It’s Election night in Washington state. So, if you haven’t voted…VOTE. And then join us for an evening of electoral politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm, although some people show up earlier than that for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out another DL meeting over the next week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. On Wednesday, the Lakewood chapter meets. On Thursday Drinking Liberally Bremerton meets. And on Friday, the Centralia chapter meets.
With 208 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Puddy loves how HA runs to PMSNBC to make another insipid point. On HA leftists and a few other pinheads in Amerikka watch PMSNBC. Plain and simple. Yet that’s the source for HA leads!
In Germany, the latest poll for the Christian Democrats, shows the Center-Right coalition of Christian Democrats and the liberal Free Democrats at 44%. The opposition, if they were united, could unseat them. This puts Social Democratic Party Chancellor candidate(Parties can nominate somebody for the top job other than the party leader) Peer Steinbreuck in a tough position. He is saying that he would not do a Grand Coalition with CDU Chancellor Merkel, they can count on the Green Party as a partner, but the third left wing party, Die Lienke,is a tough one. On the Federal level, the Social Democrats will not work with them, as Die Lienke is the former East German Communist Party. That may stop a potential Red-Green-Pink Grand Coalition(party colors), although the Social Democrats work with Die Lienke on the state level, especially in the Eastern States.
@1 The only thing you could get elected to is Class Idiot.
“The world lost record amounts of Arctic sea ice in 2012 and spewed out all-time high levels of greenhouse gases from fossil fuel burning, international climate scientists said Tuesday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Better start inflating your rubber ducky, puddles!
In the Bay Area, with the BART negotiations in a 7 day cooling off period, thanks to a powerful Oakland resident(Governor Jerry Brown, he sold the Governor’s mansion the first time he was Governor), a second transit strike was only hours away last night. In fact the contract for workers at AC Transit, which covers bus service in moat of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, including cities like Oakland, San Leandro, Berkeley, and Richmond, with some cross bay service to San Francisco, also expired on June 30, but they agreed to keep talking when BART workera walked out. On Monday, they gave notice, last night, they made progress. The union wanted a 10% raise, management came down to 9%, they agreed to 9.5% over three years. The union agreed to employees contributing to health care coverage. The deal came with about an hour to spare. Perhaps BART employees will use this as a lesson.
@ 5
Johnson said AC Transit drivers are paid an average salary of $55,000 a year. With benefits that comes out to $103,000 a year, he said.
Wrong lesson. Unless OT is a ‘benefit’, benefits worth nearly 90% of salary are hard to justify in today’s world. Outside of Detroit, Illinois, and California, that is.
Do nearly a third of Texans believe that people and dinosaurs roamed the earth at the same time?
Yes they do.
@7 Texas is Jurassic Park.
Maybe more than two things smell like fish:
ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe and three top GreenTech advisers met with the key White House aide responsible for helping bankrupt solar-panel maker Solyndra win federal loans and high-profile presidential support, a Watchdog investigation has revealed.
What they discussed in the Oct. 12, 2010, meeting with Obama “green energy” aide Greg Nelson is a mystery – the White House visitors log offers no details. But the confab came seven months after a stock transfer made McAuliffe a GreenTech majority owner and company chairman.
Hey, but screwing the taxpayer and enriching Dem cronies is a path to advancement in the Obama White House:
And Nelson? He was promoted, of course, and is now chief of staff for the White House’s National Economic Council.
Nelson did not respond to detailed a voicemail request for interview.
So it’s not all for naught.
In Australia, a politician from the Liberal Party is under fire for pulling a Rick Perry. Could not cite one piece of his party’s six point plan. I love the comment thread on this one, as it’s not the same as the US.
And in fact, he was in Samoa when he said, “It’s great to be here in New Zealand.”
AC Transit has made some mistakes in recent years on procurement, such as buying buses from Belgian company Van Hool. Riders complained that they were hard to use, and othets complained that they violated buy American rules.
Since then, they have bought American, in fact, the most recent 40ft bus purchase came from a company called Gillig, based in Hayward. They did not have to go too far to pick them up. In fact, the Teamsters, who represent the workers, felt the Belgian buses were an insult. On the articulated bus market, Gillig did not build those, so New Flyer getting that contract is not that bad. I believe New Flyer’s plant in Minnesota may be union as well. When I was changing planes in Minneapolis a few years ago, I saw Metro Transit’s buses go by. The non-articulated buses? Gillig products.
Cheapshot, your desperate search for relevance continues…
You’ve given us a link to a whackadoodle site that has a breathless story (which you’ve breathlessly excerpted), that ‘informs’ us that…Terry McAuliffe had a meeting at the White House.
OOOOOHHH BOY! Can you smell the conspiracy?!
He met with a guy there.
A guy who worked on green energy projects who was later promoted.
Wow. Just wow. This is what you waste your time on?
We’re all laughing at you.
Maybe not for them, but it is for you.
@3 Sorry Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit, you already won that idiot election on HA some time ago… Remember Stafford County, WA? That took the idiot cake! BTW SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit, Mediaite sez Puddy right again… PMSNBC sux like you!
Mediaite, another leftist e-rag! Sux to be a weally dumb wabbit these days!
What is interesting is there are two probes looking at Terry McAuliffe’s dealings…
Don’t worry Eric Holder will come to the rescue!
Watch for the coverup to happen soon enough! Maybe McAuliffe will hire some Clinton Team henchmen! They know how to smear others into silence.
@ 13
Seems to me when oil company higher-ups were meeting in the with Team Bush/Cheney that the libbies had a little more to say about it other than ‘Man meets in White House with White House staff’. You weren’t so dismissive then, were you?
There IS a key difference, though – petroleum-based energy companies are highly profitable and are responsible for directly or indirectly pumping large amounts of money INTO the US government cofferes.
Green energy companies – not so much.
Headline du jour:
Reince Is Right
Wow McAuliffe did involve a Rodham in his mess…
Amazing and this was already news!
Ah-hah!! Back to your favorite tactic – The False Equivalence!!
You know, cheapshot, it just doesn’t seem like your heart is in it anymore – this drivel you’re posting is SO pedestrian, SO transparent, such utter fluff – for someone who fancied himself capable of debating technical papers on their merits (*SNORT*), you just don’t seem to be connecting anymore, you seem kind of adrift, and just phoning it in.
(Oh, thanks for the Dowd reference – you know how we all wait on her missives with bated breath…not.)
@17 Are you referring to Kenny Lay’s secret task force that rigged energy prices with President Cheney’s blessing?
@20 You mean like a has-been ballplayer who collects his contract salary for standing at the plate watching called strikes go by?
Was this an Obummer supporter? He was acting like a DUMMOCRAPT! Paid the ultimate price.
Obummer’s green energy initiatives!