It’s the Tuesday before the primary. This is your chance to join us for an evening of electoral politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up even earlier for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out another DL meeting over the next week.
The Tri-Cities chapter also meets tonight. And for Thursday, the Spokane and Tacoma chapters meet. On Friday, the Enumclaw chapter meets. And next Monday, the Aberdeen, Yakima, South Bellevue and Olympia chapters meet.
With 207 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
After years of enjoying cheap labor..
Of course this jerk’s gonna have a sad.. He needs “cheap relatives” like he needs this website.
Six Republicans who stop just short of batshit insane.
Only 6. Coburn is a surprise.
Our goto klownservative dummy for laughs around here calling Coburn a “leftist” in 5, 4, 3, 2….
Where is zimmerman when you need him?
Loves this comment
This cop screw-up will cost taxpayers $4.1 million. The DEA raided a college party house, threw a young man into a holding cell, then forgot he was there. He had to drink his own urine to survive, and now suffers from kidney failure and PTSD. The taxpayers will pay millions; the stupid cops responsible for this clusterfuck won’t be prosecuted and won’t lose a day’s pay. At most, they might get some training.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Too bad the taxpayers who have to clean up their messes don’t have hiring and firing authority. I’d sack these guys in a heartbeat. How many private businesses would tolerate a $4 million blunder? Do you think a locomotive engineer would keep his job if he forgot to set a brake and totaled up a locomotive and rolling stock worth $4 million?
Obummer’s DEA Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit. Amazing how da blame games works huh?
Seems like another of those phony scandals eh, Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit?
Imagine if Daniel Chong was Daniel Williams a black man?
Carlos Danger look up (google) Tony Bennett Indiana Schools. Looks like Rethuglicans like to cheat too.
I was at DL but SJ was there and he is an insufferable ass. I’m not going to pay for the opportunity to have to listen to his bullshit all night.
You dissing the person who plays “god” on HA every Sunday? The one who calls Goldy a “prophet”? Does that mean everyone must conform to your way of thinking or else?
Why do HA libtards always exhibit the same acrimonious mindset?
Oh my Media Morons will take Alan Colmes to the woodshed…
Did you know this about Eliot Spitzer and his love of prostitution… Barbara Walters said…
Puddy thought prostitution was illegal except in Nevada. Was Eliot in Nevada when he did the deed?
Hell Owebamma spends that much each month strutting off on his glamorous vacation villas.
Michell Malkin nails Nancy Pelosi again…
Sounds like he’d fit right in with the republicons, pudd, he’d be a hero
Hmmmm. Never met SJ but just to shed some light on this:
Lee, I accept your challenge for the IQ test with one proviso. I said SeattleJew holds our money as he’s the only person I trust on HA..
But remember what Lee said:
Do you really think that I’m impressed that SeattleJew sends you nice emails? … As entertaining as you’ve been, this has reached a point of pathetic that I never thought I’d see. You’re the saddest human being I think I’ve ever encountered in my life.
Insufferable asses of a feather?
@7 If you were at DL tonight, then you met me, too. I came in just before some guy arguing with SJ got up and stomped out.
@11 I didn’t see you complain about it when Bush did it.
A court in California has ruled that the family of Oscar Grant, who was killed by BART police, when the officer drew his pistol instead of a taser. The cuvil suit was being held up over the issue of immunity.
@12 Filner’s a scumbag. But we in Seattle can’t do anything about San Diego’s problem. Folks there have to deal with it.
Hey Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit… Filner is one of your crooks…
DEAL with it!
Oh my HA’s useless unemployed whale shit eater is at it again…
Yes, SJ and Puddy are friends. Two people on different ends of the political spectrum. But unlike you SJ is well educated, a professional and likes to argue. On the other hand Ha’s unemployed whale shit eater is:
1) unemployed
2) lazy
3) shiftless
4) always with a hand out
5) can’t program for shit
6) lives vicariously on other people’s posts
7) useless as teeth in a beak
8) just plain stoooooooooopid
9) Still has Bush Derangement Syndrome
10) The lowest of the HA leftist IQ holders
Puddy guesses it’s prolly 171 EPIC FAYLED attacks from the goto crazed databaze.
