Please join us for evening of political conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally. This evening President Obama will address the nation on Syria at 6:00 pm, so show up early to hear the speech.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Our normal starting time is 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out the plethora of other DL meetings over the next week.
Tonight there are also meetings of the Tri-Cities and Vancouver, WA chapters. On Wednesday, the Bellingham chapter meets. On Thursday the Bremerton chapter meets. And on Friday, the Centralia chapter meets. Finally, next Monday, the Yakima and Olympia chapters meet.
With 207 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Many users assume — or have been assured by Internet companies — that their data is safe from prying eyes, including those of the government, and the N.S.A. wants to keep it that way. The agency treats its recent successes in deciphering protected information as among its most closely guarded secrets, restricted to those cleared for a highly classified program code-named Bullrun, according to the documents, provided by Edward J. Snowden, the former N.S.A. contractor.
Beginning in 2000, as encryption tools were gradually blanketing the Web, the N.S.A. invested billions of dollars in a clandestine campaign to preserve its ability to eavesdrop. Having lost a public battle in the 1990s to insert its own “back door” in all encryption, it set out to accomplish the same goal by stealth.
I guess my big question is, who has access to all that data, besides the NSA and Edward J. Snowden?
More specifically, are any of Snowden’s prior co-workers selling info to foreign governments (China? Syria? France?) or maybe some mega-corporations? And how could you tell?
How to cause the NSA fits:
Encode random garbage and enclose in all of your email communications.
25146 50942 16925 93521 01824 20765 97530 79820 69078 28136 29687 27496 23059 29508 10786 75192 34702 15920 46830 98173 68027 63017 72094 58726 32904 54928 62475 34517 65079 15387 25160 68054 12495 35874 54716 21930 34785 31095 16732 91627 30789 04826 74562 84536 20781 17509 46329 45203 36245 38709
Decode this :-)
Open Letter To Kansas School Board
I am writing you with much concern after having read of your hearing to decide whether the alternative theory of Intelligent Design should be taught along with the theory of Evolution. I think we can all agree that it is important for students to hear multiple viewpoints so they can choose for themselves the theory that makes the most sense to them. I am concerned, however, that students will only hear one theory of Intelligent Design.
Let us remember that there are multiple theories of Intelligent Design. I and many others around the world are of the strong belief that the universe was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster. It was He who created all that we see and all that we feel. We feel strongly that the overwhelming scientific evidence pointing towards evolutionary processes is nothing but a coincidence, put in place by Him.
Yes. I am the one true God. I mean Monster.
Bow down to me and get a coupon for a free meal at the Spaghetti Factory.
4, 5 — Yes, absolutely, the spaghetti version of origin should be force-fed to Kansas public school students so they’ll learn how to think critically.
We have spaghetti westerns so why not spaghetti monsters?
Would you like to be a Pastafarian Minister!
Paper Certificates of Ordination with embossed gold foil seals are now available. The cost is $20, including shipping to the USA. ( $30 for International)
Did you see me at Fremont’s Summer Solstice Parade?
I am real and I get around!
George Zimmerman’s defense attorney has had enough of him and has told him to get another lawyer.
…and RAMEN!
A brit Tory MP resigns after being charged with rape:
How klownservative of him..
I just checked the Torygraph (a favorite of the trolls like Puddymoron)..
Holy Stealth Encryption Batman… all this started under Female Essence Flavored Cigar Clinton’s watch? Guess so!
Oh my a dipshit sighting @14… More useless smelly swamp gas released.
It’s the politics page useless jackboot goosestepper!
Sux to be unemployed and unintelligent!
The future breadbasket of Africa…
@16 – Not the frontpage Mr. Stupid..
Gee why not?
Covering up for the embarrassing hypocrisy of holier-than-thou klownservatvies obviously..
LOL! Nice try..
Acting just like American libtard msm unintelligent and unemployed, eh?
Excellent article on the ditherer in chief occupying da whitey house!
