Please join us this evening for some political conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier than that for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out another DL meeting over the next week. The Tri-Cities chapter also meets tonight. The Bellingham and Burien chapters meet on Wednesday. And next Monday, the Aberdeen, Yakima, South Bellevue and Olympia chapters meet.
With 206 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
I think the the case I’ve been making on and off for mass retirements just got a little stronger.
I can’t find a bio on this guy, but I’m betting he’s close to retirement age.
Scratch that, just found a pic of him. Old white guy that needs to take up golf.
The judge is the son of Slinging Sammy Baugh, NFL Legend
@1 sad. Got to love them family values.
Ummm not so good food!
Hard to figure. Full fat food tastes better. Yes, we know that. Butter makes food taste good.
Kentucky 5th highest obesity rate in the country. Let me guess, Piddles thinks “free loading” Kentuckyans should have the right to have as fatening school lunches as possible AND no money for healthcare if the full-fat milk and over 850kc for LUNCH if you develop diabetes, hypertension…etc.
The same folks who scream “Food Stamp Fruad” if a WIC card is used for a soda think people on subsidized lunch should be free to eat themselves silly.
Doesn’t seem so different than
Google it silly fool..
Hard to figure… skim milk may not be good for you!
Hey unemployed ASSHole moron… Adventist Vegetarian Life style… Google it silly unemployed ASSHole moron!
Sux to be you atheist! Ain’t you from North Pasadena, CA? Yeah… Marvin Stamn handed your ASS a good smacking.
8 – So Michelle’s diet minimizes the meat and serves all the vegetarian stuff a kid can eat and you call this
“not so good”…
You telling us you passed on the surf and turf during the epic dumb and dumber meetup between you and the klynical klown?
How devout…
Regarding fat, Robert Lustig at UCSF has many interesting things to say about fat and fructose and health.
apparently, the first and very influential large study on health risks erroneously emphasized fat related risk and missed the carbohydrate risk.
Oh that troll was banned for posting right wing bullshit for pay and even admitting to it.
Wow. When all was said and done they couldn’t muster the cajones to screw over the people who vote for them just one more time:
@all about school lunch…
Daily Caller found school kids who don’t like cafeteria food. ‘Scuse me while I tie my jaw back up off this floor.
Why the nerve of that uppity woman in da whitey house (sic) telling schools to stop serving hot dogs, a bag of chips, fruit punch and a carrot stick and calling it a balanced meal. Only communists tell their kids to eat their
Catchupvegetables.Conservatives, can you be sillier?
The control group in the study was Adventists. So Piddles, post hoc ergo propter hoc, being religious is the important variable. (Abstention from tobacco and alcohol a factor?)
ERGO, Atheist vegetarians who don’t drink or smoke can’t possibly have life expectancies similar to religious vegetarians. That’s
Intelligent DesignSCIENCE!So what checkmate…? There are other studies out there saying the Adventist lifestyle gives you the longest life!
Sux to be you.
@15 “So what checkmate…”? Awk! So what? What a fucking gem. You learn that in grade school? You are an idiot.
Adventists have the longest life? Not so much.
When you’re stupid…you go all in.
The life expectancy of women in Hong Kong AND Japanese women as a whole outpaces Adventist women. But what’s a little facts to Piddles.
I’m sure the ‘studies’ he’s referring to were told to him by his preacherman, in between telling him whom to hate.
Moreover, that’s not what the Adventist Health Studies have shown.
When puddybigot trots out ‘studies’, like the tired old one by the Salvation Army and charitable giving, you know you gotta watch out for a story unencumbered by facts.
Funny really – when bona fide studies, thousands of them filling library shelves and journal servers affirm the reality of natural selection or anthropogenic climate change – then puddybigot won’t have a thing to do with ‘atheist libtard academics’ (or some such rot), but studies that show an epiphenomenon to his faith – not the faith part itself but the actual lifestyle changes that his community adopts – then he’s all over it, bragging again as if he possessed some sort of moral superiority.
What the various Adventist Health Studies showed was that…
..was associated with a longer life span and lower rates of cancer.
Well, duh.
Notice, however, quite established data, this from the New England Journal of Medicine, documenting the salutary effects of ethanol on lowering heart attack risk.
Puddybigot will of course never mention something like this – because he’s not interested in learning new things or discussing any topic other than those in which he thinks he can exert a moral scolding.
What a pathetic little twit.
Republican asshole running against corporate Dem Cory Booker, said this…
We were talking about this the other day, with regard to the puddybigot’s tendency to use ‘woman’ as an insult and epithet.
I wonder if this guy in NJ has any idea about the significance of his cigar ‘fetish’? Closet case, anyone?
Also, more fuel to the fire…the Republicans only know how to talk to angry old hate-filled white men.
“I think Martin Luther King’s dream has been fulfilled,” said Ron Christie, a Republican strategist who served as special assistant to President George W. Bush. “All men and women in this country are now treated equally. Legal discrimination has been outlawed.”
The study found five factors linked to surviving past 90:
Non-smokers were twice as likely to see 90 as smokers.
Diabetics had an 86% increase in a chance of death before 90.
Obese people had a 44% increase in the chance of death before age 90.
High blood pressure increased the death threats before 90 by 28%.