Time again to ask those pertinent questions… Won’t answer the simple questions posed earlier. So let’s ask them again… Time to step up continually unemployed whale shit eater!
1) Didn’t mamma teach you anything?
2) Why are you not working and providing like most men for their families?
3) Aren’t you a man? With your avatar it seems you aren’t a man, playing with “dolls”!
4) Why is Mrs SEIU the bread winner while you lounge away everyday on HA?
5) Does the skirt fit so well you love it?
Will the continually unemployed whale shit eater “man up” and explain his unemployed position. Why does the unemployed whale shit eater hide behind left wrong links all day on HA? Why does the unemployed whale shit eater lounge at home on HA all day while Mrs SEIU slaves hard each day bring home da bread to keep electricity running for his fetid commentaries?
So sad so sad a sack of horse manure. Sux to be you unemployed whale shit eater.
NOPE YOU DOPE… continually unemployed doofus… you are still in the dark as always.
Sux to be you!
Common Sense in Compensation Act of 2013 (H.R. 1541). Prohibits any discretionary monetary payment to an employee of a federal executive agency that would cause the employee’s total covered compensation to exceed 105 percent of such employee’s basic pay.
It’s disturbing how much Republicans hate public employees. I read that as under no circumstances should reward merit or extraordinary effort. Republicans must want to make work utterly miserable for government employees then complain that morale is so bad so they should privatize the function.
Killer article on how 2 term President Obama’s NSA is able to analyze our goto klownservative idiot @ 20’s interweb (bowel) movements:
If this doesn’t light a fire under the collective krackpot kongressional klownservative ass to forget about regulating vaginas for a bit and to join with moderates like Wyden and Udall to put a damper on this probably NOTHING will…
@ 22
I read that as under no circumstances should reward merit or extraordinary effort.
You would read better if you pull your head out of your ass.
It limits discretionary bonuses to 5%. It doesn’t limit promotions, or competitive bonuses objectively (not discretionarily) given to those who demonstrate meritorious service. It also doesn’t prohibit moving an employee further along within a pay grade range.
@ 22, 24
Why was this bill introduced?
In FY 2010, 75 percent of SES employees received bonuses with an average of $13,081 per person. In FY 2011, The Federal Aviation Administration handed out bonuses at or above $40,000 to 86 employees. This legislation is intended to curb the handing out of bonuses to high-level government employees while thousands face furlough-based pay cuts.[1]
Like Lake Wobegone (sp?), if nearly everyone is above average, there’s some unfair skewing going on. All this does is level it out a little.
(Aside to YLB:
No, bonuses aren’t paid to the unemployed.)
26 – (Aside to Carlos Dimbulb:
The Indians are coming.. Go Galt or piss some cash away on lobbyists..)
@26 “No, bonuses aren’t paid to the unemployed.”
Unless you’re a crooked bankster or rogue trader.
More evidence the militarization of police departments has gone too far and cops are too trigger-happy:
@23 Well, as long as NSA is reading everything we put on the innertubes, I have a present for them:
@ 30
NSA stopped giving you the time of day about 95,000 posts ago, RR.
So did we all.
@31 “we”
You’ve multiplied? Oh my …
Well lookee here! Obama’s economic policies have resulted in surging GDP and hiring!
If the Hooverites were running things we’d be at 25% unemployment by now.
@ 33
The HA definition of ‘surge’:
Still, the report marked a third straight quarter of GDP growth below 2 percent, a pace that normally would be too soft to bring down unemployment.
That’s 4 years after the recession ended, BTW.
If I win the Lottery, the first thing I’m going to do is give YLB a million, just to piss off Puffy.
Caught a conservative show going on an on about lowering the corp tax rate to 12% and that would spur growth. To me, it seemed they were lying to push their no taxes agenda.
People with extra income spur growth. If people have money to buy more gizmos than the year before, then that makes it cost effective to build another factory to meet demand.
I suppose a case could be made that a small amount of building and hiring would happen if taxes dropped, but I don’t see it being a big bump.
You could lower the tax rate to 0% and if people don’t have disposable income, there is no cost effect reason to build more or hire more.
Wouldn’t you want to raise wages instead?
@35 – Tonny Bennett Indian Schools. Go Google your Republican Freinds.
