Please join us for a late summer evening of political conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier than that for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out another DL meeting over the next week. The Tri-Cities chapter also meets tonight. And for Thursday, the Spokane, Lakewood, and Tacoma chapters meet. On Friday, the Enumclaw chapter meets.
With 207 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Supposedly Obama requesting approval from the krackpot kongress on Syria is a highly unusual move.. What’s the big deal? The Assad regime committed a big time no-no.. Send a strong message and be done with it why doncha?
The advisers, two of whom are former senators, were also willing to proceed without congressional authorization. But on Friday night, after a week spent speeding toward military action, the president made a stunning turnabout and decided he wanted approval from lawmakers before carrying out an attack.
Heh. Not really.. The krakpots will fall right into line.. They’ll do anything and everything for “the country that can do no wrong”..
Obama doesn’t have to answer to voters, but the bagger krakpots kooks do.. We’ll see what happens.
Breaking News — The Cleveland Kidnapper Is Dead
Ariel Castro, who imprisoned 3 women for 10 years, was found hanged in his prison cell tonight. Although prison officials have not termed his death as suicide, Castro had been isolated from other prisoners.
The railroads don’t stop looking into ways to save fuel and reduce emissions. Sometimes it can be a simple solution. Union Pacific has introduced Arrowedge, an aerodynamic shell placed atop the first. container after the locomotive, that will cut down on wind resistance.
@1 The Republican Times ran an editorial today urging Congress to vote “no.” When did Neville Chamberlain join their editorial staff?
I’m curious whether their motivation is traditional Republican isolationism, or because they oppose anything Obama is for as part of a broader GOP policy of making the failure of Obama’s presidency their #1 priority?
Roger, Maybe it’s a ex-military vs never -in-the-military perspective, but I don’t want us in Syria.
And it’s correct for Obama to go to congress because
We have huge problems to solve here at home. I’m tired of America paying and dying to be the middle east’s policeman.
P.s. This is an interesting perspective
@2. No tears lost.
Given the current situation, I’m a Non-interventionist.
“American credibility will be compromised.”
We still have “American credibility”? WTF!!! After all the effort BUSH and the RETHUG gang put into destroying it. How did they fail?
100,000 dead in Syria so far. “Only” 1000 by sarin.
I guess it is OK to kill 99,000 by bombs and bullets, just don’t use the nasty WMD stuff.
I understand the artificial limb replacement business is way up in Seria.
@5 I don’t want us in Syria, either, but when a tinpot dictator starts nerve gassing civilians it’s time to shove a few Tomahawks up his ass. Too often in the past, our government has propped up odious thugs. Give Obama credit for wanting to slug this one; at least he’s no Ronald Reagan or Ollie North.
@7 If you’re walking down the street and see a bully kick over a baby carriage, you don’t break his jaw to change his behavior, you do it because he’s got it coming.
Puddy been busy here but Pudy has to comment! It’s so funny watching the faces of people today while Obummer made his comments just 10 minutes by train from where Puddy is at.
Not from what peeps think here in Stockholm.
Oh my this is so interesting to here Swedes talking about this. Oh yeah Puddy was asked if he thought Obummer would strike over the weekend. Puddy answered “How would Puddy know?” “Well he’s your president!” PuddyEyeRoll.
Just ask HA’s juvenile unemployed ASSHole moron arschloch where Puddy is. HA’s juvenile unemployed ASSHole moron arschloch tracks Puddy’s every move!
Now watch… Pavlov calls it. He’ll not comment on it for a while but will goto the crazed databaze.
It’s not lost on me that 5 of the 8 Republicans on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee were appeasement monkeys this morning. I’ll remember that the next time they want our side to rubber-stamp one of their wars.
Dontcha love it when DUMMOCRAPTS write legislation?
Truth from the WA Times!
Wasn’t Dr. Howard “Sarah Palin Was Right About ObummerCare Death Panels” Dean a dove in 2004 against GW Bush?
Now he’s gung ho for Obummer.
Really Howard? Yeeeeaaaah!
Yeah Puddy knows it’s “to hear Swedes”… It’s late and Puddy doesn’t really care that much!
You should discuss the state of Train service in Sweden. Some cars look like they are from the 1960s. But they are spacious and roomy. 5 seats across with big aisles while the new ones are narrower with just 4 seats and narrow aisles.
To the moron who wrote…
Apparently you haven’t left mom’s basement reading leftist wrong sites have you?
