Please join us this evening for some politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier than that for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities and Shelton chapters meet. The Lakewood and South Seattle chapters meet this Wednesday. And for Thursday, the Spokane and Tacoma chapters meet.
With 204 chapters of Living Liberally, including seventeen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Not that it makes much of a difference to anyone, but …. our family was strongly considering traveling to FL this coming December. With the combination of the verdict and the obstinance of the FL legislature and body politic, FL joins AZ on our family boycott list.
Our $ won’t support that shit. ever.
Protesters are occupying the Governor’s office in Tallahassee. Apparently Capitol Police are not bothering them, plus, Governor Scott is out of town.
McDonald’s, the fast food giant, is helping its employees live on the $7.25/hr. federal minimum wage by giving them a handy-dandy budget guide, developed by an outfit called Wealth Watchers International. Here is its suggested monthly budget:
Rent: $600
Car payment: $150
Health care: $20
Food: $0
Gas: $0
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This isn’t as silly as it looks. Big corporations with lots of minimum-wage employees are well aware their workers get Medicaid and food stamps. Hell, they probably give them driving directions and bus routes to a nearby state welfare office when they’re hired. These programs are a gigantic taxpayer subsidy that pays for about half of the labor costs of these employers. Without them, no one could afford to work for $7.25/hr. — they would have to shoplift cheeseburgers at work just to survive.
Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns McDonald’s stock; I know a
good thing when I see it.
All I can say is, as goofy and weird as this State’s politics seem to be sometimes, I’m sure as shit glad I don’t live in Virginia.
4)The bad news, for Cuccinelli, is the scandal affecting the Governor is rubbing off on him. Also, I noticed the poll, it was set up to mock PPP.
In the UK, the House of Commons approved the House of Lords amendments to the Marriage Equality bill, it’s final hurdle. Probably going to be a backlash against Prime Minister Cameron, it’s mqjor supporter, who by the way, is a Conservative.
It will only apply to England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland have local autonomy. I doubt that Northern Ireland will follow anytime soon, but the Scottish National Party, which has the Scottish Government in Edinburgh, is moving ahead with plans for Marriage Equality legislation. Some Scottish Conservative MSP’s against it, while some for it, including their leader, who is a Lesbian.
With workers earning less and less, you wonder how sports fans can afford super-expensive tickets, super-expensive parking, and super-expensive stadium beer and hotdogs. Answer: Attendance at baseball, football, and basketball games and auto races is in freefall.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Back when I was a young bunny, baseball stars made $100,000 a year. Nowadays $50 million contracts are a dime a dozen. Somebody’s gotta pay for that. Not me. It’s been years since I’ve gone to a ballgame. I’m not gonna pay those guys’ salaries.
Four of the other Zimmerman jurors publicly repudiated Juror B37 today, saying the opinions she expressed in an Anderson Cooper interview are “not representative” of their views. Juror B37 defended Zimmerman in her comments. The other jurors said Martin’s death “weighed heavily” on them, but they did “what the law required” them to do.
Gun nuts may think they’re riding a wave right now, but I have a feeling Trayvon Martin’s death may be one of those history-changing events like the Birmingham church bombing and the murder of Emmett Till. An awful lot of Americans think this country’s love affair with guns is plain nuts. When you have nutcases going into movie theaters and elementary schools and mowing down strangers and kids simply because they can, well, a lot of folks in this great country of ours just don’t understand the gun culture that makes it possible. It makes no sense to them that we continue to allow this insane proliferation of guns in our society. My gut says the efforts by gun freaks to defend vigilante killer George Zimmerman may prove to be a bridge too far for the notion that having guns is a God-given or Constitution-given right and not a privilege that society has a right to reserve for those responsible enough to be trusted with guns.
Top BPA Execs Sacked
Two top BPA administrators were removed from their posts after officials investigating BPA hiring practices complained the administrators retaliated against employees who cooperated with investigators. BPA’s administrator and chief operating officer were escorted out of their offices on Monday and have been replaced by temporary appointees.