The worst recession ever, close to a depression and you want results in 4 years? It took Ronald Reagan 8 years to lower the unemployement rate to an acceptable level, did he have a major recession to fend off or a mini great depression?
@ 37
People only have more income if their employers
1) pay them more and/or
2) hire more of them.
What is the incentive for employers to do that? They need to see growth and that they won’t be penalized for the success of their efforts.
I’m an employer and I just got done raising wages. But I did it because we, as a team, successfully trimmed expenses and made other efficiency adjustments that improved the bottom line and freed up money, not because I see growth and prosperity in the future.
Seattle is doing comparatively quite well at 4.7% unemployment and with the mix of major employers we have. Seattle is not representative of the US as a whole, unfortunately.
If you want to see higher wages and more people employed, curtail the penalties on those who employ them. Don’t make companies want to stop at 50 employees or have employees working 30 hour weeks, because otherwise there is a penalty.
I DO want to raise wages. But I also want there to be a sustained economic reason to do so.
As an employer, I don’t need to see lower taxes. I just need to see an end to a perceived threat of more penalties for being successful. That’s enough to increase business growth and stimulate building – make us believe we won’t be fucked over because we took a chance and invested more in our businesses.
@ 6 @ 35
Look at the 7/30 Open Thread, beginning with Lib Sci @ 3. There was an extended conversation leading off with that exact topic.
In Detroit, there had been planning for a Light Rail line on Woodward Avenue from Downtown to 8 mile, but it ended up being Bus Rapid Transit in mutual agreement with the Feds, Detroit, and state government in Lansing. A parallel plan for a shorter line with private investors continued called M-1Rail, and it is getting close to construction. One of the backers, Roger Penske. He has been trying to help for years, his did not even give up easily on the Detroit Grand Prix, even though the course was in bad shape.
Alameda, California based Stacey and Whitbeck won the contract to oversee construction, and has hired local subcontractors to do the construction work.
They got one of the best in the business. This country has built streetcars and light rail in Seattle, Portland, and Salt Lake City.
I’m an employer and I just got done raising wages.
Good for you. Glad it was cost effective for you to do that.
I am puzzled why you would do that when in the next breath you said
…not because I see growth and prosperity in the future.
I think you may be lying to yourself about how bad you see the future. You said “But I also want there to be a sustained economic reason to [raise wages]”, and you just raised wages. So either you see a good future for your sector, or you are really bad at running your business.
@ 41
Why would anyone have any faith in a municipal project in bankrupt Detroit?
a private-sector company to operate and maintain the streetcar system.
That’s why. Avoid the public employee graft and pension deadweight.
You’re next,
@ 42
So either you see a good future for your sector, or you are really bad at running your business.
Neither. I’m out in 2-4 years. Exit strategy in place, and finances secure.
I raised wages because I can, because it had been awhile since I had, because the staff helped with the cuts and the efficiency improvements, and because keeping the money just gets it taxed at the maximum marginal rate. If I had partners or shareholders to answer to, I might not have done it.
I don’t see the future as bad. I just see it as economically constrained under the current administration. Whether it’s Hillary or the GOP choice in 2017, it will be less constrained, and people will more or less tread water and take advantage of nearly cost-free borrowing until then.
43)Quite a few public transit operations subcintract operations. Phoenix/Maricopa County, Snohomish County, even Sound Transit doesn’t have a big operations department, the only thing that they directly operate, the Tacoma LINK Light Rail line that connects the Sounder station at Freighthouse Square and Downtown Tacoma, and if that is ever expanded, I would not be surprised if they outsource that one too, either to a private operator, or to King County Metro, I doubt Pierce Transit, this would be way out of their league.
What is the incentive for employers to [raise wages]? They need to see growth and that they won’t be penalized for the success of their efforts
Are you saying that companies won’t pay their workers more unless they see a return?
Why should I pay my workers more, they are just going to use it to buy some one else’s stuff and make them rich, not me.
Isn’t that the same mind set that says why spend money on public schools? the kids are just going to move away and improve some one else’s tax base.
won’t be penalized for the success of their efforts
That’s code for the rich shouldn’t have to pay their fair share of taxes, isn’t it?
