The federal government has succumbed to a small group of White Collar Terrorists, but that won’t stop us! Please join us for an evening of prognostications over a pint at tonight’s meeting of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Our normal starting time is 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out another DL meeting over the next week. The Tri-Cities chapter also meets tonight. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. And for Thursday, the Spokane chapter meets. On Friday,the Enumclaw chapter meets. And next Monday, the Yakima, South Bellevue and Olympia chapters meet.
With 210 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
The first daily poll is in:
“By a margin of 72-22 percent, the Quinnipiac University poll found the public not wanting a government shutdown, and by 64-27 percent opposed to holding up an increase in the debt ceiling as a political cudgel to block Obamacare.”
Americans blame Republicans for government shotdown by huge margin
Michelle Obama is going to make sure that no interns are delivering pizza to the President.
2 I so dont get the reference.
Gee the stock market loved it…I guess the overbearing regulation ending and the tea party hating IRS on the streets is viewed as a good thing by people who actually have to make a living in this idiots idea of a country.
+62 isn’t loving anything. +62 after being down -128, really isn’t loving anything. If this drags on more than a few days the economy’s going to start taking some really big hits (no USDA meat inspectors for one) and the stock market (which is over valued anyway) will tumble.
The currency market hated it. Imported goods (‘member when Republicans were all about the trade deficit?) are now much more expensive. Dollar down against the Euro, pound and yen.
Inflation is the first economic hit of the shutdown.
in modern Tea Baggery, there’s no problem having a weak dollar COMBINED with weak demand for U.S. goods.
There are lots of ways to hurt the economy. This is what happens when you get your economic theory from a novel and elect people who don’t realize it’s fiction.
Conservative talk radio’s argument was the Democrats forced the Republicans to shut down the government.
The democrats wouldn’t negotiate and give the republicans what ever they wanted, so the republicans HAD to shut down the government to punish the dems.
How do you compromise when the only choice was kill the law? Not tinker, not adjust. Just shut it down. How do you negotiate with that stance? How do you meet them half way? You cannot. It’s just extortion.
FYI. The Locks in Ballard are closed to visitors. It’s a federal park.
What have the republicans closed near you?
Mining company Anglo-American has walked away from its $541 million investment in the proposed Pebble Mine, which if developed would potentially threaten Bristol Bay salmon runs.
The move leaves Northern Dynasty, a much smaller company, now sole owner of the project, with the herculean task of trying to build the mine — if it can get permits — thankfully increasing the odds against the controversial mine ever being built.
The Pebble Mine has faced intense public opposition, including a promised boycott of its gold output by Zale, Wal-Mart, QVC, and Balfour (which makes graduation rings), because a mining accident upstream could have disastrous consequences for Bristol Bay, which hosts half of the world’s sockeye salmon runs.
The Pebble site is thought to hold $300 billion worth of minerals, including the world’s largest undeveloped gold deposit.
Everyone hates Obamacare (snark)
That is why 2,800,000 went online to visit the exchanges. And crashed servers all over the country with the overload of traffic. Who would have thought?
RETHUGS own the shutdown
Video is at the bottom of the page
Documented by Rachel Maddow
What a bunch of shit. All the upscale liberals getting together to discuss just how shitty America treats its’ citizens while quaffing $5.00 beers and bemoaning the fact that we treat poor folks like crap and geez, it’s just so unjust.
If you really want to make a change or a difference in this country then do something other than spout a bunch of blather and pat yourselves on the back for being so enlightened.
The only thing the power elite understand is economics. Want to make a change? Start a boycott of a particular company (beef comes to mind as a way to piss off some Texas cattle barons) and cause economic pain for them. At this point these pricks will lean on their lackeys in congress to accede to changes that will turn their fortunes around.
Come on, the only way we’re able to offer up a divergent opinion here is to comment on someone else’s blog. Goldie, you’ve sold out and become a corporate stooge.
Donovan Wolters @ 13,
“What a bunch of shit. All the upscale liberals getting together to discuss just how shitty America treats its’ citizens while quaffing $5.00 beers and bemoaning the fact that we treat poor folks like crap and geez, it’s just so unjust.”
“Upscale liberals”? “$5.00 beers”? What fucking planet are you living on, there, Squirt?
“If you really want to make a change or a difference in this country then do something other than spout a bunch of blather and pat yourselves on the back for being so enlightened.”
Ummm…sorry, but you apparently misunderstand the purpose of D.L.
“Want to make a change? Start a boycott of a particular company (beef comes to mind as a way to piss off some Texas cattle barons) and cause economic pain for them.”
But even if I participate in a boycott, it doesn’t prevent me from doing D.L. (unless, of course, I am boycotting D.L.). You seem to have no understanding of what D.L. is at all.
