Please join us for a pre-Independence Day celebration the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier than that for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out another DL meeting over the next week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. The Bellingham and Lakewood chapters will meet on Wednesday. And for Thursday, the Spokane and Tacoma chapters meet.
With 203 chapters of Living Liberally, including sixteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Hey, what does it matter that this Republican obstructed Congress is even less productive than the previous and most unproductive Congress since the U.S. House Clerk’s office started keeping track in the mid-1940s?
Cliff Mass, what do you have to say?
That’s an interesting question. Why wouldn’t the US Forest Service have sufficient meteorologists planning and staffing to utilize known methods predictions in a time of growing wild fire risks?
As I mentioned yesterday bullshit Republican obstruction comes at a cost.
In this case, death.
What are 19 dead firefighters compared to historically low tax rates for the top 1%?
Any klownservate klaptrap today in the threads?
Not much.. Good..
The Krap from the Krackpot Kaukus in the bagger Kook Kongress is more than enough to last a lifetime..
This country is in sad shape. Oh well. Vote the bastards out at the appropriate time..
Until then. Anything good on TV? Mariners suck.
@1 While we’re on the subject of wildfires, let us not forget that Texass GOP Guvner Rick Perry gutted his state’s firefighting budget, then when his state caught fire and was burning up, went crawling to the Kenyan Communist for $50 million of federal emergency firefighting aid.
Republicans talk big about balancing the budget by cutting welfare, but when confronted with an actual welfare bum, all you get from them is a lot of stammering. Also, someone needs to remind Republicans that Social Security and Medicare are not “welfare,” we paid for that with our taxes. “Welfare” is what Kansas farmers and Texass guvners get.
Amerikka. Stick a fork in it…it’s done.
Yup be sure to discuss your kings latest challenge, how to shove Owebammascare off till after the 2014 election.
This massive turd will never fly, no matter how long it is dragged down the runway.
I had forgotten to turn off the conservative talk radio when I got in the car and got whiplash listening to the talk show.
As the radio started, they gleefully crowed that the supreme court had killed affirmative action based on race or class. Tt was wrong, WRONG, to have a diverse student body.
Then in the very next breath, they started to whine and moan that there was not a diverse ideology in the teachers and they needed some sort of “program” to force schools to hire more conservative professors.
If only there was a word for this kind of behavior….
@5 Road Kill,
You are on to something.
Under what authority does the President get to shove Owebammascare off till after the 2014 election”?
This is a law.
And now this President is being praised by the Chamber of Commerce for his unilateral decision.
You should demand that the Republican led House ensure the law is enforced as written. Barring that they could always hold another 40 votes to repeal the ACA but not replace it.
Rats! Foiled again by the rascally Mooselem Kenyan Soshulist!
Proof that Republicans are bad for Marriage not gays. Bunch of slimy ass white crackers that are the biggest hypocrites of society.
More people now pissed at the United States… Great job Obummer!
Would Obummer like it if Air Farce (because Obummer is Preznit) One was diverted to Austria and it was inspected while on the ground in Vienna? Doubt it!
.Worst. .Preznit. .Evah.
9 – LOL!! Bolivian Evo Morales – a socialist..
Imagine that.. A klownservative krackpot krowing about a socialist being “pissed off” at Obama. If it was Bush or Raygun heh.. the fool would be kroaking different..
Most.. idiotic.. klownservative.. ever…
Once again HA’s incessantly unemployed libtard moron ylb doesn’t comprehend diplomatic protocol. Maybe because in his incessantly unemployed hovel incessantly unemployed libtard moron ylb doesn’t understand anything.
It’s not about political persuasion you FOOL, it’s about diplomatic immunity!
.Most. .uninformed. .incessantly. .unemployed. .HA. .libtard. eveh.
Did you find a yob yet ylb? Or are you as your initials… Yelling Loser BOY!
Ahhh the religion of peace treating women with respect. And this is what libtards applaud…
Sad so sad!
Awww poor Media Morons… Maybe Da Perfessa will put this in his Friday Night Comix!
And in other tech news… More waste of money from Obummer’s sadministration!
@15 Republicans don’t just waste taxpayer money; they make bonfires with it.
Second Amendment Report
The nervous passenger sitting next to you on your next flight probably isn’t a terrorist; he’s more likely a George Zimmerman wannabe.
“Of the 12 airports with the most guns last year, five are in Texas …”
From the “Never Bring a Knife to a Gunfight Department:”
Just watched a video of some nutcase who seized a little girl in a Wall-Mart. He held a knife to the girl’s throat and was obviously a nut job. The cop who was negotiating with him in the Wal-Mart eventually pulled out his Glock and plugged the loney-tune at point blank range, thus saving the girl. I don’t know whether or not the crazy guy died, but I certainly hope he has been removed from the gene pool.
Was removed from the gene pool!
17)So was Sea-Tac.
So far in SF, no sign of any progress between BART and the Unions. By the way, I think MUNI is union as well, and I don’t know if their drivers appreciate the extra workload. I am sure that some of the extra 70,000 riders on Monday came from the people who may only used BART for trips at stations between Embarcadero Station and Balboa Park Station. That is the portion of BART that lies within the City and County of San Francisco, and acts as a complement to MUNI.
LMAO!!! Now the tool reveals himself, yet again, to be the bigoted moron we’ve all known and reviled since he started polluting these threads..
