Still no state budget. So….join us for an “imminent budget” edition of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally. Maybe by the time we go home….
We meet every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier than that for Dinner.
(Ummm…this one is a little NSFW….)
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out another DL meeting over the next week.
The Tri-Cities chapter also meets tonight. On Wednesday, the Burien and Bellingham chapters meet. And on Thursday the Woodinville chapter meets. And next Monday, the Aberdeen, Yakima, South Bellevue and Olympia chapters meet.
With 207 chapters of Living Liberally, including seventeen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
With the VRA decision being a setback, there was some good news tonight. The Massachusetts Senate election was today. Gabriel Gomez was unable to pull a Scott Brown, and Rep Ed Markey is now a Senator Elect. Wasn’t one of the reasons that the GOP opposed Susan Rice, besides the Benghazi talking points, was tha if Kerry became Secretary of State, it would be a chance to get Scott Brown back in the Senate.
Unfortunately for the voters of one Massachusetts district, another election is coming. Rep. Markey’s seat.
Your TeaPottie superhero speaks his mind.
This of course, coming from someone who claims he was a foreign exchange student in the Soviet Union when he was in high school.
See, I’ve wondered about Ayn Rand, the TeaPottie equivalent of Jesus Christ. Her father was a shopkeeper, and she was raised in France for a time before coming to the United States as a refugee Jew from St. Petersburg. But she perfected the American version of FUD when it came to the idea of being an actual UNITED States. That somehow, the Fascist paradigm was preferable to the Socialist one. I believe that to be very deliberate.
Louie Gohmert is inarguably a complete imbecile. Everyone knows this. That basically means that he only listens to the people who he considers to be his Bosses or intellectual superiors. People like Alan Keys and Ted Nugent. But the reality is that he puts this weird myth structure around it. And that myth is based entirely on his own construction of that myth. He claims it is biblically-based, and that he believes in the Southern Baptist take on social constructs. But it is almost deliberate in nature. He’s playing the super-stupid asshole messiah on purpose. The fact that such a role is absolutely natural to his personality is beside the point. He is not there because he felt he could be in a position to do good things, he is there specifically because someone told him to be there, and paid him to go there.
He follows orders, period.
He isn’t in the House of Representatives because he is an intelligent, capable person, but because he’s an extremely unintelligent and incapable person. Someone that is easily led, manipulated and controlled.
@2 Yup, no Scott Brown redux for Massachusetts GOPers; Democrat Ed Markey has won the special election for John Kerry’s Senate seat.
The mayor of Pacific looks like he will be looking for a new job, early returns show he is going to be recalled.
This is suck, but I feel I have to pass it on. Somebody hung a noose in the Chicago Amtrak Maintenance Facility. It could be racial, but it could also be symbolic, as pointed out by a poster on a railfan board that I found this link, as a protest of funding issues from Congress(the expression tightening the noose), but I am inclined toward the latter.
Apparently “real” conservatives are not happy with Rubio
So what do we do with this information? Tax the rich till they are near the level of the poor? 90% tax rate like during and after the war? I don’t have an easy answer.
Is it fair to say that once a person can pay for a home, a second home, a couple of cars, health care, a parent to stay home with the kids if they want to, college for their kids and a vacation or to every year to Disney world, that society can tax them at 90% for anything beyond that? Seems like a pretty good level.
The U.S. and other countries are negotiating a huge Pacific Rim trade deal whose details are being kept secret out of fear of Seattle WTO style riots if the public finds out what our government is giving away. According to leaks, this trade deal would lower safety standards for food and medicines in the United States, among other provisions that are expected to be unpopular with the general public. So the official approach to that problem is to keep us from finding out what our government is agreeing to.
Richard Clarke says journalist Michael Hastings, who died in a single-car accident, conceivably may have been murdered by a government because it’s relatively easy for intelligence agencies to remotely seize control of a car.
“Hastings was driving a 2013 Mercedes C250 coupe when he crashed into a tree on Highland Ave. in Los Angeles at approximately 4:30 am on June 18. Video posted online showed the car in flames, and one neighbor told a local news crew she heard a sound like an explosion. Another eyewitness said the car’s engine had been thrown 50 to 60 yards from the car. There were no other vehicles involved in the accident.”