Ignorance is a deadly sin. We all know this. We know that a population left to fend for itself in terms of education becomes both anarchistic and easily manipulated by politicians who may have interests outside of the needs of their constituents and States. Their citizen-taxpayers who pay their salaries do so, in part because a major aspect of our basic civilization in this Nation is making sure the Citizens know how their Government functions, and the purpose of that necessity for the Rule of Law as stated by the United States Constitution.
So for what purpose does the “Conservative” element in this Nation have for destroying the education system outright?
Oh, thats right, ignorance is bliss. And they want a whole Nation of blissful people. With guns.
His own argument for it.
The comments on the Deseret News article on the subject.
Jesus tapdancing Christ. From the State that ranks 51st, that is dead last of the States and territories in funding for public education. They’re behind Puerto Rico for chrissake. Fuck the GOP and FUCK the “Conservative” faction. All they are is Fascists.
But we knew that already.
@10 “On March 16, 2012, Chu issued a memorandum instructing BPA and three other federal power authorities to take steps to upgrade their transmission networks and increase the use of renewable energy. Two months later, 166 members of Congress signed a letter protesting Chu’s memorandum, raising concerns about the possibility of higher electricity costs.”
Anyone want to venture a guess as to the party affiliation of those 166 members of Congress?
13)Since renewable energy was mentioned, my guess is the Republicans.
The anti-marriage equality groups can put another country on their not to visit list. The UK, at least in England and Wales, the bill cleared it’s last hurdle today, Royal Assent. It takes effect last year. The Anglican Church fought hard hard against at first, but then gave up.
@13 Put in “Ignore” basket.
@15 Oh, wouldn’t be nice if the Church of Rome were to follow their lead? (I’m not exactly waiting with bated breath…)
17)It will be a long wait. Although Argentina is a heavily Catholic country, they legalized it, and the Cardinal was lobbying President Fernandez de Kirschner against it, even supported civil unions as an alternative. The bill still passed. Argentina is in a tough spot. They may be a Catholic country, but they are alao a former human rights abuser, and there are still prosecutions from the Dirty War going on. I thinl that is another reason Spain also legalized marriage equality.
Now an intruder who shot a homeowner during a robbery thinks ge can use Stand Your Ground. First the law says no duty to retreat if engaged in lawful activity, this was not. Then again, it’s the South Carolina State Supreme Court.
Gun nuts may think they’re riding a wave right now, but I have a feeling Trayvon Martin’s death may be one of those history-changing events like the Birmingham church bombing and the murder of Emmett Till.
I doubt it. Depending on the segment you are looking at, Americans don’t care cause it doesn’t affect them and have not capacity to imagine how it would; Americans cannot afford to be political, they cannot risk their income to take a stand and be counted; Americans agree with the rulings and the status quo.
If 26 dead 2nd graders and adults cannot budge attitudes about guns, how will one dead black teenager change attitudes about justice?
It’s going to have to get a lot, lot worse, until a majority is effected, or a majority has nothing to lose, before we see any change.
Puddy been busy lately… butt, Rolling Stone Magazine… what a bunch of leftist ASSholes… like most HA leftists!
Well Steven Chu was just following Obummer’s original commentary. Butt then again HA leftist morons forgot Chu’s original comments. Those 166 Congresspeople didn’t. Of course The Fart called Art did too! It’s YouTube and Politico and those are not right-wing locations either!
On a railfan discussion board, an interesting discussion has been happening about the Lac-Megantic Crude oil train disaster. One member mentioned something about crude oil itself, would not have instantaneously exploded. He mentioned the case of the Torrey Canyon, and the RAF’s failed attempt to disperse the oil with Napalm. The commenter went on to suggest that the chemical compounds used in fracking, and the fact that the railroad probably did not know, since it is a trade secret. The engineer was at fault, too, for not properly setting handbrakes, probably in a hurry to get some rest, and make it easier for the next engineer. The permission granted to the Montreal, Maine, and Atlantic for one-man trains, pre-dates the railroad hauling oil. If the handbrakes had been properly set, perhaps the firemen turning the engine off, would not have sent the train a runaway.(No engine, no power to recharge the airbrakes) The MMA provodes a quick shortcut between Montreal and St. John, New Brunswick, skirting through Northern Maine.
