Please join us tonight for an evening of politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier than that for Dinner.
Can’t make it tonight? Check out another Washington state DL. The Tri-Cities chapter meets every Tuesday night. The Bellingham and Burien chapters meet on Wednesday, and the Woodinville chapter meets on Thursday.
With 207 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Detroit’s bankruptcy filing is generating some very intersting litigation. At issue is whether federal bankruptcy laws supersede a provision of the state constitution that guarantees the city’s pension obligations with the “full faith and credit” of the state. The Republicans who control Michigan’s state government want the federal bankruptcy court to disregard that provision and let the state renege on the pensioners. If they succeed a state’s “full faith and credit” won’t be worth much in credit markets anymore, because states will be able to walk away from the municipal obligations they’ve guaranteed, and Republicans — who never met a contract they didn’t want to break — want to do exactly that, and destroy the ability of states and cities to borrow as a bonus, because it furthers their agenda of replacing government chosen by citizen-voters with a corporatocracy run by CEOs and directors chosen by a few big shareholders. In short, fascism.
How’s old Anthony Weiners erection success going. Not so easy winning an election with so many erection problems.
@2 That’s between him and the voters of New York City.
Good luck on that pervert. But I guess if people are dumb enough to believe in this administration, anything a pervert would do could only be an improvement.
Detroit was run by DUMMOCRAPTS since 1962. DUMMOCRAPT Janet Granholm was the guvnor while the city was going down the toilet with ex-mayor and convicted convict Kwame Kilpatrick. Mayor David Bing was trying to save the city, but the previous DUMMOCRAPT administrations were killing that city. Obummer bragged he was saving Detroit when he attacked Romney during the debates. Where is Obummer now? Kevyn Orr also tried to renegotiate all contracts and was met with brick wall attitudes! Kevyn Orr’s bio shows him working in the Clinton Administration. Hmmm…?
Once again BULLSHITTER Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit has no real answer so blame Booooosh and Snyder instead of looking at the true history of Detroit!
So why is Detroit in trouble? Could it be that government pensions are now 4 trillion in red ink. Even if they tried, they couldn’t fix that without defaulting. Which is what has started but no where near ended in Detroit. Sharpen up those lawyer jokes, y’all may be needing them soon to earn a nickel in your cup.
Ahhh yes Melissa Harris-Perry… It’s a good thing HA leaders plug PMSNBC bcause no one watches it… well save rhpee6033! He admitted to it 6 weeks ago!
@6 Detroit’s in trouble because Republican bankers ran the economy into the ground and Republican politicians eradicated all the good-paying union jobs in the car factories until nothing was left except poverty.
Here is what the Detroit bankruptcy litigation is all about:
“Detroit’s … bankruptcy could make … history on Wednesday when a federal judge is expected to rule on whether U.S. law trumps Michigan’s constitution to preserve the pensions of city workers.
“The judge’s decision could impact dozens of other states and cities facing financial stress for years to come. …
“‘You have go back to the 19th century when states repudiated their Civil War debts to see anything like this,’ said John Tuohy, Arlington County, Va., deputy treasurer, who chairs the pension committee of the Government Finance Officers Association. …
“The main event in the legal wrangling comes Wednesday … when federal judge Steven Rhodes in Michigan is expected to rule on whether U.S. law trumps the state’s constitutional protection against rescinding retired city workers’ pensions. Bond holders who have relied for centuries on a government’s ‘full faith and credit’ to repay their investments will also be there to argue their case.
“The legal precedent the case sets will be watched closely by dozens of other states and cities grappling with under-funded pension promises. ‘I can guarantee every county and city attorney in the U.S. has been watching this with great interest,’ said Tuohy. …
“[O]pponents of Detroit’s bankruptcy will be armed with a ruling handed down Friday by Ingham County Circuit Judge Rosemarie Aquilina, who agreed … that Detroit violated the Michigan Constitution. …”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: For many years now, we’ve watched as the crooked Republican businessmen who run private corporations have abused the bankruptcy laws, rewritten under the Bush administration, to renege on union and pension contracts. Now in Michigan, where Republicans have leveraged their control of state government to seize control of municipal corporations and, among other things, sell off public assets for a song to their cronies, crooked Republicans want to simply walk away from the state’s contractual obligations.