I have to default to the great George Carlin.
“Conservatives say if you don’t give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they’ve lost all incentive because we’ve given them too much money.”
If the CEO is only doing the job for the big bucks, and that only, do you really think they should be at that position?
Republicans demand that public employees be selfless and do their jobs for no perks for the good of the country, why don’t they apply that same logic to CEOs? Just Say’n.
@ 46
won’t be penalized for the success of their efforts
That’s code for the rich shouldn’t have to pay their fair share of taxes, isn’t it?
That’s code for we don’t like the definition of ‘fair share’ changing to whatever you want it to be whenever you’ve run the tap dry with what we gave you last time.
Next time you try to raise taxes, try to raise them on everyone. You’ll hear fewer complaints from the wealthy if the sacrifice is shared. Hell, you might even experience a more broad pressure to spend the money prudently.
In Washington DC, the DC Department of Transportation did not contract out to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transportation Authority to operate the streetcar they are building, but an outsider, RATP DEV America, although it is not exactly private sector.
@46. I’m all for progressive taxes. A flat tax wouldn’t cut it.
You’ll hear fewer complaints from the wealthy if the sacrifice is shared.
But it’s not shared, not really. The poor and middle class spend a proportionally much larger amount of their money on living expenses.
To be clear, I believe that one can be too rich. There is a level of wealth that becomes obscene. I would be fine with a progressive tax system that taxed 80% on everything over, say… 5 mil a year.
Once a person can afford to live well, and my bench mark is they can afford to pay rent or mortgage on a decent place, food and utilities, afford a car or two, pay for university for the kids, pay for heath care, afford a vacation or two each year, tithe 10% to church or charity and fund their retirement. That’s living well by most everyone’s standards. Most people don’t live anywhere near that. 5 mil a year should cover that. If it doesn’t, something wrong.
Rail manufacturer Kinki Sharyo is going to set up a factory in the Los Angeles area to build Light Rail vehicles. It looks like this might be a permanent one, usually this company juat sets up a pop-up plant near the cusyomer, but the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority is a big contract, 79 for the initial order, and a framework agreement for up to 297. Part of it is for expansion, others will be for replacing older LRVs, the Blue Line to Long Beach, opened in 1990
This company also supplied the rolling atock for Central Link.
@47 The rich got all the tax cuts, so why shouldn’t they get all the tax increases? Would you like to talk about sharing all the special tax privileges the well-to-do got over the last 30 years that 95% of us didn’t get? No? Then I don’t see how you can justify raising taxes on “everyone.”
@47 As long as we’re talking about taxes, what taxes do you think loafers like me, who do nothing productive but just sit on their fat asses flipping stocks, real estate, barrels of oil, and other financial assets all day long, should pay? Is it reasonable that my stock market winnings are taxed half as much (or less) than the wages of people who work hard? If your answer to that is yes, explain your reasoning. Is it reasonable that someone who accumulates millions of dollars of untaxed capital gains is able to pass that income to his heirs with neither him nor his heirs ever paying any taxes whatsoever on that income? If you think that’s fair to people paying retail taxes on earnings of $10, $15, or $20 an hour, please explain your reasoning.
Further evidence the system is stacked in favor of the already-rich and screws the poor:
“College students have a better chance of getting financial aid if they come from affluent backgrounds than if they are lower on the income scale, some new studies show.
“There is growing evidence that colleges may be offering more scholarship money to wealthy students and less to those truly in need, and by doing so are perhaps closing a door to advancement for many families.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Anyone who still believes financial success in America is a function of a person’s talent and willingness to get an education and work hard has his head up his ass. Having money equals having power, and those with power have used it to build a moat around themselves, so they and their families will still rich forever not through talent or hard work but by constructing a system of entrenched privilege.
Want to create opportunity for those who deserve it? Give a tax-free million dollars to everyone who has served this country in a war. Just give it to them and let them run with it — they can use it to pay for education, start a business, invest it, spend it on the good life, or use it to improve the lives and opportunities of their children, whatever they want to do. Pay for it by taxing those who got a lot under our system and didn’t serve in the military to earn it. Sounds fair to me. None of us would have anything, not even our lives, without the heroism and sacrifices of those who defend us and our way of life; so, they should be the best-paid of all.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit is an American War Veteran who would financially benefit from this proposal.)