Another train accident that I have been observing, is last week’s passenger train derailment in France. This was NOT a high speed train like the TGV, but a Regional/Intercity service, but operated by the same company, SNCF, the French National Railway. The regional/Intercity services are not slouches, some still get 125MPH, which is faster than what we have operating on the West Coast. It appears that a faulty fishpoint on a switch detatched, causing the derailment. The train was packed with travelers leaving Paris ahead of the Bastille Day weekend.
Pat O’Day will be back for KIRO7’s coverage of the Seafair races.
Looks like Asiana Airlines is backing off plans to sue KTVU in Oakland for defamation stemming from the report with the fake pilot names.
1. Travel to California instead. That’s about as Mickey Mouse Liberal as you can get.
3. Roger, you can thank Obamacare for the job killing and benefit cutting. Plain and simple that is the biggest job killer of the century
This is what happens to vigilantes in states where Republicans haven’t yet passed “license to kill” laws:
“A Milwaukee [white] man was convicted Wednesday of fatally shooting his 13-year-old [black] neighbor, whom he suspected had broken into his home and stolen weapons. …
“A jury deliberated for about an hour before finding John Henry Spooner guilty of first-degree intentional homicide. Surveillance video from Spooner’s own security cameras showed him confronting Darius Simmons in May 2012, pointing a gun at him from about 6 feet away and shooting him in the chest. …
“Spooner’s surveillance video provides a clear view of what happened. Spooner emerges from his house and confronts the teen, who is retrieving his family’s garbage cart from the street. Spooner points a gun at Darius, who quickly moves back a few steps. Spooner then exchanges words with Darius’ mother, who’s standing on her porch out of view of the camera, and Spooner briefly points the gun in her direction. Moments later, Spooner points the gun back at the boy standing a couple of feet in front of him. He fires, hitting Darius in the chest.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This killer’s attorneys will now try to get him a lighter sentence by asserting he’s mentally ill. Which raises this question: Why does a mentally ill man have a gun?
This is what happens to vigilantes in states where Republicans haven’t yet passed “license to kill” laws:
“A Milwaukee [white] man was convicted Wednesday of fatally shooting his 13-year-old [black] neighbor, whom he suspected had broken into his home and stolen weapons. …
“A jury deliberated for about an hour before finding John Henry Spooner guilty of first-degree intentional homicide. Surveillance video from Spooner’s own security cameras showed him confronting Darius Simmons in May 2012, pointing a gun at him from about 6 feet away and shooting him in the chest. …
“Spooner’s surveillance video provides a clear view of what happened. Spooner emerges from his house and confronts the teen, who is retrieving his family’s garbage cart from the street. Spooner points a gun at Darius, who quickly moves back a few steps. Spooner then exchanges words with Darius’ mother, who’s standing on her porch out of view of the camera, and Spooner briefly points the gun in her direction. Moments later, Spooner points the gun back at the boy standing a couple of feet in front of him. He fires, hitting Darius in the chest.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This killer’s attorneys will now try to get him off by asserting he’s mentally ill. Which raises this question: Why does a mentally ill man have a gun?
Republicans have twisted priorities. They want everyone to prove they’re citizens before letting them vote, but they won’t make anyone prove they’re sane before acquiring guns.
@ EvergreenRailfan
Theres been a couple of reports that the train had been stopped because one of the “B” unit engines had had a fire, and the engineers had in fact left one of them running to maintain vacuum on the brakes, but one of the firefighters involved in putting the fire out had shut that engine off and didn’t understand the handbrake system needed to be cranked into place before that happened.