The pensions are part of workers’ pay for work performed many years ago. The state’s obligation to make good those pensions is enshrined in the state’s constitution. Walking away from that obligation, without regard to the state’s ability to pay, is theft and the Republican politicians who want to do that are thieves. They’re thieves because whether the state can pay has nothing to do with it; they’re saying they won’t pay because they don’t want to. That’s the same thing as hiring someone to do a job, telling him what you’re going to pay him, and then after he does the work you tell him to take a hike. It’s theft, and people who do that are thieves.
What do the Republicans plan to do with the money the state will save by reneging on the pensions owed to over 100,000 public workers? Do you need to ask? It’ll be used to fund tax cuts for businesses. In other words, they plan to give it to themselves. That’s theft, and people who do that are thieves.
Yawwwn.. The birfer moron lies again.. His silly lies were debunked here..
There’s more at stake here than just the pensions of more than 100,000 former Detroit city workers. This is about the willful dishonoring of contracts. The sanctity of contracts is the foundation of civilization and modern economies. It works because we have a court system that enforces contracts and a law enforcement system that enforces court judgments.
Let me give you an example. When Bank of America foreclosed on a Florida home owned by a couple who owned the property free and clear because BoA couldn’t get its foreclosure papers straight (the lien was actually against a different house down the street), the couple sued the bank and got a judgment that required the bank, among other things, to reimburse their attorney fees. The bank didn’t comply with the court order. In other words, the bank didn’t pay what the court said they owed to the couple. So the couple’s attorney attached the bank itself — its building, it’s office equipment, whatever cash was in the tills, etc. A truck was hired, a crew backed the truck up to the bank’s front door, and under the supervision of armed sheriff’s deputies, the crew loaded seized office furnishings and equipment into the truck. The bank forked over a check an hour later to get its bank branch back.
Our system works because it doesn’t depend on the voluntary compliance of assholes. The world is full of assholes and civilization isn’t possible without a way to make assholes follow society’s rules. That’s where attorneys, courts, court orders, and armed sheriffs come in. If the court tells you to pay someone you’ve wronged, and you don’t comply, the armed sheriff’s deputies will come and take it from you. We have armies and armed sheriffs to keep the assholes in line so that civilization can function and we don’t all have to live in caves like our ancestors did.
It’s pretty clear who the assholes in today’s society are: Republicans. The moment they start getting away with breaking contracts and walking away from legal obligations, civilization is gone. Not just 100,000 workers’ pensions, but the whole shooting match. If those contracts are no good, then no contracts are any good. And when that’s gone, law and order also is gone, the economy is gone, social organization is gone.
Republicans don’t understand this. When they’ve destroyed our civilization, they’ll be living in caves, too. Right along with the rest of us. But that doesn’t mean we should let them take us there with them. We should fight them every step of the way.
That’s what this is really about. It’s not just Detroit. It’s not just that city’s retirees. Republicans want to take down the whole system. Everywhere. Including here.
We shouldn’t allow them to do it except over our dead bodies.
@10 He’s probably confusing dollars with drachmas.
You can make anyone look like they’re bankrupt if you add up all the bills they’ll owe over the next 100 years. That’s the basic technique used by Republican liars to “prove” that public pension funds are “bankrupt.”
Funny how Social Security has never missed a payment in almost 80 years, yet wingers go around saying it’s bankrupt.
Funny how the U.S. Treasury has never stiffed a bond buyer or failed to pay interest on time, yet wingers talk about U.S. government obligations like they’re Greek junk bonds.
Do you get a feeling they’re lying? Or maybe they’re just jealous because when you compare the government’s track record with theirs, in their own businesses, well, they don’t look so good do they.
This isn’t about the solvency of public pensions. It’s about the venomous hatred conservatives harbor toward all workers, and especially public sector workers.
Republicans are alienating everyone in this country who doesn’t subscribe to their own narrow-minded and selfish point of view. Because of that, they’re gonna be out of power for a very long time.
Adulterated Ice Cream
No, that’s not some sort of Biblical sin, although it should be. This is about what today’s business is doing to us: Smaller cartons, higher prices, cheap-ass ingredients. And we’re supposed to like big business?
Full Disclosure: Breyer’s ice cream is owned by Unilever, and Roger Rabbit owns Unilever stock. Their “ice cream” may be overpriced cheap crap, but that means more profits for the shareholders, and I know a good thing when I see it.