“Come on, the only way we’re able to offer up a divergent opinion here is to comment on someone else’s blog.”
I have no idea what you are babbling about here.
“Goldie [sic], you’ve sold out and become a corporate stooge.”
That’s funny. What corporation has Goldy sold out to?
By chance, were you on meth when you left this comment?
@4 If you don’t mind, I think I’ll follow my own investment advice and ignore yours.
@14 “By chance, were you on meth when you left this comment?”
That’s kinda my impression. Anyway, if Donovan Wolters wants to make a change, he can start by voting FOR I-522.
Speaking of I-522, the food industry is spending $17 million-plus to deny you the right to know what you’re putting in your body, which tells you everything you need to know about how you should vote on this initiative.
One operation around here that is essential, Hiram M. Chittenden Locks in Ballard. My bus ride to LINK was delayed because the D-Line was affected by a late night opening of the Ballard Bridge, so I guessed the locks were open, then saw it online when I got home from work.
ekim goatmaster proves his lunacy!
Puddy wonders if they called and thanked Obummer and his leadership skills.
Somehow Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit missed this DUMMOCRETIN!
Two people died in Afghanistan and heads rolled. Four people died in Benghazi and a deep coverup ensured.
Yet if this happened during GW Bush’s watch Chris Matthews would he screaming. Rachel MadCow would be screaming. Larry O’Clownell would be leaving the last turd!
Hey if Al NoSoSharpton claims you can opt out of ObummerCare it must be true.
You “tell it” Al!
Oh my The Administration’s Press (AP) finally did an ObummerCare fact check. Only 3+ years late! Well… better late than never.
Just remember this Gallup health care poll the next time one is performed with ObummerCare in action.
Why can’t DUMMOCRETINS delay the individual mandate for a year like they did for bidnesses? Hmmm…?
Will Howard Dean be prescient on Death panels?
Oh wait another Gallup Poll…
Well no surprises here. Did Puddy read 69% of the young peeps Obummer plans to place the burden of Obummercare were unaware they MUST get ObummerCare by 1/1/2014? This is the stupid low information voters (LIVs) who jack boot vote for DUMMOCRETINS every time. Keep ’em dumb. Blame it on Republicans. Maybe they will wake up to the real cost of Obummercare being on their backs!
But Puddy doubts it. That Jimmy Kimmel video was hilarious this week. Affordable Care Act and ObummerCare. More LIV brainlessness!
This is why ekimgoatmaster is a technological moron. A well designed system would have cached the connection requests over all 50 states and would have created a server cluster to distribute the load. 2.8 million connection requests over 50 states over multiple cities per state IS NOTHING you moron! 2,800,000/50 is what ekimgoatmaster? 56,000 per state. So some states have more hits than others. Why create state exchanges if everything has to immediately validated in WA DC? Were they expecting morons like ekimmaster to register in WA State then run to Oregon and register again? Or maybe Idaho? Well ekimgoatmaster is a animal ho!
An absolutely poor design. And how long have they had to design and get this thing up and running? Remember Obummer claimed they already had the funds from previous fiscal budgets to get the exchanges up and running, so there goes that stooooooooooooooopid argument. Probably Obummer’s buds give it to some DUMMOCRETIN friend’s org to build.
@11….well pud @27 sure showed you, huh. Pud coulda designed the whole thing, by himself, in his spare time, maybe while driving an 8-speed Hyundai Genesis or maybe while cleaning the skid marks from his shorts….the skid marks left when he looks at polls showing that even Republican voters don’t think much of the manufactured “shutdown”. Hope pud’s employer doesn’t have Federal contracts. Could be trouble in pudland if that’s the case.
Oh my…seems the pervy puddybigot is cheating his master out of some work, and posting here begging to be whipped.
So sick, on so many levels, this one.
Anyone up to the task…I really can’t be bothered.
What a bunch of Nut Jobs. They are truly Freaks.
@4 and @5 – yeah the stock market is really loving it. Down 100 points today.
@4 your simple mind is one that is stupid.
@4 – boy are you a real winner (sarcasm, meaning you are a loser, see Puffy for reference).
# 30: Nobody’s going to arrest an 80+ year old veteran for trespassing to visit the memorial.
Some of those guys probably even remember the Bonus Marchers when McArthur ordered a cavalry charge to clear their camp (Hoover got the blame, but he was probably not at fault). McArthur ended up loosing his Chief of Staff of the Army job as a result, and was quietly exiled to the Philipeens (sp?).
Bachman knows a photo op when she sees one, and she’s going to try to co-op this for her benefit – even if she was one of those who caused it to be closed down in the first place.
Our oppressive socialistic government is abusing hard-working employers again by cracking down on “payroll cards” that force low-wage workers to pay pawn-shop fees to access their own wages.
Good! We need more such oppression in this country.
This is the government the republicans want.