Here he blathered about a guy who made no claims about religion at all.
Now in this case he blames inexcusable mob behavior on a religion he hates.
Tell me kraphead… Is this a good evidence abou t “the religion of war”:
And before the tool goes all “leftist, self-hating jew” on Benny Morris, note that Morris believes Ben-Gurion erred for not ethnically cleansing ALL Arabs from Palestine..
Like the moron Randroid Ryan said (to cover political ass) and the infinitely more intelligent Benny Morris says – rape is rape and is inexcusable in all cases.
Yet the slimy klownservative we know and loathe smears liberals with no evidence whatsoever.
The Farm Bill’s back from the dead.
American’s For Prosperity says fuck the poor people, but let’s continue to give tax payer $ to Monsanto!
More EPIC FAYLES with the crazed databaze! Bwaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
Do you realize you are AGREEING with Morsi in his calling of Goldy’s people this…?
No evidence? Just review comments on this blog you stooooooooooooooopid moron!
And this is about everyday people raping wimens you moron!
Well, .u. .r. .the. .most. .uninformed. .incessantly. .unemployed. .HA. .libtard. eveh.
Did you find a yob yet ylb? Or are you as your initials… Yelling Loser BOY!
HA’s incessantly and continually unemployed moron ylb won’t answer the simple questions posed earlier. So let’s ask them again… Time to step up unemployed fool! Why doesn’t this moron understand diplomatic diplomacy and diplomatic immunity as his inspid comment proved in #10? Well with a low IQ intelligence comes hard to HA’s incessantly and continually unemployed moron ylb!!!!!
1) Didn’t mamma teach you anything?
2) Why are you not working and providing like most men for their families?
3) Aren’t you a man? With your avatar it seems you aren’t a man, playing with “dolls”!
4) Why is Mrs SEIU the bread winner while you lounge away everyday on HA?
5) Does the skirt fit so well you love it?
Will HA’s incessantly and continually unemployed moron ylb “man up” and explain his unemployed position. Why does he lounge at home on HA all day while Mrs SEIU slaves hard each day bring home da bread to keep electricity running for his fetid commentaries?
So sad so sad a sack of horse manure.
Thanks for playing today HA’s incessantly and continually unemployed moron ylb.
Looks like pro-abortion protesters are finally admitting who their religious leader is! The Washington Times (watch the moron ylb go nutzo, wait for it… HAHAHA) has the story
Yep A M A Z I N G!
The BART Strike comrs just as San Francisco has the 4th of July Fireworks, and the America’s Cup. For the latter, MUNI has activated the E-Embarcadero line, which only runs on special occasions due to a shortage of double-ended vintage streetcars(No turnaround loop, and most vintage streamlined streetcars in the fleet are single-ended).
Wow such an admission just before the holiday! Will not be found on the Friday Night Comix!
LOL!! Now the tool is furiously deflecting.. Where did I say anything about Morsi? Is he confusing Morsi with Benny Morris? Who can say? We’re dealing with an insane person here. Klownservatism is a brain damaging disorder!
Morsi wasn’t even born in 1948 when Israelis were raping Palestinian women..
Speak of which – the tool is silent about the atrocities of the Nakba.
So he must support them rape and and all right?? Let’s see:
Heh. The Israeli rapists are not “everyday people” right? Who are they then? Are they excused from rape?
According to Randroid Ryan, rape is rape right?
But we’re getting away from the religious bigotry issue..
What religion did the “almost” rapists in the NOLA Superdome practice?
Was it the “religion” of “dark skin color” according to Jared Taylor who when quoted at length by Cheesie Chuck our pet klownservative fool was again SILENT!
Thanks for playing tool.. Once again you come out on the side of “legitimate rape” it would seem.
Oh and we’re not done yet…
This tool has more bizzare claims:
He claims liberals “applaud” rape commited by muslims. He claims the evidence is in comments on this blog..
Let’s see it dumbass.. You make such a heinous accusation..
One would assume you’d have the stones to back it up..
No worries. We all know you won’t. You’re a coward.
Btw, nice job tool on using – a website/publication whose founder is OPPOSED to the Israeli government’s settlement policy on the West Bank:
I agree with Klarman.. Good job quoting his publication tool and fool @ 24
When you don’t repudiate Obummer who championed Morsi after being warned not to. You jock strap Obummer so sux to be you.
Oh that’s so easy! Well, .u. .r. .the. .most. .uninformed. .incessantly. .unemployed. .HA. .libtard. .eveh. Who always chooses Muslims over Israelis in the mideast? HA leftists. See you lata moron.
The rest of your swill is as insipid as ever!
More observations from the AM radio band.
If Zimmerman is convicted of anything, it means that it’s open season on white people by brown people and to be very afraid
How dare the current administration spy on us. It was fine when bush did it, but now it absolutely not right. Be Angry!
Really, the founding fathers only wanted male white land owners to vote, but by today’s standards we would settle for having only citizens who pay taxes to be allowed to vote.
The lies, hate, and fear was full force, across three radio stations.
In New Jersey, they are trying out a longer LRV design, on the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail line, in Hoboken. It’s 37ft longer than the rest of NJTs North Jersey. Light Rail fleet.
The BART Strike is suspended as of an hour ago, trains roll on Friday afternoon. The GM of BART, her name sounded familiar, turns out, it’s Grace Crunican, former head of the Seattle Department of Transportation.