Apparently concerned that North Carolina is becoming overpopulated, Republican legislators there have passed a law allowing concealed handguns in bars.
The bill also allows guns on campuses, “playgrounds and other public recreation areas.” The original version would have eliminated background checks and permits, but that provision was dropped from the final bill.
Meanwhile, in Missouri, a Republican legislative leader has called abortions to save the mother’s life “a matter of convenience.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Keep it up, Republicans! I want to see what an 85% election victory looks like.
It really doesn’t much matter what the judge says if you get right down to the facts. There are only 700,000 people in Detroit now, down from 1.5 million in the 70s. Only 53% of thos people or 371,000 people can even work. There are 23,500 city workers whose pensions are at risk, to the tune of over 9.2 billion. So do the math. Aprox 17 workers, many in low income families, will be on the hook for each city pension being paid. So each pensioners liability is near 4 million in benefits. 17 workers will not take on the added tax load to pay a single city pension. I will guarantee that.
If a company goes under, the remainder of its pension fund goes to a government entity to sort out. Usually as with the airlines, their pensions get dramatically reduced. That will happen here no matter what the judge says, there plain and simply is not a means to pay these huge promised benefits for life.
Coming to a city, town, state and federal agency soon….stay tuned!
This whole country is heading down the rapid transit idealology to Bankruptcy. Like it or not. Any Public employee or retiree that thinks they are not going to be dramatically affected by what is happening in this country is merely stupid or ignorant. Get out your best tin cup. You will be needing it soon. I’ll bet if Owebamma had a city, it would be one like Detroit. Did I mention bankrupt idealology. Yup I did.
@20 Here’s a 2-step rehabilitation program designed just for you:
Step 1: Learn to spell.
Step 2: Learn to think.
I helped you out by putting the easiest one first.
@20 Isn’t it past your nap time?
Alienating Hispanics, Millions At A Time
A Republican congressman from Iowa has just pinned the “drug trafficker” label on all the young illegals working hard to make it in America (called “Dreamers”).
For every young illegal valedictorian, he asserts, a hundred more are hauling drugs into the country. He has no facts to back that up.
But who needs facts when you’re trying to sound like a racist and piss off the nation’s largest non-white voting bloc?
Even though the Republican Party as a whole seems afflicted by an electoral death wish, this moron is too much even for the extremists running the party.
Alienating Hispanics, Millions At A Time
A Republican congressman from Iowa has just pinned the “drug trafficker” label on all the young illegals working hard to make it in America (called “Dreamers”).
For every young illegal valedictorian, he asserts, a hundred more are hauling drugs into the country. He has no facts to back that up.
But who needs facts when you’re trying to sound like a racist and piss off the nation’s largest non-white voting bloc?
Even though the Republican Party as a whole seems afflicted by an electoral death wish, this moron is too much even for the extremists running the party.
23, 24 – Here’s a 2-step rehabilitation program designed just for you.
1. Don’t pounce on the Submit key more than once per thought.
2. Learn to count…7 trillion blown in 4.5 years has consequences.
I helped you by putting the easiest one out of order.
23, 24 – Insomnia is not just for government retires.
MORE BULLSHIT from Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit. It’s Booooosh and Snyder’s fault.
No mention of how DUMMOCRAPT policies destroyed Detroit. No mention of how other DUMMOCRAPT led cities are in dire financial straights. It’s blame Booooooooooosh!
They think money grows on trees and will write any “contract” they want because it’s not their money, it’s the tax payers money and who cares where it comes from.
And who DEM ASSHoles BULLSHIT artist Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit? DUMMOCRAPTS. DUMMOCRAPT politicians have made promises after promises to inner city people and nothing has come about.
When you discuss libtard white flight from Detroit and other inner city locations what do have left? Why did those libtard white flight DUMMOCRAPTs leave. Crime. Drugs. Bad Inner City Schools. An unmitigated disaster… Detroit.
A little story…
Do you remember the people in Detroit in line in 2009 to get Obama money? Who was the guvnur then? A DUMMOCRAPT! Who was the Mayor? A DUMMOCRAPT! Search YouTube and you’ll crack up laughing. Search for the Ken Rogulski, WJR Radio in Detroit YouTube. Well HA BULLSHIT artist is old and decrepit so here it is. This is two citizens lining up for their share of Obama’s stash. These people are model DUMMOCRAPT citizens with their hand out for FREE money in Obummer’s America.