Maybe he will tonight… Oh wait Putin just stole the show!
Apparently RFK Jr. didn’t like Al NotSoSharpton or Jesse Hi-Jackson!
Another great article about the ditherer in chief…
@20 LOL!!!! The abominable NO man in the Senate didn’t get the memo from the batshit insane Horowitz publication:
Why couldn’t the turtleman just follow orders like he’s supposed to?
Shorter AIPAC:
Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Bashar..
@20 “Obama … hasn’t been able to provide one sensible reason why the attack should happen.”
Who wrote this nonsense? Oh, a guy named Daniel Greenfield who runs a blog called “Sultan Knish” that has been designated a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center … that’s who.
@20 “Obama … hasn’t been able to provide one sensible reason why the attack should happen.”
Who wrote this nonsense? Oh, a guy named Daniel Greenfield who runs a blog called “Sultan Knish” that has been designated a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center … that’s who.
Of course, this is no revelation, as we already knew what kind of people Piddles relies on as “sources” to support his arguments.
They are way better that the crap you pollute the HA threads with Roger SENILE DUMBASS nad LUNATIC Wabbit. Oh course there was to reBUTTal to the proffered article.
BTW Puddy glad the old man is healthy and A-OK! Puddy can continue to remind the dim wabbit of his useless politics, feckless thoughts and all around useless posts!
Right on bro! .NOT.
Piddles, the government agrees with you, and your taxes are now paying for my veteran’s disability benefits. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Veterans Affairs concluded a Vietnam veteran who thinks he’s a rabbit has issues. I used you as a reference in my application, but they won’t tell me whether they contacted you. All I know is I’m getting checks in the mail. Thanks! I appreciate your support. You are a true friend. By the way, why do you talk like Elmer Fudd? P.S., you should learn to spell “and” before you call anyone else a dumbass.
Not to worry GOATBOY.
I don’t post porno and those pics of you are really disgusting.
You have it from the GOATBOY himself.
The farm animals GOATBOY likes are goats, donkeys, baboons, cows and horses. So what does GOATBOY do with the sheep and chickens?
I like the way the boots are all reverb’d out walking across the hard wood floor.
I love the right wing thought evolution.
“We love bombing everyone”
“Wait, It’s Obama. We can’t bomb everyone.”
“We love Diplomacy.”
“Kerry opened the door to diplomacy. We Love Putin, he’s our hero. Diplomacy is weak. Putin has STRENGTH.”
“George W. Bush is a hero. He got Khadafi to give up his chemical weapons.”
“Obama isn’t going to get Syria to give up chemical weapons. It’s only ’cause we said no bombing that Assad came around!”
“This was bungled from the start. It would have been better to do nothing than THIS. Getting rid of Syria’s chemical weapons without a shot fired. That’s a sign of WEAKNESS!”
and my personal favorite.
“Obama might have a deal in place to get a crumbling state to get rid of chemical weapons? That’s going to be expensive. Who’s going to pay for it? Safer world? Pffffffttttt…deficit! YARGH!”
s/evolution/intelligent design/
GOOBERs don’t evolve.
Proof? Look at GOATBOY.
“intelligent design”
A phrase describing an unintelligent belief system.
An idiot with an unintelligent belief system.
(See intelligent design.)
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In the aftermath of the president’s address to the nation tonight, we see that Republicans are exploiting the Syria crisis to bash President Obama. A little more than 10 years ago, Republicans called anyone who questioned President Chimp’s decision to invade Iraq “unpatriotic.” Well, if turnabout is fair play, it’s our turn to call them unpatriotic. I suspect the real problem is they don’t like the idea of a black guy dropping bombs on white guys.
duplicate post deleted by poster
Breaking News — Election News
Most eyes were on Obama’s Syria speech tonight, but other things are happening around the country.
The Death of Rocky Mountain News
Today was Denver-based Rocky Mountain News’ last day of publication. Denver, like most other U.S. cities, is now down to one daily newspaper — the Denver Post.