Damn, wait until Puddy shows this to the gang tomorrow. They will crack up! Obummer has totally trashed American credibility you moron. The NSA leaks, Obummer Syria stance, taking away the missle defense shield from the Polish people, Obummer’s claim of transparency [.NOT.] has people talking. Europeans are more savvy than libtard DUMMOCRAPTS give them credit.
Oh Look Jack Nicholson has retired from acting…
Memory issues… Well he did jock strap Hillary then jackboot goosestepped for Obummer… Looks like Nicholson caught the old mindless moonbat memory malady! It happened much earlier in Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit!
Apparently there have been a few Gay Bashings this past weekend.
So much for Freedom…Assuming that a Gay person wouldn’t do this to another Gay person, Heterosexuals are animals. Don’t know who is worse them or Bashar al-Assad of Syria.
Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!
Full article at Al Jazeera America
So who is more accurate in reporting on Benghazi?
Fair and Balanced Fox?
Or the evil nasty ARAB Al Jazeera America?
@19 “Obummer Syria stance”
So now you’re an Assad apologist, on top of all your other horseshit?
Some moron who’s stinking up some unfortunate part of the planet is just HANGING on, HANGING on desperately, pathetically to any shred of response to his miserable babblings from us liberal regulars here in the threads…
Awwwww. Poor baby. How Mr. “got it made” needs us..
Heh.. A big plate of Lutfisk is all I can wish on that needy buffoon. It can only improve the drivel that drips “24/7” from his miserable ass.
How about that pathetic GOP congress critter who wanted to talk about Benghazi instead of 1,429 Syrian civilians murdered with nerve gas?
Wow the economy sure sucks for a lot people.. Not these people though:
Heh.. If only the empty suit the trolls voted for twice and his puppet master Darth Cheney were back in charge – we’d be deep into another shitty war and so many people would be employed as either canon fodder or churning out widgets to fill the military quartermasters’ warehouses.
Eat up HA’s juvenile unemployed ASSHole moron arschloch!
Corrected with truth! Puddy knows you are itching to goto the crazed databaze HA’s juvenile unemployed ASSHole moron arschloch!
Oh Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit, HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR was Jackie Gleason’s signature laugh in the Honeymooners so good try at claiming that you buffoon!
Apparently Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit is discussing the Congressional DUMMOCRAPTS and Libtards like Code Pink Freakazoids.
Too bad Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit never gets it right!
How it sucks to be that part of the planet right now..
It’s still the most ignorant juvenile unemployed ASSHole moron known to HA viewers still can’t get it right! Go to those who would know, not look at a crazed databaze.
It’s great to be in Sweden you jackASS! Friendly people, beautiful blonde haired wimens, great food and being far away from idiots like HA’s ignorant juvenile unemployed ASSHole moron!
Puddy loves it when Puddy calls it RIGHT! Now that Richard Trumka is coming out against ObummerCare, it’s too late for those union workers who jackboot goosestepped behind Union Thug Leader Trumka and voted DUMMOCRAPT!
Of course he won’t have to pay with his high paying job. He’ll continue to mislead union workers with his thug-like actions and stoooooooooooooopid DUMMOCRAPT brand commentary!
From WikiPedia
From Discover the Networks:
Butt, he’s a leftist hero, coming to his “senses” too late.
Hmmm… will leftist msm display this cartoon?
Will the moron who blamed GW Bush get it?
Naaah the goatmaster is really stooooooooooopid, living in left wrong fantasy land!
Preznit Obummer: “My Credibility Is Not On The Line”
Chris Matthews: House Dems Will Have To “Save The President’s Hide” On Syria
Andrea Mitchell: Obama Admin Will Have To Get Past “Bungling” Syria
Jon Stewart: Assad Crossed The Line Of What We See As Acceptable Ways To Kill People
Will these be real headlines next Friday Night on the Friday Night Comix pages?
Australia is about to have an election where the Liberal/National coalition is going to win in a landslide over the incumbent Labor Party. The speculation already, is the next election. Specifically the coalition pledge to scrap the carbon tax. If the leader of the Coalition moves to end it first, and it is defeated twice in the Senate, it could set up a double dissolution trigger, where not only the House of Representatives is subject to a snap election, but all 76 senators. That would bring the quota for Senate election down to about 7%.
Whether a double dissolution happens depends also if Labor holds the Senate. Retiring and defeated senators get to finish out their terms, and that is in July. The balance of power, until then, the balance of power will be the 11 crossbench Senators, 9 Greens, 1 Independent, and 1 Democratic Labor.