@49 Hell, I’d settle for the rich paying the same tax rate as the rest of us. Take away the special tax privileges that allow people like Romney to pay 11% (or nothing at all) and tax their income exactly the same way that working class wages and middle class salaries are taxed. Do that and make corporations pay something, and get rid of the basis step-up for untaxed capital gains in estates, and I’ll stop bitching about the unfair tax system.
@47 “You’ll hear fewer complaints from the wealthy”
Why should we believe rich people who complain about taxes they don’t pay will stop complaining if we raise our own taxes? These people obviously just like to hear themselves complain. They’ll find something else to complain about.
The Republican Party, which is financially support by greedy rich people (it sure isn’t Tea Partiers who pay for their campaigns and convention goodie bags), has outlined an unbelievably brazen tax agenda: Only wages would be taxed, and the rich would pay no taxes at all. This agenda includes:
Abolish corporate income taxes
Abolish estate taxes
Abolish capital gains taxes
Abolish taxes on all forms of investment income
What’s left to tax after exempting corporate earnings, the untaxed capital gains that make up the bulk of most large estates, capital gains on stocks and other investments, and dividends, interest income, and rents?
These slick and sorry bastards want working stiffs to pay ALL the government’s bills so they can coast through life tax-free, accumulating ever more wealth as they go along, which is a lot easier to do when you don’t have to pay any taxes on any of your income. Oh, and one more thing, they also want the children of working stiffs to fight and die in their wars so their kids don’t have to. Why should we 99-percenters agree to this crapola? I think we should tax the shit out of them just for being assholes. Now there’s an idea. If they want to abolish income taxes, let’s replace the income tax with an Asshole Tax. Now there’s an idea that has some real possibilities, although not in the way they visualized.
The already-haves have created a system which is stacked in favor of the already-haves and discriminates against the poor, then tell us if people are poor under their system it’s because the poor are “lazy,” “immoral,” etc.
You humans are a strange bunch.
I think we should have a poll tax on Republican voters. Unlike other poll taxes, which are designed to keep poor people from voting, this poll tax is constitutional because it has a rational basis — namely, making them pay for the damage they do to society by voting for Republicans.
Here’s another way the system created by the rich for their own benefit stacks the deck against the “lazy and immoral” poor.
Susan Hutchison, the former “nonpartisan” candidate for King County Executive, is gearing up for her next campaign.
I also like the 20x tax rate. Everyone in a company are taxed at 90% on anything over 20x the wages of the least paid worker, temp or outsourced employee. The least paid person makes $10 an hour makes $20,000 per year then anything over $400,000 for everyone else in the company is taxed at 90%.
What’s the minimum wage for servers in the south? $2.50 an hour?
Go for it! Puddy hopes you win.
Why does libtard led Hawaii want to reject it’s homelesss population? So much for those compassionate progressive libtards!
Another case of libtard BULLSHITTIUM!
Hey gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman, you know when you give the unemployed moronic dipshit the $1,000,000 he becomes an IRS tracked libtard!
Four dead Americans and Obummer/Holder have no respect for them or their families…
So much of we will go after them and we will get justice.
Can you say S T O N E W A L L?
The only person in jail is Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the maker of a video Clinton/Obummer blamed on a fake demonstration why a person of interest has never been interviewed by the FBI yet!
Well the demonstrators had rifles, RPGs, kerosene, matches and other stuff. Must have
As I said at 48, the operator of the under-construction DC Streetcar, will be a company called RATP DEV AMERICA, although it is not exactly a private sector company. It is a subsidiary of the RATP Group, whose biggest operation is the Paris Metropolitan Transportation system, since it is an outgrowth of it.
OJ Simpson got parole but still in jail. Hmmm…?
Sheriff: Deputies said man ‘lunged’ from car before he was shot in his yard
Sheriff Morgan said the deputies reported that, after they’d made multiple commands to Middleton to show his hands, he eventually lunged out of the car and spun toward them, causing them to “fear for their safety.”
Middleton (the victim) said he was in his mother’s car, searching for a cigarette. When he backed out of the vehicle, he had his car keys in his hand with a metal flashlight attached. The deputies opened fire.