Gun Nuts Recall 2 Colorado Democratic Legislators
A recall effort against two Colorado state senators, both Democrats, who voted for background checks has succeeded in ousting the incumbents and replacing them with Republicans. However, Democrats still control the governorship, state house, and state senate in Colorado.
Eliot Spitzer Loses NYC Comptroller Primary
Former New York governor has lost his primary election battle to become New York City’s next comptroller.
New York City Mayoral Results
On the Democratic side, Bill deBlasio needs 40% to avoid a runoff with second-place contender Bill Thompson, and may have it — the current tally is deBlasio 40% and Thompson 26%. The infamous Anthony Weiner got about 5% of the Democratic vote, but still outpolled the winner of the GOP primary. Democrats, combined, got about 636,000 votes while Repoublicans, combined, got less than 57,000 votes. Not hard to figure out which party will run New York City next year.
Governor Abercrombie has called the Hawaiian Legislature into special session to debate a marriage equality bill.
Oh mentally deficient wabbit… Puddy misspells certain words on purpose. It has elicited the effect Puddy wanted just from you.
Poor ekim, goes nuts over his “esposure”! Still no facts, just personal attacks. That’s all ekim has. Another HA leftist empty suit posting useless garbage on the blog.
Dana Milbank, Obummer sychophant is not happy with his Obummer now…
Obummer prolly wrote his own speech. Ahhh yes, the “smartest” man in the world per leftists at odds with himself. The Community Organizer can’t organize his own thoughts. The Community Organizer can’t organize the world community to react to his “red line”. The Community Organizer can’t take criticism over his dithering and waffling. The Community Organizer can’t deal with his comments from 2007 now haunting him in 2013. The Community Organizer can’t lead because he’s never lead anything.
Yet HA leftist just love their Obummer!
Another truth the libtard msm will not publish…
Ouch, and so sad! Puddy guesses those 2009 Apology Tour Speeches didn’t reach Mullah Omar!
Heh. And fools remain fools..
That right wing bullshit served them so well last Nov 6..
@31: “We got a spaghetti western here on channel 36…” (or was that 44? Or 20?) “Funny thing about the weekends when you’re unemployed – don’t mean quite so much.”
Those were fine days, drinking pork soda, fueled by spaghetti, and filled with crusades only for the brave.
Kicked miserable right wing ass last November..
And the idiots in the krakpot kongress are so addled by ODS they can’t just follow orders..
Things are not looking good for George Zimmerman…
I agree with the poster who said, dead or incarcerated within the next 12 months.
The miserable right wing krakpots can’t follow orders from AIPAC and they can only whine about a diplomatic solution to the crisis..
Sure sucks to be them.
When a Republican president proposes to attack another country, Republicans are strongly for it and Democrats are conflicted.
When a Democratic president proposes to attack another country, Republicans are strongly against it, and Democrats are conflicted.
As Roger pointed out above, when a Republican president was proposing war, any opposition was shouted down by the noise machine, and debate was slandered as unpatriotic.
When a Democratic president proposes war, it is seen by Republicans as just another tool to use against him politically.
This is just another demonstration that when “patriotism” means a dedication to the shared experiment in democracy and justice that is the United States, Democrats and Republicans are talking about two different things.
For Republicans, “patriotism” is a macho-tinged public relations ploy to manipulate and silence opposition. The ‘United States” isn’t a political/social experiment undergoing constant refinement, but rather a nexus of power to be grabbed and hoarded for the benefit of as small a plutocracy as possible, and most “citizens” are merely rubes to be fleeced or serfs to be worked to death.
Oh GOATBOY, you so funny.
You have even one reality based fact worth commenting on?
War has nearly always benefited economic and political elites, and cost ordinary people on both side of a conflict wealth, opportunity, and often their lives.
This one would be no different.