Ken Rogulski: Did you get an application to fill out yet?
A Detroit Woman: I sure did. And I filled it out, and I am waiting to see what the results are going to be.
Ken Rogulski: Will you know today how much money you’re getting?
A Detroit Woman: No, I won’t, but I’m waiting for a phone call.
Ken Rogulski: Where’s the money coming from?
A Detroit Woman: I believe it’s coming from the City of Detroit or the state.
Ken Rogulski: Where did they get it from?
A Detroit Woman: Some funds that was forgiven by Obama.
Ken Rogulski: And where did Obama get the funds?
A Detroit Woman: Obama getting the funds from Ummm, I have no idea, to tell you the truth. He’s the president.
Ken Rogulski: In downtown Detroit, Ken Rogulski, WJR News.
Ken Rogulski: Why are you here?
Detroit Woman #1: To get some money.
Ken Rogulski: What kind of money?
Detroit Woman #1: Obama money.
Ken Rogulski: Where’s it coming from?
Detroit Woman #1: Obama.
Ken Rogulski: And where did Obama get it?
Detroit Woman #1: I don’t know, his stash. I don’t know. (laughter) I don’t know where he got it from. But, he givin’ it to us. To help us.
Detroit Woman #2: And we love him.
Detroit Woman #1: We love him. That’s why we voted for him!
Other Wimens: Obama! Obama! Obama! Listen to the laughing in the background!
DUMMOCRAPTS… buy votes by handing out taxpayer money with no consequences! Puddy knows BULLSHIT artist Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit forgot. And HA BULLSHIT artist claimed he was from Bloomfield Hills Michigan area, one of the most lily white rich areas in all of the US!
There is one other thing BULLSHIT artist Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit forgot to mention regarding pensions and pension funding by unions and cities… People are fed up with unions only feeding the DUMMOCRAPTIC political coffers. BULLSHIT artist Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit fails to mention union membership is down and how can pension funds continue to be funded by fewer and fewer union workers who leave because they opt out due to union voting intransigence? Puddy clears the air of Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit BULLSHIT smells.
Only Puddy brings human interest stories to HA RearEnds
Who remembers Puddy’s last week’s human interest story? useless HA unemployed ASSHole can’t peek into the crazed databaze.
Wait for it…
And then there’s balls to the wall coverage of Weinergate. If that was a Republican HA RearEnds leadership would be blasting it to the high heavens.
Puddy wonders if this person would be a DUMMOCRAPT voter?
No regard for a school zone
Didn’t think laws applied to him
Didn’t tell the truth about the accident
Didn’t care he killed two people
There you have it… typical day of a DUMMOCRAPT!
Only in ObummerLand would someone make this statement:
Note the use of the word ‘libtard‘.
Puddybigot’s kind of ‘peep’, I suppose.
The dude in question is an Oath Keeper, after all. Do you think these guys will welcome puddybigot in their ranks, when Obama declares martial law, and they have to fight back?
Bankrupt ideology?? Like your birther bullshit??
Oh my, it get’s better…
Not only is he a crazy ass motherfucker, he’s a moran too…
Alex Jones and the Birchers – he is puddybigot’s kind of people!!
I love this….
Dolphins apparently call each other by name, and may have syntax.
Of course, that’s not compatible with puddybigot’s Bibul, so it can’t be true.
Puddybigot is one of the ‘bad monkeys’, clearly, and should be shunned.
It’s a two syllable hate drumbeat.. Always wrong wingers love ’em..
In the eighties it was “freeze-nik”…
After 9/11 it was “moon-bat”..
Our goto klownservative jerk for laughs around here got “lib-tard” from this idiot.. It was used earlier by other wingnuts in these threads but only a few times.
Right wing talk radio, this time the American Family Association…
28 – 32 Is there anything there worth a second glance?
Nope.. Just the same old boring drivel from our goto pet klownservative jerk for laughs..
Moonbat definitely lost its zing with our goto pet klownservative fool long ago…
% b cs -t puddymoron -b moonbat -c
| count |
| 2287 |
1 row in set
b cs -t puddymoron -b libtard -c
| count |
| 3121 |
1 row in set
This is both insightful, regarding evolution, and highly entertaining.
And it’s XKCD.
Take that, imbecile flat earther puddybigot.