Looks like Ann Coulter nails it again…
Of course the crazed HA morons will scream differently over real historical facts!
Where is the Bradley/Chelsea Manning sex change fund drive on HA?
Where is gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeman demanding this?
Where is windie demanding this?
Where is Boeing Bob demanding this?
Where is Fascist Pigsty demanding this?
@36. What a senseless post. Gay people getting beat up and killed everyday, see post 21. And all you can do is muster up senseless bullshit. I thought you valued freedom, I suppose it is the freedom to beat, kill and bully. I thought you valued human life, always talking about the three dead in Benghazi, but you are just a piece of senseless barbaric asshole with a lot of bullshit.
#37. It’s sad to skim the person playing Puddy and watching him get more and more absurd until someone, anyone, will pay attention to him and respond. I bet he was ignored a lot as a child and this is his defense mechanism.
You’d lose the bet Fascist Pigsty.
Puddy knows FACTS scare leftist pinheads like you. Y’all like your little leftist echo chambers. You could contribute with your leftist friends and then when the operation occurs, visit “Chelsea” in Leavenworth or wherever it may be!
BTW, we watched Obummer’s motorcade scream by northbound on his way back to Arlanda as he left Stockholm.
But it’s not his red line!
You know there are going to be laughs when you read…
Puddybigot doesn’t realize that Coulter (good friend of Maher, BTW) is a performance artist, just like him. Perhaps puddybigot doesn’t realize that HE’S a performance artist?
What the puddybigot doesn’t realize is that Coulter, in the quote he provides, is conflating things Saddam Hussein did in the 1980’s with what Assad is doing now.
Disclaimer – I’m against bombing Syria. Obama is making a terrible mistake, and I find Kerry’s voice to be like fingernails on a blackboard. War is (nearly) always a distraction from issues that matter to regular people, and a great means for the rich further enriching themselves. It must be stopped.
However, what is being discussed now is a response, in nearly real-time, to the use of chemical weapons against civilians.
Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons against both civilians and military targets throughout the 1990s, during the Reagan/Bush I Imperium, when Hussein was our guy…
The weapons were gone by the Bush II/Cheney Regency. There was no rational reason to attack Iraq in 2003, other than, of course, to consolidate and expand the domestic power and prestige of Bush II (the Pretender) and his allies in their efforts to extend and reinforce the plutocracy, or neofeudalism.
Kerry was entirely correct to be against the 2003 invasion of Iraq. He’s terribly mistaken now to be leading the charge into Syria.
@39 – Obviously you can’t reply to post #37. You are too much of a mother f’er. One day when you kids are shot and killed I hope you appreciate it.
What’s the best way to turn a southern politician purple in the face? Give a worker a chance to vote on union representation!
Local politicians celebrated long and hard after luring Volkswagon to open a U.S. plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee. In many ways, the celebration continues. The politicans were confident that any UAW campaigns to sign up workers would be rejected, counting on the “right to work” law in Tennessee which allows a worker not to join a union but receive union-negotiated benefits without paying the dues or participating in a strike or other activities. Local editorials and letters to the editors spoke with complete hatred of anything which resembled Union activity.
But what they weren’t counting on was a management structure at Volkswagon which not only was not anti-union, but was actually pro-union. Union and other worker representitives make up half of the Supervisory Council of the company, and noticed that the Chattanooga plant was the only one of it’s plants in varous countries without union representation. It hasn’t said it will allow Union representation, Volkswagon instead took the correct approach based on U.S. labor law: It said it was up to the workers.
But Bob Corker, former mayor and now a U.S. Senator from Tennessee, claimed such an approach would be the death of attempts to lure unions to the South. Other politicians pretty much admitted as much, saying that without the promise of non-union plants, companies would not relocate there. The various politicians are trying to come up with new ways to keep the unions out of the Volkswagon plant.
GOP dreads prospect of Union encroachment in the South
Obviously gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman, has a “bone” to pick. So here it is for you gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman, Chelsea wants the US Guvmint to pay for something I don’t agree with. Chelsea, leaked secretive documents. While Bradley was free to do that Chelsea is not. Freedom for what? Chelsea received a whole bunch of cash while in the brig. Chelsea can pay for it’s sex change itself.
To Iran, hostage taker, exporter of terrorism, extremist thigs… Oops Puddy forgot SCHMUCKO likes thugs and terrorists. He worships the Rolling Stone picture of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev every day cuz SCHMUCKO loves dem terrorists.
43)In Volkswagen’s home country, Germany, unions are pretty much enshrined in the constitution.