As lofty as Obama’s rhetoric can be (at times, though mostly I’m unimpressed), and as devastating as images of dead, gassed children are, us bombing some elements of Assad’s war machine will accomplish….nothing.
Children and other innocents are dying constantly due to privations of poverty, disease and violent conflict that doesn’t rise to the media circus that this one has.
If Obama really wanted to accomplish something, he would use this public focus on violent atrocity to say…this is a symptom, not a unique event. The fact that the victims were gassed is incidental to a larger atrocity.
That larger atrocity is an international system where we allow sociopaths to gain power over groups of people large and small. The larger atrocity is the widespread practice of allowing a small power elite to exploit and control, to disenfranchise, and to stunt the aspirations and development of huge swaths of people.
The atrocities exist in Syria, and they exist in this country.
The notion of international boundaries, while useful in some practical, administrative kinds of ways, is a useful fiction when depicting ‘bad guys over there, good guys here’ kind of simplistic, jingoistic thinking. It’s part of the fiction meant to manipulate poor saps on this side to go kill poor saps on that side, all the the benefit of the elites on whichever side was more powerful to begin with.
Obama, if he were a real leader and wanted my support over this issue would stand up and say that there are far too many good-hearted, hard-working honest regular people who are relentlessly parasitized by tiny numbers of greed-driven sociopaths out to get “MORE!!”, and that if we want the gassing of children to stop then we have to end a system whereby sociopaths like Assad, or Putin, or Lloyd Blankfein or Jamie Dimon, or Glenn Beck or David Gregory, or Obama himself have the power they do. That we must transcend the boundaries drawn by those with the power and realize our common humanity – that our diversity is to be celebrated rather than leveraged as a tool to incite hate and murder.
And if I ever hear John Kerry’s voice dripping with melodrama again, it’ll be too soon.
Second Amendment Report (TM)
Everett police have arrested a 12-year-old boy for two armed robberies with a gun he borrowed from a 16-year-old, who also has been arrested in connection with a different armed robbery.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans think guns should be completely unregulated, and that anyone should be able to get a gun without a background check, and carry it anywhere without a permit.
I think that’s horseshit.
HA’s juvenile unemployed ASSHole moronic arschloch still living in the past, while the rest of the world living in the present. Yeah, with the help of the IRS implementing voter suppression. Puddy already proved the IRS voter suppression and HA’s juvenile unemployed ASSHole moronic arschloch already has it catalogued in the crazed databaze. Wait for it… wait for it…
Oh wait Obummer voted present again last night!
Such BULLSHIT from one of HA’s biggest BULLSHITTERS around SCHMUCKO.
Obummer painted his own ASS in a corner with his 2007 rhetoric. Obummer didn’t think people would remember his or Joe BITEME’s various verbal attacks on GW Bush which Puddy cataloged here on HA. Just ask HA’s juvenile unemployed ASSHole moronic arschloch for a replay from the crazed databaze. Hence, Obummer isn’t getting said support from Republicans because his own rhetoric is BITING Obummer in his own ASS!
Remember Obummer claimed he didn’t need Congress to act.
is the operative phrase here SCHMUCKO. This DUMMOCRAPT preznit thinks he’s above the US Constitution, to twist it as Obummer sees fit.
So cry Puddy a big ASS river about SCHMUCKO concerns regarding Republican support. People have long memories especially when a DUMMOCRAPT tries to act tough after being a wienie for 4+ years and telling everyone GW Bush was wrong in his foreign policy and NSA assessments and now we see Obummer implementing foreign policy similarly (go it alone cowboy style) and taking the NSA to worse lows!
Let’s see if these kids have DUMMOCRAPT parents!
Call me crazy, but if Puffy could actually articulate a position on something there might be slight chance that I would actually agree with him. But he hasn’t articulated anything in the 60,000 comments that he has made here
he once kinda sorta did on ‘intelligent design’ a few weeks back. he of course had his ass handed to him.
that’s the only time i’ve seen him ever approach being on the level.