Get the cops bigger guns so there are NO SURVIVORS!
On King County Metro’s Facebook page, there was an interesting story about an incident on I-5 near Metro North Base in Shoreline, where a car fell off an overpass and caught fire. A mechanic and a driver got the injured out and put the fire out. The incident happened on May 20. Union workers in action, above and beyond.
Wow more Obummer sadministration problems…
First the DEA screw over a poor Asian young man now we learn this…
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa
The Lewinsky Tape appears.
Hmmm. String search through this page and the letters:
are nowhere to be found.. I guess that rightwing fart dissipated..
Oooh did it stink at one time..
Only problem is.. It make too much sense..
Klownservative shareholders would hate it!
Wow… Look at these libtard jock strapping companies, many in the libtard 1%ers hiding money overseas…
Apple – $82.7 Billion – Loves Libtards
Google – $33.3 Billion – Loves Libtards
Hewlett-Packard – $33.4 billion Loves Libtards just a little more
Hmmm… HA unemployed diarrhea puddle farted this:
The link from this entry
is: which contains this…
Now everyone can see this IS the lowest IQ unemployed HA diarrhea puddle known to man!
Sux to by you unemployed diarrhea puddle! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
LOL!!! Nice thing about corporations being so profit obsessed..
When tub of lard Limbaugh opens his fat mouth, he keeps losing sponsors..
Those greedy corporation can’t stand to lose a freaking DIME of profit.
Of course our goto klownservative moron for laughs around here will say something stupid about a flippant young woman making it “official”..
LOL! And this helps your ODS sickness how??
Your beloved Issa led you by the nose like the mutt you are…
Nothing hacks off a klownservative more than another with more than he has. The klownservative will rarely point the finger at the richer guy for not being rich enough. He worships those guys. Instead he blames the gubmint, the emmessemm and “those people” for not getting ahead..
Thanks for the thought Gman but I don’t need the money.. Live it up while you can and donate it to your favorite charity or family members. “A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone. ”
And our goto klownservative moron for laughs around here can’t leave these threads alone much less the full-sized cars, fancy trips and other bullshit he brags about to fill his empty life.
We have an ATF Director, the NRA said that they would not score the vote.
The unemployed loonatic schmuck missed how Puddy welcomes gleeeeeeeeeeeeman giving the unemployed loonatic schmuck an opportunity to financially redeem himself.
Yep… hate hate hate 24×7! That’s all the unemployed loonatic schmuck has left!
Sez the idiot who has to goto his crazed databaze to EPICALLY FAYLE attack Puddy.
U R a laugh for a picosecond.
More EPIC FAYLE, HA’s unemployed lace panty waste claimed
Puddy provided
And HA’s unemployed lace panty waste responded when proven his search skillz are as bad as his lousy goto programming skillz
Deflect dodge bob and weave when your real IQ is on display!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. This display of utter unemployed lace panty waste stoooooooooooopidity continues in each thread.
LOL! 24×7.
Hey gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman, HA’s unemployed skirt wearer doesn’t want your largess. He can get a chance to win at McD’s Monopoly game!
LOL @ U fool… 40 thousand comments here attest to the lack of meaning in your pathetic life..
I don’t have nearly that. Neither does anyone else save for the rabbit.
A fool remains a fool. Yawwwn. G’night all..
Socialized Medicine Wastes Taxpayer Money
Oh wait … these guys were private sector health care providers.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Funny how public programs always get blamed for private crooks.
@86 Am I up to 100,000 yet? I don’t know how to look up my body count.
@75 You won’t find me flipping burgers for $9 an hour. Now, if McDonalds paid $90 an hour, that would be a different story. But they don’t, so instead of working for them (or anyone else), I own their stock instead. Collecting dividends sure beats working, and is taxed a hell of a lot less, too, thanks to Republican anti-worker tax policies. At $98 a share, though, MCD isn’t a steal so I own only 60 shares.
For the Seafair Shuttle, Metro is having some come from the South Bellevue Park and Ride, others, will be a loop from a LINK Station. They will be using Columbia City Station this year, should cut down on number of buses Metro has to use on this service.
Puddy comments on all things libtard.