Men who exercise reduced their death risk before 90 by 20 to 30% (depending on how much and how often they exercise).
Report: Frackers cheating Pa. landowners and gov’t out of billions Thousands are receiving far less money than they were promised by energy companies to drill their properties. Some are being paid virtually nothing. Abrahm Lustgarten, PROPUBLICA
Read the whole thing.
And consider dropping a few coppers off to PROPUBLICA, maybe the last vestige of journalism left in this country.
In honor of the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington, Amtrak is honoring the founder of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, A. Phillip Randolph. Already there is a bust of him in Union Station, and a Deluxe Sleeper on the Auto Train is named after him.
Re: the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, one of the leaders of the Civil Rights and social justice movement, Jack O’Dell, has a presence in the Pacific Northwest.
Jack O’Dell Education and Reflection Center 24833 180th Ave Se Kent, Wa 98042
An American hero, John Lewis (D-GA), speaking at the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the March of Washington can be viewed live at
You should be watching and listening.
Was every Republican leader, past, present and future, excluded from speaking at the observance of the March on Washington?
How does one explain their absence?
Happy 50th Anniversary..
to “The Dream”..
I agree with about half of what he lists, but I’d delete the word African American. Those are human values.
Happening in Texas too. The mother frackers have destroyed the Texas country roads with their heavy trucks but don’t pay taxes. Since Texas does not have the money to repair the roads, the frackers get rich while the country folk get screwed.
I betcha BUTTPUTTY thinks this is all progress.
Speaking of DRILL BABY DRILL!…
After all that RETHUG screeching about “DRILL BABY DRILL!” we are now a net petroleum exporting nation but we still have high gas prices.
It is our nation’s petroleum resources the OIL BARONS are pumping and selling. How come we don’t get any benefit from it?
Maybe BUTTPUTTY or OVER THE CLIFF GUY can explain…
Is it amusing or disturbing that he thinks this is a chess game?
@31 in reference to Puffy.
@ 31, 32
Funny you say that. He obviously doesn’t understand what the term “checkmate” means.
Schizos gonna Schiz.
Ummm… those who really know John Lewis… Puddy will pass… And Puddy remembers this happening with friends of OWS Racist Fraggy…
Taking suggestions from doucheman…
Puddy will pass!
This is interesting…
It’s amazing how stooooooooooopid this “ex”-sheet metal worker really is!
GoatButtLover, Your Obummer is in da whitey house! Seems y’all got exactly what you want.
2008 Bush – $1.85
2013 Obummer – $3.50+
Remember Obummer recently claimed the Keystone Pipeline could drive up gas prices!
There will be a traffic nightmare in the Bay Area tomorrow, as the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge is closed. The new East Span will be open on Tuesday, replacing the span that was damaged in the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake.
BART and several ferry operators are adding extra service, including 24 hour service to select stations on BART’s Transbay lines. It’s fitting, since almost 24 years ago, BART did the same, in the wake of an Earthquake that severely damaged the East Span of the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge. I remember seeing in one of the documentaries on that quake, a story about an AC Transit bus that almost fell in the Bay, but the driver slammed on the brakes just in time.
At the same time that they are 24 hour service, their is a 15-20 minute delay in the Transbay Tubes, track maintenance. Nice timing, although during the bight owl period, it will only be hourly, so they won’t need both tracks.
@ 39
I was there in the South Bay Area, in Sunnyvale. The whole thing didn’t last very long, but it shook everything up pretty good. The roomie’s 150 gallon fish tank lost about a third of it’s water, much of it was dripping from the ceiling. We only lost power for about 15 minutes but then it came back on. It was pretty weird, I had turned on the tube, and gotten a beer out of the fridge and then the shaking started at almost the same instant my ass hit the sofa so I didn’t realize at first what was happening.
When the shop I was in finally reopened a week later, the Bridgeport mills were all tipped over on each other like dominoes, and the big waste-oil tank the welders were working on had tipped off the stands. That was 10 tons of metal. Must have made a hellava noise. Goddamn thing was 25 feet by maybe 15 and 12 feet tall. 10,000 gallon tank I think.
Actually, it was sort of fun until the TV came back on and the pics of the 880 and 980 freeway through Oakland started coming in. Then they said that part of the Bay bridge was down. Then the pics from San Francisco started coming on, and it was amazing how much devastation there was.
I went over to Santa Cruz about two weeks after the quake, and the whole old downtown area was completely flattened. The 17 Freeway between San Jose and Santa Cruz had settled something like 15 feet in spots and it was closed for weeks.
The shop I was working at pretty much closed for over a month, and so I ended up working on a drilling rig, drilling water and sampling wells all over the Bay Area after that. People in Lexington Hills and around the West Bay hills lad almopst all lost their water supplies. We drilled to the max on our truck, (600 feet) and got nothin but dry dirt all the way down, for homes that had seen a 70 or 100 foot water table before the quake. Imagine building a $2 million house and having no water supply for it a year later.
Piddles thinks it’s a really funny way to claim he’s out maneuvered me.
It’s too damn funny really. Czech, a nationality. Checkmate, a chess reference.
About as clever as typing Dumbocrapts. More keystrokes, less original.
41) Thank you for the first hand recollection. I was in Cheney when the Nisqually Quake happened, and did not feel that one.
Double post.