Golly gleeeeeeeeeeeeeman, Puddy feels your “love”!
BTW they never got mine
Another reason Puddy doesn’t own Apple products.
LOL! Good news for our goto dope for laughs around here:
LMAO!!! Our goto pet fool for laughs around here can be HAPPY that 2 term President Obama’s NSA shares raw data on the idiot’s klownservative innertoob bowel movements with “the country that can do no wrong”..
Any president who can get Putin to write op-eds for the NYT appealing to the peaceful sensibilities of the American people has my vote. Sure beats wasting $1.7 trillion on a useless war. I would say at this point Democrats have a better product than their competition — light years better.
Meanwhile, Michelle Bachmann’s ethical problems grew longer legs today.
A survey of economists by a Washington D.C.-based conservative think tank came up with a finding of very low recession risk.;ifp=0
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yet these yahoos still criticize Obama’s stewardship of the economy? What are they smoking? Did the “other Washington” legalize pot before we did?
Does anyone have a juvenile unemployed ASSHole moron arschloch decoder ring handy?
BTW ya moron, Puddy feels plenty safe when Puddy visits Israel; someplace you’ll never get to! Seeing Ramallah was very interesting. And eating here was great food. Butt keep being HA’s biggest dope alive. JackASS!
BTW Ezra/Nehemiah’s wall was the really kool place.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Whatanidiot! Keep that couch warm while Puddy sees the world.
What Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit didn’t mention…
Yeah, no potential of a recession for the NEXT THREE MONTHS you dumb wabbit.
Other items in the report skipped by ol SENILE one…
– Repeal Obummercare
– Pass LEGAL Immigration legislation
– Claims overwhelmingly the Fed Government meddles too much in the economy
– Don’t think Obummer will provide a fiscal compromise
– Don’t think Obummer will offer long term debt solutions
Well everyone knows ol brer wabbit is a hack!
@65 “Yeah, no potential of a recession for the NEXT THREE MONTHS ….”
I’ll take that over a Republican economy any day.
@65 (continued) “Other items in the report …”
Gee, that list reads like a report from a conservative think tank.
LMAO!! Translation: like a good neo-klownservative tool, our goto dope for laughs around here APPROVES of 2 term Prez Obama’s NSA sharing raw data (telephone, telex, video, internet, whatever) on AMERICANS with “the country that can do no wrong”..
Too funny this tool.. Only thing we can be sure of is that he HATES Democrats more than he LOVES Israel..
So Piddles, where are the recession, collapsing currency, soaring gold prices, and hyperinflation that conservatives promised Bernanke’s policies would bring us?
And where is the recovery that conservatives promised austerity would bring to Europe?
The fact is conservatives don’t know any more about economics than they do about evolution, global warming, or peanut butter.
@68 I’m kinda curious why Israel is interested in my e-mails. I don’t have any Palestinian friends.
RR @70
I wonder – do they read all the SPAM as well?
My SPAM filter traps around 400 or so a day.
Once in a while, the person who is playing Puddy will post something articulate and insightful. Mostly he just posts inflammatory shit to get attention. I think he’s really lonely and has no real friends and his wife or boyfriend tends to ignore him. If we have ignored him for a while, he gets more and more extreme, till someone, anyone calls him on it.
Another EPIC FAYLE from the juvenile unemployed hateful ASSHole moronic arschloch! You couldn’t translate 1+1.
See ya! Puddy is soooooooooooo glad not to be ya!
Ooooooh Fascist Pigsty has really pegged Puddy. .NOT. Lots of REAL friends, a wife who truly loves Puddy. REAL Friends, ones who you can call any time day or night and help you. Conversely Puddy would reciprocate. That’s conservatism Fascist Pigsty. You on ther other hand want guvmint to be the helper.
Just another HA leftist hater who has to view something from his fingers on the blog. It really sux to be Fascist Pigsty. Sounds like his life really sux these days with Obummer bumbling so bad!