Corrected unemployed watermelon head. Seems you be the only one counting… Seems Puddy lives in your head 24×7. So who is the puppet and who is the puppeteer? Well everyone knows you are Pavlov’s puppet!
Especially those who exhibit BDS. BDS is strong in the unemployed watermelon head!
LOL! Takes a one-liner like your “vaulted” teh google searches..
AT YOU and your bankrupt ideology!
Here’s how popular it is:
Great investment those 40,000 bullshit comments.
@ 71
Union workers in action, above and beyond.
Perhaps. Although George Zimmerman would just consider helping out at an accident something that people just do, because we’re people.
Now THIS is union workers in action, above and beyond (human decency):
“While we recognize and respect the Teamsters’ right to lawfully picket, we have been shocked and saddened by their attempts to make grieving families the target of the cruel and outrageous attacks.”
The company testified in its filing that union members blocked grieving family members from leaving its parking lot, used bullhorns to shout obscenities at workers and mourners, and unleashed a German Shepard on a dead woman’s daughter and husband.
The funeral home was eventually forced to call the police when picketers allegedly disrupted a child’s funeral with laughter. The officer asked the Teamsters to leave, but protesters returned when he drove away.
“We will be here for the visitation; we will be here for your funeral,” Teamster driver Lester Plewa allegedly shouted into a bullhorn as a funeral director met with a dying man planning his arrangements with family members.
I was talking about in this case, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 587. The mechanics main job is to make sure that the bulk of Metro’s 1400 buses are ready to go every morning. Also, in the Facebook post, I remember seeing the mechanics name before, I think he was vehicle maintenance employee of the year before, or at least had been on the team that won the Roadeo a few years back.(A competition among public transit mechanics at the state and national level). Metro’s mechanics do pretty well in those competitions.
Does Local587 protect bad drivers? Yes, they have. It’s their job, but if it’s a major wreck, or a fatal one, I think that is one step too far for them. Also, the guys who stole McKenna campaign signs last year, that was inexcusable, even if the two had a grudge.(Metro operates Central LINK Light Rail on Sound Transit’s behalf, and McKenna was no fan.)
Since you trolls post stories about the bad things union members do, all the time, I thought it was time a good story got posted. Are their bad apples? Yes, no organizations or people are perfect.
By the way, the railway union whoae chief had the advice of just turning off the cell phone and keeping it in the bag as advice to his members on the FRA cell phone ban? Division of the Teamsters. Their only complaint was not that it was tough, but that it was only minimum standards. I know first hand Union Pacific enforces it very hard
Early last year, while I was a certified flagger, I was with a road maintenance crew assisting the tie gang(railroad term), replacing worn out ties on the Industrial branch along East Marginal Way. They told us we get fined a few hundreed if caught by the FRA, the supervisor gets more, and the railroad gets a bigger fine. The second to last night on the job was 15 hours, and I got a call that I had to answer. A supervisor relieved me for a few minutes so I could take the call, and I went into the bushes. By the way, the tie gang is union. I overheard the railroad supervisor getting on a few who were late on filing travel reimbursement, and said if they didn’t send it in soon, take it up with the Shop Steward.
The story from Metro’s Facebook page:
Transit Employees Save Motorist – At 6:20 a.m. on Monday, May 20, a car fell from the freeway overpass onto the I-5 off-ramp in front of Metro’s North Base in Shoreline. It hit the pavement upside down, slid into the intersection, and caught fire. Equipment service worker Bryan Bovetz, who was on his way in to work, pulled the unconscious driver out of the car. A bus driver waved down mechanic Ryan Stringfellow for a fire extinguisher. After putting out the fire, Stringfellow helped with the injured driver until Shoreline police and fire personnel arrived. Shoreline Fire Chief Rick Ashleman later thanked Bovetz and Stringfellow for their efforts at the scene, saying their quick actions “undoubtedly made a huge difference in the outcome (for) the driver.”
A special thanks to these Transit workers for their quick thinking and response!
6:20AM, Metro North should normally be near empty of dribers by then. I know Atlantic Base in Seattle has some of the drivets report before 4AM, as the first bus on the 7 is scheduled to be at it’s first time point at 4:19AM.
Meant near empty of drivers.