Totally lost on the birfer gs and our goto pet klownservative nutjob:
Trouble in wing ding nutjob paradise:
Of course our two local nutjobs think the Republicans aren’t klownservative enough..
Yeah, ’cause we’re all huge Wiener supporters around here…
Look, while the economy’s tanking, kids are getting killed by guns, and the planet is frying, your boys in congress are taking do nothing vote after do nothing vote. Republicans in congress have voted to repeal the ACA something like 33 times. Your boy in the Virginia governors race is racing around the state trying to ban oral sex. Oral sex. It’s not the economy that’s the problem, it’s not the national debt, it’s not student loan debt, it’s not guns taking over from cars as the largest killers in America, it’s oral sex.
Please, STFU and crawl back under whatever rock you crawled out from. You’ve got nothing.
Republicans: Voted repeatedly to repeal the affordable care act, yet where are the jobs bills they promised?
Another explosion and fire at a natural gas rig off the Lousiana coast. This time no injuries, and authorities report no visable sheen in the water.
“Funny how Social Security has never missed a payment in almost 80 years, yet wingers go around saying it’s bankrupt.”
And isn’t it even funnier that all the biggest commercial banks have been skipping on or over the brink of insolvency for decades, but they get a pass?
Clearly an outgrowth of too much oversight and over-regulation by the federal government!
@47. So what can we do about that?
@19 Ummmmmm, excuse me? Aren’t pension funds supposed to be invested so as to cover future liabilities? Could it be that the real problem is that they already got ripped off by the operators of the Wall Street Casino?
@44 – Good job. way to give it to them nutbaggers.
The Mexican President is proposing a massive infrastructure plan, about 4 trillion pesos, or $308 Billion US. It includes money for passenger rail revival, and urban transport upgrades. Now if President Enrique Pena Nieto, who is a lame duck(one six year term) can get it through a lame duck Congress(no successive terms), it will be interesting. From what I can tell, I don’t think any of the proposed passenger services go to the Northern Border.
Meanwhile in the US, the next round of upgrades on the Chicago-St. Louis corridor are underway.
While Union Pacific crews are laying new rail, ties, and ballast, and doing bridge, crossing, and culvert upgrades, Amtrak will replace one set of Lincoln service trains with buses, and detour the Texas Eagle. The buses will not run St
Louis to Chicago, but to Champaign-Urbana, where they transfer to the Chicago-bound Saluki. The reason for that? Traffic on the highways in the Chicago Metropolitan Area.
High Speed Rail train derailed in Spain, 35 fatalities so far.
Not sure, but it appears to be a TALGO, but I cannot tell if it is an older or newer model.
Also, Amtrak Cascades new trains are built to the allegedly oppressive FRA regulations, the older ones operate on a waiver.
It appears, to be a newer model, at least judging by the power car. Here, we don’t use a power car, but a separate locomotive.
Golly the useless libtard HA unemployed ASSHole visits his crazed databaze cesspool again. Glad to see you liked #27.
Puddy also notices the useless libtard HA unemployed ASSHole now copied Puddy again with goto. Does this turd have any original thought?
No your honor! The Prosecution Rests!
LOL!!! Notice how our goto klownservative for laughs at bankrupt klownservative ideology spins a batshit insane fantasy..
I said 28-32 weren’t worth a second glance..
Anything else wasn’t worth a FIRST glance..
Thanks for the laugh!
LOL!! Notice our goto pet klownservative for laughs at klownservative delusions just keeps making shit up..
I first used “goto” here.. He conceded that he failed comprehending the meaning of “goto” here.
The laughs just keep coming! Thank you PuddySilly.. You are the epitome of klownservatism!
Wow the krackpot klownservative kongress – the toddler’s playpen of the kooky kaukus has set a new record:
83 percent
Damn with superstars like Randroid Ryan, Agent Orange Boner and the abominable NO-man/turtle in the Senate how could it be otherwise?
Ooopps. Forgot something.. 83 percent disapproval..
Knew there was a catch somewhere.. Nevermind.
In your programming talk moron!
No real programmer uses gotos. Butt keep it up! You’re a real spaghetti coding weiner! Making shit “goto scripting code up as needed”. Sux to be you goto Pluto boy!
Damn you are such a moron libtard useless HA unemployed ASSHole!
Laughing all the way to goto land!
61 – LOL!! Once again our goto pet klownservative fool for laughs in these comments threads flunks reading comprehension..