Projection is strong in this one. IT’s a Psych 101 thing!
One can see a great deal in that little post.
You actually let down the guard a bit, and didn’t fill the post entirely with uninterpretable gibberish and bizarre name-calling.
What you did reveal is what many of us already knew…that you construct your world with an us-versus-them, painfully childish tribal worldview in which liberals are all things bad, and conservatives all things good.
You really are a hate-filled, pitiful shell of a human, clinging to simple-minded fairy-tales like the 6000-year old Earth, Noah and his teleporting Ark, supply-side economics and braininess of Sarah Palin.
Your bragging about your friends – much like your bragging about the petty perqs of your employment – demonstrates a real insecurity. Moreover, your manifest inability to see that your ‘enemies’ (eg liberals) are capable of such human interactions puts you that much closer to denying their very humanity – a tendency that is a frightful prerequisite for the eliminationism that is so prevalent among the fascisti.
LOL! One thing this unhinged buffoon could count on was his boyfriend.
Thick and thin. Hell or high water!
And you don’t SCHMUCKO? You are one of the biggest tribal view presenters here. You tribal view in every post. You ad hominem attack all the time too!
Puddy was waiting for you to go there. You didn’t take the bait a week ago but you did now!
There is no insecurity SCHMUCKO. Your couch evaluation skillz fail you again. You don’t know me and you NEVER WILL! Puddy doesn’t hang with scum like you!
You know why Puddy brags about his job? Puddy did it without dealing with libtards. Libtards didn’t help Puddy study. Libtards didn’t provide Puddy the answers to certification examinations. Libtards or libtard thought didn’t help Puddy get his various occupations over the years. Puddy did it with God’s help. All the trappings that Puddy has with his employment are acquired through hard work not a handout like libtards love to push.
Sux to be you SCHMUCKO. Still a dipshit as always, making wrong ASSumptions. Keep evaluating others while you never evaluate your lousy commentary.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. SCHMUCKO is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay beyond hope.
Ahhh HA’s absolutely useless juvenile unemployed ASSHole moronic arschloch has nothing new so it’s another goto the crazed databaze.
Puddy calls it all the time! Puddy still laughing when HA’s absolutely useless juvenile unemployed ASSHole moronic arschloch thought Puddy’s last name was Pavlov. Why not display that post HA’s absolutely useless juvenile unemployed ASSHole moronic arschloch? Come on dipshit, don’t make Puddy replay it for all to see, along with the ridicule later. Go ahead and make it so first!
I’m not tribal at all. I’m species-oriented. You stupid humans are going to eliminate yourselves and then rabbits will rule the world!
Indeed. Stupid is as stupid does:
Puddy, you support a flat tax?
MWS, I just finished reading that link. I was beat to the punch!
Puddy, you went to Kurse? Don’t you feel soiled now?
MWS: One is never soiled when I use their web sites
Oh? Where did I say that? You wouldn’t be afraid to back this up with a link would you?
Be my guest.. Now watch..
Oh, please…*eye roll*…the delusions are coming fast and furious these days…
Because it’s the biggest thing in his little world?
Yes they/we did…a ‘libtard’ probably wrote the book you studied from. Just like it was very likely it was a ‘libtard’ professor at the front of the class teaching you. It was ‘libtards’ who believe in science – you know, stuff like evolution, and cosmology and the decay rate of protons, and quantum chromodynamics, electron orbital theory, archaeobiology and stellar evolution who forged the knowledge that you so vainly prattle about applying, mindlessly, in the service of the dude who employs you.
We ‘libtards’ have been putting up with the affirmatively stupid and obnoxiously clueless like yourself quite long enough. Science is a package deal – don’t want to accept evolution? Can’t stomach the 14-billion year old universe? Then no integrated circuits for you, no vaccines, no airplanes or internet, no MRIs or voicemail or Twitter, no Post-Its, no velcro, no lasers, no cancer chemotherapy, no insulin, no LEDs. No nothing. Go back to your cave.
