… You just failed at /snark and now this…?
You can’t be this daft in real life SCHMUCKO-MORON… You just can’t even being a leading HA Northwest DUMMOCRETIN!
Wait for it… SCHMUCKO-MORON’s next attack… Puddy doesn’t understand the word daft. Oh yes, SCHMUCKO-MORON will claim he introduced HA DUMMOCRETINS to the word “daft” a few weeks ago.
Silly self-absorbed egotistical DUMMOCRETIN!
This from and excellent C+J over at DailyKos…the poll is priceless today…which is looniest (all of them real Republican positions)…
Ones sees where the puddybigot, and other trolls, get their crazy talkingpoints….these people are unhinged – or, rather, the followers are unhinged and the ‘leaders’ are cynical sociopaths happy to stoke the fear and loathing of the pawns like the puddybigot.
WOW…McMorris-Rogers, Boner, and Cantor on the TEEVEE right now in ungraceful full retreat….proposing extending the debt ceiling, so we can ‘have a conversation’.
I see the puddybigot has begun to see that he is a laughingstock.
He has long established that his command of English diction was tenuous at best…and now he’s come up with what he thinks is an effective deflection.
Nice try, puddybigot…better luck next time!!
I think the parade of shame that just took place with McMorris-Rogers leading the way represents the triumph of Wall Street over the Teahaddists, for a time, at least among the Republican “leaders”. We’ll see if the crazy caucus follows.
What they have not done is reestablish veterans’ death benefits, or cancer research, or Head Start, or National Parks, or…..
Seems their temper tantrum will continue, and as a commentator just uttered on the TEEVEE…it’s a shutdown over NOTHING…or Republicans desperately trying to hang onto pride.
Intellectual emptiness and desperate grasping at pride…sounds just like the puddybigot!
Luke Russert, of all people, just said two intelligent things…will wonders never cease?
1. The Democrats still don’t have to throw Boner a lifeline if he can’t get the House Crazy Caucus to go along with the 6-week debt limit increase…without demanding a big increase to last the next year!
2. The government shutdown appears to be about NOTHING at this point – there has been a howling silence regarding ACA/’Obamacare’ in recent days.
The pointlessness of the government shutdown appears to be an emerging meme – one that could prove deadly for Republicans.
Really SCHMUCKO-MORON? CBS News…? How about Digital Trends?
Typical SCHMUCKO-MORON DUMMOCRETIN excuse when facts prove his insipid rants wrong!
Does Puddy know what insipid means?
Featured story in Erick Ericson’s….
Good question…seems your fellow Teahaddists in Congress didn’t know that ‘kamikaze’ involves dying.
See what happens when you campaign on affirmative stupidity and disdain education?
Excellent article by Charles Pierce at Esquire…”The Reign of Morons is Here“…
We shouldn’t be surprised…this is the party whose high-ranking members based opinions and actions on a TEEVEE show about spies (remember WWJBD – “What would Jack Bauer Do?”)….whose members are invoking the “End Times” because OBAMA!!!
It really isn’t surprising that people who openly despise government, and openly despise a HUGE swath of their fellow citizens, would do this when entrusted with power.
Didn’t Puddy claim months ago when SCHMUCKO-MORON can’t win on the merits of his silly arguments he’ll go ad hominem?
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor.
SCHMUCKO-MORON lives on Daily Kooks while attacking Puddy for using World Net Daily for a story the lamestream libtards are just now posting after the conservative media beat them to the truth.
World Net Daily attack – EPIC FAYLE
– Girl was raped, could have been prevented by DUMMOCRETIN judge
– Woman was killed, could have been prevented by DUMMOCRETIN judge
– DUMMOCRETIN judges are the worst kind of DUMMOCRETINS
– 3 School officials didn’t report the sexual assaults per Texas law
– DUMMOCRETIN judge didn’t report the assault per Texas law
– Libtard English web site brought the sex story 2 days earlier
– /snark commentary
– alter-ego commentary
– Slate is libtard
– CBS News is libtard
– Digital Trends no political affiliation
Megyn Kelly
– More viewers than Piers and Rachel Madcow combined!
Illegal Alien Attack
– Obummer closed the open air WWII Veterans mall to retired WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and Gulf War vets
– Obummer uses more guards to close the mall than Obummer used to protect the late ambassador Chris Stevens
– Obummer opens the mall to illegal alien party and Nancy Pelosi thanks Obummer for doing it.
Silly self-absorbed egotistical DUMMOCRETIN!
OH MY. My, OH, My. The puddybigot seems desperate for humiliation and degradation this morning.
What, driving the Nissan around didn’t get your rocks off? Left hand growing to ‘familiar’?
This was rich…
You make normative the phenomenon of projection by engaging in it to relentlessly.
That you need to restate over and over, and now in primer form, your ‘points’ means no one cares what you post – other than for comic value or as a departure point for ridiculing your Teahaddists, Tallibangelical, neo-Confederate hate speech.
Way to go puddybigot….hours of comic relief!
Really SCHMUCKO-MORON? Really? Puddy delivers factual links. You provide bloviation and project your insipid commentary on Puddy. It’s all ad hominem above.
See ya! Glad Puddy is not like ya!
Wait for it… SCHMUCKO-MORON will now claim he brought to HA the word… bloviate/bloviation – used back in 2005.
It’s curious that the puddybigot has said nary a word about the Teahaddist hostage-taking that is threatening “Financial Apocalypse” according to Businessweek.
Here’s Amanda Marcotte, on Alternet, via Salon, writing about delusional Christianists…
Yup…the 6000-year-old Universe is a cute child’s fantasy, by comparison to the damage they can do with this delusion.
These ‘Dominionists‘ are both bigoted – essentially Christian triumphalists and chauvanists – and whackaloons who welcome what they refer to as “End Times” – implicitly what the puddybigot brays about when he threatens his foes with his ‘god’ coming ‘in clouds of glory’ to smite them.
These people are crazy, and dangerous.
That seems to be all puddybigot’s got, that and links to World Net Daily and their headlines like…
So, puddibigot, if you question the factual content of my posts/links, how about the positions and quotes I gave in @74…please point out which are not accurate, with supporting links, please.