Here pet.. Look here…
Maybe you’ll understand now some common vernacular usage.. Maybe… We can only hope at this point.. But we’ve seen how this has ended before.
Numbskull @25: I don’t need computer instructions from you. Goldy, however, needs a better blog host service than the one he has. That didn’t happen on my end.
Michelle Bachmann (R-GoingtheFAwayAtLast):
Didn’t I say klownservatives OVERWHELMINGLY support the policy??
Our goto pet klownservative jerk for laughs in these threads will be happy to know that his beloved krackpot klownservative politicians are just fine with Obama’s NSA tracking his klownservative (bowel) movements across the globe and the interwebs..
@28 ” People are fed up with unions only feeding the DUMMOCRAPTIC political coffers.”
No, only worker-hating fascists like you are fed up with that. Why the hell would unions give money to a political party that’s trying to destroy unions and make workers work for third-world wages? The whole point of having unions is to protect workers from people like you.
@30 Here’s something you’ll never see Republicans do: A Democrat criticizing a fellow Democrat when it’s deserved:
“When it comes to Anthony Weiner’s run for mayor of New York City, Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) is not parsing words: he wants Weiner out. ‘I think he should withdraw, I think he needs serious psychiatric help,’ Nadler told members of the press today. ‘He should take care of his own problems and let New York figure its policies and its mayor.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I agree with Nadler. Weiner needs intervention, not the keys to a public office. He may have to wait for his turn on a shrink’s couch, though, because there’s a long queue of Republican perverts ahead of him.
This guy has a constitutional right to free speech, but he has no constitutional right to be a police chief. He can say anything he wants, and vote for whoever he likes, but I don’t like the idea of people like him having a badge to hide behind when he pulls a gun on some motorist because he doesn’t like the bumper sticker on the person’s car.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If I were an insurance company underwriter, I’d be reviewing that town’s liability policy for possible non-renewal about now. A single civil rights lawsuit against the town could easily cost the company a million dollars or more.
67)He should have to turn in his badge, unless they were issued by the town, he has the right to his guns. Pacific just recalled their mayor, and one of the charges against him, was that they had almost lost their insurance.
66)That is a major difference between the parties. The GOP had rules prohibiting doing just that.
Because the pot eventually runs out of money. But to DUMMOCRAPTS like Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit… just print $20,000,000,000+ more and throw it at Detroit. Yes, continue to devalue our money DUMMOCRAPTS…
You’re doing a swell job.
Btw judge Steven Rhodes blocked all existing litigation and is allowing the bankruptcy of Detroit to go forth.
It’s hell to be RIGHT. A Bankrupt idealology (dumbocraps) are about to get their just reward.
Oh look it’s libtard useless HA unemployed goto code ASSHole trying to create a cogent sentence.
Well it’s prolly better than that spaghetti goto code he wrote.
unemplyed ASSHole moron: We’ve covered goto code exhaustively in four previous links here. Puddy subscribed to Dr Dobbs for years. Great mag!
BTW dumbass, Puddy conceded nothing. You conceded you CAN’T program though! You told the world about your “goto” prowess!
BTW who works and who sits at home all day?
Nuff SAID sucka!
@70 “Because the pot eventually runs out of money.”
What pot are you talking about? The public pot that’s empty because Republicans looted it? Or the private pockets the loot ended up in? We don’t have to print another $20 billion to save Detroit and its worker pensions. All we have to do is take the money back from the Wall Street crooks and Republican politicians who stole it from the people of Detroit.
@71 Suddenly wingnuts like federal preemption? Incredible! What happened to the states’ rights you guys used to espouse?
@72 “BTW who works and who sits at home all day?”
Last time I checked, you were the sap who still commutes to a day job and pays retail taxes, while I get preferential tax treatment for sitting on my ass and flipping stocks all day. I don’t understand why anyone works. The people who have most of the money certainly don’t.
hahahahaha!!! Our goto pet klownservative for laughs around here thinks he can pay money for a subscription to a magazine and this makes the author of
is your daughter turning tricks yet?
MWS, my relatives are Western African. Well hung, quick footed and good looking!
(Psssst.. MWS is the sock-puppet of the cretin bragging about his junk..)
…into some kind of smart guy!
LOL! No amount of money can make a silly ass into anything other than an even sillier ass!