Your worldview is nearly indistinguishable from the yearning for a return to the 14-th century that a Taliban mullah would embrace. You have the trappings of a modern human, provided generously by forward-thinking scientists and humanists, but your position is one of backward fear and cowering sky-daddy worship. You spit contempt at the very people and thinking that allows you to post your prattle on these threads, mewling on about ‘Cloud o’Glory’ and “god helped puddy(bigot)’ and ‘libtard’ this and ‘libtard’ that.
No, I don’t. I’m not like you at all.
The grammatical trainwreck aside, no, I don’t. I have repeated over and over and over the sentiment that ‘we are all in this together’.
Do I rage against the stupidity and hate of your side? Absolutely. But that is motivated by a horror at what is the core of your beliefs – a denial of the humanity of those you call enemy, a glee in your childish sense that your sky-daddy is going to smite those you hate, a relentless babbling and infantile repetition of the most hateful and brainless threads of Malkin and Palin and Thomas Sowell and Glenn Beck and on and on and on of the vomit you repost here.
Yes, I’m sure. You did it all by yourself, in a vacuum, the ubermensch toiling in soul-enriching solitude. Nothing crossed your path that aided you, no ‘libtard’ social spending every did anything that your benefited from, your bootstraps are that much bigger than everyone else’s.
We all know how that works.
You do realize that this character you’ve constructed here is a complete parody, right? Better even than Stephen Colbert?
No you didn’t. In a university a professor delivers the course. You can either choose to study of fuck off like some libtards at university did. They didn’t make it.
And we conservatives laugh at you now. For example we conservatives predicted Barack Obummer as a dithering blithering moron. Even Hillary Clinton predicted Obummer with her 3 AM call pronouncement. Yet we conservatives have been dealing with affirmatively stupid and obnoxiously foolish morons such as yourself FOREVER.
You betcha SCHMUCKO. Everything Puddy has done in life Puddy owes to God, not libtards or libtard thought as you put forth here.
Don’t like it when peeps make it plain. You denigrate, put down, caricature negatively, anyone who doesn’t jackboot goosestep to your frame of mind. For example, when Roger Rabbit claimed a potential coverup on Benghazi you claimed some real bullshit about you never claimed it was something real. Yet you went all tribal immediately claiming it was a Faux News item only. Now the other news orgs are diving into it and and you backtrack as always. That’s why it’s so tedious to have any discussion with you. Then when you realize the argument isn’t going your way, out comes your fail back position… personal ad himinem attacks.
Oh my the bees are really buzzing in your leetle neanderthal cranial orifice late last night.
See ya. It really sux to be ya! The rest of your “commentary” isn’t worth the pixels wasted to display such biased and slanted tribal thought!
Isn’t that special?
Ahh…more stories of the ubermensch, future Galtian electronics technician, struggling at his Sisyphean task, triumphing over the ‘libtards’ that surround him at every turn (jealous of his successes, no doubt) – lazy, shiftless ‘libtards’ dropping like flies, victims of their vices and character flaws, while he, Bible in one hand, marches steadily forward through advanced level soldering class.
You have quite a wall of fiction built around you, don’t you? As with your 6000-year-old universe, the fantasies of your triumphs must be guarded against the light of rational scrutiny – lest they go *POOF*!
The Prosecution Rests Your honor. SCHMUCKO proved Puddy’s case with post #84.
Thanks for playing SCHMUCKO.
At least you got something right SCHMUCKO. Although one got a girl pregnant and couldn’t hack it after his instant family appeared.
Oh yeah… electronics technicians wished they made what Puddy makes. Butt keep being a real dope alive. You and the crazed databaze deala prove this all day on HA! And… being a used test tube cleaner you already know this!
Where did Puddy claim the UNIVERSE was 6000 years old?