Stock market is -65 right at the moment. So much for you big gain yesterday.
Federal Investigators Halt Probe Of Plane Crash… SCIENCE GRINDS TO A HALT… Kids With Cancer Blocked From Clinical Trials… Food Safety Inspections Suspended… CIA, NSA Operations Scaled Down… Aviation Safety Inspectors Sidelined… Search For Missing Woman Put On Hold… NASA Grounded… National Parks Closed…
All because a small fraction of republicans couldn’t get the Affordable Care Act overturned any other way. That is not democracy, that’s extortion.
“The fact that some in Congress would risk a shutdown in order to score political points demonstrates why Congress is currently held in lower regard than head lice.”
Derek Kilmer
More info coming out about this weekend’s motorcycle gang “swarm” in Manhattan that left an SUV driver beaten and knifed, and a biker paralyzed.
The paralyzed biker has never had a valid driver’s license, was repeatedly ticketed for traffic violations, and was listed as an habitual traffic offender.
Videos show this biker gang running red lights and yield signs, passing on shoulders, driving on sidewalks occupied by pedestrians, and intimidating innocent people wherever they went. They’re a gang of arrogant bullies engaging in criminal behavior, pure and simple.
Police have indicated the SUV driver will not be charged for using his vehicle as a battering ram to escape from the biker gang who had surrounded him and his family. So far, one biker has been arrested and charged with aggravated assault, and police are reviewing potential cases against others in the group.
@36 The market is down today because of weak employment data released this morning.
In a thread on facebook, a person posted
“I’m paying $214/month for an individual plan with Regence right now. Using the WA ACA calculator, it shows a premium of $450/month.”
They are simply going to drop their coverage.
Does a doubling of premiums seem accurate?
# 41: They can keep their old insurance. It’s obviously subsidized by someone else, such as an employer. And there’s nothing said about the conditions of coverage under the cheaper plan – it might have high deductables (my daughter has to pay $1,000 before coverage starts under her employer’s plan).
Maybe. If the person currently has a high deductible plan and they’re shopping for significantly reduced deductible.
I smell bullshit. Someone on an individual plan tends to not have kids, may or may not be single or are elderly and eligible for medicare
These numbers assume an individual is above the income threshold to qualify for discounts.
I find plans for a 30 year old with a $3000 deductible (not atypical for employer funded plans) with a premium of $285 and catastrophic plans with high deductible as low as $199. I can’t even find an individual plan for a 50 year old with premiums over $400 until you get into the $1000 deductible range.
For a single 30 year old with a tiny $750 deductible, there’s a plan for $325 premium.
It’s easy to run the numbers through the calculator.
So I suspect the person is comparing an individual plan to a family plan, looking to go from standard coverage to Cadillac, or is simply a Facebook tea bagger makin’ shit up.
Reprinted from an earlier thread:
Lincoln’s February 1860 at New York’s Cooper Union, which brought him to national attention (and probably the presidency). A few excerpts, where he responds to S. Carolina’s demands concerning the expansion of slavery and threatening to seceed if the demands aren’t met:
Note: the speach is now in the public domain.
When I ask your questions about the man’s coverage, he did eventually say that if he got the plan that was the closest match, it was about the same price.
He wasn’t comparing apples to apples and he just assumed he couldn’t keep his old plan.
It was fun to get him to think, to at least question his Fox News assumptions.
I did not know that “That is cool” was used in 1860s, besides describing the temperature of porrage.
# 46: It was a surprise to me, also, but some very knowledgeable people about the Civil War period say it was used – but not quite in the same way we use it.
The National Park Service made a “First Amendment” exception to the closure at the the WWII memorials, but it only applies to veterans. At least that’s one issue Michelle Bachman can stop her grandstanding over.
@48. Does that mean they can bar Michelle Bachman from entering now?
Got proof, or as always SCHMUCKO-MORON talking out of his arschloch? Man Puddy loves driving that Hyundai Genesis! 8 speed automatic 333+ HP. Kool car!
“A U.S. federal judge on Wednesday ordered a monitor be appointed to oversee the work of hard-line Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio to ensure that his officers no longer use racial profiling ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It was a long time coming, but America’s Most Racist Sheriff (TM) finally has adult supervision.
Prove you are not, GOATBOY.
Poor ekimgoatmaster,
Puddy don’t do your bidding. Goats do yours though.
Oh boy. Putty’s crawled out of his cesspool.
I can see why the Ballard Locks are essential. The LWSC is a commercial waterway, and the fleet from Fisherman’s Terminal needs to get in and out, the gardens, not essential right now.
The tighter Diesel locomotive emission standards I mentioned before, they were first proposed in 2004. At first it looked like a lofty goal, but it’s a year away, and GE, Cummins, EMD, and a few others are close to meeting it.