As I thought. It’s hopeless that this cretin will ever comprehend run-of-the-mill vernacular like “goto guy” or “goto scripting language”..
The epitome of klownservativism indeed..
This fool is a perfect example of why his beloved politicians should be voted out of office.. If you think that krackpot kongress is bad just look at their supporters like the batshit insane cretin @ 72.. The cretin and the beloved kooks he supports are destroying this country..
Look at their 83 percent disapproval.. Imagine that 17 percent – total wasteland of idiocy.
Polling for September’s Bundestag Election in Germany is interesting. First, polls can, and have, been wrong.(May’s election in BC is one example) Also, the electoral system is different. On preferred Chancellor, Merkel has a commanding lead, but party votes is what determines who gets into the chancellory, and Merkel pretty much has a third term, unless she does a stunt her incumbent party head in Lower Saxony tried to pull. On preferred coalition(a very important question), her Christian Democrats leading, are 1st and 3rd(Social Democrats/Greens had 2nd place), but the center-right coalition has to be careful. The Free Democrats, also called the Liberals, are hovering between 4 and 6%, they need 5% of the party vote on election day, or the FDP members in the Bundestag might be needing to pack up their Berlin offices.,_2013
The stunt in Lower Saxony I mentioned earlier, was the state election earlier this year. It was fierce, not just control over Hannover at stake, but seen as a bellwether for September. With the coalition partner FDP losing several state elections, CDU Minister-President David McAllister(Scottish father, German Mother) had asked CDU voters in safe seats strategic vote. Vote for the CDU district candidate, Free Democratic on the party vote. The bailout of the Liberals worked, they gained a seat, at the expense of the CDU, the SPD/Greens coalition won by one vote.
The unions are all crying foul now that they know what Obamascare means to them. Shorter and less working hours (the union gets stiffed) layoffs (the union gets stiffed). Workers lost both income and medical benefits as a result. The unions are screaming foul. 49% of Americans think it is a bad pile of doo doo. Only 37% think it is a present from Allahu Akbar.
Unions are echoing what Conservatives have been saying for years. The unintended consequences are severe.
Continuing my post @78:
Some of the vote suppression tactics the GOP use, are illegal in this election. In Germany, the elections for the Bundestag are overseen by the Federal Returning Officer. The ballot is also simple, just the lower house of the Bundestag, split into the District and Party slates.
Also, going after the opponents base, probably a bad idea. Not sure if labor unions are entirely for the SDU, but in Germany, they are constitutionally protected, and have more power. Some even have seats in corporate boards.
The Spanish train derailment, the death toll has gone up. Also, it looks as if the engineer was going double the speed limit for that section. In most cases, the FRA requires Automatic Train Stop for any track where trains get above 79MPH. With that, anything iver the limit triggers a penalty brake application.
Is for chumps like you.
Ahhh yes moonbat useless HA libtard unemployed moronic ASSHole is on a roll in #76. Must bother him his choices as a parent are reducing his childrens’ choices in the future. Sux to be him and it’s sad to be them.
Remember what Puddy wrote in #29
Well moronic libtard moonbat useless HA unemployed ASSHole was right on time
So Post #29 is about a black man playing guard on Penn State’s football team who stuck around instead of leaving with full eligibility when the program was black listed. He earned his bachelor’s in math in 3 years, his first masters in his senior year and is completing his second masters in his fifth year.
Did all this while maintaining a 4.0 GPA and teaching incoming freshman mathematics while working on his graduate degrees.
Yes that story isn’t worth a second review by the moronic libtard moonbat useless HA unemployed ASSHole because the moronic libtard moonbat useless HA unemployed ASSHole realizes that will never be his child; due to the choices the moronic libtard moonbat useless HA unemployed ASSHole made in his life! Look at the continual choice the moronic libtard moonbat useless HA unemployed ASSHole makes every day in 2013. Stay at home living off his wife while he stays unemployed!
It really sux to be you moronic libtard moonbat useless HA unemployed ASSHole! Reminds Puddy of your other anti-black comments made when Marvin Stamn took you to the woodshed over your North Pasadena commentary.
See ya… got to “goto” work making more networked systems efficient using structured code without “gotos”. Hey moronic libtard moonbat useless HA unemployed ASSHole where is Puddy this week? Puddy knows you already looked on the master link here!