More of the denigrate, twist, conflate, smear, and misrepresent presentation of SCHMUCKO.
Sux to be you!
OK, I’ll bite…tell us, puddybigot, how old is the observable universe? How old is the Earth?
Here’s some ABSOLUTE BRILLIANCE from one of puddybigot’s heroes, Dana Loesch.
I think these people get these fixed beliefs – usually driven by some combination of fear and greed – and then babble nonsense that has a superficial resemblance to logic, in support of those beliefs. The more public of them – like Loesch or Limbaugh or Bachmann or Palin – just gibber on with word salad, demonstrating over and over that if you sound like what a dumb person thinks a smart person sounds like, you’ll get a Fox News gig.
If you’re not slick enough in your manipulations and prevarications, or you’re not ambitious enough to bootstrap your way up, or you’re not white enough for Fox, then you do what puddybigot does and just repeat ad nauseum the verbal vomit you hear from those that got on Fox, or one of the lesser tier rags like the Washington Times, on threads like this…over and over and over and over….
Puddybigot’s Holy Triumvirate (no not Rush) – Bachmann, Goehmert and Steve King – members of the “United States Congress from the United States of America” go to Egypt to demonstrate American Exceptionalism ™.
Hilarity ensues.
(did anyone else think of the American Dodgeball Association of America?)
How do we possibly apologize to the Egyptian people for inflicting on them literally the three dumbest people in North America?
Crickets? Puddy doesn’t live on HA 24×7 like many libtards.
Keep biting… Any discussion with you delivers migraine headaches. Search HA for the answer. Ask your moronic unemployed ASSHole bud to goto his crazed databaze for the replay. Go ahead Puddy dares you! Grow a pair!
Comrade Putin doesn’t think there is anything like American Exceptionalism!
DUMMOCRAPT Leftist libtards agree with Comrade Putin.
Sad day earlier this week.
DUMMOCRAPT Leftist libtards and Comrade Putin agree on this.
That’s really funny coming at the end of a post where you spin-spin-spin and run away from a question you seem too ashamed to answer, churchlady.
Ummm libtard tribal moron; Puddy already answered it. Ask the goto moron! Grow a pair. Puddy doesn’t JUMP when you want Puddy to. Puddy doesn’t re-answer anything for you or your kind.
So search it out dumbASS. All you have to do is ask mr goto for a crazed databaze review. Butt, Pavlov calls it because mr goto moron vicariously mimics your commentary, so you may get it free from mr goto!
un like you i get my four checks each eat shit and bark at the guys are always good for a laugh
((eat shit and bark at the moon) – Yo, I just love that line!)
Uhh.. Where’s the stupid stuff about “Pavlov”?
Hmmmm. More empty bullshit like this I guess..
Wherein a pitiful puddybigot hides in shame, refusing to give ‘testimony’ regarding the inerrancy of the Bible, and his thoughts about the age of the Earth.
Isn’t that like denying your faith?
Hate, shame, fear, greed, delusion – the muses of puddybigot’s pathetic existence.
Blah blah blah… just ask the goto moron. He just wentto his crazed databaze above!
Didn’t you just chastise Puddy for bragging about the job. Now you want Puddy to brag about his Faith in God. You are a laugh a minute. Dithering just like your preznit Obummer!
Another projection moment from SCHMUCKO! The smegma is getting thick on this one!
I hear that “leftist” Politico and our goto headcase for laugh’s favorite “leftist” website Mediaite (he’s only used it like 50/60 times) are AGHAST that Flush Blimpbaugh was called “a racist troll”..
LOL! Oh those fair-minded “leftist” websites are so shocked!
Awwww…poor puddybigot…running and hiding behind YLB again….
Same old, same old, same old…when he’s backed into a corner, afraid to actually stand up for his (crackpot) beliefs, knows he’ll look like a (bigger) loon, he runs away and refuses to answer.
Stupid, dishonest, AND cowardly. That’s quite a resume, puddybigot.