In other Wisconsin news, a federal judge extended a hold on Wisconsin Republicans’ unconstitutional anti-abortion law,
and a drunk with a gun shot up a bar, wounding two patrons.
Republicans make it hard to vote and easy to get guns. It should be the other way around.
Did the Stranger write something bad about Boeing recently? I’m told it’s been banned from company property.
RS called the kid a “monster”.. The article reports that he scrawled jihadists rants all over the inside of the boat he was hiding in.
Reminds me of your behavior in these threads..
31) I was aware of the fire, but most stories about the wreck say it happened after the engineer had checked in at an inn. If this were BNSF or UP, the relief would have been ready. I have worked various jobs near both ARGO and Balmer yards in Seattle, and have seen the contract van services going in and out at all hours of the day.
As for the firefighters, they probably did not know what they were up against. It’s mostly rule departments in that area, and are backed up by neighboring departments in both countries. They probably did not have much hazmat training.
One simple failsafe they could have had, was the mechanical emergency device that the Quebec, North Shore, and Labrador railway uses, consisting of a woodworker’s clamp, a chain, and an air brake hose. They use it if an engineer on their one-man trains have to get out for any reason.
@21 “what a bunch of leftist ASSholes…”
I sure hope so. There are so many assholes on the right, we need a few leftist assholes to counter them. Consider this Rolling Stone edition as a print media version of “Stand Your Ground.”
Of course, what’s totally missing from Puddy’s comment is any scintilla of actual analysis. Hell, he probably didn’t even read the article. Just picked up from the Right-O-Sphere that wingers are expected to bash Rolling Stone. Puddy, like the rest of that bunch, is a one-trick pony. Shoot-the-messenger is their only thing trick.
@37 and meanwhile the fascist right wing assholes in congress just shot down an amendment in a bill that would have denied guns to known terrorists. From
LOL! About gas prices.. Subject is electricity stupid..
And what else does Politico say about these gas prices?
Oh my HA’s unemployed ASSHole appeared with the pink haired doll.
Obummer said electricity energy prices would necessarily rise. What was Chu doing with renewable energy at Bonneville? Doesn’t Bonneville create electricity? Of course! HA’s unemployed ASSHole won’t comment on that! The rest of Chu’s commentary was about a misguided libtard. Also missed by HA’s unemployed ASSHole!
You are one ignant ASSHole HA’s unemployed ASSHole.
See ya HA’s unemployed ASSHole!
Now onto Roger DUMBASS SENILE and DUMB Wabbit… How do you get on Rolling Stone’s cover? Perform something shocking. Puddy recently working in Boston. People in Boston are pissed about the cover. Wanna see the ticket stubs DUMBASS SENILE and DUMB Wabbit? Or you can check with HA’s unemployed ASSHole… HA’s unemployed ASSHole tracks Puddy everywhere. Puddy didn’t post for a while. Where was HA’s unemployed ASSHole? MIA.
Did you watch the reaction on CNN DUMBASS SENILE and DUMB Wabbit? Prolly not. You live on PMSNBC! Why did they have to put it on the cover DUMBASS SENILE and DUMB Wabbit? Why not have the picture on the inside and use another picture of something else?
Golly DUMBASS SENILE and DUMB Wabbit, there are stores who are boycotting the magazine. Puddy bets many of them located in the NE States are lead by libtards!
The Boston Mayor, Firefighters Union Chief, the injured policeman, and many others all over the world, many who are leftists reject the magazine DUMBASS SENILE and DUMB Wabbit!
Sux to be you!
# 34: Access to Boeing property is limited to those with permission. Photographic access is even more restricted.
Access by journalists is usually limited to specific press events, or a specific article the journalist is writing. In the latter case, Boeing usually only grants such access to a handful of journalists with credentials in the industry and a propensity to write favorable pieces about Boeing.
I can’t imagine anything The Stranger would write that would get it permanately barred from the gates.