Wait for it everyone…
ERF… The latest from Spain… So sad. Puddy hopes the engineer survived so he can be sued to the high heavens for his negligence!
Hey BULLSHIT artist Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit, it’s 2013 who are the DUMMOCRAPTIC crooks…
Now we see NY’s Tony Weiner (AKA Carlos Danger) is being called to see a psychiatrist by Nadler and a third accuser has come out against SD Mayor Bob Filner.
BTW since you like your crooks better than anyone else’s crooks, then this should make you feel great. Remember the Congressional Progressive Caucus? From WikiPedia…
Well Nancy Pelosi was recently reminded of how close she was with Filner… She got angry like she did when it was determined she had illegals in those vineyards and her comments on ObummerCare:
Sounds like the ostrich defense to Puddy! HAHAHAHAHA yes your crooks are priceless… Then there are others:
Jesse Jackson Jr went off to jail. But he had “medical in da head issues”.
Michigan Congressman John Conyers’ wife caught up in Detroit corruption.
Detroit ex-mayor who helped run Detroit into bankruptcy Kwame Kilpatrick is a jailbird due to corruption.
Son of ex-DNC head Ron Brown’s son, Michael A. Brown, is a crook on bribery charges as a WA DC Councilman. Mike Brown used to come on Fox News and crow the Obummer line each week on Hannity’s show. Puddy wondered why he was missing from his weekly Obummer ASS-kissing timeslot. Now Puddy knows. He accepted many $10K large in cash stuffed duffel bags. Oopsie…
Butt like you BULLSHIT artist Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit, that old NY tax dodging criminal himself Charlie Rangel loves him some Weiner.
Hardly any media coverage… Well for Weiner cuz he’s trying to be NYC Mayor! Mayor Weiner
You know this reminds Puddy of how the media reacts to these scandals. What ever happened to libtard useful idiot Cindy Sheehan… They were all around her when she was agains Booooosh. Butt, hen she protested Obummer and Pelosi she was no longer useful. She ran against Pelosi a big no-no and she protested Obummer’s Martha’s Vineyard vacation another no-no!
Good old libtard biased media.
Wait for it… that tired old Republican link will appear while Puddy is discussing 2013!
Has mr. is your daughter turning tricks yet? said anything worth a first glance this morning..
Yawwwwn. No.
I’m reminded of this:
I’ve quit donning the Puddy decoder goggles to even try and figure out what he is saying. I simply don’t read his comments anymore.
Remember what Mr. Not worth a first glance once said:
I know you are a smart man
Yes, puddybigot really is that stupid.
84) Thanks, but even more recent update. RENFE operates the passenger trains, but they no longer own the tracks. A separate state company runs that.
This situation is thanks to an EU directive that was meant as a way to provide competition. In Germany, although the network is part of a holding company that includes operator Deutsche Bahn, some competition is taking hold, including a passenger operator owned by an American company.
@85 Guilt by association much?
As for Weiner, I posted Nadler’s comment yesterday, and you know for sure putz is desperate for attention when he starts plagiarizing my posts!
Weiner said today he won’t quit the mayoral race. Fine; let the voters de-select him. The latest polling indicates they will. About the only vote he has left is his own. I doubt even his wife will vote for him now.
In case you missed it, puttbutt, I threw Weiner under the bus yesterday. So did several other HA posters. We’re not defending this guy, we want him gone.
Don’t know why you’re still trying to milk this topic. Maybe you missed our comments. Maybe you’re just behind the times on pretty much everything.
I don’t care that Weiner did it, I care that he did it AGAIN. Don’t go on TV and say he was sorry and then keep doing it. It just shows Weiner was just sorry he got caught.
Roger you old SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit… Puddy didn’t plagiarize you. Puddy wrote about Weiner before you did. Just ask the goto script writer above.
He’s looking for relevance since he sits all day doing nothing and no pay; being an unemployed ASSHole. Butt he’s the goto guy for the crazed databaze!
SO Libtard SCHMUCKO… The Detroit pot didn’t run out of money?
Do Tell why they declared bankruptcy?
Moronic Libtard idiot SCHMUCKO Moonbat struck again!
Pot meet kettle. Mirror meet pink haired dolly!
See ya!
@92 You’re confused. I’m the unemployed asshole who sits on his butt doing nothing all day. I don’t have to be useful; I made another $900 in the stock market today.
Nope… Puddy saw it and called it perfectly!